YingYangMom ago

I am totally for the ethno group preservation without going to extremes and hurting other groups in the process. Peace.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for specifying what you mean, I understand much better now, thanks. The end always justifies the means. Jesus Christ will be victorious. So it is written and so it shall be.

Silverlining ago

My misunderstanding, I think.

agoutix ago

His name is Ronald Bernard.

agoutix ago

Who is he. Will it die before we know?

YingYangMom ago

I don't understand what your expectations are. I am not attacking you personally. My reply was in reaction to the image you linked here. You're being offensive and expect to be taken seriously when you comment things such as

Let's see how long you and your kind, can afford it

"What kind", are you imagining exactly?

"Results beyond expectations"...What?!

I am all about "Balance". Common ground. The more we get to the extremities, the less chance of "unity" there will be.

I understand that you don't mean all the Jews and I know that you meant to say that it is all the media, Hollywood, the Bankers, the Politicians, the Alphabet Agencies et al, that are the "bad Jews" and I agree, but like I explained in my previous comment, unity of the masses is the secret to winning this war against the evil that is currently running the world.

I believe in the family structure, in the respect of other religions, of other cultures and in acceptance in general, but also, very much in nationalism, in the identity of a people, so I am against provoked mass migration and the rape of people by forcing clashes of cultures, wars and so on. Against globalism and this evil that is infecting this world.

If you want me to "get" your point of view, that you feel that I "missed the point", then explain yourself, not by linking images and typing half messages, but with words. And if you don't feel like you want to bother, then, for God's sakes, be on you way and good luck.

YingYangMom ago

More division... so sad. This is exactly what the ones at the top want and what makes them thrive.

kazza64 ago

" the entire world is controlled by about 8000 people who are luciferians that worship at the church of satan. they believe in divide and conquer but if we all rose up against them we could beat them." maybe theres hope for the planet and the people on it yet.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, this is the main message. You captured the essence, well done :)

kazza64 ago

out of all the research i've come across.... this video is the most important ..... because it validated..... everything

YingYangMom ago

Yes, 100% agreed. This is it!

HollandDrive ago

Yes :)

hardrock ago

For a period of 3 years I was a licensed counselor tasked to receive confessions from people who had committed a variety of transgressions, ranging from the relatively minor , on up through battery, grand larceny, serious sexual perversions, grand larceny and (on one occasion) felony murder. Based on that first hand experience I am completely certain, with no reservations, that the man in this video is telling the truth, and that he personally witnessed children being killed in satanically themed ritual ceremonies.

Verite1 ago

God you have no understanding of The discussion taking place and are doing a major disservice to this movement.

Silverlining ago

Was not this burning the genesis/original meaning of the word holocaust?

Silverlining ago

Being anti zionist is NOT being anti israel, - did I understand this right?

Factfinder ago

From Goethe's Faust: A good man, through obscurest aspiration, Has still an instinct of the one true way.

neverobey ago

and this guy was a freemason! ;-)

helpingabit12 ago

Source ?

pby1000 ago

I hope we will soon find out. More people are starting to talk. I really hope Wikileaks has the information we need, but they need to release it sooner than later.

I would not be surprised if it is Washington DC, or some US military base somewhere. I have heard that both are very popular for such activities.

Silverlining ago

Presumably he must have left some paper trail of his business - or colleagues that might give some idea of who he was working for. It [the offer to sacrifice - perhaps he did it once] is as likely to be in the Netherlands as abroad and he wanted to put people off the scent. Belgium and the Castle of the Mother of Darkness would be my bet. Satanic sacrifice Central http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/12/chateaux-des-amerois-mothers-of-darkness-castle/ http://archive.is/JfYOW

The routine seems to be to have a jolly sex party and then the select stay back for the not so jolly sacrifice party. Seems to be the MO.

pby1000 ago

Yes, and that MO is the one talked about in Australia and the US. It is one reason I tend to believe him.

Silverlining ago

@YingYangMom @MrPong see comment above

NeverGiveUp ago

My guess for his abroad is Belgium, France, Swiss, Austria or Germany. But it could be anywhere, at least where's a Nato airport or some kind of very special little private airport thing.

A good star but a big and time eating digging would be searching for castles around europe and who's belong to them. Their background, previous owner, easy access through airport etc.

neverobey ago

I have already found one castle in connection to elite satanic cults in Germany. I will report on that later. But I didn't think about searching for more places like that. Thanks for your hint.

NeverGiveUp ago

Thanks bro, but I already know the story about the castle Amerois. If I remember it was Regina Louf which mentioned specifically how rooms and doors are located. Stichwort X Dossiers!

Infact, the Podestra brother's are like the American counterparts of the Belgian business brothers Lippens, Maurice and Leopold Lippens.



Everyone should know the whole story about the X dossiers. Everything is in... secret service, pink ballet, first mentions of child hunting party's on a Austria nobility property and followed by freaking 21 death on true God soldiers.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sAYOBX7B1Hk Only in german language, hope some of my fellow brothers can translate this for our people overseas.

neverobey ago

Here you have a version with subtitles:

Doutroux and the dead wittnesses.

NeverGiveUp ago

Awesome, everybody should watch this. Devil hitmen had many work to do back in the day.

neverobey ago

please feel free to share this in a new submission! :)

YingYangMom ago

Keep up the great work, you're on the right path :)

CompletelySickOFit ago

Wow, what a great interview. Upvoated and needs to be watched. It all connects to Pizzagate because of the blackmail and child abduction for Satanic Ritual Abuse. Great find!

Laskar ago

A great video that needs to be spread far and wide; thanks for this valuable submission.

