brokencookie ago

Cat and dog friendly = will have sex with either a man or a woman.

Everything else is right.

Highly Disturbing.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Hi I have a screenshot but don't want to post my personal links off this site. Try Instagram under Pizzagate hashtag many have it there but yes it's real 100%.

phlux ago

Cats may refer to cannibals who eat the left over remains of the "pizza"

Maybe cats refer to witches (cannabalistic/ritual witches that "do something" with the "pizza"

Dogs could be warlock types.

Jeremy20_9 ago

I found his twitter:

Not much on there, he just started tweeting. Clearly a data guy, but he is following a couple animal accounts (kittens, wildlife).

Otherwise, looks like a stock liberal: bill maher, ellen show

Jeremy20_9 ago

Here's his twitter:

Not much on there, he just started tweeting. Clearly a data guy, but he is following a couple animal accounts (kittens, wildlife).

Otherwise, looks like a stock liberal: bill maher, ellen show

Jeremy20_9 ago

Here's his Linked-in:

This is notable:

Intern Investigator Georgetown University Law Center August 2014 – December 2014 (5 months)Washington D.C. Metro Area Investigated criminal cases—including sexual and physical assault, prostitution, drug possession, theft, unlawful entry, and weapon offenses—in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia on behalf of the defense. Spoke with clients and attorneys to develop a defense theory; canvassed and photographed crime scene areas for evidence; located and took detailed statements from witnesses in the field, as well as interviewed and subpoenaed expert and defense witnesses for trial.

catslovejustice ago

Anybody else notice the advertisement to the right of the thread? It is a cartoon drawing of a cat and it says "eat my @ss"

golisten2lennywhite2 ago

Theres a pic attached that looks like 400 beanie babies just sayin

quiche ago

Sorry for the language but beanie is slang for underage c#####is. #9559 is code for sweet sixteen. It is the number of a barbie outfit. This guy is on linkdin as an pew research intern in dc. He is heavily involved in gay secular politics. I am guessing he is selling child porn.

fifibrindacier ago

If someone could translate this chinese pdf :

nitro169 ago

Has anyone checked this image for another hidden image embedded?

Psalm100 ago

Has anyone checked for possible steganography in this photograph?

And here's one of the many strange things about how this email is written. The writer says he's selling 480 beanie babies for $20 a piece, but only as a set. So why not just say the far more logical thing, so far as the whole idea of this "beanie baby" sale can be thought of as logical in the first place, that he's selling a set of 480 beanie babies for $9600?

And people recognize this email to be bizarre, as long as it wasn't associated with pizzagate.

"This Is The Strangest Work Email About Beanie Babies That You’ll Likely Ever Read"

What you’re about to see is strange. It’s not particularly creepy (that award’s been given out), nor is it threatening, but it is urgent, inexplicable, and completely inappropriate for the work environment. Just a word of advice: If you’ve got a house full of Beanie Babies to sell at extravagant prices so your parents don’t find out about them, go on eBay (where that sort of thing is expected) instead of putting your coworkers on the spot.

The email, posted to the Cringe Pics subreddit, and purporting to be from earlier today, leaves you with more questions than you’ll ever get answers for... (been having some trouble loading this page)

Truthseeker3000 ago

I absolutely agree with your theory, I think it is bang-on. Let's also not forget that Comet Pizza had/has a very secure section on its website. This is where hackers discovered the "November Specials" page talking about newbies and the rules, cheese pizza that was 30% off because it was damaged and needed to be finished off when done and "you must finish your pizza when done with it" meaning killing the child (this was covered previously). However, I'm wondering if the fact that the above email on the Beanie Babies being sent to Podesta has a link to JA at Comet where (I believe) he is also running child porn through his restaurant website. The hackers also stated that the size of the sever/data was massive and nothing to do with a restaurant. Makes you wonder...

tudda ago

Interested in sources for this. I heard about the secret area, but none of the specifics you mentioned with the november special

