ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Wherever there's bullshit there's Meryl Streep.

JoJoVoat ago

Wow. Good find.

AngryMimi ago

Would 15 yr olds know who in the hell Yoko Ono is? I seriously doubt it. Edit: I am not saying the lead isn't valid - it just cracked me up that the quote from above "Fifteen year old me is screaming".

Newfind ago

I just looked up this page from 2012 and it says "Help us continue to serve 1000 kids annually." It read like they are serving children for dinner. I mean this seems to be in line with their strange sense of humor.

DarkMath ago

The "Edible Schoolyard" is a front. It's a red herring. It's disinformation primarily to cover the real crime of harvesting Haitian children. It's the perfect name too. Say we present our evidence against "The Edible Schoolyard" what happens?

Someone like Jake Tapper will go on the news and interview some Deplorable about it and Jake Tapper will arrogantly say something like:

"You're probably a paranoid schizophrenic who hears voices. Just look at "The Edible Schoolyard", you're so paranoid you see cannibalism everywhere. You clearly can't accept the "edible" means healthy school food you Deplorable piece of shit. Now run along now and be a good little shit lord."

It's brilliant! They've built disinformation into the very names of their operation as protection. These people are psychopaths and OUT OF THEIR FUCKING MINDS but holy shit are the smart. It's amazing how all the pieces have been put together.

DarkMath ago

""The Edible Schoolyard" - a double entendre?"......Yep, these sick fucks love the double entendre. They came up with DynCorp from DyingCorp, as in DynCorp is involved in a lot of Dying.

Operation Underground Railroad saves some children yes, but the cute ones go to child traffickers and the really ugly ones go to "The Glue Factory" a.k.a. organ harvesters.

This is how fucking sick these people are. They know if the put a legitimate operation on top of things it'll deflect criticism.

NikitaVerite ago

I thought that was fucking Hillary in the photo of Alice. WTF. So creepy.

Watching ago

duh.. if you haven't noticed, word play is sort of their thing...

newworldahead ago

I love the smell of fresh leads in the morning!

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for you! This has to be big! Everyone: Dig, dig, dig!!!

bullzeye ago

Alice Louise Waters is an interesting character...

We see here JimmyCommet received a gift from Alice Louise Waters, which references "Moloch":

Now watch this section of the Marina Abramovic "Spirit Cooking" video:

and compare that short-haired woman to Alice Waters' photo:

I'm reasonably certain that's the same woman.

AdmiralByrd ago

I'm near certain that's Alice Waters with Marina. Nice find, dude.

But, like, think about this shit. Think about the kind of convos these people have.

"And, we'll call it Edible Schoolyard."

everyone laughs

My god, man. Fucking truly and purely evil.

GeorgeT ago

Pig Farm. Pigs destroy evidence.

User890020 ago

Could this be a missing link with reddit?

SpikyAube ago

Hideous isn't it, I bet they had a good evil cackle over that one. Sick sick monsterfuckgoblins.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Kind of explains her speech a month ago.....and the sheer panic she seemed to be in when she gave it.....she has direct links now to someone we believe is a child trafficker and rapist and murderer. She must know too much....she most likely has been to some after party parties where the food is still alive before they eat it....the food is still able to talk....beg....cry.....

neurofluxation ago

Video link for speech? For us less enlightened?

GeorgeT ago

And Meryl Streep is a member of kabalah. Pushing false morals - to hide true depravity.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Farms...pigs....they eat human flesh and eat the bones....they can eat every part of the human body. Real good way to clear stuff up. Remember the start of The Wizard of Oz? The girl falls into the pig sty....the three farm hands panic and one races into the sty and drags her out. They wouldnt be panicked unless the danger was dramatic....pigs big hogs will eat your ass.

But other than that I bet you will find that the Illuminati have control of the human disposal chain. They can burn a supreme court justice with no one to stop them.......they can declare Breitbart died of a heart attack then dispose of one of the techs in his autopsy (by the way one of the Coreyś died....he had the same doctor perform the autopsy as Breitbart.)

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

I noticed that Alice Waters looks A LOT like HRC. Remember when HRC was dragged into the van at 9/11, then reappeared a couple hours later good as new.? Looked like a double. Looked like Alice...

sound_of_silence ago

scroll down to the bottom chart.. Alefantis and Podesta are both listed as hosts for the "Sips & Suppers" charity home-cooking events begun by Alice Waters, José Andrés and Joan Nathan.

LeChevalBlanc ago

As a side note to "Edible Schoolyard" a school Director was recently sentenced for child abuse in the context of "Semaine du goût".

Didn't find anything in English but this explains what "Semaine du goût" is supposed to be :

In French about the sentence (Setting up a curtain in classrooms behind which the kids were supposed to experiment different tastes. But one curious child looked behind the curtain and found he wasn't using his finger... Socialist local politician) :

GeorgeT ago

Wow. How on earth did you dig this up. This is the biggest find yet. Can Megyn Kelly comment on that - oh, just some innocent pizza joint owner.

Shinsha ago

This feels a little off... Even reaching...

stellarcorpse ago

I'd say but beware they will down voat you like they down voated me.

GeorgeT ago

I have seen that ovn somewhere. Super job guys, Inspector Poirot would be proud of you. Exposed to the bone, where can they hide now? Satanism goes with cannibalism.

TrishaUK ago

SHOCK: GREEK "Child's Smile" NGO INVOLVED with US Child Sex to PEDOS & CLINTONS....! The video on the link below gives great explanation to this crazyness and whats going on. (does this explains why AJs chose the Greek boy lover Antinous pic for his instagram?)

GeorgeT ago

Just keeps getting 'better.'

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

You're both right though. It's not "evidence" but it is definitely not unsubstantial either.

joey4track ago

Basically what amounts to an Easter egg for us but to normies it will keep them from looking at the info.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

At this point, yes. As the OP said, "notice" this. Don't wave it around like it proves anything, just make a note of it.

