reasonedandinformed ago

@wecanhelp Yes. I have that in my PG deniers post

New York Times - NYT - CEO Mark Thompson also effectively blocked/censored exposure of the Jimmy Saville Scandal while an exec at the BBC

wecanhelp ago

@reasonedandinformed, might be of interest for your summary.

new4now ago

This is the beginning of Pizzagate, This is the Mafia that Hillary and other high profile people belong to. This will tie in to what is happening around the world. Read this and everything starts to make sense.

DerivaUK ago

Just a note from a newbie: I may be a Voat newbie but have researched Ritualistic Child Sex Abuse albeit mainly in the UK for long before Pizzagate erupted but I came to Voat to learn more, and I have; much more; I've read obsessively since joining and tried to have an input where I could. But more importantly, I've seen that sometimes big rewards can often be gleaned from the smallest and seemingly insignificant details, and because I'm as committed and determined as the rest to add to the information collective, coupled with an enthusiasm to be part of the cause I simply posted an article bearing details that seemed new to me that may well be of interest and lead us further. I've had to learn, and am still learning my way around such forums; I'd never heard of 'shills', I'm learning what 'Mods' are (but not how they become so, as yet) and I've had to navigate through the multitude of acronyms that are now second nature. My point is that my inexperience means I have not the discernment skills (yet) to recognise 'disinfo' or 'shill' commenting but this should not make my efforts any the less valid, but to be immediately decried as such for my early efforts to contribute is both discouraging and disheartening. Yes I will learn in time, and yes I'll get the confidence to tell you to get lost when you do it, eventually. But surely encouragement is more productive? It's interesting that Voat is currently trying to organise and compile meta data as an easier introduction to the depths of Pizzagate and bring them up to speed with where we've (or you've if you prefer) reached so far, to encourage new participants and voices. But it's worth considering that information is potentially being passed by or not posted by others who may be new and unfamiliar just like me? But they end up being too scared to input their finds or views for fear of being immediately castigated for showing their newness or naïveté! Give people a chance sometimes. You had to learn. Help. Don't hinder. We're all after the same end result.....(except for those shills - right?). :)

wecanhelp ago

@burnerdrone04 @4thesakeofthekids @anon_sense @reasonedandinformed I've created a draft, based largely on your suggestions. This isn't necessarily the final version, and I've deviated a bit from the originally planned format in order to deliver a hopefully more natural flow of information to newcomers. Please let me know what you think so far.

reasonedandinformed ago

@burnerdrone04 @4thesakeofthekids @anon_sense I like this but had a question about the third bullet (thread), which circularly points here. So would the thread be a high-level summary (separate thread)?

wecanhelp ago

You're looking at the wrong thing, sorry for not being more obvious. My draft (with four links) is added at the bottom of the post. What you're looking at is the original outline, I didn't want to edit that for clarity and transparency.

reasonedandinformed ago

OK. Now that I have seen it, I have a few suggestions:

  • How it all started (101)YouTube ( | 21:45 | Nov 2016) - I like this video

  • Why googling this is useless ( - Thanks. I would like to add the names of identified judges/officers who have provided cover as another thing to expose/track. I might create a separate thread and link to it.

  • An objective coverage by a CBS News reporter who then disappearsYouTube ( | 5:47 | Jan 2017) - Ben did not disappear but went dark in social media. Maybe: "An objective coverage by a CBS News reporter whose social media accounts went dark posting. CBS affiliate took down the video from its site within 24 hours without explanation"

  • A great external summary of Pizzagate [I think this is powerful as images convey things more quickly than a page of heavy text with links]

  • Our executive summary of Pizzagate evidence ( - I still like this, with links for a deeper dive in the thread. It would supplement (bullet above).


wecanhelp ago

Ben did not disappear but went dark in social media.

Didn't he? Has he been seen since?

I didn't include that because it's extremely long. I wanted this entire section to be consumable in less than an hour. Maybe we could use this link instead of the executive summary, but the two together kind of beat the purpose of a concise newbie section.

reasonedandinformed ago

Someone made a video in the last week about him being back on the air (but appeared to be toned down a lot):

reasonedandinformed ago

I had read that he is still on the air but could not find online proof. I am not in the market, and the CBS46 website does not show recent activity for him. I just called the station and confirmed that he is still anchoring their evening news (4-6 pm). I am pretty confident that he is back on the air but still puzzled by the whole going dark/Tzusday thing...other than creating some attention and drama around his pizzagate piece.

