reasonedandinformed ago

I can help but won't be able to touch it until Monday earliest.

Vindicator ago

@reasonedandinformed, can you update this fabulous thread again, and include Alex Jones' recent reversal and the hit piece on Seaman from Buzzfeed? We want to make sure these people know we are keeping track. :-) Thanks! You can pull an excerpt and post it as a stand-alone new thread as well to publicize this megathread with a link.

reasonedandinformed ago

I would love to, but there is an issue. There is an unstated word limit to a post that I must have encountered. I had to finesse and wordsmith just to do my last edit as it would not save. I am basically at the limit. Is there a way to remove the constraint on that post? If not, my suggestion would be to reference the comment that I have posted just below. Ideas?

Vindicator ago

I don't think we can allot more space, although you should take that question to v/Help or v/VoatDev and ask. This is going to come up more and more as we document this sordid unfolding of history. As I see it, we are the only place devoted to doing so, even if the way we go about it resembles termites building a nest more than journalists publishing a newspaper. :-)

For now, let's do it in comments, along with a new, standalone post, crosslinked to each other. Can we add a headline to the body of the post, linked to the comment so it jumps people there?

Maybe as this continues, we can pull stuff originally in the body of the post down into comments as well to make more room, leaving just a headline linked to the comment. I think that is what @Millennial_Falcon has been doing with the Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence as it has grown longer over time. Another thread with a similar problem is the Timeline of PIzzagate Censorship.

If you need further consolidation of the main post to get your word count down, you could break it into categories, each of which links to a comment below, which contains a list of headlines/names of outlets which are links to sub-comments with the details. Pizzagate Denier Nesting Dolls. :-)

S3v3n007 ago

YES, that's a great idea & so interesting! Cheering you on!!

GuannaRue ago

Great work!!

reasonedandinformed ago


VeryDicey ago

Thanks for this, it seems to be a very vocal minority of pizza gate deniers. Id love to understand their motivation for dismissing this

eyeVoated ago

Citizen investigation is the present and future of journalism. Professional journalism is dead—forever.

S3v3n007 ago

I tried to upvoat you but was denied. Excellent points; you nailed it.

Vindicator ago

Lemme give you both a little boost. Upvoat x2

S3v3n007 ago

Backatcha, V! +1

Vindicator ago


Freebooter ago

CNN - part of their "fake news" propaganda meme about Russia hacking the DNC/election when we all know the DNC was leaked by Seth Rich, who was murdered over this (also never investigated by the state-run MSM)

If you want to be taken seriously by skeptics from the general public, you're going to have to do better than 'we all know' and one article calling it a hoax.

Take, for example, "Pizzagate," a made-up story of a pedophilia ring supposedly being run out of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor by none other than Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta.

Fueled by conspiracy theorists posting on social media sites like Reddit, Facebook and Twitter, the story picked up so much traction that The New York Times and the Washington Post were forced to track it down, finally debunking it.

This is what people actually believe. Repeating that belief is not the same as malicious shilling, and cannot be taken as proof of such.

You have to show where posts are being deleted, where articles are taken down. Stuff outside the normal way of things.

reasonedandinformed ago

I updated on Seth Rich, a good observation of how I had worded it. As to the CNN story, it lays out the red herring claim that the operation was "run by Hillary Clinton." No one has ever alleged that Pizzagate hangs on Hillary running it. Some believe that she is involved in the pedo thing, some may not. The idea has been raised that she may be linked, but nothing has been posited here saying it is a "pedophilia ring supposedly being run out of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor by none other than Hillary Clinton." CNN provides no source for this false claim. Moreover, like the other MSM hit pieces, it refers to it as being debunked (by a 3rd party), again without any support for how it was debunked.

wecanhelp ago

Thank you for this, this is a valuable resource, please keep updating it.

reasonedandinformed ago

Because I could not fit all of this above, here is a summary of some of our key findings that have not been touched at all by the media or law enforcement. Good summary is here. Please click on any and all links below to see how none of these media authorities actually addressed any of the legitimate concerns raised by pizzagate:

This is just a short list of the many questions that no one in the media has asked. The echo chamber simply dismissed it as a hoax/false news without any investigative effort, yet they arrogantly attack us for making unsubstantiated claims. Also, ask yourself this: If this is not legitimate, why would the media/TPTB expend so much energy, including paying for CTR shills on this and other forums, trying to prove this is false without any attempt to actually investigate? The answer: Propaganda is inversely proportional to the truth!

