UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I know people are claiming not to trust FBIAnon but I'm all for going back and paying attention to what they suggest. I think there is truth to what they have been saying.

Vindicator ago

@MyNameIsLuka: All of Voat has been invite only since last week. Also, I need to remove this post per Rule 4. Please post unsourced discussions like this in v/pizzagatemods. Please review the community-established submission guidelines for v/pizzagate research posts in the sidebar on the right (view desktop site if on mobile).

Also, a friendly reminder of the Voat User Agreement:

Can I submit links to any subverse I want?

Each subverse has its own rules which are usually stated in the respective subverse's sidebar. If you ignore said rules, your account may be banned from submitting further content to the subverse or in some cases, globally.

Vindicator ago

"Share a Link" is a Voat-wide thing. We've tried to get it removed, but it's part of the UI. :(

Chatman ago

It will severly limit the amount of people able to look at threads. Aside from downvoat and mod intervention you just gotta do the same as 4chan, Wade through shit to get to the occasional diamond

DonKeyhote ago

That's how this sub started months ago. Shills invaded it and spam it nonstop by design.

Most logical to me is to have a pizzagate wiki sub in which the threads must deal with sourced info that could be added to the wiki, which is our best site to redpill with

MyNameIsLuka ago

That isn't a bad solution, but we'd need a mod team, and I'm not able.

DietCokehead1 ago

Seriously? There aren't very many shills. And even if there are a bunch of shills, WHO GIVES A SHIT. Downvoat them and move on. A lot of people create alt accounts because they don't want to get doxxed and whatnot. Just because it's a new account doesn't necessarily mean it's a shill. Some of the best posts I've seen in /v/pizzagate were by voat users who were lurking for a very long time, but didn't create an account and make public posts until after a while of lurking. Reducing to "invite-only" will only hinder the pizzagate/pedogate investigation. Maybe YOU are the shill trying to hold back our investigation!!!

druhill007 ago

it's not the worst idea ever... but you're right would also probably eliminate some of our best contributors who take doxxing precautions and stuff... so yeah not worth it overall prob.

umpteenth ago

just don't engage with them. it sucks that their spew clutters up the threads, but voaters are pretty good at ignoring. the mods need to get in here and clean that shit up. if i were in charge, screaming caps, "breaking" and "dig dig dig" would be grounds for instant bans.

ThePuppetShow ago

Don't you think this is exactly what they want? It seems like they are working overtime to frame a picture of how they want the sheep to view us. If people don't step up and say something they will upvote their comments, either openly or after the thread dies, to make it look like thats how the community feels. A picture of a highly (bot) upvoted, uncontested comment presented by a MSM fake news outlet will be shit show. The sheep will eat it up.

umpteenth ago

what they want is to get paid to protect pedos, I don't have a problem with strict modding. Some people will never wake up, no matter how balanced and rational and well sourced an internet forum remains. The sheep term refers to clueless animals that follow, do not think for themselves, and will be herded by the movement of the large group. Why bother catering to them? People who practice discernment can see the awful shilling for what it is as if it's in red. I think they are wasting their money shilling voat.

ThePuppetShow ago

If we aren't catering to sheep to help awaken them, what are we doing? We certainly don't have the resources to make a bust.

If we let shills control the narrative in the comments, it will be used against us.

MyNameIsLuka ago

My biggest concern is that they are so plentiful that they are making it look like we are a bunch of neo-Nazi psychos. It's discrediting everything we are trying to accomplish here.

umpteenth ago

no, it's not. chin up comrade.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I created the following archive link(s) for this voat submission:

OriginLink ArchiveOrg ArchiveIS
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1767547 archive.org link archive.is link

DarkMath ago

That would eliminate new users who none of us know. The world is too big a place.

How about only letting a user make comments after 7 days?

They shouldn't even be commenting until they've read up on all the basics. It would also eliminate the shills that come here an hour ago and take a huge dump and then leave.

druhill007 ago

very good idea actually. a few days as a limit. also how about some rubix cube captchas lol

druhill007 ago

this is a better idea

DietCokehead1 ago

Why would you not allow a user to make any comments whatsoever after 7 days? What good would that do? What fucking difference would that make? Nobody would join voat or reddit etc. If they haveto register/create an account, and just be forced to let the account sit there for 7 days before they can use the account. Sit there for 7 days for no fucking reason.

DarkMath ago

" after 7 days"

BEFORE 7 days.

MyNameIsLuka ago

You must not spend much time here. We are completely inundated with shills that make account after account to specifically troll this subverse.

equineluvr ago

This crap has been up for 6+ hours.

Yet legit threads are constently deleted for no apparent reason.


equineluvr ago

This is a MODERATOR issue, and the MODS need to address this. :)

MichelleObamasPenis ago

Terrible idea. And you haven't even been on voat for a month yet..

MyNameIsLuka ago

What difference does that make? I haven't shilled, and I guarantee you I would've gotten an invite.