newguy68 ago

who is william grey? it says he lives in mass. could it be this guy..The defendant's testimony at trial, however, conflicted with portions of these particulars. He denied going to Friendly's with the victim. He testified that after the two men engaged in sex, he briefly left his apartment with permission to use the victim's automated teller machine (ATM) card, and returned shortly before 5:00 P.M. with cash and alcohol. The defendant testified that when he entered his apartment, he saw the victim appear to be downloading child pornography onto the defendant's laptop computer, and he "went off." He described hitting the victim with his hands and probably his fists, as well as with a bottle of alcohol and a cellular telephone. As he was being struck, the victim grabbed his clothes and fled the apartment, with the defendant following behind him, throwing things at him as he made his way out of the building... i don't know if it is the same guy , can anyone verify it is? .

LargePepperoni ago

Been a while since I posted this. Where did you get William Grey from?

newguy68 ago

just a simple search

Orange_Circle ago

This was very interesting. Sorry I missed it first time around.

Is this Silsby connected?

LargePepperoni ago

I was trying to connect it, but no luck so far.

flyingcuttlefish ago

also on Haiti --- PizzaGate Update: Clinton Covers Up Child Exploitation by DynCorp

flyingcuttlefish ago

posting this to my blog - I keep the Haiti items together so I can find them -

redberries ago

Hmm that's really weird. I can't find it either, the link here only shows me the screenshot on the very bottom for Balthursol Ln.