ZalesMcMuffin ago

That's an issue which will require more than a comment in the middle of another subject.

Also, fuck SJWs, Trump or no Trump. Fuck "social justice" entirely. It's Marxist bullshit. But... yeah, Marxists and SJWs should be anti-child abuse, like everyone but child abusers should. So you may have some sort of point there, and it may be worth discussing.

ravensedgesom ago

Really Huffpaint? "Reignites Debunked" Thats kind of the point of Ben Swann video was that it wasn't debunked but considering this is just a propaganda hit piece doesn't matter anyways.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Leftist media have spent 1000 x more effort marginalizing real journalists than reporting real journalism .

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Dirty cuckroaches

Fateswebb ago

I love how his whole show was basically asking why no investigation and here they come again with this "debunked" claim....

NikitaVerite ago

GODDAMMMIT. I can't handle the stupidity of the people reading this crap and falling for it. Literally the WHOLE POINT is that NO investigation took place, and yet - none of these idiots can actually process that very IMPORTANT fact. Is there any hope for this godforsaken country? For this world? We are overrun with imbeciles.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

One word, Nikita: democracy. One imbecile is dangerous, but millions of them together are infallible and their ideas deserve armies and police to enforce them on all.

looking4truth ago

lolol they got triggered so hard

Lobotomy ago

I love how triggered Gizmodo's headlines always are. Really makes you think.

Orange_Circle ago

It's like when Atheists attack Christmas. Why are they concerned about something they claim doesn't even exist?

voatsucksreally ago

Hmm. Notice that Media Matters (owned by David Brock) did a report on this. Now I am wondering why Ben Swann only just now did this report. Do they have some kind of plan up their sleeves? Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond thrilled he gave it honest coverage. But an alarm is going off for me. Why now? Why are all of these fake news sites suddenly so willing to give attention to anything Pizzagate related? They've certainly had plenty of time to plan. Something to think about...

Marthvedderette ago

Yup. I knew it. They are using him to paint us as alt right nuts. Also they are trying to profit off pizzagate by asking for donations so Ben can continue his research. What research? Browsing voat?

reasonedandinformed ago

Ben Swann should do an expose about the COVERAGE that ensued from his video clip, which simply asked why is no one asking these questions and investigating? It is some of the best evidence out there: * Why did the video on the CBS site get taken down within 24 hours? If it were a temporary issue, that could be explained, but it has been down for at least 15 hours now. These kinds of issues are very easy to fix, especially when the public notifies them, so this is clearly deliberate. * The media hit pieces just scream louder that there is a media blackout on this issue. He cannot even point out the tip of the iceberg and the fact that this has not been investigated by the media or by the police without being vilified. The DC Police even lied, claiming that they had completed an investigation when they had not (revealed by a FOIA request That fact alone makes this worthy of further pursuit. * Someone who reads at the fourth-grade level could understand that the "articles" debunking pizzagate have done nothing to address the real evidence. The process started with a smear piece by the NY Times (, claiming pizzagate to be "fake news" but debunking nothing. This became the de-facto basis for all others in the echo chamber to dismiss. If you have not already, it is worth reading this piece to see that it involved zero investigation or effort to get to the truth. The article makes this false claim, among others:

[Mr. Alefantis] found dozens of made-up articles about Mrs. Clinton kidnapping, molesting and trafficking children in the restaurant’s back rooms."

It never cites such articles as they do not exist. No one has made such a literal assertion anywhere. The discussion involves the broader connection and operations but not Hillary herself snatching kids to molest. This intentional red herring makes it easy for the reader to dismiss the entire pedogate investigation outright as lunacy. Without addressing a SINGLE piece of evidence that we have compiled that this must be communications, pedo logos, extremely disturbing instagram photos/artwork of young children AND suspicious comments, obvious pedo imagery in the Buck's 10th-Birthday Promotion, the massive highly-encrypted files (must be video) discovered behind a password-protected section of the CPP website ( hit piece proceeds to simply brush off the story with this entirely unsubstantiated claim:

None of it was true. While Mr. Alefantis has some prominent Democratic friends in Washington and was a supporter of Mrs. Clinton, he has never met her, does not sell or abuse children, and is not being investigated by law enforcement for any of these claims. He and his 40 employees had unwittingly become real people caught in the middle of a storm of fake news.

