Bolux ago

Great stuff gaseouscoon.

Rmm ago

I can see the pictures but can't read the comments. Is there a way to enlarge these or zoom in (i have a Mac) Thanks--

fartnigger ago

There has to be a zoom function on the standard mac... right? Try + or - keys and see if it zooms.

Or, get a different photo viewer if yours doesn't seem to zoom...

LawofTruth ago

Is this inclusive of the comments?




Dauphin ago

Bless you FartNigger... you are a hero!

adfasdf ago

Finally, a candidate who I can both be proud of, and emphatically state I will not be standing behind.

iamthepizzanow ago

To the top!

GrendelKhan ago

This just keeps nagging at me. Is there a way to check pics for steganography? I'm sure most pics by Alefantis and friends are just pics, but some seem like signals. Like, as weird as many of the pics are, some stand out, right?

I'm a bit out of the loop and don't get to follow these threads as close as I'd like to, and I can't do it cuz I'm an idiot, but I would like to know that all pics with obvious pedo-symbols in them are being examined by people who know what they're doing. I mean maybe they just like spiral triangles in general, or maybe they like spiral triangles because they all rape children, or MAYBE the spiral triangles in that particular picture means decode this picture.

fartnigger ago

When you upload photos to instagram (and almost all photo sharing sites) the original file is not the one you're seeing. Imgur, for example, strips all metadata. Other hosts might compress the image, and others might resize/crop or otherwise alter it.

The second you alter an image, at all, you are changing the file, which would destroy any steganography - since hiding information inside an image is simply adding additional information to the raw file at the bit level.

So no, none of these images were steganography. There was speculation (and incorrect reporting) of steganography used in podesta's email attachments, which were preserved exactly as he sent/received them from people, but you can't hide information in images that you share on a photo site. The sites have measures to protect themselves from this type of file editing and most of them alter the image anyway.

GrendelKhan ago

Makes sense. Thank you VERY much.

Oh, I mean: Thank you, fartnigger, for your tremendous contribution!

sugarskull ago

Forgive my ignorance but can you use steganography in instagram images?? they do seem to like to to the "secret handshake" communication with their images and content is why I am asking. If its possible then I am sure its a hell yes.

thebabyseagull ago

Thanks fartnigger this will be very useful.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Still digging. Would love to have same archief of other sucpects like ccwoolman, Izettefolger, mr_scott_cummings (and his other account ccummings i think), scottfazzini, etc

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you fartnigger may kek bless you! Upvoated everyone !

B3nder ago

Yours sincerely - fartnigger

Blacksmith21 ago

My Fartnigger.

redditsuckz ago

James Alefantis Instagram photos + Comments;

talking like he want to fuck the baby in the butt(??);

mrjdouble ago

Dude, been involved in the investigation for 3 months, haven't seen a lot of these either. Thanks for archiving those so I didn't have to riskyclick op's links.

And yes, that specific one you linked is extremely disturbing.

AgainstTheNWO ago

going to spend time on this later today. Lots of new postings (for me)

A lot of comments from Izette Folger

Tsuishika ago

I knew James Alefantis and his crews were fucking stupid but goddamn, is he fucking retarded for a top 50 most powerful man. I mean sure it's his goddamn feeble brain that we came so far with the pizzagate. I find it simply unbelievable how a fucking idiot can run a business because he has connection with some of the powerful people. He and his buddies uploaded 800 uncompromising images to a social network without a care in the world. With people like him, I do believe we live in idiocracy where we had bunch of manchildren running the country unsupervised for a long time.

Also people protecting Alefantis is so obvious, you could exactly tell who is in on it. For a long time I thought some people were really bad at being subtle but these so called professionals cannot act subtle if they had a gun pointed to their heads. Sometimes I wonder if they don't have any common sense.

And also great work saving all these images and compiling them. Pizzagate crews do better investigative work than all these abc agencies.

fartnigger ago

To be fair, the reason you haven't seen most of these is because many of them are nothing remarkable. It's the ones that circulated initially that were "incriminating" (weird as fuck) and all he and his friends had to do was explain them. Well, it's hard to explain a baby chewing on money or #chickenlovers other than saying it's just a joke, bro! Because if you have that many jokes about kids, and you're all grown adults, other grown adults start to wonder why you keep joking about a certain thing.

Tsuishika ago

I've seen about dozen pictures. After seeing three pictures of kids and suggestive comments written on the board by the other people, the alarm bell was ringing especially that hotard picture was just in a bad taste even if it was a joke. For me with that joke, they are not just weirdos. Any sane parents wouldn't trust them with their kids. I always say there is a line you shouldn't cross and these people don't seem to care all that much what line they cross.

JustObserving ago

Fartnigger is the man


My fartnigga.



AgainstTheNWO ago

Great thanks. A lot i have not seen yet by first look of it.

iamthepizzanow ago

Fuck yeah! Good job. Thank you.

Womb_Raider ago

Thanks, fartnigger!

lawfag123 ago

you god damned autist. thank you

ejd4500 ago

Here's a couple more from /u/deejemanster!fIAnRTLa!gtM2bdcWVEDKzjHRol2IPg

the user then says that this is all the other stuff...mostly no pizzagate but probably still some stragglers.!DYBSkBiS!xzFjR9KkLb4at-crSCbe9A

DecimateTheWeak ago

@Fartnigger for the win

Pizzatemp420 ago

And I'll be backing this up to external drives now. Thanks much for your work.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


dindonufin ago

This is really clutch, fartnigger. THANK YOU!

fartnigger ago

I have a funny feeling people just like saying my username...

NoBS ago

A month later and a kind soul re-posted this post with your user name. You choose fartnigger wisely. It is also therapeutic to type. Hat tip.

DarkMath ago

Bingo. I'm still laughing.......

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Thank you fartnigger, you are a hero

Newfind ago

Don't be modest fartnigger.

euclidean ago

how did you come up with your pseudonym? or is it your real name?

fartnigger ago

I wish it was my real name

DietCokehead1 ago

Way to go, @fartnigger!

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

Thank you, fartnigger. You're our only hope.

OrwellKnew ago

This is incredibly helpful, fartnigger

Blockchain is our friend

StopPizza2k17 ago

I use my lurk breaking post to say -

Thank you, fartnigger, for your tremendous contribution.

shibadognumberwan ago

So do I. Thank you, fartnigger.

Newfind ago

If it weren't for fartnigger, we would be lost.