7682152? ago

Has someone reuploadEd this infographic? CBF to check so here is anyway: https://i.imgsafe.org/09c1d779fc.jpg Double-tap for Pari Nora: https://s28.postimg.org/v8m9lsnzx/IMG_1424.jpg For the third time: Archive.org version

Bonus: Rick Roll

redditsuckz ago

Where can I find JA and his friend's creepy Instagram photos?


fartnigger ago

All pics are in this archive:


Jakestr ago

I took screenshots from most of the pictures but I don't know how to post them here for you

deejemanster ago

Here's one that I've put together from archived web.archive.org links:


And then all the rest:


Im_with_her ago

Pizzagate is fake news. We had the video removed.

victuruslibertas ago

If someone can zip every damning PG JA Instagram in one place, I will do a Powerpoint type video presentation on my YT channel and mirror it on Vidme. .. I can get it done quickly. Thanks for all your hard work people. VL

Geo_synchronous ago

Those pics wouldn't be gone if there was nothing wrong with them.... If their pizza logo had no pedo connection, they wouldn't have needed to remove it. Hillary wouldn't have needed to delete emails if there were nothing illegal in them. If citizens and alternative news outlets weren't exposing government crimes. They wouldn't need to attack our first amendment.

See the pattern yet ?

ich1baN ago

ConcernedParent2 ago


Pizza-related-sap ago

Or better yet, several flash drives.


They will rage rage rage into the night, but we have Glory and Truth on our side lol. Praise Kek. Our words will not be in vain.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

search the videos. I have them on YT and Vidme... Really Graceful has them on YT.. There are mirrors (authorized and non authorized) of my both of our vids

magason ago

Hijack Ethereum blockchain and morph it into "the blockchain of truth".



Has the steemit links further down this thread.

DietCokehead1 ago

Someone make an Instagram of his Instagram

RebelSkum ago

Even if Instagram goes down, some of Jimmycomet's better posts will always be up here: http://pizzagate.wiki/Jimmycomet

And friends:



EQJ ago

Not scrubbed yet...... https://archive.fo/CiDXD

cayenne-peppe ago

Shorter one. Pizzagate what we know so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1BiBnEUqKw

srayzie ago

I took several links from this thread with the pictures that still work and put them all on Gab to spread before they are scrubbed too. I put the video link on Twitter and it's already being spread. I am about to do some other links. Help spread guys. Here are some links with photos that still work. Please spread! https://archive.fo/CiDXD http://archive.is/Po6xr Also, the video that OP posted. https://vimeo.com/195312407

hafen ago

Taken from https://sli.mg/a/ujAdei which is currently down. Split into different links due to issue with ImgTC.





pupu ago

srayzie ago

I didn't even know of Ben Swann. I like him!

Poot_McGarvey ago

Check out his other stuff too.

He speaks the truth and breaks things down nicely.

srayzie ago

I just watched his video on isis. Great!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Send them here. It doesn't have all the photos, etc but is a very newbie and skeptic-friendly primer, with follow-up articles.


Question_Authority ago

I dare someone to submit one to r/photoshopbattles. Maybe the one with Alefantis on the floor with red shit on his face. I would but Im already banned lol.

search4truth ago

Give them this link to the Pizzagate wiki: http://pizzagate.wiki/Main_Page

Refer them to citations 23 and 24.

LostandFound ago

sli.mg died completely, apparently the owners have not been heard from in about 6 months. Archive.is was littered with DMCA takedowns the same day. No disinfo here im afraid look at older posts links often dead now...

Nana66 ago

If the power of people who can have sites scrubbed of pics isn't enough to prove there needs to be an investigation of these obvious elite pedofiles running scared...I guess for a reason, then what the heck does.

srayzie ago

I didn't know you couldn't even use it anymore Wow

ConcernedParent2 ago

Some of them work, all of the sl.img images I had booked marked over the months are not working, some of the archive.is are down and lots of archive.org isn't working either.

Selnee ago

pizzagate.com still has the instagram photos

Devious1 ago

IMPORTANT Here is your link to a 4Gig archive of Pizza related and all the pictures you'd ever wanted:


Original Thread >> https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1522057

Thanks to @wellington33

NB: I've downloaded / checked and it seems fine to me - but obviously check it yourself: There should be more than enough stuff in here to keep you occupied for a while!! Been using it as reference for a while.

deejemanster ago

Good, here's some more, scraped from web.archive.org links:


All sli.mg archived files, lots of non-pizzagate stuff


wellington33 ago

thanks m8, really appreciate it.

Devious1 ago

No problem, we appreciate what you did.

GbannedbyLGBT ago

Is sli.mg no good anymore? I've tried to lurk past posts, and a lot of the links are dead.

Sheilaaliens ago

But some of the old sli.mg links will show up if you put them into archive.org's wayback machine.

Tialah ago

That and archive.is have been scrubbed.

newworldahead ago

Anyone knew about this?: https://archive.fo/CiDXD

It contains A LOT of instagrams pictures from jimmycomet and his friends. Make sure to download a copy!

