Freed0mFighter ago

Thank you Clay.

mrjdouble ago

Way to sniff that one out. We've made so much progress in a relatively short amount of time and it's a good thing because so many people are counting on us. Well done with taking out the trash.

mrjdouble ago

this is ironic because i've been saying it for awhile that this entire story would have been blown open a long time ago, if it weren't a matter of national security. if and when this all gets out, there goes the rest of the credibility this country has, foreign and domestic.

49-louie ago

im new here n not sure if this is a good find? DynCorp Gets $72.8 Million Contract Despite History of Child Trafficking GLOBALIST CORPORATIONS November 8, 2012

Freed0mFighter ago

Already posted here -

49-louie ago

k thx

yabbadoody ago

mods shitting bricks, too... their paedo daddys are being linked

OrwellKnew ago

registered with the tail number N474AW on August 1, 2014 and is owned by Centurion Aviation LLC,

Interesting company, Centurion.

Elusive jet may hold clue to secret prisons

Wachtler added that Centurion, which Pentagon records show is one of only 15 companies with permission to land aircraft at U.S. military installations worldwide, had "no affiliation or involvement with the CIA."

Which in my mind, should be read as is definitely involved with and affiliated with the CIA

Freed0mFighter ago

Investigate1999 ago

Was that former mod possibly a shill?

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Like cosmic mind said below. It's just weird. Everything is so forced. Extreme pressure to conform. Lots of restaurants with satanic symbols in them. Its like a giant psyop model city of what a modern consumer/slave should look and behave like.

kNUCK ago

Can you elaborate or cite some details on the uchiko reference? So confused.

goat_cheese_pizza ago

It's just a weird reference in the song. Reminds me of all the weird references that people found in those satanic bands that play at alefantis pizza joint. The song says "she wants to get married under uchiko". From the pics I saw of the restaurant, there's no basement and the restaurant isn't on a second floor. Just an odd lyric. The song talks about one splitting into 3 which reminds me of mkultra victims. The video shows what looks like someone being brainwashed like in clockwork orange, as well as a bunch of other odd references, like "coup de etat", "abduction" and "gender dysphoria" (err somethin). I kinda jokingly posted about it in this thread bc I'd just heard the song and watched the video and saw someone mention Austin. I was surprised when another poster found some weird connection to that company who did the pedoart.

Bonus story: I happened to be in Austin recently and wound up eating at a restaurant called bouldin creek cafe. Purely by chance. I saw some weird art there. Pyramids w the eye. Serpents. Woman with the horns. Lots of different pieces by different artist but they all had this weirdness to it. And my gf saw weird shit in the rr; writing in the stalls talking about abuse (they leave chalk and chalk board so you can write stuff while peeing), a sticker of what looked like two little girls touching eachother captioned "les be friends".

We were pretty high and couldn't stop laughing at ourselves for being ridiculous but it kinda freaked us out too. Kind of a nervous laughter.

Edit: we took pics too haha if you wanna see em

pby1000 ago

This is a very good find. Thank you for sharing.

Please do not forget that Dyncorp employees also like underage boys.

Werwer12 ago

Can someone make a meme for this showing the matching tail numbers with a picture of the crafts and then something showing the coinciding timeframe?

KiRa2115 ago

DynCorp have been growing rapidly. No wonder with the backing of the underground elite.

SluggishJ ago

Holy fuck you need a medal, nicely done. This place is magical. Everyday I open this up and read and god damn we are all doing work. I really need to contribute but I feel so overwhelmed with where to even begin but I'm trying my best.this is the darkest revelation we've had in a long time, but for some reason I have never felt better because this is the most transparency we have EVER had, and this place shows how many people are willing to do the noble thing and address it as it should be, putting in hours and hours of nuanced research for the greater good. We've already succeeded in inserting this injustice into the lexicon.....regardless of suppression someone years from now will see pizzagate Andy understand the implications. That alone is fucking HUGE

JrSlimss ago

Great work! A couple key facts to add:

Epstein's house butler Alfredo Rodriguez identified several people who either participated or had knowledge of the inner workings of Epstein's child sex trafficking ring. Among them were NM governor Bruce King, who Epstein bought the Zorro Ranch from, and Bill Richardson, NM governor from 2003 to 2011.

