40yearsoftrees ago

Since they keep changing the definition of "racist"... Using the term "Conspiracy Theory" is racist.

Notgood ago

We should change the name of this entire forum to Seth Rich. That's all anyone here talks about now although it has NOTHING to do with Skippy or PizzaGate.

Solentgreenispeople ago

it has everything to do with Pizzagate and would blow the fucking house down if it were solved

Notgood ago

Can you answer why nobody cares about Skippy anymore? Some even think he's so cool! Why??

Solentgreenispeople ago

he is directly linked to the Seth Rich murder in my opinion....I know for a fact everyone wants him to go down more then anyone!

awakenaware ago

No one thinks hes cool.. Your making stuff up for crissake.

Notgood ago

Nobody thinks he's cool? Then why did that video get like a 100 upvoats?

kaptklok ago

"Exclusive - George Webb & Jerome Corsi on The Hagmann Report 5/25/17 "


NumbCuck ago

Jews own wikipedia

Jews own wikiLeaks

Jews own the one ring that rules them all

In 1977 CIA created the term "Conspiracy Theory" to denigrate any idea that wasn't officially approved by GOV.

Fuck wiki and their Jew owners, CIA&MOSSAD are siamese twins that share a common Israel Asshole.

Altmight ago

Correct. Its the jews, its always been the jews and always will be the jews. Its just who they are and what they do. They have been kicked out of 357 comunities and countries. That is a FACT they refuse to deal with. Ancient Rome called them the "haters of humanity". They destroy every comunity they settle in. Often for pizzagate type child sacrifice, blood letting behavior. "Blood libel" is not "libel" at all. Its well documented fact to be found in hundreds of court cases going back to 17th century. The Russian pograms were often instigated by pizzagate child theft/murder by jews in the areas. THAT is why the jew villages were raized to the ground! It was the only defence against their behavior. The jews NEVER GIVE UP, they NEVER STOP. That is why they have been expelled from everyplace they setteled all throughout recorded history. Remember jews declaired war against Germany FIRST. They are NOT VICTIMS.

tx2truth ago

Get to know Jesus. He forgives you

tx2truth ago

Jesus was born a jew,lived as a Jew, died a jew......u know who u are

DonKeyhote ago

Recent shekel shilling from wiki to protect jewish bankers: https://ibb.co/fErYyF vs. https://ibb.co/jr0nQv

tx2truth ago

Jesus loves you...even if u don't love Jews Don't get left behind

new4now ago

Wikipedia is being pressured

"Do not move the page until the discussion has reached consensus for the change and is closed"

I think we all should be part of this discussion