Fateswebb ago

Again nobody is gonna pay full price for hundreds of pills. Sure for one or two... but hundreds? Nah....

wokethefkup ago

We need to upvoat this feel like it's the nail in the head.

Z11Mama ago

It's stuff like this that you never know when it is going to add up.

throwaway345678 ago

We need a thread on Georgetown.

throwaway345678 ago


Pills don't have personalities.

wokethefkup ago

The post that's the first post on here with 20 likes or such is seriously trying to change the narrative. Upvoat

28leinad82 ago

This email was doing the rounds long before it arrived at Podesta's inbox. Do a tineye search on the image and it predates it by a long time. IT keeps getting forwarded because it's funny/ridiculous.

KingKongisCTR ago


Note: Didn't paste well.

Well if it helps any , back in my day, the translation would have been His clients are the staff of a "children's Charity" front organization, or children's orphanage--some sort of 501c3, based in Georgetown (though the facilities themselves would be elsewhere most likely in some 3rd world he ll hole). I would guess a chain of brothels or group of "road shows" (travelling prost itutes with their pimp) if here in the states. A Package, 48 units @2000/unit, LOT ONLY. Must move this weekend, expecting LEO sweep (if it were a fed action expected, it would h ave said My Big Bro is coming to visit). The "parents can't find out" would have meant 1 of 2 things--either he was someone who couldn't "afford" to be busted as he had no get out of jail card, or it's a paid confidential informant doing action on the side. The third option would be has get out of jail free card but the ensuing attention would cause serious issues with someone higher up the cha in in his organization--and since these kinds of organizations tend to give people th e .38 special "parting gift", he really doesn't want problems. 2016/11/6 - Dracko - https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/23405745 7/10 Source: political activist from the Viet Nam days ; -). We frequently had to move "packages" of different types (political materials, stolen/copied files from gov't agencies, and some groups moved draft dodgers through Boston going to Canada, of course). We'd place our ads in the classified sections of fr ee newspapers and on bulletin boards. Heck, I still remember my group's code words. The more things change, the more they stay the same ;-) EDIT: and I went with 48 rather than 480 because ba ck in the day we'd add a 0 to things as a code for "priority item"--if something absolut ely positively HAD to get there overnight, so to speak, it was 0. If this could wait a day, it would have been 481, 2 days 482, etc. The "48" was, for us, typically a type of item

wokethefkup ago

Don't always believe the comment with the most votes cough cough

wokethefkup ago

I'm a recovering addict been clean 2 years was using for 8. So when I say I haven't heard the word, its based from my experience. Anyone can pull a random word out their ass to control the story, you see how easily the mass is swayed.

Azagthoth ago

When youre on the nod...and feeling dog-tired. Thats about it.

wokethefkup ago

Ah I see.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I have heard it referred to as "Bull dog" or just "bully", kinda makes sense that maybe it is shortened to dog. I would guess it depends where you live as well. Different slang in different places.

zzvoat ago


If you go to the archived infowars.com page above and do a find word "beanie" there is an interesting analysis.

It doesn't come to any conclusion and is similar to discussions here but laid out in different manner.

Thakiddds ago

I don't think there is anything deceptive about this one honestly

Psalm100 ago

Marijuana plants?

Psalm100 ago

Truly bizarre.

$9600 for beanie babies?

And "his parents can't find out"?

But he isn't willing to break up the collection of 48?

This has always sounded like code for something.

LostandFound ago

Google search the image it's not an original photo. It's taken from a beanie baby collectors site from a few years back which is also quite strange. Sorry no link on mobile but check it out multiple hits for that exact image

je-sui-pepe ago

yes this is one of the first discussions or r/pizzagate... and 480 is 480 px... a more universal format for internet video, meaning that you can get the video for $20 per pixel.... from what i remember that when people started figuring that out, the thread vanished. Beanie babies lined up in the pixel size format, then the beanie babies were slang for something. Also just a thought but during the time this email was written we were having the border crisis with all the children being brought to the border and currently there are over 10000 children unaccounted for.

wokethefkup ago

Would up voat you because I'm willing to bet this is exactly what he needed to get rid of, CP.

amyrebeccajames ago

This makes sense. Seeing the banned note on Reddit really pisses me off.

