IshmaelQuinn ago

" Amanda's art blog".....its old and its art. End scene.

IshmaelQuinn ago

Speaking of bullshit, where is that link to her hacked emails? You guys are a bunch of smoke screens and lies.

MagnificentTheodore ago

Oh my god, how behind the zeitgeist are?

They released the full hack to lamentations of the women

OhRutherfordBehave ago

[–] astarjoe 4 points (+4|-0) 3 months ago Be very careful. It's very easy to get sidetracked here, and all available leads that have smoke should not be discouraged.

Having said that, it is quite easy to get sidetracked and diverted off on wild goose chases. It part of the process. You find yourself trying to see things, and that in and of itself biases you, so you have to keep a clear head at all times. Take for instance one of Amanda Kleinman's friends from Linkedin... this was found on his Myspace:

Seem odd? At first glance, yeah, but on further inspection, most likely just an innocent family. It's just uncommonly odd how many would-be inappropriate child related material of all kinds is cropping up everywhere we look.

Please don't belittle people. They are trying to do the right thing and it isn't your job to police them. This is a decentralized effort, so let it ebb and flow.

Copy and paste from old post.

Catchthem ago

And here is Anti-Jew Shill-account Hagen2.. (please look at all his posts)

minusco2 ago

For within decay is a mystery of spirit. You all fail.

minusco2 ago

We do not exalt decay.

minusco2 ago

You have all misunderstood God.

Laskar ago

Kleinman's obsession is still considered a mental disorder (scroll down):

It may be "touching the third rail" to remind people of this, but here it is: IOF troops often leave feces as a calling card. Here is one example: The IOF also use, according to their own press, sewage spray into people's homes (from Israeli news): Who would even think of doing that? Is it because of Ezekiel 4:12? "And you shall eat it as barley cakes; and bake it using fuel of human waste in their sight. " Here's one interpretation:

minusco2 ago

Stop eating flesh and shit, you maniacs. Really, just stop it and we can all get along.

minusco2 ago

Barley of course, makes beer and as well as this is the chemical composition mentioned here:

ArthurEdens ago

Self obsessed

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Well she does look like she smells like shit. I reckon she is a Perpetual Energy Machine; she eats shit, takes a shit, eats that shit she just took etc. She is a self sustaining piece of shit.

YingYangMom ago

She talks shit too.

PrideOfOshtekk ago


A sentient piece of shit. The New World Order can truly work miracles.

Catchthem ago

Wow yet ANOTHER complete Shitpost from Shill minusco2.. And look how many puppets are cheering to upvote this. And ofcourse they must make it also a Anti-Jew post.

racoonbite ago

I think it is a concentrated effort to discredit pizza gate, i doubt all the anti-jew posters here actually feel that way, they are try to set a narrative. as in " we are all racist-flat earthers"

Catchthem ago


minusco2 ago

I'm Jewish, so by definition, upvotes are pro-jew.

NatashaFatale ago

Poop fetish mindset. The Marquis de Sade features coprophilia (a word only a pope would know) in his Salo and other similar sadistic works. Hitler ate Bulgarian peasant poop in medicinal form ("Mutaflor") because his quack doctor prescribed it to him. Although Henry Kissinger supposedly has a poop fetish, the fetish seems to transcend religion.

minusco2 ago

What about the Jesus line of Jews?

sugarskull ago

She really has sooooomuch to offer children...I cannot believe that she is employed at all!!

minusco2 ago

What do you mean by Jew?

pbvrocks ago

This just describes this f**ked world...they force their captives to eat feces (BTW...not a bad idea as recent research is indicating that if you eat the feces of a healthy human, you will transfer alot of their immunity, etc into your gut biome..gross but about the "poop" pill..). So pretty much if you have been thru the MKUltra path of torture to get "in the club.." then you have eaten shit...if you have been brought up "in the club.." you have been abused throughout your life and have been forced to eat shit. They also drink the blood and eat the pineal of children. Again, while vile/disgusting/ says that you will increase your lifespan and perhaps increase your intuition by doing so. They think they are gods and above us...whatever...but time for all us to wake up and take our sovereignty and planet back...

minusco2 ago

Oh they are in for a shock.

HillBoulder ago

Kleinman sounds Jewish to me

redditsuckz ago

(((Amanda Kleinman))) is jewish admits it;

Its Kleinman behind the mask;

Former Nanny;

The Apes also feature Drummer (((Jeff Schmid))).

minusco2 ago

A Torah Jew vs Talmudic Jew.

Knights Templar were Torah Jews.

minusco2 ago

These aren't Jews. I am a Jew.

PrincessCinderella ago

I'm Jewish too. I'm a normal person.

minusco2 ago

Yup, I can see that.

WotTheFook ago

Anecdote; Hitler used to be into all sorts of weird art and was also fascinated with scatology and shit. True story.

minusco2 ago

He liked to be peed on and had a preference for stupid women, like Einstein.

