starseed_empath ago

Poking around in the nearby areas, I came across this.,-0.5013593,156a,35y,336.53h,45t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0xd56506b1632a641:0x40665174813ac00!2s64230+Artiguelouve,+France!3b1!8m2!3d43.316768!4d-0.475651!3m4!1s0x0:0xf5508b9ffd691547!8m2!3d43.3294429!4d-0.5022383

Da Roberto. A 'pizza restaurant' that seems to have no reviews online and looks to me like a private residence.

Not sure if it's anything. Just...weird.

Ang68 ago

Here in the US it starts at the Ford Foundation(CIA) & foundations connected to it like Rockefeller, Soros's Open Society, Pew, Carnegie etc. Nazi orgs. All of them. Want to know those involved in Nazi mind control/MK Ultra? Start there.

Baxterbaxter ago

The picture in this thread - in willofthewarrior post - Philippine De Rothschild

blind_sypher ago

Looks like we got some more elites that need culling. Slitting their troats would do an immeasurable amount of good for the world. Not just one either. All of them.

MolochHunter ago

yes, the certainly do influence both sides, but its the cyclical emphasis/bias I'm referring to. Its like Ford manufacturing armored tanks in both america and Germany during WW2 - yes they profit from both sides, but they also seek to have one side prevail, and in this era it is the left.

FreeThem ago

Good find Private Pizza and of course Swordfish... Lots more good folks, we appreciate the good work guys

educate_yourself ago

thank you i try to help :) once we all are on the same page we can reach solutions

gt8h65fg ago

No it's not what this OP is showing. It says



I found it. Here.

Ang68 ago

The Rothschilds are Satan worshippers & phony jews. Infiltrators. This is what Luciferians do. They infiltrate and pretend.

YingYangMom ago

Just like they infiltrated the Vatican and RCC.

educate_yourself ago

"To-day the term Jew is used very loosely to define people who have at one time or another embraced the Jewish Faith. Many of these are not actually Semitic in racial origin. A great number of people who accepted the Jewish Faith are descendants of the Herodians who were Idumeans of Turkish-Mongol blood. They are actually Edomites.[2] The important fact to remember is that among the Jewish leaders, in exactly the same way as among the Aryan leaders, there always has been a small, hard core of men who have been, and still are, Illuminists or Atheists. They may have given lip-service to the Jewish or Christian religions to suit their own purpose, but they never believed in the existence of God. They are Internationalists now. They give allegiance to no particular nation although they have used, on occasion, nationalism to further their causes. Their only concern is to gain greater economic (1 of 15)5.4.2006 12:13:11 William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 2 and political power. The ultimate objective of the leaders of both groups is identical. They are determined to win, for themselves, undisputed control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire world. They intend to turn the world into THEIR conception of a TotalitarianGodless Dictatorship. The Non-Semitic and Turk-Finnish races infiltrated into Europe from Asia about the first century after the advent of Christ. They took the land route North of the Caspian Sea. These peoples are referred to in history as Khazars. They were a pagan people. They settled in Eastern Europe and established the powerful Khazar Kingdom. They expanded their domains by military conquests until, by the end of the 8th Century, they occupied the greater portion of Eastern Europe west of the Ural Mountains, and North of the Black Sea. The Khazars ultimately accepted Judaism as their religion in preference to Christianity or Mohammedanism. Synagogues, and schools for teaching Judaism, were built throughout their Kingdom. At the peak of their power the Khazars were collecting tribute from twenty-five conquered peoples. The Great Khazar Kingdom flourished for almost five hundred years. Then, towards the end of the 10th century, the Khazars were defeated in battle by the Varangians (Russians) who swept down upon them from the North. The conquest of the Khazars was completed by the end of the 13th Century. The revolutionary movement inspired by the Khazar-Jews went on within the Russian Empire from the 13th Century until the Red October Revolution of 1917. The conquest of the Khazars in the 13th century explains how so many people, now commonly referred to as Jews, remained within the Russian Empire. There is one other important fact which sheds light on the subject of Aryanism and Semitism. The Finns, and other groups generally classified as Varangians (Russians), were of non-Aryan origin and the German people generally speaking have treated them as enemies"

