mrjdouble ago

Of course I saw Citizenfour. I'd like to remind you it was the first movie banned from theaters in the US since the original Manchurian Candidate that dropped 6 months after JFK was murdered.

Honestly, had those same impressions, and could have been part of the op, but I told myself that she had the piece of mind to know it was a huge story and that's why she started rolling right at the beginning.

mrjdouble ago

I've also thought about this before. These people kill people to silence them all the time, so why leaves these people alive? Jones, fine... But I just don't want to believe that snowden is a plant on a elaborate psy-op. Personally, that'd be a crushing blow for me.

mrjdouble ago

See, that's interesting to me that you said that. OP said the same about Steele, same has been said about Alex Jones, Seaman; basically anybody who steps up in this scene, has inflammatory ideas and a platform to speak on.

Narcissism ago

I don't believe one intelligence agency C$ A lets another, in this case Mo$$ad in on their blackmail operation like Steele is suggesting. We know from 9/11 that limited hangouts always try to blame Israel or the Saudis. Mo$$ad didn't turn into a clown show for 9/11 it was run as cover by the C$A according to Wayne Maddson.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Still very possible that George is suffering like many people from cognitive dissonance

We are not talking about just his aversion to discussing satanic ritual. Really no point in rehashing all the instances of his disinfo.

Irony...Blamed on the Russians...roflmao...GOOD ONE!!!!!

4_InquiringMinds ago

he seems a little to emotionally detached

Understatement...sometime back he said if JTTF would just take him off their target list, release the 650 thousand emails, he would stop his investigation. Sure it would suck for all the human slaves in the network which he acknowledged but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do/plus he needed to protect his family. The devotees once again said oh dear man, you have done so much already, sure you have to protect you and yours (the yours he has not even informed are in mortal danger???). And of course JTTF said Geo, it's a deal/thank god you are going to drop the investigation, here's the emails/done, bye have a happy life. Honestly the stuff he came up with we were going is he just delusional or psyop? Delusional doesn't fit any more wink.

4_InquiringMinds ago

ps...more on 117, we got into an in-depth convo of satanic sacrifice, kinds of sacrifice, dates, how many yearly (astronomical) plus other groups doing the same, one a radical jewish sect. Back to the narrative, pizzagate is a myth. It really was an excellent discussion. No wait, just weird comments lol.

Koched_Up404 ago

Thank you, this is a good discussion and the both of you bring up valid points. I was also a bit perplexed that he would wade into the Worldcorp/podesta recording. He often repeats that he doesn't want to go too deep into the 'pizzagate stuff', so why did he in this instance? I listened to the recording and I tthought it did sound like John Podesta. But sounding like and being are 2 totally different things. I think we should have healthy skepticism towards all sources in this investigation, that includes friends and foes.We have to backup what we claim with facts.

But here's the thing, and you will probabky disagree, George Webb does very well to source his work. He doesn't freakout and obsess over 1 individual, he goes where the evidence leads him. At least that's what he claims to be doing. He says that his investigation is 80% fact and 20% working theory, maybe it's more like 70/30. But he's willing to keep an open mind and plow forward.

For example (one of many): The series was called "Where is Eric Braverman?" and he admitted that he was wrong about Braverman. He believed that Eric Braverman was a good guy who discovered shady activities at the Clinton Foundation and then resigned. Later, running to the Russian embassy for some kind of protect. However, Webb later discovers that Braverman was working in Haiti earlier than he first realized, suggesting that Braverman was probably invloved in much of the activities. My point is, when he discovers new information he doesn't hesitate to say he was wrong and he throws out the theory that has been disproved by evidence. Although, it may appear to some (PG purists) that the investigation is leading us away from (wherever it is people want it to be) George began outside of Pizzagate, focusing on the Clinton Foundation and State Department. These days, he has evolved his theory to focus on DynCorp...but this does not lead us astray in my mind. DynCorp is CIA, DynCorp gets massive contracts with the State Department, The State Department is inextricably linked with HRC and the CF and the Podestas, etc.

A lot of people here at Voat are obsessed with Alefantis/Podesta/Comet Pizza/ Satanic Rtitual Abuse...all things that require investigation, BUT having such a narrow focus can sometimes blind people to new ways of looking at the situation. We should all keep an open mind, be skeptical and try to find as much solid evidence as possible.

Do not be affraid of being led astray. Do your own research, call people out on their bullshit or inconsistencies, including G. Webb, but also do not get stuck in a box and refuse to consider new possibilities.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Can you refresh me on GW comment on the Podesta vid? He spouts so much sometimes I kinda tune him out lol.

Also what is AF? Sometimes I miss what abbreviations mean and miss an important notation unless I ask. Usually have a face palm when it's clarified lol.

re Zionist...maybe to legitimize zionism since he's developing a loyal following? Sure, puts some ppl off but those would not be the target/it's the loyal drink the kool aid folks as the target.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Just a fyi since Webb is discussed...his vids since last week very short. Is he running out if information since he controls the narrative (ie one member saying he was forbidden from adding pizzagate to the Trello board). Plus he's been circulating on the radio scene/and supposedly met with reps from Oliver Stone recently. Haven't listened to the latest radio dribble/maybe I should/to see if the narrative stays the same (best bet it does). His latest for today is 2 million working at low level covertly for dyncorp (the purveyor of all evil, mossad, nah, move along) and these 2 million could be your friendly Uber driver, driving trucks or landscapes (direct quotes), yep they can, be suspicious of everyone folks danger at every turn. Each cell is small like 5 or 7 and if the cell has insubordination then you have something like 5 or 6 ppl killed at a party/in truth the taking out of the cell. Now, I do believe there are covert operations going on. And of course ppl do kill each other sometimes at parties. However looking at the promotion of the fear matrix, well, you can see where this is going (I hope lol).

* Fear is a prime motivator because it is rooted in our childhood experiences, and it moves us subconsciously.*

David Richo, author of When Love Meets Fear, states, “When we notice a connection between our present fears and their origins in early life, we are finding out how much of our identity is designed by fear.”

“Fear again. If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid.”

― Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym

Orangutan ago

Great analysis. Thanks. I concur. David Seaman also released a video today about Simulation Theory which is a red flag to me as well as his flat earth and Mandela effect topics included in his videos Anyway. Thanks for helping to educate other people regarding this. Spot on, on 9/11 too. Peace.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I approve of Mr. Putin too. He does some things I'm not in sync with but I don't expect any political to possess my superior wisdom wink. I read a lot on him, watched vids/best I can tell he is very patriotic, anti globalization, anti GMO, christian which gives him some basis in morality as religions can do if applied correctly. When he came to the aid of Syria I was thanking every god and goddess I could think of bc I didn't want to witness what happened to Libya or the other countries we decimated.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Oh gosh, didn't even know about that one since didn't even know he existed till Nov. Sure shows the agenda doesn't it?

4_InquiringMinds ago

Very astute observation~thanks! Need to dig into NLP a bit (noob)...would be en-lightening I'm sure.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Okay, let me get this straight/an article by what many of us consider disinfo agent says...

I recommend that Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer be fired before you personally, Donald, become the butt of the ridicule which encompasses your erstwhile appointees in the WH!

And we are supposed to take that seriously? Plus his heaping praise on Henny KissMyAss? What is there to evaluate? But from a limited hangout perspective if those seeking to control the opposition are trying to ramrod the Rence/Sean narrative then all the more reason for Trump to keep them on IMHO.

From watching a few press briefings and Sean is so damn good I was surprised bc I had my doubts he could handle the crowd of vultures.

Steve also praises James Baker. But what about his part in the Franklin cover up? And ol'Jamie's ties to Hillary?

If you really believe this is a very important article by wildly considered disinfo I would suggest you spend a bit more time educating yourself until you can evaluate information critically. I'm saying this in all kindness.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I thought it was weird that he would take down the videos with the excuse that they were self serving because he was facing the camera

And he also said 'plus they seemed to generate a lot of weird comments as well'. Well, some of the 'weird' comments were starting a rat line to Israel, including Mossad connections to US (part of the rat line) know, all sorts of weird stuff lol. Also some comments on inaccurate information and 'when does reporting become focused on being right instead of being accurate'? One really sweet kinda dense lady said I'm sure if you asked George nicely instead of challenging him he would gladly answer your questions. Reply, he was asked nicely on many occasions and ignored (which started raising questions) but that should not be the issue anyway, ask me nice or I won't correct the narrative (that is in blatant error). Bless her heart, her solution was to start a separate tube channel to correct the record. Sheesh~

He has a loyal following that will believe anything he says. When he said Alefantis was grinding up bodies (coming down tunnels no less) to hide the evidence I was like are you fucking serious????? Sure Alefantis is a psycho but can you imagine the work load? Body grinding teams would have to be working 24/7. I recalled Fargo 2 where Ed the butcher ground up the body of someone/the scene was pretty darn graphic grin. Suffice it to say grinding up a body is no easy task. You can't just drop the whole body in, it has to be cut to size, grinding small piece by piece. If George had been more creative he could have referenced Fargo (the movie) and said Alefantis had a wood chipper in his basement lol. Much more efficient.

Not to mention what are you going to do with thousands of pounds of meat? CP doesn't sell that many pizzas a day. Yes, some of his devotees suggested he must be putting it on pizzas. I forget what day the pizza grinding vid was/who knows, those stupid comments might still be up lol.

And lets not forget the short lived promo of the huge reward (that of course George would relinquish his part) but everyone else could be millionaires with some pyramid of how many millions someone would get/even credit for tweeting. One devotee said she didn't have twitter, would instagram count? I was speechless. I could imagine the pysop operatives were rolling in the aisles.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Also where does he get the money to do his?

That is something I've asked too.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Also wondering why now Dr.Steve shows his face. He never used to as far back as I can remember.

NLP...he shows his face for the first time (as I hear, I never watched him prior) right before the election/hi, your friendly spook here (in black and white) showing my face for the very first time, everything is under control, IC (intelligence community) has your back, Chelsea is good kid, known her since wee one, she is our only hope/I'll talk to her. She needs to set mama down and convince her not to run. Are you fucking kidding me????? Next vid day or two before election he sets ppl up for losing, no violence, peaceful transition. I know that vid could be taken 2 ways if one is grasping at straws but my impression and friend's also is setting us up to take defeat. After the election he does a vid in color all about his special part in Russia and some creepy hospital experiments. On the shelf behind him are matryoshka dolls. Why color, why dolls? NLP and sets the stage for Russian hysteria by continually implanting the Russian narrative subliminally. It's been a topic several places how NLP is being used.

FeLpZ187 ago

Death penalty is much easier for these fucks. Dont know why people think dying is worse than spending half a decade in a small box. Insane.

Forgetmenot ago

I have a question is he a pedo himself?

Forgetmenot ago

He also planted a lot of seeds of doubt regarding trumps decision making. He would contradict himself repeatedly. He clearly is a liar and does not have his story straight. His goal is to sound convincing by first agreeing with something and then disagreeing a little bit later. I was surprised to see him getting so much airtime. I don't trust him. Hope everybody tunes him out.

dindonufin ago

I tend to agree. Trump wants nothing to do with this guy and he admits it himself. Watch some of his older interviews on infowars. Absolutely sketchy character

Vox_Pacem ago

If he's still a spook (which i don't think is a stretch considering they're on all the MSM outlets telling us what to believe now) he's doing a darn good job. He didn't really drop too many bombshells though.. Bolton doesn't care about anyone but Israel, Epstein has the island, they have blackmail evidence over politicians.. That might seem huge to a normal person, but to people who have been following this it wasn't anything new.

He also only implicated Soros and the Rothschilds at the top. No mention of Brzenisy, Rockefeller, Kissinger or any of the other in the gang..

He didn't even really touch on anything FBIanon was onto, aside from the one CIA study they discussed. What about Dyncorp? Brookings? Throw us a friggin bone aside from polishing over stuff that's been covered here, on reddit and the chans.

wtf_is_happening ago

Elites fear a French Revolution type scenario if all their misdeeds become public. Therefore the pushback against pizzagate becomes ever stronger. It does go all the way to the top.

sentryseven ago

Agreed. I heard his wacky session with AJ where he said Trump should tour with Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich and Jesse Ventura. I've been in the truth movement a long time and this guy rarely was on my radar. He just had no traction with me. Also, Mike Rivero reported today that Steele was the source for the phony Russian "dossier'!

