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Gothamgirl ago

If it wasn't for people like David speaking up, some of us wouldn't have ever heard about Pizzagate. Get well soon David!

HarveyKlinger ago

If it wasn't for those of us who have been here from the beginning, there'd be no David. He came late to the party and immediately tried to monetize it. Go check out ALL of the people making PG videos on YouTube. There is only ONE who actively seeks donations and plays the victim card. Have you ever seen him in ANY threads on here or Reddit discussing anything? Nope. He just reads what we write and reports it as his own while proclaiming "the man" is out to get him. Sadly, some fall for it.

Jem777 ago

Your Sad..thanks for the Dox!

HarveyKlinger ago

Who did I dox? And please, for the love of god, learn the difference between your and you're.

Jem777 ago

Funny when you misspell on purpose have no clue about grammar. you look foolish like you don't know what you're talking about.

Spelling champs come out to clarify what they are really paying attention to

Wonder how victims feel when it is hard to tell the most serious truth to

People turn on them pointing out their imperfections but missing the bigger picture

HarveyKlinger ago

YOUR spelling and grammar are poor on purpose? What purpose could that possibly serve?

But I did ask a serious question, who did I dox? Do you know what "dox" means?