A couple of points he brought up: The evil ones have no defense. Darkness is not a presence; it is an absence of light. Just a small about of light can change everything.

This is very encouraging.

He studied theology, psychology, and philosophy, and he said that the most important thing to read is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which he read in it's entirety, to understand what is happening.

I am grateful to have heard this important interview and I will share it as much as I can.

neverobey ago

Go, tell it on the mountains … that Jesus Christ is born (and has been born again)! :)

Laskar ago

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

garouwarrior ago

One of the most interesting sections in that documentation was about science, and how it is pushed as unfettered truth with no little scrutiny by the general public.

According to James Perloff, the Evolution theory was proposed in large part to try to discredit the Bible and Christianity.

Laskar ago

The theory of evolution has no basis whatsoever in real science. People often confuse science with materialism.

Mike King wrote an interesting book on this topic: "God vs. Darwin: The Logical Supremacy of Intelligent Design Creationism Over Evolution"

HollandDrive ago

Like the big bang and the round spinning ball?

YingYangMom ago

Oh yeah. When I was in my first year in university, I asked my teacher what there was before that 'big bang' he was teaching us about and he answered: That is the stupidest question I have ever heard someone ask". Maybe he thought that, by humiliating me in front of the entire class, I would lose my faith, but it just made it grow stronger instead. Fool!

HollandDrive ago

I thought there was no such thing as a stupid question :) That sounds like an incident you will never forget. haha

Once in my psychology class I was wearing a very colorful shirt and the teacher looked at me and said, in front of the whole class, "Some of us can't wear colors. Some of us are ugly." I'm a guy, he was a guy. I nearly fell on the floor. Ah, memories.

Silverlining ago

The main bit of the Protocols as I recall is the creation of a Greater Israel.

Laskar ago

The Protocols is a "how to" for world domination.

It includes how to control education, media, corrupt morals, destroy religion, especially Christianity, use "revolution" to create phony political systems, and how destroy the family unit with homosexuality, etc. Perhaps you are thinking of the Yinon Plan which is about creation of Eretz Yisroel, or greater Israel. The stripes on their flag represent the Nile and Euphrates Rivers.

sunajAeon ago

Still watching it, has some very good insights, its a translation, so you have to read the translation carefully, but well worth it 25:00 is a must watch

neverobey ago

@loather who posted it in the first place confirmed the translation. He/she is dutch.

strix-varia ago

Wow, wow and WOW. This is a fantastic interview. Thank you for this. It helps a lot even though it is so traumatizing for him.

Mbailey63 ago

He is a miracle praise God.

awarenessadventurer ago

ah I see from your profile you are a white supramecist NAZI. I feel sorry for you and your profound ignorance.

Hate is your first, middle and last name. This is why you are here, yes?To spew Hate. so small and sad and pitiful. I understand now and I will pray for you.

Good luck to you with all that..The lessons always come full circle. Cause and Effect will catch up to you in ways you could never anticipate. So....

Shill Away...

YingYangMom ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this man said Zionists, Luciferians, Satanists. I don't believe he was referring to the regular everyday Jews, but to the ones at the very top and Zionism. Oh, and he calculated approx 8000 to 8500 elite members. There are more Jews in the world than some 8000...

Silverlining ago

YYM It is beginning to look as if "the Jews" are being run like the Masons - infiltrated by a small group of Kazarian Jews [who just adopted Judaism when threatened by the Emperor, long, long ago - my feeling is they are the heirs to Genghis Khan - but I claim no expertise in the matter], who through the cover of the group run the whole show.

Please don't yell at me YYM - I know it is a delicate subject. But you're - not you personally, obviously - in danger of getting the rap for the Satanists - Luciferians - sick fcuks - whatever.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for standing up for me @silverlining, but I felt like @MrPong was frustrated more than anything and tired of repeating himself. I can understand that, however, it's such a delicate subject, that it's not by yelling that you'll get a positive response of a change of heart from someone who's trying to make sense of it all. Plus, I have Jew friends and they are absolutely innocent of such actions and don't support Zionism at all. Some of them also believe in Jesus being the Messiah and all. There are many kinds of Jews, it's not as easy as it seems. I also have Muslim friends and they don't have anything to do with terrorism, but ISIS and Al-qaeda pretend to be muslim except that their actions go against Islam. This man, this witness really did see the full scale picture. He connected the dots, he holds many of the answers. Listen to what he says when being called anti-semite at minute 30:11:

INTERVIWER: We have all been programmed, if you dare say you are against Zionism, you are branded anti-semite.

WITNESS: The negative, you can say evil, the Luciferians, the Satanists, whatever you wish to call it, it is a real entity, I have found that what is written in the Bible and not just the Bible, you can find it in so many books, there really has been a moment of separation from the manifestation of light, in which a group went their own way and are carrying an intense hatred, anger; the people who do not underestimate the severity of this are but few. Because this is an annihilating force that hates our guts. It hates creation. It hates life. And it will do anything to destroy us completely. And the way to do that, is to divide humanity. Divide and conquer is their truth. Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them based on political parties, skin color, you name it, then you - from a Luciferian point of view that is - suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power, they can't stand up for themselves because if that would happen, the Luciferians would lose. Then this monster, the greedy monster would disappear. (he introduces the story of the military general)...


WITNESS: Unite. Unite. Come together and this entire shit story seizes to exist. That's how fast it could happen.