Sheilaaliens ago

Good find

Yuke ago

I'm downvoting you and let me explain why so as not to be a snake. The opening line in your heading is deliberately sensationalist. You can't make a statement like that without backing it up, otherwise it's an empty claim. Showing that someone is a board member does not do that.

zlomsocz ago

well done

gt8h65fg ago

How was this strange guy not rejected? I don't get what makes people invite this wierd pizza shop guy.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Because he brings the meat to the squeals a little and moves got to tie it down before eating it....James is good times.

Votescam ago

May I ask if this involves Alice Walker AND someone named Alice Waters -- or is one a typo? I'm very much hoping that it doesn't involve Alice Walker, author/The Color Purple.

Votescam ago

Upvote for your research --

I thought parents were trying to keep junk food -- like pizza -- out of school lunches?

Was very sad to see the support for Polanski by Meryl Streep which is even harder to believe given her relationship -- or marriage now to Robert Redford? What is Redford thinking?

Fatsack ago

So the witch that ate Hansel and Gretel wasn't just a fable. It was a warning. Kind of like Bram Stokers Dracula. And the classic Jekyll & Hyde.

JesusRules ago

If you follow George Webb, Frankenstein!

SpikyAube ago

And Little Red Riding Hood - your granny could actually be a child eating wolf in disguise. The whole vampire thing now seems like it was based on this - people with money and status who drink blood because they think it keeps them young, who hide their true nature from the world, who slaughter innocent people and children, and manage to get others to join their ranks. People who are all about sex and orgies etc. The vampire thing basically is them, just with a paranormal twist and including an effort to make them look glamourous instead of representing them as the grotty wizened receptacles for mutated soul-pustules that they really are.

emeraldeye ago

you are spot on

Fatsack ago

If you want to comment on the activities of the elite and live, you have to discredit yourself. That's why David Icke pushed the reptilian thing in a single book, so he could continue to comment on the elite.

equineluvr ago

Remember that he was Count Dracula. Vampires in movies are almost ALWAYS titled nobility, wealthy, living in a castle.

sound_of_silence ago

so true.. cautionary tales... witches (like marina) lure innocent victims through the senses (gingerbread house or performance art)... to consume their mind soul body (spirit cooking).. etc.

just for the record tho, the witch didn't eat Hansel and Gretel... they escaped by trickery... shoving the witch into the oven :)

burn the witch

emeraldeye ago

your right, its like a form of hypnosis/false security....I always knew real evil witches existed, even as a young child.... and Meryl streep is definately a witch. lets hope the witches burn

sound_of_silence ago

exactly... spiritual seduction and subversion are what witchcraft is all about... as an ex-witch i'm confident stating that fact.. witchcraft (like all sins) is born out of pride... that selfish pride the giants of pizzagate demonstrate, that smug sense of entitlement to the evils... you see how it goes with them...

but not forever... if they don't repent.. God's command will stand against them

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. exodus 22:18 (see how that chapter:verse adds up to 13)

i do love that radiohead song tho.. had bee stuck in my head since last August.. the video for it is great little documentary, too

Fatsack ago

But Hansel and Gretel weren't the first kids she attempted to eat, I'm sure.

sound_of_silence ago

that's the one! little documentary on reality.

VieBleu ago

any progress on the silent protest? website?

sound_of_silence ago

actually...... now that i'm off slavery i mean work for the next day i'm going to reach out to @fromdelusiontotruth and see if we can collaborate on that... deleting that post about the protest.. seemed like such a huge cuck move.. i honestly haven't had the sense of total comfort here since that drama began and am really hesitant to discuss it here now... frankly, it seems like voat to some degrees has become overshadowed by deep-shilling... you know, the "smart" concern trolls... anyway.. i have definitely not forgotten and am hoping to get something going on both of those this weekend..

VieBleu ago

glad to hear from you. PM me when things get going.

sound_of_silence ago

will do.. there are some evil witches planning to start mass global hexing trump, beginning at midnight tonight, then continuing on each waning crescent... until he's "out of office" but i think we all realize they just want his hands tied against busting the giants of pizzagate... MEANWHILE there's some dude on reddit who organized (before the witches) to have a mass meditation/prayer from 11:11 to 11:33 EST tomorrow, to focus on the giants of pizzagate getting busted... needless to say, i'm on the war-parth over that... started my fast at noon today and if you find time to meditate/pray please do... evil is real... so thankful we all refuse to tolerate it... i'll be praying for good things +++

VieBleu ago

Do you by chance have any link to this group? could be useful...I'd really like to know who/what they are

sound_of_silence ago

yea..... here's the guy...........

tt7 ago

  • takes swig of rum and dusts off the Brothers Grimm *

GeorgeT ago

These tales must have been more than just allegories.

Fatsack ago

If you want to comment on the dark dealings of those in power you have to discredit yourself. Either write fictional allegories, or like David Icke, push a Metaphor like shape-shifting reptilians, which is basically code for two-faced sociopath politicians.

blind_sypher ago

Moloch is typically fed children, and he's discussed at length in the bible. If our politicians go party out in the bush and feed this thing, maybe the tales of them hosting hunting parties with little kids out there isnt a fabrication.

redditsuckz ago

Moloch is typically fed children

Moloch Maschine - Gift from Alice Waters AKA alicelouisewaters

James Alfeantis and Alice Waters together;

Alice Waters recieving award from Obama;

Alice Waters Instagram; - pictures of children in baskets

Moloch Machine;

'Moloch!' clip from "Metropolis" 1927

blind_sypher ago

Excellent post my friend. I was looking for just this type of information for a project Im working on.

GeorgeT ago

I missed that. Have to watch the film again! 1927 by Friz Lang. Prophetic!

Investigator12 ago

We need to look at the affiliate and partner organizations too..her Wikipedia page mentions she serves as Vice President on Slow Food USA...just check out their logo...

