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privatepizza ago

Just in case anyone missed it, in addition to the testimony above, another incredible one was posted yesterday, one of a Dutch man who worked in the highest levels of finance, working on tasks for governments, multinationals, the 1% and terrorist organizations, hiding money and putting it back into the system within the 'rules'. He said that all the people he was working for were Lucifarian and he would attend rituals with girls and wine etc, which he saw as good times.

He said he handled it for 5 years, until they asked him to sacrifice a child, to keep him blackmailed. He refused. The video is a real eye opener and shouldn't be missed in addition to the one in this post.

AngB23 ago

That video was powerful-it truly explains everything we've been saying. But it also made me cry and lose hope. The ring leaders are the top 1% of the world, control everything including laws and legal system. I'm not sure how they will ever be taken down. Their tentacles reach far and wide and along with blackmail, anyone with slight morals are already tainted.

And I've been trying to follow the money but this Dutch guy proves why it's so hard to trace back. Panama Papers has some info, but ironically, many US info isn't there. I wish more people like him would speak out and actually name names.

Laskar ago

You are correct. The testimony of that man is very important, though heartbreaking. He was tortured when he tried to get away from them.

Many years ago, when I first heard that the world was ruled Satanic, mostly homosexual, pedos, I thought it was too horrible to be true. That was then, but, now the avalanche of evidence before us is indisputable.

awarenessadventurer ago

yes and if you look into Satanism a bit, you will understand that Satan hates all of gods creations and the goal is pervert nature, destroy the earth, make us hate each other and all of gods creation. This is WHY these demon infested 'rulers' all use methods that go AGAINST the natural order of things and molest, destroy innocence of children, homosexuality (against pro-creation) etc... A hard subject to study but it becomes very clear why there is so much evil playing out. It is in fact a spiritual war.

Laskar ago

Yes, it certainly is.

Smyrtz ago

Really makes you wonder why humanity chooses to shun those with the moral fortitude to not only deny this control...but to come forward to inform the rest of us of its existence.

Kudos to those who have eyes to see.

privatepizza ago

Yes, what a horrific experience for him. heartbreaking indeed. And yes, I agree, we're all catching up now it seems.