Truthseeker3000 ago

It was the November Specials about last months satisfied customers... and "newcummers" (notice the spelling they used) then it went on about the pizza. I have a screenshot of it but I don't want to post pics or video on here. Look at pizzagate videos on YouTube even as people have talked about it. It was the secure part of the Comet Pizza website and it also talked about an app to download. The amount of storage or files was massive on it and obviously had nothing to do with pizza. It also was hard to read through knowing the child would be killed by whoever used it next (the 30% off Specials). U must have recalled seeing this. It was discussed on here as well.

tudda ago

I saw it in a video, but it's not hard to edit HTML for a video and lots of people were faking information during that time, so I was pretty skeptical, and had never actually seen an original source or archive link to it.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I completely missed this, would you mind linking?

Godwillwin ago

How many people were CC'd in the email. I mean it absolutely seems like selling something illegal. Seems very much like children considering the descriptions given for the beanie babies.

But sending this to a bunch of people not involved in paedophelia doesn't make any sense. Is 3 or 4 people or 100? If it's just a few then it's likely that few are pedos.

BB-3 ago

I figured with a name like that you must have been here a while.

thezodiac ago

He's hiding in plain sight, looking for a buyer to his material. Only the insiders would know the code, and the others wouldn't be interested acquiring "beanie babies" for 20,00 each.

salinaslayer ago

Say you're peddling this kind of material... what better way to source it but from the federal archives where all of it eventually ends up? Assuming you place the right people inside, it's the most profitable crime because you have very little to invest and your moles will know to sabotage investigation.

Here's where it gets thorny: your clients start uploading the content and the NSA notices a pattern

dickface8 ago

I'm pretty sure that Beanie Babies are generally way less than $20 brand new.

28leinad82 ago

For heavens sakes people, do a tineye on the beanie baby photo and you'll find the original email is much much older than the Podesta one. It's been going around forever because it's funny.. people are forwarding it because it's funny.

dickface8 ago

I don't know what tineye is but are you saying this is a stock email that was getting sent around as a joke, and has nothing to do with Podesta?? I re-read the email and I don't see how even the lamest of lames could find that funny or worthwhile sending as a random joke.

Snailracer ago

TinEye is a reverse image lookup similar to google image.

Beaucephus ago

I think it's just pictures and/or videos

$20 dollars each makes sense that way

Devious1 ago

I've viewed a whiteness statement somewhere, can't remember where !*^+% that a victim of trafficking / abuse explained that in the adverts they describe as selling dogs, when in fact it was children. It was on YouTube, I think the main 'lady investigator' had all her posts deleted recently

Godwillwin ago

Beckie, the girl whose parents trafficked her, said her mom would post on Facebook that she was selling puppies.

Devious1 ago

That's it thanks, couldn't remember!

moonlaundry ago

Excellent work finding that Uproxx post. I tried to archive it but the server was busy.

moonlaundry ago

Cat and dog thing could mean drug sniffing dogs ... but then why "for the most part" ... and so many other non-druggy sounding things.

slickleg64 ago

If there is any relation. Here is another email from the same address saying how there is free cans of "coke"


At "McDonough 123" (typo?) . Sounds like another drug reference? These emails seem fishy.

Z11Mama ago

Given the product and the clientel, $20 is not realistic. And with everything else in code, as with drug deals, money would be, for sure. But I could see it being a sale of some sort. The email has an urgent ring to it.

slickleg64 ago

Must buy all at once. 480*20 = $9600 . Could it be a photo collection? for 10k? Pedo's do seem to like large photo collections, Jared Fogle had photos by the terabyte.

Z11Mama ago

Someone mentioned elsewhere that it is just under the $10,000 level of needing to report to the IRS.

DustyRadio ago

Has to be less than $10K or the IRS is notified. Food for thought on the pricing here.

catslovejustice ago

Interesting point. But if these people are doing something illegal, I am sure they have ways of paying more without the IRS finding out.