Rigg5 ago

Majestic Ape is a front where he prods Pedophilia and Cannibalism, as well.

swordfish69 ago


steve0suprem0 ago

godammit, i've got to unsub if this is what's going to happen every other time i come back from a break.

sunshine702 ago

Those are some big name chefs! Waters, Andres, Collichio.

Rurntis ago

"She runs a restaurant called Chez Panisse. Notice the parallel lettering to Comet Ping Pong" ... this is what makes people think Pizzagate is retarded. You gotta do better than that. Other points are solid.

DeathToMasons ago

You guys are amazing. Seems like it is a matter of time before we all turn on this Administration for being what it looks like it is, controlled opposition. If they were investigating this and had not only what we have, but even more unreleased daming evidence, they would have moved on this by now. Because every day they take their sweet time, more children are being raped, tortured, slaughtered. I really can't see giving them the benefit of the doubt too much longer. Really does not add up.I know I know, they are waiting for the right moment to strike!

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think Pizzagate might not have meant to get out.....Trump was drafted by a group of intelligence agency guys to destroy Hillary because Hillary is stupid and dangerous and diseased with Kuru. They leaked enough to destroy her and will leak enough to destroy anyone who attempts to stop Trump bringing jobs back and money back. But I am afraid what we are seeing is just two sides of the NWO. One side decided that the path the Soros/Rothschild crowd was on was not going to work and was pretty they clipped the bitch....but they have no desire to stop the kid fucking and killing and eating....nah....they want to use it to blackmail the Pedos.....the FBI already has all they need to destroy both parties. And they will use it only if Clinton and Obama dont surrender and stop their Counter Coup crap.

Its just power politics. Anyway Trump is in bed with Israel and Israel and England run the CIA and the Uniparty.

GeorgeT ago

Stellar anysis, 100% on the money. But, there is a spanner thrown in. You see, pizzagate leak happened in the cyber age where decentralized media trumps (pun intended) old dinosaur media that has lost all if it former powers. The elite pedo-deep state is fearful that citizen investigators will keep on digging and may end up digging too deep. They are monitoring sites like voat and drawing up contigency plans. They may have no choice but give us scape goats in order to deflate the issue and stpop citizen journalists from uncovering more information - there is whole lot more!!! So if pizzagate keeps on moving forward
- we might see high level arrests or suicides. But the elite are panicing, they know their biggest secret is out - never to be hidden again!

shakethetree ago

Jesus I hope not. School gardens are absolutely full of learning and wonder. I will go fucking ape shit if Alice Waters has muddied the sanctity of kids having peace and fun in a vegetable garden.

AreWeSure ago

had you heard of Alice Waters before this?

shakethetree ago


AreWeSure ago

Then you probably know that she has fought to get more school gardens for kids to have access to.

What did she muddy?

shakethetree ago

I am not disputing that in theory, but your first sentence is a fragment so I don't know your comparison. More than what or who? There are other people doing this type of service work, but not in the limelight.


What she would have muddied is the possible guilt by association fallacy of having James Alefantis, known individual to be accused of running a false store front to aid and abet in the criminal mistreatment of children. I mention it is a fallacy because it cannot be substantiated that she knows anything about James and his criminal misconduct. However, because she is in the field of managing the wellbeing of children in such an overt way, it would naturally make sense for her to get in the know without any delay. I would imagine it would make sense to simply ask her, and see what she says. If she was in the know, or plays stupid and tries to hide information, then we can take it from there.

AreWeSure ago

My first sentence is not a fragment, I believe grammarians would say it has two independent clauses. I was referring to more gardens in general, more than there were before. The comparison is to the number of gardens before.

False store front? Comet Ping Pong has been a serious and popular restaurant for like a decade. It's not a false store front.

You jump from accusation to "his criminal misconduct" without pausing an instant for any evidence.

shakethetree ago

Oh it looks like you want to debate. I really don't. It is now coming across that you have an underlying position. What is it?

SturdyGal ago

You will literally have the legendary pitchforks!

GeorgeT ago

Well well well, Alice Waters. I bet Marina Abramovic gives her recipe tips.

educate_yourself ago

prepare to go apeshit haha

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Ha....get ready.

shakethetree ago

I know a shit ton of ecologists, educators, and gardeners that will not be afraid to use their hand tools as weapons. I am not afraid to lead that mobilization.

Devious1 ago

What do u think alefantis is depicted doing in this picture

Not going to cook the baby in the pizza oven by chance, hidden in plane sight an all......

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Playing ping pong with a pizza spatula-thing (I don't know the word for that object).

The position of the kids is interesting to consider, but not necessarily intentional. Be careful of apophenia.

Devious1 ago

Fair comment, but does strike me as if to point out a hidden meaning. Noted about apophenia, thought it was a coat username at 1st!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Actually it would make a good username here... :)

GeorgeT ago

That was the image that flashed through my mind when I read this post about Edible Schoolyard & Alifantis. I found this photo as a statement - I am going to put baby in the oven,.... just joking?! ....then again maybe not!!! That is the vibe I got from this rather ghoulish macabre pic.

Devious1 ago

That crossed my mind when I first saw the image, allbeit some time ago now.

shakethetree ago

Maybe he joined the board back in 2011 when the tomato paste industry was campaigning to get "pizza is a vegetable!" considered so the industry could squeeze themselves into the school lunch market. Pizza is healthy! Joke aside, what the hell type of business Alefantis has being a member of that Board of Directors is beyond ludicrous.

thelandofchocolate ago

Just looked through their instagram. Didn't see anything suspicious.

LincolnsMullet ago

If you were Alefantis, where would you be doing any or all of the accusations that have been leveled at him? We have enough circumstantial evidence to show that he is well connected and has depraved tendencies. Getting more info is helpful but we need 2nd level stuff to break through on this lead. Otherwise we will be piling up these connections forever. I fear we will hit a wall where the authorities would need to take over the investigation to yield new and incriminating evidence. As passionate as we are here, and as informative as everything is, the internet will probably not yield anything that will directly link these people to a crime. If the police/FBI don't do anything, then we must continue our info campaign and get this distilled among the general public.

