Votescam ago

Are you a Mod? I haven't "spammed" anything; this is the first time I've used the Amnesty link which involves details of our own government's involvement with kidnapping children, forcing them into "church schools" where they were abused, physically, sexually, fatally.

Millstone ago

Dr. Hammond's presentation/video. Just WOW. I think it's the first time I've taken mind control info without a grain of salt. I know about the MKUItra and Monarch programs etc. But somehow it didn't seem real. Now it does.

nameof ago

Whichever type its as Organized as can be to give wired magazine a calm cool sense of DUPERS DELIGHT which is someone getting away with something wrong and it brings them delight. Like wired magazine -blatant in your face laughing joking "If you are sick of baby-" cassarol pan ad. Weird small ad on a bigger pizza oven ad. Satanic imagery. A year or so before you/we still should have thought wtf? Because it's established it hasn't gotten another thought till now oh captiliza off Satan worshipers and sell them ovens to do their sacrificing in.

nameof ago

I'm not sure I agree with all the definitions of pedophile. Pizzagate has revealed when/ if there is yet one more we are missing- hence getting into the weeds which is I think is important. I posted this image from twitter of a Monsanto ad from a magazine called More. Its pre pizzagate, I posted it to point out that it's s NOT SECRET here, that the intended edible would be the kid she is in the cart. And the slogan "We should all be picky eaters" is interesting to me, since they as a company have major issues with farmers and "pickers"

So it smacks Satanist and catholic church as well as sociopathic highly organized but something else that is a clue (I think) is the blatant outright in your face arrogance of DUPERS DELIGHT. The lie is It's in your face, and the smile is getting away with it.

bibigirl_ ago

This is AMAZING! Very well written and extremely important for people to understand. Also,very easy to follow. Wow.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

If this isn't Russ Dizdar, someone should ask for his help.

DL4L ago

Definitely not Russ Dizdar. Actually not sure who that is, but I will look into him. Just a curious fellow willing to make uncomfortable connections and follow stories where they have led over the years.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

ruzz Dizdar has a weekly (?) podcast covering SRA. He holds training classes for police to learn how do deal with the victims and trace the abusers. His website:

islandofdelight ago

And I think Khazarians generally go hand in hand with Canaanites. Essentially Satanists. These would be the Zionists pretending to be Jewish/Tribes of Israel.

AboveAverageJoe ago

Nice write up. I think paragraph 2:

Note the Sex Stains comment, “we all have our preferences”.

Should be:

Note the Majestic Ape comment, “we all have our preferences”.

DL4L ago

Amended. Thank you!

MolochHunter ago

Kudos, great post.

Observations: Socio-political pedophiles are more likely to be those who were themselves sexualised before the age of consent, perhaps not in an especially extensive abusive or malicious way, but simply as a function of the age we are when we form our sexual identity being the age many people consider 'fair game'. Which is why it is best for us as a community to shield our children from such encounters too early as it is part of the general gateway to depravity

Also as for Satanism/occult - its is the natural spiritual inclination for those who seek power as their primary aspiration to gravitate towards to one religion that obsesses, supports and focusses on the attainment of personal power: the occult. Which isnt to say you cant have good people using the occult for personal empowerment to do greater acts of good and selflessness - but for the psychopath/sociopath the occult is a natural fit

Piscina ago

I think you're right about the intertwining. I think it may be 'convenient' for opportunistic sociopaths to latch on the Satanism as an avenue to torture and abuse children. I think that someone who abuses children finds so called legitimate ways to be around them, whether by working in child care; running a refugee home or a refuge for runaways; setting up websites ostensibly fighting child abuse specifically with the aim to attract pedophiles, and using codes. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but it's interesting that this site about child abuse does nothing to help children: Nowhere do they talk about any concrete way they have helped a child. The header features an owl. Many of his followers also have owls or single eyes. The guy who runs Notinmyworld is Robert Strongbow: He spent more than ten years working as a scout master. He refers to 'our circle' and talks about sacrifices. On this page he talk to who talks about 'darkworkers'. The hundreds of posts of child abuse are almost a way to teach people how to abuse without getting caught, and a way for abusers and providers of children for abuse to connect.

