Fateswebb ago

Unfortunately sli.mg appears to have gone down, I wonder if it was an attack.

KiRa2115 ago

On the podesta email for the schedule for venice it says

6:45pm As the restaurant is off the beaten path, guests who prefer to walk as a group to the restaurant are invited to meet at Casa Podesta. Castello 6282, Fondamenta dei Felzi Between Campo San Giovanni Paolo and Campo Maria Formosa Vaporetto – Ospedale (Line 51/52, 41/42) or Fondamente Nove (Line 51/52, 41/42) or Rialto (Line 1, 2)

https://gyazo.com/4af529666147ce54f104719f92052d91 - This is the planned location, Only its number is 6316, not 6282

https://gyazo.com/38de4a7b3a942db6180109084494a352 - Check out the door and intercom panel it has on the wall. Theres also no pictures on streetview of a shot directly infront of that building either and top of the door is blurred out, looks a little shady to me.

https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@45.4384135,12.3420331,3a,50.7y,294.9h,77.93t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMCZQQ5JijIX7KhQ7J-8eng!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 -Streetview link

'As the restaurant is off the beaten path'.... So its already in a dodgy shady area.

Whatcha think? Gunna see if i can find anymore out about the venue. 6282 keep coming up with this place https://gyazo.com/d882c238e76e6c78c903f0d54938e1ac Can see from the photo the door is shut ( maybe its not opening hours thou )

Jeremy20_9 ago

I'm sorry I missed this post. This could be a great insight.

Are you referring to this schedule?


Reviewing now...

DarkMath ago

I think you're on to something here. A lot of things match up like the date of Tony's divorce and the sketchy and psychotic art gallery near by. Non-psychotic people don't find mannequin children sealed in a vat of formaldehyde "art". But to someone on the Psychopathy spectrum that art gallery is good times.

The other sign this is worth investigating is you had AreWeSure dispense some of his infamous "doubt" and "due diligence" by pointing out cafe sometimes has an extra f in it which is weird because "cafe" and "caffe" are both used( even Tony makes the mistake I think - please verify).

All of us should view AreWeSure as a reverse barometer to what the Truth is. Kind of like if you asked me to recommend a stock and I did you should short that stock instead of buy it because I really suck at picking stocks.

I just caught AreWeSure yesterday explaining how James Comey not following standard FBI operating procedure is not a big deal. Which is weird because if you wanted to build a strong court case you wouldn't interview all the suspects all together in the same room. No, that would be silly. You'd interview them each separately in the hopes of catching them contradicting each other. If they were innocent all their stories would line up. If they didn't you could have a field day playing one off the others until you got one of them to testify against the others. I mean we all know this from watching 100+ Law and Order episodes on average.


Well AreWeSure hasn't watched Law and Order. He didn't get the memo. AreWeSure hasn't gotten a lot of memos. If you doubt me ask AreWeSure to come up with just ONE piece of evidence that points to a possible crime in anything related to PizzaGate.


Jeremy20_9 ago

Based on the last exchange I had with AreWeSure, I couldn't agree more. I don't trust him at all.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Ahhhhhhh, I see. Yes. Someone tell me again, how we're going to get these people. And I mean all of them, the women, too.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

I'm not sure what's so grotesque (nor why their page loads like it's 1998) about it, I see some lazy "spooky" (ugh) doll "art" graphic blinking with a cartoon coffin with extremely lame Halloween sound FX playing in the background comprising of a church bell ringing like the village spastic is in charge, and this "ooOOooOoOo" sound with chirping birds. So, really, REALLY bad Halloween sound files we're talking about. Annoyingly lazy, edgy "art" and it seems their last good, large installation (the rat float- pretty neat) was ages ago. Unless there is something someone else knows that I don't, it's hard for me to see the connection to PG here other than Molesta likes some coffee shop in the area, which for those of you who've never been there is not exactly narrowing it down easily. :/

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Is there something about this that I am missing? I see some edgy tryhard art (only a few good pieces on the surface at any rate, like the gas mask). I'm not trying to be cheeky, I am legitimately curious as I just want to cross-examine everything before sharing it-especially something as subjective as art. I see some esoteric-looking masks, but variants of those are very common to buy at certain times of the year in Italy, and many people still make their own. I had those same plastic skull goblets from the 99cent store during Halloween, so I don't find those spooky or incriminating. In high school, a lot of kids made edgy art with dolls. Dolls, especially ones that look fucked up, creep a lot of people out; hence why they're done to death and there are a zillion youtube videos and dumb creepypastas about them. My boyfriend and I have both worked in pretty elaborate haunted houses at some points in our lives, which is why I feel like even the sound effects on this site are comically lame and the majority "art" is largely comprised of weak concepts with even worse execution.. like off of one of those orange Spoopy Sounds cassette tapes from back in the day. Like how hard is it to paint nipples on a mannequin and put a mask on it? Feels lazy as fuck..