After all, Hillary may not have been arrested but she was guilty in the eyes of the public. I think that is the best we can hope for without official investigations.

I appreciate everyone digging deep and finding every shred of info we can on people like Alefantis. I can only imagine the time some of you spend researching. I spend a lot of time just reading this site!

Newfind ago

This is the thread that ties to all together. Biggest find in weeks:

gardenofbacchus ago

Completely damning. Massive find, well done. This is all completely beyond any doubt at this point. It's almost like it's pointless gathering this sort of information because we already know it's true, we know what's going on and we're just sitting here with all this information helplessly waiting for something to be done. That being said i'm not advocating we stop digging, it's just getting increasingly frustrating finding this stuff out and knowing it's essentially useless in our hands. ugh

GeorgeT ago

Save the page before they Remove his name from the board members list.

LincolnsMullet ago

I just posted a similar comment. The best case scenario is we do our part getting info out to the general public. What the authorities do or don't do is up to them. But, we can keep producing enough info to condemn them in the public eye. That's exactly how the media works these days anyway.

GeorgeT ago

Disseminate it among public. Tell them about Hansel and Gretel, tell them that these tales weren't just stories. That we are dealing with super evil on a global massive scale.

stellarcorpse ago

I am wary of ALefantis as much as the next guy but Cannibal is a bit of a stretch.

GeorgeT ago

It is a bit of a strech FOR US!!!!!! When will the people get it!!!!!!!!! To them eating kids is normal, they experience duper's delight, they get off on it. Raping and killing a toddler seem alien to us, but to them it is NORMAL. They are functioning along very low vibrational reality. They are sick, depraved psychopaths!!! What seems norm to us, cannot be projected onto them. Bit of a stretch, I believe rabbit hole gets a lot deeper and darker.

stellarcorpse ago

It is possible of course but there is not even good circumstantial evidence so far suggests this. It is a stretch from being a child trafficker/molester even run of the mill Satanist to being a cannibal. That is pretty hardcore even for most Satanic circles except the most depraved. Now I am not saying this is not possible, elites are the most deranged of all and capable of all sorts of heinous things. But what I am saying is that this edible place that centers around organic gardening and equating that with JA being a cannibal is a stretch and makes us look frankly unhinged. Really reaching..

stellarcorpse ago

you twats give me down votes because I said this article implying JA is a cannibal a bit of a stretch? Fucking lunatics it is!! This is click bait crap!! Makes us all seem unhinged. Most of these people at this place are probably vegans or vegetarians you jack asses! And I am in no way defending this heinous child predator but you people are grasping at straws!!

PGIsBeyondStupidd ago

Yea and abducting raping and sacrificing children in satanic rituals isn't :)))

stellarcorpse ago

and I've said that when exactly?

DeathToMasons ago

Then you don't care about all the circumstantial evidence, and you are here to say everything is a stretch. That makes you...?

stellarcorpse ago

What circumstantial evidence points to Alefantis being a cannibal?? This is click bait and makes PG researchers look like bloody fools.

PGIsBeyondStupidd ago

Well maybe you in particular didn't but those are the pizzagate allegations.

Celticgirlonamission ago

This is pretty big

US chef Alice Waters criticised over sewage fertiliser

Top US healthy-eating chef Alice Waters attacked for supporting fertiliser made of sewage that activists say contains toxins

        Alice Waters 

Greenwashing? ... Californian chef Alice Waters with her lifetime achievement award, given out at the St Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants 2007 at the Science Museum, London. Photograph: Frank Baron

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This article is 6 years old



Suzanne Goldenberg US environment correspondent


Thursday 1 April 2010 13.31 EDT First published on Thursday 1 April 2010 13.31 EDT

This article is the subject of a legal complaint made by Francesca Vietor.

Alice Waters, the California chef who helped turn Americans on to seasonal, local and cage-free food, is under attack from some of her own followers who say she has championed fertiliser made of sewage.

Activists from the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) are picketing Waters's fabled Chez Panisse restaurant in Berkeley today in protest at her failure to condem a fertiliser derived from sewage that, they say, contains industrial chemicals and heavy metals as well as human waste.

The campaign has put Waters in an uncomfortable spot. She is regularly ranked among America's best chefs, and has worked strenuously to extend good eating from expensive restaurants into daily life. She lobbied hard to get the Obamas to turn over part of the White House garden to growing vegetables, and has encouraged school children to adopt healthy eating habits with her Edible Schoolyard programme in Berkeley.

But those good intentions clashed with activists trying to get greater oversight of a largely unregulated industry producing fertiliser from sewage waste.

The city of San Francisco, which prides itself on promoting greener living, had been giving away the fertiliser to home gardeners and local schools in the name of promoting healthy eating habits, but has now suspended the programme. The fertiliser was made of sewage waste collected from San Francisco and eight other cities. Local authorities labelled the bags as "organic biosolids compost", although federal government regulations say sewage sludge cannot be used for raising produce that is then labelled as organic.

The San Francisco giveaway was overseen by Francesca Vietor, an executive of the city's power company who also sits on the chef's foundation. A spokesman for Waters said she does not use sludge as compost on any of her gardens.


In a statement today, the Chez Panisse Foundation hit back at protesters, and said: "The Foundation looks forward to ensuring public review of the science on this matter and working with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commissison and other relevant stakeholders to insure that safe practices are followed."

Activists argue that Waters's stance amounts to greenwashing. Tests from around the country have shown that city sewage sludge routinely contains a slew of industrial and chemical toxins. The Environmental Protection Agency, however, requires only minimal testing on a routine basis of the sludge.

"It contains a myriad of toxins. Everything that goes down the drain that is pulled out of the water ends up in this mountain of sludge," said John Stauber, an adviser to the Organic Consumers Association. "They call it recycling but it's really greenwashing. Bagging it up and calling it organic compost and marketing it to school gardens is a tremendous fraud."