NeedPolyGF ago

I want justice, world peace and prosperity for all, too. I was very pleasantly surprised to see Trump turn the Republican Party around last year, but I'll be even more surprised if the Administration and Congress actually make a serious effort to end major corruption. There was hope back in the 70s that the Watergate hearings would end major corruption, but it didn't, even though it exposed a lot of the CIA and FBI evils of the time. Maybe now that we have the internet, it'll turn out differently this time. But I'm not counting on it. I want to do my part, but I don't harbor illusions that we're bound to succeed.

HereticalPeasant ago

Yea not happy at all with steele suggesting - "oh let's just move on"... wtf? What about justice for the innocent victims? What, they just squander the innocence of helpless children and we just say oh well lets just put it all in the past and move on cuz who gives a shit the victims get their voices heard the righteous justice they are owed.... oh fuuuuccccckkkk nooooo! Hell motha fucking nooo!!! Fuck that shit. Over my fucckkking dead body!!!! I will not reconcile with goddamm motherfucking satanic spirit cookers who cannabilize and rape and brutally torture innocent young children. Fuck that!!! Fuck reconciling with EVIL. HAVEN'T WE DONE THAT ENOUGH ALREADY???? WHICH IS WHY THEY DO THIS SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE. FUCK THAT. STEELE IS DEAD WRONG ON THIS!!!

Narcissism ago

Limited hangout - since when did one intel agency allow a foreign one to bug Epstein's island?

DeathToMasons ago

Interesting point.

Psalm144-1 ago

"Move on and reconcile"? You have got to be kidding me! We will NEVER "move on" from child sex trafficking and God knows whatever else these sickos have been doing to the poor innocent children. Sickening!

Vindicator ago

No...the OP of this post did not accurately quote either of them:

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you. I'll delete this then

Vindicator ago

@DeathToMasons, I am flairing this thread "Possible Disinformation" due to the fact that it was pointed out by users that you have misquoted Steele in a disingenuous manner, attributing words to him from a completely different source, to make it look like he was being inconsistent.

What is most telling is that, instead of editing the post when this was pointed out to you, you chose to leave it up as-is. We have several trolls who like to use this exact same tactic to sow doubt and discouragement. Voaters, keep your eyes open.

DeathToMasons ago

If you are reffering to the begining when I said that it sounded like Steele was answering questions, and then told us to refer to Steele, I already said I wasn't sure what that was about, but it was not my main point. Nice try, but you will not misdirect. Steele told us he thinks we should move on when the truth comes out, that CPP and Childrens organizations should not be hounded, and tried to muddy the waters on who the big dogs in this are. Your retort failed, but I will edit out my first paragraph since you think it is a shocking smear of Steele. Now what?

TheSpeaker2 ago

Unfortunately, George Webb in his videos has made some comments that he isn't interested in "getting" anybody and that he just "wants it to stop" and wants there to be a "moral compass," as if we're talking about an employee embezzling a few bucks from a grocery store.

Infuriating. We're talking about kidnapping kids, destroying their lives, using them in blackmail schemes, and then possibly killing them...but we just need to get back to our "moral compass" as if the intelligence agents and deep state participants are "just a wee-bit corrupted."

Aw shucks, boss. You're right. Maybe we shouldn't have sex-trafficked children and had them raped on camera. Guess we'd better stop. Sorry.

Webb is obviously a smart guy and well-researched, but he's a complete dope when it comes to quantifying the evil he's investigating. That's the nicest way I can put it.

The offenders deserve to be drawn and quartered just for a start.

DeathToMasons ago

The point being that Webb WOULD know everything you just said, but choses to take that angle anyhow. Which suggest that it is part of his job. To get our trust and then lead us away from wanting or expecting arrest. We won, we stopped them, no need for criminal charges. These guys are blowing their cover with this implausable angle. And the insiders in question all lack any hint of emotion about the topic. Just a study for them. I am happy that this scandle brought so many new face to the enlightenment movement. Webb and Steele and Pieczenik would have fooled us before. Now we can see clearly and see those pretending to be our biggest inside ally, are up to something.

4_InquiringMinds ago

but he's a complete dope

I thought that too at first but he's spread disinfo and keeps it going. I just cked for the thread from 117 vid where we had a long and fruitful exchange about this, also the link to his now defunct twitter where he says he's a repentant cia mole and guess what? The video you are looking for no longer exist. He's done that a few times. If you follow him long enough you start seeing the inconsistencies. Sorry to say he's not a dope but thinks (or hopes) his viewers are.

TheSpeaker2 ago

No, you're right. I was implying that he's disingenuous. He couldn't possibly be so clueless in the face of all this mounting evidence. Originally, he wasn't talking about pizzagate at all and then he went into it quite heavily, only to downplay the real consequences of this mess and portray it as "well, things just got out of hand and we need to reel it back in..."

Lot of good info, but steering people in the wrong direction.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah, got it :)

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Spot on! (not proper for a sitting prez to arrest his opponent) such utter bullshit.

cheetoboat ago

We're talking about a huge operation where supposedly Mossad has us by the balls. I am also wondering about the "samson option", and how pissed Israel would be if they thought we'd actually go after them or retaliate if this truth came out into the light. Perhaps he's speaking messages to Israel, as much as would-be defectors and whistleblowers. I don't think he, or other level headed people within the intelligence groups et al, want to have our country become completely destabilized or destroyed. We're already on the edge of outright civil war. Im not saying im happy with it, im just trying to see what other angle there could be. edit: I also just considered that if they have kids in captivity, they might be more willing to let them go if the perps didn't think they were going to be punished.

DeathToMasons ago

Very nice post.

mrjdouble ago

Outstanding, thanks for saying something. I'll grab that now. The mobile interface SUCKS

mrjdouble ago

Oh shit, there's an app? I didn't know. "Boats" you say?

mrjdouble ago

Seriously, someone needs to step up and make crank out a quality mobile app ffs

mrjdouble ago

Agree, but you forgot a key element that our entire system is predicated on as US citizens:

-Enough evidence for a conviction, indict.

-**Fair trial and they get their day in court. Everyone.

-Conviction = Condemned to death, (they can chose their method, hanging or firing squad works for me)

mrjdouble ago

Isn't Ed over a the Outer Dark great? Seems just like a regular chap just like any of us. Love his channel.

mrjdouble ago

Not sure if this has already been mentioned before, but I've seen him refer to himself in the 3rd person. He's a smart guy and clearly thinks highly of himself; perhaps that's what happened here?

Not saying he isn't a plant on the specific mission for counter-intel and misdirection, because I don't know. But I do know he's done that before.

520patriot ago

Exactly. This guy showed his hand

joey4track ago

I'm saying they won't settle for amnesty and just stop it, lol. They will fight until they, us or everyone is dead.

micha_ ago

Could you please remove the completely false part, that it was a Steele interview, where he suggested to contact Steele?! That's false, because it was not an interview with Steele.

That being said, I believe FBIanon IS Steele. And I don't trust Steele at all.

Stosh21 ago

Not needing any arrests? The perfect solution would be a modern French style Revolution , put these sickos on the chopping block. Heads must roll !!

samhara ago

French Revolution was not what you think it was.

This could be an alternate scenario for the NWO - or whatever you want to call them .

The French Revolution was suspected as a conspiracy since it ended. The King was not really killed.. It was a faked deathening; like they love to do. He came back 11 years later , with the same name, as his "brother."

They wanted people to believe they had killed a King. [KillKing is also a Masonic Ritual]

That was actually to diffuse any real Revolution. To make people suffer so much, through so much chaos that they would become allergic to the idea of Revolution and embrace the Monarchy.

The "French Revolution" was used as an excuse to kill all the dissidents.. You know, people like you and me.

And NAPOLEON, who is very much like Trump, like it or not [and i'm hoping it doesn't end up to be the case] looted and plundered for the big fish. It was a thieving operation.

The latest 119 report by Webb drops the info about LISTS, He said that [to paraphrase[ "You don't think that what they do in other countries, they won't do here; or don't plan to do here?" ]

They draw up lists and go get people. That is what the surveillance is about. That is what the push to take guns was / is about [all the fake shooting, with the crappy crisis actors and narrative lines. And they do have lists and plans. ]

So *we should be *avoiding *a French Revolution scenario as we desire to learn from history.

4_InquiringMinds ago

You don't think that what they do in other countries, they won't do here; or don't plan to do here?

He loves to play the fear angle (not that there is a non existent danger) but he likes to harp on how his life is in danger yet gives all sorts of info on his son/whom according to Webb he has not informed him of the danger dear ole dad is in bc he doesn't want to worry him/whata guy. When asked if his family is pc illiterate (hard to imagine since both kids are med students) or if it might be prudent to warn them they could be in danger/no reply.
He even said he would go to Haiti (never happened), brave soul putting his life on the line. His devotees start sending prayers, begging him not to go etc. Comment was is it really fair to put the whole plane in jeopardy? No response. I"m not saying the danger is bogus but George seems to have no trouble staying safe and at the same time doing his best to scare the shit out of others investigating. The other fear factor I see the spooks using is we can't prosecute bc it will mean civil war.

samhara ago

It's my opinion from watching Webb's face that he is honestly frightened. People sacrifice their children in war, for the good of the cause.. What is so strange about him not telling his children..? What good does that do? If the Powers - that - Be want to take them out, they will ..

He goes more into detail on the lists today. I'm not sure anymore it is just fear-porn. I think their plans are real.

Hopefully, they will not come to fruition. People who coward - out are no good should anything come down anyway. They can't even bear to know about it?

Sometimes fear or danger paralyzes people "FEAR wishes to freeze" But for other people it will motivate them to action. Also military - style people are trained to function under conditions of fear.

4_InquiringMinds ago

People sacrifice their children in war, for the good of the cause.. What is so strange about him not telling his children..? What good does that do? If the Powers - that - Be want to take them out, they will ..

I actually find this very creepy that you would even think a parent has the right to make the decision to sacrifice his children for the good of the cause without even telling them/much less not even asking them. Just in shock over this kind of logic.

It's my opinion from watching Webb's face that he is honestly frightened.

It's a subjective reality.

VieBleu ago

The only thing I can float as a possible reason why - He's too high profile to call for arrests and if he gets in trouble anywhere, he can always say - hey, I wanted to go easy on you/your kind and move forward.

LIke some kind of defensive move; his enemies can't say he called for arrest of politial enemies.

He did say Soros needs to be kneecapped.

Wanted to add- there is something about all the well off elites which he is that wants everyone to walk, even when they are actual reformers. Wall Street all walked. All the 9/11 criminals walked. Hillary walks and walks and walks so much you'd think she'd be skinny. Start illegal wars? Drone strikes killing civilians all over the place? Walk. Bush/Gore election stolen with Supreme Court approval, everybody walked. He had to lose all his money down to $30 to finally understand what it may be like to be black in America. Really? It takes a total disaster in your life to spark compassionate understanding in you?

Anyway 90% of what he says has value. Good to be skeptical of everybody though.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Don't you find it odd that all three ex spooks current of tube fame say let them walk? Not even let's do asset forfiture and use the money for the victims? Nah, it's let them walk, keep their cash and move forward. Does anyone really believe that they give up their 'religion' and go straight? With combined billions they just find another route but the satanic stuff will not go away. It's like a fungus that has spread far and wide. Anyone in the 'know' like he is supposed to be, if loved little children, would understand the necessity of surgical removal of the cancer. The 90% is bout average for limited hangout.

VieBleu ago

I do think it is strange. If you could find the links for the other two spooks, you should make a submission of it, it is worthy for people to be considering. If you don't want to make a sub I'll throw one up. This is the first I've heard that other sources had said "no arrests". It is SUCH a club is makes me sick. Yeah men and women slave and work themselves to death to produce children they love and care for, so these freaks can steal them and torture and all (I can't list it) but hey let's all be good to each other and human about it.

When he especially said "we should look forward not back" it was like I had PTSD flashes of the aftermath of the Wall Street crash.

