noreturn4me ago

okay for instance James Alefantis doesn't mean I love children in French. (I mean you can make it mean that if you try hard, but that is his birth name.) I see posts that have been tagged debunked so those should go under that. If we find evidence that proves, not by snopes or msm (they are both full of shit) but through real research. Then we as a collective tag the mods and they do our bidding. If we notice that fishy things are going on with it we call them out and have an open discussion on a thread where the whole community gets to discuss it. thoughts?

sunajAeon ago

Listen buddy- your remarks about my "dark torment" are out of line, not to mention complelely wrong, I am not tormented in any way, I walk with THE CREATOR, my feet are firmly planted and if this is your idea of research by keeping a confessed PEDOPHILE being in the inside circle of this discussion I would say you have no business here-that's pretty much research 101-a lot of people say VOIT has been destroyed from the inside by pedophiles-I am beginning to believe it

Solver2 ago

Administrator with name Millenial_Falcon deleted an article on minimum wage laws for Washington DC restaurants saying it doesn't apply to Pizzagate when Pizzagate concerns the operation of a Washington restaurant. Seems like a shill to me.

Air_Gate ago

The difference here is that you believe it can be cured. If you've spoken to enough pedophiles they will all tell you the same thing, it is a lifelong affliction. I'd readily trade a leg if there is actually a cure..

Air_Gate ago

I have not offended and don't believe I ever will. Thus far my conviction and morals remain intact because I understand my selfish desires does not trump a child's innocence. Anyways social stigma is a huge barrier to pedophiles like myself seeking treatment, which have not been thoroughly tested, again due to social stigma. The first step we have to do is to get pedophiles to come out of the closet and admit their affliction, and for society to want to admit this affliction exists from all walks of life and not generalize and demonize and every pedophile we find. There is good and there is bad people, regardless of country, race, profession, social status, education, etc. From this thread alone you can see how we are judged easily such as my discussion with phobos. I didn't ask for this. I don't want it with all my heart. Yet, here i am. About the rabid dog example, innocent until proven guilty? Are we going to start persecuting anyone now for thought crimes? If a person has so many good intentions and moral values but does nothing to better the world, do we give him a medal for thinking good thoughts?

noreturn4me ago

Could one of the flairs please be "DEBUNKED" I'm tired of seeing debunked info over and over again. Plus people that are making info graphs are still using debunked information. If people could easily find which info has been debunked that would be the most helpful in peoples arguments on pizzagate, and not sounding like an idiot. It kills me every time I see people spamming articles and using debunked info that even the opposing forces know is debunked. People need to know what they are talking about, but it is difficult to filter through everything to find what is rhetoric and what is not.

Air_Gate ago

Seems like you believe pedophilia can be treated. What is the treatment for pedophilia anyway? As far as I know, none. Most pedophiles stay pedophiles forever. It is an uphill task but I've never offended, and I have had chances to. Its like you are saying atheists don't have morals because they don't have a religion to guide them. I think I must have repeated myself 3 times now. Remember when the gays are shunned? Well, you're living in the age where pedophilia is shunned. Are there any pedophile clinics in the world? As far as I know only Germany has pioneered them. So where do you expect me to get help then? The longer there is a stigma against pedophilia, things like pizza gate can go on. Nobody want to talk about it or even giving pedophiles any avenues to speak up.

Z11Mama ago

What I keep observing as needed is a way to organize information. Names, locations, codes/possible codes, photo's, etc. There is 1)Obvious pizzagate: Alefantis, Podesta, Clinton, Obama... 2)pizzagate style activity: child porn, satanic rituals involving children, pedophilia that appears to be part of 'something' and 3) Could this possibly be connected?

eggmunkee ago

Is there evidence or indication the Clinton foundation is the head? This has been going on since before it existed, so I can't see how that would be the case, though it is a current important player to investigate. I'm thinking of cases dating back to MK-ULTRA and Cathy O'Brien.

520patriot ago

Expose all level of government. push the limits. When they try to close us down that means we are close!!!!!!

Millennial_Falcon ago

EDIT: At least 7 of the downvotes on this comment came from a shill who brigaded my comments. Those downvotes are not related to the actual comment.

decisions based on the the relevance of the content should be decided by us, not the mods.

We are not dictators. We work to serve the community. If we were not deleting irrelevant and rule-breaking posts, this sub would be crap right now. If we allow anything to be posted, it's an extremely slippery slope to a situation where decent content is buried, especially given that shills actively want to undermine the sub.

As for flair options, you should consider that most users don't have time to read every post, so they tend to vote based on headlines and skimming. Flairing posts based on quality and relevance is very helpful to give users a heads-up. Categorizing based on subject matter, on the other hand, is not particularly helpful, as the subject matter should be self-evident if the title satisfies Rule 3.

KittyTigerlily ago

Some of the most disgusting stuff that I have read, esp. as you go on, you'll see.

KittyTigerlily ago

Just got a Wikileaks link from a friend.

This has all kinds of stuff. There is one place that says something like Italy child sex, but when I open it, guess it's encrypted. Some things are not. Then there's a huge load of things call gifiles.There's a ton of them. I downloaded one, says I need an app to open it, what do you want to use. The date when you first go in here is 01 Jan 1984. Interesting date, but it's not the dates when you open something. Please check it out.

samhara ago

This is a reply I made which seemed to get buried and which I couldn't find after I posted it. I apologize if it is redundant.

My interlocutor claimed I didn't know what I was doing and pretended I was the "new one" - when he had few contribution points but enough comment votes to vote people down. First he claimed I proposed what I was not proposing [misrepresented]. Then he implied this discussion meant nothing since nothing is going to change, nothing is on the table. What he was criticizing me for never became completely clear.

I thought this over: And now youve given me some questions.

Obviously, if what you say is true, the Mods have been without directives. Since there would be no need to change the definition of "Pizzagate" if the one they were working under was deemed suitable. 'Til now there has been no definition of "Pizzagate?"

If untrue, ( i.e there is a working definition )- that means someone one has found the present one "not good enough" and therefore is looking to change it.

So, when I weigh in, on my conviction : i.e. There should be an overwhelming necessity to remove something, if that is done [otherwise people can think for themselves], it's not because I don't think the "Status Que" is good the way it is. It's because I'm anticipating changes.

People can sort the info themselves. That is why they are here. No need to be thought police.. We get that anywhere. That's cheap. That's on every street corner.

This needs to be something different. A place where people who can not do their research, talking and thinking anywhere else, can go.

Why am I anticipating changes?

1 . Experience with para - political research: i.e. the past; Knowing what happens to such groups And also recently reading the directives handed out to people who are tasked with stopping them.

and 2. Reading some people complain that there is not enough culling of the materail - and claiming no one can read through it all, and that people get lost , and that no one can keep up with the posts because there is too much slippage, and things "disappear" after 24 hours.. when that is plainly not true. I look at the posts and check the pages.. And the same posts are there . I go through the pages and the slippage is not severe.

Why would they be making those claims if they did not want to throttle material?

And the majority here and the majority of upvotes are for keeping a broad data collection goal.

If more people come in here, when the flood gates open, that could change? I don't know. We will see.

I've suggested that back up /subs or "streams leading into the large river" could be assembled and collected.

Someone needs to say why that simple solution will not work, before they go changing the rules for stiffer criteria for staying on the /sub.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

That's bullshit and you know it. When you divide a community you kill it.

I think we are both grown up enough to not play the "teehee we're being so fair with a second forum" game, I've been around long enough to understand where that road goes. Mods, many of whom may have the best intentions, create a narrow window of discussion which ends up going no where. We saw all of this before with gamergate.

Phobos_Mothership ago

we aren't dividing the community at all, we are providing a place for people to post speculation and open discussion so that the main subverse can be used to investigate leads backed by sources and facts.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Defining the focus means that we're going to kill the sub. Mods will have no idea which leads or speculation will take us in the right direction. When we start with strong arm moderation even with the best intentions you end up killing off the type of discussion that got us to where we are.

I guarantee mods will roll out the "don't be antisemitic" card really quick if and when we touch on jewish sources (i.e. all of hollywood). And as such, you'll lose the trail in Israel, even though the president of Israel just happened to be able to declassify docs from the 50's that validate much of what we are saying. The mods will start wanting us to be "taken seriously" and will kill anything that they consider speculation, or they will direct conversation to a dead subverse that no one will visit.

And every time the mods kill a thread under whatever rules they come up with, they will kill off a little more of the community that makes original content and research. Soon, things will be stale and everyone will wonder why the investigation isn't moving forward.

Air_Gate ago

So pedophilia is a neurological condition and I need help? Got it. Thanks for being condescending. Thanks for showing that pedophiles can't have good morals by assuming I did something wrong. Why don't you turn yourself in when you fantasised raping that girl. I guess we are a lost cause then. Throw us all in camps and lock us up, cause well we cant life alongside people peacefully. This is how the gays felt when told they have a neurological condition. Modern medicine has advanced so much in the last century, yet we dont know the most about the brain, and it's inner workings.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Are you saying that you are a pedophile and have committed rape?

Air_Gate ago

You said that. I didnt. I've never so much as hurt a housefly

Phobos_Mothership ago

You said you fantasize about rape. Have you ever had sex with a minor?

Air_Gate ago

Hahahaha. Okay bro okay. When you learn to read come back here to post, you fucking shill

Phobos_Mothership ago

You're the fucking pedo. Don't try to pretend there's a level lower than you.

Air_Gate ago

I'm sorry you are this ignorant that you generalise all pedophiles, whether they offended or not, into the same band. My discussion with you is over. Gp read the replies I made to the other guy. Funny in a thread like this that you know so little about pedophilia, yet trying to combat it.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Fuck out of here with your attempts to normalize pedophilia.

Air_Gate ago

Sorry you have a small brain.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Sorry you're sexually attracted to children.

Air_Gate ago

Thanks. It's a struggle but I'll get through it.

CeepsNo ago

Relevant connections between emails, investigation into Clinton Foundation should also be allowed.

KittyTigerlily ago

You need a message board that someone can post this stuff. You really do. I'm excited about this. Please let us know where we can post something to. I don't know where to now.

KittyTigerlily ago

WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE LISTEN TO ME? Netanyahu just declassified 200K documents on missing children since the '50s. But wait, this could go into more dates as well. I can't get it to open. Please check it out.

KittyTigerlily ago

Please guys, you must see this. I can get the Reddit page to open, just the link turns and turns. They're saying it's a huge find. Please listen. Wish I could blast it out now.

KittyTigerlily ago

Huge.....this is huge....Netanyahu just declassified 200K documents on missing children since the '50s. But wait, this could go into more dates as well. I can't get it to open. Please check it out.

It's a whopper! Someone commented that Pizzagate is the truth, liberals, or something. Can't remember exact terms. I'm excited now. Sorry. Wish my Internet wasn't so slow right now.

smudgepotforever ago

  • Obviously there is plenty of pedo activity in the world.
  • It isn't all connected. It seems most of it isn't connected. It would be like saying every organized crime syndicate is connected to every armed robbery.
  • Our focus should be Washington DC, and surrounding areas. If you can trace a person or group or institution reliably back to DC area from other areas of US or offshore (such as Haiti) then it fits.
  • The focus is that there are power players in DC involved.
  • If there is a broader, worldwide focus, that is not connected to DC area and players, it needs to be its own subverse or flair or whatever reasonable method we can come up with. Don't want to dampen their enthusiasm nor do I want everyone to be so overwhelmed that they throw up their hands.
  • The whole jew blood thing whether true or not, doesn't seem to further the investigation or credibility.
  • And neither do things like drawing pentagrams on maps and showing how places are "connected. Satanism mixed with pedo isn't a connection in and of itself. It's a good note and speaks to mindset, but doesn't truly connect to DC, except when it does (such as Abramovic)

anonymousj ago

I've been MIA a couple of days. Looks like the real research is being diluted by posts about everything under the sun.

UglyTruth ago

The first rule of investigation is to follow the evidence. Are you going to reject the theory that there is a global paedophile network within the political class simply because it is extraordinary?

garlicbulb ago

Personally, i think that Pizzagate is global human trafficking high level child sexual abuse which is all connected. Ina group called pizzagate you are always going to get more people coming along and posting what others know already etc, and others see as irrelevant, and people are ging to break rules and guidelines as they do not know them. I think pizzagate should be the main introduction group, and the more knowledgeable or dedicated set up one called pizzagate research or something.

endview ago

If you are following George Webb and his "Where is Eric Braverman" videos, he has given some bread crumbs to us. There may be ties between some of the govt. takeovers and international pedophilia rings,as well as the camp he mentioned that may be near Tx. We cannot let that drop because there could be some real ties to be discovered in his research. Please consider an international avenue so we can pursue possible ties. * edit - It just occurred to me that his videos have been taken down several times. He may be onto something.

RecycledUser ago

I totally agree on the help we can get from George Webb's videos! I'm trying to get caught up on them now. is one of them. I always think of the fbianon's advice, that's it's all about the CF. So I struggle with looking more into the PG info, or the CF info is best/holds the most clues. But that's just me, I'm more of a lurker here than contributor so far, so I don't have any input on the PG definition. My only suggestion would be the name/hashtag of it, to make it be the most inclusive, and NOT be blocked on social media sites, by the twitter/YT/google algorithms.

tjarco ago

I believe Pizzagate is the fuse that caused an investigation into child trafficking that shed a light on the possibility of the entire eltite/TPTB to have been compromised with & involved in (underage) sex and possible donor harvesting.

The scope should be anything that points towards a misuse of power by the elites regarding the abuse of children/people for either monetary or power gains.

Seeing that child abuse isn't a new phenomena and that CP rings always are global, any sign of CP could possibly be related to Pizzagate. I think the main 'test-of-relevance' should be: Are there signs of possible misuse of elitist power that enable or protect the child abuse?

So information about: 'a molested kid behind a mall with sherrif's family owned pizza place.' COULD be relevant, if the OP offers info into how the sherrif is involved, or what media do not cover the situation and who are all parties that could be involved.

The main thing is, we should not particulary be head hunting, we should be trying to create a complete picture of everyone involved. So dismissing signs of child abuse as irrelevant is not helping the investigation. Sure a DC police officer running a brothel is MORE relevant that a kid being molested behind a local mall, but BOTH ARE RELEVANT.

In my opinion Mods should point there efforts to grouping research, combining threads with the same information. Finding that 5 voats talk about the exact same thing is more harmfull than 5 voat threads that offer new, but maybe slightly irrelevant information.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Just look into Epstein's conviction, that "black book" is directly referenced in court documents and yes, Trump is in there.

Not questioning that. I'm questioning the other assertions. What I've heard elsewhere is that Epstein tried to compromise Trump and failed.


who's protecting advertising revenues?.Frank Zappa warned years ago that programming controlled by the advertisers dollar is nothing more then covert censorship.He was on the money.

