bernitdown ago


Solver2 ago

Building permits for construction going into the ground in Washington D.C., maybe other things too.

Solver2 ago

Believe Phobos_mothership is trying to cover things up .

bernitdown ago

I like this idea but with the steam gone and momentum lost I think you might fracture us into small enough groups that we don't accomplish anything. Look at the top posts now. 20-60, maybe 150-200 max. That's nothing. Split that in four ways and it's barely a blip.

joe5955 ago

R Rudolf Guiliani spilling the beans. Posted on voat already with shills with accounts of 25 days to a month

amCassandraAMA ago

gopluckyourself is randomly deleting stuff too btw. If I were you I'd be really concerned how many compromised mods you have

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

PizzaGate is a theory that a group of businesses on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC are part of a child trafficking ring. While the investigation began and centers around Comet Ping Pong it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

If you are looking to go further

Establish the following... -key players -their title/role and connections

Then begin the evidence and be sure to divide into categories

The basics -Wikileaks emails -alefantis instagram -comet ping pong -besta pizza -beyond borders and Haiti -Politics and Prose -bucks fishing and camping

amCassandraAMA ago

good to hear. :)

Do you have an idea what to do vs all this sliding? About 50% of really old news gets reposted over and over again in different shapes. An informed individual can navigate through that, but "they" really managed to keep the information to noise ratio on their terms.

Investigate1999 ago

I was told by him that he would prevent mods from doing anything about reposts. I heard that there is a forum on this site, that will brigade mods, who go against the cultural norm, like deleting reposts. Don't quote me, though.

doubletake ago

Might be an idea to regard the definition as Part 1, i.e. the shocking public revelation of institutionalized child rape and trafficking inside the dc beltway. [[Part 2 would be Weinergate -- :) .]]

Pizzagate is "shock!" It is when your whole world changes when you are told for the first time why it's called pizzagate, when something that was always innocent -- pizza -- suddenly turns very dark and very foul very quickly and you try to catch your breath -- a codeword for raping and torturing small children. That moment when one's concept of Pizza is forever changed into a concept of repugnance and horror; also that moment when you discover there are officially recognized pedo codes, and that it is possible to use them to track these beasts. Pizzagate is about applying these codes which serve to solidfy a LE foundation for this investigation. It could also be the head of the hydra -- though a fuller story is probably in Weiner's laptop.

samhara ago

Whoa. The Mad Monkey thing disappeared right before my eyes.. what?

Pwner1775 ago

Happy New years everyone!

Pwner1775 ago

Keep up the good work!

amCassandraAMA ago

it would be interesting though why and how users without any submission or post history become mods, thats not exactly my interpretation of meritocraty.

samhara ago

seems suspiciou to say the least.

Investigate1999 ago

Okay. Thanks.

Investigate1999 ago

Hey. Hi.

What's happening with these videos that keep claiming to find the kill room? When I skim through, they seem to keep speculating, without pointing to a specific address with solid proof? Am I skimming too fast?

NumbCuck ago

So who made '@knowthyself' a mod?? Who made "@numbchuck" a mod? Whoever that was should also be REMOVED from the MOD list.

Ok, so @kevdude [1.6 years ] has some real-time here on /voat that gives him some credibility.

Why not purge all these mod's who haven't been here say 60+ days?, well before /r/pizzagate got moved to /v/pizzagate.

The essential PROBLEM here is NONE of you are letting VOAT work naturally by up/down voating, ALL of the MODS including @kevdude are deleting posts that don't fit their narrative, which just happens to be the NewYork Times narrative, ... that voat should be real ALT and not vanilla-alt is the problem.

I keep hearing everybody say "let the voat process work", but then what happens is a non-PC POP gets +100 Up voats and so it deleted, and that is a real problem, it shows that the MODS are out of sync of the community, the voat process is supposed to be that the MODS represent the community and act as janitors to remove the SPAM and bothersome advertising.

NumbCuck ago

@numbchuck was an asshole a month ago and nobody did anything, note that @kingkongwaswrong is who brought him in, and the're all still here, note also that everyone of these mod's is guilty, its almost like one of them fell-on-his sword for the greater good of all the hasbara troll/shill running /v/pizzagate;

@kevdude is no hero, just like @phobos_mothership, how do we know the new mod @wecanhelp is not just another @numbchuck?