id rather just call em khazarians, but yes u are right. edomites. genetically they trace back to caucasus mountains doeeeeeeeee. also, yeah holohoax i know im well aware the entire war was 1984, but jews did die. other races did die. they were put in camps and they did die from lack of food or harsh conditions but thats war. the whole 6 million jews blah blah blah is yeah obvs not true. jews with actual heritage in modern day israel and palestine were targeted

educate_yourself ago chapter 9 of this pdf. this book is heavy reading but this guy was alive through all this stuff and has sourced it all ctrl + f "balfour" to get you in the right area but all of chapter 9 will be useful as well as entire book. - programme for third world war, only 37 pages - 3 world war albert pike plan. he was a luciferian high priest as shown in chapter 1 of the first pdf i linked. other sources show it too but that book is most thorough. churchills mother was an american jew who changed her name, which has been a very common practise of khazarian jews. this is because historically they were barred from so many countries that they had to pretend to be natives of said land to even be there. thats how awful they and their culture and practises were. so ever since they did that hundreds and hundreds of years ago its been common practice to change ones name to a more native name. her name jenny jacobsen originally, then changed to jerome.

hes a 100% self aware shill -

precious metals may have been uranium cant remember but bsically there was an excavation around 1910-1913 maybe and they found billions $$ in the ground of something. so they send the excavator back he does another survey confirms his findings then dies mysteriously. cant find rn, sorry. rebuilding temple of solomon. masonic/illuminati/satanist plan, so that their antichrist can sit atop the throne in despotic rule over a broken and beaten global population

google "ashkenazi" then google "sephardi" then "mizrachi" then "palestinian jew" what this will show you is basically zionist and sephardi jews are all that exist now. what happened to the actual jews who were from palestine? they zionists claim to be from palestine or israel or w.e but the only 2 honest tests conducted, both by jews, show conclusively that the modern zionist jews dna traces back to khazaria and the caucasus mountains this "theory" has been "debunked" many times over but im sure you see what debunked tends to mean..... its really thoroughly documented historical fact oh well tho.

so if 80% of todays jews are not from palestine or judea, and the other 20 are spanish or whatever.... where did they go? the zionists made sure that they were wiped out during the 2nd war so there would be nobody to defend the palestinians when the jews started immigrating. churchill was complicit in this jews were dying on british soil in camps identical to german ones the irony is fucking i dont even know what

also churchill was key role in creating UN out of ashes of League of Nations which was owned by rothschilds(see the connection?) and the UN then played key role in setting up Israel holocaust hoax proof. not that nobody died, just easier to call it a hoax.. jews planned concentration camps. also the dates are important in youtube june 6, 1915. 6 6 1 6. as close to 666 as possible

so yeah. honestly read pawns in the game by william guy carr. every chapter is phenomenal. he got some stuff wrong(simply missed) i think but its because he was focused very clearly on showing their plan and how theyve repeatedly done it with provable evidence. i heard 3 separate people whose information i use mention this book as one of the FEW actual accounts of modern history. this being the best entire account from what i understand. enjoyyy sorry for long and messy

nitro169 ago

Exactly, and the farm is too big, the animals are uncontaminated and their numbers are too many. Will we kill each other before we realize that is their plan?

Orange_Circle ago

Podesta might be a freak, but he's smart in many respects and he knew from Jump Street that David Brock was insane and the weakest link.

Which proved to be true.

educate_yourself ago

balfour declaration 1917. concentration camps yes. they werent isolated incidents. those who instigated 1 had already planned two thus balfour during 1 ensured british win and guaranteed israel after 2 and also was catalyst for start of 2 bc hitler found out. if thats what u mean

MasterLucifer ago

Edgar Cayce spoke of the role of Russia. The Rockerfellers went to him.

privatepizza ago

This may be related, maybe not. There's another connection between JA and the R0thschilds. According to the anon who looked into JA's registered voting addresses, he is registered to vote at an address which used to belong to a RC.