Nana66 ago

He needs money because his parents are visiting and isn't willing to split them up because they are a collection. Joke's about them getting along with each other for a little extra cutesy sales pitch....and My parents can't find out....I had to sell them because I am broke HAHA ;-).... IDK still feels off about the parents part.

Z11Mama ago

I've read all of the comments. Yours is the one that makes sense. People who love collections of stuffies and such refer to them in ways like this. But the whole thing feels off, without question imo.

Nana66 ago

It goes from silliness to serious quickly with the parent part. Why his parents can't find out is a huge question and the reason he felt cozy enough to email this to these people seems even odder. It makes them all seem complicit in something. Maybe he supplies them with the perfect drug cocktail to drug children and got tipped off he was going to be raided and needs his customers help to quickly liquidate his stock and the parents is his way of saying cops of some sort. But either way if I received this email even if I had a thing for Beanie Babies, I would wonder why his parents can't find out he is getting rid of them so they are already in the know and trust these people with this info....plus the pic is apparently just a random pic off Google images.

2impendingdoom ago

The guy is an eagle scout in law school, and he sends this email to the staff and faculty? All of this is preposterous.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I though it was child porn, given you had to buy the whole collection and the way it was described. Also beanie babies, associated with babies and young children.

FriesischShipping ago

He described them as alive though. I think he's talking about kids. Only 48, not 480, that's meant to confuse people.

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Maybe "alive" means video as opposed to still photos.

Truthseeker77 ago

I thought the same thing.

EQJ ago

I found Peter Mattingly on facebook. He has the Hillary H symbol reflecting over his face as his profile picture. His brothers name is Ian Mattingly and brother lives in Poquoson Virginia. They are both originally from Colorado. So far I haven't found anything damning on their pages. Lets Keep digging!

amyrebeccajames ago

WOW wtf seriously

KingKongisCTR ago

Didn't want to right a huge comment and have it buried so I made a new post. Seems like a good explanation. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1540219

FriesischShipping ago

Take a zero off 480 and it reads 48 kids for sale, 20k or 2k each. Parents = police who aren't bribed

wokethefkup ago

Hence the "little creatures" comment which gives me the proper chills.

FriesischShipping ago

Drugs dealers have been doing the add a zero at the end thing for a long long time. It's in reference to the supply, not sell price. Im pretty sure it's 20k a kid, at some Waco Texas cult compound kind of situation and selling the whole lot for almost $1 mil. Cops can't find out because they don't know already.

RexAxisMundi ago

This seems most likely scenario and fits with the braverman video fella talking about moving compounds. Seems like compounds like Waco should be a thing we should be looking for.

EQJ ago

Upvote! This email has NEVER sat right with me! Good job researching the sender...... Hope we can find more to him!

eiggaMAD ago

If you type "beanie baby collection" in google it is the very first image that comes up. I don't know how Google works so I don't know if this is from it being viewed recently or more and such but it is the first image that comes up.

Ksolver ago

If you click on Tools and change the date of the searched images, you see they existed years before pizzagate.

eiggaMAD ago

10k is also the amount you have to report to the irs. So it being just below 10k is another "red flag".

LawofTruth ago

Is this from the Podesta dump?

EQJ ago


S3m8o ago

What does x9599 stand for?

Orange_Circle ago

I'm sorry I don't. But if you do a google search on the image it turns up a ton of them.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

He's currently an intern at Pew Research.

Which is funded by Pew Charitable Trusts - https://web.archive.org/web/20161118203104/http://www.pewresearch.org/about/our-funding/

Which is where Tamera Luzzatto is the senior vice-president: http://archive.is/igOIJ#selection-1545.0-1545.15

She is the woman who provides her step-granddaughters as entertainment at pool parties.

amyrebeccajames ago

On its own the email is very suspicious. The only possible explanation aside from coded talk would be an inside joke. Professors have a lot of those but when combined with this comment I think we have our answer.

I don't think he has 480 children, or even 48 children hiding in his house, but maybe he has some kind of collection of credits on a pizza website and the police were coming and he needs help hiding them, or maybe he has a 4 and an 8 year old he needs help hiding. He may need to hide some of his money from sales of children in the past. Lots of explanations in terms of child trafficking.

amyrebeccajames ago

THANK YOU!! That's what it is about then.

wokethefkup ago

Or he has 4 8yr old children for sale. I wish we could come across a pricing for trafficked children so we could know if the amount he's asking would add up to a certain amount of children? Idk just thoughts

EQJ ago

Upvote! WTF!