Done. A key target of this sordid story claims that this is not true, so it must not be true. Since they have now successfully labeled pizzagate as "fake news" and thoroughly debunked it [actually, did not even try], all other media can now report in the same way. "It is 'fake news' that has already been debunked." "It was investigated and nothing was found."

  • Why is Twitter shadowbanning references to pizzagate and related tweets...even banning some who are trying to share information?
  • Why is youtube altering view counts or exposure of pizzagate-related videos, even banning some such videos and users?
  • Why is google doing the same, altering native search results in favor of those portraying pizzagate as "fake news" at the expense of higher-trafficked sites that are actually investigating this?
  • Why did Reddit ban the entire pizzagate subreddit without any substantiated explanation? They claimed doxxing, but there was no such evidence. Their unsubstantiated claim was the "fake news" in that story.
  • Why are payment mechanisms, such as PayPal, targeting and harassing high-profile pizzagate advocates such as David Seaman?
  • Why are there historically so many suspicious deaths ( of people who investigate elite-pedo crimes, including several related to this actual investigation?

It would be great to build an actual list of all the evidence of a cover up as this will help open the minds of those who have been fed the "fake news" lie by the MSM and TPTB.

Bolux ago

Great post

cakeoflight ago

Would love to upvote this but don't have enough points. These jerks in the lamestream media are intolerable. Even reading the headlines is raising my blood pressure. I hope we can uncover their links to all of this and see how many of them are actual pedos or CIA and kick them off the air. Ever try listening to NPR? They sound like a bunch of manic whiny babies having panic attacks. I'm sure a bunch of people in the DNC love to circulate this crap to all their sheeple.

quantokitty ago

Right! They can do all this, but they can't assign someone to actually investigate Podesta & Co. The thing is that Ben Swann will be vindicated and these pedo cover uppers will be shown for what they are: cowards and liars who published propaganda to brush a story under the rug.

starseedlover ago

They don't disprove or debunk they name call and ridicule. What infuriates me is how some people are convinced. It's like "Lets just close our eyes and ears and repeat our narrative louder and louder until this just goes away."

starseedlover ago

I get so mad reading these hit pieces and the unquestioning people who comment in blind support. But I have to calm myself and remember it's still exposure and it will wake up the people who are ready to start questioning reality and thinking for themselves.

honormyacanthosis ago

Look at what happens when there are conspiracy theories about aliens/UFOs (no mainstream discussion and no active censorship) and Obama's birth certificate (pleanty of mainstream discussion and no active censorship). Now look at pizzagate...the level of censorship alone suggests a conspiracy from the highest levels of power. If it weren't real, they'd let us talk about us and and just roll their eyes.

doolord ago

Take a drink every time you read debunked in an article referring to pizzagate.

Yuke ago

"CBS affiliate"..."Debunked Pizzagate". These sorry bastards are so transparent its laughable. They did the same a while back where numerous different media outlets all ran headlines that were pretty much identical in wording. They've blatantly been fed what to say. I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing that they're part of a cover-up that involves children.

Hobgobbin ago

The best part of this is that anyone with a modicum of intellectual curiosity will want to view the Ben Swann pizzagate segment. The piece was produced with such fairness that they'll come away knowing that there's a problem, regardless of what it really is, that is being hidden purposefully. Watch for a surge of interest in the topic as people being looking into it for themselves.

FriesischShipping ago

Saving these stories for future shaming and discrediting of these "journalists" is very important godly work. I approve.