What is the moral of this story? He is saying that the Luciferians and Satanists are so few that they have to hide behind a large group of people (The Jewish people) in order to keep their strength and continue to divide and conquer humanity through anti-semitism, racism, islamophobia, et al. And that if the world would come together, all of them, Jews, Catholics, Blacks, Whites, Muslims, Women, Men, et al, then the evil Zionists, Luciferians and Satanists would lose all their powers because they are so few compared to the rest of the world!

awarenessadventurer ago

hate on hater. It is your mission. clearly.

gazillions ago

That's just fucking stupid. When you're being attacked by people who are all jewish, you had better sit up and take notice. Identifying the people who are attacking you is imperative. As a jew you should know that your accusations of empty hate for hate sakes is projection. Examine yourself.

awarenessadventurer ago

you are not educated on this subject to come at it in this way. Its obvious you have no idea what Zionism (Satanism) is or how it works. You have swalled the bait and it festers inside you.

gazillions ago

You're full of shit.

Breaking it down to zionists versus anti zionist jews is fatuous bs. Where are the anti zionist jews. Go ahead and count them up and bring them back for show. And then tell everyone how they should support all the dangerous jews and let them annihilate entire countries just in case.

awarenessadventurer ago

ignorance on this subject is rampant. YOU are a living example of this ignorance playing out in the modern world. Lack of education or interest in truth is a REAL BITCH these days and equates to spiritual corruption. Sad times indeed....

Here is an interview of a Rabbi condemning Zionism. There are thousands of organizations of Jewish people against Zionism. Much to research, but you wont. So here is one view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUppu2OHVTY&index=39&list=PLKEewBx0vcdQkyHWhF4pxML-jdjqzv9r-

Clearly never in the video that sparked this conversation did the Dutchman EVER mention Jews. He speaks of Zionists (aka-Luciferians) there is a difference that you refuse to understand because it does not support your ignorance and hatefulness.

awarenessadventurer ago

this touched my soul. This man is brave and sincere. There is nothing that could convince me otherwise knowing what i know. It is also apparrent that it is a deep an ancient web of deception that is very difficult to contain, understand or bring down. This is why it has continued to grow over time. What is most interesting to me is his realizations within his heart and spirit. There are solutions contained in this that I believe was his primary message to share. It gives him courage, and it should give us courage as well.

His primary message is the solution: UNITY

Stop the hate. Join our light together to illuminate the darkness.

We are not this body. We are not this mind. We are much much more powerful than we know. WE=US

I have ceased to do pizzagate specific research because I see the futility of this particular research based approach taken on VOAT and other infiltrated monitored communities. (that and the A.I. element that uses US as lab rats to reframe the matrix we live within based upon our reactions, patterns and responses. WE TEACH THE MACHINE. WE ARE LAB RATS here on Voat. Do not doubt that for a moment.) The mind control and repatterning aspects of delving into this materials should be proof enough, it has an effect on our spirit and how we process information, how we live, how we function and how we FEEL. It also creates so much anger and hatred within us for the wrongs that are done to children and human beings around the planet, FOR MILLENIUM. This changes us. It changes our soul and our minds. We lose faith. It conditions us towards lower frequencies and helplessness. We lose our essence as we become internally divided and disengaged with the world that doesnt see we what we are seeing. Its part of the psyop of this reality. They are beyond clever.

There is still so much mind control within society that it seems futile to proceed based upon the 'information' alone. This is a spritual war on so many levels. I never believed it more than I do now. This is a war that cannot be won with the MIND (research, etc) it MUST ALSO be a war fought on a higher level. A spiritual level. Until that FACT is grasped by enough people there is nothing that will change. We must re-align with our essence, in awareness and with a focus on the highest aspects of who we really are. Not an easy task, but essential. At that point the control and manipulation will no longer work. It ceases to exist as it only exists upon the power WE give it. Hate and disunity feeds the machine.

Those spewing hate are assisting these dark fools.

This man is a hero and I hope he lives long enough to share more. His spirit is strong but this almost broke him and he still holds so much pain and fear. yet we can still feel his strength and courage beneath it. It is a miracle he is able to talk and share this experience. We should listen to the details, what is unsaid as much as what is said. We should pray for the safety and well being of this brave man and heed his words. They are a gift.

sunajAeon ago

I don't agree Voat is mind control-it is raw investigation, open community, but there is evil lurking, its always been there, just your blinders are off now taking the red pill is not for the faint-hearted

awarenessadventurer ago

you deeply misunderstand my reference. I am not going to get into it now but this site is being USED for other purposes that are connected to A.I.

sunajAeon ago

Well then deeply tell more about what you know, I have no doubt that is true, but to what extent is the question

DerivaUK ago

It's good to see someone express, so very eloquently, the spiritual and psychological effects arising from what we have uncovered; the massive cognitive shift we have all experienced to one degree or another as a result of learning the realities of our world. And yes, this has indeed had an impact upon my view of and attitude to almost every facet of my daily life that weighs heavy at times. We are all aware of the sheer preponderance of evidence already unveiled by this collective information investigative route and we have all expressed our increasing frustration that this should have precipitated action by now. In a just world this should have and would have been the case, but I admit to struggling with the realisation of the folly of expecting that the same current available social justice agencies and systems will act on our behalf when they are so infested, twisted and corrupted by, and in favour of the perpetrators. This short film brought that home to me, once and for all. At the same time, like others here, my acknowledgement of the satanic presence has, by return, forced me to reassess and re-establish my faith in the power of goodness and love that for me is God. But I am nevertheless forced also to acknowledge the reality; that without a united collective consciousness in this direction - an unrealistic ideal as we currently stand - we are eventually going to have to reassess and reappraise our approach. I know not what that would involve, but I do agree that otherwise we will struggle to stop this long established depravity. I for one, am committed to trying as long as I have breath. Whatever it takes.

