aztek ago

I love having /v/niggers around. It gives me an easy way to identify the subhumans that frequent voat so I can avoid engaging them.

Cooner_McCloud ago

This thread is quite informative to me.

I left v/niggers because of the (((mods))) there. Every time the community voted to allow free speech about one thing or another, the will of the voters would only last a few days, before some mod stickied a tedious post that presented just the opposite point of view. The white nationalist hating mod (((bojangles))) is/was either an alt for EugeneNix, or a close associate - he goes to faggot subverses, and may be a homosexual Jew like EugeneNix.

I mention the queer aspect because I suspect that is the secret commonality that allows the hostile mods to persuade the powers that be to put them into mod positions.

Then there is WD_40, who I called out for being a new incarnation of 1icemonkey, in turn an incarnation of Josh Goldberg.

I gave up on voat's Coonburg due to the fact that no matter how many times or how strongly the community voted for something, the mods began Jewing everybody by presenting lots of just the opposite stuff a short time later.

In point of fact, though, it hasn't done me any harm. I have been enjoying myself immensely making strafing runs and raids all across the internet on forums and comments sections that have much wider audiences. I have been posting links to the DailyStormer, InfoStormer, New Observer Online and Red Ice radio or Red Ice TV all over cyberspace.

It's better to not waste one's comments on a tiny sub.

However, I do sometimes see some killer news stories - often rather comical - that are relevant to niggers, and now that I know that v/Coonshire exists, I will post the best ones there.

Spark_Plugg ago

It would appear they "Canceled Cat-Facts"

GrumpyOldCunt ago



flyawayhigh ago

Free speech has always been a liberal value. (Note: I did not say "leftist.")

It has only been in the internet age, and only the past few years that conservatives have picked up the mantle (and only in certain areas btw).

These censors (I'm looking at you Reddit) are either conservative (as in the mass domain purge at r-politics) or paranoid partisans (aka Democrats). They are definitely not liberals.

You don't just take away the free speech element of liberal and hand it to conservative based on some short-term fluke of history. This reversal so totally confuses the concepts as to remove all meaning from the words -- and that means we can no longer communicate.

I read through this thread yesterday. I have never been and would never go to the subverse in question, and would not even use the word except in unusual circumstances; but what happened to the subverse was absolutely wrong, and I am glad that @PuttItOut intervened. This is like the ACLU representing the KKK -- the concept is more important than what we think of the community.

I am still suggesting that the admins create a standard process for dealing with moderator abuses. :)

SandorClegane ago

Yup, there's a reason the term "Classical Liberal" exists after all.

InnocentBystander ago

Preach it brother.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers what the word is supposed to mean. I've taken to referring to myself as a 'classic liberal' so most people will understand that I don't mean a modern authoritarian lefty. On this chart I would be found a little lower than the Gandhi dot. It bugs me when the authoritarian types use the liberal name. It wrecks our image.

A liberal would never try to shut down a sub. Like you, I have /v/niggers blocked, and never visited it.
But when I found out what was going on, I got pretty worked up over it.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Evelyn Beatrice Hall.

DoomMantia ago


Viropher ago

Popular speech doesnt need to be protected,its the unpopular speech that needs protections. I think it applies here.


The people who hate free speech tend to make encroachments on unpopular speech to solidify their control, so what you are saying here makes complete sense: this rogue mod targeted unpopular speech first but probably would have branched out to implement or advocate censorship of popular speech next.

Viropher ago

Censorship breeds only more censorship.

PuttItOut ago

I don't lean any way, that way I never risk falling on my face.

AlphaWookie ago


InnocentBystander ago

It gives a good image as far as I am concerned. It shows that we practice free speech rather than just claim it.

Anyone who is scared off by it is not likely to be happy in a non censored environment anyway.

InnocentBystander ago

You're on the wrong site if you think purging is the way to deal with opinions you don't like.

I don't really even care to go in there

That is the better way to deal with it.

HenryDavidThoreau ago

Its not a toe in the water. There's an evil dick in the water and its shooting out death jizz.

luckyguy ago

That is a niche sub. Niche subs with odd names should be able to have more mod control if that's what the mod is going for. Nothing I ever created had but that's just my approch to leave things open.

What we don't want is a mod of /v/niggers to say if you don't like it you can go to /v/niggerz. That's rediculous that the main sub would be something that more informed users wouldn't go to.

When we first had this discussion and the community developed the concept of ousting bad mods before /v/protectvoat even existed (it was created in the same events) we developed the concensus was that we were going to allow circlejerk subs. The fact that it's a circlejerk sub with politics you don't agree with is happenstance.

BTW, I'm pro-gun and a gun owner.