Bolux ago

With #kidslivesmatter

salinaslayer ago

Obviously we should start investigating the journalists producing these for connections

FriesischShipping ago

The doublespeak is off the charts. Orwell would've been proud.

SpikyAube ago

Oh the comments in the Huff Post comments section make me feel sick. These people are so deluded, they literally just believe what is told to them, without seeking any facts or evidence for themselves, and then they call Pizzagate researchers stupid and 'easily led' - so frustrating beyond belief!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

This is where we are, as a civilization. We're past the age when a central power can dictate the narrative to everyone, but that central power does still dictate the narrative to some. The rest of us oppose the control mechanism. And we fight, both sides absolutely certain the other side is a bunch of morons.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah, but the other side are definitely the morons. :-)

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I tend to agree, but how is this to be ultimately decided? What will resolve the social lobotomy?

This is one of the things which really makes my head spin when I dwell on it.

YingYangMom ago

Hey guys, don't worry about this. Remember Gandhi's famous quote: "First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win." We're at the 'they fight you' stage. They are fighting us tooth and nail, so we need to hang in there and do everything in our power to not let go and continue to research. Find the best ways to restore the files, pictures and articles that were scrubbed and keep archiving the evidence we have amassed and those we will find in the future. That's the only way for us to win.

FriesischShipping ago

November was ignore, December was laugh, January is fight, and Feb. we win. It's like clockwork.

YingYangMom ago

Matches perfectly huh. Let's hope you're right.

cantsleepawink ago

Ex-CBS reporter, Shary Attkisson, talks about the cottage industry in Washington DC of PR firms which are hired by political and special corporate interests to spin the news media to try and give the impression of a grassroots narrative that is actually false. Ex-CBS Reporter: Spineless Media Bosses Eroding Our First Amendment

MolochHunter ago

I just trolled Bryan at Gizmodo, lets get the popcorn and see if the moderators will let ANY of these through the gate to publication

Bryan Menegus 1/19/17 5:23am so Bryan, are you curious why one of Alefantis’ instagram friends refers to another friend on his instagram as ‘my favourite pedo’ Reply PENDING APPROVAL

Bryan Menegus 1/19/17 5:22am Oh, and Bryan, did you know that one of the coroners who examined breitbarts body died of arsenic poisoning on the day Breitbarts report was to be released? Reply PENDING APPROVAL

Bryan Menegus 1/19/17 5:21am So Bryan, aren’t you curious how Andrew Breitbart died a few months after tweeting that Podesta should be a global household name as a cover-upperer of pedophile rings? Reply PENDING APPROVAL

Bryan Menegus 1/19/17 5:20am So Bryan, aren’t you curious why Alefantis refers to an infant girl he posted on his jimmycomet instagram page a ‘retarded whore’ (#hotard) Reply PENDING APPROVAL

Bryan Menegus 1/19/17 5:19am so Bryan, are you as a responsible journalist going to ask podesta to explain to the public what a ‘pizza related map’ hankerchief is?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The "hotard" comment was probably aimed at Alefantis and then back at the originator, neither of them aiming it at the baby. So I find that question to be the weak link in your chain. Also Breitbart died a year after the "cover-upperer" tweet, not a few months. Otherwise, good stuff!

YingYangMom ago

Great questions. Keep us updated :)

BlackSwordsman ago

Could be.... the symbols are EVERYWHERE. All over the music videos. These people must not believe the wikis. Most people I bring it up to have a revulsion and just say "I haven't read enough about it to know". Like they'd rather not be bothered with it.

YingYangMom ago

Like they'd rather not be bothered with it.

Yeah, they rather not, until something bad happens to their children or one of their relatives, God forbid. Some people just don't get it.

nomorepepperoni ago

I find it hilarious and sad how many regularly posted Ben's work and talked about how awesome he is.

He does a segment on Pizzagate, and like magic he's now some crappy, yellow journalist who peddles conspiracy theories.