James Alefantis' Numerous Voter Registrations

James A Alefantis has been found to have numerous voter registrations.

3 different Voter ID's for JA were registered on the same day at different addresses.

One registered to an address which used to be owned by a R**** Rothschild. One registered to an address which is owned by David Brock. One registered to an address which is owned by Lucy Hogg (artist freind - also a friend of John and Tony Podesta).

Video - Archive -

Courtesy of YT user Zombie Koolaid

EyesWideScared ago

who is Rothschild?

educate_yourself ago

i got downvoted for saying this just the other day. people are fucking clueless and until we look at history we remain clueless. thanks for sharing truth :)

Amino69 ago

They all need to be expunged from existence, quite literally!

Blacksmith21 ago

You had me until the end. Last time I checked, the Jewish diaspora all descended from the 13 tribes, originating in what is now Israel. Therefore all Jews should have an "anscestral claim" to the land. Am I wrong here?

Ang68 ago

Not all do. Several are phonies. Although many Jews did accept Babylonian magick, many did not. Luciferians also tend to infiltrate everything.

LeChevalBlanc ago

September 2015 was a time of silly Apocalyptic predictions : end of the world du to a giant Comet. Lots of freaks going to Bugarach about which you may read this :

Not sure going all the way from Basque region to Bugarach for the fun of it would be a trendy occult way of spending nice vaccations in South-West of France. Anyway the point on the map is off the road.

gt8h65fg ago

Can someone confirm the way to extract that image? How do you see that? I can't fully trust this image.

Marfa-Lights ago

This is the satanic family that pretty much rules the world, they have pulled the strings of all presidents /politicians throughout history. With their never ending money supply they have created wars and basically turned everything we know about the world upside down and inside out. These people have made the truth into lies and lies into truth, they have created a topsy turvy world for us to live in. They are responsible for Nazi Germany, big pharma, where our Dr's are told what to learn and think by the drug companies, owned by Satanists and for all the lies in the media and on the news. They own most if not all of Reuters and most the news companies around the world. No wonder the world is such a mess, it's been taken over and controlled Satanism!!

micha_ ago

The yellow (golden) globalists of Wall St. financed the red globalists in Moscow, just like they did 70 years later with China form 1990 on, and the golden and red globalists are the two sides of the same coin and are united to fight souvereign nations and worship world government, the NWO - until this very day. The Nazis were Nationalists and were fighting the globalists.

What people should not know, what Hitler really said:

pmichel ago

hard to beleive but true- actually the Bible says this will happen

YingYangMom ago

I like things that make a whole lot of sense. And this is one of them things :)

Blazefierce ago

It seriously looks as though there is someone inside that brick

That along with that sketchy door in back. This pic gives me the creeps

LeChevalBlanc ago

Journey in France: Hôtel Arcé in in Basque country. The point on the map is closer to Pau city. Beautiful country. What else?

Reeeeeeesonable ago

Could this be part of the reason why they are pushing an anti white sentiment? To desensitise people to a war with Russia. To see them as evil people.

sawn ago

The invitation is not actually available in the email, meaning that it can't be seen by public eyes, and was likely meant to be hidden from Podesta's staffers.

What in the hell are you talking about? Do you think Podesta reads his mail through the wikileaks interface or something? Everyone who received the email also received the attachments. There is no way to "hide" an attachment to an email. The fucking email says "Attached please find an invite to both book parties in NY next week, and Sarah Jacobs' resume."


He was a leftwing or socialist Jew, wasn't he? I think over time the Rothschilds took over Zionism for their own purposes.