The fact that the /v/niggers mod openly admitted he was trying to ruin the sub and make it unusable is the main reason to remove him, that and the banning of people that argue the point of the sub too well.

peacegnome ago

when a sub is created it's the owner's job to guide it in the direction they want it to go. once it is headed in that direction, and has gained popularity, the sub belongs to the contributors (even if it is still controlled by the mods), and to change things at that point is very shitty, and is most likely malicious. This goes triply for mods that weren't even there for the build up of the sub (aka almost all of reddit).

It is very similar to the tactic that the powermods on reddit use to censor content:

  1. article that you disapprove of gets popular
  2. kill it by saying that they forgot a period at the end of the title
  3. claim it isn't censorship because they let through less popular posts with the same subject
  4. people who added to the discussion are now silenced, and only the new, lower quality discussions remain
  5. if those gain popularity then rinse and repeat

Chiefpacman ago

Ah. Good then!

Bluetoothache ago

I don't agree with niggers but if they get censored then voat is just like reddit. Keep niggers free to say what they want.

intrepiddemise ago

"The characteristic of a well-bred man is to converse with his inferiors without insolence, and with his superiors with respect and with ease." - The Earl of Chesterfield, 1748

Antiracist10 ago

intrepiddemise ago

You might be replying to the wrong person. I was merely providing a source for the quote /u/jkeller4000 was paraphrasing.

Antiracist10 ago

I'm making fun of Crensch who considers quoting anyone, using dictionaries and encyclopedias, or citing international communities of academics, an appeal to authority

My link shows him saying I appealed to authority because I referenced "The unexamined life is not worth living."

If you give a source, he complains about appeal to authority.

If you don't give a source, he demands you back up your view with an authority.

If you use your own words, he complains they're too big.

If you insult him, he claims you can't use big words.

If you use plain language, he will insist that reason is not science and so he doesn't have to consider words.

Crensch is a fucking idiot.

And his entire worldview boils down to an appeal to authority: "lol I don't have to think because Richard Dawkins and Laurence Krauss told me so!!!!!"

intrepiddemise ago

I was not involved in the conversation you had in an unrelated thread with someone to which I am unfamiliar and to which I, to the best of my knowledge, have never even replied. I'm not sure why you're trying to rope me into your personal grievance with some random Voat user that I don't know. I want nothing to do with the argument between you two. I was just trying to be helpful to a user in this thread.

Ina_Pickle ago

Maybe if we tag @atko and @putitout enough, this will reach them through all the stuff in their inbox.

PuttItOut ago

I've had enough of this!

This is the second time this particular sub has been hijacked with malicious intention.

Voat will not stand for this behavior, even if it is against a sub that is a thorn around Voat's head and literally hurts our public image. We debated letting this sub die out to help Voat's image, but it is against our principles to allow for this to happen. Hence we've acted.

I've purged all mods on this sub.

HenryCorpIncLLC ago

I've warned you guys that this is what happens when we tolerate users like @HenryCorp. He's been bragging about what he's done to the sub: Why is he still tolerated? There is huge support for action to be taken.

Techius ago

It's a private sub though. I'd support you if it were to be a public one. Since it's a private one though, shouldn't you keep your nose out of any subs business?

kltpzyxm ago

While i think the sub is repugnant and the values it espouses are outdated at best, i applaud you for maintaining fairness sitewide. That's why voat works. Thats why we thrive. you guys rock.

Hilarious_Exception ago

This is why I'm sticking with you guys. I dislike that sub, but by god let the users do whatever the hell they want on their own terms. You guys rock.

Dereliction ago

This is why you guys keep bleeding my Bitcoin wallet. On that note, any chance that ads will be purchasable via Bitcoin in the future?

selpai ago

I certainly won't stand for it, and i feel that the frequentors of the sub are reprehensible bigots.

corsairio ago


Maybe when things cool down they can hold elections for a new mod?

Gigan ago

Good choice. Those principles are why I use voat instead of that other site.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Are the deleted posts going to be restored?

Weebo ago

I hate v/niggers and have blocked them. However, I completely stand behind their right to exist. Thank you for putting principles above politics.

YRU2 ago

I second that!

New_years_day ago

These fucking guys deserve some type of prestigious award. What you just said and did is the very foundation that free speech and freedom in general was built on.

I may not agree with v/niggers but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a voice.


pissed ago

Hate the sub but love your sentiment. You're doing a great job.

Owlchemy ago

Thanks ... this a sub i personally avoid, my choice ... but I'm thrilled Voat has chosen to stick to the guiding principles of free speech where legal. That's what makes this place special to so many of us!

ginganinja ago

Even as a nonparticipant of /v/niggers, Voat admins are the best kind of admins.