Reminds me of how the Dems act about James Comey. 🙄

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

This is a fantastic example of how horrifically shit the state of modern msm journalism is.

  • Ed Mazza from Huffpo is a smelly SJW who hates Trump, no impartiality, just his opinions disguised as facts.
  • Ben Collins from Daily beast is another one who hates Trump, is anti-alt right and is a smelly SJW.
  • Alex Kaplan from Media Matters seems to only write about how much he hates Trump.
  • Bryan Menegus (Brian Mega-anus) is the worst on this list: look at this fucking headline: CBS Imbecile Just Fanned the Pizzagate Flames for No Reason.

No Reason? Exposure of dark secrets and uncovering the truth about what is really going on with Podesta, Alefantis, Epstein etc is the reason you complete fucking retard! DO YOUR JOBS!

Wasn't long ago all these journalists would've jumped all over 4chan's pissgate documents and believed them as real like CNN and Buzzfeed did, so why the FUCK are they so sure pizzagate is fake? And why the fuck should we believe these people that pizzagate is fake? I call bullshit and will continue to call bullshit until a proper investigation is started.

Swann is a hero to me right now and I hope more like him emerge.

CuckSlap ago

These hitpieces come are coordinated by David Brock (Jimmy's boyfriend) at Media Matters. If you're wondering why the mainstream media all has the same narrative? Media Matters. If you're wondering where the "Media Relations Department" at Fox/CNN/MSNBC get their "complaints" from? Media Matters. Everything points to Media Matters.

A good primer is Andrew Breitbart's book and the documentary about him.

TheSpeaker2 ago

You forgot to mention that they are all pedophiles as well.

victuruslibertas ago

That gets my Upvote.. Amen

blackfyre_rebel ago

Pretty much all these publications are connected to the Clinton's so it's not really a huge surprise. But the desperation they are showing trying to coverup all the pieces is insane! I've never seen anything like it. They are really scared. This is their house of cards...the glue that holds the horror shit show together.

cantsleepawink ago

I think you're beginning to understand how Jimmy Savile got away with his pedo crimes for so many years in the UK.

FriesischShipping ago


dickface8 ago

Gizmodo are fucking pathetic and clearly in on this.

cointelpro_shill ago

Any of these articles mention him questioning the Sandy Hook narrative? You'd think that would be an easy swipe.

Aaanndgo ago

I just noticed the CIA 12 million blah blah documents are trending on FB now. What's the motivation for this? Can't be to just look like good guys.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

The usual suspects

Aaanndgo ago

Woah, this was fast. I'm dumbfounded how people either don't care or don't question why. I hope Wikileaks sticks up for him since they tweeted it, too.

its_all_mythology_k ago

Repeat the lies often enough, with enough confidence and authority, and you’ll soon have entire civilian armies defending establishment media who believe that a professional actor shooting a pizza parlor floor is somehow worse than a possible child sex trafficking ring going officially uninvestigated.

Fucking OATH!!!!!!!!!

EyeOfHorus ago


crystalclearme ago

Well there is a saying than even "bad" press is still good. More eyes the better. The smug and snark is just as sick as usual.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

With new eyes arriving, one thing we can do now to help is to make extra sure of our own info. Root out anything inaccurate, set aside (at least temporarily) the flaky or questionable, and present the solid up front. Use your voats wisely, all.

crystalclearme ago

Brilliant observation and comment. I really like the way you think and concur!

0fsgivin ago

interesting point of view on terms such as "debunked" or "conspiracy theory"

EllaMinnow ago

That was very interesting. Thanks for that.

pavezi ago

These pedophile-protecting liars are going to live in shame for the rest of their lives, while we shall have glory, and honor, and we shall be vindicated and justified, not only in the eyes of men, but most importantly, in the eyes of God. Truth is on our side, while they have chosen to ally themselves with satanic mass murderers and pedophiles. What a bunch of fools.