Beaucephus ago

I suppose in a sense I am. It's hard to determine what is and is not evidence until an opportunity to rule out that evidence has been given.

Beaucephus ago

I personally feel that Pizzagate is about systemic pedophilia. So even the case of "Uncle Bobby touched my doodle" should (to me) be acceptable, so long as Uncle Bobby's sentence from the courts is mentioned. Lenient sentencing are a symptom of the same disease that we are trying to eradicate. So, in essence, pedophilia is a virus and we are the anti-virus. Why restrict our range of effectiveness?

Votescam ago

From the Hampstead/Ricky Dearman comments of his children, they refer to town shops being involved. We can also see the situation re Comet Pizza where so many other businesses on the street seem to have connections, whether by ownership to Clinton Clique or by interest -- i.e., adoption. Can you both at the same time move on to narrow this portion to "Just Comet Pizza and Podesta/Clinton" -- but also *add on *a pizzagate plus thread where other concerns and ideas can be added?

However, the summary of absolute known facts in regard to pizzagate is also very important and should be carried on.

It's also obvious that there are too many leads for those here now involved in the investigations -- yet, at the same time, many who might have been doing investigations of CF and pizzagate now have no outlet to report their findings. David Seaman (formerly w/Huffington Post) is reporting on YouTube because Huffington rejected Pizzagate investigation.

There was an interesting video at YouTube I came across yesterday re underground tunnels in DC -- some part of which comes very close to Pentagon. Military seems very involved in these kidnapping/sexual abuse events. If anyone is interested in how the whole operation works, I presume that part of the story would be Pizzagate Plus? Here's a link to the tunnel info: She spends just a few minutes explaining her work and then walks you down through the tunnels.

Also, "Hunting Hitler" tonight reported a cult in Chile begun in 1961 by an ex-Nazi, Paul Schaefer - a convicted pedophile. They were involved in torture, kidnappings, sexual abuse. There is a long history of this cult-like, pedophile behavior, certainly out of Hitler era but also coming down to us from organized patriarchal religions. In a strange way, these pedophile rings which expand into trafficking have to be connected to figures of authority for their own protection. Church and State are obvious ways to secure that protection.

PS: When Trump comes in, we lose Obama who is a link to all of this -- a central figure -- or working point of some kind as investigators have shown in checking White House visits by Alefantis (5) and Silsby -- actually on the same day in one case. But also note, as Hillary left State Department, John Kerry was the replacement and we might wonder if he continues on with the operation?

Also it's important to keep the pattern of elites/pedophile rings in mind ... for stopping investigations and for moving a cover up of a national investigation as we saw in Belgium. The pattern is always the same: First, the most effective leaders of the investigation are removed. The public is outraged that the investigator they had confidence in is fired. They went into the streets by the hundreds of thousands to protest. Fairly soon afterward, the investigation itself is stopped, unusually by an unknown official or higher-up. The investigation is itself is attacked, first by someone working directly with witnesses where bias, over-sympathy, or romantic relationship with witness is suggested. Then the head team is attacked, as we saw in Belgium. The attacks on investigators suggest that they didn't perform the interviews or interrogations correctly, or mishandled evidence or were also biased. (In fact, in Belgium, all of the interviews and interrogations were observed by higher ups in the departments and often by others even higher up. No problems were found.) The lead investigators are then brought up on charges requiring their energy and assets be devoted to defending themselves. Attention is then turned to the witnesses who are courageous enough to come out to give evidence/testimony. This all begins to confuse the public who can only rely on reports from "news outlets" and government sources. The public begins to lose confidence in the investigation. As the witnesses continue to be demonized by media, the public comes to believe the lies about the witnesses and sometimes the witnesses and they, themselves, begin to be blamed and come under attack. The lies work so successfully that in the end the public begins to believe that there is only one case of a few missing children is all that is involved. That there is no actual trafficking in children going on, nor connections to higher up officials, nor a pedophile ring trafficking children. It's good to keep all of this in mind. We've already seen similar attacks on pizzagate using media.


IT is worse then child molestaion and satanic ritual killings.There is weapons experimentation.Biological and chemical and new energy experimentation.Nazis by the power of 10.It is nugan hand bank X 100.

Votescam ago

If you mean chemtrails and HAARP -- yes -- and the information has moved very slowly so that much of the public doesn't recognize what is going on.

wisdomtooth ago

Don't be a cuck, and let the community decide what is relevant or not through VOTING. Your role as a mod is to ENABLE the investigation, not disable it. Your job is keeping the bots out, not deciding what is what isn't relevant for the rest of us. The moment you start doing this, this community will die. People are not stupid. ESPECIALLY pizzagaters, who are already pretty suspicious about all sorts of manipulation.

samhara ago

I see, but the remedy is to start a sub with only stuff you think is important.

wisdomtooth ago

No, they aren't. Are they for you?

ALL submissions should be directly related to Pizzagate.

After all the evidence of pedophilia in the Hollywood elite, and their obvious connection with the political elite, do you really need an explanation over as clear pedophile reference as that in George Michael's song? Are you that far in the autistic scale that you can't read figurative language? I suppose the art in John Podesta's house isn't "directly related' to pedophilia for you either, is it?

wisdomtooth ago

C'mon, are you autistic? It's an obvious allusion to pedophilia. This forum is a space for EXPLORING leads and sorting through information. It doesn't need your CENSORING. We get enough censoring in mainstream channels. Go back to reddit, if you feel safer there.

wisdomtooth ago

My post with George Michael's lyrics alluding to pedophilia just got deleted. HOW ARE THEY NOT RELEVANT?? THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!

What is it with computers and control freaks??

This site is called VOAT! VOAT, as in VOTE - geddit?? You don't need to delete anything!! Don't think it's relevant; don't vote on it. That simple!! Think that, beyond irrelevant, it is damaging; downvote it. DON'T DELETE IT, BLOODY CENSORS!

atheist4thecause ago

I agree with you on CP and shill accusations, but I disagree with your point about how posting about 8M children go missing every year somehow benefits this subverse. Yes, lots of children go missing every year. We know that. Most of them have absolutely nothing to do with #PizzaGate. You don't actually expect us to investigate the disappearance of 8M children each year, do you?

unfuckitup ago

I think a deep understanding of the Clinton Foundation is of great importance. We need to do the work of Eric Braverman. What exactly was his job? What was he there to investigate for Chelsea? What did he find? Remember, he went missing before the Podesta emails were released by Wikileaks. Would he have been searching foodie code words. Anybody here have experience in management? I don't, myself but I believe that's the way to find a paper trail.

Hermesthriceborn ago

55 updoots in a day and a half, for a STICKY, kevdude come on you guys are really trying to ruin this on purpose huh?

Hermesthriceborn ago

Mods are modding out of control. modded out. mod ego, too big, can't. stop. now. must. keep. modding. users need mods. user. need. me. someone. need. me?


you mods are a joke.

wisdomtooth ago

Exactly! We came to voat PRECISELY because we were being censored in mainstream channels.

SmilingWide ago

I think you shouldnt add restrictions to an investigation that is already being massively coverup. Let ppl be free to brainstorm and follow various leads and connections related to stopping the elite pedo rings. Cwnsorship will detract from legitimacy of this site as an official investigative channel

ThePuppetShow ago

A little off topic but, can you put a invite link in the sidebar or at least an explanation on how to find one if they're personalized.

witch_doctor1 ago

I just wanted to say that I think the invite only policy for new members is not a good thing. IMO, it discourages noobs who may have something to contribute from signing up and posting. We need this place to GROW....The_Donald became exponentially more powerful as they grew in numbers. We are trying to raise this issue in the mass consciousness of the general public after all.

What is the rationale for the invite only? Am I wrong about something? Just curious because the invite only seems counter-intuitive for where this forum is at right now.

witch_doctor1 ago

Important point IMO...there should be some sort of nicely organized wiki for the hard evidence and solid leads...that way they stand out from the also necessary relevant shit-posting and meme magic. A meme depository might be nice for the pizzagaters who are functioning as the social media warriors.

joeysaperv ago

I have always thought that tight moderation is a detriment. A lot of people coming here are not deep investigators, but are coming here to get a better picture of the international pedophile gangs in positions of power. Politicians won't restrain themselves, law enforcement looks the other way, media won't report it. There is no other place that citizens can get an understanding of what is happening.

Not all pedophiles are mind controlled satanist cannibals, but this information also must be permitted to stand. Many of the pedophile investigations in the past were simply dismissed as being too strange to be true, only to be found to be true later.

Let the information come out. We won't be free from these demons until people are aware enough to fight back.

sunajAeon ago

" Who even knows if CF is even the head" That's an interesting idea What I keep saying-we have to find a way to stay on track while continuing to pursue and understand the underlying foundation of this Group, this phenomenon-only by seeing the big picture does it make any sense [I did find the one post re: the psychology (inasmuch as it is understood, or even HAS a basis in psychology) of what drives these people to harm children in such a monstrous way (basically it boils down to narcissism, developed to the extreme and pathologic, or so his theory suggests) was very useful]

Vindicator ago

Maybe the way to handle the potentially helpful but only loosely related posts (like the psychology one) is to post them in one of the other subs, but add a link in a number of posts already going in this sub with a good description. That way, those who are interested can easily get to it, without sliding more important threads here?

sunajAeon ago

That will work


Maybe they desire the lynch mob mentality to rise .At least their last creation "the lone wolf wolf" will have company.

sunajAeon ago

I see, thank you I will be using the discussion link more from now on

Toogi23 ago

This is a world wide problem, it has gone beyond one localised area and dots are available from all the world, even if seemingly unrelated, they often are in such cases. Other countries have had, do have still, rampant acts like this and that makes us all connected, all able to help in some way. Don't exclude the world by narrowing your options to only one area as they don't stick to one area. They are global and so should this be. Edit: I am happy to have the hastag change from what is so that we can broaden and recognise the problem as under one umbrella. I think everyone will agree that this is more than just about a pizza place now.

smokratez ago

The current rules are retardedly obtuse and only hinder the investigation.

sunajAeon ago

I'm new to the forum and still learning how to use this forum and how to focus/hone my own investigation skills, I have had at least 2 posts removed, while I understand the mods reasoning what I posted is newsworthy and should not be discarded, although they were not PRIMARILY related to PIZZA GATE, yet one has to understand the BACKDROP of PIZZA GATE such as the CIA MANAGED SEX SLAVE TRADE, Pizzagate would not be possible at this level without this, and one feeds the other; so while mods must manage the flow of information, they must also make sure they look at the posts and make sure they are not throwing the baby out with bath water, also we all appreciate what you do to keep the forum on point sunaj

Solver2 ago

Posted an article on how Comet Ping Pong had lost their liquor license and chef in 2010 and it was removed for reason 2. Do I really need to explain how an article on Comet Ping Pong relates to Pizzagate? The removal of the article makes me believe that some people are trying to infiltrate this board, control the discussion, and steer it at least away from certain directions.

yousef1971 ago

i think we have a new reddit here guys, time to move.

libertyvs ago

Yes, you are saying what I would, so - I second all points made. Let's keep moving forward on the investigation and keep lead straight to coordinate and allow self-organization to take place. This i probably the place for it. It's unique, and potentially much more effective - ie, independent investigation - if we develop the model for implementation here, in real time. Allow / encourage the other flairs, topics, subject, to emerge naturally into a wiki for documentation, etc. but focus on leads and moving forward.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Just connect everything you can to the Clinton Foundation, we can be pedohunters and work on pedowood or other things later. Try to focus on one area, not any pedophile info you come across that doesn't seem to connect to the clinton foundation. FBIanons helped guide us, lets just focus on that and what Wikileaks gave us. George Webbs work is a perfect example of what we should be doing.


The clinton foundation is vast from libya to labia. Pizzagate is a pimple on the CF arse.

unfuckitup ago

I fear that separating into topics will keep facts isolated from each other and we may miss the connections. I'm happy to go with a more organic, big picture view and investigators can zoom in from on high with that larger view in mind and bring what they find back up to the top. I believe this will lead to a more organic growth of this knowledge and a method, a plan for disseminating these findings will arise in the natural order of things.

UglyTruth ago

I agree that the scope should be expanded, but it's probably appropriate to give it a different name and tie it down so that the corporate media can't misrepresent it so easily.

In the emails Clinton talks about Minerva as if she were communicating with a conscious being. That at the Moloch references indicate that the occult aspect is relevant. David Icke has done a heap of work on this theme, and it relates to the colobama trait that Madeleine McCann had in her right eye.

Millennial_Falcon ago

There are a lot of threads and the Clinton foundation is in lots of countries. Who even knows if CF is even the head. It looks like a lot of legitimate users want an expanded definition.

? My definition literally includes the Clinton Foundation, and associates of the Clinton Foundation. I think some are reading my definition as narrower than it actually is. It's really quite broad, and basically amounts to how the sub is currently operating.

hardrock ago

Whatever is finally decided about how to structure and refine the focus of the Pizzagate investigation, there is one thing which must top the list : A simple description of what Pizzagate is, that can be delivered using emphatic, lively and easy to follow language in 15 seconds or less. In other words , a punchy hard-news sound bite. It should work equally well in 'print only' , 'audio only' or full on newscast style audio/video. It must work both as a easy to understand (and retain) answer to the question “What is Pizzagate?” , and as a directive to our investigators about what they should be looking for.

We need this condensed, truthful and clear statement for many good reasons, but the primary reason is so that we can fire it off like an armor piercing bullet over and over again. That's how you get a message to cut through the noise, and how you keep the message from going fuzzy or being diverted.

Here is one possible version of a statement:

Pizzagate is the story of deeply entrenched and protected pedophile networks operating with impunity at the top levels of government and politics in and through Washington, DC. The name pizzagate is simply an easy to remember convenience, stemming from the initial notice of the rampant use of pedophile code words in the leaked John Podesta Emails. The captive mainstream media won't publish the growing body of evidence. Instead they protect the suspects with silence and absurd false reports about what pizzagate actually is. That guilt driven siege mentality has forced the investigation to go online. That muddies the water, but it won't prevent.this situation from eventually getting to the courts, no matter how rich and powerful the criminals are, because sex trafficking of children is terrible crime that threatens the entire nation.

Beyond that statement I would picture the channels of investigation to fall into an outline of categories something like this :

  1. Clients
  2. Suppliers and venues
  3. Protectors
  4. How Pizzagate links to specific Corrupt Power Players operating in or through Washington DC
  5. How Corrupt Power Players operating in or through Washington DC link to Human Trafficking in other parts of the world

And two more categories that for now assist investigators, but which later would be handed over to Law Enforcement authorities.