FeelinFroggy ago

That was a downright upstanding thing to do, PuttitOut. Absolute kudos for actually being unbiased with this and not steering your decisions based around an agenda. Thank you. This is a kind of shining example of how to do things right.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

when the ruler of the goats' freeze peach is also a goat, then all the goats are happy!

all the upgoats over here folks! this is what a socnet looks like that bucks trends and outlasts competition and cycles.

goatboy ago

I do not support that subs message, I stand for its right to exist, if for no other reason than it is an opportunity for compassion and forgiveness. Well done and I applaud you sir.

Girthcontrol ago

Good man - these are the values that make Voat a great place.

squataclops ago

Thank you! You really did the right thing even though I don't view the sub mentioned. This is what will keep voat alive and well.

PM_nudes_pls ago

I knew you would pull thorough! I also dislike the sub and dont agree with it, but its the principal that counts. its also nice to see those niggerfaggot SJW mods burn.

goatsandbros ago

Thank you.

It's scary that it was considered to allow cancer to survive in any part of Voat, but it's reassuring that the more reasonable thoughts prevailed.

Please, PLEASE never become shady like The Site We Shall Not Name. Openness, reason, tolerance of unpalatable ideas, and universal support otherwise for free speech is the only thing that will allow us to survive here, and inoculates us from deadly cancer.

sixart ago

A devotion to freedom of expression is essential to creating a forum for all ideas to be discussed. Thank you!

thrus ago

Futurama: A Taste of Freedom - December 22, 2002

Old Man Waterfall: I don't condone what Dr. Zoidberg did but I'll fight tooth and nail for his freedom to do it

Boyakasha ago

Thanks for doing this. You're the man. Hopefully this puts an end to this issue for a while. Any chance of having more elaborate mod logs to see who's promoting these jackasses in the first place?

Cynabuns ago

Thank you!

Please also see PM concerning discovered exploit.

piratse ago

@atko and @puttitout just take a look at the mods comments itt, please step in and permaban him.

eagleshigh ago

No idea who you are.

eagleshigh ago

I agree. The admins doing nothing is even more disappointing.

Simpleusername ago

Niggers gonna nig...

eagleshigh ago

He hates me because I "make us look bad".

0fsgivin ago

Well can stankybawlz go the fuck back as well?

0fsgivin ago

That does look pretty fishy. Cant stand /v/niggers for the most part. But censorship should not be tolerated.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

I hate this sub. BUT, their drama does bring up a good point. Revisiting the discussion of mods vs. auto system admins. Users are flowing in from Reddit and requesting to be mods for subs they claim are "abandoned". These subs are not abandoned, it's just in the spirit of Voat, most mods refuse to be heavy handed. They let voatng up or down determine the content. I just had this same discussion yesterday with a voater sub request.

Pattoe ago

Excuse me, but I'm a mod and you're not. Who are you to say who the authority is here?

This is a quote from over of the mods concerned.

This is hilarious.

They're going to learn how Voat has dealt with losers who think being a mod gives them any power whatsoever.

Not the first mods who have been put down, won't be the last. Idiots :D

Give them the hoof out the door, @atko

InnocentBystander ago

@Atko @Puttitout

I've never pinged you over drama before, but this needs to be dealt with.
The sub may not be a favorite, but it deserves the same right to exist as the rest. And some of the effected users are good users. /u/CANCEL-CAT-FACTS is one of Voats MVPs. He's one of the top contributors in /v/videos, and other subs. He's also well known and friendly in comments.

This was a hostile takeover of a community, and now the trolls seem to be trying to erase the history. This can not stand. It goes against everything many of us have worked for.

MorpheusGodofDreams ago

I see

mamwad ago

Why can't people just shitpost in subs they don't like until they get the ben like I do?

Ina_Pickle ago

And this is why I like you, even when I don't.

Pawn ago

This is happening to /v/niggers, I fail to see the problem? If something happens to someone I dislike there is no problem.

TH3_1D10T ago

At first they came for v/niggers to silence their speech...

Pawn ago

they come for /v/OldTech or /v/TheRightInAction and problems will appear.

eagleshigh ago

Get a load of this goy. Can't refute facts buddy.

Pawn ago

sorry that your safe space is under attack bud, tough shit, Man up and do something about it.

eagleshigh ago

Implying I need a safe space to spread my views.

Lets discuss race realism. Are my beliefs bullshit?

Pawn ago

to an extent they are and they are based off boxing off people based off skin color into tiny boxes that make it easier to understand them. There MIGHT be a grain of truth somewhere, but it's hidden under racism and bullshit.

Antiracist10 ago

I have shown eagleshigh his beliefs are bullshit. Idiot racists don't listen to reason.

He should be thanking me for not doxing him on my latest attack. But he goes right back to insulting philosophy and repeating his bullshit refuted views.