The Zorro Ranch is also the largest private dwelling in NM and has 10,000 surrounding acres. It is known for being secluded.

I would also incorporate Jean Luc Brunel into the above facts - a known participant in Epstein's international trafficking ring. Brunel and Epstein used Brunel's modeling agency, MC2, to bring underage girls for sex from Eastern Europe.

Citations for these facts, as well as more facts that may be relevant, are on the Pizzagate.Wiki page of Jeffrey Epstein, which goes very in depth (though even that page didn't have this new info - congrats again!).

BethesdaDC ago

To the scum of the earth pedopfiles... Justice waits

Yuke ago

The 400lb man should be easy to identify, surely!?


the 400lb hacker??

2impendingdoom ago

Do you like raping children? that is what we are investigating.

OrwellKnew ago

The Army is definitely involved in covering things up as related to child sexual abuse. Remember the Green Beret Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland?

According to both the U.N. and the U.S. State Department, the practice in Afghanistan of recruiting, enslaving and sharing boys for sex is widespread.

But it is not conducted or tolerated by the Taliban. The culprits are often Afghan police and military commanders supported by the U.S.

That's what Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, a Green Beret from Milton, says he was trying to stop when, in 2011, he beat up an Afghan police commander that U.S. forces had put in power in a village in Afghanistan.

The police chief had allegedly chained a young boy to a bed and repeatedly raped him.

Martland and fellow soldiers claim their Army superiors told them to ignore widespread incidents of child rape by Afghan police and military commanders supported by the U.S.

Now the Army wants to discharge Martland, someone who fellow soldiers and friends call a hero.

His discharge has since been reversed thanks to congressional Reps like Duncan Hunter intervening.

Investigate1999 ago

That reminds me of reddit AMA, which said something similar about how loud it was in the next room.

Orange_Circle ago

Wow, thanks for the excellent research!

To put a bow on it, here's Epstein dining in the back room at Comet Ping Pong:

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Where is Epstein?

Great article, though. "Bartender Josh" is a real piece of work, per Instagram.

Orange_Circle ago

He's the guy with "Lurker" on his pic.

Fateswebb ago

When I was investigating 9/11 extensively I became convinced dyncorp was behind it.

Hooliganscat ago

I know nothing about air traffic and how tail numbers are used. Is each tail number a unique # that can't be used by another vehicle? Would this be akin to taking the plates of my Dodge Ram and putting it on a company car? Is it illegal to share tail numbers?

everlastingphelps ago

Yes, yes, and yes. Of course, if the FBI tells the local DMV that they need to use your plate number for one of their SUVs, the DMV is going to let them.

Freemasonsrus ago

I'd buy you dinner if I could! Awesome job! Stratfor has to some how weave into this as well I'd presume. Everything's so damn incestuous.

throwitawayn0w ago

Can someone explain the connection here? I've reread it a couple times and I think I'm just missing point? So the plane was registered to Epstein and Dyncorp? Or they had two planes and they had the same number? Or is it saying that Epstein used parts from the other plane?

I'm retarded. Help.

Investigate1999 ago

It's not you. You're not retarded. It's all hard to understand. Most of us are new at this aviation stuff.

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Dynacorp is likely a cia front. Epstein and dynacorp used the same plane (or at least the same tale number) to traffic people.

Konran ago

Do you hear how weak your argument sounds?

Though you are correct in stating...

Fake news hurts real people

But then...

Where were you when the Gulf of Tonkin's FAKE NEWS was used to start the Vietnam War (tens of thousands of US troops hurt/dead)?

Where were you when WMD in Iraq was admitted to be FAKE NEWS (hundreds of thousands of people hurt/dead)?

Where were you when Assad's use of chemical weapons was found to be FAKE NEWS (excuse for more hurt/death)?

It's funny how you lot pick and choose the people who need to be protected from getting hurt. I wonder why that might be, you sick shits? Fuck you and your ilk!

