samhara ago

I'll try to be clearer. The controllers / elite, whoever they are, put it in your face in the Mass Media , some Posters, Some Cartoons, some "Jokes" , some Sitcoms some Music videos.. They "get off" / i.e. It turns them on to put it right in your face. They like to display it to the ignorant. In the Taco Bell ad I linked above, They have a crying unhappy baby, with the implication it is being abandoned [gotta go to work] and two Phallic Rolls of Meat and Cheese pointed at the infant. It wouldn't mean anything necessarily but it's a PANdemic, The references are common.

samhara ago The Taco Bell Mockery is real. As I see it.

antiracist ago

Bojangles ago

I see a dragon who loves tacos. Can you blame him?

antiracist3 ago

I can't blame him.

I don't see tits or vag either.

Sry @Justanon.

@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh

HannahRebekah6353 ago

When I clicked the heading link several time (under 'Pizzagate') it went to a tweeter pages that said it was unavailable. When I clicked the comments it brought me into the thread. What's up with that?

Fateswebb ago


juhos ago

Can somebody post examples of Rao in Instagram?

naturallyfree ago

There is a Heading at the End of this page which should be highlighted but is low lighted, called Southern District. I draw your attention to the Maryland DoJ for that district listed at the bottom of the page.

In what I suspect is a related matter since this is the second time in a month I've looked into this and find the search engine has made it more difficult to research, buried way down although a recent date, I find this very very interesting and sneaky.

ThePedoHunter ago

Fck....blocked on twitter. ...alt link please soneone....this is big

Stormer-chan ago

Need to keep mind he went to the White House in 2012, which may correlate with the timing, at a bare minimum more information regarding this person must be demanded.

Stormer-chan ago

Zanting here, Thomas Bernpaine & I both got locked out on Twitter for this -- must have really hit a nerve.

[ ]

equineluvr ago

"Sorry, that page does not exist." Has anyone archived it?

party1981 ago

Is this archived? Link does not work.

Chatman ago

Archived news article

slickleg64 ago

did anyone archive this? Link down

Jem777 ago

For all of you slamming everyone as idiots just looked up a recent article in 2015 about Aron Rao being promoted to US District Attourney in the southern district after his outstanding job as AUSA

Blacksmith21 ago

Where there is smoke, there's fire.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Oh this is fucking huge. Arun Rao followed JimmyComet on Instagram and frequently liked pictures of little kids. Arun Rao works for the department of justice that deals with prosecutions into child pornography cases.

1count_du_bastarde ago

Thank you!

kestrel9 ago

This is an archive of the Forbes article shown in the tweet

slickleg64 ago

Would SEC employees have the same loophole in regards to allowing cp?

kestrel9 ago

slickleg64 ago

Looked into a whistle blower who was in part revealed this case. However his FOIA requests were denied when trying to find out the specifics as to what sites and what was regarded as pornography, as that was the defense for this case. What was known was the employee had a real obsession, especially into unusual and "boylove", wouldnt be surprising if he was in the know in some sick things. He got laid off and a slap on the wrist after the case for workplace misconduct with no further investigation.


Thanks man!

educate_yourself ago

this is a fucking amazing find

abortionburger ago

Wow this could be really big! I'm flairing it "potential lead".

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Its an absolutely huge lead, mod. This guy Arun Rao was a follower on James Alefantis' Instagram and often liked pictures of little kids.

The_Kuru ago

Are you serious? I already debunked this shit. How hard is it to check the timeline of when these two different people were with justice?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

What did you debunk?

LincolnsMullet ago

And where is the link to this? Some people aren't as smart as you. You need to help them instead of acting like a pretentious genius.

The_Kuru ago

If I was a genius I'd probably be able to do links with this phone. The Forbes link has a Washington Times link that says Grassley was told that the guy was fired. That was 2011. If they lied to the Senator and made him supervisor of child exploitation and trafficking division, then that would be quite a big story. Convince me that happened with some evidence other than it appeared in the mind's eye of an anonymous dude on the internet.

LincolnsMullet ago

I think I see what you are saying now. Is it this article?

According to Arun's profile he was employed through 2012 but this article, if it is Arun, would have left in 2011. So those two don't mesh.