Pawn ago

lets not go around doxing people. Thats where you lose my support in a war of ideals. Shame them on the internet and let them run away tail tucked.

Al_Rubyx ago

Lol nice way to change your tune in 4 days.

Pawn ago

I never changed my might have gone a little crazy and confused me with someone from the rage you experienced at failing to secure information.You seem to think I'm FOR doxxing little ethan, im really not, and I couldn't care less. Other users here disagree though. ;)

Al_Rubyx ago

I didn't confuse you with shit. You act like you're against doxxing then when someone does it to my friend you decide it's funny.

Pawn ago

it's funny because you failed to secure the information. I'm not for doxxing, but if you fail to secure info all you have to blame is yourself. Careful now, they could easily find out who you are.

Al_Rubyx ago

I've been doxxed by SJWs before chill. I don't care, I just literally thought voat was fucking better than that. I've lost a lot of faith in voat today.

Pawn ago

if you think one person represents voat....

eagleshigh ago

to an extent they are

Provide citations for what is bullshit please.

based off boxing off people based off skin color into tiny boxes that make it easier to understand them

The average IQ for a criminal is 84 in America right by the average IQ for blacks in America which is 85. That can not be a coincidence. We see how much crime they commit and how it has an effect on American life in regards to how the media portrays them as Saints in a crusade against ‘white supremacy’ and ‘white privilege’. We see that the problem in the black community isn’t whites “holding them down”, it’s due to their own biology, which they don’t have the average IQ to grasp that it’s them and not the people they blame for their downfalls.

Skin color is also correlated at .92 with IQ in a study of IQ and the countries populations. Skin color was used as a proxy for ancestry and the correlation was .92 for skin color and the rho was .91.

A correlation is a mutual relationship between 2 things. So if the correlation was 1.00, then that would mean there is a relationship between the 2 things being tested. With that number, .92 being so close to the perfect correlation of 1.00, it’s safe to say, that the darker someone’s skin is, the less intelligent they are. You may point me to some outliers, but that is perfectly explained by the relationship not having a perfect correlation. If the correlation were perfect, then that would mean every dark-skinned person’s IQ would be low, but that’s not the case so you get some people who don’t fall into that category.

Rho is a population coefficient or the population Pearson correlation coefficient. It’s a measure of a linear correlation (dependence) between two variables, X and Y, giving a value of +1 and -1 inclusive where 1 is a total positive correlation, 0 is no correlation, and −1 is a total negative correlation. It is widely used in the sciences as a measure of the degree of linear dependence between two variables.

In Rushton’s last paper before his death, he wrote that melanin has been linked to behaviors in species. He conceptualized skin color as a multi-generational adaptation to differences in climate over the past 70,000 years. He proposed life history theory (formerly known as r K selection theory) to explain the covariation found between human and non-human pigmentation and variables such as birth rate, infant mortality, longevity, the rate of HIV/AIDs and violent crime.

So we can see that the darker someone’s skin is, the more likely all of the above variables are to be seen in those with darker skin pigmentation. We can see that skin color DOES matter and anyone who says otherwise has no idea what they are talking about. So the people harping on about how skin color doesn’t matter, it does and as you can see through this whole post, with IQ being THE best predictor of success in life, we can see how skin color matters as well.

There MIGHT be a grain of truth somewhere, but it's hidden under racism and bullshit.

Hint of truth? Kek

Choose one article and we can discuss.

middle_path ago

Well at the very least, I can promise to never do this with the few subs I mod.

jobes ago

Sorry to hear this. /v/niggers got SRS'd, or something similar. Atko and Puttitout have restored deleted content in the past and hopefully they can remedy this. Best of luck to you and your community.

MorpheusGodofDreams ago

Why would you be a moderator of a place with content you don't support?

MorpheusGodofDreams ago

Isn't that just another form of censorship? What are his subs?

EarlPoncho ago

go on his page and look for yourself you lazy fuck

MorpheusGodofDreams ago

How did he become a mod?

ginx2666 ago

Both antiracist and EugeneNix have been trying to ban all race realism and destroy v/niggers for months. Now some of v/niggers mods gave them mod privileges, and look how it ended. Situations like those are reasons why subs should not have more than three mods total, founder included.

smokratez ago

That sub was taken over months ago. It's why coonshire was made.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

I could step up. Idk if it'd work.

hitamhitam ago

Its like laying a brick (from CPG Grey video about phone privacy, but the logic is the same)

If we keep letting them putting down more bricks, soon there will be no place for free speech.

Why don't we just demod them? Removing them from mod position so that others can speak freely.

Removing them from mod position and they still can post whatever shit they want, it doesn't silence them and definitely no against free speech.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

There's a heavy inertia about him. These guys have been his friends for a few years now, and by now they treat him like garbage. I have told him to stick up for himself but he hasn't done it. Sad, really.

watitdew ago

There's a heavy inertia about him.