DecimateTheWeak ago

as is tradition.

za-throwaway ago

They sure are defensive for a story with no substance...

VeryDicey ago

Why haven't they been upset about

topkek1337 ago

hardly. 2 crazies have already been involved in sticking them up.

If no one challenges it then people will actually think it's the truth...


doolord ago

The worst article is from Gizmodo. I read it yesterday and it's complete cancer.

FriesischShipping ago


BlackSwordsman ago

From one person to another.... can you... honestly tell me.... WHY don't people care that they are talking in codes? Like... HOW can they not care about that? People speaking in codes on government servers. How does a person shrug this off?? Are they pedos too? I'm sure some of them are, and they want this exploitation to continue... but I feel like the average person is listening now maybe..

pizza_merc ago

I think it's because no one wants to believe that a clandestine organization which is government run has been utilized to essentially provide the elite with anything pertaining to children and sex industries.

Further, the idea of utilizing an internal government entity to entrap and entice the powerful into a submissive state is so distasteful that the normal person recoils from the idea in disbelief.

It's because most people are good, and can't imagine something so terrible happening.

cakeoflight ago

No news is good news. The fact that they put out all these hit pieces means they are desperate. Nothing like bad publicity to get people's attention. These are obvious coverups. Anyone who believes Snopes or any of this garbage was hopelessly brainwashed to begin with.

starseedlover ago

Because of course governments speak in codes! It's for our own protection!

dickface8 ago

They will not acknowledge a fucking thing... Deny Deny Deny!

postfascion ago

Some at the top maybe are, but the minions don't want to threaten their cash cow, or simply don't believe the world operates this way, which (for time time being) it unfortunately does.

sensitive ago

An "educated" person myself, I am naturally connected to many other "educated" persons of my industry. When I shared this video on social media, one "educated" person finally admitted that there maybe, maybe could be something weird going on, but that there are much more horrible things happening in the world than "a few children" being molested in D.C. and we should better concentrate on those things. Which proves again that "education" is not the same as "intelligence".

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

Wow. Even one child is too many. I have little faith in the human race. It is you few people of compassion, empathy & common sense that keep me hanging on. Society is deeply ill.

NikitaVerite ago

OMG. A "few children" huh? What will it take to get these people to wake up? Oh I know - only if it happens to THEM. We live in a world of self-absorbed assholes.

Sharipie ago

Proves brainwashing is successful on even the most intelligent (normally) people.

justforthissubverse ago

Nor morality

Marthvedderette ago

Funny thing about "educated " people, they are usually heavily indoctrinated, because that's how you get a degree. You shut up and you don't ask questions.

momadona ago

Indeed this is true and, imho, the greatest (and burgeoning) barrier to true awareness.

CoriferousSphInks ago

Perhaps this "educated" person wishes to defy the statement a society should be judged on how it treats it's most vulnerable members?

markrod420 ago

That's a disgusting attitude to have. Why are people so disgustingly stupid???

Forgetmenot ago

He or she might be educated but clearly has no common sense if our nations leadership practices pedofilia for entertainment what other things are they capable of committting. The D.C. Pedofile ring is probably the top echelon of the same people causing the worldwide crisis that profiteer from poverty, sickness, war, poisoning water, the list is endless. It's all interconnected a lack of a moral compass is the heart of the matter. No common sense. Very sad

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

It creates a whole system where a pedophile can rise to the top of society and live in a dream life just for being a pedophile, the pedocracy. Its an absolutely horrifying prospect for a political, social and financial system to consist of that.

throwawaa ago

Yeah, it seems most likely it's used for blackmail, it's not just a few children being molested, it's a whole corrupt system that only works because everyone is blackmailed by this stuff. If we expose it and topple it, we get to stop the stupid wars, the stupid haiti situation, all kinds of stupid stuff.

BlackSwordsman ago

Are you purposely misspelling pedophile?

