garouwarrior ago

As I mentioned in another thread, I believe it is not a good idea to be too focused.

I think that new info, even if it doesn't appear initially to be Pizzagate-related, could yield to new leads or more insights into how these people operate.

Even the latest FBI Anon thread on 4Chan suggested a broader focus, rather than specifically concentrating on just Comet Ping Pong.

Forgetmenot ago

Thanks for tagging me. I have not been able to respond since I have been traveling this weekend. I will weigh in when I have a few minutes.

horse-with-a-name ago

No worries and thanks.

Nana66 ago

Pizzagate sub has gone the way of the entire Reddit site...censored and shilled....thanks Ellen.

horse-with-a-name ago

?? Care to elaborate?

Nana66 ago

Hello member for 21 days....ok I will elaborate, this site is censored crap and under the control of shills just like Reddit....and every other site.

horse-with-a-name ago

Any examples?

horse-with-a-name ago

I don't understand a thing in this post. This the only thing you are mad about?

horse-with-a-name ago

The post you linked to is 10 months old, and I can't see any reference to Pizzagate or mention one of the mods.

horse-with-a-name ago

Quote from current sticky:

So, for example, if you want to talk about what happens if Trump does not follow through, don't slap an unsourced discussion up that will have to be removed. Instead, submit a piece about organizing a letter campaign to Trey Gowdy or Melania -- with a link to a draft letter, and links to research to be included. The concrete letter campaign is the "what," any meta discussion about the need for it is the "why." And the trolls? BTFO!

Good strategy to handle some troll & shill posts. I wonder what else we could do to minimize such posts. Any ideas here?

horse-with-a-name ago

@Infopractical, saw your post Want to engage here or rekindle your Post?

TheHolyGrail ago

Thanks for including me. Millennial Falcon acts ugly, bad robot.

Well, see ya.

horse-with-a-name ago

He is different than other mods, I will give you that. If we think his modding is not correct, then we should gather examples, explain them and present them.

TheHolyGrail ago

Keeping tally on Silicon Valley.

wincraft71 ago

I've been saying for a while that the crazy sensationalism on the front page needs to chill, there's too many loose abstract connections and hyped up "OMG THIS CARTOON MENTIONED PIZZA IS THIS PIZZAGATE?!" or "LOOK AT THIS SPIRAL LOGO". Not to mention the circlejerk about youtubers who for the most part, are probably attention-whoring for money, not a diss to them but just saying that's what youtubers do. It's a double-edged sword, on one hand they have the power and influence to "red-pill" more people than we can, on the other hand sometimes they withhold info or makeup bullshit stories about being followed by spooks so they can solicit more money and donations from people.

Then there's the pedogate spin-off that somehow made it back onto reddit, which I think is overall suspicious because we don't want to change the name and doing so is convenient for the powers that be because they can blow it up into an abstract thing with thousands of connections and turn it into a global pedophile investigation, throw in a few sacrifice busts like the cartels do of lower-end members, then say that the whole thing is solved and child sex trafficking is no longer a major issue. Then use their conglomerate of media outlets to push that narrative down people's throats and beat them over the head with it until they comply and think about something else.

What I like so much about Pizzagate is that it's totally focused on Podesta and Alefantis. They are the key or the door-openers to a unexposed dimension of corruption and sex trafficking that is linked to Washington, D.C. and has been going on at least since the 1960s or 70s, or probably about the time the CIA started MK Ultra. If we continue finding or get leaked new evidence that implicates either of these two people, we may finally be able to convince a greater power like the FBI or convince the population of the United States to look deeper, and reject the media narrative of "child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza shop basement" and instead look at the activity of Washington elite under a more critical lens.

Which leads me to the final point about the sharp reaction and polarizing effect that the Fatherhood video had on this community. Some ardently deny it and say it's a waste of time and nobody should look at it, some realize it's an actual video of a child being abused and regardless if it is Podesta we should still look into it. I hope that somebody out there has more evidence that can be leaked to us as truly I think there is a real "smoking gun" that we've all been waiting for, somewhere on somebody's computer.

I'll leave this with a final note, I think people should be weary of a constant barrage of "HEY LOOK AT THIS" if it's a loose connection, and be suspicious if you find potential harder evidence like the Fatherhood video and people tell you not to waste your time and try to mindfuck or shame you out of investigating it.

I suggested here on /v/pizzagatemods that there should be a way to report posts that are too loose and water-down the front page, but I am unsure if they will consider it.

Tanngrisnir ago

I do have one idea that might help. We can use to look up celebrities involved with giving money to the ngos likely trafficking people in Italy. If my suspicion is right and more evidence is coming out against them soon. There are so goddam many celebrities giving money to criminal filth that if we meme it we could do a great job winning over normies and helping to kill the Hollywood machine.

It would also allow us to target many of the assholes like Colbert which have intentionally spit in our eyes by pointing out their own corrupt ties.

Vindicator ago

This is a great idea. We have a sticky on the way that should help with this.

Tanngrisnir ago

Sorry about the late response @horse-with-a-name. Thank you for the tag. I don't think that Voat is compromised although I disagree with a lot of deletions. Participation is definitely declining and I think quality posts are being covered up by generic reposts and other crap. It makes us just spin our wheels while the leads that could lead to a breakthrough get lost.