Was this intended to connote that he is dense?

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

He got it from one of the other mods, nearly none of whom like the place themselves. They regularly annoy and insult the userbase.

And that's the problem. If I were still a level 2 mod (I was, then they kicked me out) I guess I could go for it. But the only mod there I trust is eagleshigh and I doubt he'd really get in and solve the problem.

antiracist ago

No shit. But do you expect me to not have fun in the meantime?

ginganinja ago

How does someone with the username @antiracist even become a mod at a sub like /v/niggers?

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Because the level 1 mod, robinwhite, doesn't like the place or its userbase.

antiracist ago

Jewish nepotism, according to eagleshigh. Everyone who ever accomplished anything only did so because of Jewish nepotism. That's how we can be certain eagleshigh is not Jewish: because he hasn't accomplished anything. But I've accomplished conquering his beloved sub and lulzing all night. So Jewish nepotism.

AtheistComic ago

This is not how contributions to voat should be treated. People's content and comments should not be wiped out for arbitrary reasons or internet spite.

I just had the same problem on another pretender site. Reddit is a shithole and these sites come along promise us a better way but then fail to deliver. Human nature is simple; the idiots rise to the top and normal people don't seek power 24/7.

spookybm ago

Wow! The 10th Alt... this is some Amalek level shit.

Cuckbot ago

@J3w1sh_NeoCon I know you're inactive and have submitted a request to transfer the sub over to @robinwhite but if you see this boot these reddit plants off the level 2 mod spots or even better leave just you and robin white there until it's transferred.

Also @Atko and @Puttitout, I know you are busy but this is reddit bullshit allowing people to take over subs like this.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

robinwhite could stop this at any time. The level 1 spot needs to be given to someone who will.

Cuckbot ago

I don't think he can remove other level 2 mods and the best he could do is get in an unwinnable edit war with CSS and stickies. I don't really know anything about him though.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

He removed confused_teabagger, Gibbsmeedat, and myself right after he got that spot. Unfortunately, the three of us were the only people enforcing the rules. Now, one of the remaining dicks modded that other dick, and Head Dick could stop it but he hasn't.

Cuckbot ago

Oh so he's the level 1 now?

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Yep. He also has Eugene modded. Eugene being a guy who fucked the community over several times.

Cuckbot ago

I just checked he's not level 1. Jewish Neocon is still level 1 mod. There's a bug on Voat that shows the sub creator on the main pages of a sub but if you go to a thread page you will see the current lvl 1 as creator.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Well then maybe JNC is the problem. Doesn't matter. I don't trust nearly any of these mods.

Vimviki ago

Create the sub v/niggest

new_name ago


Voat is fake just like everything else on the internet. Who woulda thunk it?

corsairio ago

Meh, they still haven't fixed @HenryCorp , I doubt they will fix this.

0fsgivin ago

Or stankybawlz.

Secus ago

Looks like is going on a delete spree.

Joe_McCarthy ago

antiracist seems highly toxic if he's not just a troll doing it for the lulz. Clicking on his profile you linked to kind of reminds me of something a comrade said to me once: 'You don't debate liberals. You shoot them'. Not that I'm advocating he be shot, naturally, but the mentality it takes to make a post like the following which is listed as one of his most downvoted is an indicator of where America is heading in my opinion:

We run everything. We let you have your faggy site for a time. But soon enough the lot of you will be taken out by snipers and drones, all legal like. Fuck you racists. We're going to kill all you motherfuckers.

Chronibus ago

I'm advocating for him to be shot.

Tb0n3 ago

It's sedition. This thread should be hung as an announcement to show new members what Voat means.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Sedition according to current case law involves the advocacy of imminent lawlessness against government. I'd liken antiracist's post more to a sort of Stalinism in meting out a state enforced democide, or mass killing by the state, with the surface of legality. He's Voat's Pol Pot it would appear.

His masturbatory fantasy isn't altogether a fantasy in my opinion as the demographic outlook isn't looking good for the mean ol' racists. If Democrats get enough power in this country we could see a state against its people scenario. What antiracist may not appreciate though is that a lot of the snipers and drone operators will defect in such a scenario and begin blasting guys of his ideological persuasion.

The radical left would be extremely unwise to provoke a shooting war. Handling weapons and combat is playing strongly into the right's hands.

Tb0n3 ago

I would argue that it is more acting in an attempt to undermine the state, or in this case, the values held by the community.

Disappointed ago

The sub v/niggers has basically been hijacked from the community and because it's not a default nothing can be done. I'm all for sub creators being able to govern the subs they made as they see fit but why should level 2 mods be able to come in and fuck large communities over like this. The right to create and curate a sub should be available to anyone but once the creator has passed on the sub, the community that helped it grow needs to have a say as well.