All new account 3 weeks old with no post or comment history, all same old bullshit,

I say unless the account is 2+ years old and has SOLID posting history, then they should NOT be a MOD on /v/pizzagate.

bernitdown ago

I agree. Kingkongdong called me a fucking shill. For no reason he put me on some dumb list. He has never explained it but it pissed me off. I've never been remotely shillish

Phobos_Mothership ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

Looks like Amalek mass-downvoted you again, huh? (To anyone reading this, Amalek is a user who uses multiple alt accounts and spoofed IP's to try to manipulate subs and spread his anti-semitic "it's the JEWS!" narrative. Here he is bragging about how he's going to take over /v/pizzagate and make the narrative all about Jews. He has downvote brigaded me into account restrictions twice, and he has done it to Phobos_Mothership twice that I know of.

gr8H8er ago

So, because one douche bag wants to pin everything on the Jewish people, posts that reference anything Judaic are deleted? (The Vatican rules all anyway). Surely there is no debate that the Catholic Church has a history of rampant pedophilia, Islam has its Bocce Boys, FGM and marriage of 7 year old girls to 70 year old men.. What if Judaism has similar secretive customs? Just don't go there?

Millennial_Falcon ago

posts that reference anything Judaic are deleted?

That's simply not accurate.

gr8H8er ago

K. Thanks

wellington33 ago

I apologize for spaming about mods censorship. I didn't read all this thread, that's why I was pushing so hard. Anyway, I think you guys should make this info more visible. If Amalek was able to do that, i guess this is a constant threat to us, not only form him, but from any anon guy. And people doesn't know about things like this. I'm just asking mods to spread this threats we are suffering every single day.

Sorry, and thank you.


Phobos_Mothership ago

Yeah, Amalek is totally gay for me and Millennial_Falcon. I honestly feel sorry for him.

samhara ago

No shit. Something is wrong.

dindonufin ago

You're just butthurt you got banned, faggot. Fuck you.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Pretty sure he is already back on with an alt.

yeah that day old account that commented asking about him 9 minutes after the account was made? Definitely suspect.

Anonymous987654321 ago

Good eye.

Phobos_Mothership ago

This was all very ridiculous, but I'm willing to bet we are much better off now that this outburst happened.

Maybe he was desperate for money and sold his Voat account? His history looks completely stripped.

RebelSkum ago

Fine work out there, kevdude

NumbCuck ago

Current Definition of "Pizzagate"

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion @Phobos_Mothership @Millennial_Falcon

No mention of 8 million children worldwide disappear every year, that is the #1 lead, then find the parents talk to the parents, listen to them, learn about common vector's of disappearance, work your way back to common vertex the common denominator of disappearance.

Pizzagate has been chasing 'child ghosts', in all cases there has never been a child victim found this is what makes pizzagate look like a retard exercise to the general public.

If you all be serious about child-abduction and abuse, then you find the real parents of real missing children and learn their story, then you find the common-denominator, then you build a case. Then you show that case to the world with real witnesses with faces of real children and real names.

Quit the damn game of chasing ghosts.

Every time there is a post here showing the enormity world-wide of missing children it is deleted, its like the MODS want to minimize the enormous scale of child abduction world-wide.

The current scope off pizzagate is 100% political, the people who abduct children for sex,organs, and blood don't give a fucking hell about politics; Yet the pizzagate MODS are obsessed with a narrow venue of Pizzagate that revolves around Clinton and her common crime family.

Anybody that study history of SRA ( satanic child abuse ) knows that its +80% RNC going back to J Edgar Hoover in the 1930's, to Boys-Town in 1980's, Clinton didn't take power and run the child abduction franchise until 1990's until present.

Now the franchise will return to RNC, and given that pizzagate investigators are told to ignore Saudi, not a damn thing will change, just a study of past, with no children named, but nothing done to stop future abduction.

Crensch ago

No mention of 8 million children worldwide disappear every year, that is the #1 lead, then find the parents talk to the parents, listen to them, learn about common vector's of disappearance, work your way back to common vertex the common denominator of disappearance.

Nothing. Fucking. To. Do. With. Pizzagate. You. Ignorant. Fucking. Shill.

Gorillion ago

I dunno, talking about Dyncorp seemed to scare the shit out of somebody. I mean, they even bought a mod account and that couldn't have been cheap. Staged a "Rogue Mod" scenario and are doing everything possible to create a rift between mods and users, and draw attention away from increasingly politically-vulnerable investigation targets as Obama's term comes rapidly to a close.

VictorSteinerDavion ago


Who is the 'rogue mod'?

Message privately if needed, but if this is true it requires action

wecanhelp ago

Please see this comment thread for details. Action has already been taken.