Maybe embed the link at the TOP of our executive summary, with this descriptor? (a very comprehensive compendium of some of the key early research, with many graphics/images from those suspected of involvement)

wecanhelp ago

Hey, thanks for investigating this, very much appreciated! I will change the text on that bullet point then, I'm certainly glad to see he's alive and, hopefully, well.

I'll think about the situation a little more.

Edit: How about An objective report by a CBS News anchor, rapidly scrubbed afterwards?

reasonedandinformed ago

I like the edited comments.

wecanhelp ago

Thanks for the feedback. This might be the final version.

anon_sense ago

What about linking it to a simple blog post that outlines everything @blacksmith21 outlines above? There's also this site which I think is great:

anon_sense ago

Wow. I think this is fantastic. Really good. My two comments would be to amend the heading "How it all started" to something like "Pizzagate is fake news - or is it?" Or "Primer 101: Pizzagate isn't fake news". Because that's the whole reason they'd be checking out Voat, even if they weren't admitting it to their friends and family! I also feel it needs to be an enticing headline and cut to the chase straight away.

And then for the link to the fake stream media, I think you do get one or two good results on Google so I might change this for accuracy sake to, "Here's why you won't read about this on NYT/CNN/The Guardian/BBC"

Just my thoughts, but obvs open for discussion!

wecanhelp ago

Pizzagate isn't fake news

I wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot here, with a defensive statement. It would come across as if we were the ones needing to defend our point, when, in fact, it is the mainstream media that owes the people the explanation, which is addressed immediately in the second bullet point. I think changing the first one to something like "What is Pizzagate?" (instead of what it isn't) could have a better effect. Edit: I changed it to A primer to Pizzagate, how do you like that?

I think you do get one or two good results on Google

That really depends on who you are, Google's search results are fully customized to the user, and there is no guarantee that those two good result you get will show up for anyone else. I think the phrase "googling this" (with a lower-case g) is general enough to be synonymous with relying on your usual researching habits. Going specific here ("NYT/CNN/The Guardian/BBC") would actually backfire in my opinion.

anon_sense ago

I know David Seaman is a controversial figure around here these days, but have you seen his video called "Pizzagate Core Evidence in 5 Mins"?

wecanhelp ago

Yes, but I don't think it provides a good big-picture overview for newcomers.

anon_sense ago

I guess there is so so much more to the story.


THis is what should be stickied at the top of sub March 25th D.C. PRotest

FoxDen ago

Here is a blog post based on an email I sent to a friend. I have red-pilled several people with it.

anon_sense ago

Not to take anything away from these poor children or how sick those individuals are, but I think it's a sad truth that we have become desensitized to this kind of news - almost written off as "oh well, those parents are just one-off sickos". For me, the thing that really sets pedogate apart is how many so-called "respected" members of government and government agencies etc. are involved, and is what makes it so unbelievable to many.

remedy4reality ago

Tony Podesta's art collection and Resume' >> John Podesta's 3 most incriminating emails >> Steven Colbert's repudiation of validity of PG >> meme with besties Cobert/Podesta >> Colbert politicking for Elizabeth Podesta

I am batting around .800 with this approach.

anon_sense ago

I know it may be a bit indirectly related, but I really feel there needs to be some info/links about how the mainstream media is not to be trusted. I say this because whenever I try and redpill friends on this, most of them hop straight to Google where they find the WaPo, NYT etc. pieces (e.g. "The Real Consequences of Fake News") - and then shortly after that they send me the Snopes link.

Part of being redpilled on this means unplugging from the belief that the MSM are the "custodians of truth". E.g. How about this short Mark Dice video on how CNN regularly cuts its news feed when guests don't tow the establishment line:

keeper1 ago

This segues nicely into an article and some other links that I sent out to try to redpill a friend. The article asks that very question of where is the press coverage in the U.S. when these arrests just keep happening all over the world and the United States. The article has videos embedded that you can watch on the site: (

But these are the sources that red-pilled me:

60 Minutes Australia: The trailer: ( The 60 Minutes report itself in 3 parts: Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Then there's this movie which I saw on Netflix, but now it's not streaming anymore: "Oranges and Sunshine". Here's the trailer: ( ). The trailer doesn't go into depth on the sexual abuse of these children, but the movie does.