The admins here are at some point have to address hostile mods in communities. There is nothing stopping a level 2 mod adding other moderators to subs without the communities assent, even on defaults. This member can be be an account designed to fuck the sub over. Some of the older members will remember this happening on v/askvoat a community with over 45k subscribers at the time.

WD-40__ ago

Here's an idea: if you amass over 200 points in a particular community, CCP or SCP, you get voting power and can vote a mod out or in. To ensure there's no tomfoolery an ongoing vote will always be stickied and takes a full day. Would this be hard or easy to implement?


Protect Voat.

Slayfire122 ago

@antiracist, what is the meaning of this? Why are you deleting posts that are months old?

At the time of this comment, /u/antiracist has 93 scp and -713 ccp. He's a voater for 8 months.

antiracist ago

Crensch insulted philosophy, so now no one can have v/niggers.

PM_nudes_pls ago

I knew you would burn, niggerfaggot. you dont get to decide. glad you were dumb enough not to understand how this place works.

qpwt ago

Who is to decide what is an insult and what isn't? To insult something or someone is not an objective notion, it is determined by those who are perceiving and receiving. One might argue that the easily insulted is weak, weak-minded, and/or insecure, since a strong individual would parry any falsely negative slights and utilize the assessment in true slights to better themselves. Also, since an insult is subjective, it is determined by the recipient's state of mind at the time of perception/reception, and thus can be interpreted differently during different states of mind. By refusing to allow any and all possible views (insults), the (weak/insecure) recipient refuses their own growth as an individual, and thus becomes weaker as a result. They are not challenged to defend or rethink their position and instead sentence themselves to a life of withering intellectual decay.

Philosophy is the study of wisdom by intellectual means. Instead of removing the thoughts of strangers it would be wise to leave them there to allow competing views to manifest themselves for the benefit of all parties involved. Without poor arguments/views there is no need for good counter-arguments/views, and we all need to be reminded of the good wisdom every now and then.

Please. Do not delete posts.

Slayfire122 ago

You don't own /r/niggers. It's not yours to take away.

@Atko @PuttItOut, I don't like pinging you guys, but I think you might want to talk a look at this before rumors and misinformation starts spreading.

GrumpyOldCunt ago

Lol @ this snitch faggot. You're the type who would remind teachers to issue homework every afternoon. I'd beat the shit out of you if I ever saw you cunt.

Slayfire122 ago

You're the type that would fuck right off if you saw me in person. That or your the dumb fuck that tries to pick a fight with the wrong person.

GrumpyOldCunt ago

Bro, I'd knock you the fuck out and shit in your mouth. Don't try and act hard on this faggot forum cause it will catch up to you one day.

UdavidT ago

LMAO a sjw thinking he can fuck anybody up.

go back to sucking black cocks you cuck.

GrumpyOldCunt ago

Mmmmm yeah I love having a big juicy black cock in my mouth. You white boys and your tiny shrivelled pink dicks must be suffering knowing that everyone wants the bbc over your pathetic excuse for an appendage.

UdavidT ago

Ookay now. don't assume everyone's dick is the same as yours. thats awful.

LlamaMan ago

fucking redditors whining about subverses.

It is /v/niggers btw.

Slayfire122 ago

I don't give two shits about what subverse it is. What I care about is getting rid of cancerous power mods.

LlamaMan ago

/v/ not /r/

@henrycorp is a pleb and always will be.

You should give two shits since its the thing you are crying about.

Slayfire122 ago

I didn't even realize I typed /r/ instead of /v/. Old habits die hard. It's been a year since I've used reddit and I still find myself typing it wrong.

BTW, your comment sounds like "who cares. It's /v/niggers," which is probably why people are downvoating it.

LlamaMan ago

I noticed. Also irks me when people say subreddit I mean, the fucking name is in the thing you're typing.

Im noticing that haha, I'm overdue for a lowest ranked comment though so fuck it.

antiracist ago

Excuse me, but I'm a mod and you're not. Who are you to say who the authority is here?

Chronibus ago

You have no authority that isn't granted by the community and we can take it away and we kill take it away.

You and your pitiful existence mean nothing, kill yourself you piece of human trash.

Alybad ago

I'm a mod of SBBH, but so are probably half the people on voat. Who the fuck cares if you're a mod? Nobody. You have no authority in this subverse.

LardOn4Bacon ago

Who gives a fuck if you are a mod? That doesn't mean shit in this community.

CrazyGrape ago

I know we're talking about a specific subverse here, but in general, literally anybody can create a subverse of their own and become a mod.

