Saibra ago

Oh, and I guess you think it was ok that Jane Fonda got soldiers killed, right? Or are you even old enough to know what she did? Shame on me? You need to get a life, I have one, thanks.

Saibra ago

Forgetmenot, I think you like to stalk me. Don't you have anything better to do? Two can play this game. And who likes to tear down people? Clearly you have nothing to do but harass me, but you know what? I enjoy reading what comes out of your ignorant mouth. Keep it up, the more I get rated the quicker I can start harassing and downgrading you too. LOOK AT FORGETMENOT, my stalker who loves me! Keep it up so I can continue to laugh at you. You aren't helping the children, you just come on here to harass people, You're a troll. Let me go make some other comments so you can come tell me I divide people while that's all you do. LOVE YOU MY STALKER!!!

Saibra ago

Screw you. I'm on your team asshole. I'm telling people not to tear each other down and I get this comment? Who the hell do you think you are? Of course I want the children saved, and I am doing everything in my power to help. Take your judgemental self and go pound sand. No one asked for your input. My God, do you understand English?! I just read your comments on this post and you are a freaking idiot. I bet you failed reading comprehension. Go the fuck away. Jesus.

Forgetmenot ago

Hey I am not sure why it looks like I was replying to you. I just read your comments on david seamen and you are right, we are on the same team. I will delete my comments to you, and I apologize. I was NOT replying to you. I am not sure where the mix up occurred but I am on mobile. SORRY for the mix up.

Saibra ago

Thanks, sorry for verbally abusing you. I'm usually not like that, I just couldn't figure out why you were being so harsh. I believe I deleted my comments too, and I'm sorry for them. Have a great weekend. And keep protecting the kids!

Forgetmenot ago

We are just fighting disinformation and abusers of children. Fist pound!

Forgetmenot ago

Well you don't convict based on simple opinion. You jump from a dog confirming a body to it being specifically madelines body. Podesta might have been carrying her body out. Or maybe someone else was murdered in the apartment? Not far fetched when you consider how these luciferians/spirit cooking keep dead bodies and body parts around the house. Barbara bush keeps a dead baby in the home. Podesta is a canibal. The skull and bones society keeps the corpse of a famous french prostitute seated at the table with them. Don't make the mistake of jumping to conclusions. A dog confirming a dead body does NOT confirm madelines body. Podestas refuses to provide an alibi. That is a fact. 2 witnesses place them at the scene. That is a fact. Stick with facts logic and reason. Avoid jumping to conclusions, the facts will bring the truth to light. Podesta is avoiding providing an alibi. He uses pedo code words. Podestas own extremely grafick and questionable artwork. They associate and network with known convicted sex offenders, and pedofiles. Hassett, wiener, bean, Clinton, epstein....when is it obvious? Refusing to provide an alibi is a very damning amd obvious action that sends a very strong message. Guilty and afraid of an investigation.

stellarcorpse ago

neither do I.

stellarcorpse ago

Just so you know you and I are now being accused of being shills for the powers that be here by the paranoid geniuses on voat.

deadly_nightshade ago

First of all, I hope David Seaman is ok, or recovers soon from whatever has got him.

Secondly, the guy seems to have scrubbed all his online content. I think calling that some kind of play is a stretch. Possible, sure, but I don't see much advantage in it. It's more likely he's been threatened. but i see no direct evidence of that either, except the i am not suicidal post.

I've watched his channel, and it's interesting ... but he is repetitive when he's doing pizzagate, and often what he says in 10 minutes can be boiled down to 1 minute. But is that like any other youtube channel? You bet, there's lots like that.

This weirdness people are talking about - didn't see it, but I'm not a dedicated watcher of david. All I saw was mostly pg, one or two bitcoin and one item that was a bit out there, on the mandela effect. in the last month he had two interesting videos, one on the sandusky arrest, and one on mandela effect, which I found interesting but has nothing to do with pizzagate.

abracadu ago

Yes, thanks. I then saw the link then, as well. Still, I don't get it. That first person narrative from a totally "unindentified source"... If you give your opinion on something, make an analysis on something that's fine...bring it on. But to make statements like that to specific whereabouts of a person you need to back up your claims - by identifiying your person and the legitimate links to the person in question. Otherwise it's just gossip and the level is none other that that the "Main Stream Media" is operating on.

resist ago

This is a team work. We all have different skills. David Seaman was very good att getting the word out about Pizzagate. He took a lot of heat for it. In my view making youtube videos seems to be one of the most dangerous parts of this investigation. Our work is useless if people does not know that we are doing it. Some people are good at hacking, others at finding open information, others are great analyzers and finally we hade the ones that tell the World what everyone else has found and of course the ones spreading the info that other youtubers made. Everyone is needed. David Seaman has done a great job making people aware of Pizzagate regardless if you like him or not. Who will continue? Who will be targeted next time? SGT Report, Titus Frost?

rwb ago

You took my smallest detail remark and applied it to a completely different context, which is unreasonable. Mind you, the careful reader will not overlook this. Of course Sandy Hook is not a small detail, but how David Seaman feels about it at this moment in time and based on the limited information he's seen, is. Perhaps DS will change his mind in the future once he takes time to look deeper.

It seems to me that you are unaware that in the colloquial sense the word awake has been appropriated by the community of Christians who are aware that they wrestle not against flesh and blood but rather against powers and principalities and who have discovered that many of the institutions that were long cherished as being for our protection (some churches, government agencies, etc.) are in fact headquarters to some of the most dangerous manifestations of evil ever visited on earth. But I'm a sporting fellow, so I'll gladly concede that in your strict sense, I am not awake.

Ciscogeek ago


rwb ago

With respect to how DS thinks about Sandy Hook, each of us deigns a truth value to any particular story or event, and we build a world view from the various truth values that is going to be unique and dependent upon ones sources of information. If you're only going to trust people who share your world view down to the smallest detail, I can guarantee you that the number of people you are ever going to trust is precisely one. Guess who that is? It does not make any difference to me what DS thinks about SH, and if you are interested in justice for the innocents, it shouldn't matter to you either. He's hung his hat on PG and anyone who wants justice should be glad he did, and let him believe whatever he wants to believe about other conspiracies.

The problem with many of us who are only just now waking up to the reality of who really controls the world and what they're really doing behind closed doors is that we're overwhelmed by the magnitude of evil, and so we begin to apply concepts and use terminology we see used by conspiracy writers in a willy nilly way. Once awake, one has to develop even greater discernment to avoid mislabeling an ally as an enemy, lest we fall prey to the machinations of those who would destroy us.

Question: How do you think Podesta and co. feels about learning that DS has been absolutely savaged by 20% of posters at VOAT, called a liar, and accused of being controlled opposition? Answer this question honestly and you will know the truth about whether DS is real.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Prayers for you, David. Whatever anyone may think of him, he's trying to save children.

Lawrence13 ago

Many here were just awful towards him just over two weeks ago when the arrests never happened at the level and scale we wanted to see. If these incidents and the poisoning are true than the man is very vulnerable . There must be thousands of us active globally on this issue but thats it if voat, twitter and facebook stopped all this then we would be fucked and dissolve -essentially silenced as we have no organisation or such.

Forgetmenot ago

Lol, you are an idiot.

SmilingWide ago

I certainly hope none of those things are happening to David, but I don't trust David enough to believe it. David is an attention whore to the max. We've all seen these people and they're all too happy to talk about how they steal their content from the people and use their charm to profit off it. They just saw #PizzaGate as another chance at their big shot. That attitude is just completely unacceptable. It puts you in the level of possible psychopathy that we are dealing with in the first place. Is David helping to spread the word or is he trying to position himself at the top of a new media empire? Or is he just trying to control the narrative as a gatekeeper? IDK. Do you?

So, I just keep a distance from David and have absolutely no buy-in one way or the other. I'm here for the kids, not for one man's ego.

abracadu ago

In all seriousness, what is this?? You post a whole column of a text in quotation marks, then please give a f**** source!!

In regard to the buzzfeed "hit job", I frankly get more criticism on a daily basis from the girl of the grocery store behind the counter.

gt8h65fg ago

What? I though people who make money from pedoring were Papa John Pedosta, Comet Bing Bing Bong Bong, CrookedHill, Obumba, Hollywud, vatycan and rothschilli.

Naspert ago

David's YT got deleted?! I can't access it anymore!

virtuous_pedophobe ago

You and your friends would prefer that all pizzagate are penniless bums living from paycheck to paycheck.

21yearsofdigging ago

Did I say

virtuous_pedophobe ago

It is a shame how easily the truther community is manipulated to attack itself, basically everybody who is high profile - no matter whether it's Alex Jones, David Seaman or Ryan from Pizzagategear:

If you talk too much about Pizzagate and have a high profile, you will be attacked on voat.

21yearsofdigging ago

That's me!! Love it when people attack me personally and call me a pussy. I mean, who wouldn't??

21yearsofdigging ago

WTF?? Who else was talking about pizzagate everyday other than Seaman?? All this does is make me like that guy more. A guy I NEVER used to like. Wow! What a bunch of hate! What about MSm denying Pizzagate?? You aren't angry about that?? What if Seaman made like what, 2000 dollars a month for his youtube. So fucking what? I have a friend who has a very successful youtube account and she doesn't make all kinds of cash. Her life is shitty and she struggles but she makes videos because she cares, not for the measly money she gets. Seen this before, broke people that are accused of cashing in but they make very little money from it If you are sincere then research how much money a youtuber can make for say, 100,000 subscribers.It is not that much money

Pokes ago

Everyone does not play a part. what sort of no one gets picked last bullshit is that? Take your enabling the shills and straw-men attitude and stuff it up your Seaman fanboi ass! People's criticisms of him are valid, he has actually contributed nothing to the investigation while playing the martyr card constantly and profiting from the exposure he's garnered recycling other people's nerf'ed findings. I personally believe he's controlled opposition, but do not consider it beyond the realm of possibility that he's just a shameless opportunist. Enjoy your buzzwords and your misrepresentation of why many, myself included, do not trust the guy.

21yearsofdigging ago

Of course you are. Fuc off!! Why oh why are you still around. Did Langley give you a pat on the back or a raise. Fuc off armyseer

21yearsofdigging ago

Fuc off!! Saul Alisnky ain't working for you, send in some real men

Forgetmenot ago

Get a life. You seem obsessed.

Forgetmenot ago

You are pedomprotector who use divide and conquer techniques to confuse people. You will reap what you sow.

21yearsofdigging ago

Take notes people. This is classic divide and conquer. Fuc you LeHappyMerchant. Like I said, Saul Alinsky doesn't work anymore. Oh yeah, did I mention, Fuc off!

Forgetmenot ago

Why are you jeolous shill?

Waltherchick3118 ago

It's comforting to know there are others out there...thank you for stepping forward. My case ids not over but I made sure I took advantage of the local laws so I could document the crap out of it...and they have a lot of explaining to do....Definitely strengthened my faith in God. I decided to distribute copies in case something happens to me... My father...37 yrs of service to this Country...and it wasn't until now I can state sincerely...that I am my father's daughter. I am with you and have your back. Thank you for walking the talk....