In many ways things are actually better. Have you seen Armyseer shilling lately? There are less divisive attacks on anyone with an audience. It looks like after AbortionBurger was doxed Shareblue got overconfident and loosened their hold. But that only helps us if we have enough people to take advantage of the opportunity.

Vindicator ago

Also, PuttItOut banned the doxer sitewide.

Tanngrisnir ago

Good to hear. I didn't even think we could ban ip addresses.

EvaEverywhere ago

Something I have been reading online for 25 years: "This free service doesn't fully serve my personal needs!" "There are other people on here who don't agree with me!" "People have a negative attitude towards certain topics!"

and to that I reply: "Works as expected!"

as much as you conspiracy theory this space, it still has contributed tens of thousands of man hours to an investigation into a topic that has been censored more than any other topic before. Google indexes Voat in 10 minutes letting you use that site to find ANYTHING on Voat, if you know how to Google shit. And as far as moderators deleting 90% of my posts: ¯!(ツ)/¯ The whining is strong around here these days.

quantokitty ago

I think you've made excellent points. I do think the quality of the posts has declined due to the hard investigative type of post disappearing. Either videos with journalists rehashing what's already been said are posted, or straight up news stories with no commentary. While both of those are completely valid and part of pizzagate, it was the investigative style that uncovered all the evidence.

While that's one variable that's leading to the decline, the other is: shills and shill posts. Not sure what can be done about this other than voating up the valid posts, downvoating shit, and not making comments in it either. If you make a negative comment, it's still treated as activity in that thread so please don't do it.

But I really think the heart of the problem is pizzagaters getting back to solid investigative posts. Uncover new evidence. When you do, I notice that it's quickly spread amongst the entire community and that's when the active users jump. But for a news headline? Well, unless it's news nobody heard of, or a breaking story, people can pretty well get that from any news source, so let's get back to the hard core investigation of the key players: Alefantis and his friends, the Pedostas, throw the kids into the pool Luzzatto, the Cannibal Queen, and all the pervs in Pedo/RapeyWood.

I've been entirely guilty of posting the quickie threads because of the time element. I started to work on a couple of things (and Dear Lord please let me have saved all the links I found), but it takes hours to compile and write a comprehensive overview of what point you're trying to make. But even with my sporadic forays into the dark world of this revolting story, there is so much we haven't uncovered.

Maybe it would be good if we teamed up. That idea was presented a while back, but I haven't seen it done. I was hoping for some of the excellent investigators that I know hang out here to really dig into one subject and go at it from all angles. I would love to see that done, but even if it isn't, please let's get back to what made this story compelling and investigate the core of this rotten apple. Don't get thrown off by people telling us that we need to be going to Belgium to find anything. On the contrary, what we find here, in the dirty little center of the soul-less beings haunting the corridors of power, will lead us to where we need to go and not the reverse.

ThePuppetShow ago

If you say nothing in the shill threads, they will keep posting ridiculous comments and upvoting everything in them before linking them elsewhere like that's what we're discussing here. I pointed this out a month ago before I left for a bit. This is their game, they're framing the narrative.

quantokitty ago

I believe if no one posts, they drop out of sight pretty quickly. I downvoat and don't post in them. If something unbelievably disgusting needs to be refuted, then let someone call the OP on t and be done with it. Piling on just keeps the damn thing up there in the rankings.

ThePuppetShow ago

Before I left the problem I was seeing was shill accounts commenting in the threads keep them alive. I even mad a post about the importance of using your votes because people weren't downvoting. I don't know how much things have changed, I just got back today from a month long break from this place. But, Media Matters will make everyone look like crazy idiots if you don't refute their bullshit.

quantokitty ago

I believe I understand your point, but if you don't comment, they have no fuel to make people look crazy other than the OP him/herself. I've been watching the difference in not responding, and really, the posts just drop right through. I totally agree about the downvoating, Use those downvoats!

ThePuppetShow ago

That's not true. A month ago I was seeing ridiculous stuff getting posted and other shill accounts commenting on how great it was or how it's a great new lead and everything was getting upvotes. It would be simple if they were just relying on the OP, but they're making comments too. I definitely agree that one person to refute them is enough, but people need to use their votes.

quantokitty ago

I haven't noticed that. It could be because I'm avoiding shill posts. Absolutely, everyone should use their downvoats. And they should also be sure to upvoat the forum member that reads them the riot act. The worst thing anyone can do is get in a protracted fight. I believe we can agree on that also, so: (1) downvoat; (2) no beng shillbaited into a protracted fight over nonsense; and (3) upvoat the forum member's comment that sets things right.

ThePuppetShow ago

Here's a good example of framing a picture. This is how they want to present us. Hate filled far right neo Nazis.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, I've seen this floating around, but look ... somebody gave a body "check yourself", a couple more comments, and gone ... poof! Into mysterium land!

Don't worry about this crap. It's nonsense, looks like nonsense, smells like nonsense and not worth getting upset about. The quality of posts here attest to what we're about.

V____Z ago

Absolutely 1,000 times YES to every word.

