lawfag123 ago

I remember seeing an interview between Alex Jones and a guy who was there who said there were no gunshots. The interviewee was a lawyer and was from Iraq or something? I can't find that interview on Alex's channel anymore. Did anyone else see it?

BertieMcDuffy ago

well of course the fucking cops would protect their paedo overlords, they are the type of people to rape a baby or turn the zyklon on people just because they "got an order"

Disgusting vile subhuman scumsuckers that deserve to be shot into the heart of the motherfucking sun

samhara ago

Trump has been in office less than a month. It's unrealistic to imagine he could round up the big fish immediately?

FBI anon did a “bank shot”. That’s a pool hall term we use. Ask Bob about it. FBI Anon rattled their cages as other DHS and local authorities rounded up all sorts of street-level human traffickers. The big arrests will come in time, but first the small fish are interrogated, and provide information that leads to larger fish. FBI Anon was firing a shot across the bow, much like you shake a beehive to infuriate the bees. Notice how blatantly hostile McCain, Schumer, Graham, and others are? It was what we call a “targeted trigger“."


"But, the biggest thing Trump can do is expose PedoGate via Sessions. Big names will go down hard, and it gets the blood suckers drained from the swamp. There are as many pedophiles on the Republican side as there is with democrats, but Trump is in a unique position to truly “clean up Dodge”, so to speak. I can tell you that what is in Anthony Weiner’s hard drive, and what videos exist via Jeffery Epstein, WILL BRING massive arrests – in time. Trump’s legacy could be truly great if he was to purge the CIA, stop the extortion, prosecute the pedophiles and reinstate the death penalty for pedo’s convicted a second time. Pedogate is his path to greatness."

Melitica ago

I have been wondering but keep forgetting to find out...who is Bob?

PeaceFuture ago

Robert David Steele

CipherPuppet ago

I admit I love this DHS anon, Music to my ears.

BorisBadenov ago

There is also the fact that the latest judge assigned to the Welch case, Ketanji Brown Jackson, is somebody Obama had as one of his SCOTUS short listers following the highly mysterious death of Scalia at a quail hunting ranch owned by John Poindexter - a former black ops guy who somehow makes billions of dollars building hearses and whatever else he does. Judge Jackson, meanwhile, was also assigned to the Osama bin Laden "porn stash" FOIA case by Judicial Watch. Quite an odd case that one as even the CIA now says that the porn stash may not even exist. If it does, though, it's still highly classified because the porn would be part of the CIA's active operational files. And thus the CIA has been actively investigating Osama bin Laden's porn stash for over five years at this point even though it may not exist. This is all part of the official narrative by the way and does not begin to get into any of the "conspiracy theories." Can't make this stuff up. Why does a SCOTUS short lister get assigned to both the Osama bin Laden porn stash case as well as the IMDB-listed pizzagate investigator with bad intel case? This is getting fricking ridiculous.

unclassified ago

I knew that hard drive story was bullshit. Man I hope these sick monsters get what they deserve... Death

nitro169 ago

Just a couple of things... 1. If a gunman enters your property and shoots something, that something is immediately taken into evidence, you would in no way be able to show this off to reporters. 2. where is the bullet hole in the door? 3. I can clearly see this bullet would not have directly impacted the hard drive, it most likely trashed the cd drive, but at that angle it shouldn't have hit the actual hard drive.

roundhouse1776 ago

This is not a smoking gun and provides almost zero provable evidence. Should have picked a better title for your post.

demoTheGorgon ago

Not sure but this might be a forum sliding post. Though yes it was repeatedly commented upon that the CPP was a false flag / plant. His father worked for the corrupt Haitian charity (or something like that, feel free to fact check) that was implicated when Silsby tried to smuggle 33 kids out of Haiti.

DarkMath ago

I saw that Titus Frost video as well. It's definitely worth watching. Titus Frost is the real deal and has done some great research. However I didn't see any evidence that the DC Police said Edgar Welch fired into the hard drive itself.

Can someone find any reference out there to the bullet hitting the hard drive and not just the computer?

Also someone here on /v/Pizzagate said that model of computer tower has the hard drive on the bottom not the top, suggesting it's highly unlikely the bullet found the hard drive.

But I've been wrong before and could be wrong again.