Lobotomy ago

Underinflated ghost right here. That probably explains a lot.

DantePerez2017 ago

Interesting how this "Peter Mattingly" dude is an intern at "Pew Research Center" which I believe can be credited with pushing the "fake news" narrative;

I also find it interesting that he may be a hyperhomosexual (kind of takes me back to one's hypersexual Instagram postings - because sex seems to be the primary subject to jump out at you with these people, it's unavoidable for them);

BeanieBabyEmail ago

Yah this Peter Mattingly guy no doubt deserves a good hard look - I'm sure people already have gone down that path but there's gotta be something strange under the surface there

And of course you mention to just call at X9595 that's how I handled things when I worked in finance and didn't want a written record

Votescam ago

Likely refers to child porn, but he may be connected somehow to creation of it.

Votescam ago

Quote -- If this is indeed the case, it points to this network having already infiltrated colleges and other state institutions in order to send shit like this via generic newsletters, bulletins etc. So that only the people who know the codes or are expecting it will know to respond. Unquote Strongly supported by link and background of sender. Presume also removed from Riddet and/or Trump sub? Amazing work by Dildo/researcher.

slickleg64 ago

Notice the email is signed with x9599

Google search shows thats a code for a barbie doll.

Could it mean something else? haven't seen "x9599" anywhere else.

Votescam ago

Linked to the specific Barbie doll and indicate non-white. Can't give link as source (retailer) banned here; perhaps considered an ad.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I came to the same conclusion

LawofTruth ago

Welcome to VOAT we welcome you here!

Beastacles ago

Member for: 1.7 years (joined on: 5/15/2015)

LawofTruth ago

Lol I hovered over his name and just saw his SCP/CCP. Totally missed the fact that he's almost a vet.

AreWeSure ago

This speculation is ridiculous. He is posting an announcement on a law school email list and he uses his own name and extension. This is not some Dark Web market. If that goes out to alumni or previous faculty, he wouldn't know everyone who would receive that email. But do you know what you would find on a Georgetown Law email list? People who have gone on to work at or know people at the FBI and the Department of justice.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, in what reality are law school professors huge collectors of kiddie toys? Too much other sketchy shit going on at Georgetown Law to ignore this. There is also the sudden mysterious death of Katherine McCarthy, assistant to the Dean and the connection to the officer in Seth Rich's death police report.

Godwillwin ago

Can you elaborate a little on what's going on at Georgetown and on McCarthy and officer of Seth rich? I don't have time today to look into myself.

2impendingdoom ago

Can't find my info on Katherine McCarthy, basically she was assistant to the Dean who died of a sudden cancer? at 45, was daughter to the former dean, was gossipy, well liked, talked directly to potus on phone about 111d (clean air act) not sure why. whole thing makes me wonder.

2impendingdoom ago Seth Rich / Cop thread

Godwillwin ago

Thx. I'll read it later this afternoon. Growing so anxious for something to be done

2impendingdoom ago

There is probably more that needs to be dug up or even found in other threads here...

bodthedog ago

It is a bit too much speculation for me to buy into this particular theory. It could be, but I think you have to be careful of confirmation bias. It could be an email to do with cryptology. I'm not saying it couldn't be true, but I think there are more solid, less speculative things to look into.

Godwillwin ago

What do you mean by cryptology? Not asking snarkily. I'm just not too computer savvy

bodthedog ago

Yo he's just someone who studies how to encode things. For example the use of symbols. I can't post links as I just on my phone.

In response to the other questions I just think better chase leads that will lead to a smoking gun rather than add to a pile of circumstatial evidence.

Godwillwin ago

But the lower totem Pole guys seem to be sloppier. The higher ups are all corporations and "suicides" that we can't crack

cosmicmind ago

Could you give some reasons as to why you think a person writing to a law board would send it in encrypted, to the entire law board?

Why would the entire law board have need of a cryptology email about beanie babies?

