investigatethepizza ago

Looking through some old posts and looking for connections lead me to your post. I feel this should have gotten more attention, would you have any new things to link that you have found in the past month to maybe repost this with additional sources? I feel we should look into some things in here more.

Also, I wanted to ask you since you might be interested, someone posted something on voat that almost got no attention, and IDK why but I can't seem to stop wondering about it?

It might be absolutely nothing at all, but I just have some weird feeling about it that I can't shake? Maybe it's someone trying to distract, but I mean it might be worth the time to check or not?

Their logo is weird I'll admit. Here is also his post history

ALSO, have you been checking with google streetview, the clock to view the photos from a previous time?

Yuke ago

Hiya. I haven't been digging in this area specifically for a while, but it's obviously still there in my mind, peices of the puzzle so to speak. The Douglas connection is, I'm sure, a valid one as they work with McCullough construction - they did the Hecht warehouse together and the pattern of Douglas' work is one that means properties are often left 'empty' as they wait for the market to change and then actually work on, or develop, the property in question. I made a comment before about the fact that there are lots of empty properties and how this would be convenient for illicit activities. I think it would be a good area to look into in depth if you would like to run with it? I'm looking into something else at the minute otherwise I would as well. (staying on one 'area' is so hard to do in this whole damn thing because the links and connections seem almost endless). I haven't wound the clock back, is there anything there of note?

investigatethepizza ago

I actually have something that I am working on writing up that just puts things together and I think this might actually link up with it, I will let you know.

PieInTheEye ago

Just some clarification ... CONNEB is clearly just an anagram of CONnecticut and NEBraska (ie, CON + NEB = CONNEB ), because this block of property is located at the corner of Connecticut Ave NW and Nebraska Ave NW (NOTE: it has nothing to do with the unfounded 'Saudi connected' boolean sleuthing of some now deleted author posted all over the net and at this sub - - I've debunked this claim with sources in the comments section of that sub ... it was some of the sloppiest un-referenced horse manure I have ever come across in my researching career).

Most of the above info in the sub posting simply relates to the Realtors and legal Agents involved in these Lot management corporate entities (the popular Gill family business that you've referenced), but the names attached to these Realtors and their connections can create many false leads, because these estate Agents simply offer broad services to many clients in D.C., not necessarily linking their clients at all.

The Rockefeller connection to McCollough//CONNEB I LLC, (the construction and residential companies with subsidiary offices still on this Nebraska Ave NW side of the block), however, is very interesting, and should definitely be looked into; especially since this 5039 Conn.Ave.NW is the Chevy Chase Art Gallery & Custon Framing, because I have started a sub ( ) on the ART CONNECTION between CPP, Buck's, Terasol, Transformer, which may dig up info on an elaborate money laundering or black market facilitization service utilizing 'art' as a payments front. McCollough businesses were started by Tom McCullough, who used to work for Bechtel, which has to be one of the biggest and spookiest construction companies on the face of the earth ... they do all of the US Govt. DUMBS bunkers (Deep Underground Military Bases) and covert and super massive Government infrastructure projects, and it is owned by a guy who is a kingpin at Bohemian Grove (the Bechtel Company ... still privately owned I believe, which is amazing based on its size).

Two real-estate holding companies were created on January 15th 2003: CONNEB I LLC, and CONNEB II LLC, (#1 and #2) in order to consolidate but partition the properties owned by the previous lot owners, no doubt for ease of Tax filing, P&L assessment, and LLC protection (most people who own multiple lots in one place will eventually consolidate their holdings into a single corporate body ... and they will need the help of professional Realtors such as the Gill business, and/or taxation/corporate lawyers, which seems to be the role of Kevin McCarthy).

So, working out the ACTUAL OWNERS is not as straight forward as some might think, because they don't need to reveal themselves as these are not publicly traded entities ... thus we only have the Realtors indicated, which isn't much help. HOWEVER, the dead giveaway was the $0 purchase price, which proves that the original Lot Title owners were the ones who incorporated the CONNEB II LLC, because they DIDN'T have to sell Lot's they already owned to themselves ... obviously.

It would seem that many of the posters on Voat that talk about the property purchases don't have the faintest idea of how real estate entities and corporate shells are created and managed ... which is highly frustrating (I'm not referring to the above author @Yuke of this particular Subverse).

The original owners are actually the Jewish Cohen family (Carla and David) who were long-time founder owner operators of the Politics & Prose bookstore, which has always been a Democrat stronghold, and it seems that the ex-Washington Post journalist/editor couple of Bradley Graham and Lissa Muscatine must have purchased or at least become majority owners of CONNEB II LLC, because they are now referred to since 2013 as the 'owners' of Politics & Prose, though the property records indicate that it is still owned by CONNEB II LLC. This means that the WashPo duo since 2013 actually probably own the Title of Besta Pizza and Buck's Fishing & Camping through CONNEB, and that Hammad and Alefantis are only owners of a Lease (CPP however is owned Freehold by Alefantis through BIG CHEESE LLC, bought for $1.8 million in 2005 ... and Alefantis must have bought the lease for Bucks later on in 2005, but NOT the Title).