Haldelos ago

Not saying a Podesta isn't in an ownership group but i found a trip advisor review that refers to the owner named Marco. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g187870-d2375173-Reviews-or20-Artblu_Caffe-Venice_Veneto.html#REVIEWS “Good spot in tranquille Campo di Stefano” 4 of 5 bubblesReviewed June 5, 2016 via mobile I highly recommend this restaurant. It has a very inviting terrace, with a warm and welcoming owner, Marco, who keeps his waiters on their toes, in a benevolent way. The atmosphere is pleasant, as a result, and service highly efficient. The food itself is quite good, trattoria type. Nothing fancy, but the seafood spaghetti was better than most I had in Italy. Do go. You will not regret it.

Visited June 2016

Haldelos ago

Most of the reviews of this place talk about the Pizza here...here's one from a Saudi visitor: "We had dinner at this restaurant; the food was all ok, pizza was yummy, seafood was great, vegatable rissotto was fine. Friendly staff.. Reasonable prices,, nice ambience. Would definately recommend a visit to this place :) Im beginning to wonder if the specific phrase "YUMMY PIZZA" means something...between this place and comet I've never heard ANY adults use the word "yummy" so much.

Redcone ago

Put it down. Go do something fun.

listenandsee ago

We'll go for it! But yeah, the symbolism is what connects it all to the occult, so I do think it's relevant.

Meerika ago

https://archive.fo/Mta8z This is really an interesting e-mail. "Kids. Still asleep" ...but traveling with Catherine Chieco, or not? Is she bringing them to the coffee shop? Or are they left somewhere, after the "night party". This happens in the morning. Any ideas?

Catsfive ago

This is some top-level investigating. Well done. I have been to Venice, and the city just drips with a "don't look behind this alley" kind of feel.

sensitive ago

The Facebook site of this gallery is also disturbing - a doll-child in a coffin: https://www.facebook.com/Fiorella-Gallery-110709365645388/

Toogi23 ago

Do we have any Italian speakers that could check missing children numbers or cases in this area? Also country entry/exit data or flight passenger lists?

spez_dispenser ago

Fiorella Gallery on Youtube:



Naked adult male mannequin in his underwear, holding a baby mannequin. WTF


spez_dispenser ago

Does this relate to "playing Dominoes"?

Domino masks are worn during Carnival, e.g. at the Venetian Carnival, where it was the part of the more extensive black (though occasionally white and blue) domino costume worn by both male and female participants, which accomplished the requirement of the masquerade that participants be masked or otherwise disguised, and achieved the elements of adventure, conspiracy, intrigue, and mystery that were distinctives of the masquerade atmosphere; the costume included the mask, as well as a cloak to envelope the body, and sometimes a hood (bahoo).

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino_mask

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

300 years ago, they were worn at night any time a noble felt like it.

andrevandelft ago

Good suggestive question! More votes please.

listenandsee ago

That's an interesting thought. Makes me wonder what's on Tony's list exactly, and is it just Italy or a number of places. Do we know where the Podestas are originally from?

AreWeSure ago

What part of Italy do you mean? I think they are of Italian and Greek Ancestry. Their Italian grandfather hails from Liguria, up by Genoa. Genoa, itself is as high up as Venice but on the opposite coast. Whenever Podesta is talking about pasta with walnut sauce. He is actually talking about pasta with walnut sause aka salsi di noci which is a favorite Genovese dish. It's not code and he has published his recipe for this sauce.

listenandsee ago


listenandsee ago

Admittedly I've not seen the movie myself yet. But I've read the whole symbolic breakdown, which is definitely interesting.