I got the idea of teaming just before you wrote it. I've done that with a couple people here spontaneously (like with the recent Podesta/pool/child porn post) and it really is the way to go. I wanted help from others and realized we don't have a forum for asking for assistance. What if we made a new sub v/pizzagateinvestigations where each new thread was a separate area of investigation (sticking to your parameters, aka our roots - the emails & subsequent finds) and people could weigh in and help. For instance with the Podesta post, I was able to use people's suggestions, insights, comments, to keep adding to the article. It really helps if we put our minds and energy together. People can burn out easily, and people who are victims of pedophiles can experience brain freeze when dealing with this stuff. I sometimes black out completely, but when there is a team, others can pick up the slack and keep the ball rolling.

Vindicator ago

We don't have a forum for asking for assistance

But we DO! That was the hope for v/AskPizzagate.

V____Z ago

Seems less focused than what I had in mind though. I mean one specifically, no holds barred, ONLY for active investigations into leads specifically related to pizzagate-proper - the very narrow definition that we began with. I see a post in the "hot" section there about Snoop Dog and Bow Wow. So it suffers from the same problem i'm trying to address, and the very thing that has weakened v/ PG.

Seeing that this has happened, perhaps we can pivot to something brand new - a brand new sub with very tight restrictions for the handful of people who wish to work like we did in the early days, and stick to the narrow confines of pizzagate-only leads/evidence. There is more to be discovered, contrary to popular opinion. Ryan, for instance, had said several times lately that although he is not going to do it with good reason, investigators are needed to finish the work with Pegasus. Now, obviously the powers that be don't want this to happen, and oddly enough, it ISN'T happening. If we had this new sub i'm suggesting, this fact could be highlighted and perhaps the problem remedied. I know there are people interested in continuing on, they just don't have a place to organize (at least not on Voat). And I know that if the powers that be don't want us to organize, it will be difficult. But why not give it a try? One last thought: since we see that TPTB find it worthwhile to put out an unheard-of amount of effort into stopping our work, hindering our effectiveness, muting our message, then we can assume that they know our work has the potential to hurt them - to out them - perhaps to send some of them to jail. That is reason enough to try a new idea because seriously, this old way is no longer effective. We are completely overrun. Brock knows what he's doing.

horse-with-a-name ago

Very good idea. Once we have accumulated enough good ideas, we should seek to present them to the community (mods included).

V____Z ago

Sounds right to me :)

quantokitty ago

Absolutely, the subverse would work. The thing is people's brains work differently. You get a few people attacking the problem from different angles, you're going to cover things you wouldn't normally. I want to go back to the old school key players, and there's someone that turned up that should be revisited. But, yeah, subverse, please. Let's get things rolling. Obviously, it's investigation that people want to read. It's why so few people are voating and viewing.

And did @pizzagatedetective make that invitee list?

nomorepepperoni ago

More solid, tangibly connected leads have a bad habit of getting ignored and/or buried for the latest "YOUTUBE GUY IS A DISINFO OP SHILL GUY", "JOOS!", "LOOK AT THIS CREEPY SATANIST SHIT" and, of course, the ever-popular "OMFG FBI OFFICIAL PEDO LOGO LOOK!" (generi-swirl, no valid info found suggesting business is involved in anything nefarious).

Which I wouldn't be as fed up about, if it weren't that certain people are getting drawn into these threads and can't seem to resist the urge to go at each other's throats for having a different opinion. "Oh, you don't completely agree with me? SHILL! SHILL!" FFS. It's like when IDPol obsessed lefties scream SEXIST and RACIST at everything they see. You can only cry wolf so often before people stop listening.

And how many of them actually are shills trying to poison the place? No telling, because the Voat site itself, in its infinite wisdom, does not have an IP ban option (from what I understand). So shills can just keep spawning new accounts and spewing shit freely.

Overall, I have been following Voat less and less. Too many divisive, infighting jackasses sniping at each other in stupid threads about nothing. Pretty sad state of affairs.

I would urge the mods to consider setting up new, more relaxed guidelines for the community to vote on. Leads are drying up, and it's leaving the people here stir crazy. This leads to lower-quality posts, more mod takedowns because they forgot to explain something in a good lead, and, of course, the unintended kick to morale. Even worse, when a ding to morale is amplified to everyone else by the person who feels slighted by a mod, and just HAS to warn the world (VOAT COMPROMISED! MODS ARE ALL SHILLS! TOOK DOWN MY POST!).

This should be a place for sourced leads and reasoned discussion on raising awareness (in one place), not for barking and yiping about who's a disnfo agent op spooky face.

Just my very long 2c.

V____Z ago

I can hear Brock/Podesta/Soros now: "Oh no! They've got a place for sourced leads and reasoned discussion on raising awareness (in one place) called Voat!

"Get the troll team in there to bark and yipe about who's a disinfo agent op spooky face so no one can think straight!"


Forgetmenot ago

Exactly they are organizing as we speak.