Forgetmenot ago

Go find a purpose in life that does not revolve around focusing on david seaman you seem like a loser.

Saibra ago

Who's the loser, Forgetmenot? And on what basis? Oh, let me stop my life because some TROLL on Voat called me a loser. I'm sure you would know, wouldn't you?

Forgetmenot ago

Yawn....your rants are not only boring but unconvincing.

stellarcorpse ago

Sounds to me like he needs anti anxiety meds. ASAP.

CipherPuppet ago

If he was in it for the money, he may never surface. However, if he is sincere, he will do interviews within days. The great cyber weighing in begins..Tick Tock.

sentryseven ago

What a joke.

stellarcorpse ago

Sure this video that came out today did not help.

Rightfight ago

David Seaman ,is more use than not . I couldn't give a shit if he is trying to make money off it , or whatever . The guy brings alot of attention to the subject , by a more mainstream audience. Which is what we need . Not Conspiracy people who are already understand . Conspiracy channels are snubbed and thought of as a joke .

becki_p20 ago

Right. I agree. Honestly, I think David deserves to make money from what he does. Journalists spreading fake news earn money. So why can't he? David exposes a lot. I just pray for his safety and protection

NoBS ago

Voat is bot central and this human wishes you luck. Sad how personal attacks with innuendo can shut down open dialogue.

CynthiaGlass ago

So sorry to hear this. In my prayers. 24/7.

Rhino7682 ago

Max spiers symptoms?


And v/PIZZAGATE has jumped the .... all the bickering in here is disgusting.

So what if this seaman guy is IC or if he just really is a JOURNALIST ! either way he can't be any worse than say Alex Jones or aTrump as those two can't seem to do no wrong amongst the current landscape that is called the "Conspiracy community " ! Any true conspiracy theorist would never put there trust in any of these guys.

people bickering here and saying hurtful things about another man who really hasn't done know harm in the grand scheme of things are considered an enemy in my eyes. DIsgusting humans you all are who do this.

rwb ago

Let's parse this out a bit further.

It is a virtual certainty that VOAT is read by some directly involved in Pizzagate, i.e., certain perpetrators. After all, they know this has become the clearing house for all leads, so it is in their interest to stay on top of revelations. It is also a virtual certainty that some directly involved in PG are also posting here, as the only direct way to combat the VOAT/PG mission is to subvert it and create discord in any way, shape, or form. And finally, it is a virtual certainty that the aforementioned would exploit any opportunity to sabotage anyone bringing attention to PG, like David Seaman. Therefore, I have a sincere question for all those who have savaged David Seaman in this thread.

How can we (meaning those of us who either like DS or are neutral and refrain from knocking him because we know that any PG press is good press) distinguish well intentioned PG truth seekers - who merely dislike or despise DS - from those who are actually involved in PG and are posting in this thread to sabotage and cause infighting?

I am genuinely open to hearing how I can distinguish which of you are subversive agents and which of you are good people who happen to hate DS.

starseedlover ago

I wouldn't use the word "hate" for people that question DS. I think his behavior is worth looking at to show us how one's ego can get the best of them and start to taint the Truth that underlies all our efforts. Look at how he lies (edit: claiming he's being targeted by bad guys, etc) and emotionally manipulates his audience. Do the ends justify the means? Why is he always in constant crisis dating back to 2007?

If someone cares about Truth, and they are using dishonest methods and manipulation tactics to generate buzz, then are they being truthful in their efforts? Does he embody the values he is promoting?

rwb ago

The range of emotion expressed for DS in this thread runs from admiration to wicked contempt. The word hate perfectly describes a number of comments and my usage of the word is perfect and proper in the context of my argument. Personally, I don't care if Seaman - or anyone else for that matter - declares themselves grand general of the PG army. If they're moving my agenda forward, they have my full support. I am not threatened if someone is stealing the limelight, if they're moving my agenda forward. If they're moving my agenda forward, they are doing anything and everything they can to generate buzz.

My agenda is justice for the innocents.


WHoa Yes ! VOat member that have an open mind ! Refreshing to see!

gt8h65fg ago

Hi buzzfeed writer. Get a life dude.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Buzzfeed sucks AIDS dicks.

I don't know whether DS is really as claimed in this posting, or if this is a publicity stunt. If he is really in this condition, I am deeply saddened to hear it and am ready to help if there's anything little ol' me can do. If not, then... yeah, no need to even articulate that.


Exactly upvoat

crashing_this_thread ago

Respect. He has probably done more to save America in three months than any politician has in three decades.

Simply by adding his name to pizzagate gives it credibility. He might not contribute the most to the research, but he vets it.

HarveyKlinger ago


Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?! Each of your three sentences is complete and utter bullshit. Let's rethink them individually:

  1. He has probably done more to save America in three months than any politician has in three decades.
  2. Simply by adding his name to pizzagate gives it credibility.
  3. He might not contribute the most to the research, but he vets it.

Holy shit you need help.

madmanpg ago

Enough of this. He keeps ramping up the crap every week and his history of being a grifter speaks for itself.

starseedlover ago

David Seaman is manipulating your empathy for his own personal gain. I say this as someone who was initially a fan of his but slowly became less enamored with him as his videos got progressively more self promotional, vitriolic, and salesy. I couldn't really watch him anymore because it seemed like he wasn't adding anything of value, but just seemed to be picking fights and acting like everyone was against him.

You know what kind of people always try to get you to feel sorry for them? Sociopaths. Look up the book the "Sociopath Next Door."

We can all agree he has given Pizzagate exposure, but so do people like James Woods and Joe Rogan. But now he just seems to be hurting the investigation with these antics. I feel like it's only a matter of time before this manufactured outrage over David Seaman gets used to discredit another honest member of this research community.

If he's genuinely in trouble, then he needs to take personal responsibility and seek help. Own it. Stop roping in the public and using these "incidents" to further your own profile.

HarveyKlinger ago

Great post. I was like you, initially a fan but started to see him for what he really is.

If he was in genuine trouble, he'd stop posting, lay low, seek support privately, and get to safety. Instead, he posts videos saying "they" are out to get him and his demise could happen ANY DAY NOW. He sounds like those shady TELevangelists who proclaim the world is going to end any day now so you better send those donations fast!

Good tip on the book. Checking it out now.

Pokes ago

+2. Honestly, he's controlled opposition, designed to make pizzagaters look like alt-right wingnuts. HuffPo aside, trump fanboying n promoting gold and cryptocurrency, typical doomsday prepper conspiracist strawman.

starseedlover ago

Yes! Look at the difference between Honeybee and David Seaman videos. Honeybee is doing legit research and showing us exactly how she's doing it. David is going on rants, calling names, reiterating the same points over and over, shilling for Bitcoin and Gold, having regular meltdowns and making himself out to be a victim.

Forgetmenot ago

You should not try to create division. Honey bee and David seaman are making a contribution in their own way. Stop being so mean and competitive. Focus on helping the children. We are all they got.

starseedlover ago

I'm not creating division. We have to be aware of people that claim to be on your side, but have another motive they aren't telling you about. When someone claims they are telling you the truth, but then uses manipulation and manufactured crisis to "generate buzz" you have to use your discernment.

Yes, ultimately, we're all trying to contribute in a meaningful way. I will give them that. But David's a good test for us all to sharpen our discernment skills.

victuruslibertas ago

Perhaps, think of this - Seemingly, David Seaman, or should I say, the mention of DS on this thread has greatly divided this community. I don't think everyone that likes DS is a shill nor do I think everyone that dislikes DS is a shill. Best to not even have him as a subject of a post unless he has a groundbreaking video that has investigative substance. Or maybe, this should go to the pizzagatewhatever thread cause this aint helping the cause. Once again, I question the Mods on this

jml1201 ago

Do you question Robert Steele?

starseedlover ago

I question him. Why does he keep insisting Donald Trump MUST listen to him or else he's doomed? He hammers on this point over and over and has a petition out. It set off some red flags in my mind. I started wondering why Donald Trump hasn't taken his calls or listens to him after his repeated attempts.

Now I do think that Trump needs to be aware of what RDS talks about, but it's the heavy-handed insistence of RDS that makes me question his motives. We'll see.

victuruslibertas ago

Do I question his motives? His intent? His character..

jml1201 ago

"He says he want to make clear that he thinks the truth should come out, but no arrest should be made. He says he thinks it is best to get all the truth out, move the guilty aside, and then not seek criminal charges, but move on and reconcile." (Quoting from a part of someones post)

Are you ok with that statement?

victuruslibertas ago

Nope, and I will be asking him that tomorrow. He will take 2 questions from me tomorrow and that is one of them

Ang68 ago

Honestly? I see a VERY stressed out guy.

Ang68 ago

How is the WorldCorp video disinformation? It's a real video. First posted to WorldCorp then some random company picked it up & added it to their stupid project to make it all seem nice & innocent.

ASolo ago

This is the mixed bag of nuts seaman is going to get because of his incomplete ideas about the world he lives in, his alliances, and his constant waffling. Not much empathy is garnered when he chose to thrust himself into this limelight.

sponiatowski ago

Tell David he's not alone. The more that the harassment works on him, the more harassment he's going to get. He probably needs to see his doctor about getting some Prozac to help him deal with all of this. It will not stop until the effect of the harassment does.

WixFix ago


David Seaman was arrested for public indecency at the petting zoo.

Go get a real job Seaman.

rwb ago

Although completely pointless given the incredibly polarized attitude towards DS and his recent problems, I am compelled to make an observation nonetheless. In any war, the only thing that matters is victory. The questions are, has DS brought the PG story to a wider audience, and is a wider audience of benefit to the cause?

If the answer to both questions is yes, you are obligated to support him, if only to the extent of not attacking him ferociously. If the answer is no, well, there is option for no, because it is easily provable that he has brought the PG story to many new people, and that this can only benefit the cause. The best tacticians in this war know how to leave their prejudices and personal feelings at the door for the greater good.

BackAgain ago

Sounds like just another stunt by David Seaman just like his friend who he claims was stabbed. Police cars outside of his house? BS He's been poisoned? BS David Seaman is a con man

Now the face of Pizzagate is mentally ill. If the MSM picks up on this they will use it to discredit pizzagate

nomorepepperoni ago

You know, this does line up with David getting increasingly paranoid and attacking this Voat, spouting Antarctica stuff, etc. Etc.

Not a fan of how David's treated us or our work, but if he is having some health problems, I wish him well and a speedy recovery.

WellSetTable ago

David Seaman was fired by Huff Post for reporting on Hillarys health. Then he started his YouTube channel and started standing up to the left. This is grade A bullshit you're posting here.

You fucking Brock shills are about as good as a tit on a wild boar you know why?


unrealisthenewreal ago

David has an audience and has been incredibly vocal about PG. Instead of attacking him for being a "shill" we should be attacking buzzfeed for writing a hit piece on Seaman and trying to intimidate him. Buzzfeed is now complicit in protecting the pedo's. We should all be attacking the buzzfeed journalist on twitter for his disinformation. The real question here is: If Seaman is such small beans why would BF go after him?