CoriferousSphInks ago

That means that they are @blackSwordsman

BlackSwordsman ago


CoriferousSphInks ago

They are purposely misspelling pedophilia to give a particular air of participants within this discussion to the less verbally inclined participants, who read only. Of idiocy, largely.

BlackSwordsman ago

Interesting theory. Seemed like a weird post to begin with.

Forgetmenot ago

No I am on mobile.

micha_ ago

Talking in codes. I think in a Democracy it's the right of the people to demand answers, what their politicians mean by that. What is even more suspicious: the "open society" advocates and propagandists, the "safe the children"-propagandists are not interested in it at all?

There is lying a dead corpse and a man is caught standing beside it (podesta emails with kids delivered to the pool for enjoyment, code language, gay Alefantis with pedo pics, "art" of tortured children). In the pizzagate case the media want to make the people believe, that it would be inacceptable if police would ask the man, why there is a dead body beside him! ** The good thing is: every news outlet that attacks the most natural thing, man and women demanding that pizzagate to be investigated, is marking itself not only as fake news, but potentially being a cover up for pedophiles and disappearing children!**

RKBA ago

Lemmings. Have you ever confronted a sheeple about the disappearing airliner that supposedly struck the Pentagon and the one that supposedly crashed in Shanksville with no debris field, or any of the other glaring lies in the government's story about 9/11? Most people are incredibly dumb and believe whatever the MSM tells them. . "The wings folded back and the airplane was vaporized", HAHAHAHAHA.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

In my experience, that trust is melting over time. I talk openly about 9/11 now and nobody around me thinks I'm crazy any more (for that, anyway).

cantsleepawink ago

Because people are trained to see everything through the lens of politics. People also don't like their own belief systems questioned because it means re-evaluating everything. Too scary for most, especially if one is heavily invested in a system in terms of status and career.

Scirel ago

There is actually a name for this phenomenon. It's called the Overton Window. It's probably our number one antiforce.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

Especially when he even acknowledges there is no direct evidence. The only thing he really said is that something shady is going on, which is completely obvious.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Ben: "it looks shady and should be investigated"


Ben: "Have any investigations taken place?... have you looked in to it?

Media: "Well.... no... I just report the facts. Its been debunked"

Ben: "What... exactly... did you do to determine the facts?"

Media: Well......well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn facts so the public doesn't have to! I have skills at knowing facts; I am good at reporting facts to the public. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?

lurch91 ago

I stopped reading at "Media Matters"


How did we know they would debunk it?

MolochHunter ago

well, when media matters gives it a hint of cred we will really know Alefantis is the sacrificial goat hung out to dry

FriesischShipping ago

Or Spirit Cooked

joeysaperv ago

I'll have to start using the reply - "Excuse me, did you know the founder of Media Matters literally sucked James Alefantis's dick and literally got fucked in the ass by him?"

CalgaryCanada ago

send your thoughts to the source and people that are in charge. Ive sent a nicely worded email to everyone at cbs 46 including my praise for ben

cantsleepawink ago

Most, if not all of those organisations you cited are closely aligned with the Democrats/Podestas. And Media Matters is David Brock, Alefantis's ex-boyfriend. So no surprises there.

derram ago :

CBS Affiliate Reignites Debunked Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory | The Huffington Post :

Meet Ben Swann, the Republican Pizzagate Truther Hosting Atlanta’s CBS Nightly News - The Daily Beast :

CBS Atlanta Affiliate Gives Credibility To Debunked Pizzagate Conspiracy :

CBS affiliate’s ‘big question': Why no law enforcement investigation of ‘Pizzagate’ allegations? - The Washington Post :

CBS Imbecile Just Fanned the Pizzagate Flames for No Reason

This has been an automated message.

passwordsonvoatrbad ago

they can remove links now

YingYangMom ago

Seriously? What should we use to archive the pics and files now, then?

derram ago

Maybe, but so far it's just making my life a pain -w-