Has anyone worked out the secret destination on the map of France? I take it, it's the end of a knife pointing to the location.

zzvoat ago

Seems like we better go back and scour the source code of every Podesta email

MolochHunter ago

Its because of the shift in globalist leanings. For decades - at least since around the 1930s the illuminati primarily used the conservative right to enforce their global agenda. But somewhere around the turn of the century they shifted and started using the politically correct Left.

This is the primary cause of much world confusion right now. People cant work out whats left and whats right anymore, and its because of this dynamic. In its inception, Political Correctness was in the service of the Humanist cause and were the underdogs. Hijacked by the illuminati, and corrupted, now they are drunk on their authority, bullying and morally perverted/twisted. And the Right, who used to have the authority of the global forces behind them, now feel like they are the underdogs fighting for justice

I remember in my youth it was the Left who always had to remind the right of Voltaire's immortal maxim: "I may disagree with what you have to say but i will defend to the death your right to say it." Notice it is now the Right that has to remind the Left?

That is a function of the favouritism of the Paedostocracy, and its why Brock switched from Right to Left - he cottonned on - or was straightened out by Lynn - that the illuminati were shifting emphasis to the Left

TheSpeaker2 ago

While I agree it certainly appears the left is far more corrupted than the right, I believe the Luciferians/Globalists have always used both sides to their advantage.

Rosicruicianism and Freemasonry emerged in the early 17th century and were far from conservative movements. These societies had to remain secret because of their association with the occult and secularism. The French Revolution was instigated by the Bavarian Illuminati and freemasons. It changed the face of Europe and ushered in an era of radical political revolution in the 19th century that gave birth to socialism and radical anarchism.

The Bolshevik Revolution was conducted by assorted Jews of Eastern Europe who were backed and financed by the elite as was Fabian Socialism in Western Europe. Eugenics, contrary to popular belief, was predominately a product of progressive thought. Conservatives likened nationhood and economic development to "struggle for survival" to be sure (everyone did at that time), but it was the Progressive left and their financiers that began looking for ways to improve the "racial stock" through population control, selective breeding, legislation, and sterilization.

The Global Elite has always been in control of the left.

educate_yourself ago

they did it through the hippie movement and rock and roll, "the devils music". so after the 50s with all the religious people there was the hippie 60s or w.e then my parents generation, who grew up in the 70s and 80s on rock and roll and hair bands n shit like kiss n acdc grew up being pushed in the opposite direction of the religious and good conservative concepts their parents had grown up on 20 years prior or had just been ending... so by the 90s it was pretty much set in stone that they could push the luciferian agenda almost openly through the left based on peoples rights and liberties like "its okay to do whatever if u dont hurt anyone its none of my business. its my body i can do what i want, etc.." and inverting values through all media and entertainment so that the public would idolize and idealise what used to be taboo a few decades earlier. as tv and entertainment blew up, they were able through subliminal messaging to corrupt and poison and mold minds much faster and with a previously unimaginably wide reach. other shit too but mostly through pop culture and entertainment they subverted minds and made the opposite of organized religion and conservative values much more appealing

Piscina ago

I think you've hit the nail on the head with your comment. The Left's raison d'etre has always been social justice and protection of the working class. But since the Left has been hijacked by George Soros and the neolibs--with the trans agenda, pushing porn and prostitution as empowering for women, open borders and shutting down any dissenting voices under the guise of 'micro-aggressions' and 'hate speech'--the Left has been flushed down the toilet. A huge vacuum has been left and the working class (because no one is representing them) are turning to Brexit, Trump, LePen. The Right are now the underdogs. I hope one day we remember that we will be judged by how we treat the most vulnerable in our societies.

MolochHunter ago

The challenge now is for the Left to abandon Political Correctness and return to being 'Critically thinking Humanists'. And they need to do it quickly before the right in its return to ascendancy overbalances to its uglier instincts. Doubling down on political correctness is the danger because it stymies the reasonable aspirations of the right, bottling up their frustration, and prevents solutions from being negotiated before the problems get out of hand and start to prompt radical right solutions.