Silverlining ago

Perhaps posting on voat is like praying to God and alters the vibration.

neverobey ago

I guess so. And this is why I sometimes write actual prayers in here. God is with us all the time. I think he watches us with great joy right now and thinks about us like his grown-up children who finally understood to see the world through their hearts, not through their minds!

Silverlining ago

I wish He'd do a lot less walking by..

neverobey ago

agree on most of it BUT

It changes our soul and our minds. We lose faith. It conditions us towards lower frequencies and helplessness. We lose our essence as we become internally divided and disengaged with the world that doesnt see we what we are seeing.

does it?

Because I am one of the people who found God in this investigation. I have been interested in the bible throughout my whole life in terms of a well written book with many clues to history and society. But when I found out that this whole babylonian stuff actually still takes place on our earth I turned to Jesus Christ and got saved. Maybe the main difference is that I didn't had a faith to lose in the first place?! Anyways, to me (like the dutch hero states) it just confirms everything the bible says. I pray for you! May God touch your heart and strengthen your faith. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Forgetmenot ago

Amen. I believe there is an awakening going on. Many of us have found faith through this. Maybe we are that remnant that is talked about.

YingYangMom ago


unrealisthenewreal ago

I second this. I was raised Lutheran...then went off to get indoctrinated (aka went to University), became VERY doubtful, but my faith has returned because of this. Like that example he gave in the video, WE must be the light and although there are not many of us, our light will be enough to illuminate the way for others to escape the darkness.

neverobey ago

Let's remember the Sermon on the Mount!

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

God loves us, he blesses us all!

YingYangMom ago

Beautiful. Thank you and Amen.

awarenessadventurer ago

I am in agreement with you. My suggestion is that if you do not look towards the spiritual aspect and listen to that call, you will crumble and lose faith. That is what is happening to so many. Embracing the spiritual aspect empowers. Without it we are lost in helplessness and low frequency reality. Its a prison.

I believe that many of us now get that, but clearly there are many who do not. That is our true mission in all of this... in my opinioin and perhaps yours as well.

neverobey ago

yeah, now it is. :)

awarenessadventurer ago

If you cant take the time to really understand the true enemy of mankind, you have no business in the discussion. Hate for the sake of Hate is simply not oging to fly any longer. Get Educated.


"The Protocols of Zion in Modern English

Editor's Note: Some of the tiny group of elitists controlling the world are not descendants of Abraham but are self-proclaimed "Jews" of the Khazarian Empire, who are of the synagogue of Satan. The Khazars are the current Zionists. "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan." - Revelation 2:9 "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." - Revelation 3:9 "WWII was contrived by the Illuminati in order to destroy German nationalism and nationalism in general. The Illuminati also used the war to purge Europe of Jews who weren't allied to them. The Jewish holocaust created a rationale for the State of Israel, which was intended to dominate the Middle East, serve as an excuse for WWIII, and as capital of the Masonic world government. There is plenty of evidence that the Nazis collaborated with Zionists, and that the Zionists betrayed their Jewish brethren during the war. Sabbatean Jews in the West prevented Jews from escaping from Europe. 'Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan," said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. 'It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.' The far-reaching plan is Illuminati world dictatorship. The Illuminati is the highest echelon of Freemasonry, an occult secret society dedicated to Lucifer. The world's central bankers have intermarried with the richest dynastic families of Europe and America to bring about world hegemony. They instigated wars and depressions to degrade and destroy humanity. The American people have been financing their wars since 1914." - Henry Makow, PhD, April 1, 2006

The modern phase of the Luciferian Conspiracy traces back to Adam Weishaupt, who established the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. "[Weishaupt] was backed financially, as are most if not all anarchistic leaders, by a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild. It was under their direction that the long range and worldwide plans of the Illuminati were drawn up." In 1783, the Illuminati assumed control of much of Freemasonry, which secretly coordinated the revolutionary movement (Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism.) According to David Bay, "secret societies like the "Skull and Bones" have always functioned as Satan's church, as the only way to pass the baton from generation to generation." - REMA Marketing, 21st Century Illuminati Part 2: Illuminati 360, 2013

"Freemasonry is a secret society, i.e. the membership is not told the true agenda. The lower three "Blue Degrees" are fed platitudes about charity and making good men better. But, in reality, only the corruptible advance. Our whole society is based on this model which explains why our leaders, both political and cultural, have abandoned us." - REMA Marketing, 21st Century Illuminati Part 2: Illuminati 360, 2013

"The Illuminati (the highest rung of Cabalistic freemasonry) intends to degrade mankind and deliver us to Lucifer as tribute. This is what they mean by 'change."' They spit in the face of God and much of mankind seems only too willing to go along." - Former 32 Degree Freemason, John Salza, Freemasonry Unmasked

The original translation of the Protocols is here.


HollandDrive ago

Do you reject Christ (Jesus, Yeshua) as the messiah then? If so, Hebraism needs to restore the priesthood, temple, and animal sacrifices do you agree?

awarenessadventurer ago

and by the way... you may need to research the difference between "Jesus" and "Yeshua" they are not the same Christ. Not even close.

HollandDrive ago

I know of the controversy. Are you a "theonomist"?

awarenessadventurer ago

I am not. I do not involve myself with anything remotely like that. I am not a joiner. I am not a follower and I do not hold to prescribed or contrived BeLIEfs.

HollandDrive ago

Okay, thanks. You seem to have studied the subject, and are keen to point out that "there is a big difference between Yeshua and Jesus." Was this an interest of yours at one time? It had to have been.

awarenessadventurer ago

since the beginning. my other area of study, astro theology taught me much as well (but I am NOT an astrotheologist or into astrotheology any longer) Its more along the lines of study of the Holy Science (as above, so below) very helpful area of study to help understand the matrix that we live in.

