Dejure ago

DAMMIT - Deleted ?? anyone got another link - nothing on google :-(

gopluckyourself ago

source? I haven't seent the carisjames hare kirshna angle
also I like seeing the skepticism here from josco hopefully it pushes us to seperate the bs elements of this from the meat of it.

dustyr ago

Awesome work! Interesting comment at bottom of 2nd picture re. Haitian with extra cheese.

think_whatif ago

Curious as to why you posted this as a reply to the OP?

It seems more suited for its own "I'm-skeptical-of-the-whole-pizzagate-thing" thread.

think_whatif ago

Nice to have them for reference, but this is definitely not the complete contents of the jimmycomet Instagram account.

Does make me wonder about the chriszeeebra flickr account;

What date did this person grab all the photos?

How much time between chriszeeebra downloading them and jimmycomet setting his account to private?

And most importantly, was chriszeeebra ever able to archive the text and comments?

LeChevalBlanc ago

Is it a "Who's following?" test that the Moloch one has an added Shadilay Kek comment?

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Interesting the things you notice when looked at in chronological order. I never thought much of the dead pig, but with it followed up with an almost identical framing of a human baby gives me chills

gopluckyourself ago

does anyone have an archive of the actual posts? or just screencaps?

gopluckyourself ago

Is there an archive of the originals so that we can get at the actual images as well?

mrnobu ago

Haitian pizza extra cheese

I mean come on

NerdyNoodle ago


The Juniper tree's name is derived from the Latin word juniperus. In Latin, juniperus is combination of the word junio, which means young, and parere, to produce, hence youth producing, or evergreen

So, "Young, producing youth" -- more hints. Else, why #Juniper?

justiceforever ago

That's true but you can never be too careful. Thanks for posting in order!

carmencita ago

Oh my God. Please check for the picture I just saw. A black and white photo of a massive amount of naked dead bodies lying in the street. It really is creepy and scary. What does it mean and where are they?

justiceforever ago

Always archive first k?

hunk_quark ago

#carisjames used on almost all baby pictures. What does it mean?

justiceforever ago

This should be on the sidebar

spidersinwinter ago


This is backbone information that many leads have stemmed from. We owe a good chunk of the investigation to these posts.

Sticky or sidebar for easy access to the IG posts would benefit new and old.

shootermcgvn ago

This is backbone information that many leads have stemmed from

Nonsense. It was all faked by the Russians to discredit HRC. /s

spidersinwinter ago

Bwahh! D:

Theupsidedown ago

I'm going to say something having been involved in many construction projects:

The massive hole looks like a trench for new plumbing.

The other hole, next to the wall in the other pic, looks like it's for pinpiles. It's the right size and location for pinpiles. Someone even commented "underpinning."

People should probably stop talking about the holes in those pictures because they're totally inconsequential.

redditsuckz ago

Thanks for doing this...I never realized cboutlier AKA Christopher Boutlier commented on so many pics...its still not fully complete but I think those might be the only ones that have the comments intact.

Alefantis 700+ instagrams...just the photos;