V____Z ago

Can you not read?


banusaur ago

David Seaman is a Righteous man. May God protect him and strike down with great vengeance those who attempt to poison and destroy my brother.

becki_p20 ago

Amen. I have been praying for him all morning since I saw what was written on Buzzfeed. Disgusting.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

You have the guilty conscience.

Thanks for playing, minion.

IlluminatiKing ago

But he still has a twitter account and posted 2 hours ago???

becki_p20 ago

He made a YouTube video about his Twitter account and I have talked with him, personally, myself. I know that he is under immense pressure right now and the last thing he needs is more people hating on him. He has done brilliant research into PizzaGate and has exposed a lot. As a survivor of child abuse myself I appreciate him a lot

HarveyKlinger ago

You're being duped. He's not a researcher. He's an entertainer. Please watch this video of him:

He will say and do ANYTHING to get attention and money. He said so himself.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

He has a new YouTube video up as of today.

No one poisoned him. He's delusional as usual.

becki_p20 ago

I'm not going back and forth with you because you're obviously listening to lies. He is not delusional at all. He is a very good researcher

HarveyKlinger ago

Many of us here have been researching pizzagate since the beginning. Please point to a single fact that he researched. Just one. Everything he has talked about in his videos has been after it was previously discussed here and he has never ONCE contributed anything to the research.. All he does is give a high level overview of VOAT work, embellish it a little bit, proclaim that "the man" is out to get him but HE CAN NOT BE SILENCED!!!, and oh yah... send him some money.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Guilty conscience confirmed.

V____Z ago

Yeah HATE is the way to go!!!!!!!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Roger Stone also claimed to be poisoned recently! I don't trust Seaman, but that is just my opinion!

V____Z ago

Brock doesn't train them to be believable, just prolific.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

It appears my comment has touched a nerve and offended you.

Why is that exactly?

DawnofTruth ago

When did this turn into Seaman-gate? David is in the wrong vocation. He's way too emotional and whiny to be a 'journalist'.

V____Z ago

David Brock has literally made a living and a name for himself by his ability to ruthlessly discredit ANYONE. why on earth would they not have hired his team to troll those really, truly challenging this child-rape thing they've got going? How could anyone believe Podesta isn't going to get back at David in some very underhanded way? They are MAFIA.

tt7 ago

So he's probably gonna burn it, but it should be pretty evident this guy's here to shill and de-rail.

tt7 ago


Jem777 ago

@armyseer went undercover got a new I.D.

Almost busted us again so close with the dragnet operation. Like a real spy

And too bad blew his cover again

21yearsofdigging ago

armyseer is scum. I can promise you that! Not here for anything other than disruption

tt7 ago

You have really strange posts.

V____Z ago

What IN YOUR WORDS has David said this is disinfo?

And, tell Brock we said hi.

21yearsofdigging ago

Sick of this hate on people here have for Seaman. WTF?? I mean really WTF?? What has he done so bad???? Fucking sick of this and it tells me that instead of looking to get the pedos some people here are more interesting in constantly trash talking Seaman. No, this really REALLY feels like shills. I don't know what to think?? Is it that bad around here? Even if he is an opportunist so what!!?? Lets see, he has taken on Pedesta, then they accused him of being a Rothschild plant. Then he took on the Rothschilds and Lynn de Rothschild. Then he was accused of misguiding the pizzagate movement. Of being bad for us and supporting flat earth yet he DENOUNCED the flat earthers. I mean really, is it that bad around here with shills??Next I will be accused of being DavId Seaman who is someone I wasn't even that crazy about but keep this up because I am liking him more and more just in reaction to this hate on

V____Z ago

Do you know how easy it is to get a team of trolls to sway the conversation online? With Brock's MILLIONS of dollars that he got from Soros to do JUST THAT?

So it's not "that bad around here", it's just that Brock knows what he's doing, and we really don't. We are for the most part innocent newcomers to the truther scene, just here to help save children. We want to believe the best about everyone. They know how to play us like a fucking fiddle, and that's what's happening. And if they can break our hearts, making us believe our fellow man is rotten to the core, they will POP CHAMPAGNE and delight in it, watching gleefully as we leave Voat and give up. They have NO HEART.

Read THIS A Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies

Ang68 ago

It's just being just as vicious with the truth. Truth always wins if you don't let the fraudsters walk all over you & silence u as u expose them.

21yearsofdigging ago

Thanks for that and notice you received 2 downvotes!! Fucking hilarious!

21yearsofdigging ago

Luv you man and totally agree.Most of us are decent people that care. I just posted something addressing that and the 'game' being played around here due to infiltration. It's the ridicule that gets my back up, the HATE. Thanks

Jem777 ago


mysecretidentity ago

If he can't handle the criticism he should stop seeking all the praise as well because they come hand in hand. sounds like "davids friend" did him a huge disservice by making this plea for sympathy. just quietly go away, that will be better for your "mental health"

cheetoboat ago

LOOK, these are deepstate/cia tactics. I wouldn't have known about it if George Webb hadn't been talking about it in his vids. They will make you crazy, until you seem crazy, until you GO crazy. They want "enemies" to also seem crazy to other people. They want to leave their "enemies" destitute (they took his paypal away after he was fired), they will disrupt your life through various tactics, stress you out, make you lose sleep and then you really can go crazy, harass you, POISON you, etc etc. I did think his behavior got a bit more wild, especially after he was tweeeting mass obscenities at the Podesta et al, but now I realize he might have just been in super rebellion mode, or was being fucked with.

Look what they're trying to do to AlexJones. They're going after him all financially and through litigation because he's got so much support, and they can't make him look crazy. Im honestly afraid for their lives. These are not coincidences imo.


21yearsofdigging ago

Very very true. I know it well

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Op, how much is Seaman paying you to maintain his "celebrity" status as an "authentic" pizzagate "researcher?"

ArthurEdens ago

Sounds like Polonium poisoning, he better get treatment pretty fast

Mooncutter ago

keep spreading that vile disinfo, keep bringing hom the cash. Do you have a soul? What if you're wrong, and there is a God?

Mooncutter ago

This is a hit piece to assassinate his character, so they can kill him (suicide him) without suspicion

listentoreason2017 ago

They really went deep cover then and enlisted Joe Rogan and his associates. They even did it back before he was doing Pizzagate. Such foresight.

Mooncutter ago

keep lying, you better make some good money on it.

zzvoat ago

Everyone needs to familiarize themselves with radical Communist, Saul Alinsky's, "Rules For Radicals."

Hillary Clinton and Obama are ardent followers, as are many, many others. The book's Acknowledgement page includes Lucifer.

12 Rules:

1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people. It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy. They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Don’t become old news.

8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up. Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

10. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive. Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

11. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

12. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

OrwellKnew ago

He didn't have legit information about high level pizzagate arrests being imminent.

Guess you missed Sandusky's son arrest

And citing @armyseer is Prima Fascia evidence that YOU are indeed a disinfo shill. STFU and GTFO. You're on my list now. Congrats ;)

contrary_mma_hipster ago

In what world is Sandusky's son considered a "high level arrest"?

OrwellKnew ago

Seaman said an insider tipped him off. And the arrest was carried out to within an hour of the day and time DS predicted - Friday at noon. The actual arrest occurred a litte after 1 pm that Friday. Remarkably close imo

Still on the fence about DS motives but he IS without doubt spreading PG awareness. I'll take those contributions.

Remember the words of Gandalf "even the very wise cannot see all ends"

As for Sandusky...thats a household name, for obvious bad reasons

tt7 ago

Pretty sure you're a shill. For anyone reading, it is apparent that the online investigation of this is trying to be taken over by people who will mitigate the damage / arrests / perceptions of the scandal. David Seaman is suspicious for his protection of new admin unquestioningly, not pointing out the obvious and highly troubling connection of the various kids' organisations that PGers have unearthed are participating in child trafficking - the very same ones now tied to the new admin's anti-trafficking push.

The guy I'm responding to is either feeble-minded (doubt it), or paid to be here.

Forgetmenot ago

Your gibberish makes no sense.

tt7 ago

^ The way these shills respond to me when I bring this up should make it clear DS is a limited hangout.

Forgetmenot ago

What is a limited hangout?

FriesischShipping ago

Orwell does know, never seen this twatt7 before

tt7 ago

these shills responding to me is how you know DS is limited hangout.

OrwellKnew ago

Member for 6 days? Zero submission points?

Take a long hike off a short pier, faggot

tt7 ago

No. Stop using ugly words, your ShariaBlue overlords might take issue with it. (throwaway, because joke mountie whore-ida thread was very suspicious). Any thoughts on Trump admin being a limited hangout? Willing to discuss the details of Seaman's shillery or here to suck his cock? You're a shill. NAMED. Move on.

21yearsofdigging ago

Your a shill, shill. Fuc off.

tt7 ago

^shill account, we're allowed to criticize David Seaman, he's suspiciously limited hangout.

tt7 ago

I gave him the benefit of a doubt before, but I'm pretty sure DS is a limited hangout. He repeats a lot of stuff that the larger internet community came up with, I don't see that he's broken anything wide open.

Most importantly, he doesn't consider or cover any possible involvement from the new crowd. There's a lot of shady stuff that happened with the arrests, the involvement of these shady kids' organizations which are all clearly complicit. This is no longer a speculation. It's way more more firm than the WorldCorp stuff we've been focusing on, the revelations about these shady kids organisations are the last thing I remember being prominent on reddit before the community was scrubbed.

It may feel cathartic to have him cuss out Tapper (who is obviously complicit), but I don't think he's just a PG researcher.

sugarskull ago

Well ask Andrew Breitbart what FUCK YOU JOHN PODESTA got him...oh cant.

HarveyKlinger ago

Did you seriously just compare David Seaman to Andrew Breitbart?

I feel sad for you.

sugarskull ago

NO SILLY!! I was pointing out the very unfortunate ending that Andrew had when he coined the phrase that David thought he was slick enough to pull off at the end of one of his you tubes. Far from comparing those two... don't feel sad for me I know a real journalist.

Touchdown50 ago

David needs to grow a spine. Fuck all these paid trolls. They are nothing. Now if he was poisoned he should figure out who poisoned him .

Azzipdoe ago

Yep, well now you know

Azzipdoe ago

I hope you're right. I really do. Have a great day, nice seeing real people on here fighting the good fight after reading so many CTR comments flooding this place.

Saibra ago

It really isn't, so go away.

druhill007 ago

It's also important for us to recognize how draining this whole process is. If you get locked in a room with somebody for a few months, even if you were best friends you'd start fighting over stupid shiet. Negativity can come from shill but it can also come from people who are personally agitated at certain aspects of the process. And that's okay. We gotta do our best to manage from positive standpoint!!

Saibra ago

You aren't kidding. After watching that video of that man (Podesta?) abusing that child, I've had nightmares of children getting abused, witches circles. I even had a dream about LaVey, that SOB Michael Aquino (he's still alive) and his funky eyebrows. I'm an empath and its shaken me to the core. We must stick together and end this!

ShipFaced ago

Pure propaganda

Saibra ago

??? Are you like 10 years old?

