tjarco ago

@kevdude all HERE links in the text contain a v/pizzagate/ to many and don't work currently

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

This is bullshit. Stop blocking me and removing my posts. Why haven't you removed pizzaAudits posts about you?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Oh! The rules are fine. Thank you.

Sentastixc ago

Ok, but we need the definition of pizzagate before we can give our opinion on these rules, no?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

What is tge?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I'm not seeing a Rule 8. I was just deleted for it, so wondering.

Yuke ago

My two pennies worth:

I would like to see the search feature being highlighted and pushed by the mods as topics are being re-posted in a cyclical fashion every few days/weeks. If something has been covered and there is no new information or it is clear the search feature hasn't been considered, get rid.

Sentastixc ago

It seems that a lot of links are being removed due to rule 2(old). New rule 1

But how about you guys give us a definition of PIZZAGATE? Because as far as I can see many of the removed posts are actually relevant to pedophile rings.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

This wasn't what I had a problem with, but if you are doing this you should just organize the links based on what is v/pizzagate affiliated and what isn't, and leave the direct links in.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I didn't mean literally every single pizzagate subverse have v/pizzagate mods as their own, that's why i only linked 3 in my original post.

I'm stating my opinion and concerns about the structure of the new subverses and how they are housed under one roof. I think they should be separate and you can think I'm retarded for thinking that, but that doesn't and shouldn't make me a concern troll.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

Apparently we can't get on the same wavelength, but for the last time, I understand your idea, just disagree with it. I was hesitant to even mention the subverse I created in the post because of the potential for this kind of reaction. The only reason I mentioned it was to state that it exists and to say it was disregarded pretty much immediately. I don't care if my subverse is used or not, in fact I'd prefer if it was v/pizzarelated, less work for me.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I get the idea, my point is they don't need to be a part of this subverse for them to function and anyone could mod them based on fewer rules to enforce. It shouldn't matter if it is a part of v/pizzagate or not as long as it is listed under Related Subverses in the sidebar. People would use it just the same. The difference in what you are trying to implement and what I'm suggesting is who controls them. I don't think its smart to have the same few people in charge/owning of all the subverses, but if that's what people (not just mods) decide after discussing, so be it.

wecanhelp ago

No, not at all, strictly to Rule 1 in my opinion, and even then, an effort should be made to help promising content get out. Only when the irrelevance is glaring and there's no way to help OP make it more relevant should we apply this exception.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

They are linked though.

This doesn't mean we need the same mods for all subverses. Why do the v/pizzagate mods need to be in control of all relevant subverses? The most frequented pizzagate subverses are owned or modded by the people in charge of v/pizzagate. From the outside, it doesn't sit well that the same people are responsible/in charge of the majority of the subverses. These sister subverses have significantly less rules and anyone willing to put in a little extra time could be an owner/mod for these subverses. I don't see any downside to decentralized subverses/mods. Why is v/pizzagatewhatever the rubber stamped subverse for general discussion when three exist:

At a minimum, all known pizzagate subverses should be listed on v/pizzagate, organized with headings based on their use (Investigation, General Discussion, Memes, Questions, etc) so people can decide for themselves what to use.

I will be stepping off of here soon and probably staying on v/whatever. That is something to keep in mind when adding new mods.

This isn't good enough. There needs to be discussion about the sister subverses and structure of moderation. If people are okay with v/pizzagate owners and mods being in control of every relevant pizzagate subverse then that's one thing. If it isn't already obvious, I prefer decentralized sister subverses / owners / moderators that are linked to v/pizzagate as related subverses.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I haven't advertised it but let @Millennial_Falcon know and I got "k. thanks."

Our mod team is still pretty thin (many of the mods are inactive and just there for redundancy purposes), so sometimes I can't give things my full attention.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

fair enough. I guess all the more reason to not have v/pizzagate mods responsible for all subverses.

wecanhelp ago

I second starting with a concise warning. It could simply mention the danger's nature, and link to the safety guide found in the background sticky. Something like:

WARNING! Due to the sensitive nature of this investigation, following links could result in the opening of incriminating material. Always practice common sense before clicking links, and make sure you're browsing safely.

Annon365 ago

Good one thanks

wecanhelp ago

Thank you for this, this is a much better version. I have two and a half notes, otherwise looks good to me.


I believe Rule 3 should say "Link posts" instead of "VIDEO posts", as the rule should apply to all Link posts, and indeed the second sentence correctly mentions Link posts. We might want to say "Link posts (including video and image posts)", just to make sure. This has been reworded in the meantime.