AreWeSure ago

This is not a good piece of reasoning

Name - spelling of Cafe is not local italian spelling (Caffe)

Plenty of places spell cafe with one f in Italy. I found many within one minute using Google Maps. Here are justom some of the ones in Venice, Itally Impronta Cafe Restaurant Tentazioni Cafe Marechiaro Cafe' Cafe Venezia

They seems to use both cafe and caffe. The map image that you link to shows Caffe. The website uses caff http://www.artblucaffe.com/ While their sign says artblucafe

ThighHighSwampBoots ago


Jeremy20_9 ago

Thank you for this note. I will update this soon with your insight.

AreWeSure ago

So where is the evidence Podesta owns this place? I don't see any.

Jeremy20_9 ago

The implication of ownership was a overly-conclusive thinking on my part, we have no evidence he owns the place.

All we know for sure, based on the email, is that he's using it as a meeting place with Catherine Chieco, Leslie Dasch, and kids who Chieco has with her, and it is located next to two highly suspicious places.

AreWeSure ago

I don't think artbluecafe is the coffee place based on nothing more than these things.

a. there's no proof he owns the place or any coffee place in Venice b. He's coming to San marco on the number two ferry c. He's meeting friends who are new to Venice

Based on those, I would probably want to meet friends at the Piazza San Marco, St Mark's square which is one of the most visited places in Venice and a fantastic place to sit and wait for someone.

There are two coffee places that have been there for hundreds of years Caffè Florian or Grancaffè Quadri

yeah, I think I would rather meet here

Jeremy20_9 ago

Do you know who Catherine Chieco is?

On Wikileaks I see that she's an intimate knowledge of Tony Podesta's health:

...Sounds like a personal assistant.

So there goes c. of your ideas, because clearly meeting Chieco more than a friend

So why is she bringing sleeping kids to a coffee place? And what does Alefantis care about this?

Have you seen the art that Tony collects? That's what he surrounds himself with during normal hours. And here we have a coffee shop which is internationally oriented right next to an incredibly sick "gallery".

This location resolves the aspects of who we know these people to be, and the things we can very reasonably assume they are involved in.

AreWeSure ago

Confused that email with the other mentioning ,folks looking for places to go in venice. Thought it was a thread,. But I see the dates now.

I don't read that as bringing sleeping kids, but perhaps. I read the JA email as he was supposed to meet with them

AreWeSure ago

I don't think we have that. All we have is a coffee place. Somewhere along the route of his ferry.

Right? artblucafe was introduced by you, it's not in the emails. Correct? My guess is Venice is littered with coffee places.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Naff off.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Ergo the title of this post.

Am I permitted to introduce speculation into a highly circumstantial case as a concerned member of the public with no resources other than public info?

Go start your own post explaining what constitutes a good lead and what doesn't.

pmichel ago

Pray for strength

anolegion ago

There was mention in one of the Podesta emails of Dogana and Abbazia. I thought. But I can't find them in Wikileaks. Anyone know where those names came up?

tjarco ago

Italy connection must get more attention in general

Venice is alledgy started/infiltrated by the Phoenicians https://youtu.be/jvCXbiQ33Dg?t=5m59s who were killers which a lot of rulers tried to get rid off, they persisted and alledgy infiltrated all modern society

Anne Marie van Blijenburgh did a testimony about satanic child abuse by the elite driven by the Italian Mob - http://archive.is/sAatr

DARPA's new MEMEX project in fighting trafficking shows Italy is one big hub of trafficking https://i.sli.mg/yIxfXB.png - context here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1558508/7590408 (in comment)

andrevandelft ago

The allegations by Anne Marie van Blijenburgh are without substantiation. IMO totally hysteric; related to https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1522098/7404644/10#7404644

Mods, please consider deleting this reference or the entire comment.

tjarco ago

I'm not saying I believe her, I'm just showing that she made public allegations

tjarco ago

? why must they delete the entire comment for something you deem without substantiation.

You could say the same for testimonies from Toos Nijenhuis, Anneke Lucas, Esther Baker, Fiona Barnett, Cathy O Brien, Rachel the Jewish Woman, etc...

Fact is Anne made the statements did several youtube vids on it, if she is wrong she should be prosecuted but why do you want to remove the fact that she made allegations from this voats awareness?

andrevandelft ago

My point is, these allegations are totally unsubstantiated. They are harmful noise.

They waste valuable time of investigators, and diminish the credibility of this site.