Unless, as you suggest, Arun never left. I guess here's the rub: how would we know? Nobody knows the name of this mysterious AUSA child porn addict. Theoretically he could have remained employed, no?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Last October, weeks after Waffen retired, federal agents raided his house. Assistant U.S. Attorney Arun G. Rao said in court that the agents seized 6,153 sound recordings and that officials confirmed that 955 of them belonged to the Archives

Former employee admits stealing recordings from National Archives ... Washington Post › local › 2011/10/04 AMP - Oct 4, 2011 - Assistant U.S. Attorney Arun G. Rao said in court that the agents seized 6,153 sound

The Forbes Article above dated: Tech JUL 8, 2011 @ 01:40 PM

9217 ago

How the fuck does this only have 30 ish upvoats. Is something up w/voat?

LincolnsMullet ago

Some ppl are still at work lol

Jem777 ago

He is the Department of Justice attourney in charge of human/child trafficking. Eric Holder (Obama A.G.) let him off and he is actually in charge of who gets prosecuted for child sex crimes. Keeps his job and is then linked to Alefantis liking his pedophile pictures. I am sickened.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Mother of Christ, this is the same Rao commenting on Alefantis pics and who worked at some Gov, child related agency?

redditsuckz ago

"Fy and Ceris/Caris" - Bruises, black tape liked by Arun Rao;

This guy has been over looked;

Instagram picture posted by llewhinkes AKA Llewellyn Hinkes-Jones;

Here is his child Fy;

He is pretty connected in Journalism - Bloomberg News, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Awl

Llewellyn Hinkes-Jones (Married to Roberta Elias) - Freinds of James Alefantis - Facebook

His youtube "likes" = Gimme Pizza Slow

Roberta Elias (Wife of Llewellyn Hinkes-Jomes) - Friends with James Alefantis - Facebook

Arun Rao (Married to Liza Beaulier Rao) - Friend of Llewellyn Hinkes-Jones - Facebook

Liza Beaulier Rao (Wife of Arun Rao)

Notable - Mythili Rao also works in Journalism - CNN, Daily Beast, Radio.

Mythili Rao

Where is Caris James? - James Alefantis friend llewhinkes AKA Llewellyn Hinkes-Jones and Arun Rao(DOJ)

ArthurEdens ago

people have been curious about Arun Rao from the start. the house of cards is falling apart

Haldelos ago

Yep! Arun G. Rao was one of the first "holy shit" moments of pizzagate when he showed up on JA's FB and someone on reddit found his linkedin page showing his occupation

OrwellKnew ago

Nice work


reasonedandinformed ago

If this is true, this is a huge lead.

swordfish69 ago

Giants of the art world are part of a web of possible money laundering centered around several organizations of interest: The Pinchuk Art Centre, The Qatar Museums Authority (QMA), The Qatar Foundation, VCUQatar, The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC), along with the aforementioned “franchises” like Transformer Gallery.

MICHAEL RAO is the president of Virginia Commonwealth University and is married to MONICA RAO, a fellow member of Virginia’s state administration with SUSAN ALEFANTIS. Both of them are in charge of dressing the governor’s mansion. The Rao’s recently encountered a minor scandal when it turned out that Michael Rao made VCU executives sign a contract stating they would never mention any activities involving his wife and children. Monica, who participates in art auctions with anti-human trafficking groups, has nevertheless produced art that falls into a similar category of pedophilic symbology. [1]

MICHAEL RAO has worked with the Qatar Foundation and QMA to launch a satellite campus of VCU in Qatar [2], and one of the committee members is a man by the name of ABDELRAHMAN HAMMAD AL-ATTIYAH. It is possible that he goes by the pseudonym Abdel Rahman Hamad, which is the owner of 5029 Connecticut Ave., or Besta Pizza, another restaurant suspected of being involved in child ring operations. Their logo and symbols, along with ephemera splattered on the wall of their pizzeria, suggests pedophilic and satanic imagery.

MONICA RAO is possibly related to ARUN RAO, a DOJ task force man involved with stopping human trafficking in Southern Maryland. Despite a supposed knowledge of human trafficking rings in the area, he must not have found it offensive that Alefantis and his associates freely indulged in the culture of kidnapping when he liked his more questionable Instagram photos (In fact, he was one of the few who liked photos that he got the fewest likes on).

