Laskar ago

I do try to post stuff like this, but Millennial Falcon deletes them. Yet somehow post defending David Seaman stay on the hot list.

GiantMillipino ago

what, really??? i'm surprised at those measures being taken.. sounds like a perfectly sane thing to say, to me. this is very curious and I wonder exactly what he thinks/knows and what he was trying to say..

Laskar ago

It's never been down before. I have followed that site for years.

Laskar ago

I've noticed that Miles Mathis' website is down the past few days. This is so bad. He had such great articles on this topic--his own original research.

Laskar ago

So true.

Not just the banks (all of them) but "modern art" is also for the purpose of laundering dirty money.

idontlikesalmon ago

@Laskar Prince Bernhardt was Dutch, not Belgian.

dutch-justice ago

Originally German, old SS.

Laskar ago

Yes, of course. I was too upset after hearing that testimony.

The Dutch Royals are interesting, and not only because of Saudi oil (Royal Dutch Shell).

Here is a photo of Queen Beatrice with Marina Abramovic

YingYangMom ago

Why would a QUEEN wear a gold PIZZA broach? It doesn't make any sense unless that pizza means child abuse, torture or sacrifice. Pizza is definitely a code word for something TABOO.

idontlikesalmon ago

Know the photo. I hope that piece of excrement dies a slow and painful death, living all the pain and fear she has inflicted.

Just in case you didn't know, there's this piece about the Dutroux X-dossier, talking about the Belgian royal family and prominent Belgian politicians.

On a sidenote, they don't deserve the capital letters in your writing.

Laskar ago

The Dutroux affair nearly brought down the govt, but it was swept under the rug. It's good that there is more press now because of pizzagate, as with the Franklin scandal as well.

YingYangMom ago

Please be careful about Kevin Annett! He seems to have become a globalist disinformation agent. Go to this linked comment for more info:

idontlikesalmon ago

I started to realise that because of the story of child hunting parties in the forrest near Oudergem, Brussels. It's a relatively small, public forrest in the middle of a densily populated area. He should have thought of that...

Laskar ago

I realized that, years ago.

Nevertheless, here is the woman giving testimony. There are many leads we need to follow through.

Let's focus on the actual information.

YingYangMom ago

You're right. I don't think the witness is lying. I have viewed this video a couple of times before, btw. The only thing that bothers me is that HE is involved in the interview and that kinda casts a shadow of doubt over it, personally speaking. However it is absolutely necessary to expose the truth and the perps, over and over again, so as to reach as many viewers as possible, so thank you for sharing it :) !

awarenessadventurer ago

The ITCCS is often unacknowledged. It is something to make note of. International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) has organized a global initiative and a global court to try these cases. Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth and many others at the head of this ring have been CONVICTED in the ITCCS courts. They have warrants for the arrest of many of these elites. They too have been thwarted by the global power structure (satanist) that rules the planet. Nothing has come of it. People barely notice this fact now and continue to use traditional research methods to expose this ring. If ITCCS cannot do it through traditional methods of court prosecution and conviction, then what hope do WE have of stopping it through research? Another angle must be found and I believe it is a spiritual approach.

And another that is widely forgotten is that it is actually ILLEGAL for US Politicians to participate in secret meetings with world leaders ala' Bilderberg. (or any other 'think tank' type group that meets in secret) This is prosecutable, but nothing happens. WHY? The Logan Act states, in part: “Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.” Saturday, 02 June 2012 U.S. Bilderberg Attendees Violating Federal Law, Activists Say

These meetings used to be much more secretive. Now it is a known factor and media and activists show up and photograph attendees. It is no longer as hidden.

Wonder if taking this angle would reap any progress? We have evidence... what if someone were to go after US politicians for participating in these secret meetings? Is it even possible? Other angles need to be found to shut down this system of control. Traditional methods have failed us.

Laskar ago

They can photograph attendees, or make a list of them, but no no one knows what the point of those meeting really is.

