LacunaPerpetual ago

HOLY WOW. I used to like that movie. Now I realize how telling it is. Stunning.

LacunaPerpetual ago

I'm just noticing the red shoes significance after all this time! It got me back into looking into Kate Bush's life and music as well, perhaps decoding her lyrics. She did an album called the Red Shoes (based on the fairytale). She was also raised RC. I feel like she could have been a victim, but of course, this is just my pet theory. The red shoes definitely mean something, but what? Very intriguing.

Foxyvanity ago

DeckoGecko ago

Anyone consider the 'origin' of this might be more practical? i mean if you're chopping up babies you're gonna end up with blood all over your shoes right.

So the red shoes indicates you're a part of the crew and have been wading through the bloody mess of the sacrifice or whatever

Zen0 ago

"Wizard of Oz" Programming is a big part of MKUltra, at least it is according to Cathy O'Brien. The song "Over the Rainbow", the clicking of the heels, and following the yellow brick road, are all used as code.

If I recall correctly, the clicking of the heels is a means to switch personalities, the following of the yellow brick road is a reminder to tread carefully, and the song is used as a means to activate this particular "Oz" programming.

Take with a grain of salt, but Wizard of Oz is referenced often (& not only by Cathy O'Brien) as an MK Ultra device.

Wouldn't be surprised if it has it's connection to pedophilia, especially with SRA coming into play.

it_was_foretold ago

surprised no one commented on the lady being tied down behind soros' son

carmencita ago

I am shocked I did not notice. Can't see if she is tied up but it sure looks out of place and quite odd. The whole red shoe thing is creepy.

JudaismForGentiles ago

obama had the army men wearing red heels

carmencita ago

What? You are kidding. Tell me you are pulling my leg?

VieBleu ago

really good catch, and a roomful of men with those red shoes - just CREEPY.

katphish ago

in the book she is wearing silver slippers, and the yellow brick road is about gold. the silver and gold in the wizard of oz refers to gold and silver as money.

joe_hill ago

Yes In the movie, she wears silver slippers too... but they have colored her shoes in red !

joe_hill ago


thezodiac ago

That's a stretch right there. 1 - Maybe it's not related to the Wizard of Oz, rainbows and shit. 2 - The shoes the "pope guy" was wearing are not really red like Podesta's. 3 - Soros son looks like a hipster, he must use shoes of every color.

The only thing strange and worth a note is Podesta's party where all of the men were with red shoes and the painting with little girls (who are probably victims of abuse) are wearing red shoes. Maybe there's a connection there, but that's all.

Also, red is kinda the color of the devil, Abramovic uses red a lot.

carmencita ago

The popes are given very expensive red shoes when they start their reign. Pope Benedict (Ratzinger) very excited to wear them. He was guilty of protecting many priests and clergy during his life, of abuse. He was also mentioned as an abuser by a woman that said Nicole Kidman's father abused her for years since she was 3 or 4. This was in a post I read on here. There could be something behind the popes. I also remember that Pope Francis chose to not wear the traditional red papal shoes. He wears black. There could be something to this red shoes thing.

investigatorman ago

That lil shit soros. He looks like the epitome of the guy who makes a lot of money but has nothing to offer personality wise.

Haldelos ago

Rainbows are huge in the movie 'Eyes Wide Shut' too...when the models ask Bill the go “where the rainbow ends”, they probably refer to going “where the elite gathers and performs rituals”. It might also be about them being dissociated Beta Programming slaves. There are several references to Monarch mind control (read this article for more information) in the movie. Women who take part in elite rituals are often products of Illuminati mind control. In MK Ultra vocabulary, “going over the rainbow” means dissociating from reality and entering another persona (more on this in the next article).

joe_hill ago

Exact. Look at 12'00... and 22'00

MadMonkey ago

This is really an extreme leap between

"red shoes"


"We take the children over the rainbow, to abuse and kill them. "

AreWeSure ago

I used to be disgusted But now I try to be amused