Then the banned Discovery Channel documentary which dates back to the 90s called "Conspiracy of Silence" which keeps getting taken down from YouTube but then someone puts it back up:

Any one of these makes you go, "Hmmm." Put them all together and there's definitely a pattern that becomes apparent.

druhill007 ago

I thought that the PewDiePie incident was a good way to show people the manipulation tactics of media. He rips them to shreds in his response videos

wecanhelp ago

Very valid point. Ideally, the introductory material would address this problem within itself, but I would be open to adding one extra link for "why you shouldn't trust the media on this". @reasonedandinformed has been maintaining an excellent collection on this, which would indeed be a valuable addition to the newcomers section in my opinion. What do you think? Would a write-up like this have redpilling potential with your friends on the media coverup?

anon_sense ago

That is an excellent collection and I would definitely link to it. I know it's comprehensive but seeing it in its entirety is part of the impact - i.e. how so many publications/news agencies are involved.

wecanhelp ago

I agree with that. Thanks for the feedback, will probably try and work this link in somehow, without adding too much clutter.

reasonedandinformed ago

@wecanhelp I tend to write more summary posts or post when I see a major pattern. And I will continue to update this censorship thread for any new additions. I have another thread that lays out some of the high-level questions that the LSM has refused to even touch, even in a minor way: We can confidently point people to the "debunking" and "fake news" articles and then ask them if they covered this short bulleted list, which directly links to the details, showing some of the best evidence that requires investigation. If they have seen the LSM stories and the questions, it is clear that there is a massive cover up involved.

wecanhelp ago

I like this approach, but without a proper context already established in the reader's mind, this would be more confusing than helpful. We appreciate these questions because we already have the required background knowledge and mental model for them, but a newcomer wouldn't find this particularly easy to consume, I'm afraid. I would much rather use your collection about media coverup, as that speaks more to newbies.

Chatman ago

I like ben carsons show on pizzagate as its being censored everyware & it does a lot to show what first sparked the investigation.

equineluvr ago

I think you should have a section for survivors. There are at least three on here, not including myself.

We can offer insights into some of this stuff.

wecanhelp ago

I wouldn't want to clutter the sidebar with information that doesn't address large groups of people; instead, anyone who's a survivor and can either somehow verify at least some of their story or are already out there with their faces being public are encouraged to share whatever they are willing to share in submissions, or could reach out to us directly, and we could arrange AMA sessions with them.

sound_of_silence ago

what you need, is a timeline... ex: star date: Event

it's the preponderance of coincidence that sets the blue-pill mind ablaze...

already used the timeline tactic to fully red-pill my mom on pg, this week....

just put the date and event along a time-line... be sure to include all the murdered journalists... start with weiner's sexting scandal... end with a trump quote about the full force of the law..

i'm sorry, but no one honestly wants to read a bunch of articles or watch a 20 minute video without getting a ballpark figure of the problem first.

Blacksmith21 ago

My .02:

This needs to be presented, as best as this medium will allow, as a slick marketing package. We are at the tipping point. Once the US starts to become aware that the CIA has been listening in on them, that Trump really was wiretapped, then Pizzagate/Pedogate/SaveTheChildren becomes all that much more believable.

My thoughts:

  • Succinct, grammatically perfect, well-articulated copy.

  • Infographics are a must:

  • Define and illustrate human trafficking. Infographic would be best. People need to realize that we are talking about industrial level lifecycle management of young humans for a variety of purposes - sex, organs, exploitation, criminal behavior.

  • Present in a Q&A format: Why Am I Here? What is Pizzagate? How Did It Get Discovered? You get the idea.

  • Intro to pedo symbology, artwork, culture, 5000 block of Conn Ave NW. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  • Always use non-conservative, "reputable" citations backed up with a similar conservative/fringe source.

  • Simple "shock" graphics - Podesta/McCann eFit; What Ted Saw; the hanging kids art; Podesta's bedroom; Podesta's sculpture/Dahmer; etc. Warn before they get to the section. Blast them with a ton of imagery. Go back to words.

  • Use some "shock" video - Personally, though not confirmed at all, link to Fatherhood with comment that there is reason to believe this is Podesta.