AFriend ago

Maybe he stumbled upon something while there...

Intern Investigator Georgetown University Law Center August 2014 – December 2014 (5 months)|Washington D.C. Metro Area Investigated criminal cases—including sexual and physical assault, prostitution, drug possession, theft, unlawful entry, and weapon offenses—in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia on behalf of the defense. Spoke with clients and attorneys to develop a defense theory; canvassed and photographed crime scene areas for evidence; located and took detailed statements from witnesses in the field, as well as interviewed and subpoenaed expert and defense witnesses for trial.

2impendingdoom ago


Peter J. Mattingly, Clinic Manager & Notary Peter serves as the clinic administrator for the Criminal Justice Clinic and DC Street Law. He graduated with honors from the University of Colorado, Boulder, studying psychology and sociology. He interned as an investigator for the clinic during the Fall 2014 term, and will pursue graduate work at Georgetown this upcoming fall.

Eastwood350 ago

It looks like he's had connections with Gay Pride and the LGBT community according to LinkedIn so he could be connected to Alefantis' social circle.

AFriend ago

Yes... He probably stumbled upon something too

Intern Investigator Georgetown University Law Center August 2014 – December 2014 (5 months)|Washington D.C. Metro Area Investigated criminal cases—including sexual and physical assault, prostitution, drug possession, theft, unlawful entry, and weapon offenses—in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia on behalf of the defense. Spoke with clients and attorneys to develop a defense theory; canvassed and photographed crime scene areas for evidence; located and took detailed statements from witnesses in the field, as well as interviewed and subpoenaed expert and defense witnesses for trial.

neo50 ago

A grown man collecting beanie babies? I can see guns, knives, Playboys, beer mirrors, but not beanie babies. The verbiage in the email doesn't make sense either. And if this collection was from his youth, why would it need to be gone before his parents arrive as they would have given him most of them, one would think. The attachment in the email, the wall of beanie babies, is most likely a stock photo as it is also in this article here:



exactly why is this grown man attending a prominient college - selling BBs?

did he bring his whole collection to college and have them all around his dorm room?

totaly code

ArthurEdens ago

He's probably not really selling beenie babies but a real baby. Making someone buy the whole collection at 20 each comes to $9,600, that's how much someof these trafficked babies cost. Also, there might be a hidden message or picture in the photo

Dressage2 ago

Probably Hispanic babies as that is a slang that has been used for Hispanic as in bean burrito.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

My bet this one is about drugs, probably xtc pills. The guy has quite a stash, and needs to get rid of it fast for some reason. 20$ a piece seems about right for 2015, albeit on the high side. Also, the word "bean" is old slang for xtc, tough not commonly used. Apparently, he has pills from different batches (some are sassier than others), and pills from different batches can be combined (they are very respectful and amicable with one another).

The cat&dog reference seems to be about how well his pills mix with other drugs, which, for anyone buying pills in these quantities, should be a considerate point of concern, as xtc is often mixed with other drugs. 'Cat' probably refers to Ketamine, which can be mixed with xtc to heighten the experience. Could also mean cocaine, but that drug is not commonly used in combination with xtc. 'Dog' is known slang for heroin (which can be combined with xtc, even though that is a rare practice). Other contestants are plain old alcohol, cannabis or GHB, which are either hardly ever combined with xtc, or generally mix so well that they wouldn't warrant a special mention.

Fateswebb ago

Why would someone want to pay full price for 200 pills? Still doesn't sound right to me.

Pizzainmyass ago

I like this theory but that may be just cause I like drugs.

While I find your theory plausible, I highly doubt that it'd be that hard for an adult (probably with some sort of power to even be implicated) to hide 480 pills. I KNOW I could've hid that when I lived in my parents house. And using human emotions like being more respectable and/or sassy when talking about drugs doesn't nearly fit as well as literal babies. (Think about they're already using code and still personifying. It seems odd to not be literal if someone was to break the code for a quick second)

However $1800 must be on the higher end (assuming alefantis' pic of German doll was some sort of sick joke) so $20 seems very very low and I'm not sure someone would assume they could ask acquaintances to hold 480 kids for them

lurch91 ago

I live in NC, and $20 USD sounds about right on for beanz. When i was in high school (over 10 years ago), a quadstack would EASILY sell for 15-20 dollars. When I used to roll, we had G's up hoes down on a constant basis and if you sold them less than <5 at a time, the price was $20/bean all day every day. If you bought more than that, you might could get them for $15/bean if you were lucky.