I am most interested in CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS at its essence. It defies a category in my view. It comes from within. Study of the Nag Hamadi is also essential. (the occult side) We can find grains of truth all around us....it is putting it all together... THAT is an inside job.

HollandDrive ago

If you have a link or source or book, that would be appreciated, but no problem if not, I can research it myself.

awarenessadventurer ago

Well... these are for reference, as I say I am a student. But starting with understanding this:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holy_Science (as an overview - I am sure you can find the book free on the internet as a pdf)

this will lead to so much more of an expanded view. Its a rabitt hole.. and a good one.


and then back to the lost/edited bibilical texts, Nag Hamadi, on and on from there. (as a starting point) It is a process.

I tend to stay away from some of the current speakers on Astrotheology as they have taken this ancient wisdom to a place the attempts to disprove the existance of god and christ consciousness as simply celestial symbolism alone. I found that was a usurping of truth (people like Santos Bonnacci who is brilliant, but NOT stable or correct in his conclusions in my view (he is an angry ex- jehova witness)

Going to the original text translations is tedious but most helpful. All of it is good to study and very uplifting and illuminating if you have the patience and interest. These are the hidden teachings that can only be found with pure intent and a genuine heart towards your path of study. That is why I say it is a process, its is supposed to be. In order to develop KNOWING and not just BELIEFS.

HollandDrive ago

Whoa, thanks, this is a lot. I already checked out the wiki page. Didn't know Bonnacci was ex JW, interesting. Have only listened to him a bit.

awarenessadventurer ago

I think he is a wealth of knowledge... especially his early work. I no longer listen to him. He changed and his hatred came pouring out..I got what I needed from his work, but he was important at one point in my journey. His historical knowledge is astounding and it led me into some pretty interesting areas of study. All part of the self led process...

HollandDrive ago

That's the way it works it seems :) Maybe I will check out his early work. Sad to hear about his change, but it happens.

awarenessadventurer ago

The As Above So Below and The Holy Science series are great. A few things after that...

He is also a Flat Earther now, if you can believe that nonsense. He lost it slowly but surely as soon as he became more widely known. But that early work blew my mind.

HollandDrive ago


awarenessadventurer ago

this is one of my best teachers. Sifu Christopher Matsuo of Dragonsgate Sanctuary. He is epic.

Study Patterns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlBjr4VFZ9o

wisdom. skill. compassion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEbpcPChz34

HollandDrive ago

Thank-you, I'll check them out :)

awarenessadventurer ago

I am simply suggesting people are heavily brainwashed and confused as to the differences between a true jew and a zionist. I am not jewish. I am not an expert. But I do know that this twisting of the usupers have bastardized it to the point where this widespread hate for the jewish faith. It is a psyop, meant to divert. This is what satanists do. I am not going to argue any of it, but I will argue against total ignorance for the sake of spewing endless hate. It does nothing, ESPECIALLY in light of the message contained in this video regarding Zionism and the protocols of Zionism. The message he meant to share is again being overshadowed by hatred based not upon reality but propaganda.

HollandDrive ago

I think I agree with a lot of what you're saying, I know some American Christian Hebrew scholars in Jerusalem. You said "we" at one point so I thought you may be Jewish and was wanting your thoughts. There are many "messianic" Jews in Jerusalem, they aren't Zionists, these scholars worship together with them in an attempt to bring them to the "rejected" messiah.

awarenessadventurer ago

You are still confused.

First, hear from Jews United Against Ziionism http://www.nkusa.org/aboutus/zionism/judaism_isnot_zionism.cfm UDAISM AND ZIONISM ARE NOT THE SAME THING We would like to take a few minutes of your time to prevent you from making a terrible mistake that may have disastrous results for many.

You have always without a doubt heard and read much about the political crises in the Middle East in which the State of Israel plays a central role. This is, in fact, an ongoing series of crises with potential to bring the greatest misfortune on the entire world. Tragically many believe that Zionism and Judaism are identical. Thus they conclude that the entire Jewish people is responsible for the actions of the Zionist government and the world crises which emanates from it. This is a Grave Error!

The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night. The Jewish people have existed for thousands of years. In their two thousand years of Divinely decreed exile no Jew ever sought to end this exile and establish independent political sovereignty anywhere. The people's sole purpose was the study and fulfillment of the Divine commandments of the Torah.

The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.

To this day Torah Jewry remains forever loyal to its faith. Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people. This is false! The Jewish people never chose them as their leaders.

The Zionists have deceived many well meaning Jewish people via terror, trickery and false propaganda. They have at their disposal the use of a nearly universally subservient media. Whoever attempts to criticize them puts his livelihood and, at times, his very life in danger.

However, despite the media blackout and easy resort to terror the simple truth remains unrefuted and irrefutable: ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH FAITH AND TORAH LAW THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO HAVE THEIR OWN STATE WHILE AWAITING THE MESSIANIC ERA!

The Creator gave us the Holy Land thousands of years ago. Yet, when we sinned, He took it away and sent us into exile. Since that time our task is to wait for Him to send the Messiah. At that time, the Creator alone, without any human being lifting a hand or saying a word, will bring us together and take us out of exile. He will likewise establish universal peace among all mankind and all will serve Him in good will.

Some religious Jews, confused by Zionist propaganda quote Biblical verses that state that G-d gave the children of Israel the Holy Land. They overlook, unfortunately, those verses which say that He took it away due to our sins. They further ignore those prophecies which explicitly describe the last exile's conclusion as a Divine, not a human process.

The Creator has commanded every Jew to follow the ways of peace and to be loyal to the country where he lives.

