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Silverlining ago

@YingYangMom What is the transcripting capacity today?

YingYangMom ago

Hmm. I don't know about this, though. I have read from a reliable source, that Kevin Annett is a disinformation agent as he, took a 180 turn on some very important key factors regarding SRA. He suddenly, out of the blue, SUPPORTED the "false memory syndrome" which was a discrediting factor in the testimonies of many SRA victims trials. That is a big NO NO, in my honest opinion. Not saying that this video is false, but I would be careful about relying too much on Annett's accounts and arguments :) I will look into it in a bit.

CompletelySickOFit ago

I agree that the False Memory Syndrome people are shills and using that to discredit SRA victims is a big no no. I will take his info with a grain of salt knowing that. thank you

YingYangMom ago

Here is the article that addresses this issue with Annett on the disinformation war:


This kind of cover-up tactic also appears to have been employed in Canada after claims of Satanic ritual abuse and murder of indigenous people were lodged with the Canadian Courts. Kevin Annett, a former minister of the United Church of Canada, founded the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) in 2010 to support and bring justice to the victims of institutional abuse. According to the mandate:

Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions. Since its inception, the ITCCS has achieved no such result, and Annett has been accused of double-dealing by those working closely with him. Explains author and former colleague, Alfred Lambremont Webre:

By the evidence, it appears the ITCCS is a fabrication. Some investigators think Kevin Annett is a globalist operative. In that case the ITCCS is a globalist fabrication to displace, scatter and retard community and self-sovereign restoration of authentic society. Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine [efforts]… In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers… [We have] yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exists…

Incredibly, Kevin Annett recently told UK activist and radio show host Andy Peacher that he no longer believes Satanic ritual abuse is even happening. In this startling ‘turn around’ statement, Annett now says he attributes countless reports of Satanic ritual abuse to the planting of “false memories” and “false stories and labels in people’s minds”. This statement is in direct contradiction to his long-held observation that:

“These things happen regularly… They are definitely tied into, not just Roman festivals, but also Satanic calendars. There are certain days of the year that seem to have more significance in terms of human sacrifice. New moons apparently often tie in to those times of the month as well. But the Roman festivals are significant because they seem to be guiding the actions of these cults that operate within or around the Catholic Church.”

Incidentally, child welfare groups agree with the observations Annett now (inexplicably) disputes. Given his sudden divergence from well-established fact, many activists and researchers now believe the “false stories and labels” are in fact Annett’s.