yabbadoody ago

so, upshot / Cliffnotes:

john.com is a mysterious website, which stood out like a sore thumb PRIOR to pizzagate revelations, which has on it's homepage various cryptic images, which has buried within it various password protected subdomains, at least one of which is chock-full of gay porn, whose ADMIN appears to be John Podesta... is that correct, so far?

privatepizza ago

Yes to all apart from the gay porn site has a link to this site. We don't know what's behind the pp areas of John.com. Also we're not sure if Podesta's an admin, a user, or if it was a phishing mail.

lawfag123 ago

Or he's a user of the site, because why else would he receive an email from a newsletter like sender

privatepizza ago

Hadn't thought of that angle. Gonna spend more time on this. How did you come across it? Spicy find!

yabbadoody ago

of the two people listed at that image besides John John, "kennedi mollel" turns up zilch in a Google search (whihc is extremely odd), and Ziba Nejad turns up a YT channel. only direct match. Very odd.

privatepizza ago

I see what you mean. Thanks !

privatepizza ago

Seems this site was looked into before Pizzagate due to its general weirdness and mystery. However it hasn't been looked at since the Podesta mails dropped afaik, and Podesta is admin on the email acct of that domain name,

A thread on 8chan has an anon who apparently accessed the 'chicken' pp area. They said 'drop this, you don't want to see that shit'.

Wtf ? We need to be on this !

Screenshot of the post - https://sli.mg/R6QECM Original 8chan thread - http://4archive.org/board/x/thread/14622636#p14622636 (thanks @chistock )

8chan thread archive - http://archive.is/7cEGt

lawfag123 ago

How do we know he's an administrator vs a user?

privatepizza ago

As the email was to [email protected], and delivered to JP at his gmail address, my initial thoughts were that he was the admin for that email address and had set up the mail to forward to gmail. Unsure now however.... I'm pondering the source.

lawfag123 ago


Theupsidedown ago

The fuck does this have to do with pizzagate?

privatepizza ago

Appears that John Podesta is connected to this very weird site with only password protected areas. From Wikileaks, we see that he's receiving email for the account [email protected]

Theupsidedown ago

I think you're a shill just by your name alone.

Chistock ago

There is a discussion on 4chan that got pretty technical, many people have wondered about this site. http://4archive.org/board/x/thread/14622636

privatepizza ago

Thanks for this. So the site drew attention to itself before PG due to its weirdness, however hasn't been connected to Pizzagate yet, it seems?

scotchfor1 ago

Dude standing beside Molesta looks like #ckickenlover


lawfag123 ago

use archive.is or screenshot + sli.mg.

ArthurEdens ago

Ah. Oh okay. Feel free to downvoat my comment. Thank you for the explanation. My mistake. Carry on then.

mrjdouble ago

It really is a term for any spy, not just agency guys, but he's right, in this content it means CIA personnel.

ArthurEdens ago

Thank you man, didn't know that

RumplestiltskiaAT ago

I was wondering the exact same thing.

Ctrl-Left ago

Theres some hidden meaning behind red shoes, heres a picture of Tony Podesta with a group of men all wearing red shoes.


More on this post


privatepizza ago

But why would the email get to him if he wasn't the owner / some sort of admin of john.com?

privatepizza ago

Backlinks do seem mostly spam and 'john' name related, but there is this gay daddy porn one linking to john.com which I didn't really want to see... oof - http://tubejohn.com/en/s/daddies-gays

yabbadoody ago

that's pretty gay allright... lotta cornholin' going on

concernedaboutitall ago

Seems fairly active? I just did a quick search here. https://www.similarweb.com/website/john.com

Also, Alexa says most traffic is from India? Strange.

privatepizza ago

On similarweb the traffic was 53% US then Russia, Canada. Maybe that was for December ?

privatepizza ago

On https://www.similarweb.com/website/john.com also, its showing a sub domain of abu.john.com.

Abu is 'father' or 'father of' in Arabic. So it's 'father of John'. Curiouser and curiouser...

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

It also says that people who visit john.com also visit this site too http://yyyyyyy.info/. Its a really weird site O.O. It cant be archived on the wayback machine. Edit: seems to change every time you visit it.

privatepizza ago

Nice find! Takes clusterfuck to a whole new level. Wow... just wow. A search of the domain brought up this thread, where someone believes Michael Guidetti created it. http://michaelguidetti.info/. Beleive it's netart, but idk.

privatepizza ago

Wow... isn't that that's the weirdest site? Nice find ! Are there any more connected like this?

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

That site is the only one listed under also visited websites. But there is this under similar sites. Idk if its anything. When I click in the contact us link it opens up mail on my pc, but I don't really wanna email them.

Also the topics and categories listed on the john.com similarweb page are really interesting, seems like the people using john.com are into business and aeroplane safety. img is listed as a big topic too, could be referring to this management agency. Do you think it could be related?

privatepizza ago

Strange one too, the jack.com. Domain owner info also hidden. but not by the same company as Hillary and John.com use. Didn't see a contact link, just a privacy policy page from a jack.com link at the foot in Arabic (due to my location atm I guess). I was directed to ww1.jack.com, also maybe due to my location. Any way I wouldnt be emailing them either.