  1. A Repository for documentation of identifiable specific victims
  2. A Repository for hard documentation of specific crimes by named individuals

Cynabuns ago

Possible, sure; anything could be coded to make this happen, but doubtful because I don't believe that Voat was/is structured for per-subverse alterations other than CSS and this is what it sounds like might be needed.

With some CSS magic, I believe that it would be easy enough to change the form well (the screen where link- and discussion-posts are created) so that a few rules or subjects are listed out right on the submissions page, but then you are going to have to require that users have their CSS enabled. One other thought that comes to mind is to make this sub (or a new, preliminary one??) Private, with approved Submitters only.

kwsfww ago

In short I would define it as the investigation of a potential global pedophile ring and also the investigation into all instances of pedophilia and human trafficking that is taking place in the world.

neo50 ago

Pizzagate; The investigation of criminal activity and corruption that encompasses top level people in all industries and governments, globally. My definition may be too broad, but based on the inflow of information, I think that's where this investigation is headed. Yes, it started with pedophiles and trafficking, but has branched out to include money, war, oil, satanic rituals and possibly weapons. Since most people can't fathom the disgusting activities of the people involved, maybe they will believe corruption exists at high levels. Once they do their own research, their eyes will be opened. My definition is ambitious and broad but I think so much of this is connected and intertwined.

Instead of deleting posts that might have value in the future, how about organizing them? Instead of the newer "whatever" category for pizzagate, it makes sense to have multiple categories for people to post and searchers to connect dots. Some examples:
pizzagatehistory for all posts regarding info prior to 2016,
pizzagatesatanic for all the ritualistic info,
pizzagatetrafficking for posts regarding trafficking,
pizzagatesurvivors Their stories need to be seen, not buried.
I'm sure there are many ways to categorize the posts but I think sub-categories are the way to go to organize the investigation. Information of interest could be located faster and posts wouldn't be buried so easily.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Considering Pizzagate itself seems to be floundering, and all the relevant information probably applies to something beyond Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong, I think strictly enforcing a direct connection is a bad idea.

It also seems to allow mods to subtly direct the narrative, as who's to decide what is connected and what is not? Right now, most submissions would or could be removed under this new rule.

doubletake ago

Pizzagate is best synonymous with code words associated with Child Trafficking/Prostitution (labor, sex, and/or sacrifice, death). By definition, trafficking implies multiple directions, incoming and outgoing. So it is about actual events and places. And any associated Cover-Ups.

And that's why I think Epstein's Dream Team, and Epstein's 13-month sentence, is such a HUGE target. This guy was caught buck ass naked with at least several dozen minors. And he jetted them all over the place. If there was ever a more open and shut case, I'd like to know about it. The cops had him dead to rights. No problema. Hasta la vista, baby for, add them up, probably over a 100 years (minimum). It was the prosecutors who kept things from the judge, and it was the prosecutors who kept things out of the Feds hands. All in collusion with the Dream Team. To figure out all that they did, both sides, to get this guy off with a slap, is a front row seat to what we are up against. Dershowitz even made it "legal" to immunize everybody else in Epstein's circle, including himself, from future prosecution. (not a lawyer, but it's close.) The prosecution didn't even tell the victims of the final verdict, which is now the basis of the suit underway in Florida. And the Media was silent about all of this. Gives a great second foundation to attack the media for their complaisance (and it is still current with overlapping players). Whatever the foundation of the mission here, it could include ways to Shame the MSM, and in this case, shame the dream team lawyers and prosecutors (and their bosses) who essentially got Epstein off -- bringing it to the public's attention to supplement the pizzagate allegations. 2⍧.

samhara ago

The problem is this: you are name - calling some people's information "disinformation"

You are waving a magic wand over what they offer and calling it "crap"

I call ABC, MSNBC, WaPo, NewYorkTimes, CBS, Vanity Fair, Slate, and on and on Bullshit sites, from my experience as a researcher.

If you don't like some information - then skip it. That is all.

I skip the New York Post and all other Propaganda outfits. Should we ban them then? They call us "Fake News."

Everyone judges for themselves what is "fake news" and what is "real news"

It shouldn't be dictated.

Naturally the State News labels us Fake News.

Alright, so what does that tell you? They are lying. They lie

samhara ago

Who's to judge that?

dottodot ago

If you really want to get this ball rolling and strike fear in the hearts of offenders you will focus the investigative efforts of this group on vetting political candidates for 2018

zzvoat ago

I'd like to add:

• If possible, set things up where new registrations cannot get in until they pass a window with the rules, etc. on it, as well as information about how to do detailed searches - a large link to

• Concise subjects, like those I suggested based on location and strictly following a format, whatever it is

• 24-hour initial hold on all submissions for mod approval. Anything not following the subject line requirements get kicked back. After someone "proves themselves" able to always follow the subject line requirement, mod hold removed.

dogeminho ago

To me, the definition of pizzagate is the ongoing investigation of child trafficking on a global level, done by people with power(government, business,etc.) and people connected to those individuals/groups/etc. that help with the trafficking of children, exploitation and so on.

It also has to do with the disgusting ritual sacrifice of them, how it's tied to some aspects of art and whatnot. It is non-partisan, although it did launch with the Podesta emails and tips from FBI-anon. Those are just the starting points. It's also not in one region, religion, etc.

It's about the children who are suffering daily. It doesn't matter what the person belongs to(i.e. we are not grouping people together and declaring them pedophiles based on where they live, political party they belong to, etc.).

I don't know if that makes sense, I hope it does. I'm not the best when it comes to words.

JrSlimss ago

My fear is just that the final definition won't allow for tangential crimes (such as financial crimes) linked to the Clinton Foundation. I don't think most people on here are looking at the Clinton Foundation properly. It's less of a one-dimensional child sex trafficking ring, and more of a "Mafia 2.0" that engages in many horrendous acts throughout the globe - arms smuggling, drug running, etc. - that ALSO INCLUDES child sex trafficking. Financial crimes are very important - such as the Swiss Leaks because that is how the money is laundered for various illegal activities, including child trafficking. For example, Giustra and Jeffrey Epstein both had accounts in the bank at the center of the scandal that paid money to the Clinton Foundation.

Verite1 ago

Absolutely agree with this.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Pizzagate: An investigation into child trafficking. Originating from leaked Podesta's emails. With ties to corruption in government.

Pizzagate: An investigation into child trafficking and abuse.
Originating from leaked Podesta's emails which shows ties to corruption in government. Pizzagate is the continuing investigation into the systemic and ongoing abuse of children by the powerful

Any good?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

the fact that I was rude, irrational and acted like a small child

The first step to forgiveness is understanding what you did wrong.

Acceptance is found when you adjust to the reality of the truth of yourself.
Simply acknowledging this can lead you to a path of improvement, with very little effort.

Looking back now, the title could have definitely been worded more accurately and descriptively

Awesome, this is the kind of growth I'm hoping all contributors can get, even if they get knocked back a few times.
The key thing to remember; a deleted post is not a cutoff or exclusion, it's more of a "we know you can do better, try again, we're here to help you help us"

Your post (linked in another comment) is actually full of potential, but you need to tell us the story of why you think it's important, and why we the community, should care.
I personally know full well how brazenly in the open this filth operates, but we need to contextualize and frame the evidence in a way that collectively grows the pool of evidence through clear links.

take the advice of @kevdude and give it another go, also, use /v/pizzagatewhatever to get help and also to see if anyone shares your thoughts who can help dig up more

JrSlimss ago

Here's a Wiki for Pizzagate: The Mods have never supported it, however, even though users have asked for one numerous times. I don't really get the Mods' MO but a wiki would inherently stop redundancy on this forum.

zzvoat ago

Thank you so much for all you do. Thank you for undertaking this! It's important.

I find myself thinking in terms of location (flair?) with cross posting





People would then use further identifiers in their title - examples off the top of my head...

Global - Vatican

Global - Royalty - European

Global - Royalty - Middle East

Global - Ritual Sexual Abuse - Practises

Global - Ritual Sexual Abuse - History

Global - Ritual Sexual Abuse - History - India

Global - Ritual Sexual Abuse - History - England - Aleister Crowley

Global - Ritual Sexual Abuse - History - Turkey - Sabbateans and Frankists

International - Syria - White Helmets - Eva Barrett

International - Nigeria - Boko Haram

International - Haiti - Clinton Foundation - Orphanage - (Name)

International - Haiti - Clinton Foundation - Monica Peterson

International - Haiti - Clinton Foundation - Laura Silsby

International - Ethiopia - Clinton Foundation - Orphanage - (Name)

National - Missing Children - Annual Statistics

National - Virginia - Higher number of Missing Children

National - Virginia - Higher number of Missing Children - Update

National - Hawaii - Podesta - Hotdog Stand

National - Nebraska -- Franklin Scandal

Local - Washington, DC - Comet Ping Pong - Alefantis

Local - Washington, DC - Comet Ping Pong - Alefantis - Interview

Local - Washington, DC - Comet Ping Pong - Artwork

Local - Washington, DC - Comet Ping Pong - Shooting

Local - Washington, DC - Tony Podesta - Artwork

Local - Washington - Tony Podesta - Neighborhood - Obama

Local - New York City - Roberta's

Local - Chicago - "Pizza and Hotdogs" - Obama

Cuboctahedron ago

Information should flow through a generalized process. An "anything goes" subverse (pizzagatewhatever) for new leads, organized by type, the ten possible flairs possibly being {Occult/Religious/Miscellany, Picture/Music/Video analysis, Corrupt Psychology/Science/Education, Governmental Corruption/Crime/Conspiracy, Corruption and Censorship in the Media (related to Pizzagate), Undeveloped Theories (Speculation/Predictions), Unfinished memes/motivational posts, General Crime, Restaurants/Stores, Anecdotes/Stories}. This information is collected and analyzed in this subverse, right here. The third subverse (Pizzagatememes, or Askpizzagate) distributes the information in an organized fashion. It's not for speculation: it's for the normies to read. We need some formalized summaries of parts of Pizzagate to be written. This is the part that we want to show to the general public, so it will be the most formal-looking. I like the three-subverse-method, but the problem will be getting people to use the other two subverses.

Sentastixc ago

Please see my suggestion for a solution of the communication problem and ineffectiveness of investigating from this subverse

PromiseKeeper ago

I think it should focus on related cases also including cult/satanic pedorape and murder (and cannibalism) such as hampstead and such as themes of some instsgrams in the extended jimmycomet circle.

justanotherpizza ago

Late to the discussion, but I hope my post is read and considered.

TL:DR avoid a definition that supports media narrative of pizzagate. acknowledge podesta emails as starting point, but build up a list of people, places, and organizations that are linked by objective evidence. allow definition room to evolve. define purpose of investigation.

Let us begin by examining how Mass media has defined Pizzagate. any definition that fits too closely to the mass media narrative will obviously hurt us. I looked at the articles on Pizzagate from the top ten newspapers in the world, and created the following composite definition: (see reply comment for full sources)

  • Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring inside a DC pizzeria, using pizza places to traffic people, and abusing children in the basement.
  • John Podesta and other high ranking democratic leaders are also involved.
  • Code words and satanic symbols point to this.

The above definition gives us a clue of some traps we can avoid to fall into. Here are some attack angles that media is currently trying to use to discredit and ridicule Pizzagate:

  • Pizzagate is targeting Hillary clinton / democratic party because they are all trump supporters.
  • Pizzagate is obviously fake because they believe that Hillary is a devil worshiper abusing kids in a pizzeria basement.

So my point is that any definition that focuses exclusively on clinton, podesta, and democratic leaders is defenseless against legitimacy attacks. (just Trump supporters) and focusing on the satanic aspect or the pizzeria front aspect is also problematic, although clearly one piece of the picture.

I like the pedocracy post higher up, I also like the idea of degrees of separation from the primary evidence (podesta emails). I also want to raise the issue of PURPOSE. Why we are doing this?

with the above in mind, here is one suggestion:

"An open investigation into VIPs and organizations possibly involved in child abuse networks, originating from the leaked emails of John Podesta. PIZZAGATE aims to raise awareness of valid concerns, possibly leading to legal prosecution."

This could be a working definition that allows for further development of the definition of scope. it specifies a starting point, but not an end point. the criteria could be Provable degrees of separation from key suspects, organizations

supporting this criteria would be:

  • A list of people and organizations that are linked to Pizzagate through objective evidence and logical correlation.
  • A list of people and orgs that have been discussed but without a provable, objective link.

people and organizations like John Podesta, James Alefantis, Comet Ping Pong, Clinton foundation are certainly close to podesta

going further leads to people like Epstein / Lolita express, Laura Silsby, David Brock, Eric Braverman, Transformer art gallery, Heavy Breathing, Majestic Ape, social media profiles linked to James A.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

@Crensch @kevdude @kingkongwaswrong

This comment should get more attention

Not saying I agree/disagree, just that it deserves more attention

justanotherpizza ago

sources for composite mass media definition of PIZZAGATE:

several high-level Democratic leaders, including Hillary Clinton, are operating an underground child sex ring out of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria.

restaurant Comet Ping Pong was target of fake news reports it was operating a child abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton and an aide

Believers imagined a pedophilia ring supposedly being run out of the pizza shop that somehow involved Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta, among other Democrats. It was an anti-Clinton narrative -- just one of many -- spread by online commenters who described themselves as Donald Trump supporters. "Pizzagate" continued to evolve after election day.

Comet Ping Pong was the home base of a child abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief, John D. Podesta.

Hillary Clinton using pizza places to traffic people.

Pizzagate — the belief that code words and satanic symbols point to a sordid underground along an ordinary retail strip in the nation’s capital

restaurant was a front for a child sex ring operated by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. The information had been part of a fake news campaign targeting Clinton before and after the general election.

Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring inside a DC pizzeria

Hillary Clinton abused children inside pizzeria basement

Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta ran a child sex ring out of the restaurant,

throwaway345678 ago

Needs to br broad enough that we can research valid connections via the Clinton Foundation, like over through ARK to the Findhorn group. This is a valid area to research.

lawfag123 ago


RebelSkum ago has given a few tries at defining an overall mission for #Pizzagate:

May we continue to deliver unprecedented investigative documentation on once obscure facts about crimes and potential abuses of power conducted by governments around the World. Together with brave anons, white hats, wizards, autists, and the occasional Plebbitors and /b/astards we will always be watching The Powers That Be and will always speak out for those who cannot.

Using facts and real, sourced news as well as honest discussion we can collectively solve perhaps the greatest and most secret crime spree ever committed.