AreWeSure ago

So reading that quote above, Alice Waters was not promoting this practice.

Looking into this the Environmental Working Group came to Francesca Vietor's defense

“Because Vietor is both an SFPUC member and head of Alice Waters’ foundation, some activists have hurled the wild accusation that both women somehow support the use of toxic sewage sludge to grow food,” Cook said. “It stretches credulity into the realm of defamation to connect those dots.”

“Francesca Vietor is one of the Bay Area’s and the country’s most accomplished environmental leaders,” Cook said. “To suggest that her service as a commissioner on the SFPUC over the last 18 months is tantamount to an endorsement of the commission’s distribution of composted sludge is both unwarranted and irresponsible. To the contrary, it is our understanding that immediately after Vietor became aware of the practice, she raised questions about it with the appropriate SFPUC staff. Shortly thereafter, distribution of the sludge compost was halted.

neo50 ago

Eat it once, then eat it again. Toxic recycling. What will they come up with next that subverts my health? Actually, maybe I don't want to know....It's already too depressing.

SpikyAube ago

These people are just fucking outrageous, literally packaging up your shit and selling it back to you along with industrial toxins under the pretense it's going to keep you and your kids healthy. Would be healthier just to go out and poop on your own vegetable garden. Or on your dinner plate.

GeorgeT ago

Poisoning food supply, eugenics program? Bio warfare waged against children.



equineluvr ago

I doubt that Killary has kuru. Kuru usually kills its victims within a year, two at the most.

Killary's symptoms have been documented back to 2005.

Votescam ago

Sounds like that toxic propaganda is back again -- "Toxic sludge is good for you!"

No it ain't.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago


sponiatowski ago

The evidence mounts. What an excellent find! You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep...and James sure does like to keep his interests around schoolyards, doesn't he. And what is all this crap about "eating children" and "edible children" and "eating babies ice cream". What a horrendous thing to contemplate? I may discuss it once or twice as a joke, but this is just too much of a bad taste thing. Keep up the good work!

GeorgeT ago

If an elite wants a child trafficker, he would come from James Alifantis mould, comes from old satanic family of secretive black lodge freemasons of ancient order of AHEPA, his farther Achilles Alefantis CIA, friends with Donald M. Kohnstamm son of Max Kohnstamm - steering commetee of the Buildberg group, a homosexual pedophile, MK Ultra raised and a cannibal. Using CPP as a cover imbeded in a CIA infested neighborhood. Supplies all the depraved monsters globally. Megyn Kelly - what is your response?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Megan just wants her supply of kiddie blood plasma to keep coming....the witch is aging fast now and desperately wants the ¨Elites¨ access to their anti aging crap.

GeorgeT ago

She does begin to resemble like a tranny. She wants organ harvesting in Heiti.

dmthirdeye ago

They know people want food thats not poison so they gotta get into that market and poison people with natural cage free shit now..... What the fuck is wrong with these people

sponiatowski ago

I think they want the children they abuse to be as close to nature as possible. I don't even think they want cigarette smoke wafting over them because it destroys their appetite. It's like they are growing and harvesting human children for their appetites. Do you think that whole smoke-free movement that was so successful was to make children more appealing? Protect the children from second-hand smoke to make them more appetizing to pedophiles, organ harvesters and cannibals! Sick!

GeorgeT ago

I always found it suspect. This makes sense. As macabre as it sounds.

sponiatowski ago

Hi George T: You may want to read this PDF link. It's about vampires and their hatred of tobacco. The term "coffin nails" comes from the fact that once a vampire has been killed with a stake through his heart and his or her head cut off, every year, on the anniversary of the vampire's death, tobacco must be smoked while walking around the burial site or else the vampire may come back to life. Also, the taste of a smoker's blood is awful and even repels mosquitos. The Native Americans used tobacco to ward off evil spirits and as a sign of peace when meeting new people, probably to see if they are bloodsucking demons. There is a lot to the vampire legends the mandela effect has made us forget. Here is the PDF:

sound_of_silence ago

they do like to keep the blood pure from toxins and the flesh as well... so it'll be more palatable and effective.. it's the same reason they prefer vegetarians.. the blood is 'cleaner tasting'.. i wish i was making this up.

tobacco - the anti-smoking campaign was one of the first things Hitler did.. because... tobacco is really good at helping the body prevent absorbing metals into the bloodstream... which is what he was poisoning the drinking water with to help brainwash the masses into an acceptance-minded state.

i use natural tobacco for these benefits and recommend it to everyone.

sponiatowski ago

sound-of-silence, I've been giving everyone interested in my theory this link to an article that brought this possibility to my attention. It's an "old wives tale" about vampires and tobacco and why cigarettes are called coffin nails. The term "coffin nails" comes from the fact that once a vampire has been killed with a stake through his heart and his or her head cut off, every year, on the anniversary of the vampire's death, tobacco must be smoked while walking around the burial site or else the vampire may come back to life. Also, the taste of a smoker's blood is awful and even repels mosquitos. The Native Americans used tobacco to ward off evil spirits and as a sign of peace when meeting new people, probably to see if they are bloodsucking demons. There is a lot to the vampire legends the mandela effect has made us forget. Here is the PDF:

sound_of_silence ago

scanned that interesting little read... Rod Serling came to mind.... you know he was a smoker... personally i won't touch factory-produced commercial tobacco but i enjoy the various middle and med-eastern natural and organic tobaccos... my dad did as well and guess what.... when he died (not from smoking) he'd been a smoker for 30 years.... there was an autopsy... the coroner didn't believe that my dad smoked... because he didn't have any signs of it in his lungs...