Sentastixc ago

Excellent job on the definition I say.

wecanhelp ago

He went berserk after this dialog took place in private messages:

Millennial_Falcon: (private message to all mods due to concerns regarding shill activity)

me: (team reply to said private message with findings about suspected shill activity)

numbchuck: Quit pinging me for minor BS

me: That minor BS is called "moderation efforts", which is pretty much your job on here.

numbchuck: Fuck off, pedo

He then proceeded to remove random submissions, including some fairly important ones. @kevdude was fast enough to unmod and ban him before a more substantial damage could have been done.

He had been mostly inactive for about two weeks now, possibly being a ticking time-bomb.

Lessons learned:

  • Report suspicious mod behavior after the first questionable action. – This would be his first private message to me, my bad, guys.
  • Remove inactive mods from the mod team.

Phobos_Mothership ago

numbchuck: Quit pinging me for minor BS

me: That minor BS is called "moderation efforts", which is pretty much your job on here.

numbchuck: Fuck off, pedo

Am I the only one kekking about how ridiculous this 'triggering exchange' was?

draegspir ago

You guys rock. Glad to see the immediate action taken as well as transparency behind the scenes!

JrSlimss ago

Since we're seeing hacking - is there any evidence his account was hacked? Second, is there a way to "undelete" posts through VOAT? I see some key ones in the "removed submissions."

wecanhelp ago

No evidence of hacking so far. My opinion is that it's unlikely.

Unfortunately, Voat doesn't provide a way to undelete posts, so they need to be resubmitted manually one by one, preferably linking to the respective old submission that has been removed in the incident. Fortunately, the posts are not lost, they can be found in the Removed submissions log, and the original author will be able to access the source code of the post for a copypaste resubmission.

RebelSkum ago

archive dem posts:

redditsuckz ago

These are some of the Threads that triggered @numbchuck;

Epstein... U.S. State Department and DYNCORP all together in underage female trafficking.

**Pizzagate Wiki being hacked from our DynCorp page by an IP in Waltham, MA, home of Raytheon/DynCorp **

NSFW - VIDEO 3 - Alefantis Kill Room Found - SUMMARY AND NEW LEADS (

Since @kingkongwaswrong added @numbchuck as a Mod then he should be removed as Owner and anyone he added as a Mod should also be removed and so on until this place is cleansed.

kingkongwaswrong ago

apologies for this oversight. I think numbchuck was a volunteer back when we were getting swamped with spam. I was trying to avoid volunteers - just trying to find people based on good posting history but we were getting pretty desperate.

Stay vigilant!

NumbCuck ago

Millennial_Falcon 0 points (+0|-0) 2 minutes ago (edited 22 seconds ago)

and most likely THEY influence the MODS on this forum.

Sup Amalek? I'm sure the Saudis connect to all this somehow. Can you give us a tl;dr of what the evidence is?

[–] NumbCuck 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

Why do you say that @amalek He works for the mod's contaminates OP's with anti-semitic bile to justify massive deletes. Why do you always do this? How is this different than three weeks ago with your "@user is CTR shill", now instead anybody that you don't like is an @amalek clone? Why don't you just address the post?

You yourself has said the reason that "SAUDI" is forbidden is that SAUDI is code for Israel, I don't see that they are country's, not everyone in Saudi is a Wahabi, not everyone in USA is christian, and not everyone in Israel is hebrew.

Podesta is valid as podesta emails begat /r/pizzagate ( to /v/pizzagate ), Podesta's #1 source of income is Saudi-Arabia, follow the money folks. All the Dahmer art was paid for by the "Podesta Group" ( #1 Saudi PR firm in DC ).

The assertion is simple given that "SAUDI" is verboten, and given that PODESTA's get their money from Saudi, and we can't mention Saudi on voat, ,I would assume that the mod-leader on /v/pizzagate is PAID to keep Saudi, Kline, DOJ, off this sub, given how everytime these valid leads turn up they are attacked in seconds.

Phobos_Mothership ago

now instead anybody that you don't like is an @amalek clone?

He said, on an account with suspiciously Amalek posts

UglyTruth ago

"Pizzagate" refers to the citizens' investigation

Describing it as a citizens investigation is a serious mistake, since that implies that the investigators owe allegiance to a criminal state and that further action is limited to protest rather than prosecution. Better to call it an independent investigation.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Have you kicked @numbchuck off of vaskpizzagate yet?

I just checked. He isn't/wasn't a mod on there.

ris4republican ago

@numbchuck is removing our posts

Millennial_Falcon ago

I mostly agree, but there's one part I think is a bit too broad: "The sum total of human activity relating to any person who is part of a pizzagate association."

That would allow all kinds of useless information to clutter up the sub. (For example, "Joshua Vogelsong likes peanut butter, and also has eyebrows.")

I suggest this needs to be amended to something like "Any information about someone associated with pizzagate that may plausibly constitute or lead to new evidence or leads."