The_Kuru ago

That wasn't Rao. Rao was AUSA long after this cp viewer was kicked out.

Stormer-chan ago

Yes & no, as he went to the White House in 2012 then later returned to being an AUSA.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Good thing they did all that fact-checking before blowing a load all over Twitter. And they wonder why Twitter keeps deleting their posts.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Twitter has started suspending all accounts mentioning PizzaGate, Podesta, any of it. I got banned this morning.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Have you seen the kinds of things you guys are posting to Twitter? You're doxxing people and their families, much of the time with false accusations. What is Twitter going to do? Hope you get your act together? No, you've given the entire #Pizzagate movement an even worse name than it had to start with.

Face it, you dorks have blown it. The only way to end the madness is to stamp out the entire thing. You guys have had four months to expose something legit, and all you've done is harass a bunch of pizza shop owners and plaster photos of their kids all over the Internet with unsubstantiated accusations that they're pimping or molesting them.

What did you expect was going to happen? The world was going to buy into the hysteria?

Stormer-chan ago

Nothing in that Tweet actually violates the Twitter rule set, read it for yourself, these are public officials being correlated with publicly available information (OSINT). This is a war, while they do this to our side they allow assassination threats & mass social engineering of directive negativity to go wild -- wake up.

[ ]

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Harassment: You may not incite or engage in the targeted abuse or harassment of others.

Spam: You may not use the Twitter service for the purpose of spamming anyone. What constitutes “spamming” will evolve as we respond to new tricks and tactics by spammers. Some of the factors that we take into account when determining what conduct is considered to be spamming are:

if you repeatedly create false or misleading content;

Stormer-chan ago

  1. Accounts not mentioned -- also different for public figures.
  2. Uh, no.
  3. Not misleading, only an assertive question, a demand for answers.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Accounts not mentioned -- also different for public figures.

Linking someone to the Pizzagate conspiracy is indirectly encouraging harassment of that person because it makes them a target. Some of the people that are being targeted in this way are not "public figures". Brian Podesta, for example, is not a public figure, even if he is related to one.

Uh, no. Not misleading, only an assertive question, a demand for answers.

The "false or misleading content" rule is part of the "spam" rule. Almost all of the entirely of Pizzagate is false or misleading. (Just because you believe it doesn't make it true. If Twitter arrives at the conclusion that it isn't true, that's all that matters.)

Stormer-chan ago

Deflecting -- Arun Rao & Eric Holder are public figures open to scrutiny, of which there is more of a substantiated claim than there is in direct contrast to unwarranted claims which are allowed to run amok about Donald Trump or Jeff Sessions for political reasons. Brian Podesta may not be in the public light but certain people such as himself being in the right places is a necessary structure within the argument, thus, it is irrelevant to whether they are harmed or not in the process. They are enemies to some of us regardless.

Oh my, yes since I practice the disciplines of OSINT & SIGINT regularly -- I am well aware of the difference between belief & evidence. I know you're working for CTR, but you guys suck & as courtesy -- here is some free advice bud. If you pressure your enemy with certain information, reactions, or people or material coming forward can result in more evidence due to that tactic. Very simple, but I know you guys aren't the brightest, so you probably couldn't implement it.

Yes, Twitter does arrive at certain "conclusions," some of which have made it less of a business & more of a political weapon -- of which it is abetting terrorism by doing so.

[ ]

Have a nice day ShareBlue, hope you're looking forward to RaHoWa, /Baphomet/ says hi.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Deflecting -- Arun Rao & Eric Holder are public figures

Actually, you've successfully derailed me on the public figure thing. Let's go back to what you said before:

also different for public figures

I don't think anything that qualifies as "harassment" would be excused by Twitter simply because your target is a public figure. It was my mistake to try to defend the non-public-figure examples; the truth is that by targeting people in the course of Pizzagate, you're a part of the force that is actively encouraging and enabling harassment. The bottom line is that this is probably how Twitter sees it, and they're the final word.

I know you're working for CTR

You realize I'm never going to take you seriously if you accuse me of working for someone I don't work for, right?