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Great comment. I relish that these elite scumbags will grow increasingly paranoid and mentally ill as they watch the expansion of the plebes' awareness of pizzagate. They will see the common man staring at them with disgust. The stress will eat away at them. Life will be hell for them as they slowly roast on the spit. They will find their devil in hell.

cosmicmind ago

Yes. If their conscience is dead with no spark to ignite it at least the fear can make them feel something. I listened to the song at the end of the article and it amazed on so many different levels. I think the degenerate level of evil wants to rise up and be healed, and if it's not capable of healing put it out of its misery. That song was strong.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Fkg amz work!! My gut keeps telling me that there is a hub in Austin, TX. I realize Dynacorp is there, but something more. I spent years unraveling mortgage fraud and industry. Would love to jump in more, but it truly is exhausting to do this work especially when those regulating this shit do nothing

goat_cheese_pizza ago

There's something going on under uchiko. Listen to the umo's (an illuminati band) song multilove. Read the lyrics and watch the video too. All kinds of mkultra and illuminati references.

DangerzoneNeo ago

You guys aren't crazy, there is some strange shit in austin: Uchiko, website is run by lewis carnegie group did the art for Carnival O Pizza and even has it as an image on their main page Carnival O Pizza festival proceeds go to the Austin Bat Cave

and what is the austin bat cave? Well of course, it's a writing club for children. I am digging about their site now, strange "Donation" levels available, adult only nights at the local pizza dive:

Just kind of strange how it all ties back to the kids.

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Wtf that's crazy. Umo illuminati confirmed.

cosmicmind ago

For the last month I've thought the same. Even before pg broke I was looking at Austin like what the freakshow is going on there, not knowing why cause I've been there and it seemed an okay town, but the gut feels what it feels.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Who is the dick downvoting posts? Not that I really care, but someone obviously has a frayed nerve around here...

waxdino ago

You guys have gotten lazy.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Any friendly airport would just assume his aircraft wss on official diplomatic business and give him both priority and privacy. This seems like a major find. It might be a major clue regarding how they ship kids internationally.

Investigate1999 ago

I gave you an up vote, but honestly, I always assumed that they shipped the kids in bulk.

Koched_Up404 ago

True Detective

search4truth ago

One thing that I noticed when looking through Epstein's Black Book, was that Bandar Bush ( Bandar Bin Sultan) was listed under the section of Israeli contacts. Bandar Bin Sultan is of the Saudi royal family, who was a former US ambassador and head of Saudi Intel. He played a big role the Libya and Syria takedown Op, and even traveled to Russia before the Socchi Olympics - reportedly threatening Putin with the possibility of terrorism.

Thanks for linking Epstein to Dyncorp and possible Intel activities. Great research. He apparently has connections to Saudi Intel, and obvious connections with high level Israeli officials.

(The Black Book can be found at the Gawker website)

ZalesMcMuffin ago

One thing which may be emerging here is the footsie being played between the "ruling elites" of various countries -- which, in some cases, try to look like enemies. Some enemies are more enemy-y than others...

Orange_Circle ago

Bandar, famously pictured holding hands with George Bush the younger.

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Isn't it funny how pictures of anything that's flown with reg. no. N474AW are impossible to find on the big spotting sites like, and Strange for a reg known to be on so many types...

remedy4reality ago

this is AWESOME

Has anyone contacted Cynthia McKinney regarding any additional information she may have on DYNCORP ?

cantsleepawink ago


postfascion ago

Excellent research brother, and excellent song. You hold the voice to change the sea.

FriesischShipping ago

Had the same thoughts this morning, hive mind hundredth monkey baby.

chickyrogue ago

dyncorp is waist deep in the shit with their 15 year old male strippers <--- they are vile!!!

mrjdouble ago

This discussed internally with HC's inner circle, as was disclosed in the WL files.

chickyrogue ago

yeah didnt she cover it for them ...

mrjdouble ago

Yes they did work to cover this us after it was communicated how serious this attention would be.

chickyrogue ago

cant have light of day