  • Do NOT take this into Illuminati territory.

  • Personally, I think mentioning SRA may still be counterproductive at this point. It will come out. And if it never does, who cares? As long as this cabal is judged/punished for child sex trafficking - that's all that matters.

  • Use well-documented history to include: The Franklin Affair; WH Rentboys; Barney Frank's Prostitution ring; Dutroux; Dozier; Dyncorp Bosnia; Dyncorp Afghanistan. [Edit: I'd put this up high in the order so as to inform the reader that these horrors are real]

  • Provide a resource section to the best resources, apportioned into subject categories TBD.

IMO, if someone cannot take 20 minutes out of their life to consume something as compelling as this, then they are hopeless.

If the fever builds to a point, maybe we can condense enough to a full page ad in the WaPo or NYT. GoFundMe for the cost of the ad. The PR alone would raise awareness that no one could stop. Don't want to take our money Bezos or Carlos? Maybe protests if it grew enough legs. Just spitballin' here...

Edit: I would add in some photos of famous missing children - JonBenet, Madeline, Caylee Anthony (Casey is suspect as well, as evidenced by a coincidental surfacing today), etc.

Edit 2: I would also link to things which can "go viral": hashtags; QR codes;; links to business cards with directs to the websites and a link to Vistaprint or whatever. If some freebie service balks at the content - brand them pedoenablers. I think it's time the gloves came off.

anon_sense ago

I think this is awesome. Kind of like a word-based version of Ben Swann's report but more comprehensive. Also STRONGLY agree to avoid taking this into Illuminati territory where I think you will just lose the person altogether.

rodeo13 ago

Dude, you have great ideas. Would you be able to put this together yourself?

matheasysolutions ago

I suggest my ongoing video series!! :)

podesta4prison ago

Princeton did a study where they determined that the most "suprisingly popular" answer on a controversial issue is statistically more likely to be true than the most popular answer:

Trump is another example of this. MAGA.

had_enough ago

“PIZZAGATE FOR DUMMIES” free eBook 62 pages, great for all your clueless friends!

4thesakeofthekids ago

Voat's executive summary red pilled me. I poo pooed pizzagate for months when my friend would try and discuss it with me. Lots of eye rolling. I thought she had gone off the deep end. Then she sent me a link to voat and I said I would look at....skeptically. That's when I read the executive summary and I live here now.

VieBleu ago

I love it when people open up and tell their experience like this, especially the red-pilling stories. thanks.

druhill007 ago

I was on Twitter... It was #nationalpizzaday and people had combined the #pizzagate hashtag with it. I accidentally clicked on it and was reading Podesta emails within 20 minutes. THEN I went back to Twitter to see that all the trending article I'd accidentally clicked on was removed and that #pizzagate hashtag was being censored!!! Haven't stopped researching since :)

VieBleu ago

so glad to have you here.

druhill007 ago


wecanhelp ago

Thanks, valuable feedback. Anyone having the same experience, please upvote @4thesakeofthekids's comment so that we know the executive summary is suitable for newcomers. For sure it's an invaluable resource for anyone already invested in digging deeper, but I've always had my doubts that it is light enough for a novice mind. In any case, if a significant number of you think that it's a-ok for your very biased mom, and your brother with a short attention span, there is no reason this couldn't be the pick for the "thread" link.

Rmm ago

That's a great idea. Although I was already red pilled,having read Bloodlines of the Illuminati, and Cathy OBrien's Trance Formation of America, the thing that made me realize this was deep and organized was all the Alefantis connections to the political elites, the adjacent properties and pedo friendly symbols, the articles about Tony Podesta's art (which was published in New York Times or Washington Post, The Washington Pot chain of command, connections of media personnel to the political elites. And last but not least Alefantis's choice of art in Comet Ping Pong, his twitter feed and instagram comments and Heavy Breathing videos as well as the Sasha Lord presents page on their web site , which is no longer there. Also, there used to be a members page on Ping Pong's web site, scrubbed. The existence of tunnels, the finding of Pegasus Museum.I don't have a PC, don't know how to archive. Another good angle is the orphanage/child trafficking connection.