If you know I'm "working for CTR" and I know I'm not working for CTR (or anyone, for that matter), then it's pretty obvious to me that you're an idiot. Do you know how stupid people sound when they accuse you of being a shill and you know that you're not one because if anyone knows whether or not you're a shill, it's you.

Here, have your get-out-of-argument-free card.

Stormer-chan ago

Nuh-uh, still wrong, Twitter sanctions certain harassment as long as it is directed within their own political aims -- thus they no longer function as a business but in name. This is why one of the reasons they are going to be sued is due to antitrust violations. Oh, by the way, I see you have missed my point about using pressure to harvest reactionary evidence. What a shame, you think I actually care about these people being harassed, that is amusing.

Final word for sure, though the fact that they are an enemy is not news, the capacity at which they must harm themselves to enforce their political aims is however.

Debate? This is a war, you think I care if you think you're not taking me seriously -- even though by all appearances you are on here with a sock account crying defending Twitter which suggests the complete opposite of your claim? This isn't so much anything but sport to waste your time aye.

Also no, as we dox people we find out which ones are employed with CTR/ShareBlue, keep that in mind.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Twitter sanctions certain harassment as long as it is directed within their own political aims

Probably true, I see no reason to disagree with that. If the argument were about whether or not Twitter has a partisan bias in its policy enforcement practices, I wouldn't be arguing against.

This is a war

He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

you think I actually care about these people being harassed

At least you're being honest. Good to know the nature of the beast.

MolochHunter ago

No fella, you got it the wrong way round. Of course the general public arent professional investigators, of course that results in collateral damage. But that is a necessary function of the people having to resort to defending THEIR OWN PUBLIC SAFETY in the instance of law enforcement being corrupted and NOT DOING ITS JOB.

The collateral damage is on the corrupt govt, not this community

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Wow. That's some seriously brain-damaged rationalizing right there. You're a danger to society.

MolochHunter ago

im am a danger to a corrupt society, and an ally to a just one. Get the fuck out of my way

Stormer-chan ago


Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

James Alefantis doesn't have kids you fucking dolt. He is a faggot with no kids, claims he hates kids, and then posts nothing but pictures of kids all over his Instagram. Is that normal to you, you pedo-enabling piece of shit? Is that normal to you, to have pictures of little girls with their hands taped to tables? You are the one who is delusional. Go crawl back in your Mainstream Media hole, nigger.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Omg how did a shill get to this board. Can you please just fucking leave fuck I hate shills.

Dressage2 ago

Holy crap! No wonder when it was mentioned about him on here it would immediately be deleted as not pizzagate related. The other name that was always getting deleted was Andrew J. Klein. Did Eric Holder let anything slide with him? Hmmmm?? This is fantastic news! You can always tell the stuff that hits a nerve.

Clinker ago

If the DOJ Andrew J Klein and the Pizzagate Andrew J Klein are the same guy, they did an incredible amount of work to hide it. There was a restaurant magazine with articles going back for years where Klein's picture was included - not the same pic as the DOJ guy. I concluded it was possible they faked the magazine but why would they - at the time nobody was investigating pizzagate. But I do remember that Rao guy commenting on all the child pics of JA.

dindonufin ago

yes Rao was one of the perverts liking all the sick shit posted by jimmyfaggot

pizzagater99 ago


the real battle is misinformation vs information

antiracist ago

Mods are pedos. Read deleted threads for all the best stuff.

Clinker ago

Making voat's mascot be a goat would be just the kind of thing our enemy would do. It would also make sense to keep tabs on all the internet sleuths who are interested in this. But even if the mods are shills and Voat is run by the CIA it has been a useful tool, and I don't know of any other place to go.

DarkMath ago

"Andrew J. Klein".......It turns out there are 2 Andrew J. Klein's. One's in the DOJ and another is a real estate attorney.

The latter being the one tied into this. We didn't find anything.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

You cant even spell his name right. Its still ambiguous at this point.

DarkMath ago

"spell his name right".......Sorry about that. I'm not shilling, I'm just saying the Andrew from the DOJ is different than Andrew who did the real estate law stuff.

I'm like 95% sure it's a dead end.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

If the FBI does the job that we pay them to do they will confirm or deny. Why, in your own words, only a 95%?

DarkMath ago

Because since learning 9/11 was an inside job and my government killed 3000+ people in cold blood I trust no one.