And depending on what kind of x you got, you could easily mix it with special k OR a downer, most of the time it was just benzos considering ron with x is not a safe combination considering you will never know (unless sent off for testing) what that pill was cut with. A legit roll pill with just contain mdma, but they are often cut WITH other drugs to "enhance" experience, such as ketamine which is extremely sedating.

Either way, I have heard people selling "dog food" as heroin before.

wokethefkup ago

Sorry but never once have I heard "dog" be used for heroin. Not dismissing the drug theory just saying. Though calling the beanie babies "creatures" rubs me quite the wrong way.

throwitawayn0w ago

maybe it's about babies that they use to put drug in, to smuggle?

S3m8o ago

$20 a piece about right? Guess you're not from where I come from. That is way over priced.

I don't think it's about drugs.

heretolearn ago

euro pills are easily $15-20. hard to come by 🔥

eiggaMAD ago

Yeah, this is absolutely not about drugs. Pricing way too high and way too generic. Also if you have that many drugs it usually is because you've been around them and feel comfortable enough to keep such a large amount..I highly doubt parents would be an issue.

Edit: in USA it's very unlikely it would be any more than 15 bucks per roll. Especially not sold this way. Drugs tend to be "discounted" when sold in bulk amounts, even more so when seller will not break full amount.

DopeandDiamonds ago

the parent issue is confusing. If you have that much drugs around you have them well hidden and parents won't be an issue.

It could be drugs but wouldn't you list them as xx number of one kind and xx number of another? Like 23 penguins and 13 unicorns? That would make more sense but who knows with these sick fucks. They could be selling exotic animals they smuggle in for rituals. Harder to hide a shit ton of real animals than a stash of drugs than it is a box of stupid beanie babies.

eiggaMAD ago

Yes drugs would be listed differently, at least as far as I can conclude. I absolutely cannot figure out what drug would fit into this context quantity wise and price range. Pills maybe on the price but, quantity a bit much to be selling as a whole tho.

If there was anything about being able to provide a quantity list or inventory, I would be more convinced of the possibility it could be individual items. Something about this screams one item to me. If I'm buying almost 500 of something, even actual beanie babies, I'm going to want to know which ones are there, even more so if I'm paying that amount. But that's just me.

Also for shits and giggles I looked up beanie baby collection for sale ads, all of those have or mention they will provide a list of included bears, none of them go much above $3-$4 dollars per bear unless it's a special one. To be honest, the ones I can only assume are legitimate, actually match how drugs would be sold more then this one (not saying they are, just pointing out the difference)

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Did some googling on xtc prices in the US. $20 per pill doesn't seem uncommon in the results I found ... probably has a lot to do with region and quality. For Europeans, it's incredibly expensive, yes :)

jackjones ago

One thing that I have noticed is a link to George Town University...it appears like a disproportionate of #Pedophiles that are being implicated in these emails went to George Town. Also, after Scalia was killed there were a flurry of emails back and forth with John Podesta and various professors at George Town....something else is going on with that University, i suspect.


fun facts about GT!

it is a Jesuit School - in fact, all of DC is vatican owned land

The Exorcist was set in and filmed there

most of Trumps kids went to school there

KingKongisCTR ago

The Clinton's went their as well as a lot of others. It could be a part of the Jesuit narrative some believe. It seems weird to me that the school's international locations involve Qatar and Turkey. And one in Italy, which I find less weird for a Catholic school.

justforthissubverse ago

You want us to believe a prestigious university is tied to a pedo scandal? Next thing you'll be claiming is a respected pillar of the community who helps children with his foundation and runs a football program for a state university is also involved in stuff like this. Then you'll go full tinfoil on us by claiming that even priests are pedos. I'll just ignore all of this and go back to CNN.

Forgetmenot ago

Upvoated this

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

and a speaker of the house....

