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PuttItOut ago

I've had enough of this!

This is the second time this particular sub has been hijacked with malicious intention.

Voat will not stand for this behavior, even if it is against a sub that is a thorn around Voat's head and literally hurts our public image. We debated letting this sub die out to help Voat's image, but it is against our principles to allow for this to happen. Hence we've acted.

I've purged all mods on this sub.

HenryCorpIncLLC ago

I've warned you guys that this is what happens when we tolerate users like @HenryCorp. He's been bragging about what he's done to the sub: Why is he still tolerated? There is huge support for action to be taken.

Techius ago

It's a private sub though. I'd support you if it were to be a public one. Since it's a private one though, shouldn't you keep your nose out of any subs business?

kltpzyxm ago

While i think the sub is repugnant and the values it espouses are outdated at best, i applaud you for maintaining fairness sitewide. That's why voat works. Thats why we thrive. you guys rock.

Hilarious_Exception ago

This is why I'm sticking with you guys. I dislike that sub, but by god let the users do whatever the hell they want on their own terms. You guys rock.

Dereliction ago

This is why you guys keep bleeding my Bitcoin wallet. On that note, any chance that ads will be purchasable via Bitcoin in the future?

selpai ago

I certainly won't stand for it, and i feel that the frequentors of the sub are reprehensible bigots.

corsairio ago


Maybe when things cool down they can hold elections for a new mod?

Gigan ago

Good choice. Those principles are why I use voat instead of that other site.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Are the deleted posts going to be restored?

Weebo ago

I hate v/niggers and have blocked them. However, I completely stand behind their right to exist. Thank you for putting principles above politics.

YRU2 ago

I second that!

New_years_day ago

These fucking guys deserve some type of prestigious award. What you just said and did is the very foundation that free speech and freedom in general was built on.

I may not agree with v/niggers but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a voice.


pissed ago

Hate the sub but love your sentiment. You're doing a great job.

Owlchemy ago

Thanks ... this a sub i personally avoid, my choice ... but I'm thrilled Voat has chosen to stick to the guiding principles of free speech where legal. That's what makes this place special to so many of us!

ginganinja ago

Even as a nonparticipant of /v/niggers, Voat admins are the best kind of admins.

FeelinFroggy ago

That was a downright upstanding thing to do, PuttitOut. Absolute kudos for actually being unbiased with this and not steering your decisions based around an agenda. Thank you. This is a kind of shining example of how to do things right.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

when the ruler of the goats' freeze peach is also a goat, then all the goats are happy!

all the upgoats over here folks! this is what a socnet looks like that bucks trends and outlasts competition and cycles.

goatboy ago

I do not support that subs message, I stand for its right to exist, if for no other reason than it is an opportunity for compassion and forgiveness. Well done and I applaud you sir.

Girthcontrol ago

Good man - these are the values that make Voat a great place.

squataclops ago

Thank you! You really did the right thing even though I don't view the sub mentioned. This is what will keep voat alive and well.

PM_nudes_pls ago

I knew you would pull thorough! I also dislike the sub and dont agree with it, but its the principal that counts. its also nice to see those niggerfaggot SJW mods burn.

goatsandbros ago

Thank you.

It's scary that it was considered to allow cancer to survive in any part of Voat, but it's reassuring that the more reasonable thoughts prevailed.

Please, PLEASE never become shady like The Site We Shall Not Name. Openness, reason, tolerance of unpalatable ideas, and universal support otherwise for free speech is the only thing that will allow us to survive here, and inoculates us from deadly cancer.

sixart ago

A devotion to freedom of expression is essential to creating a forum for all ideas to be discussed. Thank you!

thrus ago

Futurama: A Taste of Freedom - December 22, 2002

Old Man Waterfall: I don't condone what Dr. Zoidberg did but I'll fight tooth and nail for his freedom to do it

Boyakasha ago

Thanks for doing this. You're the man. Hopefully this puts an end to this issue for a while. Any chance of having more elaborate mod logs to see who's promoting these jackasses in the first place?

Cynabuns ago

Thank you!

Please also see PM concerning discovered exploit.