hunter5 ago

tried to show my grandma

alanna ago

Too funny! Thanks for bringing some humor to this farce!! lol

hunter5 ago

mirror? vid freezes up after 10 seconds

Birdzeyeview ago

coupla problems. Legal liability, and a lot of embarrassment ... translation; much sniggering from other media outlets for airing it. Loss of face/cred.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Did you send them pix of their family?

zoltan907 ago

Legal liability for what? It's not a crime to say allegations ought to be investigated or to raise questions about why they haven't been.

FriesischShipping ago

You just responded to pedo-creep James Lovesinfants. Hey James, get vanished or start snitching.

SturdyGal ago

My very polite (really!) email in support of Ben to using their website got bounced back: "The recipient's mailbox that was attempted to be emailed is no longer accepting messages."

LightlyToasted ago

That's interesting.

Trumpwon-suckit ago

Has anyone attempted to contact Ben Swann out has he posted anything regarding the removal?

ploppy ago

Where did the thread go that had the Ben swann contact?

reasonedandinformed ago

I actually like that they did this. Streisand Effect. Make sure to widely share this.

MAGABoomer ago

Streisand effect is one of our most important weapons. It's incredible the opposition has not figured out how that works...and stop handing us the ammo on a silver tray!

poly ago

actually, tptb do understand the Streisand Effect, and have already deployed it in a reverse-psychology kind of way with the Ferguson shooting and riot hoax.

"Michael Brown" had barely been "dead" a minute when "anonymous" came out with a video talking about how Ferguson was being buried, censored, ignored, etc by the media... this worked as planned, and everyone started spreading Ferguson stuff under the assumption that it was a real case of police brutality

by the time the main stream media started covering it, the public was already convinced that Ferguson was a real story, and, more importantly, that the main stream media was covering real news.

MAGABoomer ago

Never let a good "tragedy" go to waste....

LOL "anonymous" which is anyone...and everyone....BLM was Johnny on the spot there weren't they?

Re "tragedy" I do not consider the death of a thug in the process of attacking a cop, and who had just committed strong armed be a tragedy in any way except that his parents and community suck and he probably never had a chance. Just like Trayvon Martin...thug...who was always going to die young because his gang banger daddy and momma never taught him right from wrong.

poly ago

who had just committed strong armed robbery

initially we were told "Michael Brown" was just walking down the middle of the street and was told by a passing policeman to get on the sidewalk.

the story about the strong arm robbery didn't come out until several days after the shooting, so the premise that the police were confronting an armed robber can't be true.

Just like Trayvon Martin...thug

Trayvon Martin is a fictional character, as is George Zimmerman. the entire story is a hollywood fabrication, which should be obvious as George Zimmerman has gone on to become headline news many times since then, in increasingly absurd scenarios.

daddy and momma never taught him right from wrong.

yes, its sad your parents weren't able to teach you about how racism is instigated by the media through fake news stories like Ferguson and Trayvon Martin. its sad that you were indoctrinated into a racist mindset from birth, and that stories like Ferguson and Trayvon seem plausible to you, because they reinforce your already-racist perspective.

here is just ONE piece of evidence. its a picture of a "looter" in Ferguson, and if you study it for a while you should be able to convince yourself that this picture is in fact photoshopped. look at his shoes, and where he is jumping from and where he will land. look at where his eyes are looking. he knows he is getting his picture taken? why not look before you leap?

redevelopment plan for Ferguson, planned well before the "riots"

Ferguson PsyOp

MAGABoomer ago

oh dear.

EliteTakeOver2029 ago

Please dont drink coca cola friend

bikergang_accountant ago

Well nothing wrong with this url:

They can take things down but ironically they'll spread more as they get mirrored.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Streisand wants you to quit talking about urinals and her house, dude.

poly ago

please elaborate

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Was a way to reference The Streisand Effect.

quantokitty ago

Ha! The problem with the URL is because there's a problem with the URL!!!! WTH, don't you get, bro?!!! Priceless! An upvoat for making that call.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

taps you on the shoulder.

pray_the_gay_away ago

Oh man this is getting juicy. These people have so much power and are so widespread, if I were Trump I would immediately hole myself in a bunker and wouldnt come out until Mad Dog kills all the pedos.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Trump hired 70 Black Water mercenaries to protect him and his family.

memegod420 ago

tfw you finally realize why he gave betsy devos a position...

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Wow! I don't know how I missed that her brother was the blackwater guy.

fetuspizza ago

And Eric Prince is just foaming at the teeth to unload some pizza related info.

memegod420 ago

He started Blackwater, yes? Has he ever mentioned PG?

pizzaequalspedo ago

He claimed to have a good source in the NYPD and NYPD wanted to hold a press conference to announce additional arrest warrants in the Weiner case but were getting big push back from DOJ.

I don't think he referred to Comet or Podesta or anything like that.

I would say it's a high probability that he has good NYPD sources (ie, ex-Blackwater peeps).

LightlyToasted ago

That's a plan I can get behind -- go Mad Dog!

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Thank's for the post, dude! I couldn't get it posted here as I was having problems with the URL... :)

LightlyToasted ago

Ha! Nicely done.

Konran ago

Absolute power corrupts absolutely those who truly crave it. Too many truly powerful people involved here, so cease the spreading of truth. Then pity those most truly innocent and powerless that are taken from amongst us.

newworldahead ago

Comment from a user: "Yes, the URL was accidentally pointing to something that was both factual and important. That must have been a mistake. Oops!"


ravensedgesom ago

She said before that the director gave directions to take the video down. This was was because of a problem with the URL? The corporate media once again reaffirming its complete absence of credibility.

hunter5 ago

i think she meant the content. some people dont know the right words

BadGuacamoleTV ago

This is very important. I pointed out the URL thing was funny, but NOT SO FUNNY was they said they were told to take it down.

ravensedgesom ago

Yeah but I was certainly skeptical when the video was first posted because a considerably fair and rational summarization of a trafficking ring of this potential magnitude from this type of outlet was going to receive dismissal and/ or censorship. I'm sure they're are already plenty of smear articles on the video in response. Thank you for the revealing video though.

ZalesMcMuffin ago - "Like Clockwork, Here Comes All the Ben Swann Hit Pieces"

ravensedgesom ago

I'll have to read through them and then for an added bonus we have paid protestors outside CPP to demonize the investigation

dookiehowzer ago

Yikes.. too bad its already all over the net now. You know alfantes threatened to kill if they didnt remove it

dreamdigital ago

"No crap the URL is down, that's why I'm calling you. Don't act like a button pushing monkey and figure it out."