Azzipdoe ago

did you say something, 1ew? Can't hear you with all the Seaman in your mouth. Don't know where you got comforting from. Take your money extorting bs somewhere else. "Wahhhh wahhh, he said mean thing about David wahhhh downvoat that'll show him!!"

Saibra ago

Dude, have you lost it? What is your deal? I never said that. I am wondering why you would attack me on my comment about sticking together. You are the nuclear one. Chill out. Maybe if you didn't attack people for their opinions, you wouldn't get the response you are getting. I'm not afraid of you or your mouth. Bring it on. Trust me, I can take the heat far better than you can.

Azzipdoe ago

And by reporting it here, you added to the mountain of cancerous space/time-wasting Seaman threads. Great job!

DarkMath ago

I was going to try and comment on Joseph Bernstein's article but then I realized he'll read the comments here.

Dear dear Joseph,

You sound just like I used to sound 10 to 15 years ago. Then I grew up.

If you ever need someone to explain this entire cluster fuck to you:

If that still doesn't red pill you then send me questions I'll answer them in good faith.

Yours Truly,

Someone Older and Wiser


Azzipdoe ago

Why don't you go start /v/DavidSeaFans and leave the pizzagate community the fuck alone. Take your false idol somewhere else, that shit is over.

Saibra ago

If you are speaking to me, I don't idollize David. If you read my comment I said I may not agree with his opinions or tactics. No where did I say he was my idol. Read my freaking comment before you pass judgement. I am saying WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER.

21yearsofdigging ago

Assholes trying to sidetrack pizzagate. Isn't it obvious?? This is not about David Seaman it is about scum trying to redirect this investigation. We can't ignore them anymore, they are trying to subvert this whole thing

druhill007 ago

Yep we got this fam ✊✊✊✊✊

e-traiu ago

seaman is justified to be a little on edge. He is vocally telling the world about the dirty secrets of some of the most powerfull people in the US.

Seaman is a hero. He sacrifised his plattform for this. And he does not promote his fucking book. so stop bitching about it.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

If thats how you feel, then why arent you chewing seamans ass for labeling seasoned vets with questions about his soros ties as "pot bellied pedophiles"? You literally question one little thing the dude does, and he instantly does that. Then we get all these bleeding heart NOOBS to come out here and defend the hypocrite.

21yearsofdigging ago

How many of you types are on here?? Fuc off!

Forgetmenot ago

The shills are unbelievable, noobs? Is that what you think our culture is? You mix terms like seasoned vets and NOOBS. Go back and tell david Brock you need a raise. Or is it soros that pays you? Why are you jeolous of David seamen? Does he make more money than you?

Azzipdoe ago

Don't feel terrible. Trust me, you have people that agree with you on here. This seaman bs is beyond stupid. This isn't about that little rat.

HarveyKlinger ago

The hilarious thing is to look at his minions who are so quick to downvoat anything not calling "D Splooge" the king of Pizzagate. These are the people paying his rent.

Saibra ago

I didn't call you a shill. I question why you would even attack me on an opinion about sticking together. Seems to me that's not a good idea to you- to stop berating each other- by your comment. And by the way, what's so nuclear about my comment? Seems to me your reaction is. Have a great day.

Jem777 ago

Nice work everyone this is easy

One can weed out loyalties so easy. To your career, or your friends, or Youtube channel.

No worries some will scream EVIDENCE post the link. Then delete..Some fly fishing some in for the the whole boatload..

At least your easy catches right Harvey..haha

Helps to know who is loyal to Truth & justice 4 all.

Have our backs

Azzipdoe ago

1ew. fuck you, serious.

Azzipdoe ago

My first thoughts reading the title....


Astrotheologist ago

Yeah he is in a war against satanic pedofiles. they are trained to not give a fuck about murder. This is only the beginning. I'm worried for my own life and i barely post anything.

HarveyKlinger ago

He's at war with himself. You're still not getting it.

Forgetmenot ago

Tick tock. You will reap what you sow.

HarveyKlinger ago

Holy shit. Did you just compare David Seaman to God?

Galations 6:7 - "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return."

Forgetmenot ago

Are you high? Or just delusional, failing at your useless job shilling. I hope it feels good to produce nothing contribute nothing positive to the society. But your evil vicious venom. Must feel good looking in the mirror.

HarveyKlinger ago

It feels great looking in the mirror. One, I've never begged people for money. Two, I have a job that I worked my ass off for and people respect me for it. Three, this fuckin jackass told everybody years ago that he goes out of his way to be controversial to create buzz about himself that he uses to make money. He's a fucking conman and he TOLD you he was a fucking conman and you are so dense you don't believe HIM.

Forgetmenot ago

I dont care about David seaman, and no one respects you on this forum. Your posts are useless, and you contribute nothing. Negativity and whining complaining like some annoying ranting woman. That is what you are. Nothing but some nag everyone wants to tune out. I guess if you count the admiration of pedofiles like podesta that hire you to help restore their reputation than I guess in your culture that might be respectable. Yawn you are not even that interesting, or much of a challenge. Keep patting yourself on the back. And getting the accolades from known pedofiles, sleep well.

HarveyKlinger ago

I love the fact you are WAY too lazy to go through my post and comment history to check my contributions in the pizzagate threads. No wonder you idolize idiots like David Seaman. He does all the thinking for you. You clearly aren't capable.

FYI, I sleep fucking great knowing idiots like you exist. As long as you morons are out there, I can easily find a job. I don't have to be the best candidate ever, I just have to be better than you morons. Keep living the SJW dream, buttercup. I hope it all works out for you.

Forgetmenot ago

I did go through your posts and yes you drone on and on like some old nag. Your posts are garbage and no one respects you.

HarveyKlinger ago

That must explain all of the SCP and CCP I've gotten in the same amount of time that you got 1/8th as much.

But please, enlighten all of us with my constant shilling for John Podesta. The more you can find, the more money I can beg for when I make my youtube videos saying "they" are out to get me. Oh wait, that's David's M.O. -

Azzipdoe ago

Lmao. You poor soul. Make sure to wear your helmet before going outside.

archons ago

So the shills are attacking all the biggest threats to getting pizzagate out to the public and they have already killed people. Seaman was actually a journalist which is why they have to hit him so hard to shut him up. Ben Swann won't talk again because they will kill him if he does. They are gonna kill anyone who has an actual reputation as jounalist that touches this subject. They need to keep it in the realm of conspiracy long enough that public perception dismisses it.

Azzipdoe ago

He was about as much of a journalist as any random shit poster. He was never ACTUALLY a journalist and never a paid one at that.

listentoreason2017 ago

He did work at Jezebel and Business Insiders. But he wasn't paid at Huffpo because basically none of their content is paid because it's in a blog. I can't believe people don't understand this.

V____Z ago

You could have just typed "I don't know shit". It would have had the same effect.

druhill007 ago

Negative comments directed towards him irk me as well. I'm thinking it might be shill work plus he just rubs people the wrong way for some reason. Regardless of your tactical views that isn't the right way to go about things

Thrulkggls ago

Shame on every one of you who posted hateful comments below. I don't care how you feel about Mr. Seaman personally, he has been a voice for this cause - and a strong presence that has given this cause a great deal of exposure. I am ashamed to be associated with a group of people who claim to be caring and compassionate yet rip a person to shreds over personal dislikes. You are no better than those you claim to fight against...filled with vile hatred and spite. Shame on you!

V____Z ago

I have said these exact same words.

archons ago

The only ones hating on him are shills. They have multiple accounts too so its not as many people as it seems. These threads are really good for identifying the shill accounts.

21yearsofdigging ago

find these shills then, the multiple accounts they use. Ironically armyseer accused me way back when, of being a multiple account belonging to someone other than me . I have ONE account, this one! Fuc armyseer you paranoid scum

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Are you a Seaman sock puppet or minion by any chance?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

"The only ones hating on him are shills" 😂😂😂😂 listen to yourself dude.

archons ago

Just kill yourself shill.

Azzipdoe ago

Hahahahaha "these threads are really good for identifying the shill accounts" You're right! I'll make sure to add your name to the list.

lude ago

Most I will do is pray for his health. That's that.

Freemasonsrus ago

Personally, I have only watched Seaman's stuff a few times throughout this entire saga, but IF this is true than it is an example of a disruption campaign. Gary Webb was a good example of this. I don't wanna kick someone if they're actually down, so I'll withhold dismissing this and just hope he's alright.

Atatarkus ago

My thoughts entirely, say what you want about him he brought a lot of attention to pizzagate in the early days and put his career at risk in the process (if he did it as attempt make a career like some people are saying I think that's a big risk in itself). If by any chance he is telling the truth and we all start talking shit about him who is going to want to help us in the future.

Freemasonsrus ago

I gotta laugh we got downvotes for just being neutral.

MasterLucifer ago

Narcissist is a term made up by a paedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

If it wasn't for people like David speaking up, some of us wouldn't have ever heard about Pizzagate. Get well soon David!

DawnofTruth ago

Sorry but David Seaman has conducted ZERO investigation. All he does is parrot and disseminates other people's findings. He's not a journalist. He's not even a reporter. He's a repeater. David is the biggest martyr in the pizzagate online community. Alex Jones is runner up.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

He never claimed to be anything other than a repeater.

Forgetmenot ago

You are very divisive and as long as you think the way you do, you will contribute very little to this cause. Have you no idea about the importance of team work? What are you trying to accomplish? You seem to only complain? Is that all you are? A divisive and complaining person is that what you have amounted to?

DawnofTruth ago

Your rant needs to be directed towards Seaman. Do you have any idea how much personal drama he's added to this scandal the last 3+ months?

He's constantly complaining, kvetching, bitching, threatening to pull out, says cops are outside, claims others are shutting down his accounts (Pay Pal etc). He's a sensationalist and HE alone isn't a team player. He's an attention whore. In the grand scheme of things, he's a no one. If anything George Webb has more to fear because he's naming names and he's fine. George does NOT make this about him whereas David constantly does. David only repeats what other reporters have uncovered----so he's safe only that's too boring for him.

David Seaman needs to find another hobby.

Ang68 ago

We all have our talents. Some are researchers. Some are disseminators. When people work together amazing things happen.

listentoreason2017 ago

Very true. No Apple without Jobs. But people would have liked Jobs better if he gave credit to Wozniak where credit was due.

Same here.

DeathToMasons ago is about...ONE BRAVE MAN!...Just no.

HarveyKlinger ago

If it wasn't for those of us who have been here from the beginning, there'd be no David. He came late to the party and immediately tried to monetize it. Go check out ALL of the people making PG videos on YouTube. There is only ONE who actively seeks donations and plays the victim card. Have you ever seen him in ANY threads on here or Reddit discussing anything? Nope. He just reads what we write and reports it as his own while proclaiming "the man" is out to get him. Sadly, some fall for it.

end_boss ago

well what the fuck are you doing this for, for helping kids or for the fucking glory to jerk off to?

HarveyKlinger ago

Doing what? Investigating PG or pointing out to a bunch of morons on the internet that they are being played by an attention whore trying to get rich off of them?

Forgetmenot ago

How much do they pay to point out to people that they are getting played?