Votescam ago

Recall that our US government was involved in kidnapping Native American children and forcing them into "Church schools" run by Mormon Church and RCC Church. Sadly, these children were brain-washed there, prevented from speaking their own language, their clothing and hair changed to Western European styles. Christian religion forced on them. In these Church schools these children were beaten, tortured, hung, raped, sexually abused, murdered. This was still going on into more modern times. But, also from the earliest times of US genocide vs Native Americans. The attempts to "Enslave them, or kill them" according to Papal Edicts ... the cruel and brutal violence against them reminiscent of the Inquisition. (Same for Africans enslaved here, of course.)

All Mind Control is based in FEAR -- First you invent a boogie man -- i.e., "Satan" and "Hell" and then you base a male-supremacist religion on it. Which, by the way demonized women/mothers of children -- ran "Witch Hunts" against them -- "Burned Witches at the Stake" -- on and on in a war on females.
The self-created "god" proclaims that males "are superior" and females "inferior." The religion has a long list of enemies beyond females -- Jews, Native Americans, Pagans, Africans/Enslaved in US, Homosexuals. In Hawaii long ago, Homosexuals were held in esteem for taking care of orphaned children. Organized patriarchal religions have warred on homosexuals.

The Old Religion which existed long before the Old Testament, the New Testament, Hebrew religion, RCC, Islam -- did not have a "Satan" nor a "Hell." Those things are the creation of male-supremacist religion.

Neither do is Wicca/Women's Wisdom support a belief in Satan nor Hell. Their motto is "No gods above/No gods below." Their beliefs are based in Nature, as well -- in particularly knowledge of plants as our medicines.


I would like to show you who created those Abrahamic religions, and perverted Hinduism into segregation of society. There is no "magic man" in the sky. It's intuitive. Here is why so much effort was put into brainwashing the world for 2,500 years, and propelling the world into a dark age, where a true appreciation for the mystery of our existence was forgotten by most. Sadly, it was organized, calculated, and brutal:

DL4L ago

You speak very generally on what are already broad topics, and with little relevance to the specifics of global child ritual and sexual abuse. Here, I am referring to systematic, multi-generational, finely tuned mind control programming of children based on torture, ritual sex abuse, drugs, hypnosis, and other advanced forms of conditioning. Not 'FEAR'. Yes, of course these things create fear in a person but this issue is far more complex than that. And to these individuals engaging in this type of abuse as a part of their spiritual tradition, there is no invention of evil entities. You are talking about how you understand and see the world, which from how you write I gather is at least partly through a feminist/wiccan perspective concerned with male domination. Understood. But I am talking about how they understand the world. It is ok that they are different, and I am not slandering wiccans with what I'm saying, nor disagreeing that we live in a male-dominated society. The people I refer to believe Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, etc are all members of a hierarchy and have existed since creation. Like Christians have saints, angels, arch-angels, etc... there is a similar understanding/hierarchy within Luciferianism, Satanism, and the like.

Votescam ago

DLAL -- I attempted to show where the belief in "Satan" and "Satanic rituals" arise -- and it is with male-supremacist religions. NOT with the Old Religion based in Nature and NOT with Wicca/Women's wisdom. It is important for the public to know that and understand that.

What comes later is prologue. The beginning of it all has to be known.

It also ignored the involvement of the CIA/MK ULTRA/Monarch Project -- the goal was Mind Control MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation,** verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture**.[11][12]

If you're familiar with Franklin Case, then you know the survivors talk about being part of the MKULTRA program and being tortured physically. Some of the survivors were kidnapped as children, some were turned over by fathers who had already been sexually abusing them -- and were often rewarded financially. See: Kathy O'Brien/YouTube Also true of what Noreen Gosch came to know about the abduction of her son, Johnny.

The MKULTRA program sought to create multiple personalities which could also be programmed. These children were used as drug runners, homosexual prostitutes, and for espionage/blackmail. Cathy O'Brien also covers that reality in her video.

Yes, it is generational -- and, yes, some who were tortured and sexually abused with also do the same to others. Some will not. Children are highly vulnerable to this kind of family betrayal and, of course, children have no way of understanding the history of the invention of "Satan" -- or that Satan is not real when their own family is involved in Lucifer's worship.

