SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Hm, the use of "your" can either imply he owns one, or it is his "regular" spot out there. Most restaurants like to brag about their famous customers in some capacity or another. I'll see if I can come up with anything, as this is currently very vague. Oh, I just saw the comment mentioning a "list", so best to start there.

Psalm100 ago

That's also strange about "the list."

Joe Lockhart writes John Podesta for suggestions on places to go to in Italy, and John writes back giving the name of one place and also saying "Tony will send the list." It does make you wonder what "the list" is and why Joe Lockhart would know what he means. Apparently Tony is known for having lists of some sort of places, whether for purposes that are legal, or not.

AreWeSure ago

The list would be what Joe Lockhart is asking for, a list of suggestions on place to go in Venice.

My reading of that is the Tony is the one who really knows his way around, seeing as he has a house there, not surprising. John might be less sure of the names of places, except one he really liked.

Psalm100 ago

Isn't it strange, though, that he says "the" list rather than "a" list?

I posted a new thread on this:

Jeremy20_9 ago

check up my latest update...I think I found it.

carmencita ago

What really caught my eye was the sign off by Alefantis at the end of the email.....Big or Small what do you think.....more code? Being it is them I am suspicious.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Right, was he there too afterwards?

Also, the Catherine Chieco person seems to be a personal assistant of Tony's, based on several other emails I saw where she expresses concern for his health and knowledge of his medication.

So why is she bringing kids to a coffee shop during sleeping hours.

Kwijibo ago

You should post questions like this in /v/askpizzagate.