More important, why would you think this completely unreasonable shit sent to an entire law board is speculative and that there are more solid things to look into?

Freemasonsrus ago

That's the most bizarre email ever.

Psalm100 ago

This theory seems to be the best fit for what this email says, given how bizarre it is and there seems to be code words in there.

What I also wonder about is the audience for this email. It is addressed to Georgetown Law Faculty and Staff. So who got this email, and more importantly, if there is a coded meaning to it, why would they readily understand this message when we've had trouble figuring it out? Did maybe some people think this was really about Beanie babies?

bolus ago

I've speculated that cat/dog is another way to encode female/male in the past. Still holds.

winegrapes ago

is it hard to believe that satanic pedo's that have murderous sacrificial cannibal orgies might force their child victims to fuck animals?

Beaucephus ago

Yeah, that's just too much! I mean, dismemberment, feasting upon, sacrificing... that's all good but sex with rex, that's where they gotta draw the line!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

cat = pussy

dog = weiner

I could buy that. The analogy, I mean, not the... you know.

Gorillion ago

Good call.

Psalm100 ago

This theory seems to be the best fit for what this email says, given how bizarre it is and there seems to be code words in there.

What I also wonder about is the audience for this email. Who exactly was it, and more importantly, why would they readily understand this message when we've had trouble figuring it out? Did maybe some people think this was really about Beanie babies?

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I didn't think too much on this email until someone pointed out the picture attached or associated with this image was a random pull from Google image search

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I feel like there are a lot of interpretations to be had, and if we don't have the "key"it will just be random guesses on context clues. I think it's child porn, and something about it says to me that it's "unreleased", meaning that you can't randomly download it, it's from the source (I want to vomit saying this, but I imagine they think "fresh from the source"). I'm thinking respectful and amicable has something to do with that. Or maybe "tone". I read that a popular genre on the Dark web is "hurtcore" where the children are physically harmed beyond the sexual (destruction of daisy genre). Maybe this is the opposite, meant to portray a "consensual" or "enjoying" vibe. Purely speculating, I'm thinking cat/dog friendly has to do with orientation or gender, meaning gay stuff and straight stuff or maybe both boys and girls. "Some are Sassier than others" to me sounds like variations in extremity content. I think this might be something like it goes from mild (naked/partially naked) to "sassy", extreme sexual contact. I agree with OP interpretation that the dollars should have a some decimals shifted, and "parents can't find out" is police or similar

Jeremy20_9 ago

Buying the whole collection, and the planned visit of the parents. The email datetime is 7/30/15 a thursday, at 2pm, which gives them approx a solid day to sell what amounts to $20 * 480.

What happens on the weekend that requires the sell-off. If it is the police coming to investigate, why would they know of the weekend arrival? Who tipped them off?

I think the number of items, the requirement to by the collection, and the haste of the sell-off (little more than a day) are the most deterministic elements here.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I just had a new thought today. I am wondering if "parents" in this case aren't law enforcement, but his bosses/ high level supervisors. Assuming this is something illicit, whether it be drugs, kiddie porn, live trafficking, etc. I am wondering if this guy has the equivalent of a quota, and has been telling supervisors that he has been meeting his numbers, whereas he is drastically undersold. It makes me wonder if "my parents can't find out" is more along the lines of "they can't find out I still have 480 on me", as opposed to "they can't find out I have xxx"

Jeremy20_9 ago

I think it's solid assumption to say that he's not selling beenie babies.

If he is desperate to sell whatever they are, then enough people on the network must know what the code word means, otherwise blasting it out wouldn't expedite his ability to sell it off within a day or so.

The reason it would make sense if it is kiddie porn is that the reference word is the kind that would attract attention of the right kind of people.

They must also understand the urgency.

Say I'm a weird old beenie baby collector, I'm not necessarily going to know why his parents can't find out, and that's maybe even going to offend me because my parents are okay with my collection.

