ASolo ago

Georgetown Day School is allegedly where Chelsea Clinton attended as well as Alefantis.

These Jesuits schools are Mk-Ultra training grounds and these kids are shipped all the way up and down the east coast to the bahamas by boat.

Madiera Schools train the "witches"

St. Johns Episcopal trains the "warlocks"

Sushilover69 ago

Some of the emails sent to [email protected] were very fishy. They led me to some websites that were very... weird to say the least. The announcements feel a lot more informal than the ones I get at my university. Maybe there's a special group within the university that these emails are sent to? A lot of them have unnecessary photos attached. I made a post on Reddit about it back in the day and got swamped by shills.

Orange_Circle ago

Wasn't Robert Hanssen (spy) a Jesuit? He was a big pervert sexually.

Along with being an FBI agent. Sheesh.

Orange_Circle ago

Never mind. He was Opus Dei.