A critically thinking leftist understands that mass migration of islamic people is a jepoardy to other Leftist aspirations (like feminism and gay rights) - PC people dont see islam for the religious conservative trojan horse it is. Its an 'aspirational clash' - compromising some leftist values in the pursuit of others

FriesischShipping ago

Moloch - nailed it, and perfectly explains why he bailed it.

druhill007 ago

Ahhhh. Brilliant. Love the context. I can't fucking stand seeing my beautiful well intentioned progressive friends have their emotions and dreams manipulated at the top

MasterLucifer ago

Edgar Cayce

ArtsyLiberationz ago

WTF? I thought this was all a tinfoil headed conspiracy? So this 'pizza' conspiracy might have some truth to it?

Koched_Up404 ago

Lynn Forester de Rothschild is also on the Board of Trustees at The McCain Institute

dFrog ago

Oooooooo! Spicy. I want Robert David Steele to elaborate on why he likes her.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Never trusted him (Steele). Seems smarmy.

Xax ago

Robert David Steele is a limited hang out, controlled opposition guy. I don't trust him. He thinks Dick Cheney 'failed' to act on the knowledge he had prior to 9/11. No, Dick Cheney was planning 9/11. Steele is covering his ass.

dFrog ago

He says Cheney was responsible for the training exercises on 9/11. I just found a clip of an InfoWars interview where he says, "Dick Cheney murdered 3,000 people... Larry Silverstein was briefed by the Mossad and put in the controlled demolitions." He also stands behind Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Https://

AreWeSure ago

While it doesn't prove Alefantis was there, it would make sense that he would at least show support for his boyfriend as he releases his new book.

His relationship with David Brock was over for a few years at this point.

Why is travelling suspicious?

Are you claiming Lucali is now part of this? Lucali is very far from arty/punk Comet in style and esthetic. What's wrong with the picture?

SoldierofLight ago

Well, they might be the richest and most powerful family on the planet, but they don't know how to fix their broken WordPress website:

The Rothschilds. They're just like us.

[Website address taken from Lynn Rothschild's email from Wikileaks]

naturallyfree ago

[Don't tell them they're just like us.] If need to get algo's off the word, Rots is a perfectly apt substitute.

Ang68 ago

El Rothschild? I hope this was an accident. Or just initials. El stands for "God". Does he/she actually think they are God?

2b1ask1 ago

Nice catch... error pages always reveal the site's username... it is: a1552

Now all that is needed is the password.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

I know this is a "full disclosure" by all means, but that there is a "full path disclosure".

VieBleu ago

I'd like to point out that there was a 2014 movie called "Kill The Messenger" written by an incredible investigative reporter ( that just so happened to write this incisive article about the scope of child sex trafficking for the New York Times in 2004 The movie he wrote was about the investigations and death of reporter Gary Webb, who was exposing CIA/Contra cocaine drug trafficking and that whole side of the dark operations.

So Brock smugly writes a book titled "KILLING The Messenger" a year after this reporter was found dead with two gunshot wonds to the head, ruled a suicide of course. Knowing what we know, I'd call it a suspicious choice of book title.

equineluvr ago

I wonder if YTer George Webb is related to Gary Webb. ?

VieBleu ago

this has been asked before. I don't think so. Just a coincidence. But the Webbs are keepin' us on our toes, no doubt.

AreWeSure ago

Brock "smugly" writes a book.....a year after? You're a bit off on this.

Gary Webb died in 2004.

Do you think the phrase Kill the Messenger started with this documentary? It goes back the ancient Greeks. Shakespeare used it when discussing the Greeks.

DarkMath ago

"Kill the Messenger" vs "Killing the Messenger" is like Potato vs Potata kind of thing, it's insignificant.

And @VieBleu technically AreWeSure has a point. Gary Webb died in 2004. You were probably thinking of Peter Landesman who's also a journalist and made the movie in 2014. No big deal.