WotTheFook ago

He also liked to be crapped on by fat-bottomed girls.

minusco2 ago

The book's opening line, "Who is John Galt?", becomes an expression of helplessness and despair at the current state of the novel's fictionalized world. The book's protagonist, Dagny Taggart, hears a number of legends of Galt, before finding him. In one legend Galt seeks the lost island of Atlantis, in another he discovers the Fountain of Youth. After eventually joining Galt's cause, Taggart learns that all of the stories have an element of truth to them. She names the Colorado spur of her railroad line the "John Galt Line" which surprises many people. When asked "Who is John Galt?", she replies "We are!"

minusco2 ago

Funny you should mention the Rand corporation. Someone once told me it was impossible to break a snickers equally. I suppose this is the principle of the group, inequality reigns.

minusco2 ago

It's indicative of childhood abuse also. Arrested development.

minusco2 ago

Did she attend Goldsmiths?

Scablifter ago

Maybe she has OCD? I have heard that OCD is all about shit......

minusco2 ago

Pope Francis uses scatological term in discussing media, fake news

dookiehowzer ago

Lmaooo that grannys hemmroid one is fucked up

minusco2 ago

They already hacked that in 2008 when it was created.

Criticalthinker615 ago

I dont follow you on this. 2008?

Criticalthinker615 ago

uh i threw up in my hand a little when that link loaded enough to see her trashy satanic ass. I guess now she is really going to try to hide behind her protected status hahaha...idgaf gas that jew. some of them deserve it.

equineluvr ago

She is Jewish. See "Saul Shmulnick." (ALL these characters we have been discussing -- JP, JA, etc. -- are Jewish.)

The clues to understanding the Jewish psyche (obsession with fecal matter, etc.) are found within the works of Sigmund Freud.

The1stLantern ago

What in the fuck is with you and all the Jew posts? Every topic and comment you post is about Jews. No one here is stupid enough to fall for these cheap divisive tactics. Take your antisemitism somewhere else.

Catchthem ago

Exactly there is a whole Shill-team and some off the team are all making Anti-Jew posts.. Trying to make this investigation look like its done by Morons.. Slowly littering VOAT..

Jem777 ago

Something is seriously wrong with you and the constant Jewish hate. You are pathetic at this point. STFU

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Okay schlomo

LolturdFerguson ago

They even say poo prayers

PrincessCinderella ago

I'm Jewish and I'm a normal person.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Not possible kike

racoonbite ago

not according to equineluvr

He is using Fraud as a reference, lol

Azagthoth ago

As he swallows his own poop while masturbating the life and whatevers of sabbati zevi

(just kidding)

minusco2 ago

For everyone.

minusco2 ago

Beauty and life are the offer.

minusco2 ago

In the 1990s psychologist D. Corydon Hammond publicized a detailed theory of ritual abuse drawn from hypnotherapy sessions with his patients, alleging they were victims of a worldwide conspiracy of organized, secretive clandestine cells who used torture, mind control and ritual abuse to create alternate personalities that could be "activated" with code words; the victims were allegedly trained as assassins, prostitutes, drug traffickers, and child sex workers (to create child pornography). Hammond claimed his patients had revealed the conspiracy was masterminded by a Jewish doctor in Nazi Germany, but who now worked for the Central Intelligence Agency with a goal of worldwide domination by a Satanic cult. The cult was allegedly composed of respectable, powerful members of society who used the funds generated to further their agenda. Missing memories among the victims and absence of evidence was cited as evidence of the power and effectiveness of this cult in furthering its agenda. Hammond's claims gained considerable attention, due in part to his prominence in the field of hypnosis and psychotherapy.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Got me searching and I came to this. Wowza.

Criticalthinker615 ago

That pic isnt referring to cloning. Its referring to incest

darkofthemoon ago

To explain further, the joke is that their relationship is real incest but they're roleplaying it as faux incest mommy dom/little girl.

minusco2 ago

No it is referring to cloning. A clone is a twin of the original. Hence, the sister would be the mother.

JastheMace ago


Criticalthinker615 ago

she USED to be my sister NOW she's my little girl. i.e. a daughter becoming intimate with father.

I see what you are saying but, considering that the other drawings are about incest and the context when including the change of tense I still think its referring to incest

minusco2 ago

She used to be my sister (twin) NOW she's my little girl. i.e. a twin (clone) being raised as a daughter.

Azagthoth ago

So these are either kiddy fuckers...or advance future tech worshipping clone-fetishists? Occams razor that shit.

minusco2 ago


HollandDrive ago

OP is a shill.

minusco2 ago

Forget it Jake, it's China town.

minusco2 ago

I will Chinese room the argument, given my name.

The upper upper echelons are not controlled by base desires, I would guess. Hence, why they are at the top.

Such tawdry and disgusting pursuits, are the mark of an unenlightened mind, who in the court of the hashashins, would of been put to work as useful idiots.

I imagine, the upper tier are having an ethical dispute, as we speak.

HollandDrive ago

This is a shill.

privatepizza ago

Funny seeing the downvoats on this already.....

privatepizza ago

Yes, which Autusts?!

Mbailey63 ago

Great work!

privatepizza ago

Upvoat !!!

Rmm ago

Good work exposing more of the mindset of the ape

minusco2 ago

Let's be good for the sake of head Jew Plato.

EricKaliberhall ago

Link to hackers?

Criticalthinker615 ago

do you have the link to the autists?