HarveyKlinger ago

Nothing. I do it for free. The ultimate satisfaction comes at the very end when idiots like you have to admit you were wrong and were warned for months.

The reason many of us who have been part of PG since the very beginning are calling David out is because we not only know everything in his videos as he is saying it (thus we know for sure he didn't research anything and rather took it from VOAT or Reddit), but we remember discussing it at great length and he was nowhere to be found at that time.

Oh yah, there's also this video of David: "The great thing about controversy... I would protest gravity if I thought it was going to get me buzz." And make sure you watch to the end where he says he not only doesn't mind people giving him bad press or saying something mean about him online, HE ACTUALLY PREFERS IT... because why? It keeps people talking about him.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes true the researchers on here are excellent & 2nd to none. I guess you missed the point.-He helped spread the word.

HarveyKlinger ago

I'd say he brought attention to it, but he sends a terrible message. He's being used as one of the primary examples of how this investigation is a stupid internet hoax.

Forgetmenot ago

You are spreading the word? Where please link a source of all the good things you have done for pizzagate? The credible ways you have spread the messaging and how many people are following you! Shill!

strix-varia ago

He was the ONE that red pilled me and for that I am grateful.

HarveyKlinger ago

There's nothing wrong with that. But now that you're red pilled, you should get the info from the source not from the cliff's notes version asking for money.

Forgetmenot ago

right so where is your you tube channel? What great contributions have you posted to this investigation. How much do you get paid to talk shit about david seaman? Pot calling the kettle black ?

HarveyKlinger ago

I don't have a YouTube channel for PG research because I'm not an attention whore. I've been on Reddit and VOAT doing research and reporting within the appropriate threads. The more idiots like you post in Pizzagate the less I lurk the Pizzagate subs. All people are posting now are youtube videos from people reporting on our research and most of the people posting it have zero knowledge that we discussed it previously at great length.

How much do I get paid to talk shit about David Seaman? Nothing. I happily do it for free. It helps counter the lack of work he does and gets paid for.

Jem777 ago

Your Sad..thanks for the Dox!

HarveyKlinger ago

Who did I dox? And please, for the love of god, learn the difference between your and you're.

Jem777 ago

Funny when you misspell on purpose have no clue about grammar. you look foolish like you don't know what you're talking about.

Spelling champs come out to clarify what they are really paying attention to

Wonder how victims feel when it is hard to tell the most serious truth to

People turn on them pointing out their imperfections but missing the bigger picture

HarveyKlinger ago

YOUR spelling and grammar are poor on purpose? What purpose could that possibly serve?

But I did ask a serious question, who did I dox? Do you know what "dox" means?

Azzipdoe ago

He doesn't even read what people write on here. If all someone watches is seaman for info, I doubt theyd even know the name "Alefantis"

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The whole murdered his friend and the harassment may actually be real. There is a famous case where a Doctor on an army base in the early seventies was hit on the head and his wife and young family brutally murdered. He lived and was tried for the murders himself and found guilty. But he was the doctor that discovered that people were transporting drugs in the bodies of dead american soldiers from Vietnam and reported it. Historically people mostly agree he was set up and that a group of Satantist went in there and did the murders. The CIA has whole classes on how to do this type of harassment of people....they do actually enjoy making people appear crazy before they finish them off. They could of easily decided to make Dave a public example and show would be investigators what these evil bastards can do.

Jem777 ago

Hey George thanks for stopping by to drop some truth.

Deeper than we ever thought

21yearsofdigging ago

This is called targeting. I remember that case. Gunderson talked about it. Check out 'targeted Individuals '. Unfortunately very real and why whistleblowers get taken out

HarveyKlinger ago

You seriously think "they" have police cars stationed outside his house and are following him? Until he posts a single piece of video evidence of that fact, it's a safe bet he's still building up his victim persona.

21yearsofdigging ago

fuc off scum. You will know what targeting is one day unless of course you are part of that perp team. People get targeted, not usually by police cars but that can happen as well. Happened to me in Boulder. Again, FUC OFF. Who else besides Seaman called out Podesta and then called out the Rothschilds. YOU?? You don't have the balls to do anything besides bitching mean spirited crap on here. Again, FUC OFF!!

HarveyKlinger ago

I love keyboard SJW's like you. FYI, you can swear here. Your mom isn't watching. You're willing to believe David when he says that cops are staking him out and following him and he was poisoned (though you will see in short order he was not) but you do NOT believe David when he says he will say anything to create buzz about himself and he HOPES people will attack him because it makes him more successful? Are you that fucking idiotic?

21yearsofdigging ago

Fuc off!!

HarveyKlinger ago

Or what? Tell me junior. I'm curious.

And for God's sake, if you're going to say fuck, SPELL IT FUCK like a man. Don't spell it like you're some wholesome innocent child trying to get away with something. Don't be a pussy.

Watch this:

21yearsofdigging ago

Fuc off!!!

p.s. scum bag. You are shit at the game. Read your Saul Alinsky's 'Rule for Radicals' much??

Way obvious. What a cunt

HarveyKlinger ago

Sounds like you need a hug. You seem triggered.

BTW, keep digging. You'll eventually figure out what happened to you. Everybody else already sees it... you're a pussy. But you shouldn't take everybody else's word for it. You need to figure it out for yourself.

21yearsofdigging ago

What a cunt. Fuc off!! Read Saul Alinsky much?? YOu couldn't wear a giant dick and be more obvious. Wow, that's the best ya got huh??

HarveyKlinger ago

No. I'd say watch this but it uses big words and I'm sure that nobody you know could help you with them:

21yearsofdigging ago

Keep trying, you can do better. Disgusting....that ring a bell around your home town??

Fuc off!!

HarveyKlinger ago

Maybe this will help?

21yearsofdigging ago

Fuc off!! Get a real job ya cunt! Looking through your stuff, very good. A real good infiltrator. Must of made your family proud. I would suggest getting help but you are just doing a job.Forget me, post some more misleading drivel that most can't see beyond but I can!! I have your number. Bottom line, none of this has to do with bringing down pedophiles and so you are part of the problem. Good night, hope you suffer in your sleep but sociopaths seldom do. Will say though, you are an excellent liar. Not really something I admire but I was married to one like you and she has been miserable her whole life so I am assuming you are the same. Unfair I suppose but you are just so similar. Go ahead, fake us all out and 'pretend' to care about pizzagate you lying scumbag.

HarveyKlinger ago

HA HA HA. FYI, nobody here is surprised your wife divorced you. Seriously, NOBODY is.

21yearsofdigging ago

Oh wow!!! So personal!! You don't think people on here can see what you are!? I love the 'NOBODY' touch! Come on, keep trying. The more you insult me the more obvious you become and by the way, my children were threatened so a big fuc you to you!!! I guess you think that is okay and that child abuse and ritual abuse is okay. You know why I am here. I don't know why you are here other than to say cruel and disgusting things to me. By the way, my ex wife BEGGED to have me back. And no, she didn't divorce me you disgusting piece of shit. I actually tired to give you the benefit of the doubt but seeing as you are trying so hard to hurt me then I will expose you. Wow, just can't believe it. You will try anything. How do you live with that mindset?? I guess Jesus is a wimp in your mind as well. Kindness is considered weakness. Never heard about my past I guess huh? Never heard about my life before I found Christ? Not that it matters but I have never, to my face, been called a pussy in my life! Maybe I am a pussy because I don't believe in intentionally hurting others anymore. Get lost and yes, I write fuc you because I try to avoid swearing. You are a shining example of what hate looks like. Yuck! And you wonder why you have no friends here other than perps??

HarveyKlinger ago

Seriously, you're hilarious. Your defense of David Seaman is fantastic and quite cult-like. No wonder you found Jesus and defend him ALMOST as much as David. Here's a warning though, you probably shouldn't check the rest of the posts in the Pizzagate sub about David Seaman because you will have a LOT of people to call shills in there. I can't imagine how many run on paragraphs you'll have to write!

Try all you want, but you'll never convince anybody that your wife didn't dump you. Women want a real man, not some mamby pamby pussy who swears constantly to try to sound tough to anonymous people on the internet but leaves out a letter so he can say technically he didn't really swear (psssst... Jesus is on to your swearing/not swearing game). God, you fucking SJW pussies are ruining America. Go find a boyfriend and leave the internet to the adults.

FUCK YOU, Mary. And that is FUCK with a K.

21yearsofdigging ago

Painful. I don't even try to draw you out but there you are. Love to know you personally, see you face to face. You have any real friends? What a fucking loser. Dude, I actually feel sorry for you. Never had anything in life did you?? Just pathetic and sad. Ever create anything good for mankind. Go fuc off and feed the homeless. It will be good for you and maybe balance out all your hateful shit. Forget this 'job' you have. Get a fucing life. Hey, tomorrow's sunday, go to a decent church!! I'll bet you are like 17 years old. Am I right?? SJW is you sweetheart. My God, you call me a SJW, hahahahaha! If you only knew

HarveyKlinger ago

Preach it, sister! But don't feel sorry for me, my wife didn't leave me thus I had no reason to run to religion to try to cope.

By the way, I don't know what liberal religion you've clinged to, but as an FYI, the Catholics believe it is OK to swear in "appropriate" company. You don't need to pretend swear. You can REAL swear if you choose to.

21yearsofdigging ago

You are so fucked buddy! Or wait...are you a woman?? A vindictive woman living vicariously through this male persona. Now THAT would make sense. Hahaha, keep coming baby!!

HarveyKlinger ago

Don't you people spell it "cumming?" Or is this another one of those defense mechanisms where you purposefully misspell it so Jesus doesn't get angry at you?

Waltherchick3118 ago

As a whistleblower, I know this could very well be a real situation for Mr. Seaman. Yes, it all reads dramatic and somewhat over the top...but it DOES happen.

HarveyKlinger ago

He's not a whistleblower. He's an opportunist stating things that have already been revealed. NOTHING he has ever reported on was new information. And the way he does it is bad for the PG investigation. If he merely summed up research and let the viewer draw their own conclusions he'd be a good mouthpiece. But instead he takes a little bit of fact, calls people pedophiles, rapists, and murderers then explains for the other half of the video that he's a victim but "dedicated" to the cause. He's crusaded for other causes in the past and quit crusading for them the very second they weren't the "in" thing. He'll do the same here.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Plus, Seaman has not revealed anything new! Seaman has nothing that you can't find on voat. So why would anyone the "elites" go after Seaman? He is another Beck!

21yearsofdigging ago

he called out Lynn

Waltherchick3118 ago

Because he already has an audience....that's why... Huff-post knows this...compared to anonymous posters on Voat? He is more of a threat to those involved..

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah could be...he could be just normal nuts and he could be having a CIA induced breakdown. Who the hell knows? But if you think it is not right up their alley to do shit to vocal opposition you have not been reading enough of these post.

HarveyKlinger ago

There is no "they." If he gets shut down it's not because he's on to something or about to bring down some crime ring. It's because he violates terms and conditions and is actually breaking the law with his slander of people who have not been found guilty of any crimes.

