Wolftrail7272 ago

I believe it to be true. I have seen first hand the depth of the corruption in our government to the extent that it is treason, for reasons not directly related to pizzagate. When reduced to abstract power dynamics, things become radically predictable. Remember: FBIanon mentioned the "world model," that some in the intelligence community were working on.

DarkMath ago

Totally. Yes I did see that. There is more to James Alefantis than he's letting on. I'm a pretty good judge of character. There is a reason why James is the 59th most influential person in DC.

To be honest my gut instinct tells me he's associated with the CIA or some hard core covert Brownstone op. He was way too cool, calm and collected in his interview with Megan Kelly. A truly innocent person would acknowledge his critics. They'd go out of their way to assure people nothing is wrong. He'd say something like "I know my Instagram pics were sketchy. But some Pizzagater wrote in 'Haitian special with extra cheese'. It wasn't any of my friends. And yes Edgar Welch really did hit our computer system through random chance when he fired his weapon."

But he didn't address anything. He made people feel stupid for even thinking a "Haitian special with extra cheese" could be sketchy since it's not on the menu. That's weird. Something is not right here.

Scoundrel ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJtwrz1qmgU Seth was set to testify to the FBI regarding Clinton emails. It's like DUH!

Wolftrail7272 ago

So nobody figures it out, I would guess. I'm just theorizing. I mean, imagine if you came across the thing podesta said about "making an example" of a leaker, if you were the leaker! I'd go to the FBI and fake my death.

nitro169 ago

Maybe Eric Braverman obtained the same info and the russian narrative is being pushed because they fear he had given the russians the information when visiting their embassy

Fateswebb ago

Here are photos of a plywood casket that doesn't even appear to have a lid on it, with a blanket draped over it being taken out of his funeral and placed into a hearse. I find it strange that the casket is plywood with a blanket over it and with no signs of a lid and also seems very small for seth rich. what do you guys think? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3688415/Father-DNC-staffer-Seth-Rich-tells-son-wanted-make-difference-phone-girlfriend-nurdered-deserted-Washington-DC-street-family-prepares-funeral.html

nomorepepperoni ago

Could it be covered because it was an open casket? This photo was supposedly "following" the funeral.

h2d ago

No way. Rich's family has a Jewish background; no open casket funerals.

nomorepepperoni ago

If that's the case, maybe the cloths are flags or other types of things left on the casket as parting gifts? Is it normal to leave such things on the casket for transport though?

Haldelos ago

Not saying this isn't a possible lead but...

OP- "I know most former athletes who don't make do take up law enforcement." -Not really...and especially not when we're talking GU Football. My best friend in High School went on to play on THIS TEAM at Georgetown from 97-01' ...I was at their parties often...Most of the guy on the team were goofballs with rich parents who were handed jobs on Wall Street after college (their team as a whole had a pretty big issue with Coke too) Most had zero NFL aspirations...this guy is 5'10'' 175...smaller than most NFL kickers...Anyway- like i said...doesn't mean its not a good lead...keep digging. I'll text my buddy to see if he remembers this guy/any info on sister. My friend was a year older and played safety

Trumpedupeconomics ago

Agreed, but that name and in the DC area can't be that common

Trumpedupeconomics ago

I'm not at my comp, but something to dig through: i noticed the head commander of the fifth district for the MPD (dc police) is mentioned a lot in the Stratfor wikileaks files, william fitzgerald, goes by Bill in the files

DarkMath ago

Good catch. The DC police seem suspect to me. I got real suspicious after they said they investigated Comet Ping Pong after Edgar Welch went looking for kidnapped children there. Turns out old Edgar is quite a shot. He managed to quite miraculously through random chance hit the Comet Ping Pong computer system. The bullet hole doesn't look like a ricochet off the ceiling where the police say he fired his gun. Rather the bullet hole looks like someone stood about 5 feet away from the computer and fired a shot into it. ;-)

The CPP computer with bullet hole is here: https://youtu.be/2AsyOxk21i0?t=135YouTube . Note the impact looks like someone stood in the doorway and fired in a horizontal motion. That's very sketchy. If Edgar Welch went to Comet Ping Pong looking for children he wouldn't fire randomly into closets. There could be children hidden in there. ;-)

So let's call a spade a spade. The DC police lied about the investigation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omlQHWrgmd4YouTube .

The Edgar Welch dude didn't really go into CPP looking for kids. The whole event was staged. And that means a conspiracy to silence an investigation which is exactly what happened 20 years ago with the Franklin scandal.

crystalclearme ago

@darkmath let's look at acting DC Police Chief Peter Newsham - now standing in support of Alefantis and CPP

Fateswebb ago

I wonder if these police officers tied to this murder as also tied to the comet ping pong incident.

justforthissubverse ago

Great job. This needs more voats.

quantokitty ago

Nice work. Good connection there.

SpikyAube ago

Not another panda! Why is there a panda?

Fateswebb ago

Interesting as well is that there are a bunch of Disney cells behind them. doesn't prove anything but still interesting that they chose that background.

Wolftrail7272 ago

What if Seth Rich WAS the leaker but WASN'T actually killed, and instead went into hiding. He would make one hell of a witness if this were the case. Would it be illegal to fake his death? Did he have an open casket??

DarkMath ago

That would explain the father's lack of emotion during the interview. Anybody find that odd? If my kid had just died I'd be wreck.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Edit: look at the son. He can't stop smiling. Its duping delight if I ever saw it. I bet Seth Rich could easily be alive and in some sort of witness protection type thing. Just thinking out loud.

madmanpg ago

" This girl has worked for Hillary for America, and she was also the Deputy Research Director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, I know this isn't the same as the DNC"

Dude, it might as well be. They're another major funnel for Democratic donor funds. This is potentially really big. We need confirmation of any relationship between the two of them.

Fateswebb ago

When guccifer hacked the dccc I fairly sure he gained access to some dnc data as well so they are intertwined.

Dressage2 ago

I think great find. Might be able to dig deeper into more connections via social media, etc. After all the stuff we have found out in the last few months, nothing is a stretch! Upvoat for this!

Trumpedupeconomics ago

Nope i had to head out. Any way you can?