Vindicator ago

@minusco2, due to the veracity problems in your premise -- you've put Kleinman, at the wrong university -- I am removing this per Rule 1. And since you have been repeatedly warned about adhering to this subverse's submission guidelines by both mods and numerous fellow users, you are now banned from v/pizzagate per the Voat User Agreement:

Can I submit links to any subverse I want?

Each subverse has its own rules which are usually stated in the respective subverse's sidebar. If you ignore said rules, your account may be banned from submitting further content to the subverse or in some cases, globally.

privatepizza ago

Were they trafficking / selling them from Georgetown Law through john dot com ?

And did @ onandonandon post the second thread (below) to stop us looking further?

Last thread was posted by onandonandon - Comment History apart from this, zero -

carmencita ago

Hmm. There was a post today about Marian Wright Edelman a long time Clinton supporter and head of Children's Defense Fund. Her husband Peter, is a Georgetown Law Professor. About Marian:As founder, leader and principal spokesperson for the CDF, Mrs. Edelman worked to persuade Congress to overhaul foster care, support adoption, improve child care and protect children who are disabled, homeless, abused or neglected. A philosophy of service absorbed during her childhood undergirds all her efforts. As she expresses it, "If you don’t like the way the world is, you have an obligation to change it. Just do it one step at a time." I believe these two could be involved in some way.

minusco2 ago

Let's contact Mary Tipper Gore regarding the lyrics of Kleinman and her educational position. Let's engage our eager friends in media and politics. Let's begin.

DreidelDance ago

Jews 1 Evil -3

Lowbatt34 ago

I found the same image on Pinterest under "Boos Collections, and looks like a legit collector. Looks like maybe the Georgetown guy co-opted the image to make his stupid email sound plausible.

minusco2 ago

I rename you High Daughter of 7.

HollandDrive ago


minusco2 ago

Russell Brand and David Lynch were once in a deep state of meditation, when Russell revealed the tattoo of the pied piper. What's this? David inquired before he was transcended under oblivion.

HollandDrive ago


sensitive ago

He got a ban warning today. One more, and he is history.

equineluvr ago

A warning!? Did you see all the crap he posted over the past 3 to 4 days!?

HollandDrive ago

I know you guys are onto them and I appreciate it. I wouldn't want your job lol.

MrFarrr ago

Amplify the the faggot why don't you. DEEErrRRRrrrRppppp binary deep.

Catchthem ago

And here is a puppet Shill-account..

HollandDrive ago

LOL. They're not even funny.

HollandDrive ago


ChristChildGrown ago

Fully grown adult.

Catchthem ago

And here is puppet Shill-account ChristChildGrown..

Catchthem ago

ChristChildGrown Shill has been banned.. Now the rest!

minusco2 ago

Some of my best drug friends. @pizzagatebot

PizzagateBot ago

Fuck off you walking sack of shit.

Vindicator ago


Criticalthinker615 ago

That email has been exposed since the original leaks. If you have something new then please have your group share it. Otherwise whats the point of knowing unless to expose it?

Catchthem ago

And yet ANOTHER complete Shitpost From Shill minusco2! Mods how many shitposts will you delete or allow before taking action against these paid trolls? Slowly they litter this VOAT investigation so it looks like an investigation done by Morons!

HollandDrive ago

He is a shill and should have been banned by now.

Catchthem ago

Exactly! How much more of this shit and puppets cheering/gaining more points to make them look genuine..

HollandDrive ago

That's exactly what they're doing and where is everybody to kick their asses outta here and downvote into oblivion??

BTW I thought they banned this guy? The other day?

Catchthem ago

Yes agree.. Am i almost the only one that sees this? Nobody awake? Those where 2 of his Shill-team that are already banned: BlueChampagne and SimonRothschild (there is still a SimonRothschild1)

HollandDrive ago

I def see it, been seeing it, I'm sure others are just away right now.

Saibra ago

Kleinman works for GEORGE WASHINGTON university through Corcoran school of Art, not GEORGETOWN. Two completely different Universities. Are you sure you are referencing the right one???

minusco2 ago

They are one in the same in terms of shared facilities and professorship.

Saibra ago

No, they absolutely do not share anything. I've lived in DC my whole life, I know what I am talking about. 3 generations of my family have graduated from Georgetown University Medical School, and they paid tuition to Georgetown, not GW. Here's a comparison of the two SEPARATE universities.. Please stop with the FALSE information.

Mannix ago

You have no idea what you are talking about. Georgetown and Gorge Washington have separate campuses, separate facilities, separate medical schools, separate law schools, separate sports teams, they are completely separate universities. The only thing they have in common is the "George" in their names and they are both in DC. GW is in Foggy Bottom, and Georgetown is in Georgetown.

abortionburger ago

"anonymous sources" I'm flagging this as possible disinformation.

Catchthem ago

Why leaving this Shitpost from Shill-account up?? Did he come up with his compiled data? NO He only put more shitposts up and his puppets are getting upvotes and building body..

minusco2 ago

PLEASE! I swear this is not false, give us time.

abortionburger ago

I left it up. Prove me wrong and I'll take down the flair.

minusco2 ago

I appreciate that. Need some time to make sure the compiled data is effective. It will be worth everyone's while, plus it's my birthday.

AngB23 ago

The attached pic in the email really looks like 480 beanie babies tho. This doesn't seem to be a real smoking gun

minusco2 ago

The attached pic is from this website posted on April 3rd 2014