Yes, it's an indictment on Georgetown Law network that he's sending this email. Even if no one replied, it's an indictment on them that he figured it was worth a shot.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Perhaps we could email the SICK piece of shit as mentioned above who sent the email and ask him directly!!!!!! Yeah, just to clarify on your Beanie Babies for sale.... That would be great. What a disgusting, vile, piece of garbage. I hope he's proud of himself.

MattHelm ago

I sent him an email it bounced back from the address telling me I wasn't a member of their group but the email to Mattingly went through never got a reply.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I hope his "parents" find out

Charlotte478 ago

Urban dictionary sights that Beanie Baby might refer to Hispanic children.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I wonder if this was around the same time all those kids were coming across the border that you dont hear nothing about anymore?

catslovejustice ago

Yep. I have wondered for a long time why our government was so eager to help unaccompanied minors get across our borders, further away from their parents. And why would parents pay big $$ and entrust their children to scary drug cartel members for their relocation alone to a new country?

Charlotte478 ago

That isn't a bad theory on the immigrant children crossing the border. Makes me feel sick.

Psalm100 ago

Also, Hispanic babies of illegal immigrants.

thezodiac ago

Good digging. Apparently this is the guy who wrote the e-mail: Archive:

Beaucephus ago - Eagle Scout / Pedo Confirmed!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Is there any way to report his child porn email to the Scouts and other places of employment he is with?

Beaucephus ago

The Boy Scouts of America know that pedophilia is rampant in their organization. They've known for a very long time. I can personally attest that they've known for 30 years since I was victim of one of their sicko scout masters. They finally got sued a few years back, but I can guarantee you they don't give a damn about the fact that pedo's are laced throughout their organization, they only care that people don't know pedos are laced throughout their organziation.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I'm so very sorry that happened to u. I hope u know that NONE of what happened was ever your fault. These people are sick and they groom their victims, especially in that setting, it's the perfect way to do it. It's sad to know many victims turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with the pain or struggle with BPD/MPD/DID, etc. I wish there were more resources for these people and kids, not just expensive counselling which many victims can't afford. I hope u have found inner peace and u are living a good life. Those people are truly evil, vile, sick people.

Beaucephus ago

My life would be a lot more fulfilled if I could help in bringing these sicko's to task for their atrocities. The older I get, the more I realize how inhuman a vile act perpetrated upon a child really is. There hardly a child alive that wouldn't be nice to someone who was nice to them and that's what these sicko's prey upon. I would personally castrate every last one of them.

KnewAmericanCentury ago

I cant remember the ladies name that was to provide children in the pool but thought it was"Tamera Luzzatto".

On the link you provided I see- With picture, someone I might be interested in. Tamera Luzzatto Managing Director at Pew Charitable Trusts

Coincidence ? Wrong name? Anyone?

heywhatsgoingon ago

same name

good find

Alpo ago

This one says he worked at the California Pizza Kitchen near the Pentagon:

Truthseeker3000 ago

Interesting. It was also his longest employment, over four yrs!! By the pentagon, he makes sure to put that in!! My first impression of this guy is another MK Ultra survivor sadly.

RecycledUser ago

Interesting he spent five months at GU as an intern investigator for, guess what:. sexual crimes, of course.

DantePerez2017 ago

These people are hypersexuals - so much so that they cannot keep it to themselves. It's almost like exhibitionistic - like "hey - look at my I'm CrAzY about SEX!". Common trait?

2impendingdoom ago

probably from all the cocaine and meth

Z11Mama ago

What better way to learn how to commit a sex crime and not get caught. Crazy! Good point to bring up.

srayzie ago

What makes you think that's him?

preacher_1893 ago

his college profile

Can't you see the similarities in portfolio and why is his picture missing from the Staff page?

throwaway345678 ago

pills do not have personalities

Ocelot ago

To be fair, it could be code for the types of sensations one gets after taking the pills...but I find that highly implausible given the context.

Intheknow ago

I assume children arent the only packages they deliver or receive.

derram ago :


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