Zorox ago

zoltan907 ago

I think we should all adopt this as our profile photo on social media to show support for Assange and Wikileaks, which could also help increase interest in Pizzagate.


Phobos_Mothership ago

TOP KEKS adding to the post. Put this on v/pizzagatememes too

jangles ago

Just a pic of Hillary and Anthony Weiner

Original thread on name that meme http://archive.is/ipOzV

LolturdFerguson ago

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

https://sli.mg/MlPoW8 - Why Podesta

https://sli.mg/LFxchD - 98% chance

https://sli.mg/0G7JUG - Dear Journalists

https://sli.mg/bBpuGA - Fake CNN

https://sli.mg/bM34eG - Not Political

shakethetree ago

Sorry, I guess I was supposed to put my meme post here. Didn't see it in the sidebar until just now. Let me know if you want me to delete my post. Please note I did not create this meme, but I did provide the source of who did. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482108

wh0care ago

it's not really good meme but it's all i have for moment

  1. https://sli.mg/5AMuA1 (Jimmy saville article/NY times CEO)
  2. https://sli.mg/y52oc1 (Elpida association logo +a FB post)
  3. https://sli.mg/NB9IkW (on "fake news" CNN / with #pizzaGate on it)

CJJacobs ago

Better late than never?

LolturdFerguson ago

Sounds good. Point me in the right direction.

Phobos_Mothership ago

thanks for adding to the dankness!

LolturdFerguson ago

Here are a few I made so far. I'm not a professional, but feel free to distribute and use how you like.

I will be adding more as I make them. Please send me any ideas or suggestions!

crystalclearme ago

These are best I've seen. Very good. Request would be perhaps move beyond pizzagate to #eyeswideopen or #humantrafficking ? I'll keep you in mind. These are very good

LolturdFerguson ago

Sounds great. I'll will be pushing more out this week, I got behind on some projects for work this week. I'll go ahead and switch up the hashtags as well. I need more of a variety.

unfuckitup ago

These are awesome, compelling images and easy to see graphics plus potent, concise messaging. A+. My fave is Wish it Was Fake News.

Anonymous987654321 ago

Where are the memes?

Phobos_Mothership ago

Anyone can add them as comments, and they will be moved to the main post. Any posts which only present a meme will be deleted, and the meme will be added to this post.