B. What revisions would need to be made for a successful resubmission

I think an exception to this requirement needs to be made in cases of removal based purely on Rule 1. Mods should not be obligated to spend time coming up with ways to make irrelevant content relevant. As the rule says, that is the responsibility of the poster. In some cases, it makes no sense to leave a "please resubmit..." note as the content is, by definition of Rule 1, undesirable. Spam and trolling are obvious cases of this, but sometimes it's perfectly benign content that just happens to have nothing to do with anything whatsoever. I'd say it's definitely best practice to leave a constructive comment when it makes sense, but it shouldn't be required when it doesn't.


I'll arrogantly offer to proofread the whole thing once it's finalized, because I think readability and consistency are important, and I'm a bit of a literary neat freak. Amen.

Sentastixc ago

Maybe an idea to define pizzagate? How else are OPs going to know whether it' s relevant?

Is pizzagate jimmycomet? Or is it a worldwide pedo ring?

gopluckyourself ago

I kinda hate doing it for some of them but like you said it's a necessary thing for this sub. I'll make sure to come bother you over there when I get the chance.

gopluckyourself ago

D: but kevdude who will I whine at when I can't figure out what the fuck is going on

Millennial_Falcon ago

K, looks good.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You left out an existing rule that I feel is important:

LINK post titles must be consistent with the content of the link, and it must be evident how it is relevant to the pizzagate investigation. If this isn't possible you MUST submit it as a discussion post.

Otherwise, these rules look good. Thanks for your efforts.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Though I do like my rule 3 from v/pizzagatewhatever. People need to know there are consequences you know? /s

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I think the "sub subverses" should have decentralized moderators (i.e. v/pizzagate v/askpizzagate v/pizzagatewhatever shouldn't have moderator overlap). The latter two don't need as much oversight and v/pizzagate moderators should be focused on v/pizzagate.

Annon365 ago

I think it needs to start with a clear WARNING! The something along the lines of. Due to the nature of this investigation, a lot of information linked to CP is being posted and can quite possibly contain direct links to CP. We do not control what behind the links so be very careful that you know the implications of having clicked such a link... something along them lines, I'm sure someone can come up with something better than me just as long as people know the implications of viewing illegal material

Annon365 ago

People need to be made aware about clicking unsafe links to incriminating material, not everyone here understands the implications. This is very important. Please think of a way to make this clear to people old and new

heygeorge ago

Nice. Will check this over especially close after holiday madness. But overall, much more clear! Awesome, kevdude.

belphegorsprime ago

This is excellent. Thanks so much for the effort you put into this!

pizzalolz ago

I understand that @kevdude you are a great mod. If i ever had an issue you work it out right away. Its the other mods im worried about. I was banned for a rule 3 vioation 2 hours before my post was even removed. Whats up with that?

pizzalolz ago

Because you unbanned me 10 minutes ago lol. Something fishys otg man.

justanotherpizza ago

Great job! full support :)

it's xmas eve, so I hope everyone has a great time with friends and family!

pizzalolz ago

Pizzagate709. i was not. i was banned for "rule 3 violation"

pizzalolz ago

I made this account because my main was banned. How could i post if i was banned? lol. This sub is the source. why do i need to like this sub, if you are reading ti on this sub?

pizzalolz ago

So, @kevdude , is not posting a source a bannable offence? @millenial_falcon thinks so and now i have to make a new fucking account. So, thanks for that.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Please provide a link to the post in question. I may have banned you yesterday while mods were unable to delete posts (for unknown reasons, Voat error). At that time I did use the ban as a temporary emergency response to posting violations. Otherwise, I never ban for a single rule violation, unless the user is using an alt account to repost something that was already removed.


notnatural ago

Your submission /v/pizzagate/1514310 has been deleted by: @AnyFucker on 12/24/2016 6:55:42 AM

Reason given: Rule 3, unclear how it furthers investigation. Original Submission Pizzagate Wikileaks (no extra info, edit or opinions except for choice of outtakes) Wikileaks just the email outtakes

§I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?§ §If we get the same "waitresses," I'm all for it!!!§ -message cut short here by paste master-

gopluckyourself ago

So you're saying you're a bot? .... literally the post in question as a comment. I'm gonna just say go with what kevdude said above me and move on

Also, given the guidelines as proposed in this thread, if you were a mod, what would you say to your submission?

Phobos_Mothership ago

I like these rules very much, very explanatory and difficult to find loopholes in.

Good job

gopluckyourself ago

The only thing I think I need to point out about this is that this only shows removed submissions that WE remove it does not show self deleted posts. Also expect to find A LOT of useless posts in there. Cheers.

gopluckyourself ago

I'm a fan and I think the anything pizzarelated subreddit will be seeing a lot of traffic here soon. I will be linking to it on every relevant post!
The only other thing that I would like to say is everyone should know about the removed submissions link so that people can review and assess our decisions to remove stuff. Feedback is very important to improving this subverse.