rodeo13 ago

yep. For me, it started with Podesta & Alefantis, and took me into all of the Illuminati/Bloodline/MKULTRA type stuff because I really wanted to understand what was driving this evil. Now I'm trying to learn all I can about unbrainwashing & deprogramming.

wecanhelp ago

Essentially the content of #PizzaGate: What We Know So Far by Reality Calls – I've mentioned it in another comment, but I'm basically looking for something like that, but a little more up-to-date.

anon_sense ago

You know, I'm sure if you contacted Tara from Reality Calls she'd be open to doing an updated video...

wecanhelp ago

I don't think she would be up for that, her original channel is still in danger of a permanent ban, and she's fairly busy doing other things right now. Besides, I have realized that the initial, core evidence is still the same, and an up-to-date video would need to start off with much the same information, already consuming 20+ minutes. So, I think it's still a good primer after all, with some inaccuracies that aren't too tragic.

VieBleu ago

I have several:



Pizzagate Turned PedoGate Leads to Momentum Surge in Busting Global Child Sex Trafficking Rings


Robert David Steele: CIA Uses 1000 of US Overseas Bases to Facilitate the Smuggling of Drugs, Cash, Gold, Guns, and Small Children for the Elite

Ted Gunderson - Pedphilia and Child Trafficking Rings In US Government


Question - are we getting influxes of newbies? would be nice to know if that is happening : )

SATANISM AND PEDPHILIA WORLDWIDE: A suite of links from one site. (I know you want stuff to just plug in, but take a look at these to make sure you feel this site is solid. To me they looked well sourced. Satanism stuff is always dicier.)

bones Bush link -

wecanhelp ago

Thank you. Unfortunately, these links are either too broad (, or too specialized to a slice of the story. I'm looking to find a summary that was purposefully created as one, assembling several sources and gluing them together in a sensible way. I'll add an example of that to the OP that I've already mentioned in a few comments as a good reference.

Question - are we getting influxes of newbies? would be nice to know if that is happening : )

No exceptional activity at this point, but the subscriber count has only gone up so far, and you never know when to expect a big influx. We had a big one, for example, when David Seaman started throwing shit at the mods of the subverse on YouTube and Twitter. Ironically, that just resulted in about a thousand new subscribers over the course of a day or two, many shills, I'm sure, but probably mostly legit users. I want to be prepared for the next one of these, hence the initiative to create a stupid simple resource for newcomers.

VieBleu ago

hey thanks for that answer. Sorry that's not what you are looking for. : I

wecanhelp ago

No problem, thanks for taking the time to collect a few. These are good as a second step, to reinforce the newly forming mental model. Especially the Ted Gunderson talk, I can't emphasize the importance of that enough.

Hey, you've given me an idea, though. Since we're collecting a lot of good resources here, this very thread might just turn out to be the ideal choice for the "thread" link after all. Newcomers could then cherry-pick based directly on your comments.

VieBleu ago

That's good stuff.

You could also consider just throwing up a regular thread - "What Red-Pilled You?" and may get some great links but also wide ocmmunity involvement. (I feel like people often just skip the sticky as habit and just look for the juicy stuff that doesn't require action, only reaction.)

wecanhelp ago

There have been threads like that already, PizzagateBot has managed to collect a couple of those, and I will go through some of them later. So far, though, the most sensible video suggestion I got was actually Ben Swann's broadcast. Sometimes the most trivial ones are the most overlooked. But if we go with that, then the "article" link needs to be a more detailed one since Ben's video is very short.

burnerdrone04 ago

There is a term I really like: "plausibility structure" It's kind of like world-view. It is a framework of understanding that allows you to believe that something is true. If I had been exposed to the statement "Hillary is part of a satanic global cabal that murders children" 4 months ago, that would have been the end of my interest and investigation into pizzagate. I had to build (or have built by others in this amazing/terrifying community) the plausibility structure over time. I suggest the following resources in this order for "red-pilling" the logical skeptic:

TED talk -Sharyl Attkisson- how to spot media manipulation

Norway Pedo Bust

Corporate Media Story spike of the Norway Pedo Bust
NYT Then

Washinton Post

Stephen Colbert on Pizzagate (Note the words used mirror those warned by Sharyl Attkinsson)

Ben Swann on Pizzagate

So that covers the climate within which #Pizzagate exists. It's really a good primer because this thing is so vast, there's no point in summing it up unless the "plausibility structure" has been established for going further. It should be enough to cause someone to at least consider that pizzagate is real and hopefully dig further for themselves. You own the knowledge more if you do some of the homework.