You are not the ultimate authority figure on this site just because you currently mod a larger subverse.

antiracist ago

Then let them make their own, but v/niggers is mine. I was promoted fairly by the existing power structure. Just because I have some cosmetic revisions and a slight change in the direction of the sub, doesn't mean I am not the proper residing authority there. You have no evidence that a majority of subscribers there are dissatisfied with my leadership. If you could provide evidence that 51% of the userbase wants my removal, then I will step down as mod. But until then the civilized thing to do is respect my authority and build your case.

Chronibus ago

Watch it get ripped out of your pathetic hands.

Boukert ago

We as Voat have a say who the authority is! this is not fucking reddit you puny littleminded powertripping asshole!

antiracist ago

Right, just like philosophers are the authority on necessity, and the international historical community is the authority on the Holocaust.

Crensch, the shiteater, thinks that physicists study necessity and philosophers don't. Crensch, the shiteater, doesn't think the Holocaust happened, at odds with the world's historians.

Bilbo_Swaggins, the shiteater, thinks that empiricism resides outside of philosophy. Bilbo_Swaggins, the shiteater, thinks that philosophers of science aren't an authority on the practices of science.

Crensch and Bilbo_Swaggins needed a lesson in authority.

Knee-jerk-reaction ago

Whatever they say or think isn't really your business. You're welcome to debate them, but not eliminate them. Voat isn't actually full of bigots, but every once in a while, people like you show their true colors.

markrod420 ago

You are a fucking cunt and your actions will be meaningless and forgotten in a week when voat has moved on. You are nothing and your petty squabbles are nothing.

Chronibus ago

You are a rambling idiot, you have no sane points to make, you have nothing useful to say, and your attitude is nothing more than petulant power trip.

alalzia ago

a lesson in authority.

So you got yourself into a cesspit and thought that acting like a turd was the best idea .

On philosophers and necessity two words : cell phones .

antiracist ago

On philosophers and necessity two words : cell phones .

That's about Crensch-level intellect right there.

alalzia ago

Science is our way of trying to understand the world & ourselves and the universe is just too weird for philosophers to even conceive its nature . An electron can run through two pipes and interact with itself at the end of them , no philosopher ever thought of that or of cell phones (because technology creates needs and demand).

In principle, science cannot provide a complete explanation of the phenomena it describes

In principle science is always a work in progress , are you a bible thumber or something ?

antiracist ago

Conceivability is a philosophical topic.

pm_me_or ago

The holocaust didn't happen, but it will soon.

Censuring redpilled people because they may redpill more people is like when you refused to suck your dad's dick because he already came in your ass, you batshit insane delusional faggot.

Boukert ago

This is pure SJW nonsense.......

I personally don't agree with @Crensch and @Bilbo_Swaggins but this is a SITE FOR FREE SPEECH!!! So you take them as they go and let them do whatever they want (within legal limits) in their own corner of Voat.

Who the fuck makes you "the one" to teach others lessons? Who the fuck makes you an authority on what others should think and do? Fuck off!! we are all adults here that can handle this shit, and if you cannot you can always block whatever you do not want to see.

Grow the fuck up, move back to reddit and leave us alone!

antiracist ago

It is my sub. If they don't like it, they don't have to read it.

1moar ago

No, it's not.

PM_nudes_pls ago

lol its not your sub at all. thats not how this place works, retard.

antiracist ago

I sure fucked it like it was mine.

Slayfire122 ago

It's not your sub. It's the communities sub. You're nothing but a janitor that cleans up shit the community doesn't want. In fact, if want to pull the "I own the sub because I'm a mod" card, there's 14 other mods above you, including /u/eagleshigh who is active and in excellent standing with Voat.

@eagleshigh /u/antiracist is deleting everything in /v/niggers. Are you able to remove him from the mod list or help out in some way?

eagleshigh ago

Are you able to remove him from the mod list or help out in some way?

Can't. Only Jewish_neocon can.

spookybm ago

Who gave him Mod Status?

eagleshigh ago

Tb0n3 ago

So you and your SJW buddies don't like him. It doesn't reflect on his moderating ability.

Boukert ago

Says a LvL 2 mod who managed to squirm it's way into a community and then starts destroying content.........

And again, It's not your sub, being a mod (especially the puny lvl 2 rank) means fuck all on Voat, especially if you abuse your powers and start deleting content.

You seriously underestimate how Voat reacts to censorship, deleting other peoples posts and to mods going on a powertrip.

antiracist ago

Allz I know is I came to troll v/niggers, I conquered v/niggers, and I've been lulzing all night.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

@atko what say you on this matter?

Boukert ago

deleting content for the lulz...... Like we didnt see you as a troll/shill from the start. It's nice to see you ran out of bullshit excuses so fast and now call a duck, a duck!