Here we have someone giving testimony about her horrible experience with some of these people. It makes the meetings seem much less innocent.

sugarskull ago

It sounds like this partially corroborates Fiona Barnetts story as they bring Australia into it. She also said that the had human hunting parties. She called them Teddy Bear Picnics. Her stuff is worth catching on YT.

Laskar ago

Yes, it does.

Perhaps we could compile witness testimony in one thread.

Silverlining ago

Jesuit San Lorenzo church in Rome, site of Ninth Circle child sacrifices Brussels: Children in nine cities will be ritually tortured and killed by the Vatican-led Ninth Circle sacrificial cult on April 30, the Satanic festival of Beltane or Walpurgis Night.

According to ITCCS sources, all of the top leaders of the Ninth Circle will officiate at the rituals, which will occur in Catholic churches or facilities in Rome, Montreal, Washington (DC), London, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, Frankfurt and Tara, Ireland

Does anyone have a plan to monitor some select suspect persons and places this coming April 30. Covert camera surveillance, social media stalking for code words, other suggestions?

Silverlining ago

@YingYangMom What is the transcripting capacity today?

YingYangMom ago

Hmm. I don't know about this, though. I have read from a reliable source, that Kevin Annett is a disinformation agent as he, took a 180 turn on some very important key factors regarding SRA. He suddenly, out of the blue, SUPPORTED the "false memory syndrome" which was a discrediting factor in the testimonies of many SRA victims trials. That is a big NO NO, in my honest opinion. Not saying that this video is false, but I would be careful about relying too much on Annett's accounts and arguments :) I will look into it in a bit.

CompletelySickOFit ago

I agree that the False Memory Syndrome people are shills and using that to discredit SRA victims is a big no no. I will take his info with a grain of salt knowing that. thank you

YingYangMom ago

Here is the article that addresses this issue with Annett on the disinformation war:


This kind of cover-up tactic also appears to have been employed in Canada after claims of Satanic ritual abuse and murder of indigenous people were lodged with the Canadian Courts. Kevin Annett, a former minister of the United Church of Canada, founded the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) in 2010 to support and bring justice to the victims of institutional abuse. According to the mandate:

Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions. Since its inception, the ITCCS has achieved no such result, and Annett has been accused of double-dealing by those working closely with him. Explains author and former colleague, Alfred Lambremont Webre:

By the evidence, it appears the ITCCS is a fabrication. Some investigators think Kevin Annett is a globalist operative. In that case the ITCCS is a globalist fabrication to displace, scatter and retard community and self-sovereign restoration of authentic society. Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine [efforts]… In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers… [We have] yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exists…

Incredibly, Kevin Annett recently told UK activist and radio show host Andy Peacher that he no longer believes Satanic ritual abuse is even happening. In this startling ‘turn around’ statement, Annett now says he attributes countless reports of Satanic ritual abuse to the planting of “false memories” and “false stories and labels in people’s minds”. This statement is in direct contradiction to his long-held observation that:

“These things happen regularly… They are definitely tied into, not just Roman festivals, but also Satanic calendars. There are certain days of the year that seem to have more significance in terms of human sacrifice. New moons apparently often tie in to those times of the month as well. But the Roman festivals are significant because they seem to be guiding the actions of these cults that operate within or around the Catholic Church.”

Incidentally, child welfare groups agree with the observations Annett now (inexplicably) disputes. Given his sudden divergence from well-established fact, many activists and researchers now believe the “false stories and labels” are in fact Annett’s.

YingYangMom ago

Welcome :)

GiantMillipino ago

what's the deal with Kanye west?

privatepizza ago

Indeed. Your comment reminded me of another two points the Dutch man made, one of which was that part of his work involved 'sheep dogging' the public and manipulating their awareness so that his team could complete their tasks successfully.

The other was that although the public understood that many of the people he worked for were outwardly opposing each other, at the level he worked at and experienced, he realized that that was all an illusion and that they were really all working together.