It is NOT OK that they are different because there are victims involved -- people who are brainwashed from youth will certainly "believe" things that are untrue. That's why the brainwashing occurs.

And some of us recognize that "Christian's saints are actually pagan figures originally" who were converted into "saints." And, again, most of "Christianity" comes via "Introducing the Cross with the Sword."

It is violence which moved these male-supremacist religions into place and only violence and domination can keep them going. However, more and more members are walking away from these religions as the come to know the truth about them.

People believe many things -- (like moon landings) until free speech and new information allows them to begin to challenge these myths.

Recall that the Old Testament is written to cement patriarchy -- and what "Jesus" is doing is rebelling against patriarchy and many of its concepts.

The Global scandals being investigated now in many countries -- Norway, Belgium, Australia, Canada, etc. -- are very important . . . but past investigations and past scandals also have to be made known and understood in order to understand it all.
Spain - 300,000 missing children stolen over a 40 year period ... even into the 1990's. And in all of these scandals "church" (male-supremacist religions) are involved. Let's trust as well that the investigations going forward now will find the links between those involved which will show the true global nature of these crimes.

DL4L ago

Well said Vote, let us indeed hope these connections continue to rise to the surface.

VieBleu ago

well written, thanks.

phlux ago


Do we pick this path or that? Ours is the realm of duality, and the thing that sucks is that when you take a path, its implications are massive and slow to be redirected, without a massive price.

phlux ago

I am remiss for not making this available yet.

Let me fix that. We just hit 11:59:50 on the doomsday clock

archie01 ago

One important aspect that has not been discussed is the silence of the academic community. For decades now we been told that there is no basis to paranormal activity. Whereas almost all 'ancient' cultures including most modern ones, belief in some sort of human and/or animal sacrifice. These topics have been deliberately targeted as taboo.

Z11Mama ago

Nice report there DL4L. There has been no doubt this is the case for a long time. I look at what we know from a marketing standpoint. Never put all of your eggs in one basket. If you're going to sell something, have multiple target markets. If you analyze it, there are a large number of pieces of this that support each of these groups in their lifestyle. What I have felt to be the tie in is the control and blackmail aspect. As long as the top people keep their target markets free to spend money, then there are that many people they have complete control over, whether they blackmail them or not. I would love to know how you see that. Your understanding of each group is fantastic. Thanks for a great post.

DL4L ago

Thank you Z11Mama. While the profit motive accounts for some level of engagement, especially at the level of child trafficking, I believe the higher up the chain one goes the less the profit motive becomes a factor. Part of traditional disinformation tactics used by intelligence communities involves creating many overlapping aspects of the same story to diffuse investigative efforts and sow confusion, created dead ends, etc. To that end, if I was attempting to hide Satanic or Luciferian ritual abuse and child sacrifice, etc. it would be easiest to create many layers of child abuse scenarios that would hide the deepest aspects of the phenomena. Take for instance the Dateline NBC show To Catch a Predator. I'm not suggesting the host is involved in CIA psy-ops, but the show as a whole could be seen as a psy-op in some ways. It created a widespread image of pedophiles and child abusers as awkward, goofy, or creepy men trying to find kids on chat rooms. It provides a false sense of security that 'something is being done'. That is a far cry from organized rings of child kidnapping, mind control, and high level political officials torturing children to serve their Satanic or Luciferian belief systems. I think these complex issues are as much about muddying the waters as they are about profit. Not to mention that many of the mind control subjects (who suffer the abuse to begin programming) can later be used in a multitude of operations (such as drug smuggling, organized prostitution, etc.) that will also generate great profit. Each layer of the abusive scenarios are like firewalls preventing people from seeing the problem in its entirety.

Z11Mama ago

DL4L, thank you for your reply. I appreciate your input and in fact, hope over time to get much more :) I am speaking from the standpoint of one who has some knowledge through experience. What I have found is that these people also do very bizarre things they are very very blatant about. Then, when you say anything, they point you out as crazy because who would believe this. Right? And the stories...they get multiple people to talk about it, each one with different facts. Then, if you tell your story and witnesses tell 6 other stories, all different, it completely discredits your story.