Crazy conspiracy theorists should get off the internet and just watch MSM again.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Any big university in a city is likely to be a hub to this sort of thing. I'm convinced that that's where the cult-aspect starts thru fraternities, secret groups, etc.

2impendingdoom ago

Georgetown Law: Does anyone else find this suspicious? John Podesta works there. In Sept 2014 the long time Assistant to the Dean died of a sudden quick cancer. (American Cancer Society was charity for her obit. Not really sure how she died.) She was only 45 years old. She was the daughter of a former dean of the law school, from all the emails she was very well liked and apparently knew everything. She also talked directly to POTUS on phone regarding 111D (clean air act?) (WHY?) only a few months before her death. Her name is Katherine McCarthy there are a lot of emails about her in the Podesta files.


needs it own post ^ this does

bolus ago

looked into the sender of the email, and the directory shows this:


he's a student - a mid-twenties dude. here's his linkedin...it's been updated since the last archive:

11/4/2016 linkedin http://archive.is/CLGgT 1/5/2017 linkedin http://archive.is/bLKie

primary difference? removed his experience at california pizza kitchen and updated his pic.

justforthissubverse ago

Ah the inevitable pizza connection!

jackjones ago

I wish I could up vote this comment, but I am out of clicks :( I'm not sure about VOAT and their rules...

jackjones ago

Thanks everyone, I got my click back :)

DefenderOfTruth ago

It takes a while to get enough upvotes to do much. Once you get to 50 comment upvotes by the community you get 100 upvotes to give in any 24 (or 12?) hr cycle. Once you get to 100 comment upvotes by the community you have unlimited upvotes and a certain (I think) number of downvotes you can dole out. I've not gotten to 100, so not completely sure what happens after that.

It's a good system to discourage shills and trolls, but it's annoying system for us legitimate users.

(Try downvoting my comment and Voat will tell you more about the system.)

Pizzainmyass ago

Dude I didn't know u got more at 50. I have 49:) whew

justforthissubverse ago

I gotchya

2impendingdoom ago

I also have trouble with the Podesta/McCarthy family connection where John Podesta signs over a burial plot in Chicago to McCarthys, indicating that he is "brother". These must be other cousins (not brother) but I can't figure out if they are related to the Georgetown McCarthys. John also campaigned for Eugene McCarthy. So McCarthy keeps coming up.

YingYangMom ago

Brother? Maybe Mary Podesta, John and Tony's mother did, in fact, adopt 25 people after all...

bolus ago

there's a McCarthy as a registered agent for one of the properties...somewhere...i'll need to back and find it...Kevin, maybe?

EDIT: yeah, Kevin M. he was the registering agent for HA Gill and Son:


2impendingdoom ago

Podesta email # 57562 has an attachment, showing a relationship to chicago McCarthys. The email doesn't otherwise come up in wiki search so that is weird too.

2impendingdoom ago

Was this in Winchester??

bolus ago

can't say - kevin's office is in vienna, about an hour e/s/e from winchester, but look at his street address...rehoboth court.

edit - and ha gill is the holding company for the besta pizza lot on the connecticut block. (i think that was it - it's related to conneb.)

2impendingdoom ago

This whole thing is crazy. Every link has so many other offshoots that I just go insane. Obviously Rehoboth Ct. Vienna VA is no where near Rehoboth Delaware, and Peter j. Mattingly may have nothing to do with the Podestas except innocently through Georgetown and the whole McCarthy thing is all speculation at this point but how come every tangent yields a new possible can of worms and circles back to another link?. Can there really be that many worms in the world??

2impendingdoom ago


bolus ago

lol. we'll find it. everything is so interwoven.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yep, no one talks this way about stupid stuffed toys!

2impendingdoom ago

Especially to adults in a law school, right? seems so super babyish. Like selling off a barbie doll collection, isn't that what ebay is for?


exactly! very strange to ask everyone in your school to buy this shit - the interesting BBs is very low, why embarrass yourself by asking fellow school mates before trying ebay or CL....so weird

bolus ago

there are several beanie babies which are worth hundreds to collectors, and a handful worth thousands. if his collection has a few 'rare' beanie babies, it wouldn't be a stretch to expect the collection to be worth several grand. he's just looking to sell the whole thing at once, instead of just making money by parting it out.

if this email were the only weird email in the whole group, i would completely discount it.

as it sits, it's still suspicious, and it may be code for something, but we can't ignore the fact that it's not unheard of.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

And why would he need to get rid of them because his parents are visiting? Even if they were on a bed and he needed to get them out of the way, he could just throw them in a plastic bag and put them in the closet.

bolus ago

i don't want to overjustify this, just looking to figure out the 'strength' of the lead.