4_InquiringMinds ago

We've been discussing the other 2 spooks, Steve P and George W. Steve is a hoot...he shills for Chelsea, she's a good kid, he's known her since a wee one. Don't tell that to the starving kids in Haiti bc their donations went to buy C a lavish wedding with Epstein's 'madam' as honored guest.

VieBleu ago

do you have the link where either calls for no arrests? If you run across it, just drop it here or pm me. thx.

4_InquiringMinds ago

You just have to listen to them/going back to find which vids they promoted it somewhat time consuming. I remember when George first promoted the idea comments went ape shit. I haven't listened to Steve since Nov/Dec sometime/could only stomach so much of that dribble plus his vids have NLP so heavy it's exhausting to view. George and Steve do the soft approach sliding things in while discussing events/they both come off as kinda big softies, gentle voices, you can trust me sorta vibes. Robert all full of himself gets to the nitty gritty in your face listen up and do as I say/I'm da man. It's interesting to watch the two approaches. One can learn a lot by observing limited hangouts. For sure it's an effective way to develop critical thinking skills.

ps...another common idea they all plant is it's useless anyway to think anyone will be prosecuted. So, it's hopeless, give up now and move on rah rah rah/and if you really cared about the children you would move on for the greater good. Be grateful for what you get. Kinda like the Rolling Stones you don't always get what you want, but you get what you need narrative. It's really quite a fuck you message.

2impendingdoom ago

I thought Steele's writing a few months ago revealed manic (bipolar) ranting and have disregarded him ever since, so your comment is interesting.

doubleherpes ago

He's a believer in the South African "Truth and Reconciliation" model, that gave the bad guys an out that would cause their resistance to crumble.

It's a tactical decision, that I personally disagree with. I think we should ruthlessly hang the bankers and pedophiles. Lord knows we'll have all the evidence soon enough.

I don't think that automatically makes Steele a shill though. He provided good ideas to OWS too, he didn't appear from nowhere. He's a smart guy, with different priorities than us. Differences of opinion are okay.

samhara ago

" "I have to go, but please contact Robert David Steele, the former CIA agent we discussed. I am sure he would appear on your channel. "

WTF. No kidding.

neo50 ago

Why would anyone want to have the truth come out and let everyone go free? Committing the worst crimes I can think of (and some I can't fathom) and let them off? Insane! Release prisoners that got caught with a bag of weed and fill up those prisons with pedos. If they were to let the pedophiles walk, I could see citizen lynch mobs being formed. There has to be some accountability!

20Justice4All17 ago

Here here

sunajAeon ago

I think you make a good thesis, yet I have not reached the threshold of labeling him a plant attempting to make an "OUT" for the ELITE (you're wrong if you think PIZZAGATE can't fail and be swept under the rug: (read Dr. David Irving on WWII and ask yourself...) He makes the political analysis that in order for the Nation to move on past this "Extinction-level event" (remember, Clinton ALMOST BECAME OUR PRESIDENT and if that would have happened every one of us would be rounded up, and the USA would be at war) - we must concede and offer pardons- as vile as it seems it IS one viable option; the fact that he toes the party line on 9/11 may be an attempt to focus on his presentation, and not allow his detractors to use it to muddy the waters; I myself will not rest until each one is on the GUILLOTINE

rodeo13 ago

"Nope. It's real simple. Death penalty. Life for turning evidence. Period."

This. This is what I want.

Fatsack ago

The fact that he's pushing a color revolution is evidence enough for me.

nikilici0us ago

The media elite doesn't want the lid to be blown of the corrupt politicians! I will gladly be apart of this mass mediation. We need every bit of power of mind and spirit so that we can get to obtain the endgame of those guilty - arrested for #pizzagate and #pedogate. Luckily the FBI is arresting low level child sex exploitation rings in the USA for underage child trafficking and child sexual exploitation in the USA and abroad after the confiscation of Weiner's laptop, and of course, the Wikileaks Podesta Emails. They're partnered with Interpol and Europol. Save the children!! That's why I have been researching and digging. The kids are what this is really about. These elitist pedos including but not limited to, George Soros, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, James Alefantis, Joe Biden, and the international ring of pedophiles.

quantokitty ago

It's what I've been saying, too. Damage control by controlling the narrative. He's not to be trusted. I didn't understand why everyone was printing what he was saying as rote. Now the cracks I spotted are widening into fissures and he's screwing up. It's God's way of letting everyone who doesn't already know, not to trust him. And the forgetting what part he was playing, that is pretty bad. It means he's been on the phones pretending to be someone else and recommending himself.

Dirty ... dirty, dirty, dirty.

Let's get back to dig, dig, dig.

samhara ago

Right. I get it now. His memory is fading. What gets me is: Why the shitty agents? Same as with the Crisis Actors. Why are they all so shitty - except for the top politicians? I imagine their arrogance gets in the way of doing a good job? Sloppy.

quantokitty ago

Good question. The Podesta's don't forget who they are. John manages Skippy when in public. Who knows what The Cannibal Queen becomes, but other than a spate of inappropriate hyena laughter, she's sticks with the narrative.

Freemasonsrus ago

Never taken this guy seriously. Attention seeker.

victuruslibertas ago

I interviewed Steele yesterday, video is on my channel, say what you want about him, he is very intelligent and he elicits a lot of interest. With that said, there were a few things I disagreed with him on. One being his forgive and forget policy. A Jubilee so to speak.NONONO.. BIG FISH HAVE TO FRY when it comes to CHILD SEXUAL ASSAULT.

BTW, I challenge any of you to outwit him in an interview. The guy is sharp. It's one thing to do it here behind a keyboard and it's another to ... Well you know the rest.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hey Victurus! Nice interview... thanks for doing what you do and giving this a voice. I truly appreciate it.

It sounds like we're on the same page with the "Forgive and Forget" policy. I'd never challenge Steele to a debate on the subject matter, he's clearly a wealth of knowledge and very well connected to his sources.

However, I would challenge him on his "Forgive and Forget" rhetoric. Which frankly, needs to stop. Even implanting this idea that we can "forget this" and let it slip away into a dark corner of history is beyond comprehension.

All you would need to do would be to ask him: "If one of your children suffered at the hands of these elite abusers, would you be so fast to forgive and forget?" I know that if I was his child and he said "Yes"... that would be a pretty low degree of empathy and hard for me to believe.

Other than that, thanks again and keep the information coming!

Makingspace1 ago

I am getting suspicious of all this re-direction chatter. Focusing on Pence and tagging him as the closet Dr. Evil...thereby removing focus from Priebus. Then the idea of moving forward and letting go of the past by following the suggestions in Steele's memo..Then focusing on how Dennis Kucenich, McKinney, and Ventura are needed to save the country...(hint...all left of center characters, albeit respectable in their own right). It sounds like Steele just wants to brand the movement led by Trump and the deplorables into a "progressive" model of resistance. Of course he is smart and convincing, and thats what really concerns me. I agree his soft ball attitude toward the large black umbrella of pedophilia that has overshadowed ours and other governments is flat out unacceptable. For me to take him more seriously, I need to hear more of a fire in his belly to take down these monsters...THEN how to go from there. It is disappointing that DHS Anon had so much confidence about Steele and how he should be the one to be doing the talking on this subject..only to find out that Steele kind of has a "give them a pass and look forward" attitude. It is so anti-climatic and frankly confusing. It would be great to get Flynn in here and see how much he can divulge. You think you could take a stab at getting an interview with Flynn, victuruslibertas.

victuruslibertas ago

Flynn would be awesome. This Sunday, we have a followup interview with Steele and McKinney. Details to follow

Makingspace1 ago

Great look forward to hearing about the follow up. Seriously though, I think Flynn would speak on this stuff...he obviously has a beef with pedogate, and alt-left...him or his son at least in an email exchange would be a ground breaking report. Thanks for all you do though!

V____Z ago

Intelligence is overrated. Honesty and compassion should rule.

DeathToMasons ago

I agreee he is smart. Just like Dr Steve Pieczenik, who I also think has been rolled out to control perceptions and reactions. Spooks never really retire, and the ones who go against their old family end up murdered with their house burned down. Even Gunderson was working when he revealed what he did. He was ironicaly part of the Franklin coverup. Go figure.

samhara ago

Here he is 10 years ago LIHOP "Let It Happen on Purpose" same BS he's pushing today And yes, some people did stand up to him, though he, and the lame sheep crowd, made fun of us for it. - - He's a liar.

In court, once someone is shown a liar, you 're not supposed go by what they say again! Their testimony gets thrown out.

He was set up to divert the hackers from understanding 9/11. - -

fucking shill. I'm not sure why they use the same agents over and over. Are they in short supply? Or what?

DeathToMasons ago

Very good! TY!

joey4track ago

Well this is eye opening, thanks.

Dejure ago

Great interview, vic, but i do believe the unintended consequence has been flushed out regardless of how much of a bad ass the dude is. I love all of yohr vids and am subbed. Keep bangin

4_InquiringMinds ago

And your definition of sharp is lol~

victuruslibertas ago

Smart, witty, quick

V____Z ago

Another word for that is... conniving. We can't be too careful. Intel who offer themselves to us on a platter, people using their real names and faces with any blowback from the powers that be should be scrutinized. I hope he is not part of your new venture, which I just posted about in "pizzagatewhatever" since indeed v/pizzagate is compromised beyond recognition.

nitro169 ago


4_InquiringMinds ago

I passed on him last week when first hearing about him. Snippet that indicated limited hangout. Friend watched and said didn't ring true. Today after your excellent post (thank you so much) watched the let them all go free and tail end where he personally needs to show Trump the way or we are all doomed basically. Sheesh, is this for real?

Re George hangout. Tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, delusions of grandeur, well intentioned, few screws lose sorta thing. But his history and continuing mis or disinformation mixed in with a lot of accurate info (the mark of a limited hangout) can't be ignored. Commentators have pointed out inconsistencies or omissions/no reply. He also wants amnesty for all, pizzagate is a psyop for organ harvesting...the usual spin. Plus his old twitter of Repentant CIA Mole... Which was mentioned in comments and might have been deleted/not sure/bc some of his tubes are being deleted. Plus he wants to hang every fucking thing on dyncorp and Feinberg/ask yourself...if limited hangout what would be the agenda? Inquiring minds~ Plus he took something Feinberg said totally out of context and now the web viral is dyncorp is responsible for all the false flag shootings/to kill any dyncorp member who has even this for real? When pointed out in comments the errors/no reply. Feinberg is a hedge fund owner, just bought Chrysler I think (don't quote me) managing 30 billion in assets. Am I to believe, according to George, that Feinberg has the time to micro manage Dyncorp and get this, set up his private residence as a brownstone? Why, we have proof, he has extensive security with cameras and he's walking distance from Council on Foreign Relations. Busy billionaire for sure lol. But George likes brownstones/he took one for the team in his true confession that he did some dominatrix thing 3 times, 3 different cities for research and get this, he found the brownstones on craigslist! Surely anyone with 2 functioning brain cells can see the ludicrous nature of that claim.

So we have 3 'ex' spooks, Steven, Robert and George...all with slightly different spins (see which narrative sticks) with a common theme of lets move on, no jail time, support Trump ya da. Personally I think Trump is very possibly the real deal and all this he's evil like the rest is to create doubt/but of course I could be in error. By trolling the press with what seems like stupid screw ups with something he says the msm jumps on it like a pack of vultures and the narrative they refused to report is now front page news. It looks to me like a very skilled game. That he encourages ppl to adore him (many looking for a savior) is also smart/bc when all of this really does start coming out in full force the ppl that are just now getting red pilled need to have a 'dad' figure to keep them calm/avert the blood in the streets sorta thing. Any normal person when learning about the horrific crimes of our politicians etc might just break out in rage. Add to that Soros funding BLM, CRT, Purple revolution and all the rest that would be a perfect storm for civil chaos. So if the Trump devotees follow him religiously then he can keep them calm...relax, dad's got your back sorta thing/no violence/do not engage. As far as his picks/some rock solid/some questionable but the saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer. And if I had damn near everyone wanting to give a plutonium sandwich who better for security than Prince Blackwater (who has come out totally opposed to pedo stuff). Frankly it looks to me like he's playing the long game. If I'm wrong we are all fucked so have a beer and watch the games begin/try to stay out of the line of fire lol. With Trump observers seems like one of the problems is focusing too close to the ground/not taking a step back and see how mass consciousness is being moved. Another reason I think this is all going to work out is the movement of self determination is a global thing. I look at the key words that reflect what mass consciousness is exploring...make strong, proud, safe, great. If you look at it from a soul growth level it all makes sense/to me anyway.