V____Z ago

I expect them on this very thread. but like i said earlier, we are too smart for this. This place has attracted some of the sharpest minds i've seen on the internet. I think the key is to assess, and recognize what we're dealing with, and to go from there. If we need a brand new sub for focussed research, then we should push and not give up until we get one. If it has to be done on a different forum, that will become clear to us in time, and i'm sure we can make that happen. We need to really get clear about what shilling looks like, and not be scared to see it for what it is. Playing nice, choosing to be polite over honest, and never mentioning the elephant in the room is exactly how they've infiltrated us so easily.

Vindicator ago


V____Z ago

Will weigh in with more later, but for now I do think you're right to open this conversation. Voat is compromised from within, i think that's clear. But there also seems to be a concerted, organized effort to flood pizzagate with random and completely meaningless posts (I FOUND A SPIRAL!!!!!) which are strangely all being upvoted by enough people that true leads and damning posts are driven from the front page, so most people will miss them if they only check in once a day. There's no way it's organic, and i find it highly questionable that these posts are allowed to stay, while good posts are being deleted sometimes 3 times in a row, with bs explanations, which frustrate people trying to help with this investigation, to the point of giving up. All of these symptoms were planned.

It really is time to talk about doing something new, to talk about taking a proper and sober assessment of what we've got going on here, and moving forward with our original goal in mind. That goal was never to obsess over every high school teacher or local City Council member who is a pedophile, nor to obsess over creepy symbols in music videos. It seems obvious they're playing with us, actually giving us fodder for v/pizzagate with the Soros-funded Bill Nye episode. They're playing us like a fiddle. What do we know about this game? Nothing. We are innocent and new to this world, just wanting to help the children. They are well versed in manipulation and lies. I think the best thing to do is to stop telling ourselves we can conduct a proper pizzagate investigation using v / PG. Until we admit this, we will keep seeing more of the same. And indeed it is very frustrating. We're smarter than this. We should be able to adapt, and move on to something that works. That's the last thing they want. There is no reason to believe this can't be done, there are too many committed people who simply aren't going to give up. Some of us have watched The Franklin Case and then Hampstead be covered up, and just aren't going to sit by and watch it happen again. So let's figure something out!

oftotc ago

I agree w/ most of your comment, but vehemently disagree with:

We are innocent and new to this world, just wanting to help the children. They are well versed in manipulation and lies. I think the best thing to do is to stop telling ourselves we can conduct a proper pizzagate investigation using v / PG.

You put yourself in a box when you say "proper investigation". This forum is outside the box by definition. We simply need to do what regular Joe's have been doing since forever: Innovate. Experiment. Find out what works. Stop with the defeatist outlook.

V____Z ago

My question is can it be done within the framework of v/pizzagate? I think I'm being realistic - it isn't working and it's only getting worse. Have you seen today's submissions? Nothing to do with pizzagate. None have anything to do with the Podesta emails, no one is looking into Pegasus. All of the submissions, as per usual lately, are about widening the scope until we are just talking about anything remotely to do with pedophilia anywhere in the world. No one seems to be doing any investigation, or following leads.

When you say innovate, experiment, do you mean keep trying to work within v / PG? What would you recommend as an example? I guess this thread is one example.

If we were to stay here, one change that could fix this is to tighten our scope and get serious about the rules for submissions, and then for the investigators to downvote submissions that are better suited for v/pedogate so that PG can FOCUS. I believe we've been infiltrated and this is the last thing they want us to do. I don't see much support for the idea of getting serious and getting back to our roots, though. When I've suggested it, I get shouted down instantly.

oftotc ago

Can it be done...

We don't know yet. I think "yes". I agree that the focus was blown weeks ago, but since the beginning, most folks understanding of "investigating" was limited to obscure goog search results with the main players' names attached. Lot's of awareness posts; few investigative posts.

A few brave goats purportedly attempted local DC footwork with questionable results and more risk than I was comfortable with. We all highly suspect these people kill to protect themselves so the line between bravery and foolhardy was thin.

I am a strong advocate of pizzagate and pedogate having a wide enough overlap to be one thing, but if pizzagate stays true to it's origins, it's only looking at the activities and relationships of just a few high profile folks in DC. After you dig up all the public records for those folks, what's left?


That can't be planned in the open as your subjects would be alerted to the op. In the meantime, /v/pizzagate can be our honeypot. Pick a detractor and try to figure out which person, organization or whatever sent them here and for what purpose? Frankly, if there is no push-back then it may be that they feel secure in their counter intelligence efforts.

V____Z ago

I certainly don't recommend anyone do anything in person, besides protests. But i don't agree that we've reached the end of the amount of research we can do via computer and putting our heads together. There will be that day, but i think we were thwarted prematurely. The first few months of PG were a whirlwind, and then the attacks started with media and the false flag shooting, then the Alex Jones psyop. Since the shooting incident, the narrative and focus has really been in their hands, not ours. If we took it back and ignored them, went back to our roots and looked at what we have, and what is missing, I think it could really be rewarding.

What I'm not particularly interested in, is a whole new line of investigation, though i can see how it could be interesting for others. The idea of finding out who is trying to infiltrate is too long-term to satisfy me. As well, it again leaves them in charge of our focus. They would have fun with that. There is no limit to how much they can mess with us, and we might find it interesting to chase leads but it will ultimately lead no where, certainly not to saving children.

oftotc ago

I'm thinking maybe an "Occam Chart". Column 1, point by point, breakdown the allegations. Column 2, for each point present the reason and evidence for the allegation. Column 3, the razor, what is the most likely answer (and is usually the defense position when one is presented). Column 4, the reason and evidence given in support of the defense. Column 5, possible counterpoints or evidence collected against the defense data in column 4.