I'm no longer 100% sure even Santa Claus doesn't exist.

antiracist ago

Okay, explain to @bojangles and me why 9/11 was an inside job.

Please answer in the following form.

If X is the case, then 9/11 was an inside job.

X is the case.

Therefore, 9/11 was an inside job.

@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh

Hey eagleshigh, remember when you never took me up on this challenge? Donghole.

Sar, way to never fucking answer straight about pizzagate.

DarkMath ago

Thanks for the reply. First of all two weeks ago I thought 9/11 "Truthers" were idiots. Then I saw Clinton Cash. Given the evidence of potential wrong doing by the Clinton Foundation in Haiti I decided to go back and re-examine what I knew. I figure if the CIA and the Clintons could gang rape Haiti then all bets were off.

I started with researching WTC 7 because I always thought it was weird WTC 7 is the only Hi-Rise in human history to have collapsed due to fire and at free-fall speed.

Be honest and buckle up:


Bojangles ago

I see your measly 1 hour and 31 minute video and raise you another 3 hours and 9 minutes!


antiracist ago

@bojangles, I didn't click the link. I'd guess 4 hours, but to say 5 hours seems more poetic.

DarkMath, please answer by solving for X.

If X is the case, then 9/11 was an inside job.

X is the case.

Therefore, 9/11 was an inside job.

Can you answer what X is?

It seems like you're saying:

"If the Clintons raped Haiti and the WTC 7 collapse is fishy, then 9/11 is an inside job."

The Clintons raped Haiti and the WTC 7 collapse is fishy.

Therefore, 9/11 is an inside job.

But how is "If the Clintons raped Haiti and the WTC 7 collapse is fishy, then 9/11 is an inside job," justified? How do you possibly get 9/11 being an inside job from Clinton corruption elsewhere?

Regarding WTC 7, why couldn't heat cause the beams to bend? What do peer review papers say? What do other countries' scientists say? What do computer simulations say?

@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh

DarkMath ago

"The Clintons raped Haiti and the WTC 7 collapse is fishy."

Haiti proves the CIA and the Clinton Crime Family have a credibility problem.

Which suggests they may have lied about other shit.

Which led me to watch "The Anatomy of a Great Deception"

Which explains in detail how WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

Which means "Therefore, 9/11 is an inside job."

I can write all the above in crayon if you want. Just let me know.


@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh @bojangles

antiracist ago

Yes, I would love that. In crayon. Really spell it out to me. Don't make me watch videos. Just answer the questions in text.

So, if the CIA and the Clinton Crime Family have a credibility problem, how do you get from there to 9/11 being an inside job?

If we already had evidence that WTC 7 was a planned demolition, is that sufficient to conclude that 9/11 was an inside job, or do we need details about the Clinton Crime Family and the CIA?

So again, spell this out for me.

If X is the case, then WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

X is the case.

Therefore, WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

DarkMath ago

"how do you get from there to 9/11 being an inside job?"

Haiti "Clinton Cash" proves the CIA and the Clinton Crime Family have a credibility problem.

Which suggests they may have lied about other shit.

Which led me to watch "The Anatomy of a Great Deception"

Which explains in detail how WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

Which means "Therefore, 9/11 is an inside job."

(joke -begin)

I can write all the above in crayon if you want. Just let me know.

(joke -end)


@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh @bojangles

antiracist ago

"how do you get from there to 9/11 being an inside job?"

"Clinton Cash" proves the CIA and the Clinton Crime Family have a credibility problem.

I mean, let's say we knew that Joe had a credibility problem. Would that mean Joe was connected to 9/11? There's a missing link here.

Which suggests they may have lied about other shit.

Grant that! Don't merely suggest it! Grant it! Okay, the Clintons have lied about 1 million other things! Now how does that relate to 9/11?

Which led me to watch "The Anatomy of a Great Deception"

Okay, then summarize it to me by solving for X.

If X is the case, then WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

X is the case.

Therefore, WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh @bojangles

DarkMath ago

I think I figured out how we can communicate on a more productive level. We need to agree on the same base line. Here goes:

Do you believe Bill Clinton looked the other way while the CIA flew cocaine into Mena Arkansas?