More stories/info on censorship or character assassination may also be helpful when viewed through the lens of the Sharyl Attkinsson TED talk, such as David Seamans battles with his own wikipedia page. David Seaman in his own words on character assassination.

Also understanding that the kind of deep evil involving child torture/murder has a place in our human history... This is not new. I know it's Wikipedia but a lot of people default to trusting it and historical articles are not as likely to change a whole lot. There are other sources for these widely publicized events.


Jimmy Savile

Edward Heath

Maybe even Gilles de Rais

Find out what it's really all about: and of course right here on voat/v/pizzagate

wecanhelp ago

Thank you, I have many thoughts about this comment. First and foremost:

"plausibility structure"

Thanks for this, this is exactly what I've been thinking about for some time now, didn't know it had a name. The rabbit hole is getting deeper, and with that less and less plausible for a newcomer.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's a viable solution to include a list of links, the whole point of an introductory material is that it already has done the work of aggregating information from different sources, and building them up in an easy-to-follow, educative structure. If you're new to all this, and you arrive with the predisposition that this is likely just another conspiracy theory, you will have no incentive to invest considerably into potentially being convinced of the opposite. Present an understandably skeptical newbie with a long list of resources, and you've set yourself up for failure. I stick by the single-link idea.

You own the knowledge more if you do some of the homework.

For sure, and I'm not looking to take that away. That is why the introductory material is not meant to be the be-all and end-all of Pizzagate information. It should be (and excuse the word choice, but it hopefully gets my message through) an appetizer that has the best chance to guarantee you will then be intrinsically motivated to do the rest of your own homework.

To give you a good example that is unfortunately not accessible anymore on the original channel: #PizzaGate: What We Know So Far by Reality Calls was an excellent Pizzagate 101 of its time, even despite some inaccuracies that the community has discovered since. It redpilled me, and many others as well, precisely because it was brief, to-the-point, sourced, and intelligent. It was unlike typical conspiracy theory videos, and you could tell there had been a lot of thought put into not just what to tell, but how to tell it. I'm looking for an up-to-date version of this essentially.


Unfortunately that site is compromised, and its maintainers have dubious motives, so we won't endorse it. Too bad, because otherwise the core information and presentation there used to be of pretty good quality.

Progressivelymean ago

Maybe instead of the whole article just a excerpt of an article that give enough to gain interest, or enough that they understand the point with a link to the remainder of the article. Newslogue does this all the time when you share an article.

burnerdrone04 ago

Well, if any from my list are contenders, I'd still stick with Ben Swann's Reality check video for a couple of reasons. It's easy to follow, it prompts further digging, and it comes from someone on a credible major news network (if you are not willing to distrust the TV yet).

wecanhelp ago

This is a very good point actually. I'm adding it to my mental shortlist. Thank you.

MolochHunter ago

I'd recommend towards the start of any newcomer thread you include a link to my 'Prelude to Pizzagate: a red-pillers primer'

thelastcoldwarrior ago

The fully source information thread that used to be stickied is a good place to start. Why was that deleted?

VieBleu ago

for some reason, there is not enough "technology" at Voat to have two stickies at once at the top of a subverse.

wecanhelp ago

It wasn't, and that's mentioned literally in the first line of this post.

This post will be stickied for 48 hours. In the meantime, the usual sticky can be found here:
Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence

Singleservename ago

I overlooked that too. May not be the best moment to remove the entry level info. That exec sum was excellent.

wecanhelp ago

There is never a best moment, but we can only have a single sticky, that's how Voat works.

Singleservename ago

I understand, it's just.. the day after Wikihype..

Never mind. I'll try and contribute.

wecanhelp ago

Vault 7 doesn't seem to have anything to do with Pizzagate, at least not directly, so it should be okay.

I'll try and contribute.

Much appreciated.

Sandy008 ago

Here's the link to an excellent article, from December 28, 2016, which goes into detail about pizzagate, and has links to sources:

rodeo13 ago

This is an excellent article. Have you also looked at the ebook it talks about, Pizzagate for Dummies? I'm at work right now & can't access it.

privatepizza ago

Really great idea !