Christophalese ago

One thing that I found hilarious but probably totally coincidential, I googled "pm932" to see if it was a username, it's actually a model of Pizza oven lol

28leinad82 ago

That email has been going around everywhere. I think it was legitimate at first (someone trying to sell beanie babies) but it ended up just getting forwarded everywhere, probably because it was funny.

Someone posted it on Reddit a year ago

I know this because i searched this path yesterday and ended up there!

angular_planes ago

This is more convincing than any of the pizza emails. Seems like a someone got sloppy. I've been leading with this email when introducing folks to pizzagate because the pizza codes are used much more subtly. Old but gold.

google_is_useful ago

What? They copied the entire email? I don't know what you're getting at.

CrackerJacks ago

Sorry for highjacking this thread, but could someone take a quick look at this and see if there is anything (you think) to it.

It's not so much the video, but the comments under the video on YT.

Sorry again.

DystopianDaze ago

I ran across that a while back. The wording at the end is rather strange.

Here's some links for him.

He spent a year at the Georgetown Law Criminal Justice Clinic, he oversaw the secure databases there. He left in October snd works at Pew Research now. Georgetown Law is quite close to Comet, IIRC and for what it's worth.

Naalu ago

This is old but still very important and overlooked e-mail. You did well by bringing it back to the spotlight.

Minetorpia ago

Was it also already known that the attachment wasn't his?

Naalu ago

Well yeah. People said it was a random beanie baby pic you can find on the internet. Posted website like you did too.

google_is_useful ago

I did a rough count -- I counted 40 on the top row, and 12 rows = 480... wasn't expecting my estimation to be spot on. Maybe that's all this guy did?

Either this guy did the same thing in an effort to make his story plausible, or these really are his beanie babies...

Can we determine for certain that this picture doesn't belong to this guy?

southartful ago

Yep thats not 480 there are more than that or maybe 1 or 2 less who knows but I got the same number as you and in auditing thats what we would call suspect. No way that its 480 spot on.

GermanynamreG ago

Pic is from blog of teenage girls Ashley, Chelsea, Kylie Chalfant.

Naalu ago

Dunno, i tried counting them and it looks like its impossible to count them from the picture. There is lots of overlaps, some are in the backgroud and you cant tell if there is a different beanie baby or if its a part of an existing one.

google_is_useful ago

Yes you can, count the heads. I'll do it tomorrow if nobody else has by then.