Torah true Jewry waits patiently for the Messianic redemption. They have nothing to do with any kind of pseudo "Jewish State" and its aggressions against other peoples. They have a deep sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians who have suffered the most from Zionism's false teachings and barbaric actions. The Zionist state is not a Jewish state. The Zionists alone are the only ones responsible for their actions. Authentic Jewry has and will continue to oppose the very existence of this blasphemous state.

May all mankind witness the true redemption.


JUDAISM VERSUS ZIONISM Judaism believes in One G-d who revealed the Torah. It affirms Divine Providence and, accordingly, views Jewish exile as a punishment for sin. Redemption may be achieved solely through prayer and penance. Judaism calls upon all Jews to obey the Torah in its entirety including the commandment to be patriotic citizens.

Zionism rejects the Creator, His Revelation and reward and punishment. Among its fruits are the persecution of the Palestinian people and the spiritual and physical endangering of the Jewish people. It encourages treasonous, dual loyalty among unsuspecting Jews throughout the world. At its root Zionism sees reality as barren and desacralized. It is the antithesis of Torah Judaism.

There is a vile lie, which stalks the Jewish people across the globe. It is a lie so heinous, so far from the truth, that it can only gain popularity due to the complicity of powerful forces in the "mainstream" media and educational establishment.

It is a lie which has brought many innocent people untold suffering and if unchecked has the potential to create extraordinary tragedy in the future. It is the lie that declares that Judaism and Zionism are identical.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Judaism is the belief in revelation at Sinai. It is the belief that exile is a punishment for Jewish sins.

Zionism has for over a century denied Sinaitic revelation. It believes that Jewish exile can be ended by military aggression.

Zionism has spent the past century strategically dispossessing the Palestinian people. It has ignored their just claims and subjected them to persecution, torture and death.

Torah Jews the world over are shocked and pained at this short-lived dogma of irreligiosity and cruelty. Thousands of Torah scholars and saints have condemned this movement from its inception. They knew that the pre-existing good relationship between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land was bound to suffer as Zionism advanced.

The so-called "State of Israel" stands rejected on religious grounds by the Torah. Its monstrous insensitivity to the laws of basic decency and fairness appall all men be they Jewish or not.

We of Neturei Karta have been in the forefront of the battle against Zionism for over a century.

Our presence here is to refute the base lie that the evil, which is Zionism, in some way represents the Jewish people.

The reverse is true.

We are saddened day in and day at the terrible toll of death emanating from the Holy Land. Not one of them would have occurred if Zionism had not unleashed its evil energies upon the world.

As Jews we are called upon to live in peace and harmony with all men. We are exhorted to be law abiding and patriotic citizens in all lands.

We condemn the current Zionist atrocities in the Holy Land. We yearn for peace based upon mutual respect. We are convinced that this proposed mutual respect is doomed to fail as long as the Israeli state exists. We welcome its abolition in a peaceful manner.

May we be worthy of true redemption when all men will join in brotherhood in His worship.

there is so much more, but clearly it wont make a difference to you if your mind is made up to hate jews. Listen to the Jewish faith tell you the difference. They know. Clearly you didnt hear Ronalds message which is one of Unity. Unity being the answer. The Zionists love to divide. Just like 'jew haters'.

helpingabit12 ago

Just want to add that this man is part of this initiative:

https://deblijeb.nl/over-ons/ (NL)

https://bofjoy.net/about-us/ (EN)

From there website:

Vision and mission

"Central to our vision is a good stewardship of all life. This vision is based on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. This describes a world of abundance and peace. In our mission we are working on developing and promoting ecological innovative financial products and services, which are exclusively dedicated towards serving society. This includes the introduction of the URA as a new currency and natural growth as revenue."

neverobey ago

somebody already posted it and I've just send my application. :-D

YingYangMom ago

Is it just for Europeans? Or can anyone join this project?

neverobey ago

I don't even know if it is for Europeans or just people from the netherlands but I just tried. This is the page where I applied.

  1. register as volunteer

BOJ and UPF are growing fast. Due to this growth we regularly have places for volunteers. All the core team members also work as volunteers. For example, can you write well, have marketing experience, ICT experience or were you a bank manager? Are you available for a minimum of 7 hours a week? Take a look to see if we are looking for you.

YingYangMom ago

Ok, thanks for this :)

neverobey ago

@YingYangMom, so sorry! Totally off-topic but I just recieved an email from Ronald Bernard personally. I will get to know him and maybe work for him soon! I felt the need to share this with someone. :) So I shared it with you. It's so early, everyone is sleeping around here. :-D

YingYangMom ago

Wow! Thank you for sharing it with me :) May God Bless you both with His Grace and may you do wonderful things together. Amen!

neverobey ago


Silverlining ago

Could be the best investment you have ever made.

neverobey ago

hope dies last. :)

Silverlining ago

Always puzzled me what Hope was doing in Pandora's Box in the first place.

AngB23 ago

That video was unreal. This should be shown far and wide to the masses. Every single thing researches of Pedogate has been true e en down to Satanic/Luciferian rituals. I kept saying we need to follow the money, but this vid proves how hard that is unless someone has inside info.

My only hope is others that had positions like his would be redpilled and get a conscience too. Thank you for posting.

YingYangMom ago

My only hope is others that had positions like his would be redpilled and get a conscience too.

I pray this happens too :)

awarenessadventurer ago

only someone who is completely uneducated and pre-disposed to hate would fail to recognize that there is no connection between being a Jew and a Ziionist. Zionists are the great usurpers. They are in no way Jews/Jewish, it is a front and a clever one. They are Luciferian satanists and tricksters. Get your fucking head on straight and LEARN to understand the shit you are spewing. It is not the JEWS. IT IS THE ZIONISTS.

garouwarrior ago

Ironically enough, polls show Christians tending to be far more pro-Zionist than Jews themselves.