DL4L ago

Thank you Malinche, I don't know how to back up links. Are you able to mirror (I think its called?) the videos so they can survive a scrubbing?

jstayz44 ago

Best synopsis I've seen thus far on the various "types" of pedophiles, reasons for child trafficking and pedophilia, the depth of our challenge to save children, and the spiritual element of good vs evil, and vice versa.

The piece of most interest to me that seems relatively unexplored is the need of Luciferians to gain energy to enhance their own spiritual tie to Lucifer and potentially within their sect. In your experience, is human energy the only type of energy that Luciferians deem necessary to enhance their spirituality, or do you know of, or think that energy generated otherwise may be of interest? Also, do you see good vs. evil reaching a crescendo soon based on biblical timelines or otherwise...relatively soon, say the next decade? I can expand on my own very probable out-of-the-box thought process here, but am very interested in tapping your knowledge on the energy requirement for Luciferians.

DL4L ago

Thank you jstay. I believe a great many things, and can hardly think of one that I consider to be 'right'. My experience has shown me that my beliefs are the things I hold based on my experience and understanding, both of which are constantly changing. So I acknowledge my beliefs but at the same time recognize their subjectivity in the scheme of things. I consider history to move cyclically, not linearly, and through patterns. This means I do not put great emphasis on notions of end times, per se. That said, I do believe a great reconciliation of the forces of good and evil, essentially the forces of nature, are in progress. We are living in a unique time where that which has been hidden, in many arenas of life, are coming to the surface. I believe this whole thing is a part of that. When the forces of nature are out of balance they will seek to regain equilibrium. The work that Luciferians, Satanists, etc take up is a work of extending an imbalance and making it as sustainable as possible. This, in part, is why they need the innocent and the children. Through certain practices and methods they (at least they believe they) can make use of the life energy, including the blood, of the innocent.

phlux ago

Vade Meccum Volventibus Annis

wgvdl ago

Good analysis. I personally dislike the term 'pedophilia' cz it's downplaying. As we know 'philia' stems from the ancient greek word for 'love' and nothing could be further from the truth.

The acts of these molesterers point to pedocriminal or pedosadistic intentions. So I prefer these terms.

rail606 ago

Spot on with your description of satanism. People think the satanism thing is all some joke or religious tie in that doesn't fit. Those people clearly know nothing of spirituality and theology. They know nothing of how it came to be. The answers/scripture come from within through meditation and spiritual visions. It is pretty idiotic to completely write off the paranormal we can all experience through knowledge and practice of meditation, trances, exploration of your mind and consciousness/other states(psychedelics come to mind.)

Also FYI just because the Kabbalah comes from Jewish Mysticism it is no longer inherently Jewish in this day and age. Plenty of gentiles practicing ritualistic/ceremonial magick these days. The idea that you can put your will out into the universe and it will attempt to answer it is a slippery slope. This is where manipulation/greed start to take hold of a modern day Satanist. They get drunk with the idea that they can change the outcome through rituals. The bigger/more exciting the ritual the more energy your will(magick) will have. This leads to ritual abuse and sacrifice.

Christians actually practice Kabbalah magick every Sunday. Those are rituals and they are performing magick without even realizing it. Except they often pray that whatever Gods will so be it. Not really putting your will out there more or less telling God you trust it. Some people will pray for others. But a majority of Christians never pray for themselves. Trusting Gods plan even if you are in a shitty spot and doing everything right is the Christian thing to do. This is why the Satanists hate us. We are a a bastardization of there rituals/faith and we don't ask for anything other then Gods good will.

FriesischShipping ago

This is older than history itself and pegging it to Jews happens because they are guilty of association. Historians have traced Moloch and all this sacrificial worship back to the original Phoenician and Sumerian cultures that predate Judaism. It probably goes back farther than that. They were just the first cultures with an alphabet and writing system.