If people should be aware of this family of testimonies, then we should have one post about them, that deals with those once and for all, with comments pro and contra; but we should not have these testimonies resonate in other threads time and again.

tjarco ago

the credibility of this site is largely achieved by that every claim needs to be sourced, can you source your claim. I want to believe you, honestly I wish this whole pedo thing is fake, but I'm not going to take your word for it...


Under Video there was a link to this youtube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O37WPpiPuBQ

thezodiac ago

Isn't it odd all these guys have some kind of coffee shop abroad? James Alefantis, a pizzeria owner, co-owns a restaurant in Berlin. Tony Podesta owns a coffee shop in Italy. How many people you know have this kind of small business overseas? These places are fronts!

mcclane68 ago

It is very odd! Imagine owning a small business overseas, the complications with local laws, foreign ownership, taxes and how do you keep a low income business running that far away without it going under? It has to be a front.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You have your people.

Toogi23 ago

What about flight passenger lists? Might indicate locations of interest. Are they publicly available?

AreWeSure ago

where's the evidence Podesta owns this place?

diamonddust ago

I see them more as status symbols, they are the elite, they flaunt it.

YingYangMom ago

Well done OP ;)

Piscina ago

I found this, if it helps: "Tony e sua moglie Heather hanno una casa a Venezia, vicino Campo Santa Maria Formosa, dove John va spesso in visita.." It translates to "Tony and his wife Heather have a house in Venice, close to Campo Santa Maria Formosa, where John visits often ..." http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/SoleOnLine4/dossier/Mondo/2008/elezioni-Usa/cronaca/pdesta-john-riformista-passaggio-consegne_PRN.shtml

andrevandelft ago

The address is easy to find from the information that I dropped here an hour ago:


andrevandelft ago

Tony Podesta's apartment is 18 minutes walking from this coffee shop, and 10 minutes from the "Rialto" water bus stop.

I am not sure whether it would be considered illegal doxxing if I put the address here, but you can find it in this PDF:


Cocktails at Casa Podesta


Between Campo San Giovanni Paolo and Campo Maria Formosa

I found this using Google: "venezia" "tony podesta" apartment. Using the address I found convenient maps in another PDF in DCLeaks:


andrevandelft ago

BTW In this "2013 Venice Columbus Day Weekend" there was no visit planned to a coffee shop, so IMO Podesta might not own one at all.

andrevandelft ago

If you google the street name and house number together with Podesta, you will be guided to a record in this telephone directory:


If you click then on the "Telefono" hyperlink you will see 3 other users (Altri Utenti) of that address. As far as I can see nothing special.

andrevandelft ago

Email - in this email, https://archive.fo/Mta8z (mention of kids, James Alefantis in the sign-off), you can see he mentions driving specifically to San Marco

You don't drive in Venice, you take the "Vaporetto" water bus. Tony Podesta wrote in his mail:

I'm on the 2 toward San Marco

As the Google map shows, line 2 has a stop (S.Samuele) that is 3 minutes walking to/from Art Blu Cafe.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Great insight, thank you. I will update my post with this info soon.

andrevandelft ago

You're welcome.

BTW did you see my postings on the location of Podesta's apartment?

EQJ ago

Listed #9 there is a bed and breakfast directly above the cafe https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/travel/2008/mar/06/venice.hotels

MaryWolf ago

Fiorella Gallery lead me to this Fiorella Mancini produced Illuminati looking video of Peggy Guggenheim, who was an American art collector, bohemian and socialite. Born to the wealthy New York City Guggenheim family. She collected art and its all in a museum named after her... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGTLK01LmTg

That vid lead to me to a documentary, "Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict (2015)." One of the producers is connected to Marina Abramovic! Screen Shot https://i.sli.mg/cFlOPV.jpg Marina even stars in it... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3790720/

Fiorella Mancini art https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BCRBkviCEAE2yIa.jpg https://a2-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/104/1bf52fd46a9144929a2d0dd5c17d1f5a/full.jpg https://a4-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/102/fcc7d234c22440adb7288142d3c083c1/300x300.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RIJDVpHtpeg/T-A_8OeajUI/AAAAAAAACVY/Kg4fJGvudmQ/s1600/mancini10.jpg http://www.metropolitano.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ReyerZine_n22-Mancini_1.jpg http://www.orazero.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/manciniqqqq.jpg http://www.orazero.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Fiorella_Mancini.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JGTLK01LmTg/hqdefault.jpg https://a2-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/114/c1401a94ef6d4e788cb4e39fcb5edb08/300x300.jpg https://a3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/138/f3da0e405dbd4ff59904f09e6565ffa9/300x300.jpg https://a2-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/141/05032401688f412a96c7b1e3bad9aed3/300x300.jpg

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiorellagallery The connections go deep with the elite...