Joe10jo ago

Also Regina Louf so far as the Netherlands go. Hers is a very detailed and interesting story.

Laskar ago

Yes. I am doing some research on her now.

privatepizza ago

Just in case anyone missed it, in addition to the testimony above, another incredible one was posted yesterday, one of a Dutch man who worked in the highest levels of finance, working on tasks for governments, multinationals, the 1% and terrorist organizations, hiding money and putting it back into the system within the 'rules'. He said that all the people he was working for were Lucifarian and he would attend rituals with girls and wine etc, which he saw as good times.

He said he handled it for 5 years, until they asked him to sacrifice a child, to keep him blackmailed. He refused. The video is a real eye opener and shouldn't be missed in addition to the one in this post.

AngB23 ago

That video was powerful-it truly explains everything we've been saying. But it also made me cry and lose hope. The ring leaders are the top 1% of the world, control everything including laws and legal system. I'm not sure how they will ever be taken down. Their tentacles reach far and wide and along with blackmail, anyone with slight morals are already tainted.

And I've been trying to follow the money but this Dutch guy proves why it's so hard to trace back. Panama Papers has some info, but ironically, many US info isn't there. I wish more people like him would speak out and actually name names.

Laskar ago

You are correct. The testimony of that man is very important, though heartbreaking. He was tortured when he tried to get away from them.

Many years ago, when I first heard that the world was ruled Satanic, mostly homosexual, pedos, I thought it was too horrible to be true. That was then, but, now the avalanche of evidence before us is indisputable.

awarenessadventurer ago

yes and if you look into Satanism a bit, you will understand that Satan hates all of gods creations and the goal is pervert nature, destroy the earth, make us hate each other and all of gods creation. This is WHY these demon infested 'rulers' all use methods that go AGAINST the natural order of things and molest, destroy innocence of children, homosexuality (against pro-creation) etc... A hard subject to study but it becomes very clear why there is so much evil playing out. It is in fact a spiritual war.

Laskar ago

Yes, it certainly is.

Smyrtz ago

Really makes you wonder why humanity chooses to shun those with the moral fortitude to not only deny this control...but to come forward to inform the rest of us of its existence.

Kudos to those who have eyes to see.

privatepizza ago

Yes, what a horrific experience for him. heartbreaking indeed. And yes, I agree, we're all catching up now it seems.

privatepizza ago

Powerful and disturbing testimony from the Dutch survivor. Disturbing and so very real. Thanks Laskar, excellent post

Laskar ago

Thanks, I appreciate that. It was hard to listen to it.

It is such disturbing testimony, but people need to hear it--there is so much to it, and lots of leads to pick up from it.

privatepizza ago

Really, people do need to hear this, and you're right in that there's so much to it and lots of leads too.

I found very interesting when she was talking about being ritually abused for the first time at the age of 4, by the vicar and then her uncle, when she said that 'It took an hour. I was lying on a white cloth, but it was completely red'.

And.. the testimony of witnessing necrophilia. It's incredible to hear survivors testimonies, and.. it makes me more determined to do something : )

carmencita ago

The white cloth. Is that like the handkerchief of JP that was left behind? What they put under children, I believe. I also believe that they keep them as a souvenir. This is so very hard to write and think about. Oh how I hate them.

privatepizza ago

That's what I was thinking, yes. I believe they think it has magical properties. It is indeed difficult to think about and talk about. I think I know how you feel : )

carmencita ago

I just told my husband, sometimes it is so difficult to write these things, thoughts can be gone in a fleeting moment, but when you write it, it becomes more permanent. But then it occurs to me that I am not going through it, they are. This usually puts things into perspective:-)

privatepizza ago

That's so true, when you write it becomes permanent. And indeed, how we feel thinking about is a million miles away from what they've gone through. I feel so fortunate, and so very, very sorry for those who have experienced any of this.

Laskar ago

I know what you mean. That's why people need to hear the survivors speak.