Column 4 is the important one as it contains actionable points to collect data for. Column 5 shapes the investigations of Column 4 items and may result in actionable refutation of evidence. The more granular you can make Column 1, the more detailed and usable the data collected.

Here's an example:

Wikileaks emails with "pizza maps". It's too easy to accept the razor's position: it's actually a map with pizza places marked. How would you "disprove" that? Well, the Occam Chart would generate points of study, once theories are presented. It would be a lot of work, and it would take a while. It would be really easy in vee eye ess eye oh, but I don't know how to "format" something like that in this forum structure.

Vindicator ago

What if you made the chart and then added it as a jpg? That would stimulate discussion and investigation. You could edit and reupload as new info was postedbin comments.

oftotc ago

Under consideration :-)

V____Z ago

This is perfect.

@pizzalawyer @YingYangmom @bopper are you aware of this thread?

bopper ago

Now I am. Thank-you.

Forgetmenot ago

This for tagging me.

druhill007 ago

ty for the tag VZ

pizzaequalspedo ago

At the end of the day, if LE refuses to get involved, we have to be prepared for this to stall.

I'm glad I'm aware of what's going on, but I'm not sure we can stop it. At least maybe we can make it harder for them to keep up their lifestyle.

blankfacecriminal ago

Yeah I agree, I have seen the same actions taken on just about every medium used to spread truth about this investigation. The_Donald was one on reddit, but that changed rather quickly as well. Our best bet is to send people direct to the sites that have the most genuine investigation and information, such as The Free thought Project or The Last American Vagabond. The one thing I think they have learned from us, which is likely why these forums are being stifled, is that we will not give up! Thank you having this discussion, its too bad more are not involved.

srayzie ago

Thank you for including me. One thing that is bad is that I know shills would post something crazy and then would post it on a new twitter account with hashtags. I was catching it and posted on this before. So, when someone clicks it, it takes them to a totally ridiculous post on here. They have friends working here with them that would comment. So, it makes us look like foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.

I have talked to a few people that won't post here because even the regulars here can be brutal. I think people need to be nicer and more courteous and not scare some away from posting. I read someone say "well if they are sensitive, then they shouldn't be here". Wow really? We're all here for the same reason and should work more as a team.

Finally, at the sub Pizzagatewhatever, people hardly go there. So I think many people post in the Pizzagate sub because we don't give pizzagatewhatever enough attention.

YingYangMom ago

@horse-with-a-name @quantokitty @V__Z @nomorepepperoni @pizzaequalspedo

Yep. We had to post our "Consolidation Threads" on pizzagatewhatever and they didn't get but very little attention. @privatepizza , @newworldahead , and I worked non-stop for a while, but we couldn't keep up and the desperation just got the best of us. I'm talking about this project in particular, amassing evidence and presenting them in chronological order... (#1 CPP thread & JA) and also (#2 Friends of CPP)

So sad.

Vindicator ago

We need to resurrect these!

YingYangMom ago

It would be nice to be able to have them posted in the pizzagate sub...

Vindicator ago

I agree. All you would need to do to do that is get some links into the body of the submission. These "mega thread" type posts are more essential than ever, for all the reasons you've stated in them, and also for the sake of being able to Tweet them or share on Facebook.

We are discussing right now the best way to pull the very best, most sharable PG evidence posts into one cache that can be used as raw material for building ammo for the coming meme war. ;-) It will probably be a new sister-subverse. We may add a special flair for this purpose in v/pizzagate as well.

YingYangMom ago

I'll have to get in contact with @privatepizza and @newworldahead to discuss how and who should post them and it seems that both are not very active and present on Voat... I hope the pings aren't 'glitching' because I have been told that they are, and that the comment mentions aren't showing in their mail/notification boxes. It makes it difficult to communicate sometimes. I'll permalink and DM them just to make sure.

Vindicator ago

Comment mentions are working for me...but only if people type the user name exactly right. Sometimes using this platform makes me feel like I'm in the Lord of the Rings, trying to decipher mysterious runic inscriptions when the sun shines at just the right angle to get doors to open, LOL.

YingYangMom ago

Haha, nice comparison :)

horse-with-a-name ago

Thank you for coming here :)

I did not know about the Twitter thing that leads to ridiculous posts here. How awful!

I think the name pizzagatewhatever was not wisely chosen. Different subs could be interesting, though. This way, the main sub could concentrate on the investigation, and other important topics could go in new subverses?

srayzie ago

I do too. It needs more attention if people don't want Pizzagate full of posts that are not direct evidence.

DarkMath ago

"Some interesting posts vanish seconds or minutes later because a mod deletes them."

That's so people don't post rants and other bull shit that's not evidence. If you're worried about spam and shit posts don't hang out in the New thread, try the Hot or Top.

