privatepizza ago

I believe the research in this thread has connected to John Podesta, Stratfor and the Clintons. Please, we need to dig this.

privatepizza ago

@onandonandon (op)

Another 2 emails have been found in Wikileaks for, in the Stratfor leaks.

One asks 'how much for the student membership?' You can view it here -

[email protected] is listed as the sender of the email Note it says sent from IP Address: That IP Address links to Conwaycorp cable in Arkansas.

Arkansas....Arkansas....who do we know that is from Arkansas?

Props to @unbiased_reaearcher

onandonandon ago

More likely someone used [email protected] as a spoof when they submitted a liveperson chat on the stratfor site.

WewLaddy ago

I bet the websites these fucks use have some kind of subscription. They probably get periodic emails or communications are disguised from the pedo sites. Maybe that's why Podesta fell for the obvious phishing site, losing his p@ssw0rd? Maybe he was expecting other communications?

Someone should try those credentials on all of these sites that have password protected areas.

privatepizza ago

I do believe they are pizza ordering sites.

unbiased_researcher ago

[email protected] is listed as the sender of the email

Note it says sent from IP Address:

That IP Address links to Conwaycorp cable in Arkansas.

Arkansas....Arkansas....who do we know that is from Arkansas?

onandonandon ago

More likely someone used [email protected] as a spoof when they submitted a livepersson chat on the stratfor site.

privatepizza ago

Brilliant find ! Wow... well done. Off to dig some.

contrarianism ago

That website was discussed back on the_donald or 4chan when it broke out.

joe_hill ago

i have posted a thread, deleted by a mod, quite interesting indeed.

On a note discovered in his trash by 2 artists, Scientologist-gay John Travolta has ordered "Pizza from chicago" in 2004 ,though he was in Los Angeles ! You can verify on the pic : in Travolta's trash, there was no pack of pizza , but a bill :

It does'nt make sense to order pizzas from Chicago. Except if "Pizza" is not only bread and tomatos...

Remember Obama : pizza/dogs for a party. cost : $65 000

source :

"Bruno Mouron and Pascal Rostain, former photographers of the magazine Paris-Match make the event today in Paris, with the exhibition Trash, visible until 3 June at the European House of Photography. The program: photos of the ... dustbins of the stars! "

"In 2004, the two paparazzi fell on a receipt showing that Charlize Theron, the Oscar-winning heroine of Monster, had spent less than $ 3,450 on his last trip to Gucci. John Travolta, in the same year, taking advantage of his star status, had brought a pizza ... from Chicago by the Fed Ex courier service to Los Angeles! "

So this site here could sell the same kind of service than Travolta used.

privatepizza ago


minusco2 ago

At whut?

privatepizza ago

I deleted that comment today.... aghhhh!!! Thought I was deleting my 'saved' items. I was crying at the time... I don't think I recall what it said, but all the info is in these threads.

Orange_Circle ago

Archive with info.

Orange_Circle ago

John Podesta was the admin for that site, correct?

wecanhelp ago


concernedaboutitall ago

Link to the prior discussion re this site.

Criticalthinker615 ago

That smiley ass goat crepes me out

privatepizza ago

Thanks for bringing this up again and for your excellent new finds.

Still think it's fishy, even more so now that it's gone offline since it was mentioned on voat 18 days ago.

Knowing about email and email configs, it appears, imho that -

  • From the source, the email was sent to [email protected], but received to JP at his gmail address.

  • As such, it appears that all email sent to [email protected] is set up to automatically forward to JP's gmail account.

  • Which would mean that JP is the admin / owner of the website

OR, has been made admin of that email address by the website owner.

Otherwise, the sender has entered '[email protected]' in the 'name' field in her address book for JP's gmail account.

However if this was so (slim chances I say), the gmail address would appear in the 'to' field in the email source code.

A coincidence also, is that the domain name is registered and administered by the same company (Perfect Privacy LLC), as Hillary's '' domain.

This is the domain she used in her home server for her emails resulting in the email scandal.

This domain registrar is specialist, in that their clients pay them to hide from online records that they are owners of a domain.

Source - Perfect Privacy LLC are also registrars for -

  • The website is / was fishy

  • The domain owners are paying to hide that they own it

  • and are registered by the same registration company

  • The servers are connected to the Clintons in a number of ways (thanks OP)

  • It's been taken offline since mentioned in connection with JP on voat

  • JP appears to receive emails from the domain

EDIT: formatting

onandonandon ago

Unfortunately, the email is almost definitely spam. src 1 src 2 (same wording found- search on page "your mailbox has") There are many other examples of spam out there if you google around. My hypothesis is that he was receiving this spam to a georgetown law email account that he owned, which was autoforwarded to his gmail by ceo7.

privatepizza ago

I'm : )

So you're thinking that Caitlyn O'Brien had access to a Georgetown Law email acct of JP's?

And that the spam was sent from Jimdo to Caitlyn O'Brien, Accounts Analyst at Georgetown,

And Caitlin forwarded / autoforwarded it to [email protected]

And JP received it to his gmail acct ?

privatepizza ago

Not disputing it's spam. What's spicy is that JP received an email sent to [email protected].

sensitive ago

The Geolocation for "" says "Austin". What could that mean? If you look up the site, there is an index, but it is empty.

There are three more URL containing "compaignemail" with different years at the end. Seem to point to France:

Celticgirlonamission ago

One of the podesta emails asking if they wanted pizza the shared slice was from that Austin Company that monitors whats going on in the world...damn Ill go look for the name....Stratfor

Phenomenonanon ago

Good find. These are the times I wish I was a hacker

Phenomenonanon ago

That is pretty weird

adam_danischewski ago

It is weird, every symbol had its own unique login. The police hat says Corporal, that's a militaryesque term for section commander, if you look up corporal you will see that in the military it has two V shaped symbols on it. Kind of like the bottom of two hearts stacked on top of each other.