A more official breakdown of our mission can be found here and may be a useful model:,_Rules,_and_Guidelines

The #Pizzagate Wiki compiles, edits, and archives various facts and testimonies regarding criminal and unethical abuses of power throughout the world. Our goal is to present massive amounts of research in an easy-to-follow and meaningful way, but to also to maintain a principle of objectivity so as not to confuse facts with opinions. We seek to replace speculation with constructive dialogue and honest evaluation of evidence, facts, and witnesses. We do not accept donations of any kind for our content, and actively prohibit this behavior as a means of safeguarding objectivity and maintaining the ethical principle that protecting human rights and victims of their abuses are paramount to the need for financial gain.

atheist4thecause ago

I'm a bit mixed on this, so I'll try to figure out how to effectively get my thoughts out:

1) #PizzaGate, and it's core, is about investigating if something nefarious is going on specifically in regards to pedophilia among the elites. It started from what seem to be code words in John Podesta's emails via WikiLeaks. Also involved is this idea that elites at the top protect each other so we can't depend on typical investigative bodies to do their job without pressure. The goal of #PizzaGate is to help gather the evidence to create societal pressure to force these agencies to do real investigations, and also force politicians to take actions if other elites are blocking investigations. #PizzaGate is not about accusing people or putting people on trial, however, forming hypotheses are key to a hypothesis investigation.

There are other aspects that have potential, such as the satanic occult aspect, but these other "optional" aspects really aren't a part of the core of #PizzaGate, and so #PizzaGate can survive even if these aspects aren't true. So, for instance, if there is a pedophile ring among the elites but no satanism, #PizzaGate continues. If there is satanism with no pedophile ring, #PizzaGate largely dies out. If there are sacrificial killings with no pedophilia, #PizzaGate could potentially morph into being more about satanism, but I think that would be a large change.

2) About how broad or narrow the investigation should be, I think a lot of the disagreement comes from whether rings such as the Norwegian pedophile ring are actually the same ring or separate rings from a potential American pedophile ring. I think the only way to know this is to actually investigate to see if there are connections, which is why I favor allowing talk of any ring that includes convictions or arrests of pedophile elites anywhere in the world, especially if it's recently. I don't think it's relevant to have posts where individual pedophiles are being caught. For instance, the story where a Santa and his elves in Milwaukee, WI beat up a pedophile stepfather was just clutter and had absolutely nothing to do with #PizzaGate.

About satanism, I understand allowing some really good posts about satanism that maybe don't directly tie just to help people understand how these cults work, but it needs to be limited. Also, preferably, this should be limited to the type of satanism that are likely close to what the elites surrounding John Podesta actually practice. But really, these need to be limited. These types of posts are getting very far from #PizzaGate, and we don't need to go super in-depth about teach people about these cultish practices without stronger evidence of satanism in a form that matters (such as actually driving pedophilia).

3) This will probably be an unpopular position here, but information overload is actually a form of censorship. If we censor absolutely nothing, the few good things will get pushed down while the majority of crappy stuff will dominate, because it's harder to make a really good and accurate post than a bad and/or inaccurate post. We need to value the good posts, and if posts get pushed down really quickly, there isn't enough time for voaters to upvoat the really good stuff to keep it on the front page. The more information and investigators we have, the more we need to limit what is posted. Think about in a football game where a Quarterback is trying to make a call, and all of the fans are yelling, some of the Quarterback's information gets through, but much of what the Quarterback says gets lost.

4) I think we need to recognize that there are a lot of conspiracy theorists looking to make money on this. They aren't trying to further #PizzaGate, they are trying to build up their Youtube channels, sell books, etc. This is not good for the #PizzaGate Movement, as it makes us look very conspiratorial (when most people here aren't actually conspiracy theorists outside of #PizzaGate), and it is just clutter getting in the way of finding the truth.

Lets remember where we came from. Places like Reddit, Twitter, and even Youtube to a large extent have been completely censoring #PizzaGate. Voat is allowing the discussion to take place. That doesn't mean that we have to go to the extreme on the other end and censor nothing. And Voat has protections in place that if a moderator censors something, we can actually see that. I have seen nothing so far to think that the moderators are over-censoring, and if anything, I think they have been slightly under-censoring where some valuable information has been lost in favor of useless information.

samhara ago

There are four sheets I got from VOAT[?] I believe having to do with techniques used by the teams who work for the Large-Scale State Criminals.

They will have a shill to mention violence and then see who chimes in.

That person will be tagged to be a patsy later on. Or to be set - up for arrest.

There is no need for violence if you have truth on your side. The reason the State needs to use violence is because they cannot win the argument. In one of the four sheets I mentioned, it explicitly states that if all else fails, to shut up someone who is shedding light on their crimes, they will kill.

That is their last resort and we all , who have followed this investigation, know that it is true, from Breitbart to Monica Peterson.

I wrote about his today on Facebook. To over communicate :

"The people who are talking about violence have to be flagged. It's deliberate. They do it in order to try to "out" the people whom they can then set - up .

That technique is written about in these sheets.

Don't be crazy.. Nobody is winning this by force.. They are in the corner and must use murder to "make their point" since they do not have the truth on their side. When you have truth , violence is superfluous."

I can't link the sheets right now cause it's a closed group. I put them on my blog but I don't think they are too legible.

micha_ ago

Maybe it would be good, if there was a separate PEDOGATE subverse that you could open? In that case the non-pizzagate threads, but relevant ones for this incredibly deep hole, would have a harbor. Over time that subverse would become bigger while pizzagate, being only a small part of PEDOGATE, would become more focused and smaller.

gopluckyourself ago

In my mind pizzagate is the investigation into widespread corruption and pedophilia of the political elite based on the wikileaks podesta emails and topics related. Not necessarily pedophilia but as they are related to the current web that we know of. Or topics that can be pointed at and the question asked how does this relate to what we currently know?

Sentastixc ago

With the information in the public domain, I think most things that can be discovered about the podesta/clinton ring have been discovered. In my view, the things that are left to be discovered can not become more detailed than the podesta mails and alefantis pics, without further leaks. The only thing that is possible at this moment is to work on the big picture.

The evidence uncovered by the initial pizzagate investigation is very much amplified with evidence of the existence of a worldwide, loosely interconnected pedophilia network.That' s why I'm inclined to say we should allow posts that are about different cases around the world and in history.

I think we should consider to literally start farming data and aggregate it in a thread. We need all cases of pedophilia networks we can find. These cases give us new names, new organizations etc. to add to the dataset. We could then run this information against ngos and 501cs active in target fields such as child care programs and disaster relief.

Think about it. Every dot connected worldwide makes those emails and pictures a little more incriminating.

samhara ago

This thread unfortunately reminds me of when they set - up "We Are Change" under the auspice of "Alex Jones"

Everyone got their say and the majority rule was clear, but Luke was under instruction from "Jones' and the leaders did whatever the fuck they wanted , and just did the vote-thing and the feed-back thing to make it appear fair. And to wear out the rank and file. They will "psy-op" you to death, is the truth. And they have way more money and practice. And followers will all fall in line.

I have spent a lot of energy commenting on this and I feel confident it will make no difference. But I tried. Also, no kidding any mention of Trump will be excluded and off the table. The whole 'Pizzagate" phenomenon had it's roots in Trump supporters, so what does anyone or would anyone, expect?

samhara ago

But no one has still ever explained why the post would have to be deleted.

atheist4thecause ago

Because if the posts aren't deleted then there will be so many off-topic posts with no connection that the good information won't be seen by people. You end up with low-effort posts over high-effort posts. When enough people are submitting, and this subverse is starting to get large enough that this is happening, there isn't enough time for people to voat up good information before it is pushed off the first page.

samhara ago

People are not retarded or limited in their ability to sort things for themselves. That's why they've got this far. If you want start a /sub for "Most Important Information that Should Not get Lost" and just re- post what you think is so important we need to censor others so that this most important key thing gets through to people.

As I mentioned before, there are thousands involved with this. Not everyone will be drawn to take the same path in what they investigate.

There is a glut of info on this subject. The Facebook groups on this are just popping. I see that as a feature , not a bug.

atheist4thecause ago

There's nothing "retarded" about not being able to sort through information because one didn't see it. Right now, the first post on the second page is from 4 hours ago. Most people don't search the 2nd and 3rd pages, and most people don't go online every 4 hours. And this is with the moderators deleting information. In fact, if a person comes online every 12 hours, they need to search through 4 pages of information to find all the information they missed. In my view, it is censorship by white noise to censor nothing. There's a reason our sense have a limited spectrum.

samhara ago

Well then start a thread / subverse with only the stuff you think is important. Easy.

atheist4thecause ago

How about you go to the subverse that already exists that allows everything for pizzagate and censors nothing?

samhara ago

You're the one who is complaining.

atheist4thecause ago

You want to take away the ability of moderators to moderate. Right now they have the power to moderate. I'm arguing basically to keep things the way the are now, with maybe a minor tweak. And yet you say I'm complaining and you're not when you are fighting for radical change and I'm fighting for status quo or a minor tweak.

samhara ago

Actually yeah, the title is "defining the focus of the sub" so everything is "on the table" "Status Quo" is not set yet.

atheist4thecause ago

Status quo would mean how things have been operating. You're not very good at this.

samhara ago

Why re-write the definition of "Pizzagate" ? That is the definition by which something is deemed appropriate or not for the /sub. If it was to stay the same - the definition would not be changing. That is grammar, and grammar is the first step in logic.

samhara ago

I know. They are looking to change the Status Quo. that's why the sticky. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

atheist4thecause ago

They are looking to define, not necessarily change.

samhara ago

I thought this over: And now youve given me some questions.

Obviously, if what you say is true, the Mods have been without directives. Since there would be no need to change the definition of "Pizzagate" if the one they were working under was deemed suitable. 'Til now there has been no definition of "Pizzagate?"

If untrue, ( i.e there is a working definition )- that means someone one has found the present one "not good enough" and therefore is looking to change it.

So, when I weigh in, on my conviction : i.e. There should be an overwhelming necessity to remove something, if that is done [otherwise people can think for themselves], it's not because I don't think the "Status Que" is good the way it is. It's because I'm anticipating changes.

People can sort the info themselves. That is why they are here. No need to be thought police.. We get that anywhere. That's cheap. That's on every street corner.

This needs to be something different. A place where people who can not do their research, talking and thinking anywhere else, can go.

Why am I anticipating changes?

1 . Experience with para - political research: i.e. the past; Knowing what happens to such groups And also recently reading the directives handed out to people who are tasked with stopping them.

and 2. Reading some people complain that there is not enough culling of the materail - and claiming no one can read through it all, and that people get lost , and that no one can keep up with the posts because there is too much slippage, and things "disappear" after 24 hours.. when that is plainly not true. I look at the posts and check the pages.. And the same posts are there . I go through the pages and the slippage is not severe.

Why would they be making those claims if they did not want to throttle material?

And the majority here and the majority of upvotes are for keeping a broad data collection goal.

If more people come in here, when the flood gates open, that could change? I don't know. We will see.

I've suggested that back up /subs or "streams leading into the large river" could be assembled and collected.

Someone needs to say why that simple solution will not work, before they go changing the rules for stiffer criteria for staying on the /sub.

atheist4thecause ago

The point is that most people don't look beyond the first page, and if someone checks every 12 hours, they have to go through about 4 pages of information. So sure, if they checked once a day they could go through about 8 pages of information, but not many people will actually do that.

samhara ago

I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I am fine as long as they don't delete but archive the things which are omitted. I tried to express that others that others who felt there needed to be more editing by the mods , were incorrect. I thought the purpose of the sticking / feedback was to outline new parameters.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

No clear explanation of what the post is actually about, or it's relevance to pizzagate, with sources.

I would allow a post that connected 'moon nazis' so long as the sourced evidence is provided and presented in a manner that the reasoning can be followed.

Not to say I would believe or agree with the post, but when you're investigating you should not cast out the ludicrous simply because it's ludicrous.
You cast it aside because a better option is presented.

This investigation will use all types of reasoning;

We're going to need all types and methods to expose this whole thing, being agile but focused will help us achieve this.

VieBleu ago

got it-thanks

FoxMcCloud11 ago

You want Chelsea Clinton to be president. Either you're a fucking moron or the ultimate troll. On second thought, likely both. Do everyone a favor and go do something productive with your pathetic life.

amyrebeccajames ago

Anything possibly connected to a pedophile network or Satanic Ritual abuse that can be in any way suspected of ties to global elites.

VieBleu ago

Would it be possible to enable the editing of submission titles? It would probably salvage a percentages of posts that just messed up with unclear/biased/misleading/all caps/"bombshell" etc titles that otherwise have good info.

VieBleu ago

I like this idea. If nothing else, it would be a good way to present it to the public - "Six Degrees of Pizzagate". People would look at that prob who would not look at "Clinton Crime Ring" because they wouldn't believe it/brainwash fake news meme.

I think at some point if you feel like it, you should make a headline submission suggesting it, fleshed out a bit if you had the time/inclination - not an idea to be lost in the shuffle, a keeper. Someone just did a Pizzagate for Dummies free e-book, did you see it? I thought that was a good idea too. These are ways to organize information with proven mass appeal that works.

KittyTigerlily ago

We need your advice, and please don't be rude. A friend wrote to me about someone called Mr. Unknown on her Twitter page. He is Mr. Unknown @techgigbit . She only got a tweet from him after she visited Pastitbin thing. Where he was talking about something to happen on 12/28 or something. Not sure of the wording, but she didn't download anything at all.

Please look at his page. He's got all kinds of long codes on there like what Wikileaks uses. Maybe it goes to something like an upcoming WL dump or a previous past dump.


VieBleu ago

Actually its all over the place, you tube, twitter, at the holiday after parties. Human beings have very strong protective instincts towards their young. Mr. Obama is on his way out the door and headed for a pleasant, endess golf game and plenty of Chicago hot dogs.

samhara ago

Exactly we don't need a "mod" to tell us what we should ignore. Even thought most of our lives we've been told what to think and "culturally engineered" That's why we are here, because we see through the bullshit ourselves.

samhara ago

My comment appeared to me to disappear. I got a red "OK" and then I couldnt' save my comment.

" to uncover and provide clear, strong evidence which will compel enforcement of law and guide public policy."

This is a much longer subject: The subject of evidence and what constitutes evidence and proof. The large scale criminal syndicate knows backwards and forwards how to deal with this. They have been at it for hundreds of years. Because that is my understanding of the situation and because the subject itself is so huge, my own personal goal in this is not for prosecution. Why? Because the entire criminal justice system is corrupt and a fraud.

cf. The "Pizza Connection" prosecutions of the '80's which also took place in Palermo Sicily. They needed to build a special huge arena for all of the perps. They needed to hire their own private militia to protect the trial. At the end some ~60 convictions were upheald, and right afterward both Prosecutors were murdered. This was a trial which had *massive support by the population. We do not have that here.