John.com - categories and topics strange. Idk if IMG are connected. As a media company, they may have this site for some purpose, but what? And why's it gone offline all of a sudden?

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

late reply, sorry. while i was looking around online about john.com, i saw it being discussed alot as an internet mystery, just a curiosity. There were a few people saying it had gone offline, about 2 years ago i think. Anyway, it seems like the site is taken offline when it starts to get alot of attention. Probably to kill the heat.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

There is a ton of people talking about "www.john.com"... Do a Google search.

According to Alexa, John.com is registered to John Little of Cupertino, California. One of the Internet’s early pioneers, Little founded Portal Software, Inc., a company that grew to become one of America’s first Internet service providers. With John.com, however, Little’s — if the site does, indeed, belong to him — intentions are less than clear.

Displaying a matrix of twelve stock photographs — hats, footwear, tools, vehicles and animals — John.com directs users to enter an “Access Code” whenever an image is clicked. Examination of the site’s source code reveals that the site is set up to alert the owner whenever a successful login occurs.

With no successful login attempts to date, hypotheses range from the site being a recruitment program similar to Cicada 3301 to an obscure alternate reality game to an inexperienced web developer experimenting with AJAX implementation, though, the latter seems unlikely, considering the site is valued at a whopping $850,000.


yabbadoody ago

perhaps "successful logins" would need prior arrangement... as in The Parallax View


ThorTheWonderful ago

What I noticed is that archive.org shows this site has been archived several times dating all the way back to 2000 but I can't seem to open any of these archives with out getting some error. I want to see this page prior to 2015 and prior to the Dec 2016 archive.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Unrelated I wouldn't worry too much about it

privatepizza ago

It's definitely related, if, as it appears, John Podesta has a password protected website.

privatepizza ago

Thanks for this! 850,000? No-one taken a look behind yet at all? Guess that value could be for the domain itself.

Theupsidedown ago

Yeah that's just for the domain name. Since no one knows what the site does there's no implied value there. A simple word like john as a website name is extremely valuable.

privatepizza ago

Domain Lookup - ICANN and WHOIS

Registered 1994 and administered by PERFECT PRIVACY LLC

EDIT- Perfect Privacy LLC are also registrars for clintonemail.com. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/02/exclusive-hillary-paid-to-hide-identity-of-the-people-running-her-email-server/

JoJoVoat ago

What was the name of the company that set up HRC's private server in her home?

privatepizza ago

From article - Justin Cooper, who helped set up Hillary Clinton’s private home email system, testified Tuesday before the House Oversight Committee and admitted that he had no national security clearance during the time he had access to all of Hillary Clinton’s emails while she was Secretary of State.

EDIT: From same article- During Tuesday’s hearing, two employees of Colorado tech company Platte River Networks — the firm that maintained Clinton’s private home server — repeatedly invoked their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.


Antiracist10 ago





Red shoes.



Dorothy, hammer and drill kids with your cock at the YMCA.

isthisreality ago

Yeah what in the fuck is the significance of all of those random pics?

bodthedog ago

red shoes

akilluminati link had something to do with red shoes


privatepizza ago

Never seen such a weird site. Each image on the page leads to a password protected area, too, check it - Access Code

fartyshorts ago



https://archive.fo/0wmHB (WTF? Logins with different items)

ALL backlinks to the site (dig!): http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=24801412305727196257

EDIT: I took a look at the backlinks and it seems to be MOSTLY spam. A lot of prescription drugs and sex-related links. Though also some comments left by a "John" on various sites. There's also a "Jen K" linking to it.

The email was sent from law.georgetown.edu (ceo7@law.georgetown.edu) to [email protected]

That email belongs to: Caitlyn O'Brien Accounts Analyst from Georgetown Law Accounts Payable. https://www.law.georgetown.edu/campus-services/financial-services/accounts-payable/

PS: Isn't Georgetown basically the spook university of choice?

porqueno ago

Google Analytics id UA-47835605-3

ArthurEdens ago

What's with the spook stuff? Are most of you guys against blacks? What gives?

yabbadoody ago

don't be stoopid Arthur... "spy", "asset", hidden identity

ArthurEdens ago

I've been schooled on this already, see above, thank you for sneaking in the insult.

privatepizza ago

There's a link from a gay daddy porn site, with emphasis on old guys, young guys. No need to look... it may not go down well with New Years Dinner... but for research... http://tubejohn.com/en/s/daddies-gays

Orange_Circle ago

That's weird that Podesta owned that. Seems like I remember someone on 8chan getting something like a screen shot of the page and it had toys on it?

privatepizza ago

He must still be connected to it if he's checking / receiving email for the domain (Wikileaks email at the top of the OP).

lawfag123 ago

Yes, I added an image of the website to the op.

Orange_Circle ago

You can rock.