21yearsofdigging ago

This is classic targeting. Cointelpro targeting. Look it up. Also all the Seaman haters can fuck off! I am no fan of his but whenever I have defended him saying"what is he doing to hurt Pizzagate" I get attacked. Fuck off! Don't watch him then!! And no, he never endorsed flat earth he spoke out against it calling it crazy but again and again and again and AGAIN people insist he endorsed flat earth. WATCH HIS FUCKING VIDEO. He NEVER endorsed flat earth.

victuruslibertas ago

This might enlighten a few of you

ura_soul ago

as someone who has been covering institutional child abuse for many years and who has never asked for a penny directly for doing so - i felt immediately that david seaman was not being honest in his intention - as with the majority of humans today, his thoughts do not match his words. thanks for sharing.

Forgetmenot ago

What is your point? He is taking about internet marketing.

listentoreason2017 ago

The fact people haven't seen this before is a testament to how good he is at switching causes at the drop of a hat.

Big opponent of NDAA, then against SOPA and PIPA, then for drug legalization, then bitcoin, then pizzagate. Always basically never mentioning his previous pet issues again.

He's always chasing the newest hottest buzz.

HarveyKlinger ago

This should be an auto-response to any posts about that fucking imposter.

JastheMace ago

That and the fact that he wrote for HuffPo should be flag enough.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

That confirms it.

Waltherchick3118 ago

Stress WILL do this to a person. All of what is happening may very well be stress-related. Unfortunately, most never experience stress at this a Whistleblower myself, I understand. I'm sure the threat is there and it is playing on David in a big way. Forgive me as I do not have the knowledge of the majority here...Where does David live? Does he have family he can stay with? Please let me know...?

BarryOSeven ago

Yeah we're just sick of him so let us be happy he's been poisoned and maybe worse.

WTF is wrong with you people. You can't be serious on this.

If that is what you really think is a way to treat anybody you are no better than the pizzagaters.

Get lost.

DeathToMasons ago

You must be dense. We don't need updates on his health in here, nor do we take the word of an anonymous "friend", who says he is cracking. Why tell us? The friend shoudl deal with her friend and his family. Davis Seaman is an individual. PG is why we are here. Not interested.

21yearsofdigging ago

New word, "Pizzahaters". They are so busy hating on Seaman. It's like he is an easy target. Granted he can be annoying and may or may not be about self promotion but who gives a fuc! No, the pizzahaters will attack attack attack if you so much as remotely defend this guy. Round up all the pizzahaters and throw them the fuc outa here! I am sick of it! I do believe he is now being targeted. You can't go on and on about Podesta and not pay a price. Noticed all youtubers speaking out about pizzagate are getting hammered right now. Watch Alex Jones from last night. I am not even a big fan of Jones but he is getting hit as well. I don't care about personalities, I care about getting the word out about Pizzagate. I don't have to LOVE all of the people speaking about it and Jones actually backed off months ago which I was vocal about.But he did initially mention it and speak about it

zzvoat ago

"Pizzahaters" new term. easy shorthand. gonna use it

BarryOSeven ago

Exactly! Well spoken. I totally agree.

Azzipdoe ago

Barry, I have cops outside my house right now.. Ever since I started making pizzagate videos (I'm the #2 leading investigator of this community, I post all the threads worth anything) I've been seeing strange people around my house and work area.. Have been getting weird phone calls, texts, emails.. My dog has gone missing.. I can't sleep at night, my shit is green..

I think I'm being poisoned. Please donate to my patreon. The pizzagate community is relying on me.

HarveyKlinger ago

If you were in real danger, they'd have shut down your PayPal account. Haven't you learned anything from David?! But you sound legit, where do I send my money to? :)

BarryOSeven ago

I'm not the one to say that is not true. I know you trying to explain what you mean and this is not true. But still if there is a chance it is true I'd recommend you to look for help, not hammer you into the ground with hate...

If you don't want to give him money then don't. But at least consider it to be true and troll somebody who thinks it's funny and isn't calling for help. It's very disgusting behaviour.

Jem777 ago

Archive and weed. They all make this so easy...stunning who falls which way...they might want tread carefully

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

All in favor of VOAT censoring David Seaman the shameless publicity stunt shill articles say I.

BarryOSeven ago

If this is true it is very serious. People shitting on him after reading this are total idiots or shills. I knew you shills had no moral code, but this is pure sadness.

Wait for more news to come out before you judge. This is pathetic.

I hope David recovers from whatever happened to him and to see him back on track soon.

You may not like his work but why take the effort to chase him with negatives. That is shill work, and there are many payed shills in here. You guys deserve hell if you continue after reading this thread.

Maybe David should seek help with the Trump administration or something.

gt8h65fg ago

They don't like loud voice spokesman. They don't like big channel. Because it sends information to normal people easily. So they like to use loud voice spokesman and big channel. It is MSM for them. They pay a lot of money to MSM. Because it effectively manipulate public opinion.

If we don't have those loud voice or attack them we will have no method to bring info to mass majority and pizzagate will be buried in oblivion. Just my 2 cents.

Piscina ago

Hear, hear!

Oldno7 ago

Yep, nobody who cares about pizzagate puts more effort into investigating Seaman than Podesta.

HunkaHunka ago

I kept bouncing back and forth on Pizzagate, I admit, thinking it could be some sort of psy-op and getting a bit resentful of David Seaman being able to use his status as a former lamestream media writer to get a lot of cash donations and youtube money etc., while the rest of us labor for nothing but the gang stalking we might get when in the streets for this. I feel bad for questioning Seaman now.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Fuck him. Show me something he has done other than make fluffy videos about how pedos are bad. He deleted his Twitter because of how bad he fucked up and exposed himself.

VieBleu ago

direct your anger where it belongs- Pedostan.

V____Z ago

They are absolutely paid shills. There is NO WAY anyone with a heart (ie, people who care about saving children) could kick someone when they're down, bloody and helpless like this. It's not about his personality, this is a paid campaign because that's how Brock and Podesta roll.

The other bit of proof is that while these people seem like run of the mill Voaters who just have an extra discerning eye and want to warn us, to help us, they are SILENT on the real disinfo agents who are guilty of all the things David is accused of, and MORE. David has never spewed disinformation. Alex Jones is a total joke and yet these idiots are silent on him.

Further, at Voat it is the people telling the truth who are bashed relentlessly. And by relentlessly, even precious SRA survivor Becki Percy, when her videos were first posted to this site, was raked over the coals. she is as meek as a puppy and just sharing her experience of being a sex slave as a little girl, and people on here did the same discrediting campaign they do against David, justifying by saying that if she was in court it would be much worse. They called her a liar and all sorts of things.

The pizzagategear guy is innocent as can be, too. And because of that ended up trapping Alefantis into giving us even more circumstantial evidence. He was ENEMY NUMBER ONE around here because he sold tshirts. Again, silence on Jones' multi-million $ boner pills & water filters operation.

newworldahead ago

Good comment, I agree with you (except the part about Alex Jones. I like him).

I can't stand the Seaman bashers. They spit their venom and call him "Semen" thinking they are being funny. They suck big time. F*** them.

Their shilling disgust me. We have a guy who has a wide audience on social media and who is extremely vocal about Pizzagate. No need to agree with everything he says or does, I don't either, but FFS it doesn't give one the right to try to destroy him. This is stupid and childish. If only this Voat community was not infested by these stinky piece of shit shills, people could debate questions such as: "How can this guy help us with our Pizzagate investigation?". That could lead us somewhere.

Sorry for ranting... I'm pissed about the whole PG situation right now. So frustrating on so many levels.

V____Z ago

Speaking of Brock, David just put this out

V____Z ago

We have to apologize for ranting? Shoot. I've got some major editing to do. All my comments are rants for the most part ;)

The Seaman bashers are immature and have no good arguments because their just paid Brock trolls. I was a Bernie Sanders supporter, and last January Hillary hired David Brock to get his team to troll us online. They SUCK. I am very well versed in their ways, and can easily recognize this is the same crew.

VieBleu ago

As a just a regular Voater, I compare this place to a concentration camp. It's like belonging to an abusive family and you never know where the next attack is going to come from, but it is always harsh. This forum is DEFINITELY not a place where people who have survived abuse should hang out. Maybe tell their story and leave, for documentation but don't worry about comments.

Also, anyone who sticks their head above the crowd to actually champion the pizzagate movement or move it forward in some way can COUNT on being roundly attacked - ISTHISGAMEOFTHRONES, Seaman, Kutcher (may be sketchy, not proven yet), Percy, Titus Frost, and I even saw a commenter try to smear James Woods with a venereal disease comment. I'm sure there are a couple I've missed.

Phenomenonanon ago

Pizzagategear as well

21yearsofdigging ago

So true! Haters. Pizzahaters

VieBleu ago

I love it. I'm going to use it.

21yearsofdigging ago

Thanks! I am in a damn war on here. So sad, none of this fighting has anything to do with the task at hand but some here have become very personal with me, almost like they have said things that only my family knows about me and that is disgusting. This war on here is getting spooky but I believe in God(not that you have to) so not too much rocks my world. Love to you, you are one of the good ones. I am not always so good and I do fight back only because I hate injustice and it makes me angry.

VieBleu ago

love back at you - don't let the pizzahaters get you down. every time it gets really ugly -watch out for MAGAboomer, a real @zz - and I can't stand it, the next day there are great submissions, good news and the meanies are long gone. Then it gets ugly again, rinse, repeat. So hang in there we have to stick together.

21yearsofdigging ago

I was just told by HarveyKlinger " HA HA HA. FYI, nobody here is surprised your wife divorced you. Seriously, NOBODY is.". My ex wife was a prostitute and my young children(at the time) were threatened to be killed if they talked to their daddy(me) The fact that this guy guy would continually berate me and try to hurt me is beyond anything I could have imagined. My children were stolen from me and I was exposed to death threats and harassment for years. Sorry for sharing all this with you but a heads up about people on here attacking me for simply sticking up for Seaman. I don't agree with hate! Seaman may have his problems but the hate directed at him and anyone defending him reminds me of my situation all those years ago. None of it has to do with investigating the pedophiles and this anger directed at me now, wow!!

dookiehowzer ago

dont give him any money then, you dont have to be a fagget about it, at least hes trying to help the good side

V____Z ago

And the fact that this sentiment got 3 downvotes speaks volumes.

Jem777 ago

The judgement of some is very Harsh.. for those who did not follow David at the time. He had a column at Huffington Post and wrote fair stories for both sides.

His stories were published there and many other places Including magazines. He was the only reporter in the MSM at that point who dared to Report anything at all to challenge HRC. He had enough clout to get a response from everyone & independent journalists when he dared asking HRC health after collapsing at 9-11. They savagely came after him. He would not retract so they took his job His and YouTube. Then De-monetized everything, shut down paypal and personally called out his name. Jake Tapper warned him openly.

He stuck to PG research. He was the major player in the beginning for those lost in election. He put together all the Original YouTube videos they were destroyed. They cancelled his Twitter completely and he went to Gab. He never quit. He was obviously scared to death at the fact he was getting personally attacked by government Media who had TopSecret clearance.