Anyone who thinks they will bring this to trial without massive information acceptance by the general population is "airy - fairy" in my opinion and are those who will really lead this work down a blind alley.

As it is now we are being laughed at by the majority.

1 is PR and information propagation. #2 Take away the licenses of the major media for collusion in massive State Crime.

Control of Information is the number one priority of the modern military. And those who leaked these emails obviously know that.

Everything would change in less than 24 hours if some truthful people got control of the TV stations and radio stations. cf. taking over radio and tv stations Oaxaca Mexico. - -

samhara ago

" to uncover and provide clear, strong evidence which will compel enforcement of law and guide public policy."

This is a much longer subject: The subject of evidence and what constitutes evidence and proof. The large scale criminal syndicate knows backwards and forwards how to deal with this. They have been at it for hundreds of years. Because that is my understanding of the situation and because the subject itself is so huge, my own personal goal in this is not for prosecution. Why? Because the entire criminal justice system is corrupt and a fraud.

cf. The "Pizza Connection" prosecutions of the '80's which also took place in Palermo Sicily [ as well as in U.S.]. They needed to build a special huge arena for all of the perps. They needed to hire their own private militia to protect the trial. At the end some ~60 convictions were upheald, and right afterward both Prosecutors were murdered. This was a trial which had *massive support by the population. We do not have that here.

Anyone who thinks they will bring this to trial without massive information acceptance by the general population is "airy - fairy" in my opinion and are those who will really lead this work down a blind alley.

As it is now we are being laughed at by the majority.

1 is PR and information propagation. #2 Take away the licenses of the major media for collusion in massive State Crime.

Control of Information is the number one priority of the modern military. And those who leaked these emails obviously know that.

Everything would change in less than 24 hours if some truthful people got control of the TV stations and radio stations. cf. taking over radio and tv stations Oaxaca Mexico. - -

samhara ago

And it seems there is a threat here "If you dont do it my way, you are doomed. You are irrelevant" I don't agree at all.

A more likely scenario is that it peters out because of a narrow focus, incorrect assumptions about "the world as it is" and unrealistic goals.

samhara ago

So what? If something is a repeat and you already know about it , just skip it. Why do you need a censor, to pre-masticate for you?

samhara ago

There is no such thing as "objectivity" and anyone who pretends that or puts themselves up on that kind of pedestal, I dis-trust. There is not reason to trust anyone here. There should not be a need for "trust" I learned that in accounting. You lock the money up. And therefor the atmosphere is clear. No suspicion, because there is no way anyone can steal. Anyone who says "Trust me" is immediately suspect. Read your Manuals on Security issues. I have.

gopluckyourself ago

Which is why there are modlogs...

VictorSteinerDavion ago


I violently agree with this comment.

Objectivity is intellectual masturbation for the inferior

Anyone who says "Trust me" is immediately suspect

I've caught many a fool who thought they could get past me with this kind of crap

There is not reason to trust anyone here.

Yes, yes, yes, yes

Don't trust people, you will always be let down.
The truth doesn't require trust, being that trust is a subset of faith. And faith has no power over truth

markrod420 ago

pretty much what i tried to tell you the other day. Any instance of organized pedophilia has the potential to link back to the people we are trying to stop. If we only focus on the big players we will never stop them. How do cops bust major drug rings? They find a small guy that isnt as smart and they use info he has to move up the chain. We have to be willing to work in a similar manner. If one of the youtube pedophiles has been careless he may lead us to information that we need that we may never have been able to find as long as we are only focusing on the top few people.

You mods really just need to back the fuck off and let us build the connections we need to build in order to figure out what the hell is going on. Because its a lot bigger than clinton and her cronies and you arent helping.

samhara ago

That's how they did the "Pizza Connection" prosecutions in the '80's One man got tired of having his family murdered. So he came in and testified. Later FBI chief Freeh was involved with the U.S. side of these prosecutions. He was also involved with the Penn State pedo trial. [somehow - he dissed the report, I think.] Anyway, he is a top perp with a bad reputation among his own. The site where I had all this info and citations was hacked.. But yes, it was called the "Pizza Connection" trials back then since pizza parlours were said to be used for heroin trafficing.

samhara ago

No you didn't "We Have Done That" What vortexcortex described was many rivulettes / streams ,which are named, feeding into the one large river.. Not one place to dump "Whatever"

markrod420 ago

Yeah clearly our faith in your ability to control our information is waning. Maybe you should stop trying to control our information and just let us investigate instead...

nathanwblair ago

to pizzagate

Millennial_Falcon ago

Imo the voat downvoat isn't an effective form of regulation atm because so many users are new. Perhaps in the long term the situation will improve?

It probably never will be. This is such a sensitive topic that shills are actively trying to flood us with shitposts and disinformation, so we MUST have some minimum standards for posts!

samhara ago

I just block trolls / shills and then I don't have to look at it. No one has to do that for me.

markrod420 ago

Any public link to large groups of pedophilia provides the chance to find a weak link in their organizations. Any and all public links to pedophillia should be considered a potential lead to a way we can start to break their ranks. The youtube pedohpile ring is important. The pedophile cases breaking around the world are important. ANY AND ALL potential avenues that might lead us to a weakness of theirs are important. As long as everything we are studying has to do with children being raped and trafficked then it has the potential to lead back to the people we are trying to catch, and it has the potential to prevent more damage to more childrens lives. ALL public organized instances of pedophilia should be investigated.

Including the youtube pedophiles that can easily be found by searching "Webcam video from" on youtube. And the subreddit that is clearly associated with that same group, r/webcamvideo

mouserr ago

its a little late for this crap now, i havent posted because of the fucking hypocrisy i got slammed with over a post which got deleted in spite of its relevance and watching as even less relevant posts got upvoted and completely unrelated by topic posts get stuck is really aggravating. why should i trust this group any further

VieBleu ago

I can't look at your deleted comment, but I can see that out of 6 submission, you focused a lot on the Russian hackers - not really pizzagate related, or you didn't seem to link it, then you have a couple of submissions that more like comments. The comment about "pedos are everywhere" just doesn't need to be a headlined submission. Youve been here almost a month and not upvoted or downvoted one time? Seems odd, but okay you are a lurker.

I liked your news article on the baby "dolls" being sold - but you just barely made it relative to pizzagate maybe through the fake news angle. Actually the headline could be so much better - "Grandma sells creepy lifelike baby dolls to adults through spam sites" might have gotten a lot more interest and views. Who knows, maybe this is a weird covert way to peddle infants and an almost foolproof cover - at least the police tried to investigate.

Anyway, I hope you feel better about commenting and maybe offer more specific, focused information later if you feel like it. The "fake news" onslought on pizzagate IS relevant, and worth keeping an eye on.

party1981 ago

Whatever the definition is, I think it must include work the is directly related to FBIanon, the Clinton Foundation, and George Webb's videos. They are all part of the same thing. Most everyone here thinks that FBI was legit (even if he wasn't FBI, he was making amazing predictions four months in advance). Beyond that criterion, I would let the mods use their intelligent discretion, and give people ample opportunities to revise and resubmit posts.

crystalclearme ago

I think if there is a direct link to a link or a link to a link with podesta,clinton, clinton foundation, CF or CGI recipients, comet ping pong, alefantis, brock (hope not missing anything ) it should be included. And the link should be clear in the post or submission. It is worldwide and it likely has some of the same players from previous scandals such as Saville, Franklin, Yewtree, Hampstead, etc. BUT I think a link from one of those should have some link to what I mentioned above.

CIAEatsShit ago

Yes, we knew from day-one it was DOJ that kept the PEDO's from being busted that Andrew Kline was in charge of the Pizza-Blocks working on behalf of the SAUDI's.

Then along come these 'mods' a month ago and they tell us "DEBUNKED", not the Andrew Kline, don't look at DOJ, Trump is sacred, ... FBIanon is a shill.

Note pizzagate was a lot better before any MOD arrived here.

Verite1 ago

Humm. Indeed. Verrrrrry interestinnnnnnggggg

samhara ago

I believe that entirely. They have a way of insinuating themselves into positions of power.. They do. That's why I say. There should be no reason to trust anyone.

CIAEatsShit ago

What about FBIanon, once upon a time he was 'gold', now MODS are saying he was a shill to be ignored.

We need a consistent theme, it seems every MOD here pulls a different justfication for deletion out of its ass.

Is FBIanon a valid lead? Yes or No? May he be cited as evidence? Yes or No?

Millennial_Falcon ago

now MODS are saying he was a shill to be ignored.

None of us said to ignore FBIanon. He's even in the summary sticky.

GenghisSean ago

If he leads you to something verifiable then he was useful, but he's an anonymous source and therefore his credibility is questionable at best. If he leads you to a useful place, then that's good but don't cite him as a credible source.

CIAEatsShit ago

Saudi owned pizza blocks

DOJ ( Andrew Kline ) makes sure that no pedo goes to jail in DC

Peter Thiel needs millions of children and their blood to scale his immortality business.

That's a start, connect those dots.

nathanwblair ago

no sources cited so beyond reasonable doubt that there are no connections

basil999 ago

Anyone who's been in Comet pizza or has used graphics of pizza in their instagram, twitter, or videos should be fair game. This includes all the members of The Apes, Heavy Breathing, Matt Cohen (local music writer), Buck Downs and anyone who is communicating by any means with James Alefantis..

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flooding this sub with irrelevant posts is itself a powerful method of censorship. It buries useful content. Keeping posts relevant is not partisan. There are other subs (e.g. /v/pizzagatewhatever) that are intended to be more of a free-for-all. IMO, /v/pizzagate needs to remain focused on investigating the child sex trafficking of the Clinton Foundation, Comet, Alefantis, the Podestas, and their associates, as well as other directly related content (i.e. media coverage and cover-up efforts, supporting evidence, examples of other elite pedo rings, etc).

jstayz44 ago

It might be helpful to define the subverse Pizzagate as that which has a direct connection to the Podesta leaked emails, meaning that each post should be able to link back to an email somehow...within 2 or 3 degrees of separation. Flairs could include be separated by overall issues we're looking at: Satanic Worship and child sacrifice, human trafficking, peodophilia info (including where it's being monetized: YouTube, etc), Suspicious NGO's related to any of the above, which can be linked to a specific flair once we see a strong connection or correlation to specific activity...etc I think this would limit the flairs and focus on specific activity related to Pizzagate. Going with geographic interpretations could get confusing once the rabbit hole is it's pretty easy to get across borders with this stuff.

quantokitty ago

I'm not sure why things within the broad definition of human trafficking and/or child abuse wouldn't be worthy of inclusion. I agree that we don't know how far this goes and reading something may trigger a connection or a new way to search. I generally see shill or agenda-driven posts fall through. I would have to see a very narrow definition or scope be attached to posting here. I'd rather see too much than too little.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You don't realize how many shitposts we have to delete, though. If none were getting deleted, useful content would be buried in a pile of shit.

samhara ago

What is the reason to delete? There is no reason for that.. Put it in a "Romper Room" category, then everyone can see what you deleted. If it's deleted no one can see what it is.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The deleted submissions log effectively IS a "romper room" category. Also, v/pizzagatewhatever.

samhara ago

Where is the "deleted submissions log?"

VictorSteinerDavion ago


Although it can be difficult to keep up when there is so much spamming and forum manipulation happening

Millennial_Falcon ago

Bottom-right, in the sidebar.

quantokitty ago

I'm sure. But the point is that you are deleting ... it's not like you're allowing everything.

samhara ago

Funny but it's turned into YouTube here, my upvotes are disappearing.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yes, but we are pretty restrained about what we delete, and nothing is every really deleted. It can all be reviewed in the deleted submissions log. And things that are deleted due to not being relevant enough can still be posted in other subs in the pizzagate network.

samhara ago

There should be no need to trust anyone.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I don't catch your meaning.

samhara ago

I can't find what you are citing. The thread is too long to find it. I've been on here for hours already. Could you quote the passage or context, please?

Mixolydian807 ago

There should be a stickied of possibly connected archived info of some sort. Perhaps a flair or something but I think it would be important to keep it within the subverse if the community agrees there is a possibility of connection. This should be practiced on an on going bases.

Edit:sorry if I get voat lingo messed up, big lurker, small poster.

smokratez ago

Another thing. Rules upon rules upon rules is how they tried to kill gamergate. That and the constant crying about good pr. The only rule should be don't link to cp directly. Other than that let the community decide what is important by their up and down votes and participation through comments.

eggmunkee ago

I agree about the "PR" aspect. Newsflash: investigations against powerful pedophiles is never going to get good PR. Many, many peoples jobs and some peoples' freedom from a jail cell depend on them spinning this negatively, so just expect the negative PR, and hopefully we will actually succeed at collecting a more cohesive investigative result and grow consensus of those actually willing to look.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The less rules the better IMHO, more rules permits the petty mind to manipulate things via interpretation.

The other thing that happened with GG was the widening of scope to allow relevant discussion on the phenomena that brought GG about.

Pizzagate is the event that unearthed a phenomena, and that initial spark is very important as a foundation.
In the coming months as the 'cancer' is rooted out we shouldn't be afraid to allow the scope of discussion grow to match the scale of the issue

let the community decide

This is a must at all levels, something I've been advocating for a long time.

Much of this rule discussion fails to state plainly the intent of the rules.
Which is: to keep the community active through meaningful participation and limiting interactions from those that wish to stop participation.

This makes it very hard to formulate rules that actually do that without accidentally stopping participation

The truth doesn't need PR, and I laugh at the constant attempts to control how other people think through pushing PR and tone policing. It's what killed Occupy.

let the community decide what is important by their up and down votes and participation through comments

This, so long as us mods don't get our heads torn off every time we delete (and ask to resubmit) a post from disruptors who want none of these things.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I think that our main focus should be pedophile rings, and that anyone who makes a clear, sourced post addressing/asking about pedophile rings is in the clear.

When people start making outstanding claims (ie: "Donald Trump is a pedophile," "Hillary drinks infant blood to stay young!" "THE JEWS DID IT") those people must provide sources to back up their claims or their posts should be deleted. I think if a shitpost gets a lot of votes and comments it should still be deleted on the grounds that it is a shitpost.

smokratez ago

Does the fact that there is a statistic claiming that 8 million children worldwide go missing each year add to the investigation in any meaningful way?

Yes, it does. It shows how deep this shit goes.

There are far too many mods and silly rules that only hinder the investigation.

VictorSteinerDavos ago

Bilderberg & CFR openly advocate the use of childs blood for immortality of elite rich; Pizzagate is not about DNC/CF, its about Elite and their RIGHT to fuck, bleed, eat, kill, and farm children for immortality.

Epstein was banned from 'mar-a-lago' in 2007, only after 25+ years of a close fuck-buddy relationship of Trump-Epstein, google cocaine party's NCY, trump/epstein, 1,000's of eye-witnesses from 1980's->1999.