Piscina ago

Yeah, I'm a Christian and I never pray for myself.

jstayz44 ago

Agreed!!!! I grew up in the Catholic Church...disliked the rituals, but firmly believe that praying means more about trusting that His will is done, and further, that He helps me to navigate whatever it is he has in store - my imperfect humanness (?) needs His help!!! Thank you for sharing that in your post @rail606, it was much appreciated after reading so much absolute negativity that is all of Pizzagate and human trafficking.

islandofdelight ago

Yes... And speaking of Catholic ritual, consuming the flesh and blood of Christ (Eucharist) is symbolic cannibalism. Catholicism is rooted in Satanism from the time it distorted the true teachings of Jesus.

lectorleoni ago

What about the sixth chapter of John's Gospel? Are you claiming that it does not contain the actual words of Christ?

I have to say that the Catholic understanding of Communion is neither that it is symbolic nor that it is cannibalism. The Catholic belief in Transubstantiation means that the Holy Eucharist IS Christ. It does not merely represent Him or cause Him to become present in some nebulous manner.

Cannibals consume dead flesh which is digested and metabolized. That is not how Catholics believe Communion works. As soon as the accidents of the host break down in the digestive tract (about 15 minutes after receiving), the body and blood of Christ cease to be present -- He is not metabolized. He can't be, even in principle, since He is immortal.

The satanic Black Mass is neither the source nor a variation of the Catholic Mass. Rather is a conscious mockery. That is why the order of the Black Mass is reversed with respect to the Catholic ritual, and the sacred Host is desecrated rather than consumed.

islandofdelight ago

Yes I believe many things about Catholic ritual are false and misleading, and this originally happened under the rule of Roman Emperor Constantine. The "Church" is a completely unnecessary middle-man to our connection to the God-Source-Universe. Jesus never intended that ritual was necessary to connect to the Christ-Consciousness which is another way of say 'absolute love'. Jesus taught that the connection to God was within all of us, completely internal not external.

lectorleoni ago

I doubt that I can convince you to reconsider your bigoted contempt of organized religion and your erroneous interpretation of the Gospel. That is your business. My only point was to correct the factual errors that you made concerning what Catholics believe about their own religion. I am a Catholic, so I speak for myself. Let me repeat the points once just to be absolutely clear: First, Catholics do not believe that the Eucharist is symbolic cannibalism as you claimed. And second, Catholics reject satanism, and satanists reject Catholicism.

With respect to Pizzagate, it's unfortunate, but OP's worry about the credibility of his research being adversely affected by any digression into these matters was obviously well founded. There is just so much disinformation and bad scholarship about all aspects of comparative religion and esoteric studies that it can seriously damage anything that comes to be associated with it. I'm sorry that I contributed to this process.

islandofdelight ago

I've already stated that I support the teaches of Jesus as truth. The Church as a structure is a prison for your mind. I feel sorry for you if you fear a concept of hell and feel that you need a man-made construct to make it to heaven. These ideas are contradictory to the teachings of Jesus.

I do not think Catholics believe they are doing anything wrong and I do not blame anyone for their confusion. There are demonic forces and their are angelic forces. Spirituality is a divine connection to God - Religion is a man-made archonic/demonic control structure to divert multi-dimensional energy towards parasitic entities.

Satanism is a huge part of Pizzagate, not one that can be easily proven, especially legally, but some people do want to understand. I speak my truth and do not care if people use my words as an attack. Satanists fear what I'm saying because they fear their manipulations being revealed.

lectorleoni ago

Actually, satanists ought to delight in what you're saying. The fact that you're not willing to recognize even very basic factual errors about Catholicism, the sources on which are far more certain and far easier to obtain than those on satanism, undermines the credibility of the true things that you say about satanists. You're easily turned into an example of why Pizzagate conspiracy theorists don't know what they're talking about, it's fake news, it's just a satanic panic, et cetera et cetera. That is why I tried to correct you.

islandofdelight ago

Don't you think it's a little bit ironic that the Vatican has become synonymous with pedophilia? Do you understand why this is? Do you understand why the Catholic church is obsessed with fear of afterlife, damnation and the suffering of Christ? These are anti-thetical to the teachings of Christ (Oneness, absolute love). Anti-Christ. You put the Church above Jesus.

lectorleoni ago

I understand exactly what has happened in the Vatican, but this is neither the time nor the place.

lectorleoni ago

The influence of Pythagorean and Oriental pagan mysticism on Kabbalah is pretty undeniable. I doubt that it is actually Jewish in origin. There are many recorded instances in the Old Testament of the Jewish people turning to the idols of their pagan neighbors and embracing magick. Kabbalah is really no different.