NOTE: The dead giveaway that the heirs of the Cohen estate were/are the owners/now part-owners of CONNEB II LLC, is that the Title of Little Red Fox was sold July 13th 2007 (before Carla and David Cohen died; 2010 & 2015 respectively), to one Barry R. Cohen, for $0 -- THIS IS KEY, because Barry R. Cohen is the only purchaser on record who received a property TITLE from Carla & David Cohen (CONNEB II LLC) for $0, whereas everyone else like Alefantis paid for their Freehold. Obviously Barry R. Cohen (who isn't the owner of the Lease, only the property Title, because he is not the corporate owner of the restaurant operation) of Little Red Fox, is obviously a side relation of the P&P Cohen's, because they only have one son Aaron and daughter Eve ... though I suppose he could be a grandson through Aaron Cohen.

Little Red Fox was opened in 2013, but before that, there was a bakery known as Marvelous Market, a failed core store of a moderate franchise chain begun by MARK FURSTENBERG (a Democrat political operative before he became a baker after 50yrs of age). Mark Furstenberg is the younger brother of the late Carla Furstenberg Cohen (interesting bio ), the wife of the late David Cohen. So ... Barry R. Cohen is most definitely related to the Cohen-Furstenberg's and his $0 purchase in 2007 of the Little Red Fox property Title is the key to understanding who owns CONNEB II LLC (at least up until 2007). He wouldn't have paid $0 to someone he did not have a close personal relationship to, and the Cohen family name fills in the blanks.

I wrote much more about the Cohen family and CONNEB on a recent dedicated subverse mentioned above:

( )-SUB INFO ABOUT THE ART CONNECTION (Bucks, CPP, Terasol, Transformer gallery)

... where I explain the connection between this Cohen (and Furstenberg) Jewish family/s, and Americans for Democratic Action, which was a Socialist Party of America creation, NOT a Democratic Party creation, though it merged into (or may have taken over) the Democratic Party post-WWII. These families were multi-generational ADA big-wigs, and David Cohen was heavily connected to George Soros and his J Street 'Zionist' lobby (though conventional Zionists like Netanyahu despise J Street, because the latter want a three-state-solution, where Jerusalem and Bethlehem become an International Zone under the United Nations.)

CONNEB II LLC thus has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia, and is actually more connected to Soros aligned Jewish interests attached to the ADA and J Street ... unless of course Graham and Muscatine are now the full owners through their purchase of Politics & Prose, but they are still both heavily connected to Hillary Clinton and the 'liberal' Establishment ... explaining why WashPo is attacking Pizzagate researchers so heavily (they seem to be the lead attack dog).

bolus ago

just backtracking through the "important leads" post on the sidebar and found this.

your post finds much of the same information that i've found - i've submitted a few posts regarding exactly the CONNEB llcs and the art connection.

i think that the master-list of leads needs to be re-verified/re-examined. the shill post with "CON-N.E.B" and saudi connections is being listed as viable.

for you, i give you this link:

it's still available, but it contains all of the .pdf files associated with all of the transformer events over the last decade or so. you want to connect dots, there's lots of dots in there.

i connected them to sotheby's - the house with the handkerchief, the realtor, the clinton cards - all sotheby's:

keep digging, this is gold.

PieInTheEye ago

Sorry for the late reply, but thanks for the link to the transformerdc documents ... that will be very handy in analyzing the personalities within the DC art crowd that Alefantis is patronizing.

The erroneous "CON-N.E.B" saudi connection stuff really jerks me off, because it is so completely based on a simple Google boolean search and wasn't even linked at all in the sub. The fact that this is Cohen-Furstenberg Jewish instead of Saudi should be of more interest based especially on the ADA affiliation, which was Socialist Party of America and not Democrat Party ... which actually fits the Alinsky and Podesta political and ideological evolution even better than the Clinton's. Most people don't get how further left along the political spectrum the Podesta affiliated Democrat Party personalities are compared with the group that was traditionally crowded around the Clinton's ... though Podesta is responsible for the Clinton's movement further towards the left wing, that is for sure.

Yuke ago

Great post, thanks very much.

popezandy ago

moving this straight into the sidebar, no more digging to find this awesome info

popezandy ago

I've linked another post which links to this one, into the sidebar post. Hopefully this increases traffic, if not I can add it directly to the sidebar. Thanks a ton for your contribution.

Yuke ago


redberries ago

Did this get slided? Has lots of leads

mooteensy ago

@Yuke is right. It's a shame.

Yuke ago

It got buried by all the nonsense and sensationalist posts.

PieInTheEye ago

I feel your pain @Yuke

redberries ago

Seems like you have to type in all caps to get upvoted.

Yuke ago

Haha, too true. I don't mind, the info is there and I'm sure it will come in useful soon enough (and I really need to get back to digging on this one myself too).

Yuke ago

Yuke ago

Oh, and Politics & Prose uses building 7 (McCullough Construction) for a book group meeting according to their website a little odd that one.

PieInTheEye ago

Hey, even the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt held their Minerval Colleges as 'book groups' ... the symbol of the order was a medallion featuring an open book and an owl sitting on top. As I have posted above, McCullough worked for Bechtel, which is one of the spookiest corporations known in the conspiracist-sphere. Is McCullough simply a business agent or aligned business for Bechtel servicing the residential market for high net worth elitists? Their website talks a lot about their large condo building activities.