Which might be a big reason why the topic has not gained much traction in this sub-forum...

loather ago

As much a I dont like it, a lot of evidence is ultimately pointing to the jews. Atleast the top level people calling themselves jews.

YingYangMom ago

Transcript from minute 22:04 to 26:56

INTERVIEWER: Can you tell me the worst thing that has happened that caused the tipping point in your situation?

WHISTLEBLOWER: Well, that was the beginning of the end, you get so deep into these circles and you sign a lifetime contract, not with blood or anything, to never disclose names of companies, organizations or people, I think that is why I am still alive. You have to stick to it. If we are talking about the worst things that I have experienced, I just told you about the things that made the freezer glitch, my conscience started to show itself. Let's put it this way, I was trained to become a psychopath and I failed. I did not complete the training and I didn't become a psychopath. My conscience came back and the most difficult part for me was, because I had such a great status there; I was a success, I was trusted with the people playing at this level. To put it carefully, most of these people followed a not very mainstream religion. So you have Catholics, Protestants, all sort of religions. These people, most of them, were Luciferians. And then, you can say religion is a fairy tale, God doesn't exist, none of that is real. Well, for these people, it is truth and reality and they served something immaterial, what they called Lucifer. And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me, they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan.

INTERVIEWER: So now we are talking about Satanism?

WITNESS: Yes. So I visited these churches, just as a visitor, dropped by, and then they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn't believe any of this stuff and was far from convinced if any of this was real.

INTERVIWER: It was just a spectacle to you...

WITNESS: Yes. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn't make the connection, yet. So I was a quest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see those naked women and other things, it was the good life. But then at some point, I was invited, which is why I'm telling you all this, to participate in sacrifices... abroad. (witness chokes up, tears start to fill his eyes and his voice cracks) That was the breaking point. Children.

INTERVIEWER: Ok... You were asked to do that...?

WITNESS: (Still visibly shaken) Yes. And I couldn't do that.

INTERVIEWER: Would you like to stop for a moment, by the way?



WITNESS: And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But this is the world I found myself in. And I started to refuse assignments within my job. (Tear rolling down his cheek) I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.

INTERVIEWER: For them...of course.

WITNESS: I was no longer capable of functioning optimally, my performance started to shake and I had refused tasks, I had not participated... the purpose of the whole thing, eventually, in that world, is that they have everybody in their pocket. You need to be susceptible to blackmail. And blackmailing me looked to be very hard if I look back on it. They wanted to do that through those children and that broke me.

INTERVIWER: Is that - you're not telling me anything new- what they do in politics?

WITNESS: If you google this, you'll find enough worldwide witness accounts to know this isn't a Walt Disney fairy tale. Unfortunately, the truth is, that worldwide, they have been doing this for thousands of years.

kazza64 ago

thanks for that

YingYangMom ago

Was glad to help on this :)

Silverlining ago

Great job on the transcription - did you capture it off the subtitles or do you type quickly? Labor of love, whichever!

YingYangMom ago

Off the subtitles, paused, typed and so on :)

Silverlining ago


DerivaUK ago

I've transcribed before - it's a workhorse of a task! Well done!

pby1000 ago

He said the child sacrifices were abroad to him, which means outside of Europe. Where would it be? US? Australia?

neverobey ago

no no no! Abroad could be – and most likely is – Europe, too. We are not thinking of Europe as one nation like the USA. I am german, this guy is Dutch. The netherlands are abroad for german people, Germany is abroad for them. And Germany would be my first guess. Because I know a place where stuff like this takes place in Paderborn, Germany.

pby1000 ago

Really? Ok. In the US, abroad usually means overseas. Thank you for clarifying that.

Have you seen this before? The person from the Scorpions said he attended a party in Germany.


Why Paderborn? Is it an Illuminati party? Where do they get the victims from?

YingYangMom ago

Where do they get the victims from?

Are you forgetting the mass migration in Europe from the Middle-East, especially Germany, Sweden and Norway? Too easy.

pby1000 ago

No. Thank you for confirming that... I am aware that Epstein, for example, has ties to Eastern European women. Also, FBIanon indicated that children are taken from countries that do not have accurate birth records. Richard David Steele also said the US has military bases throughout the world to aid in the trafficking. It is pretty crazy that this has been going on, but now all the wars and conflicts make sense.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, so true...

neverobey ago

Yes, I saw that. I am really glad to get comments here and there from people that I should post the german stuff, too. Am working on it right now. Thanks for supporting me. :)

And I am talking about the Wewelsburg in Paderborn. I have been there with a christian community for holidays when I was a child. Got homesick there like I never did back then. I was scared of the castle, the village, everything scared me and I remember calling home every day and missing my family and home like never again.

Around ten years later, we went to the same castle with my history class from school. But this time we were all taught the history of this creepy place. The Nazis had a residence there where they celebrated a satanic cult. They placed a mosaic of the Black Sun in the north tower. Follow the link to find a description about Black Sun and more information on the Wewelsburg.

I am planning to meet with a shrink who claims that one of her patients has been abused there. There was a criminal investigation to that case which got shut down. Everything they did was ASKING THE STAFF if it would be possible that a cult was sacrificing children there?!? Nobody knew anything about it … oh really?! This place makes me sick to my stomach. That's why I reached out for this shrink I read about.

pby1000 ago

OK! I will have a look. My understanding is that a lot of this Luciferian/Satanic/Occult stuff came from Nazi Germany, and made its way to the US and elsewhere because of Operation Paperclip.