anything (((they))) are against, i'm typically for ;)

sponiatowski ago

Thank you, sound-of-silence. I used to smoke 1-2 packs a day and now only smoke 5-6 cigs a day and my dentist couldn't notice the difference in stains on my teeth, although he bugged me forever to quit, pointing out the stains on my teeth. Turns out coffee, tea, cola are the real culprit. Ever since I reduced my smoking to negligible levels I've been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and elevated cholesterol. My increased weight has given me sore knees and back trouble. All of that may just be age but they seem to have come all at the same time. I do breathe better though, which is why I took up vaping in the first place. Half dozen of one, 6 of the other. I hope the 5 cigs a day keep the vampires away and that I'm not suspiciously knocked off for my organs or blood. Ever since the smoking bans, our country has turned more and more socialist. And isn't a socialist similar to a vampire? They take and take and take, give nothing in return, and the host/nation eventually dies. Socialism is very vampiric indeed. Thanks for listening to me and the legends of old wives. Oh, by the way, if you take the term "garlic" and rearrange the letters, you can make out the word "cigar" with an 'l" left over. The "l" could be an abbreviation for 'Little" as in "little cigar" or cigarette, or it can just be showing us what a stake should look like. Garlic never really seems to work in the movies, does it. I'll have to watch Coppola's Dracula again to see if anyone is smoking around Lucy or Mina and if they react. I think that article was everywhere when that film came out. Take care.

sound_of_silence ago

interesting parallels... nothing surprises me these days...

i'm not sure about vaping.. one area you may want to look into is your blood type and eating for your blood type... it can make a big difference as our body's fuel must match our 'engine type'... here at home we eat for out blood type and use only natural remedies.. no synthetic stuff.. it's made a huge difference in my life.. haven't been to the doctor for anything other than a broken bone in over 19 years..

hope the best for you, take care.

sponiatowski ago

Thanks for the info. I'll look up B+ diets. Take care, talk to you again.

Votescam ago

The anti-smoking campaign was in response to the medical costs for the increasing numbers of citizens being diagnosed with Cancer -- especially of the throat. Let's hope that it has saved some Americans from that fate. 1 in every 3 Americans now has Cancer.

sponiatowski ago

Cancer cases have risen even though no one smokes anymore. At least that's the last I heard from Fox News. Cancer has risen. I don't think the life of one single child was saved. I'm sure their clean blood and organs are now more in demand than ever before. And George Soros and David Rockefeller and the Rothchilds just keep on going, don't they. I think they tricked us into making our organs and children more marketable to organ harvesters. It's not just about the sex. And it was the Clinton's who doubled down on the anti-smoking campaigns. Aren't they a caring, concerned couple. Just ask in Haiti how caring and concerned they are in fact.

survey_girl ago

and if these things really did affect cancer / illness, they would be reducing the number of organs needed, yet the number of organs needed keeps on rising - TPTB weren't concerned about over saturating the market because they knew that smoking or organics, etc didn't make a difference in our cancer/illness rates.

sponiatowski ago

Hi survey-girl. You may want to read this PDF link. It's about vampires and their hatred of tobacco. The term "coffin nails" comes from the fact that once a vampire has been killed with a stake through his heart and his or her head cut off, every year, on the anniversary of the vampire's death, tobacco must be smoked while walking around the burial site or else the vampire may come back to life. Also, the taste of a smoker's blood is awful and even repels mosquitos. The Native Americans used tobacco to ward off evil spirits and as a sign of peace when meeting new people, probably to see if they are bloodsucking demons. There is a lot to the vampire legends the mandela effect has made us forget. Here is the PDF:

4_InquiringMinds ago

For inquiring minds there is a lot of information to be found for the ruse of smoking causes cancer. Your theory of the children issue is um, interesting/and possible. But the anti smoking crusade has a number of reasons/ck it out sometime. I didn't think much of it till the WHO made it a top priority/when they do something for my good I know to find out why they want a ban bc it's not for my good, I do know that. The same WHO that promotes unsafe vaccines fluoridated water and GMO's. Beyond the researched benefits of tobacco (yep, there really are benefits), and beyond other nefarious reasons to ban the evil weed, they needed a scapegoat for increasing cancer rates...enter the evil plant. As smoking rates declined they came up with third hand smoke/which means any clothes, any furniture, any anything at any time exposed to smoke even if washed. So if Aunt Millie smokes but washes her clothes before visiting your kids she is still a toxic danger. That fake story hasn't caught on too well best I can tell/but haven't cked in a long time.

sponiatowski ago

You may want to read this PDF link. It's about vampires and their hatred of tobacco. The term "coffin nails" comes from the fact that once a vampire has been killed with a stake through his heart and his or her head cut off, every year, on the anniversary of the vampire's death, tobacco must be smoked while walking around the burial site or else the vampire may come back to life. Also, the taste of a smoker's blood is awful and even repels mosquitos. The Native Americans used tobacco to ward off evil spirits and as a sign of peace when meeting new people, probably to see if they are bloodsucking demons. There is a lot to the vampire legends the mandela effect has made us forget. Here is the PDF:

4_InquiringMinds ago

I smoke a churchwarden pipe with organic tobacco/have for years. I buy whole leaf from a farmer in KY, truly the fair in fair trade/he's a great guy/took years to find him/super inexpensive. I actually quit smoking for 4 years way back bc I thought it might be better for my health, never stopped loving tobacco however. When the WHO came out with this big smoking nazi thing decided to look into it. After reading all the benefits including protecting lungs from radiation (think atomic bomb shit) started smoking again for my health. Of course my non smoking friends think it's just an excuse but I don't care lol.

The real issue with any action, smoking, eating, fill in the blank, is doing it unconsciously. Unconscious acts damage the body. Plus beliefs one holds about an action determine results. I used to think it was the chems in tobacco that did the damage, that and radioactive fertilizer (phosphates) which my farmer does not use/he's aware it kills the soil. Pipe smokers actually live longer than non smokers btw.