For those of you "heroes" out there who have attacked him you might think twice. When most were not following yet he already called out J.A. & Podesta personally.

He was threatened, he has been the truth teller. Not his fan but we all watch and so do they.

I am praying he is safe and goes to protection. Think twice about joking

e-traiu ago

well said!

HarveyKlinger ago

I was following him in the beginning and you proved my earlier points that he is not a journalist. A journalist reports facts and evidence. He has been reckless with his accusations. It's only because he's small change that they haven't come after him and sued him for everything he claims to own. He has "called out" John Podesta and JA on numerous occasions and proclaimed they were child molestors, satanists, pedophiles, killers, etc without a shred of evidence. No real journalist would be that stupid. If anybody took him seriously he'd have been sued for defamation by now. He's never presented anything resembling facts or evidence. I stopped following him when his accusations got more wild and instead of evidence, he shilled for donations. Fuck him. He's a fraud - as a journalist, a researcher, and a person.

V____Z ago

If he has been reckless with accusations, i expect there will be libel suits shortly. Then you will be validated. Until then you sound like a bitter know-nothing at best.

HarveyKlinger ago

LOL. Not a single person on here can point to any of David's accusations towards John Podesta and back it up with provable, verifiable facts. Can you?

Forgetmenot ago

Podesta has not provided an alibi on his whereabouts when Madeline macann disapear d. Podesta has exercised his right to remain silent and not offered any explanation regarding the pedo code words in his emails. Podesta fraternizes with known pedofiles. Hastert, epstein, wiener, bean, clintons. Podesta acts like a pedofile, he uses pedofile code words and he is unable to provide an alibi. He seems very guilty and he seems to be hiding something.

HarveyKlinger ago

And not a single shred of that would convict him in a court or even get a grand jury to spend 10 minutes on investigating him. But I have to ask the obvious question. Why does he need to provide an alibi to his whereabouts? Was he ever asked? Do you think he needs to come to VOAT and answer to every statement made about him? That's ridiculous. Knowing pedophiles doesn't make him a pedophile. Saying someone acts like a pedophile doesn't mean he IS a pedophile. When was he asked about the pedophile code words?

If he's hiding something, he's hiding in plain sight. And remember, here in the US a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. What reason would he have to entertain a bunch of internet kiddies with an AMA? I don't disagree that his code words are pretty tough to find a logical explanation for and I think he's creepy as fuck. But none of that proves guilt and if he got a hard on for killing this investigation, he could start suing the shit out of everybody here for slander. He's taking the Obama approach and just ignoring it because if he answers a single thing about it he gives it credibility. Pretend you are JP for a minute in both situations - innocent and guilty. What would you do in both situations? The answer is the same for both - ignore it and hope it blows over.

Forgetmenot ago

Lol he has not been charged yet genius. Presumption of innocence does not apply until he gets charged. 2. The burden of proof is not on the prosecution until he gets charged. 3. He is an attorney and he knows exactly to avoid the investigation and remain silent. He knows the evidence will be used against him. There are no explanation his silence is loud and clear. 4. If he was innocent he would have cleared the air a long time instead of using hiring shills like you to defend him. 5. His associations with known pedofiles are evidence of a network and yes that is admissible as evidence. 6. His email code words are evidence and emails are admissible as evidence. 7. His lack of an alibi is also evidence. 8. When he sits in front of a jury and exercises his right to remain silent the jury will consider him guilty as well. 9. When you compare him to obama another criminal who has been proven to submit forged legal documents you are not doing podesta any favors. He is guilty until he gets his day in court, then he will be afforded the right to be presumed innocent. No one here is a judge, no one here is a jury, and no one here is a prosecutor. We are not bound by those rules. This is probable cause, and as long as he stays quiet he is guilty. In fact he has to stay quiet, because he is guilty, he knows we have only scratched the surface, imagine when a search warrants is able to pull bank records, and phone records, and god knows what else! Keep shilling for your boy, even hiring you makes him seem guilty! He will never sue because then they will have to go through Discovery process and that will enter all the evidence before a court. There is no going backwards after that. He would have sued for slander months ago. Remember when they accused assange of being a pedofiles he immediately issued a statement and threatened to sue unless an apology was issued. That is the action of a person who is falsely accused. You and your boy are scumbags and you both will reap what you sow. Death to pedofiles!

HarveyKlinger ago

Your diatribe just called for vigilante justice, which makes you a moron. But I have to ask the REALLY obvious question. Who or what the fuck are you talking about here, "Keep shilling for your boy, even hiring you makes him seem guilty!" If you are referring to John Podesta, you clearly are a fucking moron. I've been here since the beginning and have never defended him or JA. I fucking do law work (I'm not a lawyer) and am only pointing out that until someone is PROVEN guilty, it's defamation of character. So since you have stated he IS guilty of being a murderous pedophile, please provide evidence that he is. EVIDENCE that is not circumstantial or assumed because some wild accusation hasn't been disproven yet. Go ahead smartass, PROVE something. ANYTHING.

Based on your idiotic post, you clearly know nothing about the law. You suggested more than once that a person is GUILTY until charged. What the fuck? And you keep mentioning that his lack of PG acknowledgement and a public proof of innocence is all you need to KNOW that he is guilty. As far as I'm aware, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but not only has he not been charged with anything, he hasn't even been fucking asked about it. So in your tiny little mind, if a person doesn't answer a question he's never asked, the person must be guilty of EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE? The Salem Witch Trials made more sense than the bullshit you spent WAY too long putting in words.

Be honest. Are you blowing David Seaman or have the hots for him? You're defending him and attacking others who don't love him as much as you do like a jealous ex-girlfriend.

druhill007 ago

Never presented anything resembling facts...

Claimed they were pedos without a shred of evidence....

Wtf u think we're doing here man? That's the rubbish we are researching. Of course he has basis to "call them out"

HarveyKlinger ago

Not even close. "WE" are researching leads and finding threads that may lead to something. Some of the people here on VOAT have done some INCREDIBLE research and put countless hours into it. He doesn't do anything resembling any of that. What he does is play to the lowest common denominator to drum up interest and donations by talking about what he reads here. He is no investigative journalist. If you think he is, please tell me one simple fact that he is responsible for uncovering. Again, it is illegal and not journalism to report on opinions or unproven facts. A real journalist would know that.

But here, I'll let David tell you himself his journalism technique:

druhill007 ago

Ok well then what's so bad about playing that role? I haven't seen a ton of his videos, quite a few tweets. Yeah he seems a bit high on narcissism but plenty of people have egos and all that. Does he claim to be the one finding all this stuff out? Like I can tell the way he talks at times is like he wants to e the self created spearhead.... But how is it illegal? We are here because we beleive this shit is true. If I make a YouTube video I hope they sue me. Will get to look them in the eyes while mountains of circumstantial evidence avalanches down.

My main point is, is the role he was performing really that bad? There was a benefit to having someone talk shit so brazenly to these guys. Gives other people license to believe in a sea of MSM shouting "debunked"

HarveyKlinger ago

He's only playing that role for money and attention. He said himself he'd say or do anything for that.

In terms of your statement that you hope you get sued, no you don't. NONE of us do. The reason is that circumstantial evidence won't get you out of a defamation lawsuit. The MILLIONS they can sue for would cripple you for the rest of your life. Before you slander someone, you have to have PROVABLE FACTS. As of today, there hasn't been any. Trust me, you don't want to be sued for defamation by any of the people getting slandered right now.

druhill007 ago

That is a fair point hehehe. I don't think we should operate with that fear though. This is a war for truth....Obviously there have already been actual casualties. I'm going to acknowledge the possibility of illuminati assassination of lawsuit, and then keep on trying to help in any way I can. At the moment it's just talking shit to them on Twitter but I'm getting shadow banned for sure :/ can tell based on basic tweet exposure data

HarveyKlinger ago

Pizzagate is why I killed my Twitter account completely. That's when I saw for myself how they manipulate tweets and trends. But there's no reason to be afraid to research and report your findings, it's just how you present the information that can get someone in trouble. There's a difference between saying "John Podesta is a pedophile" and "I think I've uncovered evidence that may prove John Podesta is a pedophile." The first one can bankrupt you. The second won't even get you a slap on the wrist. Presenting something as fact BETTER be provable as fact.

Jem777 ago

Hey Harvey you seem so stressed . It is okay we are here for you when you want to dive deeper Did I spell that okay

HarveyKlinger ago

Spelling was fine but your punctuation was atrocious!

So let me guess, you aren't able to explain your dox comment so you're now going to focus on anything but your comment? YOU my friend, are a shill.

Jem777 ago

Nice work guys tag teaming it awesome.

Officially now a illiterate Shill

Nice. Feeling great

Should we keep toying with you guys or are you done. Let us know by some more name calling.

This will surely help these children

HarveyKlinger ago

Please point out where I called you any names. And I certainly didn't call you illiterate. Wait, is this David? You certainly are making yourself out to be a victim where there is zero evidence to support your claims. Next you'll be asking for money.

So, nyet on the dox comment? I figured as much.

druhill007 ago

Yeah I'm losing my mind seeing all the manipulation it's crazy. I appreciate the legal clarification. I'll try to start "downloading my torrents with VPN" instead of giving them potential to remove the 10 dollars from my account 😂😂

jw4vc ago

He seems fine in his youtube videos, discussing recent headlines and quite himself. Could this be dissinfo aimed to paint seaman as a conspiracy nut or false flagger?

Azzipdoe ago

Go start a subvoat to investigate it. While we investigate pedogate, you SeaMen can go investigate whether your idols dick needs more sucking.

jw4vc ago

Nah this thread is right where it needs to be I mean, seaman is a big figure in the p-gate investigations. Anything that happens to him is likely directly related with P-Gate even if it is just him vanishing assange style for extra income. I honestly don't know why my comment would bother you this much but I also don't care either so have at er.

islandofdelight ago

Your foul language and insults only show how little respect you have for this investigation.

PerusingTheOoze ago

Hey Millenial_Falcon are you gonna delete this shit?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah that shill always deletes shit like this

PizzaGate711 ago


druhill007 ago

Just woke up. This set of responses is weird man. People going out of there way to shit on the guy. Doesn't seem right

PizzaGate711 ago

It's about killing the messenger. Plenty of shills and disinfo agents on voat. And btw congratulations on being 'woke'.

druhill007 ago


V____Z ago



ArrestMe ago

Oh he lost it alright. Lost his damn mind.

PerusingTheOoze ago

According to Poop Mcgillicuddy Mr. Thrombosis Jones will not be performing his saxophone at the Plux De Lun because his fish tank exploded while it rested on a train track 20 years ago. Mr. Jones still suffers drama said a dead friend.

DeathToMasons ago

"David Seaman is the Pizzagate King of the Internet."...Just no. It is not about him. It is a serious scandal, and nobody is the "king" of it. As always, the focus regarding Seaman is all wrong.

Ang68 ago

Seaman help put Pizzagate in the public eye. There's no way he's a "gatekeeper". A gatekeeper would never be allowed to do what he did.

DeathToMasons ago

He did exactly what gatekeepers do.

jv209 ago

No, wikileaks put it in the public eye.

