kestrel9 ago

Great Post! Wonder if the occult ties can be eventually tied to this monster: Gilles de Rais (warning don't read about him if triggering is an issue or just not wanting to read about one of the worst of the worst :( Gilles de Montmorency-Laval (prob. c. September 1405 – 26 October 1440),[1] Baron de Rais, was a knight and lord from Brittany, Anjou and Poitou,[2] a leader in the French army, and a companion-in-arms of Joan of Arc. He is best known for his reputation and later conviction as a confessed serial killer of children.

A member of the House of Montmorency-Laval, Gilles de Rais grew up under the tutelage of his maternal grandfather and increased his fortune by marriage. He earned the favour of the Duke of Brittany and was admitted to the French court. From 1427 to 1435, Gilles served as a commander in the Royal Army, and fought alongside Joan of Arc against the English and their Burgundian allies during the Hundred Years' War, for which he was appointed Marshal of France.

JustFeelsGoodMan ago

mind control ((forced lobotomies))

madhatter67 ago

very interesting stuff.....though my understanding of Swedenborg is that he was pretty much the opposite of the current Illuminati and on the side of truth, wisdom and love....I'll have to look into his influence on the French court though, as the elites do have a habit of taking such things and perverting them

VieBleu ago

I'm sorry but the definition of Art Brut is not limited to "trama art". Outsider art is produced by those who are not in the regular lines of establishment art communities such as academia, museums, galleries, known artists and collectors, commercial art - the "art world". Outsider Art is how Art Brut translates, and that can be everyone from self-taught artists, folk artists, prisoners. Yes it could include mental patients and those that have been traumatized but that is just one subset. Maybe edit to reflect that a subset of Art Brut is trauma based therapy art.

Otherwise an interesting body of work bringing in the historical side.

DeathToMasons ago

Terrific. Nice contribution.

shakethetree ago

The plot thickens. I am very intrigued by the art component, as it is the realm of symbolic communication and opens the door for interpretation.

ich1baN ago

Good point LoPhatt. This all originates to the original fallen star... Satan himself... Satan was considered faultless at one time until he fell... it's no wonder that the pentagram as represented by the golden ratio is lionized as Satan/baphomet. Satan before he was called Satan was called Lucifer which means the light bearer or "morning star". When you flip the pentagram with the point of the star facing downwards, you get the infamous baphomet, i.e. Satan.

Once satan fell from heaven, he became the father of all lies and through Adam's original sin, he had his influence on civilization and knew the way to combat truth (God's holy word), was to create a global government.... this started with the tower of Babel, then on to Babylonia where we start to see mass scale worshipping of the occult and witchcraft with all sorts of abominations against the nature of mankind such as child sacrifice which is why God told Joshua to wipe out every tribe in Canaan... they were all practicing completely abhorrent acts and worshipping Satan.

This same story has run throughout all of mankind infiltrating institutions such as the RCC and even spawning "base level foot soldiers" within fabricated religions such as Islam that preach death to all and accept pedophilia as normal practice (See Muhammed married 9 year old Aisha when he was well into his 50s).

We're up against a battle not in flesh and blood but of principalities and spirits. Put on the armor of Christ and we shall prevail :)

YingYangMom ago

Good exposé and agreed.

blackfyre_rebel ago


Yes, these reptillians are cyclical...everything is ritual because they lack empathy. Ritual = control. Repeating the same shit over and over again...

SuperJohnWayne ago

This is why shills on this site, including mods, along with disinformation and propaganda operatives everywhere it seems, try to downplay Podesta, Alefantis, and CPP. They want us to think that JA/Podesta/CPP is either fake news or an isolated drop in the ocean in pedogate.

Like you, I've always focused on them, and also Epstein, and how other people are connected to them. They are the hub on the wheel, but shills want us to focus on the rim and to disregard the spokes to the hub as outrageous conspiracy theory. With all of the Podestas and Alefantis's connections in DC and the media, it makes no sense to not focus on them as the center of all of this.

Edit: Very nice work!

kestrel9 ago

Not unlike when one realizes how many 'different brands' of competing breakfast cereal carried in most grocery stores really belong to maybe three companies.

The more interconnectedness of key relationships we find, the closer we are in exposing the ultimately transparently few puppet masters in the global psyop False Narrative and authors of Fake News (they just hide behind 100s maybe 1000s of 'Brands').

SuperJohnWayne ago

Agree with you 100%. Thanks for your reply. Let's keep spreading the word.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you. Who would have ever thought that the 'intersectionality' of CPP, JA, JP&TP, HRC, and their alliances, would spark the mother of all Deep State melt downs in known history?

The MSM is now superfluous (don't watch it anymore), as are the Celebratards (don't watch, listen or respect them anymore), the MusicalPuppet-tards (don't listen to their brain drain shyte); the Antifatards (they're only interesting when they get punched back), and the Brainwashed College masses, masquerading as "Free thinkers", (more like future mental institution wards of the state, now wandering the campuses like barking schizoid spit spraying zombies) .