Still it's no excuse by far to manipulate a sub, it's community and destroy content.

As you are finding out, we are not about "the lulz" when we see someone fuck around and powertrip on voat!

antiracist ago

Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cares?!

Fibbideh ago

A lot of people care about free speech, myself included.

antiracist ago

I care about lulz and tonight I had lotz.

Boukert ago

As you are finding out, the voat community cares about this dearly..... You low cowardly, egocentrical, narrowminded, agenda pushing dickhead!

antiracist ago

Shakin' in my boots.

8_billion_eaters ago

Cat...we've been through this before. VOAT has never censored anything I've posted. If they start...we move on. You can shut r/coontown down, but you can never suppress freedom of speech.

edit: where to after this place gets redditified? any suggestions?

qpwt ago

Agreed. Freedom will never die as long as there are those who believe in it. Nevertheless, let's not be so quick to jump ship. We must fight for freedom of speech for as long as we can in places where it exists.


I don't want to move on. I like the people here: the people that post in v/news, v/videos, v/dashcams, v/combatfootage, v/cats, v/JustGrowIt, v/pencils, v/dice, v/fightscenes, v/whatthefeck, v/historyanecdotes, v/startrek, v/NASCAR, v/animalrescue. I like everyone on voat and I don't like being marginalized and persecuted for what I believe or post in one particular subverse. I like being here and I love voat.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I like you too <3

8_billion_eaters ago

I might not like what you say, but I will defend (with my life) your right to say it. That's Freedom of Speech. Maybe you should send a note to the power-mad mod.

lil_suu ago

I've been censored.

8_billion_eaters ago we've been compromised. IRC chimpire next?

lil_suu ago

I got censored for speaking out against Trump, entire profile got downvoated in an hour.

8_billion_eaters ago

Here? On VOAT? ...what subverse? (that is contrary to everything I've learned about this place)

lil_suu ago

Since I'm being downvoated, I'll pm ya' instead

SergeantSlother ago

I think /v/niggers got overthrown. :(

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

v/Coonshire lives on.

PardiGras ago

Aw, a bunch of racist authoritarian cucks are getting a taste of their own medicine. Top kek


Shut the fuck up with your fucking 13 year old Reddit Speak.

Cucks and Keks .. fuck off.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Aw, a bunch of racist authoritarian cucks are getting a taste of their own medicine.

This here? I have no problem with you saying that.

But this...

Top kek

That just earned you a downvote. Go home, adults are talking.

SergeantSlother ago

getting a taste of their own medicine.

When did /v/niggers ever censor anyone, sweetie? :-)

PardiGras ago

Na theyd never brigade to bury anyone with downvotes. Not the upstanding gents at v/niggers. You fucking retard

eagleshigh ago

I'd rather "brigade" with facts to show we are right. Hitting down arrows is retarded.

antiracist ago

If blacks worship God, blacks are people.

SergeantSlother ago

Aw, such a poor little human you must be. Again though, when have users of /v/niggers ever banned or removed submissions from anyone? Right.

So sorry you're angry about having to see a rayciss area of the internet. It's actually kinda cute <3

PardiGras ago

Aw i guess you redneck sister fuckers will have to find another safe space soon, so sad

antiracist ago

When Bilbo_Swaggins was a mod he deleted my posts about morality and science.

You can see evidence of this here currently:

Search for removed by bilbo.

Search for removed by lothar.

They deleted my poetry. Poetry doesn't count as free speech anymore?

antiracist ago


Vimviki ago

It happened several times in 8ch with some boards (the gamergate board moved twice). Report, and fuck the freedom of expresion haters.

TheDude2 ago

I never thought I'd say this, but we have to protect those we hate. Even the /v/niggers people.

Chiefpacman ago


Rally the troops

sniper98g ago

Protecting speech is always the correct way.

The easiest way to get people stop listening to an idiot is to let them speak.

Whether you agree with someone or not, censorship is not the answer. If you want to refute them, explain why they are wrong.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

How? The top mod is letting this happen. The whole place would have to be given, by the admins, to someone else.

As of right now, v/Coonshire is the alternative. Getting our sub back would be better, but I can't imagine the admins giving it to the right person (probably me, but there are others who could do the job as well).

luckyguy ago

I'm not for /v/niggers but I say no alternitives. The main one needs to be run as it's users would like it to run. The extraneous one can be run however. We should be clear that non-major subs can have "mod abuse."

KarlWayne ago

Who's the mod?


The deletion log keeps saying antiracist with some number. There are posts I made months ago that are now in the deleted submissions bin. I have 4908 CCP to post there, but I suddenly can't, and neither can anyone who used to post there.

KarlWayne ago

He's a shill. Not sure how he got admin there. Look at his post history. That sub got fucked. There's a real shift in tone when I look now.