DarkMath ago

Please add this infamous interview with James Alefantis where he shows the bullet hole Edgar Welch put into Comet Ping Pong's computer system:

Besides the minuscule probability he would have hit the computer at random there's also the fact Edgar Welch went to Comet Ping Pong TO RESCUE CHILDREN. Would he be firing randomly in a restaurant that was hiding children? After all his bullet hit a small computer system occupying roughly the same area a child would take up if they were hiding in a closet.

If you combine that fact with the Washington DC Police lied when asked if they had investigated Comet Ping Pong and you've got all the makings of another Franklin scandal where child prostitutes were brought to DC for the "entertainment" of some very powerful politicians.


reasonedandinformed ago

Good analysis, shared by many, but this is a summary I have not seen written this way. Excellent!

DarkMath ago

What about adding the bit about Edgar going there to rescue children? Maybe put it under the section on the Washington DC Police you have there already.

Edgar firing blindly into Comet Ping Pong reminds me of a scene from Team America World Police:

You don't discharge an assault rifle in a bar you're looking for someone in.


reasonedandinformed ago

Good point! Updated.

WorkSmarter ago

Great work! But, as I posted in the other thread where you presented this:

I couldn't agree with you more; these institutions are doing us a great injustice. Why not protest outside of their offices, and organize like minded people to stand with you. Is is because that would be too large a sacrifice? I personally think it would be. What does that say about us?

I am thankful to all that have worked, and continue to work, to bring this information to light. But i feel that it is time for more than just investigating. Many people agree that these companies are not operating in our best interest. It is time to fight these people with the tools we have. It is time to fight in the style they are accustomed. These groups have no trouble pointing the finger at competing news outlets that do not share their views. They call for boycotts and have forced advertisers to quit campaigns with opposing news outlets (fact).

I would like to see this list expanded to include the advertisers (funder's). And I would like to have the contact information for the advertisers added. Then we can begin a collaborated effort to both contact and boycott these funders that assist news agencies in confusing and dominating us. Companies that see no problems in supporting filth. We need to hold these companies responsible for their funding and make them think twice about who they support; as all of us need to do in these times.

Only then will we begin to have an effect! Money isn't the most important thing; it's the only thing to these kind. It's time to start hitting where it hurts.

zoltan907 ago

Here are some of the individual writers, with links to their articles (list not comprehensive):

Bryan Menegus Gizmodo

Gregor Aisch, Jon Huang and Cecilia Kang New York Times

Adam Goldman New York Times

Erik Wemple Washington Post

Faiz Siddiqui and Susan Svrluga Washington Post

Callum Borchers Washington Post

Catherine Rampell Washington Post

Marc Fisher, John Woodrow Cox, and Peter Hermann Washington Post

Roger Lancaster Washington Post

Taylor Link Salon

Andrew Breiner Salon

Brendan Gauthier Salon

Ben Collins Daily Beast

Tim Mak Daily Beast

Jay Michaelson Daily Beast

Ed Mazza Huffington Post

Rodney Ho Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Benjamin Freed and Jessica Sidman Washingtonian

Andrew Beaujon Washingtonian

Douglas Ernst Washington Times

Laura Hayes Washington City Paper

reasonedandinformed ago

Awesome work. Thanks!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Someone needs to find out what exactly ties all these shrill fakenews pushers together. What exactly was said or posted that they deleted or began hitting? What for this collective, do they stand to lose if pizzagate is found to be true. Obviously, it is not the pedophilia, human and child trafficking, satanic ritual killings alone, since the Clinton Pedo Cabal and it's members do not seem ashamed of the allegations. Doesn't seem to be the knowledge of the money laundering being alledged. What the freak could be more Evil than what we already know?

reasonedandinformed ago

Maybe a three-letter combination?