I watch the limited hangouts to see where the intentions are/plus good info in a lot of it, you have to have that, the hook. One of the more amusing aspects of limited hangouts...who they try and make into good guys. Steve likes Nixon and Kissinger. George likes Bama and Billy with the Willy. Don't know who Robert elevates bc I have only watched the two short parts/he's damn near impossible to listen too/not a very good actor. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to Robert's pick for love this corrupt bastard?

Enjoying all the thoughtful comments~just sayin.

V____Z ago

Thank you. Fucking brilliant, all of it. I gave up trying to alert people to Webb, I really upset some folks by doing so.

4_InquiringMinds ago

We had such a good discussion going in comments day 117 which has now gone mia. Quite a few woke but others carrying on don't be so hard on poor George he's such a wonderful 'fill in the blank'. Still from time to time some of us try in comments. Last few days his vids have been super short. Might be trying to redefine the narrative. Limited hangouts do that. George already did it with his early tubes saying pizza was a code word for arms. When that didn't float they all disappeared and the narrative was reframed. This was something I was unaware of since I didn't see the early ones. Kick ass Voaters here clued me in/including the Repentant CIA mole twitter. That's the magic of shared dynamic.

V____Z ago

You are a goldmine of good info. Thank you for being.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thank YOU for being woke :)

DeathToMasons ago

Everything you said. Web also said, after knwoing everything about Obama's role, that he is a big fan. Really? I don't get it. And I also notice he never has any revulsion about these people. He attempt to say it is because he is clinical and a cultural anthropoligist, but it does not feel right that he has such emotional detachment to these crimes. Seems like he also is saying. that is the way it is, don't trip. Sorry George, you're fired.

V____Z ago

Love it! I second this firing.

samhara ago

In Rockefellers' interview by Benjamin Fulford he explains he doesn't expect / plan a "One World" as imagined by critics. But that each country would have it's own flavor [yet run by the one government. ]

So the movement toward National "Independance" doesn't necessarily go against the NWO plan. Also it was claimed "Queen " is for Brexit.

Just sayn,

4_InquiringMinds ago

So the movement toward National "Independance" doesn't necessarily go against the NWO plan.

This has been making the rounds. Gosh I hope ppl actually start listening to what Rock says/he doesn't want a one world govt elected by the people/individual countries under a shadow govt basically. So what's news there? Open boarders, create chaos, disarm, poison the food and air, massive disease for big pharma, destroy true education, cashless society living on credit, control printing of money (think euro and the success that was for NWO), racial and religious divisions, the usual shit. If ppl would apply logic/hard I know bc it's a fear based society/it's much easier to control masses if individual countries have their own paramilitary taking orders from a shadow one world govt which btw has been happening/Rockefeller, Soros etc have not limited their activities to just us lol.

And if you research Queen for Brexit/all hearsay ya da. Which of course furthers the fear matrix if the queen was for it must mean it serves the NWO cause look at what Rockefeller said.

I sincerely hope ppl wake up to the fear tactics/it's hopeless, we are all doomed. If they could then it would help the birthing shift in consciousness which will happen regardless of the fear mongers.

Dejure ago

I posted a pizzagate piece on the hrc ratline FB page and a mod messaged me & said NO PIZZAGATE. instant suspicion

BethesdaDC ago

Agreed. Somethings afoot with this guy. Not sure exactly what but he's up to something that much is certain when he says paraphrasing here..."no arrests should be made or guilt assigned" WTF?!

bopper ago

It's going to be difficult for anyone to know at this time what exactly is going on because Trump keeps a tight lid on everything. That's his MO. Other than possible hints, leaks, stratagems that he might want 'leaked' to encourage the people. I I have no doubt that he is all over this pedo and trafficking swamp.

We need to pray for him. In lieu of his success there might have to be 'blood in the streets.' As the puritans would say, "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." No doubt this is where Jefferson got his quote "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

shoosh ago

I was initially open, with the idea that if I was an ex-marine or other personnel I'd want to come forward and hope I was accepted.
I wanted to be lenient because I too am formulating opinions that have changed as I've gone along. I too make comments that are in error, but my desire is for truth exposed. Nobody knows that but me so I wanted to give him the same courtesy.


When I heard the same things as you heard I stopped in my tracks.

When he said we shouldn't be so hard on child agencies I had to shut him off from there on.

Child agencies need to be held to extreme accountability and audited annually for transparency. Where is all the f'ing money going cause at this rate children should have the best environments based on all the fund agencies and I'M NOT SEEING IT.


But then he said the top end should have leniency so that explained his position perfectly.

I'll listen to him but I'll take everything with extreme caution... and that's what he wants.... confusion.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Oh shit~since I didn't listen to his whole dribble missed the don't be so hard on child agencies!!!!! Pedo see, pedo be do be do~

shoosh ago

On Tara Reality Calls recent episode he suggested gays have their own representation just for them ((paraphrasing)).

Good thing Tara stopped that idea quickly with a bupbupbup no special treatment should be given. That shut him down.

Currently canada has a new thing called M103 advertised as a motion to protect muslims against hate speech. No one should get special treatment, so the media may be tweeking it to generic hate speech. This is the result of the muslim mosque shooting (one shooter was muslim!) It kills opinions and free speech.

I think Steele is pinging and planting nudges.

I'm not sure if he's aware of how he's used or if he's an ignorant pawn.
But I know he's pinging and nudging to imfluence.

Is this the guy who keeps saying something will be done within the week? Said that long ago?

Yeah. This is an attempt to keep people inactive buying time for the goldfish mentality to move on to another trauma, like the race war, and leave this one alone.

It gives them time to plant backdated propaganda under the heading of no proof and alternate excuses.

Xax ago

What's good about the clownery of Steele et al. is that we are the ones who control whether there will be arrests, prison time, or firing squads. It's up to us to hold these people up as an example that will redound for a millennium.

islandofdelight ago

I went into your post unconvinced, but then you totally flipped me. I agree with all of your points. I had never heard of the guy before... and I definitely do not agree with reconciliation with murdering pedophiles, or what he said about Cheney and 911... Cheney was one of the masterminds.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Cheney, called big dick or something like that, very painful with child anal rape.

LargePepperoni ago

I strongly disagree. Steele is on our side.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I have some ocean front property in AZ~

DeathToMasons ago

And I can sell a bridge to get there.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Shit Death ToMasons...I can't stop laughing :)

BackAgain ago

  1. Doesn't want the pedo, kidnappers to face jail time
  2. Slanders Donald Trump
  3. Says what we need to focus on is changing the electoral process

If that doesn't sound like a damn shill employed from the left I don't know what does. Are we sure Robert Steele isn't Hillary Clinton in a costume?

4_InquiringMinds ago

Are we sure Robert Steele isn't Hillary Clinton in a costume?

Nah, he's not ugly enough.

GeorgeT ago

In one sentence he lterally says how he knows shady high end restaurants where via code one can order a baby off the menu (he says that!) and right in the next sentence he says how our first priority is to reform electoral process! He must have been dealing with real sheeple in his day. Are you guys buying this. Cannibalism vs electoral reform - this is a bizarre attempt at mind control! Nice try! Ordering babies of the menu? If there is a proof of that - scorched earth, then what or who is left can draw up a brand new constitution!

4_InquiringMinds ago

Right, that was the snippet I couldn't remember that made me pass on him. Oh waiter do you have baby beef tonight? No? How about pigs in a blanket?

V____Z ago

God you people are smart. I have renewed faith after reading this post and many, many of the comments. WOKE

4_InquiringMinds ago

It is reassuring isn't it~

usernameusername ago

thanks 4 yr insight

BackAgain ago

When the "DHS Insider" referenced Steele the second time in the Q&A telling readers to go ask him it became apparent to me Steele was the DHS Insider.

Cant trust a guy who lied to us about being a DHS Insider. Cant trust that website "Victurus Libertas" who set up the interview anymore either. they also gave us the fake FBIAnon 2.0 interview about arrests that never happened

Seems we have A LOT of people jumping on board Pizzagate saying whatever they can to try to get a slice of the fame

4_InquiringMinds ago

it became apparent to me Steele was the DHS Insider.

Oh, good catch!!!

palmitespo910 ago

I went and looked it up. I found two emails in the Podesta files.

Also, there are emails about Cosco, a shipping company, in the Sony Leak emails. Also interesting information.

dFrog ago

Personally, I would like the perpetrators executed, but that's just because it would feel good.

I think Steele has been around the block enough that he recognizes that simple, emotionally-driven outcomes like that aren't so feasible. Like he said, something to the effect of, "You don't back jackals with unlimited weath and thousands of private mercenary hitmen on call into a corner."

He describes the next 90 days of Trump's presidency as our one chance to enact some real change and quite honestly, an aggressive, warlike, kill-the-badguys mentality does more to hurt our enemies than it does to help us. I would agree with him that electoral reform is more functionally important to the wellbeing of the country than corporal punishment, however satisfying the latter would be.

Whatever the case may be, I think it'd be better to humor him on that point for the time being, until we start seeing some major movement.

samhara ago

I would not take whatever he says seriously.

He's telling you "what our chances are"

? That' s NLP. That's hypnosis. Get everyone to thinks that's all they can hope for.. He's trying to footgeld us. And if he doesn't hobble us properly, his owners will fine him.

20Justice4All17 ago

Back then into a corner with a limited way out that is an ambush...Sun Tzu

4_InquiringMinds ago

And don't forget, Trump's presidency is doomed unless he lets Steele show him the way/in his own words.

samhara ago


21yearsofdigging ago

Agreed and I commented somewhere on here much the same (albeit not as thorough) line of thought. The fact that George Webb said something similar is unnerving and I have been begging Webb to mention ritual abuse and the Luciferian-satanist aspect but he doesn't seem to want to go there. Personally I have met victims of ritual abuse and know that it exists. Some can argue that the Satanist aspect(i.e. Michael Aqiuno) is only used to scare the crap out of 3 year olds, but I do believe it is more sinister than that and spirit cooking alludes to that. Babies are sacrificed on alters. Yup, I believe it .I like much of what Webb says and it is very detailed but it isn't all new revelations, Hell, Cynthia McKinney was calling out Dyncorp years ago. With Steele like almost everyone here, I was shocked about the reconciliation stuff. Maybe for some low hanging fruit to rat out the bigger fish it may be reduced sentences but this is not something they get off with a slap on the wrist.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I have been begging Webb to mention ritual abuse and the Luciferian-satanist aspect but he doesn't seem to want to go there.

His instructions would be to avoid it at all costs. The average person has been desensitized to most corruption including organ and human trafficking (living on a diet of never ending wars does that) but when it comes to satanic baby raping, eating etc you are talking about a major trigger. It's vitally important to keep this relegated to the tinfoil hat thing.

21yearsofdigging ago

Read through your comments, agree with much of it

21yearsofdigging ago

Others are coming to recognize this goes on. George knows this as well. I understand the strategy but we aren't talking about reptiles just the honest truth about ritual abuse and it's ties to whatever the new version of MKUltra is. It is a strange world, one I have known for almost 2 decades and I too have been subjugated to the tin hat crowd for simply telling the truth. Don't get me wrong, I understand the strategy but the truth is still the truth. We will see, he covers a lot of things I didn't think he would so maybe...

Also, through the pizzagate researchers many that could never go there have come around. I too have been skeptical but not anymore. having said that I also think they are some fakers out there, i.e. women that say they were but weren't (hope I am wrong) Here is a good video if you have a chance

GeorgeT ago

Ted Gunderson said that 50 000 children where sacrificed a year in satanic rituals.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

George Webb's videos are all being done to justify the behavior as a necessary part of the new global government. It is all for "sustainability". They can claim they are only involved in these criminal and corrupt networks because they have to be involved in order to catch the "real bad" guys. They all get immunity just like in the HRC private email server negotiations in order to cover it up and tie off the loose ends. The only miscalculation was Weiner's laptop, poor security, and the usual sloppy work and infighting.

