druhill007 ago


great stuff. Being able to sidestep any political party implications helps out as well. Love the point about power... that's definitely the main thing. it's not a bunch a people with a predisposition to being sexually attracted to babies.

Another point is how the collective quality of child development is really one of the most important factors in determining the quality of humanities growth!! Fix the children and we fix our future

21yearsofdigging ago

''I also find the occult / Satanic aspect a barrier to initial red-pilling. It is an important aspect to eventually come to grips with in a full understanding of the phenomenon, but it only pervades and represents a faction of the diversity within the Paedophile community. I therefore de-emphasise examining this aspect with newcomers." Yes I would have to agree. Bringing this up to people that are not red pilled is very difficult and could scare them off. I absolutely believe this exists but it is very difficult to accept. MkULtra Monarch programming may be another one that shouldn't be addressed in the beginning. That will earn you a tin foil hat even though it is true is as well

PizzagateBot ago

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en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux Just found a treasure trove of information (Huge) lots of possible new leads. Too much reading and sourcing for myself, need help!
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux The Washingtonian wrote an article about the shooting hours before it occurred.
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en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux TRUE BREAKTHROUGH - FOIA - Clinton Sate Department Cover-up of Pedophilia
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HolyMoly0 ago

PizzagateBot, you're alright.