SickofRedditsShit ago

Seaman is not only not the King but the the crutch of the community

Jem777 ago


LincolnsMullet ago

I see a lot of people giving David shit but nobody stepping up to the plate to do it better. Regardless of his motivations he's out there talking about it. Why isn't anyone here spending all their free time being public about this and sticking their neck out? Who then should be the preeminent public face of pizzagate related info? Someone who gets enough attention that they are publicly attacked and ridiculed?

SickofRedditsShit ago

Honestly I would but its a lot of work, someone give me a script andstick my head out and I'll post it. I'm savy enough to fact check what I'm given.

GenghisSean ago

Reallygraceful and GeorgeWebb have been doing a much better job on YouTube. They actually stick to the relevant facts, don't go on rants about tangential topics, and use verified information instead of heresay (or at least point out that it's speculative). Seaman is not a reporter like he claims, has not done any original research, and wrote a book on generating buzz for profit. He is an opportunist at best and a paid disinformation shill at worst. He isn't worth paying attention to.

LincolnsMullet ago

I've only heard of those two you reference from visiting voat. I'm sure they do good work, but are they publicly visible?

GenghisSean ago

While that may be true, I'm not sure Seaman is getting the kind of attention we want for pizzagate. When I first saw his videos, he sounded kind of crazy. Ben Swann's report on Pizzagate was a much more reasonable and respectable face for pizzagate. Even though he only made one video on the subject it had more content than all of Seaman's videos combined.

Forgetmenot ago

We al sound crazy. Anyone who talks about this sounds crazy the subject matter is almost impossible to believe. When delving down the pit, we all face nightmares and are forever haunted by what we have heard and seen. If you are still normal and not screaming for justice then something is wrong with you.

GenghisSean ago

It's definitely hard to talk about convincingly, but that's all the more reason to talk about it carefully. Mentioning Epstein, Hastert, Saville and other high ranking convicted pedos helps establish the idea that powerful people are sometimes pedophiles. Mentioning how the BBC and NYT covered up some of these stories like Saville and Norway helps establish that the media is complicit. Finally pointing out weird stuff podesta snd alefantis have done and how the media has responded draws the connection to modern day pizzagate. I find it effective to point out facts that are strange but refrain from drawing definitive conclusions from them. Leaving the person curious is crucial for encouraging them to research it on their own.

strix-varia ago

He was very vocal about the rothschildren as of late. He's messing with the big children. He's one of the few that does.

Jem777 ago

Tweeted to the big kids and the Pope in one day. Posted

Twitter taken out immediately & must of struck a nerve

pepe16 ago

Anon is the face - this has worked for years on different projects.

DeathToMasons ago

Because most of us do not MAKE A LIVING off of this. Or have a channel devoted to speaking about things we heard or read about. Most of us just read, support and exchange with each other. So we all have to change our profession? David is not evil or anything, but I am sick of hearing about David Seaman. It Is Not About Him.

Forgetmenot ago

So basically you have no interest in making a sacrifice for the children but want to tear down someone who does? It's definitely not about the children or bringing pedofiles to justice for you. What are you here for? What's your motivation?

DeathToMasons ago

Like I said, I don't believe he has made any sacrifice and I do not trust him. If I did trust him I would have his back like I have this forums.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Agreed! I see him as another Beck! Bat shit crazy!

gardenofbacchus ago

If David Seaman is murdered and nothing happens (i.e., big arrests and public disclosure) within ~1 week of his death I officially lose all hope in this, i'm gonna pack my shit up and move to a remote island with zero contact with the outside world. Can't handle this shit much longer

V____Z ago

People here will celebrate, mark my words. And the fact that there aren't huge protests ALREADY is reason enough to leave. But here we are.

DeathToMasons ago

And your point is? Does he No offense, but Seaman's mental health is not a concern of mine. This sounds like a promotional trick of Seaman's. It would make him a victim and bring attention to the concept that he was a crucial player in bringing down the ring who needs to be silenced. Except he has created no research and informed people of a very broad picture void of much content. Insensitive on my part? Perhaps. But I have my priorities in order, and a youtube grifter who talks about others research while claiming to have done enough heavy hitting for the cause, is not a concern of mine. Prediction. ...David will be fine and pumping out videos daily while increasing his subscribers and view count.

samhara ago

All the great [anonymous] researchers can't get their mind around that fact that people are paid via contracts to target individuals who are on an enemies list.. ?. Oh, That's Right, George Webb is also a shill. I forgot. "Hillary's Henchmen"

Research means zilch, in terms of political power, if no one has ever heard of it nor understands it.

That's why billions are spent on TV / Mass Media / Network Programming..

Oh yeah the great researchers who started out last year think they are better than Seaman and think it's cool that he's taken down?

Good researchers are also taken down: Gary Webb, Mae Brussell , Dorothey Killgallen . Others more obscure you may not know the names of.. Since the Seaman critics apparently are ignorant of history?

All these self - described "great researchers" who do all the work for Seaman are imbeciles since they don't think Seaman should get paid.

Do most people work for free in our society?

Do you think that "Pizzagate" is not important enough and there is not enough money in our society to support such research and news / information?

How much, do you think Brock gets paid for what he does - fucking with us and for covering for Clinton who foments wars worldwide so she can profit. Yeah I know that's how they have the money to pay for the like of Brock - but why should Brock get paid and Seaman, not.

The people Brock and HRC pay to swarm on here as shills.. You think they love Brock and that's why they do it? Do you think they get paid or not? Or it is just selfless sacrifice since they are in a cult? Even in a cult they need to eat, have a computer and a place to sleep. Seaman lost his job. Should he deserve less than the shills?

What I saw was the Seaman was ready to call it for what it was, immediately. And he was attacked from both sides.

I guess all the great researchers here have been brain-washed by Brock and the likes of Hillary and the Pope.. The good people need to work for nothing; that is Charity. Otherwise, they are not sincere.. Look at us; we wear 15 K sweather and pay Brock to convince everyone we want the best for all.

So the critics of Seaman (who claims he's a shill for asking for donations) think they are smarter than everyone else but are taken in by the "Work for nothing. Or else we'll slam you for all about the money? "

Unfortunately Seaman doesn't have the money to hire a fund - raiser - so has to ask for himself. People are so used to fraud and paying for fraud - they don't understand that not everyone has a PR department?

It's another fucked - up tactic.. People who are good people always work for nothing, Right? Only the criminals get paid.. Because well, their expenses are higher.. And they have to be able to afford the chicken.

But the good people die in the gutter - that how they prove they are good. Yeah, right.

DeathToMasons ago

Geore Webb also says that he doesn't think we should worry about jailing people, and he really likes Obama. He has no emotional attachment to any of their crimes. Something does not sit well with him.

Forgetmenot ago

You are a divisive person and a wolf in sheeps clothing .

DeathToMasons ago

No, that would be David Seaman.

ArthurEdens ago

The point is to tread carefully, investigators are being targeted

logjam ago

The point is to use your common sense and not to pull a leftist move by engaging emotionally to the point where you're saying the same shit over and over again.

What did he think would happen with all the people he was "calling out"? I think he ruined any credibility he could have gained with his approach to all of this. Fame whore I think.

jml1201 ago

I hate this piece of shit as much as clinton. It's offical. He's pure cancer. I said becareful months ago.

strix-varia ago

Wow, the hate on this voat website is becoming just like Trump said in his speech. "So Much Hate" Everyone is playing right into the hands of the vultures. They love seeing all this nonsense. They just love it.

Hobgobbin ago

I just checked, his twitter account has been deleted but he seems alive and well on Gab.

listentoreason2017 ago

Just wait a day and he'll be back. He said the same with him losing followers, and getting locked out.

He'll be back once he realizes he needs to produce videos and tweet them out to keep the money train going.

abortionburglar ago


HarveyKlinger ago

So now David is inventing friends to further his "I'm such a victim" crusade?

Anything for donations...

dindonufin ago

what a load of shit - get fucked, shill

Kawksnahch ago

Plus, homie's taking the brunt of it for us. He's no George Webb, don't get me wrong but like... even if he did get a bit weird because of all this, we owe him a debt of gratitude for his work. I'd say we owe him way more than Alex Jones, but then again I just hate Alex's delivery.

What if DS got up with Paul Joseph-Watson? Now THAT would make headlines, but it may hurt the investigation to really affiliate it with InfoWars, because of the info war.

Forgetmenot ago

Infowars opened my eyes to all of this. So not sure why you have to say it hurts the investigation .they are spreading awareness and credibly. You are a divisive person who either purposely or unknowingly insults people. Wake up and stop being such a jerk.

Kawksnahch ago

Also, Infowars being related might not be the best thing ever due to Alex's dramatics. People have grown up taking him with a grain or mountain of salt. He's done some great work. He's also made a fool of himself over and over again.

If InfoWars were to really get on board with PG8, officially, before it breaks, then you really get the "conspiracy theorist" psy-op (since kennedy). It's best for them to hold back until the hammer falls. Then... have at it.

Kawksnahch ago

How/when did Infowars wake you up to PG8?

HarveyKlinger ago

George Webb? He's not even George Costanza.

NoBS ago

If he dies you'll be drumming up arrogance and contempt. Beat that drum of hatred, your good at it.

21yearsofdigging ago

Notice you get downvotes for this!! WTF?? I guess it is popular to hate around here. Disgusting.

Ocelot ago

David Seaman is a drama queen leech on the investigation. He does nothing for it apart from """""awareness""""", but that doesn't matter considering how insane he makes us look. Also, he just wants people to donate to him. That's it.

21yearsofdigging ago

You people that constantly attack him look insane. A real turnoff. So what, you don't like him, you think he's fake. Fine. So don't watch him

HarveyKlinger ago

We STOPPED watching him a long time ago but his legions of minions continue to come here and post his videos as some sort of verifiable evidence. Most lurkers don't realize that the shit he's discussing in his videos (outside of the begging for money) has been discussed here days or even weeks earlier in great detail.

Ocelot ago

We look insane because we don't like opportunists? That's nonsense.

Kawksnahch ago

I thought he suddenly got weird... Like... he seemed cool for a while and then... off the deep end.

Which... granted... when you stare into the abyss... goooooootta make sure you're not sucked into it.

I'm not going to suggest any kind of drugs but if he can figure out the meditation to release his pineal gland... he'll see Them again.

quantokitty ago

I just saw that his accounts are down. Sorry that he's going through this. They'll stop at nothing and hate when someone they thought would fold opposes them. Definitely, he needs to do what's good for him. This isn't a one man band and pizzagaters are not giving up.

HarveyKlinger ago

There is no "they." He is creating all of the drama and making up all the crap that is supposedly happening to him because he is desperately trying to create the illusion he is some huge Geraldo Rivera type journalist when all he is doing is creating a bunch of drama for money and attention. He needs to go out and find a real job.

DeathToMasons ago

Preach it brother. Why are we even talking about him...back to focusing on the case.

Forgetmenot ago

Preach it? Focus on what case? Debunking pizzagate? You are a shill.

DeathToMasons ago

One of us must have misunderstood something. PG is 100% real.