In general /v/pizzagate doesn't work very well but it's better than nothing. If I was in my 20s I'd try to write something better. Now I don't give a fuck anymore. The need for new internet platforms to replace the hopelessly corrupt MSM is great.

This is the beginning of a new era of the Interwebs. Crowd journalism is the way to go. Actually crowd based anything is the way to go. There's journalism, intelligence, forensic accounting, crime investigations etc etc. It's ALL going to put on crowd platforms. The MSM media are like the IBM and Digital Main Frame manufacturers and it's about 1981.

If there's just one ray of light in this cluster fuck it's that the people are taking power back from politicians and the media. Lower middle class and below outnumber those above us. It's not even close. We have set backs but we always win in the end. It's been happening for the past 2000 years. This time it isn't any different.

oftotc ago

IBM and Digital Main Frame manufacturers and it's about 1981.

'member Honeywell?

DarkMath ago

"'member Honeywell?"

A-yep. I even remember Wang Computer and their 5 seconds on the top. How the mighty have fallen. My first job was at a company whose office was in the Wang Towers up in Lowell MA. Time at the top is short and is often followed by a very painful descent.

druhill007 ago


DarkMath ago


you lost me

druhill007 ago

just a positive "good job DM" kinda thing

oftotc ago

It's like "Amen, brother" but faster to type.

horse-with-a-name ago

No, I'm not too worried about spam or shit posts. Mods mostly catch them. It's other topic -- campaigning, for example, or strategical thoughts about the investigation, what to do in the future etc -- that usually get deleted, while they could be helpful.

Vindicator ago

Campaigning, for example, or strategical thoughts about the investigation, what to do in the future etc -- that usually get deleted, while they could be helpful.

We've got a sticky on that very subject immanent. ☺

horse-with-a-name ago

Yes, I just saw it. I left a general comment on the comments. Very good post, Vindicator. We need more of those.

DarkMath ago

"strategical thoughts about the investigation, what to do in the future etc"

That's what I was trying to get across with new crowd sourcing platform have to be written. Pizzagate is just the tip of a massive iceberg of fraud. There are many battles ahead. Power to the people.

So in that light a great way to get people involved is to show them the money, tell the world's 20 somethings:

1) Crowd sourcing is the wave of the future.

2) Corporations have too much control over the MSM.

3) Young people today could get very rich building the next generation of Interweb tech that will keep corporations out of the news business.

4) and the forensic accounting business, and the entertainment business, and the private prison business, and the private army business and the.........

I know that's a stretch but it's the only thing that makes sense at this point in History. The modern American Multi-National Corporation is corrupt beyond measure. Just one viewing of "Clinton Cash" should convince anyone that Slavery, Rape and Pillaging are alive and well in the highest echelons of power in this country. That really really really needs to change.

We've seen this movie before. Necessity is the mother of invention, it's always been and always will be. The New Guard is waiting in the wings.

May God Speed The Plough

Ah-hem, Speed-the-Plow


IDeliverPizza ago

its cuz the mods are are run by shareblue hamie

Orangutan ago

I'm disappointed. I didn't have that high of hopes after being kicked off from Reddit though. They corralled us here. Then they splintered us even further with /v/pizzagatewhatever, /v/pizzagatememes etc. The mods I felt were and have been over-active in their demands for explanations on posts, discouraging participation. It's a tough battle. There's been infiltration I fear as well. This definitely struck a nerve as evidence by the responses of mainstream media outlets and characters like Stephen Colbert and everyone to the Pope for God's sake.

I'm going to keep going but depending on this subverse itself isn't the way. Spread the work and information throughout social media. And we should get the "sticky" back up with the overview of pizzagate's best evidence for beginners and introduction. That keeps getting removed it seems. It's not going to be easy to broach this topic with the masses. Look at the Catholic Church thing, has justice really been dispensed? Anyone in jail? Hastert is in jail for a tad over some financial business. Savile got off no problem. The subject matter is so vile and emotionally disturbing that most of the society doesn't want to consider it. Look at the plight of Johnny Gosch's mom. It's just brutal.

Vindicator ago

We should get the "sticky" back up with the overview of pizzagate's best evidence for beginners and introduction.

It is always up -- in the sidebar or the top line of other sticky posts, or both.

horse-with-a-name ago

I agree with many things you say. So your suggestion would be to include everything in v/pizzagate alone?

Orangutan ago

I guess. What was the success of the reddit Pizzagate sub. I'd just emulate that in as many ways as I could. Mods should intervene occasionally of course and the userbase has to be trusted to vote accordingly or else the place sucks anyway. And it has to be a combination of research and popularity. You need both for a successful campaign.

horse-with-a-name ago

Right. Research and populartiy should go hand in hand.

Orangutan ago

Or publicity. Whatever you call it. Popular viral energy has to be valued too.

ThePuppetShow ago

Sorry for the late reply, but I've been MIA for reasons mentioned. I took a break about a month ago because this place was turning into a shit show. I don't know if it's changed any, this is my first day back. One thing that really needs to happen is mods need to be chosen by the community, not in secret by current mods.

oftotc ago

Good call w/ the @-poke.

  • Every group effort needs a leader, if for nothing else than to coordinate human effort in a unified, productive direction. PG does not have this.