"When the elites stop listening to the population, the population stops listening to the elites." - Julian Assange

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

There's a gallery of hers in Venice, The Peggy Guggenheim Collection, in the house she lived in in Venice. http://www.guggenheim-venice.it/inglese/default.html

B3nd3r ago

Here's the three most relevant-to pizzagate photos from the FiorellaGallery Website-flash: Album

it_was_foretold ago

Wonder if there's tunnels under there

yabbadoody ago

looks like something the Vatican would love...

Piscina ago

And it's close to Pentagram Soc.

RecycledUser ago

OP, maybe a WARNING note on the flash "Gallery' link, for those that don't want to click on it.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Done. Good tip.

rooting4redpillers ago

It was. Thanks.

salinaslayer ago

There was a famous institutional pedophilia case in Portugal called "Ballet Rose" (French meaning "Pink Ballet") because underage girls were made to dance under pink lights. The case first broke out to foreign news (country was a dictatorship) through an Italian newspaper under the title "Pink Ballet in the gardens of the minister".

Podesta is obviously aware of this "culture", so he named the coffee shop "Art" (=Ballet) "Blu" (Blue=boys, Pink would be girls) "Cafe" (Portuguese spelling is precisely "café", different from the local Italian).

Anyone who's aware of the history between diplomats/govt officials and pedophilia would immediately recognise the name of his establishment, it's hidden in plain sight. Also, the initials are ABC, so I suppose he's promoting an association with learning/training/initiation.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I watched a 6 min long YouTube video about Chateau Amerois in Belgium, strange, set to music with pics and descriptions underneath, it shows kids boys and girls in ballet outfits for Ballet Rose rituals where a child would be killed after the show or during... I've been looking for more info on this. Apparently, this place does MK Ultra programming in children, child hunting, murder, rape, highly disturbing to say the least. The Solvay family owns it. Mother of Darkness in Belgium. I don't think the Ballet Rose is just a normal cutesy kid Ballet, there is something very sinister about it. I hate these people so much.

Toogi23 ago

A lot of these places are sounding like the movie Sucker Punch. An institution was being used to abuse patients and wealthy elites came to watch the show. Its a 'fantasy' film but then, these are their fantasies. Hide in plain sight.

Disciple7 ago

I let it load and looked at other tabs, after it was done loading I heard the hammer of a gun lock into place then a heartbeat... I went back to the tab and saw the .gifs flashing and I scrolled down and the website made a gunshot sound and started to load something else. NO THANK YOU SIR alt+f4.

draegspir ago

Fantastic work. Keep it up, you beautiful, beautiful people!

OrwellKnew ago

Wow, amazing

You have definitely uncovered something important here. I always maintained that Tony was the bigger pedo-freak of the bunch. This seems to lend credence my theory

B3nder ago

yes, that's why i said don't use it.

listenandsee ago

Whoa... https://i.sli.mg/HrZFX4.png

This is the same mask they wear in Eyes Wide Shut, right? I got this off the gallery page, under Performance.

Gorillion ago

Yeah, that's standard Masquerade imagery. Mardi Gras and all that shit use the same premise. Putting on a mask in that context historically it let you get your freak on in otherwise polite and mannered society where reputation is everything. Of course pervs idealize it as a golden. But it was just another sign of upper class elite degeneracy and decline. Fuckers all had syphilis and the clap and probably a touch of the black plague too depending on the era.

quantokitty ago

Amazing work. An upvoat for you. Can't believe you found this ... Really brilliant stuff here.

Jeremy20_9 ago

That's a high compliment coming from you, as I have admired many of your posts.

God bless you for fighting the forces of evil, especially those who prey on the defenseless.


diamonddust ago

It got "33" likes. How funny they think they are.


there are more of those human flesh vest pics on FB

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I started looking and shut it, my heart can't take it tonight.