The way to rub AreWeSure's face in it is to challenge him (still haven't gotten your preferred pronouns yet AreWeSure) on what Gary Webb found and was killed for.

Hillary and Bill Clinton were most likely recruited by the CIA while they were both still in college or shortly there after. They were probably even asked to get married and appear as a normal couple and then told don't call us we'll call you. Ya da yada yada, Bill becomes Governor and all of a sudden he's in the middle of Iran/Contra and unleashing the depths of Hell into every Black neighborhood in America in the form of Crack Cocaine. The rest is History.

So with AreWeSure you've got to rub that in his face nice and good so he can't ever forget the Clintons and the CIA are tied at the hip.

You can't let AreWeSure forget who he's shilling for. He's shilling for people who thought so little of poor Black people they got them hooked on Crack. That's remarkable. You could view Crack Cocaine as just a long acting and very gentle Chemical Weapon that does its killing over decades.

You've got to always remind AreWeSure of these things while you remind him of the Clinton Foundations new gig gang raping poor black people in Haiti.

My theory is if we continually bombard AreWeSure with the facts he'll eventually re-discover his conscience and maybe be even turn the tables on his pay master.

Is that about accurate AreWeSure? What's the probably of you re-discovering your conscience?

VieBleu ago

Nice reply, enjoyed the solicitous saracsm too directed at AWS ; )

However, IMHO since Brock is part of an Arkancide Machine tied in with the CIA who most likely did "kill the messenger" I think his book title is just another example of hubris in the form of a sick joke- HAHA you might write a screenplay Landesman about the kill, but we are the ones who do the killing and put it right up there in our publicity and book tours. Anyway, I just thought it was a bit of a tell, doesn't prove anything.

You'll see that I linked to Landesman's NYT article above in comments - this red pilled me a long time ago. I'll link it again here might as well

DarkMath ago

I did read most of that article, I didn't finish because it's so disheartening. The one that "red-pilled" me is ironically from the CIA's press office Washington Post:

Everyone's in on the action it seems. It's just like the War on the Competition War on Drugs. All we can do is keep spreading the word until there's enough of a critical mass for this thing to go viral.

Speaking of spreading the word, any progress yet @AreWeSure on finding your conscience?

VieBleu ago

so glad you are aroud to keep me honest. Truely you are more reasonable than half the ones here "on my side" with their fingerpointing and "pearl clutching" at straws.

From what i could see, the Kill The Messenger Movie was released in 2014.
Brock's book in 2015.

FreeThem ago

You deserve to shill us, this is Freedomland, do it bro. Type more nonsense

VieBleu ago

lol its so funny, I'll look at my waiting comments, and 3 our of 4 people say thank you, great link, or add to something I say. Then there's that 1 out of 4 that shouts shill.

There are many people on here who possibly mean well, but are blinded by the dogmatic nature of their faith. They are childlike and believe anything in the world with a spiral on it is "waving Satan in our face!" and so on. If you don't know that, you've not been around much.

VieBleu ago

I went to "View Source" in the wikileaks email linked at top, downloaded, and opened in notebook. I could not see a Lynn Rothschild invitation.

  1. Better instructions to see this?
  2. Anybody care to take a screenshot of this as it is pretty important to this submission, and archive it as well, then post the link?

thanks I'd like to see this.

gt8h65fg ago

I cant find too. Attatchment of this email just says "AT THE HOME OF JOHN PODESTA" in the same template.

(edit) I found it. It is here.

Freemasonsrus ago

Wondering if Lynn was extra pissed at ole Johnny boy bc she's one of HRC's gf's. Sorry for the visual.

YingYangMom ago

She's probably just pissed at Podesta for getting her bastard son into a big mess. Brock wasn't a good match for Jimmy Boy either, so good riddance.

quantokitty ago

WOW! Excellent detective work! Very thorough and it definitely is a breakthrough!