  • I ignore posts with mod complaints in the title. If a really bad mod (or all of them) is still here, the base will absolutely be really vocal about it. I've never seen it not happen here.

  • voat is susceptible to manipulations of content rankings, just like everyone else. Use your head, not your gut, when assessing the informational value of posts.

  • PG is two things: Evidential and Spiritual. Use your own labels; a simple post tag for the two categories would help users weed out the stuff that ventures too far into the meta-physical void.

  • If seriously damning evidence is ever unearthed in this forum (which I think is completely possible despite PG_is_retarded's enjoyable participation in the sub) and then scrubbed, it's time to leave voat completely.

  • Last but not least: if law enforcement or MSM outlets cannot be compelled to examine these cases, then other options are needed for boots on the ground. That gets legally complicated way too fast for just about everybody.

EDIT: Added MSM to last point.

micha_ ago

Tx for the heads up. As important as the work of so many ppl here is, in the meanwhile I don't think that changing anything here or somewhere else could make a difference. It seems that our world is run by a network of satanists and there is nothing that is powerful enough to threaten it, because of several reasons.

  1. We humans are sheep.

  2. Evil is beyond the sheep's imagination. So the sheep cannot believe it, even it was shown evidence.

  3. People believe, what they want to believe. Those that do not fall into categories 1 and 2, are trapped at 3.

Accepting that there is no justice in the world, that probably even the organized manifestations of religions have been part of the luciferian agenda, is certainly too hard to accept for 90-98%.

How many people here have made the experience, since PG broke, that friends or family members refuse to make the most simple logical deductions? How many here have noticed, that they even refuse to accept indisputable facts? That's all a manifestation of sheepness. Can you accept, that your brother, your mother, your wife is a dumb sheep? If you can't then your'e part of the problem, too and you're sheep, too.

The satanists have absolutely no problem to think logical and make the necessary cold blooded decisions! Sheep can't. Therefore they are sheep. And therefore the satanists rule us.

We are slaves and are not willing to break the mental chains they have put us into. They do not have these chains. They chop millions of heads off, if it is useful for their agenda. And we don't.

redditsuckz ago

How many people here have made the experience, since PG broke, that friends or family members refuse to make the most simple logical deductions? How many here have noticed, that they even refuse to accept indisputable facts? That's all a manifestation of sheepness. Can you accept, that your brother, your mother, your wife is a dumb sheep? If you can't then your'e part of the problem, too and you're sheep, too.

We might be dealing with some sort of "Matrix System" here as in the people who are awake now are the only ones that will awaken. Some of the people on the earth just might have no souls and are just running on animal instincts or some kinds of biometric robots that the elites know how to use and exploit.

This phase of the investigation is over as far as I can see...its pretty obvious what group is in control and running things and even some in this thread will not awaken to this fact as in they only awake so far and no further.

There is no place on the internet that they will not try to infiltrate and if it cant be infiltrated it will be shut down within short time frame. Some say evolution does not exist well actually we are evolving out of their system of control or we wouldnt be here right now if that werent the case and now we have to evolve to something that will actually take down this system of control once and for all and protests and endless investigating might not be the answer. The answer is information on what is REALLY going on with this earth and using "feeling" instead of your head to find the answer to the truth of it all.

Its almost better to become an observer and sit back and watch this all unfold and be the change you want to see because otherwise we are banging our heads against brick walls and creating endless drama focusing forever on these "satanists".

Its clear they are frighted of people migrating to new places or you wouldnt have this thread;

Why would they be scared?...because they have only so many resources to combat the consciousness of humanity.

The way to beat "The Matrix" is to copy your consciousness to others around you by giving them all the information you can possibly give them EVEN if they are a biometric robot/sheep...they might have no choice to bend to your will as that is all they are created for is to be NPC's in this Matrix.

If a handful of elites can run the earth for hundreds of thousands of years then a handful can take it back and make it a place worth living in.

micha_ ago

Interesting comment, but I can't share your optimism. btw: I did not downvote you.

YingYangMom ago

Do not despair. This is the greatest speech ever made.

anonOpenPress ago

ty for pinging. I received a notification on comment ping only, not one from mentioning me in the post... On the issues, I keep on playing stupid and get wiser all the time how to locate the meaningful posts behind shilling. My current favorite is looking at the weekly top pages 2-4.

To not let in for divide and conquer, I think we should have everything on one sub, and additionally copy of those posts in the dedicated / spelialized subs to organize them.

To address the important post issue, I think the mods should put up one post listing all the flaired posts, and link that one into the sidebar. I might put one up, as soon as I find a way to locate all those flaired post

There will be shills, and we just have to live with it. Newcomers should be made aware of them so that they won't be able to stop redpilling.

Vindicator ago

To address the important post issue, I think the mods should put up one post listing all the flaired posts, and link that one into the sidebar. I might put one up, as soon as I find a way to locate all those flaired post

Great idea! I was thinking we need more megathreads that list important posts by category.

Anon, I've been mulling the how to find flaired posts question. Mods have to leave a comment when flairing. Have you searched mod comment histories for '-flair'?