Not dismissing the real threat of what money can buy the powerful, but ironically the more they tinker to hasten social decay by encouraging it, investing in it, the less they have to work with, the less to hide behind. So the dull, one tone wonder of Global-Elitism rings out across the world in staged protest photos, faux 'Heros', false flags, and irritating childish slogans. The daily call to inanity. All to mask the real carnage and unspeakable mental and physical damage to an innumerable number of human beings.

But in the end, every case of 'activism' rings more superficial, reeking from the same Elitist approved stamp of Global 'Causes': CF, OpenBorders, CGI, OpenSociety, Civil Society...(fill in the blank of the thousands of related names). A putrid smell, from the flotilla of Think Tanks chumming along across an ocean of once diverse societies, which are now being reduced to farmed fishing of the human spirit.

Jem777 ago

Excellent work! For all researchers who keep stating it is deeper than you think. We are moving closer. A deeper understanding will be gained as we move into Rome. Answering who are the illuminati.. what is the genetic link we need to examine. It is right there for discovery.

organic1 ago

Incredible work! Thanks for putting the time and effort into posting this. The tentacles run long and deep!

Stosh21 ago

Nice sleuthing indeed. Some excellent connections there. Yes, these bloodsuckers go back centuries.Brings to mind Elizabeth Bathory who stole children and young girls from surrounding villages and bathe in their blood.

Piscina ago

Wow, great work swordfish.

sugarskull ago

Way to go!!! I am glad I wasn't reading this at night alone it was scary enough, nice work!

YingYangMom ago

Excellent work! Wow. Now that, is what we are in need of. Well-researched, well-sourced material that actually contains fresh evidence which connects many players together through the Occult. Outstanding :)

DarkMath ago

Has any artist in the Art Brut movement taken a straight up shit on the floor tried to sell it yet?

If not, I've got dibs on that idea right now. It's mine. Nobody can steal it. It's my idea.

Any interested buyers should contact me through the Dark Web.

Naaahh, just kidding.

You can contact me here in the comment section. It's all good.

pipo44 ago

Excelent Job OP, we need to archive every single link on this thread.

JesusRules ago

Awesome research Illuminati operating the same way as 300 + years ago.

21yearsofdigging ago

All of this fits into place. I am an artist and much of what you are saying about art brut is true.Art brut is sometimes referred to the U.S. as Outsider Art. Often it is made by people that are never acknowledged as artists and yes, the typical scenario is a man who lives alone, or a woman who is a spinster, has all this hidden art in their attic and much of it references torture as a child or something traumatic

Mbailey63 ago

Great work that vineyard logo is just in your face!!

huhhh ago

Matt Sesow's art is legit intense/terrifying/fucked up

pbvrocks ago

Really good and TY! You might tie in (or check out..) L'enfant who is the Masonic architect who drew up DC...Alefantis goes by L'enfant at times and a bizarre name within the context of pizza gate/france/etc

remedy4reality ago

aaaaaand.. WOW

I hope everybody realizes how significant this post is and the way it describes the lineage and history of the very top of the pyramid of modern society. It confirms everybody's worst fears: The world is run by Satanists.

strix-varia ago

I missed this post and can't upvote anymore. It's a really good source. Thanks!

YingYangMom ago

This was also an excellent post. Very informative and red-pilling. You've well-contributed to this movement, thanks.


My pleasure.

I have done my absolute best to filter out all of the bullshit, and find all of the gems in this crazy world.

I am most proud of having a very good bearing on how 9/11 was pulled off.

YingYangMom ago

Great job :)

DeathToMasons ago

Hardcore...this is history. I regret that I have but one upvote to give to my country...and this thread.

redditsuckz ago

rituals and MK Mind Control from as far back as 1789

Washington DC was founded in the whole city was made to be one gigantic MKULTRA mind slave district. Complete with underground tunnels and occultic road planning with pentagrams and with the image of an "owl" or a "falcon" representing the Egyptian god Horus.

Whitehouse Pentagram to Comet Ping Pong Pentagram;

Image of the Baphomet/pentagram first appeared in 1897

The Hebrew letters at the five points of the pentagram spell out Leviathan, a mythic creature in Jewish lore.

Which means this symbol existed long before it was first published to the public.

And its been going on a lot longer than the 1700's. The image of an Egyptian pyramid and the Eye of Horus is right on the US dollar bill and the Egyptian Pharaohs did the same organ harvesting that is going on today.

Ankh = Life - Human Captive - Food

Why is this "Child Eater" statue even allowed in Switzerland??

Masonic Switzerland - Home of the Pharaohs (TPS)


There is a much much deeper history in this:

swordfish69 ago

Thanks. It's important to know that the people who ran this club were all very closely tied with the American political elite.

equineluvr ago

Superb! It looks like you are cracking this case wide open!!

privatepizza ago

Excellent work OP. We're getting closer and closer....

karenrussell63 ago

looks like it could be interesting, i don't have time to read it now but will do so later today. thanks for posting.

neverobey ago

great work! Thanks for putting that together.