stellarcorpse ago


SoSpricyHotDog ago

If this WAS a failed assassination to silence him, the irony of Brock leaking his intel would be too good to be true. However, this is unlikely for a number of reasons:

  1. He's clearly part of it... and before immunity/protection was granted, I'm beyond confident that they will finish the job
  2. If he has no prior medical conditions, he is more aware of the threat than any of us ever will be... and is scared shitless
  3. Even if #1 somehow happens and he decided to leak info... his own involvement would likely become a death sentence anywhere he went depending on the severity of it

He would need to change his name, identity and run far, far away if he squealed.

Votescam ago

Is it possibly even more interesting that Alex Jones also seems to have come under some real threat from Alefantis at the same time that Brock suffered a heart attack? Jones reversed himself on "pizzagate stories" about Alefantis either yesterday or today - offered apology to Alefantis and seems to have spoken with Alefantis as to what he required of him (Jones) and that he would follow through with what was requested. Basically saying there is no evidence of Alefantis being involved in any criminal activity. Seems he also let two reporters who worked on PG stories go. This is what I read earlier today, someone may have more on that story at this point.

But all along it's been suggested that Alex Jones has been in serious danger for his reporting of the PG story and Alefantis CPP involvement.

Coming back to Brock, imo, once they have gone this far in signaling that they need to get rid of him (IF that is true) then eventually that would happen. They'd be no way that Brock could pull out of that.
They have to think he may be thinking that getting the story out may save him, but that may only speed up the attempt. What does George Webb call it .... "the disorderly orderly" at 3am in hospital?

madhatter67 ago

Love the last bit....what morons would wish this waste of air well?

anonOpenPress ago

Brock was the author of "Killing the Messenger". John Podesta was one invited to the book party. (see attachments)

remedial ago

No, this is exactly the setup for being "suicided". If there is no history of heart disease, it's introduced by low dosage. Once treated for heart issues, death by heart attack more plausible and not scrutinized as closely, especially by an overworked ME. They've learned their lesson...Andrew.

stellarcorpse ago

Makes sense.

MattHelm ago

He is the sleaziest most perverted disgusting man alive. I want him to suffer in prison for the rest of his life along with Alefantis both of them should be raped 10 times a day by the worst prisoners on earth. The two of them should be tortured nonstop and forced to do the hardest physical labor possible. Death is too good for them. They need to suffer for 50 years then die in agony and misery.

PizzagateBot ago

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rail606 ago

My hope is that they failed to kill him and now he knows they want him dead so he starts singing like a bird who just got disowned and let free.

Votescam ago

That could speed up the action to silence him.... ????

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I don't doubt that they may have tried to kill him, but I think the scare will shut him up for good.

Mencomot ago

With the anon prediction of this exact scenario two weeks ago, I believe that's exactly the case.

rail606 ago

Just think bout that though for a second. They hit him with the heart attack gun and he survives. Talk about divine intervention. God is on our side. He wanted us to wake up. The more people are aware the less power they have.