Regarding ban, a 14 yr old girl was giving massage to epstein, he tried to fuck her, she went to parents, who went to cops, cops went to mar-a-lago and they banned Epstein for life, not a fucking thing really to do with Epstein, he was an out of control pervert who thought he owned the world.

Trump started distancing himself from most of the MAFIA by 2004, when he knew he was being groomed for politics.

Epstein is a known MAFIA Mossad agent, also he is Bilderberg & CFR, just like Peter Thiel who is also connected to Trump & Epstein.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Does the fact that there is a statistic claiming that 8 million children worldwide go missing each year add to the investigation in any meaningful way?

Of course it does, but shills kept spamming that and connecting it to "blood harvesting." There's no evidence pizzagate has anything to do with that, and it's most likely disinformation designed to make us look crazy.


Lone wolf pizza hungry lynch mob CRAZY. widen the inquiry.

Millennial_Falcon ago

relevant username?

smokratez ago

it's most likely disinformation designed to make us look crazy.

This is what I meant by crying about good pr. Every lead needs to be followed. The msm already tries to paint us as nuts.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The msm already tries to paint us as nuts.

Yes, so if you act nuts, you're playing right into their hands. I'm not saying relevant information should be included from the sub. I'm saying "blood harvesting" is not relevant, at least for now, because there's zero evidence that pizzagate has anything to do with that. It's a real slippery slope if we allow stuff to be posted based on wildly speculative theories.

smokratez ago

Yes, so if you act nuts, you're playing right into their hands.

Nah, by caring about how they view us, you give them power. While they have been losing power for years already.

I'm saying "blood harvesting" is not relevant, at least for now, because there's zero evidence that pizzagate has anything to do with that.

Ok. I am saying it is.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Ok. I am saying it is.

And you base this on what?

smokratez ago

Years of research. Why, do you think I am making it up? What would I have to gain from doing that?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Why, do you think I am making it up?

I have no idea, but you certainly don't seem to be jumping to provide your evidence. It's entirely possible you could believe what you're saying, yet have zero real evidence for it.

smokratez ago

That's a smart way of approaching things. You didn't attack or judge me. Only expressed your concerns regarding the validity of my statements. That's what I would do.

samhara ago

From Miles W Mathis from his essay on Obama genealogy and in reference to the fear - porn. "Designed to make us look crazy."

They will call you "crazy" to make you shut - up . But that will not always work, considering they are the crazy ones.

"I was recently asked by a reader how I stay sane. I told him he was asking the wrong question. The question is how all the people who don't know the truth stay sane. The answer is, they don't. It is being caught in the Matrix that drives you insane. It is the blue pill that causes insanity, not the red pill. The truth can be painful, and sometimes be temporarily disorienting. But it is the lies that cause permanent disorientation, and eventual insanity. The truth, however painful, is clarifying. "

samhara ago

Everyone should know this :

The above is a tried and true method of stopping up information " No one will believe you" "You will make us look crazy." "No first we have to do this, which will be acceptable, then we can bring the other stuff in [which never happens]"

It's the same tried and true stale lines used over and over to shut people up.

Fortunately for those of us connecting to those of like mind , over the Internets, it's not that easy to gaslight people anymore. That is the virtue and strength for us of our networked system.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The above is a tried and true method of stopping up information

You know what is also a tried and true method? Spreading disinformation to muddy the waters.

samhara ago

I have faith that the researchers can sort that themselves.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Are you familiar with 'the Warren Commission'?

There is lots of ways a researcher can corrupt the process by inserting an agenda. Some of them do it intentionally under direction of others.

It is difficult to detect which is which, and the rules are intended to make that process easier.
Which is why the discussion here about the rules is important, this is how we all navigate through the hordes who want this to stay undiscovered.

sensitive ago

"What is our working conceptualization of "pizzagate"?". IMHO: Gather enough evidence and spread the word enough so that the shit can finally hit the fan. Meaning there will finally be an official investigation. I don't think that the conduct of "small" pedos can help in that regard, unless their conduct (code words etc.) can help clear things for us. Other cases of missing children may hopefully be cleared when the big investigation has been started.

samhara ago

The same people who want an "official investigation" are those who are waiting for the mainstream Mass Media to make the announcement regarding truth.. and then wake - up all their stupid relatives and nay-sayers.. It ain't going to happen.

samhara ago

An "official investigation" is never going to work. They know a "million ways to Sunday" to pull the strings of that. That is why the amateur investigation is so important. Way more important than anything official.

Every "official" investigation from JFK , to WACO to "9/11" has been gamed. You can not trust an "official investigation"

That's what the shills on the "9/11 [un] truth" movement have been calling for for over 10 years..

Shills will always call for that - something which is never going to happen in the present climate. And then with the next breath will tell you to "shut up" because your research is "bad for the movement" It's like communist China.

The most important thing is to wake - up the public .. get them to see the landscape, get their eyes to adjust with clarity to the authentic landscape.. Then when there is enough eyes on the issues, something *will be done. But to call for an "investigation" before that, is premature.

Also what have we been doing all this time but an investigation? You need Prosecutors .. as I wrote.. But then you need Madison Square Garden for all the perps. And your own army.

Their fucking courts are a joke and corrupt.. Why do you think Scalia was knee - deep in all this?

sensitive ago

I didn't say we should wait for MSM to make the announcement or some such. Of course our investigation is important - if we didn't do it, there would be no consequences whatsoever. But once we have gathered enough evidence - what do you want to do? Hang them all yourselves? ...

samhara ago

There will not be any consequences until millions of people have their eyes on it; And even then it will not be easy. If you think you can just take this to a Prosecutor or pass a law to have an "official investigation" you are still in the State of Deadly Deception.

sensitive ago

Again: What would you do???

wecanhelp ago

My view on the key concepts (keywords italicized):

  • I think the goal needs to be something palpable, instead of vague and abstract. At the end of this all, we need a physical document of all the evidence.
  • This document needs to contain only hard evidence that is sourced and has been thoroughly vetted by the community in a scientific quality.
  • The subjects of the evidence need to be concrete organizations and individuals that can be prosecuted, as opposed to ideas and movements that cannot.
  • We need to be concerned with child trafficking on the systematic level, if the big players are down the small players will follow.

I've come up with the most concise and focused goal definition I could that contains all the important concepts:

To gather, source, and organize a body of hard evidence against the players of the global child trafficking system, in the form of a single end document that can be confidently used to pursue their prosecution.

I'm sure this is not 100% perfect, and since we should work as a peer-review system, I encourage you to start a discussion under this comment, and I'll keep the comment updated.

Edit #1: Changed focus to child trafficking from broader human trafficking. Added focus on prosecution.

samhara ago

You have to discuss what is considered "hard evidence" What I have found is that some researchers will play the "devils' advocate" role - to work as their own critics, when that is the job , not of Prosecutors but of Defense Council of the perps.. Why do their work for them? I always suspect that.

wecanhelp ago

I'll start off the discussion myself: should we focus on human trafficking, or child trafficking? Do we want to be even more focused, and zoom in on the atrocities against children?

samhara ago

According to the report by Monica Peterson - she was a scholar working on these issues: human slavery, Mining, and human trafficking all go together. Citation is in this YouTube - -

badastrid ago

I think that child trafficking should def be the main focus. If we can document that, you can follow the money to a broader scope.

readstuff ago

Relevance to Pedocracy should be the test. Pedocracy is the name suggested for the suspected, likely informal association of elite individuals that use pedophilia to organize, manage and discipline their efforts to dominate or disproportionately influence outcomes in matters of interest. We do not investigate pedophilia in general or individual acts or actors in isolation. We do investigate any activity and persons that are in close proximity to the levers of power in and over society as a whole. That includes government as well as politics -- executive, legislative, judicial, lobbying, military, intelligence -- as well as media, business, finance, law, medicine, accounting, technology, academia, think tanks, philanthropy, endowments, etc. Geographically, we may focus now on DC/US but we are open to information concerning overseas extensions and possible interlinkage with foreign analogs.

movebackward ago

I recommend adding Kakistocracy:

This behavior seems to be emergent, so it would be good to understand how it emerges. Then we will have a much better idea of where to look and maybe how to reform our political institutions to prevent this.

smudgepotforever ago

I like the term Pedocracy and the subsequent definition. Wish I read this before I posted. Closer to what I was trying to say.

FearlessFreep ago

Emphatically agreed. What we call "Pizzagate" is but a small chapter in the history of the Worldwide Pedocracy.

wisdomtooth ago

Relevance is decided by VOTE! (Hence the name of the site.)

Who elected these mods to decide what is relevant for the rest of us??

SannleIkurrin ago

Like the way you are thinking.

thicktail1730947 ago

I agree with this comment. Pizzagate is about the pedocracy. It's about human trafficking rings involving the elite. If it hasn't got a circumstantial link to a billionaire, human trafficking or child molestation is irrelevant to this sub.

eggmunkee ago

Also, not all elites are billionaires. They may be mere millionaires that have great access to others wealth and political connections, and know the dirt that keeps them close and valuable.

thicktail1730947 ago

True. I believe Alefantis himself is a mere millionaire.

samhara ago

Fine, but , for instance, Gacy, - - may seem to be an individual case, but it turns out he's connected to the Bush brothers, he and his partner are.

So I really don't see the value in excluding anything. Because you can't know ahead of time what is important. Why limit the investigation. It's not as though we have a shortage of paper, with the Internets facility. Also, we don't have a limit to the number of amateurs who could become invovled. As I see here there is some thousands already. And on Facebook there's close to 10 K on this subject. Why limit it? I'm suspicious of the motivations for that.

If I was excluded from some posts I want to make, for a reason I didn't see fit, I would just start a new Sub -Verse for my topic. Does anyone see any problem with that? And if that's the case why the stress over what may be deleted from this particular subverse here? Can't one sub-verse link to another? What if I just created another sub-verse called "Pizza Street" - which I prefer the name anyway?

crystalclearme ago

I agree and was my thinking in my post above. Well done. Very well done

Millennial_Falcon ago

EDIT: At least 7 of the downvotes on this comment resulted from a downvote brigade intended to sink my CCP into the negatives. They are not related to the actual comment.

Pizzagate is specifically about the Clinton Foundation, Comet/Alefantis, and the Podestas, but I agree that other examples of elite/government pedophilia are relevant because, at the very least, they are supporting evidence, and they may even be connected to the Clinton Foundation. All of these elite pedo rings may be connected to varying extents.

eggmunkee ago

I would suggest not trying to force the facts into fitting Clinton Foundation as the center of this. Them being late comers to a sick game, it seems unlikely to be successful thinking of it that way, but I would think of it more as a gear or a hub in a larger machine/network. I am reminded of the blind men describing an elephant -- the Clinton Foundation may be the trunk or the tail, but it ain't a snake we're looking into.

Yuke ago

I'm not sure I would agree with the first twelve words there. It's true that Pizzagate started with this, but this isn't the definition of it, it's merely the start (I think we'd all agree on that). For example, I could say "James Alefantis has close ties with Tony Podesta, and Tony and his brother John have close ties to the Clintons". (I hit all three) but then there are the ties that the Clintons have as well as those that the Podesta's have that are far-reaching and could well be a part of lots of things that could be deemed relevant. This is going to lead to such an enormous and wide-ranging amount of info, and leads are being discovered all the time. I would urge you to not think so much about moderating the topics as such, but to moderate the duplicated topics (I'm starting to see some patterns that suggest this is being done on purpose to clog the boards up and slow things or dilute things down). As an example; imagine 9/11 just happened a week ago, and instead of revealing new information, I told you what you knew last week. In between me telling you what you knew last week, are some valid bits of information. These valid bits of information get swamped by the repeated news and disappear. Do you see what I'm getting at?

samhara ago

Why not just skip what you already know?

Millennial_Falcon ago

but then there are the ties that the Clintons have as well as those that the Podesta's have that are far-reaching and could well be a part of lots of things that could be deemed relevant.

That is already relevant under my definition. I didn't say a post would need to implicate ALL of them. Even their associates are relevant connections.

CIAEatsShit ago

PizzaGate is about 8 million children, of which 2 million are forced into sexual slavery, and then end up dead and bled for organ harvesting.

To limit pizzagate to CPP&CF is doing exactly what NY-TIMES say's pizzagate is about.

PizzaGate is about RNC & DNC fucking children and harvesting their organs & blood to the saudis/israel.

TRUMP is king of the PEDO's, so quit saying that its only about CF.

crystalclearme ago

Ok a link linking TRUMP Is really necessary here. Only mention of TRUMP I've seen is with regards to J Epstein. And there is far far more linking Clintons to Epstein than Trump. He was banned from a Trump property. So please share what you've gathered so I and others can deem for ourselves the quality of link

VictorSteinerDavos ago

Epstein was banned from 'mar-a-lago' in 2007, only after 25+ years of a close fuck-buddy relationship of Trump-Epstein, google cocaine party's NYC, trump/epstein, 1,000's of eye-witnesses from 1980's->1999.

Regarding ban, a 14 yr old girl was giving massage to epstein, he tried to fuck her, she went to parents, who went to cops, cops went to mar-a-lago and they banned Epstein for life, not a fucking thing really to do with Epstein, he was an out of control pervert who thought he owned the world.

Trump started distancing himself from most of the MAFIA by 2004, when he knew he was being groomed for politics.

Epstein is a known MAFIA Mossad agent, also he is Bilderberg & CFR, just like Peter Thiel who is also connected to Trump & Epstein.

crystalclearme ago

Thank you for sharing this.I know most of this but I will absolutely look into Trump connections. Wish you had links as you'd think with "1000's of eye witnesses" there would be something.


Right on the money if the need is to break the thing open.Remembering there may be parallel investigations that are or have covered many angles of what is seen here..

notnatural ago

It is a good idea to spearhead various things that might lead to real breakthroughs but there are also pr aspects to be accepting of like who the targets are etc. I thinko multiple causes can coexist and also help each other towards a commonish goal and pr campaigns should only be undertaken by agents within the system and not by pizzagate mods ie stop censuring so many things if they are obviously on topic.

VieBleu ago

Many a cop has acted on a hunch, many an investigation has started with "associates and habits, hobbies and interests" as a way to refine a picture of a perp.

Pizzagate as a scandal sprang from a culture, a subculture to be exact, and anything relating to that subculture must be allowed to be SPECULATED ON AND THEORIZED ABOUT. That means that art, people, food, habits, family, slang, partying, socializing, jokes, music, religion, politics, names, travel, affairs, pets you name it- the sum total of human activity relating to any person who is part of a pizzagate association must be able to be included in the discussion.