21yearsofdigging ago

In saw that also a while back, I think Alefantis claiming(maybe on Megyn Kelly interview) that his computer at Comet Pizza was shot. I personally think it is a cover for what was in fact on that computer which by now is in a landfill or at the bottom of the ocean

FuckTheGlobalstElite ago

You can read the public document from the District of Columbia District Court, Case No. 1:16-cr-00232, USA v. WELCH, Document 6.

From the document:

"When the defendant entered the restaurant, he was carrying the AR-15 assault rifle that was loaded with approximately 29 rounds of ammunition. He was also carrying the fully-loaded .38 caliber Colt revolver. The defendant carried his AR-15 across his chest, such that it was openly displayed for anyone in the restaurant to see, allowing the defendant to move directly to the back of the restaurant without any interference. The customers and employees of the restaurant feared for their lives, did not interfere with the defendant, and fled the building. At one point, the defendant encountered a locked room and attempted to force open the door, first using a butter knife, and then discharging his assault rifle into the door. The defendant told detectives that he fired twice and thereby broke one of the locks for the door. However, investigating officers later recovered four shell casings (consistent with four shots) as well as physical evidence that, in addition to the door lock, bullets struck and damaged a computer in the locked room (which was used for storage)."

DarkMath ago

"damaged a computer in the locked room (which was used for storage)"........That doesn't mean the hard drive was hit. If the hard drive wasn't hit then it could be read by plugging it into another computer.

If it comes out that computer and hard drive no longer exists then it's just more proof of a cover up.

I hope the DC Police are aware of this. Because if Edgar Welch starts singing like a bird the DC Police will be charged with OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and possibly murder IF ANY ONE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE DIED AS A RESULT OF ANYTHING OR ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH Comet Ping Pong.

goodguy1367 ago

There was a video of an interview with JA showing the computer behind a locked door in a cupboard that the "bullet" went through and managed to hit the HD on a angle looking like it came from a roof lol can't seem to find the video now but

BackAgain ago

From the looks of that hardrive would still be in tact. The bullet hole looks like it went in at an angle and would've went out about the back upper-middle of the tower

wearesven ago

That looks ridiculously placed. And not to mention there'd still be data on that drive.

BackAgain ago

Definitely. If it comes out that the Hardrive was destroyed, after we can see where the bullet entered, its going to basically prove to me this was 100% a false flag

You know how hard they will fight this? PROOF of a government staged false flag attack?!?! Oh man that would open the flood gates

shoosh ago

Immediately after Alex Jones (I'm no fan of his, but... he did an interview with a lawyer who just happened to be at CPP that day with his family for their first visit, came on the show to warn Jones off of pgate and said he, the lawyer, did not hear a gun shot. Jones completely wimped out and failed to pose the big questions or demand answers regarding the entire interview.

Whose word is to believed -- a lawyer who is representing the legal system, or Alefantis who is undoubtedly CIA.
(and if anyone doesn't believe obscure people are undercover CIA read Governor Ventura's book, Don't Start The Revolution Without me, as his first encounter as a governor revealed that there is in fact trained undercover CIA that you'd never suspect were CIA.)

nitro169 ago

It's funny you bring this up, I always tolerated Alex and was able to accept short doses of his annoyingness to get some decent info, but after this interview I was done with Alex Jones, obvious controlled opposition. If I was directing the interview I would have said "CUT!" OK Alex, I need you to be just a little less like Megyn Kelly right now.

2impendingdoom ago

the magic bullet, remarkable for its ability to soundlessly travel though a padlock, the door behind it and across the room at whatever trajectory necessary to destroy the hard drive in a computer tower. its a miracle!

DarkMath ago

"the magic bullet".......It's worse than that. Edgar Welch went in their looking for children held against their will so discharging an assault rifle into a closet where they might be hiding makes no sense.

BackAgain ago

LOL Dude I didn't even think of that. Who runs into a potential hostage situation and just starts shooting through closed doors

Just a little more circumstantial evidence of it being a false flag

Hazilla ago

The whole thing makes no sense

2impendingdoom ago

The point is that none of it makes sense. But magically, along with the crazy bullet, there were no caged up kids and the hard drive is destroyed... only someone really fucking gullible would buy any part of this story

520patriot ago

this is a few days old