Antiracist2 ago

I already provided the most productive way to talk. Solve for X to directly fill in the argument.

Whatever you want, sure. Clinton looked the other way for cocaine. Clinton is a rapist. Clinton raped aliens at Area 51. Clinton is a cannibal. Whatever you want. Tie it to 9/11.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

DarkMath ago

"Clinton looked the other way for cocaine."

Clinton looked the other way for the CIA's cocaine.

The Clintons and the CIA are tied together at the hip. Agreed?

Yes or No

Antiracist2 ago

Sure, yes, fine, whatever you want. Just tie it to 9/11 already.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

DarkMath ago

"Just tie it to 9/11 already." - Ok

"If we already had evidence that WTC 7 was a planned demolition, is that sufficient to conclude that 9/11 was an inside job"

Yes! A planned demolition means 9/11 was an inside job.

You win!

I can't prove the CIA and/or Clinton and/or Bush planned 9/11.

Antiracist2 ago

Great. Now solve for X.

If X is the case, then WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

X is the case.

Therefore WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

DarkMath ago

X = "WTC 7 Fell at Free Fall Speed"

DarkMath ago

Of course! The Straw Man doth cometh!

I highly suspected you were a fucking idiot and tolerated your fetid excuse for a brain just to get here so I could take this giant shit in your mouth.

Fetid? Yes. Who else could have a username "Antiracist2" and still agree the CIA and Clinton imported cocaine to supplement their "black budget" by creating the Crack Epidemic in every Black neighborhood in America. Oh you stepped right into the trap like a Leftist little cunt bitch that you are. You know nothing. You don't even deserve to swallow my shit.

So right of the bat, thank you!

It's pay back.

In good faith I clicked on the first link: and started reading fully expecting it to talk about WTC 7 because explaining 1,2 and 7 together is the biggest fucking Straw Man in the entire cesspool of lies we were told.

You wouldn't know a Straw Man if it took a straw filled shit in your mouth you disgusting mother fucking piece of filth. You would make my vomit dirty.

Oh how epic you fucktard, you don't deserve a second more of my time.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Antiracist2 ago

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Can you believe this guy?

I invite conversation. I patiently wait while he talks about cocaine for no apparent reason.

I try to get to the heart of matters by using logical form. I asked multiple times about how we knew WTC 7 was a planned demolition.

When he finally answers freefall, I invite him to the next portion of the debate, as anyone new to the issue would. "These guys say this about that. What's wrong with what they say?"

And suddenly I'm not worthy to eat this guy's shit.

Bojangles ago

I was trying to guess what his next response would be, and I thought he would say all the sources you listed have ties to the Bushes or Clintons or Jews or whatever.

Instead, he just flipped his shit! Hilarious.

DarkMath ago

" I'm not worthy to eat this guy's shit."

Aaaaaaaaaaaand you would make my vomit dirty. Minor detail.

Goodbye fucktard


Antiracist2 ago

Me: WTC 7 didn't freefall.

You: shit shit vomit vomit

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Bojangles ago


DarkMath ago

It free fell at exactly the same speed my shit did after it left my ass hole and before it hit the back of your mouth.


Bojangles ago

Why don't you quit chimping out and answer his question, nigger?

DarkMath ago

"nigger" and his friend's name is @Antiracist2

you can't make this stuff up

Antiracist2 ago

Not like 9/11 conspiracies.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

DarkMath ago

I'm sorry I took that extra Ex-Lax last night.

You're an idiot but not a Pedophile............I hope.

Please accept my apology.

antiracist3 ago

WTC 7 did not free fall.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

DarkMath ago

Dude the arguments over.

We disagree, You won't convince me. I won't convince you.

Move on with your life.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

SarMegahhikkitha ago

What argument? You chimped out because you didn't expect him to make you learn science.

DarkMath ago

"What argument?"

Exactly. What argument is exactly the issue dipshits.

You don't see an argument BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A STRAW MAN IS you fucktards.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

He linked you to stuff. You're saying the reason your angry is because the stuff he linked (which he didn't write) addresses the free-fall argument for all the towers and not just tower 7? Why not just address the argument for tower 7? It's only straw man if he's saying you're saying all the towers free fell. If anything it would be harder to disprove free-fall for all the towers over just tower 7.