But back to chems...research (from non NWO corrupted sources) showed the chems were not the culprit I thought, still I prefer organic tobacco, taste, general vibrational feeling and of course love of the land and it's biodiversity. The flame retardant now in cig paper/that may be a turning point as far as cancer causing (it is a serious carcinogen)/really can't say bc again beliefs come into play. My friends that smoke commercial cigs have said since the paper switch they notice headaches. Way back I smoked Camel straights and used to like to get a pack once a year for memory's sake. Can't do that now...bleh. Funny tho, when you spend so many years packing a pack your hands do the deed like you never quit. I've been smoking for over 40 years. I switched to non filter (straights) bc my grandma smoked pall mall straights/never got cancer btw, emphysema, heart issues, or any of it. Mom smoked all her life too, no cancer, emphysema, heart etc. Same with dad altho he did quit at some point much later in life/again no cancer, lung, heart etc. However if you believe the current fear porn cigs are responsible for every fucking condition known to modern man lol. They needed a scape goat. There are receptors on the brain for nicotine/sharpens ability to think clearly, increases concentration. One might wonder why the push is to not only outlaw tobacco but vaping. I'm not into vaping/never tried it/lots of chems...but geez louise/ppl quit bc of the smoking nazi's and go to vaping so now they have to demonize that. It looks more to me like not wanting ppl to imbibe in something that facilitates clearer thinking/ya think?

Pipes are wonderful/mine came from ebay, vintage. It's really something to hold a pipe where the briar is 400 years old/made some 50 years ago/knowing it has passed from hand to hand in moments of contemplation, celebration and coping with a loss. It's a real feeling of the continuation of life being passed hand to hand/a connection that reaches thru time. I have one little pipe, rare amber bit, from a soldier in WW2 while he was in France and the pipe was made in Germany (I traced it). It has original carry case velvet lined. I don't smoke it much preferring churchwarden, but when I hold it I think of all the places it has been and all that a soldier has seen. It's a feeling that is very special.

ps...I love my vintage zippos too. Had several needing repairs/never could fix them right. Switched to bic but never felt right about that/being totally environmentally unfriendly from manufacture, to transport from China to landfill. Went online to see if there was some trick to fixing had not seen and low and behold/you send them back to zippo for free repairs/for life. They all came back fixed and with new inserts/zippo also returns the original insert. The are made in the usa smile. For me smoking is a celebration. Pipes add a dimension that is hard to beat/that and my zippos, I'm good to go grin.

Thanks for the pdf/I'll ck it out.

sponiatowski ago

Thanks for the info. I smoke five cigarettes a day which I roll from pipe tobacco. Most of the time I'm vaping but find it cumbersome, sticky and just as expensive. The pipe is on my list as a potential option, though the lady in the apartment across the hall from me hates tobacco smoke. I use a lot of incense. What's funny is when she was moving in I almost passed out from the stench of her furniture. It smelled like an old, musty canvas tent. Yet she complains about a whiff of smoke now and then. Maybe I'll look into ebay pipes. They are awfully expensive when new. Thanks for the heads up and remember, sometimes old wives are wiser than the most intensely educated doctorate degree recipient.

4_InquiringMinds ago

It's interesting about the pipe/ppl don't have the same reaction. I'm a lady and it's rare to see one doing the pipe thing but when I'm in non smoking company, outside natch, not in their homes, I ask will this bother you? They all say oh I love the smell of pipe smoke/it's cigs I can't stand. Male friends notice the same reaction. Something about a pipe and it triggers ppl in a different way. The stigma is not there. If you ever want to try whole leaf shoot me a pm. By passes the middle leaf dealers that buy low/screwing the farmers. I found my farmer on a grow your own baccy forum. Larry doesn't use phosphate fertilizers which was important to me. He's not 'certified' organic/which I could care less. Has many leafs to chose from. He also has leaf grown with 2 chems, half strength, applied at the correct times so when his leaf is tested it comes out chem free. My fav mix is Virginia (bright leaf), regular burly with a dash of red burly (high nicotine) and Turkish to round it off. Everyone has their fav mix and match.

sometimes old wives are wiser than the most intensely educated doctorate degree recipient.

True that lol~

Votescam ago

What are you saying . . . that you think we should allow children/citizens to be encouraged to smoke? Or that we should continue to subsidize the tobacco industry? Of course cases continue to rise as former smokers age. Even if you gave up smoking 30 years ago, you're still likely to come down with cancer. And I'm sure you've also heard of the destruction of nature on this planet and Global Warming? The things that destroy nature like toxic chemicals and use of petroleum based fertilizers on our vegetation since the end of WWII - and filthy air can also produce cancer. It's still 1 in every 3 citizens! Don't forget either chemtrails which have been put in our skies over the last 25-30 years (internationally, as well) where these chemicals then fall down to earth onto our soil, in our water, on all animal life and humans. You can think anything you want, but not much sense in what you're saying. Btw, Soros, Rockefeller, Rothchilds aren't liberals if that's what you're thinking. They are fascists/right wing. And same for the Clinton's -- I'm quite aware of Haiti and the Clintons and more Americans should be aware.

sponiatowski ago

I just think we should have been more defensive on a habit/product that has been used since the Renaissance hit Europe. Actually, it may be the discovery of tobacco that caused the Renaissance. Moderate tobacco use actually increases intelligence one point. Removing tobacco has turned us into sheep and heralded in the dumbing-down of the Western World. Here is an article on Vampires and Tobacco Use you may find interesting and why a blood drinking, organ steeling vampire may want its victims to be as clean as possible: The term "coffin nails" comes from the fact that once a vampire has been killed with a stake through his heart and his or her head cut off, every year, on the anniversary of the vampire's death, tobacco must be smoked while walking around the burial site or else the vampire may come back to life. Also, the taste of a smoker's blood is awful and even repels mosquitos. The Native Americans used tobacco to ward off evil spirits and as a sign of peace when meeting new people, probably to see if they are bloodsucking demons. There is a lot to the vampire legends the mandela effect has made us forget. Here is the PDF:

Votescam ago

sponia -- I see you've answered my question about whether you'd like to encourage smoking: Affirmative

You sound like an actor pretending to be a doctor.