Upvoat for you. We've got to dig, dig, dig. These are great leads.

chickyrogue ago

right long island one hours drive and ferry

Orange_Circle ago

Podesta strongly dislikes Brock and knows he's crazy as a loon:

Orange_Circle ago

John Podesta, when invited to David Brock's book party: "I have a conflict."

Freemasonsrus ago

That is a very strange email! First, she says "the party will be at Tony Podesta's home"... Why would you phrase it that way? It's his fuckin brother. Why wouldn't Tony just invite him? Weird. And her response "I thought you were cooking! Now what!" Huh? You invite him for the second time, apparently after he hadn't responded, and that's the response? So she thought he was cooking and now he's not? Weird.

And here's the best part! Let's look at all the names "hosting".... Why it's a treasure trove. Including, drumroll please....ERIC BRAVERMANN. This group is like one big incestual cult.


Eric Braverman STILL missing.

YingYangMom ago

But weren't Eric Braverman and David Brock both working for HRC (The Clinton Foundation) at the time? I'm sure they were acquainted then. I don't see the 'weirdness'. Am I missing something?

Freemasonsrus ago

I don't think you're missing anything. We never would have noticed his name on there without the emails. Now it just sticks out. To me it just shows he was in the inner circle. He wasn't just some guy brought in by Chelsea to clean things up. He was going to social events with these people too and even being one of the host. So to me, it just shows his closeness to this group.

YingYangMom ago

Ah, yes, absolutely.

Freemasonsrus ago

I mean, I've worked for people for many years, that i consider friends, and I still wouldn't be someone called and asked to host a party for them socially. That's a more intimate relationship. So that's why it's of note to me after all this "where is Eric Braverman?" is he a good guy on the run? etc. I don't believe he ever grew a conscience and talked.

YingYangMom ago

I don't think we have enough personal information on any of them to come up with a realistic and/or accurate theory yet. Anything is still possible at this point.

naturallyfree ago

Then I think "Eric Braverman" is a hoax for some twisted reason which reasonable minds wouldn't fathom. The photo of him 'looks' like a young James Alefantis to my eye.

Orange_Circle ago

I never noticed Eric's name. Whoa!

Freemasonsrus ago

Ya that's not weird AT ALL.

Orange_Circle ago

Invite from Lynn Forester de Rothschild to John Podesta:

Orange_Circle ago

The invitation is from Mary Pat Bronner. She's David Brock's partner in rip offs.


also they are Satanists who espoused Zionism and probably created Israel

educate_yourself ago

not probably, they did. the rothschilds made a deal with the british govt. they would get the americans into WW1 on britains side to ensure victory, and in return Israel would be created and given to the jews. it was called the Balfour Declaration. once agreed, they used the media that they owned all of back then in USA (as they own all of today) to turn from pro germany to pro britain and make the germans out to be truly evil, lying about it all. president wilson was forced to enter the war, so Israel was born. Churchill was a zionist agenda and likely satanist and whatever, he played a huge role in this. it was Important to the Zionists that the real remaining jews who were actually descendants of palestine (and not Khazar satanists from the caucasus mountains) were wiped out by the concentration camps so that there would be no jews defending the palestinians. Also bc right before ww1 they found billions of dollars of precious metals in the ground under israel. most of all they need that land to rebuild the temple of solomon for the anti christ to sit upon, after the upcoming ww3 once the population has accepted the luciferian agenda, thats the plan.

i could go into greater detail about it and source all of this but i doubt anyone cares anyway. i really wanna source the science behind this though to show its not just conspiracy its science and history.- 80% of all jews being ashkenazi jews means they are khazarian meaning none of them have the right to palestine hence the planned conncentration camps that the zionists made sure were used to kill the rightful ancestral jews to palestine :/ rothschilds own 80% of israel

MostPostersAreShills ago

Hi I am a Palestenian, and would love to see more sources about the rebuilding of solomons throne,ww3, the acceprting of the luceferian agenda.

educate_yourself ago

check out - temple of solomon the luciferian agenda is about albert pike and his connection to the synagogue of satan. after the third world war he is supposed to sit upon the throne. check out my other replies one is pretty well sourced

Bolux ago

Great write up as usual, thanks.

