newguy68 ago

william grey of Mass .. is this same guy?

bookhound63 ago

I'm new to voat and don't know if anyone has mentioned this but Izette and Neil Folger are listed as donors to Alefantis's Transformer "Art Gallery" as are Heather and Tony Podesta. They are members of "Visionary Friends of Transformer". The web page says, "Members receive special invites and access to Visionary Leaders' Circle designed events throughout the year, including dinners with exhibiting Transformer artists, studio visits, director talks, and other benefits."

bolus ago

don't see it in this thread, but Maccoby (Max F Maccoby, btw ) was in the white house on 7/29/2015, looks like with family on a tour.

a tour of the east wing.

for 14 hours.

during which time, POTUS had one appointment publicly released on his schedule. meet with house democrats in the east room.

yes, the meeting/tour was with several hundred people, and yes it displays as a generic tour, but obama's schedule puts the two in the same place (building, at least) on the same day, with overlapping windows.

(edit to update the archive link showing the F in max f maccoby)

yellow_black ago

Dear NYT, et al: this is what is called an "investigation", not just writing that xyz is "debunked, so get on with your lives".

Verite1 ago

Holy. Shit.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Wow. Shit is starting to look real again.

throwitawayn0w ago

Wouldn't having Max be Alefantis' lawyer for a personal lawsuit keep him (Maccoby) from being able to testify against him, due to lawyer-client confidentiality?

Would that be an incentive to HAVE the case exist in the first place?

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Damn!! Awesome work! I'm having a hard time keeping up with what all other people are finding☺️

WeWillWin ago

This is a big connection, great work.

throwitawayn0w ago


YingYangMom ago

Well yeah, but I didn't know she was related to Maccoby. That's a huge discovery.

Edit: I guess the comment was deleted that said Laura M. Silsby's M stood for Maccoby.

concernedaboutitall ago

Great work.

crystalclearme ago

Evidence like this excites me! Well done

AFriend ago

Great find. I'll start digging on this Maccoby/Friends of Orphans/Silsby connection.


EDIT: Already found something of interest; Friends of the Orphans is also referred to as NPH USA so adjust your searches for that as well.

NPH USA supports Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH, Spanish for "Our Little Brothers and Sisters"), which is raising more than 3,400 orphaned, abandoned, and disadvantaged boys and girls in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. An additional 2,300 children who live outside the homes receive scholarships, meals and healthcare. NPH community outreach programs provided over 99,000 services in 2015.

Ang68 ago

Someone should check out the president of NPH. See if there is any history. Wonder if he is German.

srayzie ago

Hmm I wonder why that didn't get a lot of upvotes

LargePepperoni ago

I posted it really late last night

AFriend ago

Jesus, NPH USA handles quite a bit of money:

wecanhelp ago

I've flaired this as New Evidence. Great job.

YingYangMom ago

WTF??!! What did I miss? Laura Silsby is related to the Maccobys???!!!

Commonwombat ago

Ding ding ding!!

YingYangMom ago

K.O. !!!

Rigg5 ago

Oh shit what??!

Rigg5 ago


BedAndRektfast ago

Also William Grey was running a pet rescue charity out of the Rehoboth home (if Park Ave?).. Delaware Pet Adoption Center Inc..

Dressage2 ago

A ready supply of animal sacrifices and a useful tool to keep children in line, perhaps?

MolochHunter ago

HELLOOOO!! great work hound dog, good on you for sticking with this thread redberries +1zies

nathanwblair ago

@wecanhelp this was one of the findings you asked about

nathanwblair ago

@wecanhelp on a side note i think it's worth stickying, since it's an imporant update to a submission with 444 votes by its OP!

wecanhelp ago

Thank you, this is great! I won't be able to sticky this as Voat subverses can only ever have a single sticky at a time, but I'm flairing it.

DarkMath ago

Do you have a link for that? I believe you I just want to do a little digging.

LostandFound ago

Rly sorry I switched from another article I meant izette maccoby folger Alefantis friend #fail

YingYangMom ago


No problem. This stuff happens to all of us. No worries.

DarkMath ago

Now we know how the "Haitian Special with extra cheese" got on the hidden menu at CPP.

srayzie ago

Was that really on the menu??

DarkMath ago

"was that really on the menu".....Actually it wasn't on the Menu, I checked both menus which makes it all the more disturbing. There isn't 100% proof though as the "Haitian special" comment was by dr.nwo on jimmycomet's instagram. It looks like dr.nwo is a friend of jimmycomet's but without a court subpoena to get the date of the comment we don't know for sure. Dr.nwo could be one of the first normies to see jimmy's Instagram pics before they went private.

roundhouse1776 ago

No, it was a fake menu.

Rigg5 ago

I knew what it was the first moment I saw it. SO gross.

madmanpg ago

Now THAT is a connection. Well done!