Everything links back to Racine, Wisconsin. Clinton Global Initiative, Dyncorp, DuPont, Pilgrims Society, Freemasons, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Agenda 21, etc. Once everyone connects those dots and more to Racine, they will see the real truth on how this all links together and how everything is controlled by the same groups involved.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is not just Fake News, it is Fake Transparency, Fake Opposition, and Fake Justice.

ravensedgesom ago

once a spook always as spook this needed to be pointed out and clarified. If he doesn't feel that arrest are necessary then we disagree strongly and we will fight until this is really dealt with in a necessary and acceptable way. "Everyone gets the truth and no one goes to jail." If that isn't a spook traitor what is?

BertieMcDuffy ago

If he said there should not be any arrests, are you sure he did not mean we should storm those fuckers like khadafi got stormed and just hang and disembowel them?

4_InquiringMinds ago

are you sure he did not mean we should storm those fuckers like khadafi got stormed and just hang and disembowel them?


HashTagFU ago

It is possible that that Steele is a pedo. Would you want to go to jail?

HashTagFU ago

Don't know much about Steele but I did do a double take when he said go talk to this guy Steele and I looked at who was supposedly being interviewed and it was...Steele. Clearly a fuckup on his part. The rest of everything else you said spot on.

pbvrocks ago

I had a back and forth with Steele a few days ago...his main "push" was that we needed to get in front of Trump with his "plan"...he is certainly a big thinker which is obvious from his website. After some back and forth with him, I tend to agree with the above...although do think Steele could be helpful. Really for one reason...if what these people have done (satanism, pedophilia, murdering children, human sacrifice) then can I just say NO WAY IN HELL ARE THEY GETTING OFF WITHOUT THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW BEING ADMINISTERED...believe most of us would expect and accept no less....

samhara ago

OMG.. We're supposed to advise Trump to follow Steele's advise? They can't afford a better agent than this dufus?!

Newfind ago

What exactly is his role as a "spook?" Is it to distract PG research from continuing or to steer the pitchforks toward a soft landing? I guess I can't understand his role.

mrjdouble ago

What is being theorized on this post is that he's a counter-intel guy. The idea is he's got a script, he knows what to steer away us around and towards. They give little pieces of truth packed deep inside a giant turd sandwich. Then they get to sit back and laugh their asses off as folks like you and I discuss these things on public message boards.

Newfind ago

Yeah I get that, I guess I'm trying to figure out who made the turd sandwhich?

mrjdouble ago

Well if you believe it, most certainly would be post-cia retirement gig or the deep state/shadow gov't operating behind the scenes. Basically whoever would stand to lose the most if all if this shit came out and was verified as truth by the American people.

had_enough ago

WTF?!?! Red Flag! Pedo-Protector alert!! I'll go for no jail as long as they are all promptly executed lol. I had my doubts about Steele, saw him on Alex Jones and then saw Steve Pieczenick near the same day, and Steve was saying Flynn was planned to go from the beginning and that everything is fine. He said they anticipated the coup attempt and not to be concerned about all the media hysteria. (17 min) Thanks for posting this, I only recently heard of Steele and he seems highly suspicious to me now after saying something so morally repugnant. Seems like he and Milo are trying to soften the inevitable blow, I say let the weiner laptop videos out and let the court of public opinion decide.

palmitespo910 ago

Can you link to what you mean about the Cisco shopping trip

huhhh ago

Use bookmarks dummy lol

SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

Yes he said no arrests and he's big on 'reconciliation' ! Raping & killing children is obviously not that important! It's only liberty & justice 4 SOME!

GeorgeT ago

When he said that I sprayed my coffee all over my desk!

SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

I agree, he seemed unconcerned about the victims!

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I can see this being a ploy to fool the rapist and pedophiles into surrender because they might think they can live a normalish life after it all comes out. However anyone is lying to you if they say the population wont want to string these bastards up and will kill them on sight if they are allowed to roam free after it is all well known.....that aint happening. People will form militia groups and take care of these pedos themselves after it is widely known and there is nothing Trump or the NWO can do about it.

sunajAeon ago


SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

Maybe that is the case, I hope so!

thicktail1730947 ago

The best way to avert civil unrest is for the government to quit pussyfooting around and just fucking arrest the participants. Anything else will lead to problems.

GeorgeT ago

Very sharp observation, having listen to his interview with Alex Jones and his recent interview by Victutus Libertas (great first effort guys) I came away with the same conclusion in that David is being put there to direct us away from the ramifications that the exposure of this magnutude will entail. I don't want to even start on 9-11, I have done more on that topic than just about anyone, it was a masonic mega ritual planned way before. But I digress. He kept saying to leave past behind and move forward and not dwell about such 'trivial' things as sentesing of Hillary & Bill - something I am sure a few of us would disagree with. He kept pushing this meme forward - to move forward, put pedophiles on notice, make a few high level arrests and put it behind us. Hmmmm...... actually this is a big deal. A very big deal. A very, very big deal. Sentensing Podesta and Killary for their involvement in unspeakable crimes a no big deal? What on earth is he talking about? Who is he trying to protect? Let's ask Trey Gowdy if he would be willing to cross examine Hillary - again? Robert Steele is doing bidding for the shadow goverment that he claims to expose. Be wary of him. I cannot believe he said that we should let Hillary go even if she is proven guilty - first of all that is not his or people's nor Trump's decision, it's up to law! Then he rambles all about how Trump should do this and that, and how Trump should seek David's advice etc. He does a good expose on CIA and the media but his stance on pedophilia & child murder was rather ambigous? Basically he invites cognitive disonance - on one hand he admits that pizza/pedogate is real and it is an epidemic, that it is global and brutal and tightly nit hell factory; yet on the other hand, in the same breath he is telling us that it is no big deal, that we should put those 'naughty' pedos on notice and focus on other things!!! - While this satanic network continous to ply its monstrous trade in our face! He is a troll put there to muddy waters. I got mixed vibes. Part of a good disinformation campaign is to mix lies with truth in an optimal ratio - spooks are expers at doing that. That is why he mentioned controlled demolition - to gain our trust. Nice try! Arresting Pedogate perpetrators is counter productive - believe David Steele, after all he knows 9-11 was a false flag, why would he lie about pizzagate. By the way, he did not even mention Alifantis (boy that pizza parlor owner sure must be big) and he downplayed the importance of Comet Ping Pong and never mentioned the fact Besta Pizza and Bucks Camping & Fishing, also Beyond Borders are right next to each other. Never mentioned Podesta nor any other names, very vague ran hot and cold. Spooks are good at mind manipulation. Could have fooled me a year ago.

OrwellKnew ago

I enjoyed reading your analysis. Makes a lot of sense

squirreltruth ago

good name! I've been meaning to re-read some of his work lately, but I'm currently trying to get through 'confessions of an economic hitman' (had it on my shelf since it came out, was inspired to finally read it when I came across it's mention in wikileaks)

awakenaware ago

Agreed. If you don't arrest these "people" they will in no time at all continue doing what they have always done and regroup and continue sacrificing and rebuilding their network and carry on... No fucking way!!!! Fuck them.. These monsters need to go down big time.. No fucking mercy.. Yea maybe for smalller players.. Those who don't actually kill kids for kicks.. The top guys need to be taken out fully! Any nonsense about amnesty considering the stuff they do is insanity.

SoldierofLight ago

Great insight.

SoldierofLight ago

Something never struck me as genuine about him, like he was getting off on the attention and pretending to be a major player when at best he's a useful idiot. Just a gut feeling.

samhara ago

He's an arrogant prick, with just heresay as qualifications. You see the type all the time on the "conspiracy" beat. The investigators are so excited to find someone who seems "professional," & ostensibly on their side, that they * neglect to actually check out the person nor the "experts" actual qualifications and history. The leaders of the "movement" are generally always fake; they punk and they mock [in private]. They get away with it by brazen arrogance.

20Justice4All17 ago


cakeoflightylight ago

I would sooner advocate the overthrow of the entire U.S. Government than be satisfied with "no arrests" and personally, if Hillary doesn't fry I'm going to be extremely unhappy after what she did to our ambassador and GOD KNOWS HOW MANY innocent babies and children.

50hurtz ago

Fucking right there will be. Nobody is going to forgive these crimes, and the way its looking no arrests will be made they are just going to be covered up by that masonic and satanic cunt ashton kutcher and his dumbass buddy john mccain who gives away info to pranksters like a dumb mother fucker. Also where are the thousands of kids going after they are saved by kutcher? back to the elite I suppose.

20Justice4All17 ago

Well said

rodeo13 ago

Yep. If no arrests happen, there will be an uprising they cannot even comprehend. A world where monsters get away with torturing and murdering innocent children is not acceptable.

Mrspree ago

Agreed. When this comes out they need the death penalty. There is no excuse for what they do in this pizzagate rabbit hole.

Ocelot ago

Give them the boats.

whorsquini ago

I had the same things to say about that interview just in a much more gut instinct way. Thank you.

Clinker ago

These attempts are not aimed at the getting the word out about Pizzagate. You don't go on Alex Jones when you want the media to pick up the story. No, Steele's message was for us and nobody else. Hillary and her tweets, and this guy were supposed to make us demand that the Flynn's transcripts are revealed. Because we were supposed to believe that Flynn is listing off names of pedophile politicians to the Russians. Seems like a fairly obvious trap to me. We are also supposed to start investigating Mike Pence, because he is friends with Senator Jeff Flake. There was nothing of value to us besides the fact that he was trying to divert us - a good sign that we are on the right track.

cheetoboat ago

I was really wondering about some of the things he's said on AJ and in this latest interview. It makes me think like this info is really to lure the perpetrators into a sense of security like - Ok, I don't need to run, i can tell the truth, nothing will happen to me. In the same way Steelle mentioned the FBIanon and his "bank shot" to see who starts bucking against the info coming out. (Although he did recommend Trump make a law that after second pedophile rape crime its death penalty.) I've also wondered about George Webb saying the same things about not wanting arrests, just wanting the crimes to stop. I think its a way to protect themselves from talking about this, but also luring potential whistleblowers and defectors. This shit is so deep, i think we may have to face that likelihood we're not going to get 100% satisfaction. i hope we do. But i don't know..

SturdyGal ago

A couple of weeks ago I though I could accept amnesty under tight conditions, but later I realized how unfair it is to all who have suffered and all who have been jailed for years for small crimes like possessing a joint. Letting the guilty off is business as usual and it is not okay. The nation and the victims need to see the evidence, the trial and the punishment. Those who aren't victims need to understand the depth and breadth of the problem.

Doobeyhoser ago

100% agree with OP. Cheney and all the rest should be hanged. No statute of limits. I love open sourced intel though. Here is a video of Frank A. DeMartini, the WTC Construction and Project Manager, where he explains how the Twin Towers were "designed" to withstand the impact of a "fully-loaded Boeing 707." It was aired on June 25, 2001 on The History Channel.

JustObserving ago

Giuliani shipped away the Steele at light speed to china for pennies on the dollar so it could not be tested for thermite.

Now that's a funny typo

ejd4500 ago

OP, did you get this wrong?

Did he forget that was the character he was suppsoed to be playing?

As I understand, here is the original where that statement was made:

Victurus Libertas is claiming to be the source of this interview. Where did the DHS insider claim to be Robert David Steele before suggesting that Victurus reach out to Steele?

There is a strategy to not arresting - in getting people to come clean, as in immunity. If people don't fear punishment they are more likely to reveal, therefore allowing restitution easily and unimpeded. Trust me, I'd like to see these people burn as much as anyone, but I understand his strategy and we need to be open to strategic thinking. And, the citizenry at large will remove these people from existence without the help of the law, so I'm not worried about them getting off Scott-free.

DeathToMasons ago

Ok TY, that part went over my head. They could have formated better.

samhara ago

Where did they give mercy? That's what I want to know.

H.R. Clinton called the investigators of Sandy Hook "Blackhearts"

She should not have done that.