GrendelKhan ago

I'm not sure what will happen, no one is. But you all are very close to exposing and therefore fixing this. All of it. Closer than anyone has ever gotten. And if it really is as bad as it looks, rarely in the history of mankind has any work been so important.

But... Don't let this shit get all over you. Keep part of you clean. Everyone needs to take breaks.

rooting4redpillers ago

No it isn't. You are crushing it, and just don't know it yet.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

What do you mean? I'm a bit thick.

MolochHunter ago

what a fucking affront to common decency that fiorellagallery website is

good work my man +1

Jeremy20_9 ago

Believe me, you don't want it to load. It is very disturbing. I thought it was broken at first, left it as a tab in the background. When it loaded it was awful. I think it's Satanic, honestly.

Not to mention The Pentagram Soc Coop nearby. I think this is some kind of Satanic art community.

The coffee shop sits between an Inn and a "gallery" of very disturbing things: https://sli.mg/iNeSRG

justwanttohelp ago

picture of a blatant naked male baby with an erotic male dancer? and a coffin with a child doll with the title "My Little House"??

dickface8 ago

I'm alone in the dark and scared to let it load (lol), can you briefly describe what happens?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I have read that there's tons of satanism and bdsm in Italy. Couples are frequently accidentally hanging themselves from doing japanese rope art the wrong way. But Venice is too special and magical for Tony Podesta. I, nor i can't imagine anyone else, would fuck him with a rented dick. I think the Podesta wives are weak links right now. Someone should get them to break down and cry it out, along with the whole story.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Oh yeah. This was somehow mixed up with the Amanda Knox murder. The prosecutor wrote a book about The Monster, something like that.

ArthurEdens ago

Amanda Knox. Her father worked for Macy's as financial controller while Hillary was secretary of state. When they went to her for help, Amanda's second round of charges miraculously went away, and Macy's contributed heavily to the Clinton foundation. That is until last month. MK Ultra and satanism would explain Amanda's vacant behavior everyone talked about.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I've come face to face with her. I was having a bad day. It was in a restaurant and she had gotten up to go to the restroom. She looked at me, with concern, then the kindest smile, and said hello. It was after the first acquittal, before the second. I had followed the case very closely. I thought she was guilty. If she's MK'ed, then her front alters would have no idea. So yes, wow.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Venice (venetians) is where the Phonecians (original cunts) built their new city on the water. https://youtu.be/jvCXbiQ33Dg Well worth the watch for background / ancient history of PG

nnfx ago

There is a phoenix in that gallery ( http://www.fiorellagallery.com/ )

Forgetmenot ago

Venice was built by secret societies. I don't remember the specifics but Venice's layout and architecture has secret passageways, hidden doors, holes in the walls for spying. I always thought that it was just part of an extinct past. Now I wonder if that society is alive and well.

B3nder ago

From fiorellagallery on pinterest

called: "window" https://www.sli.mg/AkFYPK - pinterest.com/pin/339458890632740554/ - plastic dolls in cases/vitrines

called: "interior" https://sli.mg/AiNOP7 - pinterest.com/pin/339458890632740543/ - skeleton in a transparent suitcase

i don't use flash - nobody should use flash, just sayin'

AugustaJulia ago

Why don't they do what they do in secret? Why do they have to signal to everybody through their weird "art pieces"?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago


Aderville ago

The dolls look like babies in cloning tubes.

Gorillion ago

It looks like they're in piss. Drowning mainstream cultural artifacts in piss is an "edgy" contemporary art thing. Also pizzagate subjects seems to have a thing for pissing on child avatars.

Also, ball joint dolls could be a reference to Hans Bellmer who had pedo imagery in his photography and art. All the weird demonic manikins in Silent Hill are based on his stuff and are used to illicit disturbing sex and violence associations. The two Ghost in The Shell animated movies also drew on his imagery, and much of that is about body and identity "fluidity". Even ending the first movie with the main woman robot character in a child's "shell". It's not uncommon for Cyberpunk to deal with these ideas, but so many genres and subcultures have been infected with cultural marxism now, that you have to triple check all the sub-textual themes to make sure some creep isn't trying to slip your brain a mickey. Watch out for coded "non-exclusionary acceptance" messaging in the up-coming live action movie is my bet.

Jeremy20_9 ago

You are woke, brother.

Gender ideology is absolutely demonic and whether people realize it or not they collude with evil influences to support these soul damaging concepts.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

How derivative.