YingYangMom ago

Yes, that was tweeted on Swann's page, was it not? I bookmarked it as well.

newworldahead ago

Yes, this is where I found it too.

reasonedandinformed ago

Someone can enter "pizzagate instagram" and look at Google images (https://www.google.com/search?q=pizzagate+instagram&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS541US541&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj35CZkMzRAhUhilQKHS88B1UQ_AUICSgC&biw=1366&bih=638)) and still pull up a bunch of random, yet convincing, images. This link has a good repository: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5bjxta/guys_wtf_i_was_looking_through_the_owner_of/d9p9sat/. Please, someone safely archive this as I do not have the tech knowledge to do so.

You should point out the fact that we have been fighting censorship from day one on "facts," such as real instagram posts that HAD once been public. It must raise curiosity as to why there is such an aggressive effort to block/censor if this whole thing is not legitimate. Also point out the heavy effort by paid-for CTR shills to discredit, plant false leads, and so forth in this very forum. Why invest the effort UNLESS it is real?

LostandFound ago

No one paid the bill at sli.mg apparently, it appears their file hosting account lapsed. So unless someone told them not to pay the bill its actually really hard to tell at this stage.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I downloaded an archive of 700 photos from steemit a few weeks ago. I won't be home for quite a while though. Someone might try to find the archive on steemit.

In_Cog_Nito ago

This is nowhere near all of them, but a lot are here:


nnfx ago

I uploaded 3 of those infographics which contain the most important images. http://www.file-upload.net/download-12249728/fx.rar.html

ConcernedParent2 ago

I know, this is scary as hell.

samhara ago

Not a coincidence.. Where should they be posted if any are saved locally..? This site does not have ability to upload images.

B3nd3r ago

We need to make a torrent (and all kinds of other p2p-filesharing networks, dunno, it's a while, don't know what's still popular) of curated pizzagate stuff.

Fateswebb ago

She should make a series of torrents. Make them smaller though so people and grab them, maybe keep them at 50-200MB idk someone mentioned a 2GB file and I'm wondering what could be taking up two gigs, but really the instagram photos shouldn't take up much at all especially when compressed.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I'm not sure. It looks like all we can do is save them and upload them every time they are removed, and just how they don't get removed right away. I'm more concerned about the web archives, people are less likely to believe photos compared to website archives.

Godwillwin ago

Agreed. There was no way anyone could say the pics weren't legit when the pictures were ON their instagrams for all the world to see. I think heavy breathing's website is still the same.

victuruslibertas ago

Just for starters, search jimmycomet instagram and you will pick up a lot

fartnigger ago

I have every single photo saved. Will put something together for everyone tonight.

Charleeto247 ago

Fartnigger keeps on saving the day with all the archived insta photos!

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

800 MB file of photos from muliple instagrams and tons of other information from investigation.


Originally obtained from this page


Pizza-related-sap ago

Intrepid voater, I commend you!

cakeoflight ago

Please update us!!! =)

Lobotomy ago

Good 'ol Streisand Effect! Those kikes think they can kike archive.is, but they don't realize that the modern internet never forgets!

Pisstubes0351 ago


Tialah ago

TORRENT A FILE WITH EVERYTHING IN IT. Don't let them scrub it off the web.

pupu ago

Please don't die until then.

LawofTruth ago

@fartnigger do you have the pics with the comments. Man they really scrubbed the shit out of this. All my saved links are now broken.

fartnigger ago

Yes the pics have the comments. Shared here:


RedCatus ago

you're god today

Freemasonsrus ago

your name made me lol

B3nd3r ago

can you torrent it, too? will share!

Riva ago

put them up on TPB as well with 'INSTAGRAM COMET PIZZA' or something similar. try to get that to the top 100.

ConcernedParent2 ago


victuruslibertas ago

Thank you, sir. I noticed today all the archive pics are broken

samhara ago

Perfect timing.. I guess they knew / know what was / is coming?

dindonufin ago

zip them and upload to mega.co.nz

thank you, fartnigger, you're our only hope.

Vindicator ago

Kim Dot Com, is that you?

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

you sounded like Princess Leia right there.

JustObserving ago

"thank you, fartnigger, you're our only hope." That's one for the history books.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I read this before work this morning & was giggling to the point that I forgot to upvote fartnigger, dindonufin AKA Princess Leia , and JustObserving, who has ironically scored 59 upvoats despite his name.

Now I'm back to remedy so one more vote to you guys. This silly comment thread kept me cracking up throughout an otherwise typical humpday Wednesday...

dindonufin ago

LOVE the name

VieBleu ago


Bolux ago

Wasn't that Churchill

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for the well-needed laugh.

wokethefkup ago

Give him the 25k for username of the year

FoxMcCloud11 ago

That quote will go down in history.. lol

Fateswebb ago

I love when the media attack us, or Reddit they always go, well... fartnigger provided the instagram photos, and everyone laughs because we're idiots, except hey MSM fartniggers intelligence runs circles around your shit... fartnigger for president!

FoxMcCloud11 ago