[Download Link] Nobody Died at Sandy Hook Ebook

"I was not aware the original blog [about "Noah Pozner" had disappeared until I read this article. I believe I read the original article on James Tracy's blog but it is conveniently gone also. It is amazing how lucky they are to have everything go their way. This case is one of high cheating, deception and fraud at many levels. Yet virtually the whole State of Connecticut is corrupt. The U.S. Justice Department and FBI have totally sold out on this because all this would be a cake walk for them to confirm but they choose silence. It is just not believeable they do not know all this and even monitor these comments. I would bet some one of them is reading this right now. Even the "distinguished" Henry Lee, Ph.D., former top medical examiner and crime scene investigator for Connecticut has suddenly clammed up too. Now think of all the honest medical examiners, pathologists with M.D. degrees, and other crime scene investigators throughout the nation and world who have also clammed up on this. The whole thing is like an Agatha Christy Novel in spades. Almost every normal investigative source is totally compromised to hide the truth. How could they get away with this? How could second rate criminals like this accomplish such a feat for relatively small gain? Why are so many authorities going so far to hide their criminal conduct? I don't get it, do you? Many people involved have also mysteriously died or disappeared. Wolfgang has been muzzled. James Tracy has been fired. Nothing has happened to any of the perps. This is astounding. Is there something even more sinister going on here that is behind all this totally criminal conduct by our government at so many levels? I have also never heard a peep from the normally big mouth of Trump on this either."

'Sandy Hook Charade"

party1981 ago

I was really impressed with everything he said. Then he started talking about remote viewing and alien technology for purifying water.

Of course, when in October 2016 I first read FBIanon say Mossad did 9/11, I laughed out loud.

DeathToMasons ago

Mossad was one of the players along with the CIA and our Deep state establishmenr. Saudi was only a money contributer from my memory.

party1981 ago

Saudi agents helped guide and control several of the 9/11 hijacker patsies. Probably also supplied the stolen passports.

My guess is that Saudi intelligence knew everything. It's obvious once you realize that these we're all the same players (US, Saudi, Pakistani, Israeli) forces working together as friends in Operation Cyclone.

RockStrong ago

I definitely see where your theory has merit. And when he said '2 or 3 arrests' or whatever that was, I IMMEDIATELY knew something was wrong. Was he lying? Putting on the brakes a bit for strategic reasons? Obviously if he is credible he would still be saying what is best and withholding what is important remain available on one of those need to know type deals.

mrjdouble ago

Plot twist: If he isn't a double-agent, maybe the powers at be finally got to him and said knock it off, or else?

I mean I was skeptical all along, to be honest. I wanted to believe he had been exposed to some stuff and was risking his life to speak out against these monsters, but they know exactly who he is. Where he lives. Who he regularly speaks to. How he travels. ect, ect, ect. Makes no sense to keep someone alive like that.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Certainly didn't keep Bill Cooper alive did they?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yeah, when he said that... about there not needing to be any arrests. I scratched my head. I couldn't actually process how that could unfold. Decades of abuse, trafficking, organ harvesting and a hidden agenda of blackmail/extortion that reaches deep within our government... complete with possible video evidence, and no arrests?

Excuse me?

What kind of insanity is this? What is the argument here? Don't "dwell in the past"? No, sorry bro, it doesn't work like that. That is not dwelling in the past. This is holding people accountable for crimes that are on par or worse than genocide. We are talking about children. Displaced, scared, innocent kids. Fuck that.

What is this civil unrest fear? Who do you know will completely freak out if a bunch of corrupt, child molesting politicians go to jail? This would be applauded. Does this douchebag seriously think that civil unrest will stem from arresting pedo-ticians? Because from where I sit, the exact opposite is true.

I wanted to riot when Comey announced no charges for HRC's email debacle. If we are seriously talking about letting 30% of our political representatives get away with pedophilia (or worse if there is evidence of actual murder/organ harvesting as per George Webb's assessments) - there is no fucking way that I will accept anything other than life in prison. And even that feels like a complete "get out of jail free card" given the circumstances.

This mentality that these people are above the law, or too big to fail, or somehow irreplaceable needs to go away. If this is a PsyOp to soften the blow, our work is truly just in the beginning phases. I don't want any single man or woman capable of crimes this evil and sickening to be allowed to walk the streets - let alone run our country.

The lack of proper prosecution in the light of evidence will absolutely cause unrest among true patriots. If the law fails us, in order to protect children and the future of this nation/other nations, we may have to take justice into our own hands. I've never suggested such an extreme recourse before. But this would almost become a necessity.

Fuck no. They must go down.

JusticeNow ago

I was in contact with Robert Steele this morning and asked him to explain himself about No arrests and extending mercy to Washingtin Pedophiles, he emailed me back, "F#@& You!" And accused me of being a subversive!

MrMysterious ago

Glad OP mentioned that interview since it was pretty obvious it was Steele or a partner of his. I can't quite put my finger on it, but Steele definitely has some concerns about his legitimacy with his observable behavior. He was way too focused on pushing other agendas in the interviews I saw and he lacked the same aura of credibility we see others have when discussing the topic. In the best case he seems to be a bit "unstable" so I am more skeptical of his claims. It does not mean anything he says is incorrect, I am just commenting on warning signs i see. Seaman is similar in that he seems unstable and I would be skeptical of what he says as well. (Again, not that he is wrong, but that the instability means you must be more careful about it)

GrendelKhan ago

I don't think life in prison for child rape goes far enough.

But regardless of that, if the crimes involve blackmailing pedos in government to affect the country, that's treason, and they should be hanged. Also, any pedos in government who are blackmailed into treasonous acts also need to hang, the blackmail excuses nothing.

Hanging is too good for them, but that's another argument.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I don't think life in prison for child rape goes far enough.

Oh just might if released to the general population in max security digs wink

IlluminatiKing ago

Kind of reminds me of how shills/MSM try to change the subject when you bring up the corrupt stuff Hillary did. NO. She is guilty and her emails reveal the can of worms that will bring the Clinton cartel and her cohorts down with her.

samhara ago

The judge in the 9/11 cases, Judge Hellerstein of the Federal Court, gave the same advise to the injured. "Forget the past" "You have a few years left to enjoy yourself" "Move on" / "Drop it." I thought that was indicative of what was really going on considering the promoted Propaganda "Never Forget."

They desperately did not want any real trials over the 9/11; since there was no evidence!

Also, after the stolen election of W. Bush - which was enabled by the treasonous conduct of the Supreme Court, [in stopping the vote count and placing their man in ; with the faulty and abitrary law judgments which were deemed never to happen again and "once only."] by ring leader Opus Dei secret society member Judge Scalia, writing the definitive decision. - who is now revealed to have been a pedo - the very next day the Propaganda was "Let it go." "It's the past" "Sore loser" Phst.

They *always use the same tricks, over and over; since their bag is very paltry. And that's all they've got.

jml1201 ago

Thank the lord there are people that don't buy bullshit like that. Great post.

jml1201 ago

Just gotta post again because this post is too solid.

GeorgeT ago

They held Neuremberg Trials didn't they? Why didn't they just let go .........oooh sorry they did! They put a few scapegoats on stand, while rest of the thousands of nazi criminals were imported into the US via operation Paper Clip. It helps when you know history (actual history)

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Well, a couple of things Mr. T:

  1. It's "Nuremberg" Trials. Sorry! I never commit spelling/grammar nazism, unless my understanding of the subject matter is called in to question first.

  2. We're talking about very different situations here. I will never defend the actions of Nazi Germany... no one should. I won't go down the rabbit hole of questioning whether or not the details of the Holocaust are 100% accurate (mainly because I've never focused on the conspiracy claims that it was grossly exaggerated).But, we are talking about a group of war criminals committing targeted genocide against multiple ethnic/social groups under direct command of their government/military vs. Pizzagate, which is beginning to look like a collection of depraved, power hungry and sadistic individuals in a web of pure evil.

Let's be clear. On one hand you have an entire nation following orders and committing war crimes/atrocities against humanity. On the other, you have the elite potentially engaged in voluntarily destroying the weakest and most innocent group of humans on the planet - by choice.

So, no... the history lesson does not apply here. As this is totally unprecedented (If true and there is sufficient evidence). I'm not suggesting that a scapegoat scenario isn't possible. What I am suggesting that if a scapegoat scenario is used to give the elite a "loose noose", we need to step up and tighten it.

Again... we cannot assume this is all true. This would have to be totally based on actionable evidence. Only when this evidence is made public and proper prosecution is NOT followed through with, should there be any recourse from the civilian population. Beginning with proper legal/political channels. If that does not work, and these individuals are 100% guilty beyond reasonable doubt and allowed to walk free? The swamp still needs to be drained one way or the other.

GeorgeT ago

First you have to read up on hidden history before posting an opinion! It took me thousands of books and 18 years of research. History doesn't apply here???? Operation Paperclip? The same group of satanic freemasons that funded WW2 and all the horrors of concentration camps are the group that funds the demonic corporation known as U.S. Inc. We the people allowed bunch of inbred psychopaths consolidate powe and now things are so far gone that nothing short of global civil war would bring any change. There are no political channels. Freemasonic dark lodges control every institution. There will be no trials. Social engineers treat public as test subjects. It's a scientific experiment. They are psychopaths and public will never underrstand that. Truth is bitter. Vigilante justice is and always will be the only true justice once public awakes to the truth.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Agreed... and while your comments may have seemed far fetched 10 years ago, I certainly lean in your direction. However, to make claims of this magnitude requires hard evidence. Paperclip is real and well documented for sure. I would be very, very interested in seeing a direct link that connects these scientists/nazi's to Freemasonry/Satanism.

Do you happen to have any links/images/literary references to this link?

GeorgeT ago

Best book on the subject would be Henry Makow's 'Illuminaty, the Cult That Hijacked The World.' It's 270 pages of hard filtered summary, would save a newbie 5 years of reading. I got it from Amazon. Of all the books that I have read on the subject, this one gives the best summary.

DeathToMasons ago

Yes sir, you are a truth veteran.

samhara ago

Unfortunatley the Nurenburg trials didn't get the real honchos. It was managed. And that is why we are where we are today.

Wasn't that story line in "Star Wars?" - the warrior had mercy on the psycho - and then the psycho came back for more .

It's actually an ancient saying. "Forgive a thief and turn your back and he will stab you again." or Somesuch [I paraphrase not knowing it in the original greek or hebrew. Or English for that matter]

SoldierofYAH2 ago

I 100% agree with your sentiment that evil people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And I believe that anyone guilty of child rape should be publicly executed. And I'm closely following this Pizzagate thing, and believe this is what could bring down the NWO agenda.

But just to state the truth about this aspect of history...the Nuremberg "trials" were a kangaroo court and propaganda display -- with the defendants being tortured into giving false "confessions", totally false affidavits and allegations taken as "fact" by the court, etc.. The official "holocaust" story is a total lie. There were around 270,000 deaths at the German-run camps, but overwhelmingly from DISEASE (typhus). There was no mass murder. The only gas chambers at the camps were DISINFESTATION chambers used to kill lice in order to prevent the spread of typhus. Zyklon B was an insecticide. That's also the reason to shave the heads of the inmates. To prevent spread of lice.

Astrodreamer ago

Plus pedophilia is never their only criminality.

blind_sypher ago

The argument is that theyre the masters, and they should be worshipped and we should be thankful they dont kill all of us in a convoluted war. They wouldnt be happy until they had all of us grovelling at their feet, weaponless, docile. They hate us, because their elitists. They see us scum. We need to destroy them.

huhhh ago

Plus this isn't a thing of the past. It is still happening and will continue to do so If nothing is done. Not just the kiddie fucking/murdering/whateverthefuck too, but the fact that these elite assholes are sneakily pushing for depopulation and the New World Order. Fuck them all, they're trying to destroy the world and literally kill billions of innocents. I think that fucking warrants a penalty.

strix-varia ago

They are sneakily pushing the nwo because people are buying into it hook, line and sinker. People are supporting the global organizations and until people unplug and stop consuming (which they most likely won't), you are right, it will keep going on and on and on. It has been going on for hundreds of years, except now, there are terrifying numbers of children and pedos and downright depraved vultures, all in on it.