Random arrests, the history of pedophilia, magic, satanism, psychedelics, the CIA/FBI/DNC/RNC/and NGO's, worldwide slavery, mind control and pedophilia operations, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, worldwide trade operations and even animal poaching might all need to be brought into the conversation to understand the whole picture.

What to do? i would say allow more than less, and only if it really smells bad, which is a judgment of taste, take action. Are we at risk of not having enough pixels? aren't tough law enforcement investigations often solved by obscure out of the way incidents and connections that almost nobody noticed? I say go broad and leave the most you can to be archived, searched and revisited.

This isn't the Warren Commission, created to get the best sanitized result. Right?
Is it? Then, let 'er rip.

Vindicator ago

I tend to agree with this. Also, I really find it helpful when thread readers COMMENT either questioning, clarifying or cross linking. It really helps sort the wheat from the chaff when people take the time to do it.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

aren't tough law enforcement investigations often solved by obscure out of the way incidents

Serial killers being caught due to parking tickets is why I like the idea of being open to all kinds of information, so long as it can be reasonably connected to the phenomena that is being exposed by pizzagate.
I've said similar here

This whole thing is so much bigger than a series of pizza shops, but that is where it started.

This isn't the Warren Commission, created to get the best sanitized result

I'm worried about it becoming this and also a Mccarthy witch hunt.

It's difficult to walk the very thin line between these difficulties.
Ensuring the community is able to express itself how it chooses is my hope that these rules can support.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

McCarthy never ran a "witch hunt" despite what Hollywood movies might try to tell you. Did you know that McCarthy was very effecting in exposing people who were undermining our country by spreading propaganda through Hollywood? He was a pizzagate investigator before pizzagate. His name has been dragged through the mud by the same media who have been dragging our name through the mud.

Ann Coulter summarizes this well

AreWeSure ago

This is not true whatsoever. McCarthy was not involved in any Congressional hearings involving Hollywood. First off, the House Un-American Activities Committee was in the House, not the Senate and the Hollywood Ten were called before it years before McCarthy mentioned Communism.

McCarthy never got close to anyone significant. He reckless and he did conduct witch hunts. He never justfied his ever-shifting claim of 205 or 57 or 81 Communist in the government. He was a bully and liar and when challenged he doubled down on his lie. His attack on General Marshall was outrageous and craven. Lots of anti-Communists thought he discredited their cause. Especially after the public got to see him actions vs the Army. He was vicious bastard too -- he once kneed a journalist in the groin.

Even the decoded Venona cables does not exonerate him.

Hess, the Rosenbergs, and other big names were the work of others, not McCarthy.

eggmunkee ago

I came to the conclusion McCarthy was largely correct in his anti-communist campaign from Arthur Herman's biography "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator" and I've cringed at the usages and assumptions when people talk about McCarthyism ever since. I think your rundown ignores the Mockingbird (reminder) media of the day and how they twisted and attacked him. His personal faults like alcoholism don't negate what he was right about. Nor does him being an asshole at times. I could be wrong, but that is where I'm at.

AreWeSure ago

In short I prefer Eisenhower's approach: fight Communist infiltration and stand up for American principles.

AreWeSure ago

Tell that to John Paton Davies and General Zwicker.

Does largely correct allow for the fact that he lied about 205 Communists working in the State Department and shaping policy?

Does largely correct account for his smears of Acheson and Marshall?

His claim a group of Soviet spies was operating out of Fort Monmouth?

His secret list of 130 subversives in Defense plants that he would not turn over to the Attorney General?

McCarthy used Commie-hunting as means to achieve personal fame and power. He used a blunderbluss approach and didn't really care if his targets were innocent or guilty and when challeneged on his veracity or his methods, he turn his barrels on his own allies. His bullying and smearing of witnesses made Congress change how investigations were done. He had 4 and half years of fame before he was rightly condemned by his fellow Senators in a bipartisan vote.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I do understand this perspective and agree the reality of the event is most likely not as presented by the media since.

I use the term to mean the common use version, which is the one where people are accused of a thing because it's easy to get rid of your neighbor by simply accusing them of being a commie.

Salem witch trials, mccarthyism, islamophobia, anti-semite, racis, misogynist - whatever label used it is a often used tactic to undermine legitimate investigation, or to discredit legitimate positions.
This something I want to make sure everyone is aware of.
The very position of your comment advocates for this by pointing out how someone's work was corrupted by people using this tactic to discredit the original intent.

AreWeSure ago

Serial killers being caught due to parking tickets is why I like the idea of being open to all kinds of information

Yes, but in that case there was actually evidence of a series of crimes being committed. That is not the case here. Also the parking ticket clue was followed up on because there was an eyewitness who saw a man pass her and then her shots 5 min later. She also saw the car with the parking ticket.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

You're actually stating my point better than I could.

While we may not be at the point where this kind of thing can happen, by helping people be more aware my hope is we can bring about an environment where some one can feel it necessary to report something that might break the whole thing open.

AreWeSure ago

Then let me state it this way. The difference between the two cases is the presence of real crimes and victims in one and imagined crimes and victims in another.

VieBleu ago

Overall, it really seems like your teams are genuinely pulling together to make forward progress towards a good forum. I've felt/seen the difference in the past few days with the sidebar changes, the current sticky, maybe less obvious shill and bot activity. Just wanted to mention some positives, which don't get brought up as much as complaints.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I'm hoping this is the case.

Building a community and a team is rather difficult to do in person, let alone on a internet forum filled with paranoid nutjobs like myself.

On the topic of mentioning positives, I'm thinking a weekly achievements meta thread in /v/pizzagatewhatever could be something people throw in on.

VieBleu ago

I can't think of a downside at all - might also be a place where the best evidence/posts get talked about again and more exposure. Also sense of morale and cameraderie bolstered. Only downside I guess would be the trollshills who'll no doubt call it some kind of "orchestrated cheerleading" or other bs. Anyway I like it.

lol - paranoid nutjobs - so true! I'm mostly a nut though, prob not paranoid enough.

naturehelps ago


Also people have different styles of thinking. Many are stimulated by and get leads from seeing a wide range of possibilities.

It's like a huge jigsaw puzzle with people working on different sections of it, and passing over piecse that seem to belong elsewhere. You can't put one predefined set of pieces on the table to work on or you make it almost impossible for the puzzle to come together.

Isn't what George Webb doing putting together scattered pieces and isn't that inspiring people to look not just deeper but larger, to see patterns? You can't see patterns without all the pieces out there to consider and try different configurations and even start again and retry them.

Put it all out there.


consisder this. Maybe where we are as a culture sprung from it and the social construct we live in is a subculture of it and their need to protect a historic and fundamental homage to the families" dirty little secret power generator..".

VieBleu ago

yes a whole history of mind control/interfamilial child abuse could be written - an interesting horrible side of humanity for sure. I read somewhere that the power structure in more modern times could just use homosexuality as the leverage, but when that became more acceptable and went mainstream, there was a move to pedophilia as the blackmail of choice.


True...The gangsters have always invited the the bureaucracy over for a night of frolicking adventures with the hidden camera. .If we are all doing it then who is going to roll on it...? It works like this: and Frank Zappa coined a term called "TOTAL CRIMINALIZATION". .Based on an idea that trying to have every one conform to a doctrine of"portion controlled servings"failed. So man had to be more uniformed if the future was going to work and the doctrine of"TOTAL CRIMINALISATION".Based on the notion if we were all criminals we would all be uniform under the law and no one would rock the boat. Total criminalisation become the greatest idea of it's time except for those that did not want to be a criminal or commit a real crime so they invented a way to make that happen by the use of censorship OR THE BANNING of what the people thought were freedoms.

chickyrogue ago

connecting dots and being unhampered to get to the truth one persons speculation ties into a series of facts for someone else or triggers something else in a different part of the country say that still relates but was obscured... the work done here is focused truth and a collective of like minded kindred spirit <----lets keep all of this and lose the trolls

TY ALL so much freedoms fighters and truth diggers!!!!

nd TY VOAT and VOAT MODS for this forum and your time and energy to keep this centered focused and correct!!!

SpikyAube ago

Maybe it would be useful to organise the subverse by flair? So people could flair their own post as things like: Podesta/Alefantis, Clinton Foundation, North America Connections, Europe Connections, Middle East Connections, Africa Connections, Oceania Connections, South/Central America Connections, Official Law Enforcement Investigations, MSM Cover Up, Current Breaking News, Tangential Pedophile info/stories. Or something like that, so that people can filter by the area they are working on, but also can see everything else in case something in the Tangential Pedophile section sparks an idea or a new lead etc?

That way the mods have less work hopefully and there isn't the risk that some crucial but random unexpected breakthrough from a seemingly unrelated pedo post gets missed? Just an idea!

Phobos_Mothership ago

@SpikyAube No, this would lead to clutter and rules-abuse. Allowing people to assign their own flair is a bad idea, as we still have problems with accurate, descriptive titles (getting people to post without making it clickbaity or sensational.)

The best way for people to 'filter' the sub based on what they are working on is the search bar over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

kwsfww ago

I like your ideas and I support them in full but to summarize and in short do you mean to define pizzagate as the investigation of a possible global pedophile ring and the investigation of any and all instances of pedophilia and human trafficking that is happening anywhere in the the world?

SpikyAube ago

No not any and all instances of it, but it seems from what we've found so far that there is an elite pedophile ring in several countries, and that these people have connections with one another. So I think that if someone finds something in Germany for example, it's useful to have it 'nearby' for those investigating things in the US because there could well be a connection that could lead to a breakthrough.

For example I found that the Clinton Foundation UK branch is registered at the same address in London that at least two convicted/accused UK pedo politicians have their companies registered at - maybe it's just a coincidence, but things like that could be important later on. I think Pizzagate is mainly about the wealthy and powerful and their sick crimes and operations. Not about every average pedo or small pedo ring out there.

lawfag123 ago

Good solution. Let's let voating run its course, but label posts with flair accordingly.

Let's use a mind map. Perhaps what could be useful without censoring the sub is another place to condense and refine ideas collaboratively, like a mind map. That way the best information ends up on the mind map.

Is there a non-google-based mind map solution that everyone can work on?

What about moving the best information here:

SpikyAube ago

I would love to do a collaborative mind map, I think one is definitely needed - a different way of visualising all this research could really help us see the bigger picture and possibly make connections we otherwise wouldn't.

I've had a look for free online collaborative mind mapping tools and here's what I found:

I think you have to sign up with most of them which is annoying, but if you use a burner email address it shouldn't be a problem. I think I like Mind42 best, but haven't looked at all of them in detail. What do you think, which one is best? If we sign up and get started then we can share it here?

lawfag123 ago

My preference would be to use 1. coggle $5/mo 2. mind42 3. mindmup2 4. bubbl

MindMup2 is too connected to google for me. Bubbl is too clunky

As for my top 2 preferences, coggle looks much cleaner and looks like it has more features, but Mind42 is apparently free.

What do you think?

Edit: Hold on. Coggle seems to require a google login

lawfag123 ago

Let's take a day to look at all potential mind map sites and check back here. I'll review them and pick one.

There are probably many other mind maps / infographics out there, so we should feel free to find them and use them and integrate all of them.

Our job will be to condense and consolidate all the best information we can and integrate it into the mind map.

It will bring continuity to all of these leads people find. I expect it will take a couple months at an hour a day, but the potential gain is great.

I'll be happy to work on this with anyone. Get a protonmail address or something like it.

Sentastixc ago

We could do this using subverses, see my suggestion in mods subverse

Millennial_Falcon ago

EDIT: 7 downvotes on this comment came from someone who brigaded my comments on the morning of Dec. 30th. Either one user using 7 accounts, or 7 different users.

Only 10 flair options are allowed, and there are far too many potential topics for them to be covered by 10 flair options. Also, we need to keep the flair options we have.

What you are suggesting is more appropriate for a sub like /v/pizzagatewhatever. If we allow anything and everything to be posted on /v/pizzagate, useful investigative content gets lost in the clutter. The sub would effectively become useless. Pizzagate is based on FBIanon's claims of child sex trafficking by the Clinton foundation, which we corroborated through our investigation of Comet, Alefantis, and the Podestas. Therefore, /v/pizzagate should be focused on investigation of links to the Clinton Foundation, Comet, Alefantis, the Podestas, their associates, other examples of elite pedophilia around the globe, and anything else that is directly relevant to the investigation (i.e. media coverage/cover-up, supporting evidence, etc). What we need to avoid is wildly speculative theories that have no basis in evidence. Research into such theories can be done elsewhere, and can be posted here if real evidence is discovered.

Edit: This is really a pretty broad definition. I think a few folks are reading it as narrower than it really is. It's basically how this sub is currently operating, and it includes the global connections.

witch_doctor1 ago

I am in 100% agreement with this. The Clinton Foundation is the bread we were given.....and we should stick with that until everyone in the spider web is behind bars. As you mentioned, FBI anon and multiple other anons have confirmed the contents of the Weiner hard drive are downright disturbing.

The only thing that I would add, is that IMO, we should model this forum after The Donald and be welcoming to newcomers (until they act up anyways) and there should always be a place for relevant shit-posting and meme magic (it's real dammit). Kind of a big tent CF/Pizzagate related, but appropriately flaired...know what I mean?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I agree about meme magic. Under our current rules, memes are allowed as long as they are submitted as a discussion post explaining how the meme(s) is/are effective.

Air_Gate ago

Wow -7 for suggesting using memes. I guess the guilty ones are actually afraid of memes going viral. All the more reason for us to push memes then.

Air_Gate ago

Hmm only 10?? Okay name your flair categories. Pretty sure we need like 20 or 50. My flair would be big Pedo. Its like big tobacco, big oil, big big bigggg organisations. Big pedo is huge! Billion dollar industry. 10 000 instances of $300/session child prostitution makes well over 1 billion USD in a year, gross. What about kids who are abused 10 times a day? 3 billion for big Pedo, easily. They have been in existence since like what, 50 years? So they own at least 150 billion USD in today's money. So what does one do with 150 billion USD. Buy governments, infiltrate institutions, anything they want really. Humans are weak when placed in a desperate spot and then tempted with money. Our hesitancy to address the issue, all part of their plans. Big Pedo will make anything we get right, a conspiracy. Big pedo is doing it right now, labelling fake news as we get closer to finding the truth. About about another flair? Pedodogshowerthoughts? I'm a pedophile. And let me tell you how easy it is to spot pedo material, intentions, turns ons, ideas etc. It's so clear because of my natural affinity. I can tell you the age of a girl just by seeing a body part. I believe this makes me want to fight the fight even more because I'm jelly and have vested interest. I want to see how pedophiles are integrated into our world before I go. Yes I'm projecting but so what? Think of the kids. USE US!! WE ARE LIKE SNIFFER DOGS AND CAN NOTICE NUANCES PEDOPHILES ARE DRAWN TOWARDS, EASILY!!