Please stay safe, and keep us updated.

YingYangMom ago

I noticed that term too, abroad. My bet would be the USA, but Australia could be close second.

kazza64 ago

made me cry

neverobey ago

him too, mee too. :(

kazza64 ago

it confirms everything we have come across in our research :(

Silverlining ago

Not a transcript, but some more info from below the vimeo. http://cooperatiedevrijemedia.nl/real-big-money-revelations-by-an-insider-video/ http://archive.is/AgLBa And he seems to be setting up a rival to the current banking system - in an embryonic way.
https://bofjoy.net/ http://archive.is/S2FNE

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for this, it's very refreshing to know!


A cooperative fairtrade pro-life bank in formation B of Joy is a citizens initiative by professionals. We will introduce the fixed value currency URA and as soon as we have more than 10.000 members we will apply for a banking license. We don’t use interest and because of this, we are the first real sustainable financial initiative in Europe. Interest is like a parasite. It causes shortages and crisis just like the current crisis. Instead of interest we do offer: Financial, Ecological, Emotional and Social returns (F.E.E.S), on the basis of natural growth. We invest in local economies and sustainable projects for a healthy and just society. A bank of, for and by the people in which we will manage our money ourselves. For 25 euro you can join in. For 100 euro you can become part-owner.

loather ago

I was the one who originally shared this with voat/pizzagate. I think it needs to be shared more worldwide because its a very revealing interview. But, one must remain critical and investigate further. He says he's been tortured and the reason he is still alive is because he doesn't reveal names. That could be so, but without names, dates and places we still only have a general direction without specifics. I do believe he is telling the truth however.

DerivaUK ago

Glad to have located the OP as I wanted to thank you. I have shared this everywhere and will continue to do so.

garouwarrior ago

Thanks for the link. Very powerful, informative and emotionally moving interview. Easily one of the best ones to date.

neverobey ago

yes, thanks for sharing!

RoadRunner1 ago

need dutch speakers to verify those subtitles.

loather ago

Im Dutch. Subtitles are 100% correct, someone did a very good job.

shachalnur ago

Do Kat, Steve Brown etc,know this.

Did they post it on their sites?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Powerful interview. I'm archiving a copy of this one.

Silverlining ago

Real Big Money: Revelations by an insider Ronald Bernard

https://vimeo.com/212237317 http://archive.is/YZUNs

Can anyone get these archived youtubes and vimeos to play?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I think you'll have to download the video. If you don't have a browser plugin, try a web site like keepvid.com

YingYangMom ago

The vimeo video link works great, however the archive is a black screen page only even without a title.

loather ago

Doesnt work on my end

Silverlining ago

I've had this problem with archiving videos for some time. Anyone have the solution?

neverobey ago

maybe at /AskPizzagate?

Silverlining ago

Any chance of getting all the subtitles into one text and posting it?

YingYangMom ago

Someone needs to create a transcript of the interview, yes. It would be awesome. This needs to be archived a million times over.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

This is a powerful interview. Utterly convincing. May god extinguish these luciferian warmongering scum.


YingYangMom ago

Omg. This is one video that needs to be shared! This man holds all the secrets. I hope he stays safe. I'm so grateful for his account, it sheds light on many things that I had suspicions about. Thank you OP for sharing this video with us!!!

@privatepizza @cantsleepawink @carmencita @Truthseeker3000 @21yearsofdigging @newworldahead @djklbd @rwb @quantokitty @ArtificialDuality

privatepizza ago

Thanks for the ping ! However I didn't get it, so just confirming that. Incredible testimony, unmissable!

Silverlining ago

@newworldahead @djklbd @rwb @quantokitty @ArtificalDuality Apparently only the first five in the list get pinged - no idea if that's true or not. Maybe ask @newworldahead if he got the first ping.

newworldahead ago

Yes, got it

rwb ago

I didn't receive a ping from YingYangMom, however, I received yours, so you appear correct.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for confirming :)

YingYangMom ago

I thought it was the first 10. Anyway, you've pinged them for me just in case, so thank you ! :) Edit: You were right @silverlining, thanks again.

loather ago

Thanks, whoever made the subtitles

Aasb ago

This needs more upvotes!

artfullyours ago

I think this video is very important and may be overlooked. He is totally real! Praise God for his testimony!

PonchoKitty ago

how do I know whether or not the man in this interview is real. Im not trying to refute it, however there wasn't much evidence for this is the video. He could have made this up for all I know.

artfullyours ago

I have thought of that also...to be seen. Awfully convenient that he can't name names. I would think that the powers that be would not take too kindly to what he has said already.

neverobey ago

  1. it looks authentic. But that tells us nothing, alright. But

  2. why would he? What interest could lead him to make this up?

  3. Fits everything we found out about #PG. Coincidence?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Was he abused or does he knows those who do the abusing (this part's based on the title)? I can't tell. Are there subtitles?

Laskar ago

He said he was tortured. He did not get into the specifics of it. He also said he wished he had escaped into drugs and alcohol as a lot of people involved in that did. He said it was through this that he came to realize that we are not just a material body. We have a soul. It was clear if you listen to the whole thing, including the follow up video, that he realized that the battle is between good and evil.

Silverlining ago

Where is the follow up video? Any link, please?

Laskar ago

He said he was tortured when he tried to leave the Satanic group.

artfullyours ago

He says he was abused because he wanted out. He signed a paper in the beginning promising to never tell names and believes that is why he is still alive. That is why they tortured and abused him.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Yeah watching it now. For some reason there were no subtitles when I first watched it.

zzvoat ago

His emotion says everything.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yep, I tend to believe him