MysticMa ago

This is the same shit that Stew Webb from Veterans Today has pulled, off an on. They seen to be on task and then, bam some off the wall side step from what would be considered sane, well thought out logic. Realistically, I so want to know that their experience & background has their conscience in check, so that wrongs are righted. Our foundations and faith in country have been rocked to the core... I just want to BELIEVE there are some HERO's out there!

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Good analysis! We want the swamp drained and the guilty prosecuted!

heywhatsgoingon ago

"I have to go, but please contact Robert David Steele, the former CIA agent we discussed. I am sure he would appear on your channel. You are providing a real service to the people and we hope you will continue to speak up for the regular folks who are concerned, rightfully, as to the state of our nation. Take care!". Did he forget that was the character he was suppsoed to be playing?

Huh, this is weird. Got a link to this?

What bugs me most is his casual confidence. The worst crimes imaginable are taking place on a hellish scale and he comes off like he doesn't care all that much. This scandal has people in tears. It's the great shame of our civilization.

I could be wrong about RDS of course, and I hope that I am. I'm just getting very mixed cues from him.

Notashill4sure ago

I don't think you're wrong. It's on victurus libertas interview with his informant on YouTube. It stinks to high heaven. I'm not buying it. Everything said in that "interview" was really sort of obvious. Anyone who reads here and follows certain people on YouTube could have cooked it up.

DeathToMasons ago

Go to the end of the interview. Somebody else pointed out this mistake when the article was first posted. I noticed it but did not understand it. Who waw it that was supposed to be interviewd anyhow? Clearly it was implied it was Steele. Then his odd closing comment.

GeorgeT ago

My girlfriend now has woken up and she is hysterical asking me how is it possible for such evil to exist in the first place. I wish I hadn't told her. Try telling her Hillary and Podesta should walk free!

mrjdouble ago

You've done a great service to her over the longhaul, believe that. People respond differently - It isn't easy sometimes when you watch people wake up, but this is a major preliminary objective for this movement, so well done for stepping up to the plate on that.

20Justice4All17 ago

Moms and women are going to go Ape Shit when this breaks

mrjdouble ago

The democrat party is likely finished.. Not like one or two election cycles; I'm talking crushed for all of time. This is a scandal that you just don't recover from.

For seperate but not exactly related reasons, I'd just about say the same thing about the republicans. Trump was the best of the rest, and that speaks volumes to me.

It doesn't seem like anyone is really being groomed to step up, and I don't see anyone really riding in on their white horse to save either party.

trypanon ago

I've been trying to psyche myself up for when I inevitably have to explain how this shit can even exist to all my family/friends. I believe out of all of them I am the only one who is 'red-pilled' (never thought I would be saying that) other than one of my cousins. It's going to be nuts being like "yeah I knew about this stuff, but couldn't say anything to you guys for fear of you thinking I am literally insane". I've been trying to find the right time so that they are on the right side.

joey4track ago

You gotta understand to an ex spook this type of stuff is no secret so of course he would be desensitized with all the shit he has seen. Fuck I am too and I've only just been studying this stuff for years.

ejd4500 ago

I think the OP got this wrong. Here is a link to this:

The person never claims to be Robert David Steele in this Q and A, but is a current DHS insider.

DeathToMasons ago

'Partial Transcript of Video Interview with Robert David Steele'

Followed by 'Transcript of Interview:' Followed by Q and A transcript. If you understand it please explain because I do not. Maybe they worded things wrong?

ejd4500 ago

There's a couple things happening here. The OPs claim that this quote:

I have to go, but please contact Robert David Steele, the former CIA agent we discussed

Was Steele's from 'Former CIA Officer Robert David Steele Lays Out The Purple Revolution Plan', is incorrect. That's not where the quote comes from. It comes from here:

HUGE Exclusive Interview With DHS Insider!

And Victurus is the originator of this Q and A.

The OP has his sources mixed up, and part of OPs foundation for Steele's credibility being in question is faulty.

That's my point.

shakethetree ago

Exactly. @DeathToMasons Please strike through the error in the original post. You know it is wrong and have not fixed it. It is pretty glaring as is, and demonstrating intent to spread false information.

micha_ ago

Thanks you posted it! Incredibly blatant lie from the topic starter (but which does not mean, that I give Steele any credibility).

crystalclear ago

Leaning towards strongly agreeing. You present good argument and evidence. My spidey senses were a'tinglin when I read the interview and then full blown tingling when I saw the interview. Also know his name was mentioned in the dossier regarding Trump and Russia--- that right there is highly suspect

Truewarrior ago

Oh and! I forgot! He outed his location in this interview. Not sure if it was intentional be he says "here in Washington..." in one comment. Doesn't he claim that he's hiding in some forest somewhere? Hmmm.

private-i ago

Webb has mentioned he's near Portland more than once - he has also mentioned where his children go to college and one is soon to graduate from med school

RockStrong ago

I hear you. But I believe he mentioned something elsewhere that indicates Washington State would make sense. He said Washington, not DC. Maybe he actually does mean Washington state. It is filled with forests.

It has been pointed out and I listened again. This is no doubt Washington DC Steele is talking about.

Truewarrior ago

Listen to his comment at 16:20 on the YouTube interview and tell me what you think.

party1981 ago

No he said he was a 40 min drive from Trump

roundhouse1776 ago

As they say, once a spook always a spook. We'll see.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

OP is correct. Robert David Steele, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and even George Webb are not to be trusted. They are all trying to muddy the waters and dilute the truth, while creating lists of targets and buying time to cover up the evidence and forge a few patsy criminals who will take the fall. The end result will be a mere shift of strategy, and organized opposition across all channels.

Trump is not to be trusted either. He is a corrupt deal-maker, and he is friends with the criminal politicians, mafia, and global networks involved. If he is so honest and forthcoming, will he answer what level Freemason he is, or is he just an honorary member? What happened when he flew to Epstein's island? What does he really know, and why he is so afraid to say it out loud when real victims are still suffering, dying and waiting for justice?

The key to everything lies in Racine, Wisconsin. It may sound strange but it is a guaranteed weak link to the entire network. Everything connects back to Racine - EVERY secret society, EVERY global initiative, EVERY ring of corruption and mafia gangs, and global organization. The criminal corruption in Racine, Wisconsin is so blatant and evil, that until the entire swamp is drained there, which the feds have known about for years now, nothing will change. This is as real as the retaliation and death threats to those who know.

It is the home district of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus. Once the world puts a spotlight on their district, EVERY dot can be connected.

20Justice4All17 ago

Quick question about Racine...does the Catholic Church figure in to the corruption there?

sunajAeon ago

Funny, the NY cop who investigated sex slavery in NY retired and lives in Wisconsin (?) forgot his name, he is doing the Youtube/Rense interviews lately

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Rense has been on target with some articles.

Jim Rothstein is who you are mentioning. He knows it is connected.

sunajAeon ago

Yes Rothstein, great interviews with this guy, I happen to think Rense is a limited hangout, love many of his shows and guests but I detect deception, haven't nailed it yet

joey4track ago

What is your beef with Webb exactly?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

He knows too much without knowing some of the obvious such as the secret society and satanic abuse connections. He downplays the child trafficking and abuse, and is advocating for little to no prosecution for those involved. He basically sums it up as 'these just normal CIA programs with no accountability', and doesn't have any solutions other than selective exposure.

George Webb is knowledgeable and naive. Anyone who doesn't understand and point out how this is all interconnected through secret societies is missing the real picture of accountability. His videos do more to distract and dilute than to identify and solve. He is becoming a front man to the investigation so people like David Seaman are deemed non-credible. David Seaman may be put up as a poor man's George Webb, but despite his lack of credible information, at least he seems more believably honest about it.

They don't want a true face for the citizen investigation. They want to prop up false leaders like Trump, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and even Milo. These people aren't leaders. They are liars and propagandists.

joey4track ago

I do hear what you are saying but I also think that some people choose not to bring up the SRA stuff in order to come across as more credible to those who would just stop listening after they hear all the baby eating stuff. Robert Steele also calls for joining forces with the likes of Cynthia McKinney and Dennis Kucinich who are two people I do trust and I wish they would get more involved and get into the spotlight a little. And yes Webb is naive and that may be the main reason why he thinks the SRA stuff is just an intimidation tactic. I would also disagree that Webbs work 'dilutes' anything, his work is fantastic and he connects the many dots very well in a clear fashion. He again, may just be omitting secret societies and such in order not to immediately alienate people. Of course I do believe that stuff is at the heart of the problem but it may not be best to come out of the gate with that stuff until you have won over your audience. As for David Seaman, I agree his heart is in the right place but he isn't much of a researcher tbh, lol. Sometimes I am surprised at some of the details and bits of evidence that he hasn't even seen. As for Milo I would agree that connecting him to PG will only hurt.

And before you guys label me a shill for 'defending' these people, all I am doing is trying to show different aspects here and I'm partly playing devils advocate a little which I think in a serious investigation such as this, isn't a bad idea from time to time. Either way, I do think it would be nice to have a good honest face to this investigation but so far I see none. I like Luke Rudkowski but he doesn't really do much PG stuff.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is an honest answer, however George Webb and Robert Steele are not without their own motives. Both of them are too calculated, apologetic and complicit in regards to criminal accountability. "I just want it to stop but no one should be arrested" vs "they need to be held accountable and we need to wipe the Earth of this evil corruption".

Anyone who isn't in favor of absolute full disclosure and criminal accountability should be questioned.

joey4track ago

Yeah. Not sure how anyone is In any other camp other than the Network "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" camp

GeorgeT ago

We should keep exposing untill the point when they will have no choice but to cover it.

coreylkh ago

Preibus was born in NJ & moved to Green Bay. Ryan was from Janesville, WI, Racine isn't nearly as EVERY as you imply. Racine is actually quite poor and the evil that you imply is 60 miles to the south in Chicago. Trump never flew to Epstein's Island, he actually kicked Epstein out of his mansion for hitting on Trumps staff. This thread was created to post and cite FACTS. Not one thing that you posted is a fact.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are wrong about everything.

Priebus moved to Green Bay when he was a small kid, and then they moved to Kenosha where he went to high school, and moved back after law school. Racine and Kenosha are small connected cities of 160-180,000 combined. Read anything and it will tell you he was "raised in Kenosha" and was born in NJ but was "from" Wisconsin where he was chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party. He is close with Paul Ryan.

Racine and Racine County are the main areas of Paul Ryan's District and he has an office in downtown Racine. Paul Ryan knows about the corruption in his own district and has turned his back on the law. He is deeply involved.

There is strong evidence that Trump flew to Epstein's island and is in the black book with others who flew there such as Bill Clinton. Trump also claims to have been friends with Eptstein for many, many years. You are correct he kicked him out of his resort, but why didn't he call the police and file charges if there was something illegal going on? Why didn't he bring up the Clintons and Epstein island during the election campaigns?

Racine, Wisconsin is completely corrupt. These are all indisputable facts. Why would you want to argue such weak points? Who is paying you?

coreylkh ago

I live right south of Racine on the IL/WI border. My Uncle lived in Racine for 10 years, my husband works in Racine, Oak Creek & Sturtevant area in construction. Racine is no more corrupt then Milwaukee. I'm not getting paid, the points aren't weak in my opinion. The corruption in local governments is rampant everywhere. I just got back from Chicago & Racine pales in comparison. Ryan & Preibus are very popular in the GOP circles in WI & it seems that you are smearing them with half truths. There is no evidence that Trump went to Epstein's Island, he never showed up on flight logs, he knew that the place was bugged & would never compromise himself to be blackmailed. That was the sole purpose of Pedo Island, blackmail.

He did bring up the Clintons, Epstein, and children trafficking during the campaign. He was told to keep it quiet since there's been an active investigation of the Clinton Foundation in NY because our DOJ & CIA keep trying to squash the case.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

If you are not a paid shill, then you are completely ignorant. Racine is absolutely corrupt and easier to control than Milwaukee. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is massive corruption in Chicago, and there are many ties between the corruption in Chicago and the corruption in Racine. The key is the connection between the Democratic establishment and corruption (e.g. Obama and Emanuel), and the Republican establishment and corruption (e.g. Ryan and Priebus).