Whatever medical sources want to call them, or categorise them, these are all fake labels!! Pedos are here to stay. How to we live alongside them is the question.

slickleg64 ago

You're fucked. Get help

Air_Gate ago

You have yet a lot to learn, small mind

slickleg64 ago

No, You're the one posting the psychotic ramblings. If you cant see that you've clearly lost your mind. If you want to post something constructive and useful, go ahead, you don't need anyone's permission. But if you think trying to bring upon pedo sympathizers within a movement aimed AGAINST pedo's, you're wrong. There are people who post here who are parents, and people who are ex victims, who would do anything to see any pedophiles get justice.

Air_Gate ago

It's okay. Cognitive dissonance causes you to be unable to see past my innate flaws. I can't be a pedo as well as fight the good fight against greater evil.

Air_Gate ago

I'm a pedo against pedos who give in to the dark side. What's there not to get? In fact it means more to me to see a resolution to this. It is my life passion to end child trafficking and abuse

sunajAeon ago

"I'm a pedo myself" Did I miss a literary usage here, or did you just say you were a pedophile?

Air_Gate ago

I am. NEVER offended

Vindicator ago

That takes some balls to own on this forum. My condolences to you for having this particular thorn in your side. I will pray for you to stay strong.

PeytonM ago

Reddit's PG had flairs that didn't get complicated. Why not go with those?

VictorSteinerDavos ago

Millenial_Falcon & KingKongwasWrong is the same person/mod from reddit.

PEDO Mods From /reddit/pizzagate control and OWN /v/pizzagate - What is their agenda?

U can tell that all the accounts as mod's are the same person. Their writing is same. They rotate every second day in a batch of deletes and then stop. It's all a game.

IMHO KingKongASSHOLE-MOD created /v/pizzagate when he was a mod at /reddit/pizzagate, he had a head's up on reddit censorship and was sent over here to control the narrative,

What is the narrative?

Stay off of saudi ( saudi is wahabi/zionism, same tribe of satanic pedos )

Stay off of andrew kline (DOJ)

Stay off of the Jews/Gay's [ Kline, Epstein, Wiener, Thiel, Cohn, Lansky, Adelson, Seigel, Biden ]

Stay off of any thing RNC or Trump

Phobos_Mothership ago

Oh hey Amalek

samhara ago

I think that makes it too narrow. And I like the idea of different subs created that could deal with issues , data, information, not specified in the above.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I think that makes it too narrow.

What do you feel should be included that isn't included in what I said?

samhara ago

I am having a hard time finding the context for the replies to my comments. There must be a way to go there without sifting through the whole thread?

Hint would be much appreciated.

And thank you for the pointer to the archive of deleted comments and posts.

And I wouldn't call them "deleted" in the case they are saved for perusal.

I would call them "flung" ?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I am having a hard time finding the context for the replies to my comments. There must be a way to go there without sifting through the whole thread?

To find the comment a comment is replying to, just click "parent" below the reply comment. Think of the original comment as a "parent" and the reply is its "child."

samhara ago

"Parent" doesn't take me there. But what does take me there is the little plus and minus sign next to the name of the user who commented.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I see what you mean completely, but from looking at recent activity here it looks like it's going to be pretty much impossible to prevent people from posting any old crap here, and seeing as that's a lot of work for mods to keep removing it, it might make it easier and more organised to have several flairs so that people can filter out what they don't want. I think 10 flairs is enough if say 2 or 3 of them are fairly broad?

Millennial_Falcon ago

from looking at recent activity here it looks like it's going to be pretty much impossible to prevent people from posting any old crap here

Not really. We've got more janitors now and are getting to be more consistent about rule enforcement.

SpikyAube ago

Ok, well I guess it's just up to everyone to decide what to do!

Iyd10 ago

This is a great idea. Even if there are only limited formal flairs, requiring titles to begin as you've said will help people sort content. There can be some "approved list" of title starters. In order to keep from potentially excluding seemingly irrelevant posts, "Misc Suspects", "Misc County", "Misc Satanic", etc. can be used as title starters. If solid connections are missing, "Misc" should be used. I don't think requiring titles like this is asking too much.

Pizzagate is the citizens investigation of pedophilia and child trafficking by the global elite.

samhara ago

I like the summary of the term 'Pizzagate"

samhara ago

I don't like "Misc" as a title. It doesn't say anything. Also encourages hodge - podge. I also learned not to use "misc. " in accounting school.

Iyd10 ago

I understand what you are saying as it pertains to the financial field, however I disagree in relation to the content we are dealing with here. I work in the legal field, and based on my experience, organizing evidence into an usable manner is imperative to developing a case. Sometimes I have complex cases that require seemingly irrelevant information to be loosely sorted into a catchall category if and until it becomes relevant.

Several subs that flow together is a good option, although I think a good amount of organization can be accomplished through titles which would make searching effective.

I also see a lot of people upset about posts being "deleted. I don't know if it's too much trouble, but maybe a 24 hour hold can be put on new posts before they are moved to the "deleted posts" place. Since the posts aren't actually deleted, they are easily obtainable by anyone who choses to pursue looking into that content. If possible, a 24 hour hold before they are moved would allow most people to see them prior to.

I do not agree with focusing on Alefantis, Podesta, etc. I believe this is much bigger than that, and here is why. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I think it is telling:

(10/24/11 Stratfor Email Re: Anonymous Potential)

"What would happen if they could hack into an email account of a public figure and find connections to El Chapo? What if they found bank accounts shared by public officials and cartel members? What if websites they targeted had names and addresses of officials in any country linked to child porno rings? I just think that we need to look at what Anonymous could do to change their MO, and become more effective than just shutting down websites."

Notice it says "names and officials in ANY country linked to child porno rings."

samhara ago

I believe the "deleted" name for the posts shuttled to the public accessable file is mis - named , poor grammer. You have to get grammar straight first as all logic is built upon it. They are obviously not "deleted" as they are still there for perusal.

If it had been named properly , I wouldn't have wasted my time arguing about it.

As I contend: a legal case will never get anywhere. Look at the past. Look at how many moles these people have.. Look at how they have 100% control of the Media and have the public "by the balls" In court all you need is a few people to lie about you and set up your conviction. How many liars do you think are involved in this?!

We have to multiply the glasses /magnifiers looking at this, multiply the eyes looking at this by the scores, thousands, tens of thousands and millions.

Looking toward a legal case, without doing the "multiplying of eyes on the subject " is a dead end. And anyone advocating that, to me, is someone who is unnecessarily narrowing and perhaps even stalling the investigation / project.

Another point I made earlier, and you should know that if you are a lawyer - is that the legal system is seeded with corrupt judges. The lawyers are in total league with monied institutions and powers. To dream that a legal case will ever fly, especially in the present climate, is "pie in the sky" and is more imaginative than the most outlier data people connect to "Pizzagate"

Iyd10 ago

I did not say I am a lawyer, I said I work in the legal field.

I agree with much of what you say, especially in terms of the "deleted" content, that comment was not directed at you in particular. I've seen much confusion here over "deleted" posts, I think the place they go should be more easily findable. I made no mention of what content should be moved there, as I stated I think the scope of this is vast. My comments were purely pertaining to organization, which will make it easier to sort content, limiting the need/confusion over moving submissions.

As for content, there isn't much I would send to that place personally. I would rather see everything than to miss something important.

samhara ago

I agree completely.

wecanhelp ago

Good suggestion. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe we only get to define 10 flairs, so we need to be very wise coming up with them. I see another sticky coming up.

SpikyAube ago

I don't know about the number of flairs, but yes if there's a limit, new sticky for deciding would be great.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

This is my desire as well. Keep anything and everything which plausibly could turn out to be related, but use some kind of flairing or subdivision approach to organize it a little bit. Make it easy for everyone to home in on whatever it is that they are looking for.

notnatural ago

Pizzagate definition article: (rough draft)

nathanwblair ago

FOCUS: Connecting the DOTS

I'm new here, but from the many conversations i've had about pizzagate on other sites, the act of connecting seemingly irrelevant dots to pizzagate has been the most important part of this ongoing investigation!

i believe to deem a DOT (submission) off-topic to pizzagate is to prove (beyond reasonable doubt) no connection!

EDIT: "beyond reasonable doubt" means something like a "submission with without even a far-fetched, theoretical connection spelled out, and sources provided" (credit @wecanhelp for specifics)

crystalclearme ago

Or it could be moved to a different sub- not necessarily deleted

gopluckyourself ago

If I could just move a lot of the posts I delete I would. However I cannot so the burden of relocating them falls to the posters.

crystalclearme ago

Thank you for all you do. Lots of us have no idea what mods can and can't do so helps to know this.

gopluckyourself ago

Hell I don't even know everything I can and can't do right now. This is still a learning experience.

wecanhelp ago

This is a dangerous proposal. It would open up the possibility of an overwhelming number of posts not spelling out a connection at first. It should always be the responsibility of the poster to show a connection, or at the very least let the public know a rough idea of why they're thinking the topic is relevant. I don't believe any mod will remove a submission if at least a farfetched, theoretical connection is spelled out, and sources are provided.

nathanwblair ago

I don't believe any mod will remove a submission if at least a farfetched, theoretical connection is spelled out, and sources are provided.

@kevdude @wecanhelp @Crensch: yea thats what i meant by "beyond reasonable doubt"

Crensch ago

This is the proper response to "let it all fly" or "PROVE NO CONNECTION!" crap.


doubletake ago

So Pizzagate stays within the Beltway, or can it include the Epstein affair as well? Or if it is an Epstein development, must it relate to the Beltway crowd? e.g. When Epstein went through his Legal Woes, did it cause a ripple within the Beltway pedo gang? Changes of properties, etc? But Epstein is otherwise out of bounds if it doesn't relate to DC?

Verite1 ago

Jesus. No. Epstein CLEARLY relevant.

samhara ago

Honestly anyone who would suggest Epstein is not relevant to this study, is suspect to me.. Anyone who's judgement is that bad, and who pushes that, is suspect . And I would block them.

Verite1 ago

In fairness maybe double take is a new poster. But just even reading this thread it's pretty obvious what is relevant and isn't relevant.

CIAEatsShit ago

Then you need to block all the MOD's because Trump & Epstein were fuck buddy's ( @ trump cocaine partys for teen-models ) for 20+ years and that is called not-relevant here on /v/pizzagate.

samhara ago

Do what you can. Trump was the face that we were given instead of the truly psychopath woman..who is a massive thief and murderer. You can see how great it was he got in, by how pissed they all are.

People say "Pizzagate" is a psy -op , but what about Trump . As I see it he was an actor reading his lines to make sure Rodham was elected; because electing her is not an easy task. Those on the right and those on the left both hate her. No one showed up to her rallies! How did the Mass Media pull off that one? She was supposed to win!

In any case, he appears to me a new, more polite Trump? [BTW, I don't agree Pizzagate is a psy-op, To me, that is "Jones" disinfo] The "new" kinder gentler Trump backs up my thesis.

Which is in line, in large part, with Miles Mathis essay here. - - [archive page doesn't give images] "Election Night Coverage"

Trump's obviously taking his cue from those people who got him elected , i.e. the insider / counter - coup people - who released the emails! [and Kek?!] He's the front man, the public face , of Pizzagate. Maybe he doesn't belong there? Maybe it was a twist of fate? He certainly didn't seem to expect to win, either. But there you have it .

To expect these Trump supporters who un-raveled "Pizzagate" to start attacking Trump is just delusional.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Epstein is clearly relevant, as he claimed to have been a co-founder of the Clinton Foundation, and he is a convicted pedophile and child sex trafficker.

CIAEatsShit ago

TRUMP is in Epsteins book ergo, then TRUMP is fair game.


doubletake ago

Stephen Hawking is also in Epstein's book. Care to explain?

samhara ago

Sure what is there to fear by investigating Trump? When people put that off the table to start.. That's an assumption. Trump could be framed, and so far all against him looks to me like a frame - up job. He obviously like women. So what?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

^ this

Millennial_Falcon ago

TRUMP is in Epsteins book ergo, then TRUMP is fair game.

That isn't proof he's a pedo. Any evidence against him is fair game, but currently there isn't significant evidence connecting him to pedophilia.



VictorSteinerDavion ago

He won't provide proof because the account is simply a distractor/derail account.

Trump is listed as flying with epstein, but refusing to after and distancing himself from epstein after

one article has a fair amount of speculated information here

I have no doubt trump interacted with epstein, but I don't believe trump to be a part of the pedo ring.
I do believe the ring tried to 'capture' trump' but it backfired
It goes against how mafia types work and doesn't fit the profile.

CIAEatsShit ago

It's been posted a 1,000 time but you choose to delete rather than read, I suggest we have specific mod's that are not blind to new ideas, or change of attitude. If you don't know Trumps MOB history going back to the 1960's then your too dumb to be a researcher, or your covering his criminal past. Which is it?

Epstein had a black-book, a book he used just for sex biz. Trump is in the book, are you denying this fact. Do you speak for everyone when you deny that Trump & Epstein were close pals for 20+ years, after Trumps mentor Roy Cohn ( HOMO-PEDO) died in 1986? Again are you blind, or are you a liar?

Yiziola ago

I agree. And I think this verse is compromised

When people ask for sources about shit it's time to assume they won't look past their nose or h-trapping especially when asking for a source for Epstein's alleged un-redacted, 95 page BB that allegedly lists:

12 numbers for Trump

  • 3 for Trump vehicles,

  • 2 for Trump Towers,

  • 1 for Mar-a-Lago Club,

  • 1 for Mar-a-Lago Spa,

  • 3 for his Houseman (Howard Wilson),

  • 1 for Trump's Security,

  • 1 for Emergencies (labeled Norma direct)

Which is less than the 14 numbers he has for Bill Clinton

The FBI allegedly drew squares around the BB stuff they were particularly interested in, like squares around:

the 42 numbers under Ghislaine Maxwell

the 150+ numbers under Massage heading

the 13 numbers for Alan Dershowitz

the 12 numbers for Trump,

the 14 numbers for Bill Clinton,

the 4 numbers for Courtney Love

the 17 numbers for Joel Paschow

the 10 numbers for Peter Soros

the address for the NYC apartment building Epstein used for "models"

and alleged stuff like that.

At any rate, after reading Millennial_Falcon's comments I'm reverting back to lurking

redditfuckingsucksyo ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

Epstein had a black-book, a book he used just for sex biz. Trump is in the book, are you denying this fact. Do you speak for everyone when you deny that Trump & Epstein were close pals for 20+ years, after Trumps mentor Roy Cohn ( HOMO-PEDO) died in 1986?

Sources, please.