480 beanie babies is a lot. if he has them all display-boxed, they could easily take up more room than he has closet space for.

but why sell them? why not keep at a friend's house, or...anything, really...

i guess it boils down to - he's asking $9600 for 480 of something, and he needs to unload it quickly.

Orange_Circle ago

The photo was a stolen photo.

bolus ago

no, i get that it's not his picture...but it's weird that he references 480 of the things - which matches the number shown in the pic itself. he was very careful to make sure that his numbers matched the picture...which makes it 1) even stranger if he's lying (which i suspect he is) and 2) harder to ignore.

Orange_Circle ago

I agree! It's a weird email!

NotAnIdiot ago

It's not his collection though. He put a random picture from the internet in the email. He literally just searched beanie baby collection on google and put the first image result in the email.


bolus ago

another quick note on that pic - all the earliest versions i can find of that picture are the same size as the attachment. i'm pretty sure that steganography changes file size.

bolus ago

ok - i did a quick count, and there are about 480 bbs in that pic.

so either he had 480 of something else, and this matched up, so he used it, or he just needed 9600 and found a way to get there mathematically using this pseudo-random picture he found.

the stupid, most simple answer is that he really did have 480 bbs to get rid of, and the stupid most devious answer is that he needed $9600 to support something nefarious...and further, he needed someone to understand what he was really asking for.

if he needed someone to understand then either everyone he sent it to also knew the code (unlikely since we never see it anywhere else) or he had pre-discussed it with someone, and was just throwing up a smoke screen.

in any case, it's still just a ridiculous email...have we looked into the guy and what he was doing around the time he sent it?

Orange_Circle ago

That photo was one they sending stole off the web.

bolus ago

do we have the original, from the web? curious if it's the same size.

NotAnIdiot ago

the stupid, most simple answer is that he really did have 480 bbs to get rid of

But again, this isn't his collection. Which begs the question: if you have the collection, why not just take a picture of that?

if he needed someone to understand then either everyone he sent it to also knew the code (unlikely since we never see it anywhere else) or he had pre-discussed it with someone, and was just throwing up a smoke screen.

I believe there is ample talk on voat of steganography in the emails.

bolus ago

well, yes, that's what i mean - if i have 480 of something to sell, in a nefarious way, in a hurry (assuming he's rushed), how easy is it to just find a picture of roughly 480 things worth maybe 20 bucks each?

It could be just a coincidence that they guy found a collection of things which could conceivably be worth $9600 AND was about the right number, and did it quickly, but that doesn't feel right...too many variables.

so i go back to the core, i think he either had (one illicit thing) he was selling for ($9600), and he was trying to do it quickly, or just didn't have time to take a picture of his embarrassingly large collection of bbs.

in either case, it's still strange. now i've seen two other theories - either a baby or xtc pills. if he's in a hurry to unload either, it's not because of his parents, it's because of heat. generating an email because of heat just seems extra stupid.

dunno, and that's all i can come up with. dunno.

NotAnIdiot ago

He's either selling something illegal or sending a coded message in the image file. I bet it's the first one though.

In terms of the possibilities you brought up I'd say a baby is more likely IMO.

bolus ago

sorry for the slow walk-through. there are days where the logistics of what that conclusion implies just seems overwhelming, and i can't seem to shake the cognitive dissonance.

where is this guy in terms of importance? has anyone actually worked that out?

bolus ago

yeah - that does it make it weirder. worth looking into further, then.

NotAnIdiot ago

So I guess the question is: is it just a coded message, or is this guy selling something else? And if so, what is it?

pizzaequalspedo ago

You're not the only one that finds this highly suspicious. Like most of the other pizzagate stuff it's all hard to explain logically and very likely code for something.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't think anyone knows what to make of it. What can you find out about the sender? I would consider any connection to Georgetown Law to be possible shady business. I wonder if there are any other attempts to sell this collection that would add more info? Does craigslist archive? maybe there is a history of a similar ad that includes code language.