Trump avoided the connections between the Clintons and Epstein like the plague during the election. In 2010, Epstein pled the Fifth when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Trump:

Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18? A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.

The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”

“Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once,” reports VICE News. Find Katie Johnson, and she may know more.

You avoided to answer the real questions and then changed your arguments and tried to show how much you know because "your uncle lived in Racine" and "your husband works in Racine". What firm does he work for? Did you know how many construction jobs in Racine are rigged? This shows you are either completely ignorant, or are involved and are a total shill.

A full criminal investigation would uncover the real truth - why not support the full criminal investigation to find out instead of spreading lies and misinformation, and questioning what is already known as the truth?

By questioning the investigation and spreading misinformation, do you realize that you are essentially condoning global criminal corruption, child and human trafficking, organ harvesting, drug trafficking, treason, and satanic ritual abuse?

coreylkh ago

Whatever. You aren't worth arguing with because no matter what my opinion is you're going to tell me I'm ignorant because I find your views to be wrong. I'm not avoiding answering anything, I'm not going to tell you who he works for and yes, I'm a total purchased and paid for shill. I'm on the Ryan, Walker, Priebus payroll and I'm a high rolling pedophile. I also work in construction, trucking and farming in WI and I'm involved in IL politics. Don't insult my intelligence. Who's the shill here? Yes, you are.

jjonahjackass ago

I agree with you on everything up to the Racine,Wisconsin bit. Gotta admit, you lost me there. Otherwise, you hit the nail on the head. I would also add Ted Gunderson, Mike Ruppert and all of the other "former" law enforcement individuals who "broke rank" to bring us the "truth".

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It may sound strange but it is 100% the truth. It is both credible and incredible. Everything links to Racine, Wisconsin and the feds have known about the criminal corruption tied to Racine for a long time but have done nothing. That means there is no law and the entire system is corrupt from the top. For those who have witnessed it, it is absolutely unbelievable.

Here are some of the direct relations to Racine, Wisconsin:
- Knights of Pythias - Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative Connections - Sustainability and UN Agenda 21 - Pilgrims Society - Bilderberg - Club of Rome - Committee of 300 - Scottish Rite Freemasons - Council of Foreign Relations - Trilateral Commission - Rotary Club - Zika Virus - Rockefeller Connections - DuPont Connections - Dyncorp Connections - United Way - Red Cross - Child Trafficking & Pedo Connections - Ties to Denver DHS & Child Trafficking - Ties to Haiti, Norway, Ghana and other centers of trafficking and corruption - Community Policing & Militarization of Local Police - Illegal Surveillance Programs - Brazen Corruption & Widespread Cover-ups - Mafia Connections & Ties to Many Pizza Places historically involved in laundering - Michael Aquino, the Temple of Set, and other satanic connections - Incredible levels of racketeering, collusion, extortion, bribery, embezzlement, bid rigging, election rigging, vote rigging, records tampering, illegal campaign financing, misconduct, racist and social discrimination, civil rights violations, due process violations, and many more crimes involving officials and their associates

The people who have witnessed or experienced criminal corruption and abuse are the ones to be trusted, not Alex Jones and others who are profiteers and propaganda artists. George Webb is also only interested in the money. None of these people care about justice and fixing the world.

cakeoflightylight ago

I like Alex Jones but I know a lot of people do not. However I was very confused when Paul Joseph Watson tweeted that he hasn't endorsed Pizzagate in response to some MSM tweet a few days ago. He was the person who put out the original spirit cooking video on Infowars that I saw back in October or November. I don't understand why everyone is so sure that they are controlled opposition but at the same time, with stuff like this tweet it is very easy to lose faith.

GeorgeT ago

This is the story of the century - implicates global powe elite. Pedogate is the NWO. With the fires burning down mansions next to CIA HQ, evidence is being destroyed. People's lives threatened.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct. All of this extra time is making it easier for them to cover up as much as possible to protect the people at the top.

HashTagFU ago

Alex Jones is a disinfo whackjob and about as believable as pro wrestling. He spouts far too many fucking conspiracies to be believable. If everything is a conspiracy then nobody knows what's true and what's not. This is a very effective way to obfuscate truth.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Anyone who already knew or questioned Infowars as controlled opposition had their final proof when it came to pizzagate. Their complete lack of factual information and credibility on the subject was astounding, and every step they have taken since has only supported the fact that Alex Jones is controlled opposition. It is embarrassing, and he surrounds himself with child reporters who agree with everything he says as he interrupts them before they say too much.

cakeoflightylight ago

I've been trying to watch and they have begun covering it the past week or two again.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are only covering because they have to since more people are figuring out they are controlled opposition. They are complete misinformation. Look at the snake oil they are selling, and ask why they won't invite David Seaman on the air for an open discussion. Anyone who believes Alex Jones is on the good side should just quit trying.

How is everyone in the world so gullible? This is not too hard to figure out. There is a select group that controls everything. Including Alex Jones and his team of Disney kid reporters.

cakeoflightylight ago

Well I guess that makes me stupid, I have wanted to try the products they sell (never bought any, too broke) and I don't like David Seaman.

huhhh ago

George Webb is just too perfect and slick. Plus he's too carefree about being targeted for his work. We'll see what comes of it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is all orchestrated. He is giving away the information they know will be revealed regardless from the leaks and hacks. He is showing his hand while hiding the extra cards in his sleeve. Did anyone ever explain what happened with his first 60 videos, and why that has not happened again since? Why doesn't he want criminals to be held accountable? Why is he downplaying trafficking and pedo crimes as normal practice, and covering it up under the guise of special ops? They are defending the system, not prosecuting it.

Truewarrior ago

Interesting perspective. I never thought that by him saying he is striving for the truth and no indictments as a result of exposure aligns him with the deep state or cabal.

GeorgeT ago

How I know David Seaman is for real, because unlike DRS the shill, Seaman is constantly calling for punishment.

DeathToMasons ago

Yes, Seaman is a self promoter and always talks about himself and very little about links and evidence discovered. But he talks of hanging them all. That is something at least. Now let us not bring him up again.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is the "sorry, we won't do it again" and "we are now taking steps to eliminate this problem" card. This goes back hundreds of years. The whole network needs to unravel before the general population is fully controlled or destroyed. They need population control and surveillance, robots, drones and other forms of warfare, including the silent war, to maintain their control.

Make no mistake the tech companies and media companies are aligned to control the population. It needs to end now, or it will never end. Trump, Steele, and others are just performing a magic trick with false hope while deals are being made. Everyone needs to open their eyes.

tt7 ago


joey4track ago

I think it's good to be skeptical but I'm not sold that RS is bad. And that whole 'once a spook always a spook' is a myth. I grew up in MD, my whole family is govt and I've met with ex spooks that clearly don't work for CIA anymore. Until there is more damning evidence against Steele I will consider him an ally. I don't like the blanket amnesty that he and George Webb are calling for. You just have to understand how these delicate situations play out in the real world, plea bargaining and such is normal. I agree though, I think all need to fry but Steele and Webb are just looking at the practical way these things are often done.

4_InquiringMinds ago

but Steele and Webb are just looking at the practical way these things are often done.

Practical does not imply moral or ethical. If we are not moral and ethical might as well flush it all down the toilet~practical is just an excuse to condone degeneracy of such a magnitude that I can't even fathom.

joey4track ago

%100 agree, you couldn't have said it better.

samhara ago

I don't believe for one second that anyone ever retires from the CIA. That is a myth.

I'm sure people in the pedo rings gets to "retire" too; yup when they're dead.

IDeliverPizza ago

Uh oh Teekie weekieeeeeeee CIA shill incommmmming. eEErp Eeeerp trying to change the narrative. Weeeeeeooooohhhhhhh weeeeeooooohhhhhhhhhh weeeeohhhhhhhh beuuuuurrrrrrp beeerrrrrrp

joey4track ago

This is exactly whats wrong with this place. Everyone is so quick to call someone a shill as soon as they come across something they disagree with or don't understand. You are literally no worse than the stupid libs that cry Hitler every time someone disagrees with them. Nothing wrong with keeping an open critical mind when talking about this kind of shit.

DeathToMasons ago

Excuse me, but everybody pointed out exactly why they do not trust Steele. You haven o argument that we are all irrational.

joey4track ago

That wasn't my argument. I was pointing out how quickly people are to call me a shill when all I did was offer another perspective. Has literally nothing to do with the reasons you presented here, which I already agreed were valid.

IDeliverPizza ago

It's just so obvious tho you know when someone's trying to change the narrative. They don't address the facts and talk about stuff that has no factual basis whatsoever. Lol

HashTagFU ago

OK joey, if you say so. Let's give all the pedos a pass so we don't have "civil unrest".

4_InquiringMinds ago

After all ppl can always have more kids right?

jjonahjackass ago

Dude, Roger Stone has been a dirty tricks pro for the GOP probably for longer than you have been alive. The man was a protege of mob-lawyer supreme Roy Cohn and sports a giant Nixon tattoo on his back. The man is for real twisted and not to be trusted. And as far as Steele and Webb are concerned - what type of person calls for blanket amnesty when the rape and murder of children is involved? There is a reason you are uncomfortable with that.

DeathToMasons ago

Roger and Oliver Stone are kings of limited hangout. Oliver Stone muddied the waters about the Kennedy assasination and made an unwatchable unclear documentary about 9/11. That is why he is alowed to make movies in Hollywood,

joey4track ago

I agree, I think they all need to get whats coming to them but you are missing the point of amnesty. The reason why it is suggested is because you can't just remove 1/3 of the entire govt. I mean in theory. Just saying, these guys calling for this particular situation does not necessarily mean they are evil or compromised, they just understand the situation and how these things are often handled. Either way you know these creeps aren't going to just lie down and take amnesty anyway, you know they will fight tooth and nail..

EDIT: oh and when I said RS I meant Robert Steele not Roger Stone

2impendingdoom ago

Why not remove 1/3 of the gov? We absolutely can and must. If they are corrupt and criminal, then they must be removed. There can be no compromise with integrity and anyone being above the law.

samhara ago

Obviously only some of them can be tried and convicted. The rest should be shamed. There is not the capacity to try them all. I think we all should make lists of who and what are our top priorities.

One of mine is "Brits Out" of our business.

joey4track ago

I don't disagree with you. I mean I voted for Ron Paul in 08, he wanted to pretty much gut the whole thing, lol.

2impendingdoom ago

It's obviously far bigger than just gov., pedos seem to be all over. The most obvious problem will be to get a honorable judiciary which I don't think currently exists.

joey4track ago

Who would have guessed the apocalypse would come down to Pedos v Not Pedos

jjonahjackass ago

Meh. I say once a spook, always a spook. None of them are to be trusted. Especially those bearing gifts. Those guys don't have "road to Damascus" moments. They are far too well screened and indoctrinated for that. They are also master liars. If a wolf smells even a trace of a human on something, he will avoid it like the plague. We should do likewise with spooks and their "information".

DrumpfBTFO ago

We need to move forward not focus on the past. Is there anybody in there right mind that feels if everything comes to light, arrest are not needed? You can do this with impunity and walk away?

Have to agree that they should be arrested. Might be that they are done quite slowly though, or "hidden" if possible. If the rumors that 1/3rd of the politicians might be implicated is true, it would be quite a shock for people, and might lead to civil unrest if done at once. Haven't really heard or watched about Steele, besides few of the latest videos posted on this sub, so hard to say on what to make of him. Either way, not wanting arrests on something like this seems to support your theory.

GeorgeT ago

I think that guys like RDS are there to hide the scale of corruption. I have a suspicion that it is not 30% of politicians, I think it's 75% + if not 80%. Could be as high as 90%. How in Hell a guy like Jake Tapper names CPP as his favorite kid friendly restaurant. It is a satanic club, it could be 95%. Perhaps Trump is finding this out. I feel sorry for Donald, yes he is corrupt but he is no pedophile, he had no idea he was stepping into Hell hole. Remember Obama ordering $65 000 hot dogs? This is pure decadent evil. And with revelations about former UK Prime Minister and all the rest - where does RDS get off saying that we should move forward. Until this abomination is laid to rest, we have nowhere to go - David!

crystalclear ago

televised trials and then execution