When you tell a logician he doesn't "know" some fallacy every armchair redditor knows, you kinda automatically lose.

antiracist3 ago

I never even rephrased his argument for it to be a strawman. Even when I quoted his exact words, he added clarification like I was misrepresenting him.

Him. Clinton's cocaine.

Me: Clinton's cocaine.

Him: Clinton's CIA cocaine.

Ohhhhh, see if was being a dick when I said Clinton's cocaine because I was misrepresenting what he said entirely.

This isn't about rephrasing argument. It comes down simply to disagreement about empirical fact.

Despite us having all the same videos, there's simply no way for us to convince one another about the matter of freefall.

The evidence is simply too ambiguous, and experts from both sides have fierce ongoing debates about whether that building was in freefall or not.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

DarkMath ago

"addresses the free-fall argument for all the towers and not just tower 7"

Yes. That's a Straw Man. And actually it also uses a logic fallacy called "Begging the Question".

I'm not going to waste my time with you dipshits. If you can be honest you'll figure out my point. You don't have to believe it.

As it is you fucktards are lost in the wilderness.

antiracist3 ago

The argument never took place.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Bojangles ago

You don't even deserve to swallow my shit.

That's @Bilbo_Swaggins' job.

Bojangles ago


Started losing the game, angrily flipped the board over.

DarkMath ago

"explaining 1,2 and 7 together is the biggest fucking Straw Man in the entire cesspool of lies we were told."

This is no game mother fucker.


antiracist3 ago

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Chris Brown strawmanned the shit out of Rihanna while baseball players were shooting up with performance enhancing strawmen.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

That's funny, when I tell my mother that sandy hook was fake and 911 was an inside job I tell her that she might as well believe in santa claus.

DarkMath ago

I haven't looked into Sandy Hook personally so I'm not going to say it was a hoax. It certainly could have been.

But I am 100% certain 9/11 was an inside job. And I literally only figured that out last week after watching about 10 documentaries on it.

I accepted the governments story right up until the election last Fall. Then when this human trafficking/organ harvesting shit started and I knew I had to start from scratch.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Sandy Hook was definitely fake, no question. I have done at least 100-200 hours of research. Look up Wolfgang Halbig, Sofia Smallstorm, Jim Fetzer.

Boston Bombings were fake. Look up Sibel Edmonds. Jim Fetzer.

DarkMath ago

I just looked up Wolfgang Halbig and read up on it and I'm sorry but I just don't see any compelling evidence of a conspiracy.

And I'm a died in the wool conspiracy theorist. If even I can't be convinced then it's not worth pursuing. Just sayin'

equineluvr ago

09/11 was fake too.

Empty towers, the B-Thing (Gelatin) practicing staged "jumps" from 91st floor of tower, smoke machines, etc.

It was massive INSURANCE FRAUD, and some needed to "DISAPPEAR." They were "on the planes."

DarkMath ago

"hours of research"......Are there any good documentaries on Youtube that are worth watching?

I'll look up those other people.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Documentary by Sofia Smallstorm.

Community presentation by Wolfgang Halbig:

Wolfgang Halbig v. Sandy Hook FOIA Commission(only part 1):

Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (Amazon Banned Book):

Also theres a shit ton of social media type evidence, like all the actors involved, like David Wheeler, Francine Lobis-Wheeler, Gene Rosenburg, and how they used some of the kids that died at Sandy Hook in the Superbowl, and even in the news after it happened. And one of the kids is pictured with Obama after the shooting.

derram ago | :

Thomas Bernpaine on Twitter: "⚠️ #BREAKING: AUSA who Eric Holder let off on child pornography charges appears to be Arun Rao, friend of Alefantis & Clinton. #PizzaGate"

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bumbleberries ago

WOW!!!! He's the suspected pedophile that kept liking the pedophile images on Instagram! Nice find.

Searching4Truth ago

Not that this means anything but seeing this post gave me overwhelming sense of deja vu...

LincolnsMullet ago

Question: the WT article linked in the above article states the AUSA stopped working there in 2011. In Arun's work profile it says he was there until 2012. We are missing info as these two timelines don't mesh.

Was he kept on anyway and never let go?

Is Arun overstating his time working as the AUSA?

Is there another AUSA that might fit the profile?