Vindicator ago

Hi there horse,

Thanks for posting this in the appropriate subverse, and for voicing your thoughts. I am not sure all those you pinged actually received one. It's my understanding that only the first five pings work. Then you have to ping in comments, five pings per separate comment.

Regarding posts with new evidence being hard to find: we do have a flair for that, as well as "Potential Lead". I try to use these flairs whenever they would be helpful. If you make a comment in the post saying you think it should be flaired, and and why, and ping me, I will evaluate. I don't see a lot of the posts that come in early in the morning East Coast time because I am in a different timezone.

horse-with-a-name ago

I have a suspicion, though. Since not even the first five reacted, maybe they weren't alerted at all? I am going to ping the other mods now to see if they are alerted or not. @wecanhelp @sensitive @Millennial_Falcon @nnfxx

wecanhelp ago

Thanks, this one worked, the first one didn't per the reason mentioned by Vindicator.

I share your sentiment that the subverse is slowly becoming less and less useful, however, I don't attribute that to modding primarily. You might call me biased about that, of course, but I do try to see the situation clearly, and my feeling is that the community has gotten somewhat exhausted since we see no results no matter how much evidence is being dug up. The growth of the subverse has indeed noticeably slowed down in past few weeks, both in the number of new subscribers and current visitors.

@Vindicator is working on a sticky right now that will hopefully encourage activism within the community, and could lead to some more redpilling eventually. Older users may get tired, but the effect of that on activity could be mitigated with an influx of new users, it's just, as you're saying yourself, very hard to convince new visitors to stay and help when the average submission quality has gotten progressively worse as time passed, potentially exactly due to the growth (and dilution) of the community, which would be a Catch-22 with even more growth.

The good news is that, to my knowledge, the stronger core of investigators has not disappeared, they just moved on to other platforms to work on the case, using Voat more as a media outlet than an investigative environment whenever they have a breakthrough.

Unfortunately, it's very difficult if at all possible to do anything about the overall quality of posts users submit at this point, at least I don't see a direct solution to the problem. But if anybody has an idea that would save the day, us mods are happy to work with you guys and make things happen. We just haven't heard any real good ideas recently, I think.

V____Z ago

What if we (and this is a very unpopular idea) got serious about using v/pedogate and making sure v/pizzagate submissions are focussed on what pg started out to be: an investigation of the Podesta emails and leads/finds directly resulting from them and from our early investigation. So for instance, if the post is about Jimmy Saville or satanism or a plummer in Nebraska who raped his niece, it goes in /pedogate NOT pizzagate. As you know, pizzagate has turned into a sub for anything remotely to do with pedophilia. 9/10 (being generous here) of the posts here make me want to comment "what does have to do with pizzagate???" but I say nothing because no one else complains, and I would say this on nearly every post and become hated quickly.

But this is a change we have the power to make, and it makes sense. It would have to come from the top though. And it does hold true to the rules, so shouldn't be that hard to get agreement on.

horse-with-a-name ago

Thank you for your answer. I did not want to implicate that the flaws I see are attributed to modding primarily, if at all. You probably have to remove posts I deem interesting because they violate a rule.

I strongly disagree about the community having become somewhat exhausted. I see quite the contrary. People want to do something. But it seems like many posts simply don't fit the rules here.

Anyway, I will think about ideas.

horse-with-a-name ago

Well, thanks. Don't see much value in pinging the others in comments. Not even the first five replied. Maybe they are content with everything.

SoldierofLight ago

Hey. Just now got your ping. (Kinda feels like a radio call went out and I just got into range.) I've noticed that lately many of the posts are showing up on PG four, five, or even six times a day as separate posts on the same exact topic. Some of that can be explained due to the Search function being intentionally disabled (yes, intentionally-- it's 2017 so a search function is not cutting edge technology) so people can't check to see if that topic has already been posted, but mostly, it's meant to dilute the forum. When newbies and regulars arrive and scroll down and see a bunch of posts from the same day on the same topic it shouts disorganization, confusion, and non-communication. It also drowns out the other posts that should be getting attention. All of this is fixable but... it's not getting fixed. Why? I can guess why and that concerns me. I think it's having a hugely negative affect on the forum.

Vindicator ago

If users requested a Submission Guideline rule change that would empower mods to remove repeat posts by different users, this could be dealt with more effectively. We are currently limited by Voat's anti-censorship, restrictive definition of spam as being reposts by the same user.

SoldierofLight ago

Done. Thank you for explaining that. Hopefully my request to the mods forum will address all issues.

Vindicator ago

You may need to ping folks in to that thread like horse did with this one. Not a lot of people check new submissions in v/pizzagatemods. You can also post a link to it in the comment section of the sticky I just put up. If you click the "H" formatting button, you can give your comment a headline. Click "Preview" to see how it looks.

Vindicator ago

Doubtful. :-) More likely, Voat didn't send them because there were MORE than five. I don't know that for a fact, but it wouldn't surprise me. In any case, I wouldn't jump to an interpretation for a silence that could be attributed to a software glitch. Try your pings again. I know it may seem obnoxious, but it's the only way to overcome the navigation/communication barriers of this platform.

horse-with-a-name ago

Yes, this is possible. Will try this. Thanks.