Phenomenonanon ago

That's basically the whole shabang. That is the MSN in its entirety

reasonedandinformed ago

I would love to help. I am a pretty good organizer/writer. My issue is that I recently came off a client, and I need to focus on my next client/job or my wife will kill me. A big part of the story is the repeated patterns (same kinds of abuse, rituals, and media cover up of everything).

militant ago

Thanks, I saw that post earlier and I thought I hope he will make a thread out of it.

they also posted story of 12/4/16 "false-flag shooter" hours before it happened

That was debunked ages ago, it's a known Google bug.

reasonedandinformed ago

No. Look at the Twitter time stamps for both the Washington Post and Washingtonian. I just added the specific links to the Twitter posts. There is no bug involved as I saw this happen the very day of the event, and the time stamps in Twitter still show what I saw:

These magazines are in the same city/time zone as the event. Twitter posts tweets on a timeline based on WHEN the post is made.

militant ago

These time stamps are bugged too. Check the source code of the tweets, search for the "data-time-ms" line, convert that number, and you'll see that they were actually posted after 4 pm.

reasonedandinformed ago

It could be that they falsely self identified as journalists when they were really either pedos or totally non-curious plagiarizers of the most-recent CIA feed.

Tanngrisnir ago

It was the Daily Show that canceled an interview with David Seaman. They also are the true originators of fake news. Jon Oliver, Samantha Bee and the wanabe Seth Meyers also deserve a spot on the list.

Also I feel it is kinda unfair to Scott Adams to put him in this company. He was a closet Trump supporter all election and was, outside of Ann Coulter, the first person who seriously suggested he could win. While I think he is wrong on Pizzagate now I also think he has the potential to come around if he hears evidence outside of the normal media straw man.

Also you definitely need Salon. They make Slate and huffpo seem reasonable.

reasonedandinformed ago

I will fix the Seaman reference. It came from someone else, and I meant to fix that. On Scott Adams, he made that choice and came down very hard against it. Maybe putting their names on it will cause some to dig a bit to see if they would like to be removed from the list. I will add Salon once I can find it.

Tanngrisnir ago

Here you are. is the fucking worst. The unpaid slave labor at the huffpo is better than their "journalists".

Phenomenonanon ago

Hate them

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks. I added one of their links...may be more.

think_whatif ago

Great post.

Maybe even take it further and include a sub-section of the database that includes individuals (maybe well-known personalities and those people who are actually tied to Pizzagate in some way) who are Pizzagate deniers with links pointing to their public comments.

Just a thought, keep up the good work.

reasonedandinformed ago

I like it. I think this will be something to build as we can hopefully get a major breakthrough against the wall of lies.

Don-Keyhote ago

If we are meant to be contributing to the growing list id sticky it for a while, love the thread

reasonedandinformed ago

I am not a mod. I think having a sticky to show media collusion and censorship is very useful, especially to newly-arriving skeptics. The new info I added that proves the release of the articles about the 12/4/16 false flag...PRIOR to it eye opening to those who have no idea that this can actually happen. Take a look as I just added some details on that (WaPo and Washingtonian).

Vindicator ago

Great post, @reasonedandinformed! Keep up the great work.

Have you read the timeline of pizzagate censorship compiled by @tjarco? You two should cross reference each other. @Millennial_Falcon, you may want to link to this thread in the Executive Summary and/or the sidebar.

@RebelSkum, you may want to include this information in the Pizzagate Wiki.

DL4L ago

Could someone with video editing skill message me (I am unable yet to message anyone) about collabing on a video where we cut the 'conspiracy theory' garbage with clips of pedophile comments from sex stains, etc etc to juxtapose the facts VS reactions? We could include the milder side of child ritual abuse survivors testimony for added oomph and put a short, minute or two video together that leaves the viewer feeling unsettled. Link to the exec summary in description? I am a tech noob. This is the first forum/social media site/whatever I've joined and participated in so that's the only reason I was requesting help even though it's probably pretty easy for many. I'd be happy to source the content with anyone that could actually cut it up and add some music/transitions/etc. thanks!

reasonedandinformed ago

Great idea. I do not have the skills you need, but hopefully someone else will step up for this as it can be very effective doing the side-by-side. I suggest the strategy/storyboard to be: Start small (pedophiles exist - this is real) in the evidence that links it to CPP (email references/code, pedo logos, the worst instagrams, pedo posters of bands inviting all ages, heavy pedo info/imagery/messaging in CPP and band videos)...then show how it goes to the elite level for use in blackmail/control (MKULTRA, Hastert, etc.), including the SRA links and rationale that THEY use for this...and finally show the heavy evidence of historical media blackouts/censorship of this information.