TheWhiteKnight ago

The Haavara agreement between the nazi party and the zionist movement was also of great importance in the creation and finalization of project Israel. It ensured the transaction of great wealth of many wealthy jews from Germany to the new state of Israel. It is note worthy that an organisation like the zionist movement had such a strong position during the rise and rain of the nazi party. Futher, legend has it that Hitler himself was part Rothschild(his grandmother was a maiden in the house of Rothschild were she allegedly got pregnant). Hitler also allegedly was trained by the Tavistock institute for the purpose he has served. If all of this is true I don't know for sure. One thing is certain you don't rise to power without the money of the worlds must wealthiest people. Hitler was supported by a lot of wealthy business people in his day(Prescot Bush, Ford etc.). See JFK to 911 everything is a rich man's trick:

educate_yourself ago

yes very interesting how closely linked the two groups were, with the zionists playing key roles in many nazi activities :) was reading about this last week

projection ago

You got my attention. Good information, thanks.

nitro169 ago

They are going to destroy the planet if they need

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Their goal isn't to distroy the planet. Their or goal is that the 1% control the world and the rest of us work for them like slaves.....kind of like it is right now!

PQhonest ago

Nice Work. Walis is tied to Bill Clinton via photo with Rachel Chandler (Lolita Express photo).

joeysaperv ago

No wonder M Kelly treated him almost reverently during the fake interview.

YingYangMom ago

Wow! That goat head neckless. Is that JA's grandma? ;)

Jakestr ago

His eyes creep me out on this pic

Dauphin ago

Oh shit is that Molech on her necklace... or Ahriman?

Ang68 ago

Baphomet. The devil in goat form.

PrincessCinderella ago

Yes! She blatantly wears that and also a ram with horns all the time!

Dauphin ago

I believe that is Ahriman, the most evil demon in Jewish lore:

Apparently Ahriman's face could be seen in the smoke of the Twin Towers on 9/11:

PrincessCinderella ago

Wow. I learned something today. Thanks for the link. I always just thought it was the devil. :-)

Conejo_loco ago

Wow she isn't even hiding that! They carved that face on Cathy O'Brien's vagina... look up Cathy O'Brien vaginal mutilation also Hillary Clinton and Cathy O'Brien. Hills went NUTS when she saw the Ahriman snatch!

Baxterbaxter ago

Alefantis is a Rothschild. Has to be. The resemblance is uncanny.

anon8798978668 ago

Bastard child? Or is Alefantis some sort of public name?

PrincessCinderella ago

Could be a public name and not his real name. Someone told me Alefantis means infant lover in either French or Italian. Don't know it that is correct or not, but makes sense (creepy too).

banenya ago

If he is, then JA was raised pedo. That explains it all.

Orange_Circle ago

There is a command performance invite from Lynn in the emails.

Brock had invited Podesta to his book launch but Podesta, because he hates David Brock, ignored the invite.

Brock sent it again and he replied tersely that he was booked that day.

Then Lynn sent the command.

gt8h65fg ago

“The New York Times report on The Bonner group notes that Brock and Mary Pat Bonner, who runs the Bonner Group, share a house in the Hamptons.”

Bonner group is sender of that email

Orange_Circle ago

It's signed "Mary Pat."

2impendingdoom ago

the email says "both book parties" which implies two events, so why are you suggesting that one is a secret? I am confused at why you think this is a secret

islandofdelight ago

There was a reference to a 'book circle' by a different individual in the wikileaks emails. I think 'books' is code for satanic rituals, or abuse in general.

Ang68 ago

I think "book club" is what they call it. It seems to be a bit more than a book club though.

patriot_saints ago

just a coincidence