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umpteenth ago

just don't engage with them. it sucks that their spew clutters up the threads, but voaters are pretty good at ignoring. the mods need to get in here and clean that shit up. if i were in charge, screaming caps, "breaking" and "dig dig dig" would be grounds for instant bans.

ThePuppetShow ago

Don't you think this is exactly what they want? It seems like they are working overtime to frame a picture of how they want the sheep to view us. If people don't step up and say something they will upvote their comments, either openly or after the thread dies, to make it look like thats how the community feels. A picture of a highly (bot) upvoted, uncontested comment presented by a MSM fake news outlet will be shit show. The sheep will eat it up.

umpteenth ago

what they want is to get paid to protect pedos, I don't have a problem with strict modding. Some people will never wake up, no matter how balanced and rational and well sourced an internet forum remains. The sheep term refers to clueless animals that follow, do not think for themselves, and will be herded by the movement of the large group. Why bother catering to them? People who practice discernment can see the awful shilling for what it is as if it's in red. I think they are wasting their money shilling voat.

ThePuppetShow ago

If we aren't catering to sheep to help awaken them, what are we doing? We certainly don't have the resources to make a bust.

If we let shills control the narrative in the comments, it will be used against us.