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redditsuckz ago

These are some of the Threads that triggered @numbchuck;

Epstein... U.S. State Department and DYNCORP all together in underage female trafficking.

**Pizzagate Wiki being hacked from our DynCorp page by an IP in Waltham, MA, home of Raytheon/DynCorp **

NSFW - VIDEO 3 - Alefantis Kill Room Found - SUMMARY AND NEW LEADS (

Since @kingkongwaswrong added @numbchuck as a Mod then he should be removed as Owner and anyone he added as a Mod should also be removed and so on until this place is cleansed.

kingkongwaswrong ago

apologies for this oversight. I think numbchuck was a volunteer back when we were getting swamped with spam. I was trying to avoid volunteers - just trying to find people based on good posting history but we were getting pretty desperate.

Stay vigilant!

NumbCuck ago

Millennial_Falcon 0 points (+0|-0) 2 minutes ago (edited 22 seconds ago)

and most likely THEY influence the MODS on this forum.

Sup Amalek? I'm sure the Saudis connect to all this somehow. Can you give us a tl;dr of what the evidence is?

[–] NumbCuck 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

Why do you say that @amalek He works for the mod's contaminates OP's with anti-semitic bile to justify massive deletes. Why do you always do this? How is this different than three weeks ago with your "@user is CTR shill", now instead anybody that you don't like is an @amalek clone? Why don't you just address the post?

You yourself has said the reason that "SAUDI" is forbidden is that SAUDI is code for Israel, I don't see that they are country's, not everyone in Saudi is a Wahabi, not everyone in USA is christian, and not everyone in Israel is hebrew.

Podesta is valid as podesta emails begat /r/pizzagate ( to /v/pizzagate ), Podesta's #1 source of income is Saudi-Arabia, follow the money folks. All the Dahmer art was paid for by the "Podesta Group" ( #1 Saudi PR firm in DC ).

The assertion is simple given that "SAUDI" is verboten, and given that PODESTA's get their money from Saudi, and we can't mention Saudi on voat, ,I would assume that the mod-leader on /v/pizzagate is PAID to keep Saudi, Kline, DOJ, off this sub, given how everytime these valid leads turn up they are attacked in seconds.

Phobos_Mothership ago

now instead anybody that you don't like is an @amalek clone?

He said, on an account with suspiciously Amalek posts