. Moderate tobacco use actually increases intelligence one point. Removing tobacco has turned us into sheep and heralded in the dumbing-down of the Western World.>

Good luck with the Vampires.

sponiatowski ago

Votescam, obviously you have a one track mind when it comes to tobacco. It should be extinguished and exterminated. But the facts I stated are still valid. Stating the facts is necessary for analysis and decision making. Therefore your reasoning: "Anyone that states a fact that is not anti-tobacco is therefore pro-smoking" proves that an unreasonable, non-fact driven movement exists that had the goal of eliminating tobacco use despite the actual facts. Very dictatorial and very "non-choice" and "non-freedom" driven. You prove my point that it was an irrational smear campaign based on the desired goal only, and not reason and not the facts. What the reason is behind the desired goal is yet to be determined, but shedding the light of truth and stating the facts should balance the issue. Remember, the best way to expose and eradicate the vampire is to expose the vampire to the "light of day" and hold what remains to the light of truth, also known as "all the facts". Sunlight is not a vampire's friend, nor is it yours.. Hiding amongst useful, unreasonable followers won't help for long.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

orrrrr smoking is just bad for you.

sponiatowski ago

How nice of them to be concerned for me! Never bought it. Still won't. Can't now. They brought up "the children" an awful lot in their anti-smoking campaigns. They want the world to revolve around the health of the children and themselves because they want their organ donors to be as smoke-free as possible. Or they're cannibals. Bad for me? Whatever happened to "It's my body I'll do with it what I want!". Oh wait, that's only for aborting mothers. They are of value because more body parts can be harvested from them. They contribute. Notice if it leads to cleaner organs they are all for it. They aren't for the equality of everyone doing what they want with their bodies. They are only creating cleaner bodies that they might be able to harvest. My point stands.

equineluvr ago

"They" (Skull and Bones, specifically) profitted imensely from cigarettes, both building them up (promoting them) and then taking them down. Can't put my finger on the article right now...

sponiatowski ago

I heard that the Mormons were heavy duty investors too, even though their religion forbids tobacco use. I'm not sure how they could have made money selling it high and letting the bottom drop out. Maybe they invested in smoking cessation programs after they sold their stocks. Pure market manipulation.

survey_girl ago

well, according to HRC, It takes a Village to raise a child.... Really sick when you think about it.

thelandofchocolate ago

Where is this written?

sponiatowski ago

Edible Schoolyard NYC GALA includes Chelsea Clinton, David Rockefeller, Martha Stewart and many others

Is that what you meant?

Red4reel35 ago

Hmm Elenor Coppola ? That's very Interesting since her husband had a convicted sex offender work on a movie set for him

ArthurEdens ago

Forgot about that yes. He was a staunch supporter of that director, i think even helped him financially after he served time and couldn't get hired.

nomorepepperoni ago

Proves JAlapedo has connections with elites, but doesn't merit the title "cannibal pedo".

Otherwise, good digging! JAlapedo is in an awful lot of pies for being a "poor pizza parlor owner".

Votescam ago

You have to read about all of the activities that pedophile rings are involved with, including the murder of children and disposal of their bodies. See: "spirit cooking" where human blood seems to be added to dishes by chefs like John Podesta and there are many questions about where the bodies are disposed of. You might also recall John Podesta's art in his office with a scene of cannibalism. Or Tony Podesta's favorite artwork featuring a replica of a corpse found in Dahmer's apartment. In the Hampstead Case/UK you see the children making clear that infants were "cooked" and children forced to partake of them. They also make clear that shops in their town were involved in disposing of the bodies/parts. -- (painting is shown at .39 on video) - (Tony's art/replica of Dahmer victim at 1.53 on video) A search page with various videos of the Hampstead Case and the children and their testimony Children killed, dumped in ocean by top Canadian clergy, politicians?

jv209 ago

This whole thing keeps getting tied to the Rockefeller family. An anonymous investor is quoted as saying Epstein was involved in managing the Rockefeller's money. Why does the Illuminati/NWO seem to be real and why am I in such disbelief of it still?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The Jew has controlled your education from birth.....your TV, your media, your video games, your award shows, your sports channels....they dont do it for nothing. They do it for the propaganda value. To steer your mind to accepting only what is safe for them....dont look behind the curtain. You dont see the man standing there. Now go back asleep.

DeathToMasons ago

You are still a newb I guess. Maybe you prefer your programing still? Maybe evidence only means somthing when the TV says it does and the complicit authorities say it does? Probably many reasons for the regulator on peoples perceptions of reality.

jv209 ago


anolegion ago

Edwin Rockefeller owns the building next to Comet Ping Pong.

McCullough is his mother's maiden name.

ArthurEdens ago

The name edible schoolyard is messed up in the pizzagate context. Those people are suspect too. I mean David Rockefeller, it's over right there. But Eleanor Coppola. The Coppolas have a huge vineyard in napa, a place implicated as one of the major spots for trafficking on the west coast. George Lucas' ex wife said she saw Francis Ford Coppola in the pool with a very young woman after everyone had had dinner and went to sleep. This was in the early 80's. And Alefantis on the board? Wtf. Major red flag of course. But what took my breath away was Chez Panisse initials as CP. Oh man. Excellent find

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Just curious, I couldn't find Rockefeller's name (or Chelsea Clinton's for that matter) anywhere in the link. Did you see it somewhere?

ArthurEdens ago

Didn't look, went off the op's text like a sheep

Celticgirlonamission ago

They use them from slave labor & they use them to eat...I mean nothing like reduce and reuse...

Newfind ago

Wow I hadn't paid attention. Chez Panisse

Newfind ago

Wow. Good job!

21yearsofdigging ago

Poor Redford. All he ever did wrong was screw call-girls and supposedly have his daughter's boyfriend taken care of. he is basically a good man but misgiuded

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Oh that's nice, taking care of your daughter's SO...

ArthurEdens ago


Celticgirlonamission ago

He and all the rest of them are scum bags without a doubt...