UglyTruth ago

There is an authentic source for much of the material, though it predates Judaism. Most of the occult practices described in the Torah exist in both positive and negative forms.

phlux ago

As a member of the Mayan Order, since disolved, I can attest to what you say - and am willing to share all my lessons from them with anyone who would like. We have always wanted an open awareness of reality and refer to ourselves as 'Systems Busters' -- and have personally been doing such for more than 20 years...

It is time.

eyeVoated ago

Can you make a post?

rail606 ago

While I agree they got some of the ideas from Pagans it is the Jewish race that really perfected rituals/ceremonial magick. It is also the language we got Satanist from. They have the most grandiose rituals and are the most secretive/tribal(stick together) race.

The only people on the planet not doing much magick in this day and age are Atheists. Yet even they put curses on people. "I hope that guy breaks his fucking legs" ect. You are telling the universe/god that you would like that to happen. This is magick and a bad way to think. This is why Jesus taught turn the other cheek. Be the bigger man. Don't hope for harm to befell your brothers and sisters. Be careful what you wish for!

lectorleoni ago

Well, I suppose it depends on how we define our terms. Aleister Crowley was a kind of atheist. Most of the (very few) Thelemites I have known were agnostics or Pyrrhonian skeptics. Magick also is an equivocal term. It is either the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will, or else it is the exercise of super-human abilities with the aid of a power other than the divine. Everyone has some form of religion, for whatever one loves above all things, the same is one's god.

The Jews had the most perfect system of ritual ceremony because they received it from God. They only had to keep it intact to remain perfect. It is my firm belief that all other religious and theosophical systems were imitators or simulacra of the original. Sed corruptio optima est pessima; choosing the simulacra having already known the true God, is the beginning of how they became the deicide race.

rail606 ago

I agree with everything you said. Religion is personal. Everyone has there own opinions and I am still learning and exploring mine. There are even Jews today who would tell you they are Jewish and yet are really Jewish-atheist. Do you have any more info on the history of how the Jews received the perfect ceremony?

And there is definitely science to magick. This is why atheist magick is the weakest. They do not chose the simulacra. They abandon rituals/magick all together. So will an athiest curse or wish work? Probably never. Many more important highly energized wills ahead of yours.

Marthvedderette ago

This is exactly how you get into satanism^^. Next thing you know, you'll be asking "so how exactly do I get a child to perform the abomination of moloch? I really need to win this election."

rail606 ago

Yep the idea is a slippery slope. But there is hope with this knowledge too! For even if you are christian you can believe it to be true and avoid thinking in ways that would cast selfish magick. Or avoid thinking in ways that would curse your brothers and sisters. In all honesty realizing this has lead to a very happy and blissful life for me. My mind is pure because that is what it must be. I must do as little harm mentally and as much good physically as I can. Just realizing my thoughts could perhaps affect the world around me removed all my stress/anxiety/anger. Those states are your choice and I chose not to harm others mentally.

No idea if magick really works I am not going to try and sacrifice/offer anything as I believe that shit to be purely evil with the wrong intentions. But casting magick in favor of trusting god is inherently Christian and I do that every day. I also pray that god conquers satan but I won't cast spells on hillary or anyone who follows him. Why? I feel bad for them really. They have been tricked and lied to. They are the ones in need of gods help the most. If anything we should pray for their salvation. They need it more then we do.

Marthvedderette ago

I don't know if they have been tricked. Everyone is presented with basically the same choices here on earth. When you make selfish decisions constantly, then your soul aligns with other selfish people, you find yourself surrounded by cutthroats and scoundrels, because you are one, and vis versa.

rail606 ago

And that is the beauty of it isn't it. Only cutthroats and scoundrels want to control the world ;).

They are very easy to spot.

DL4L ago

Again, I don't think a granular level discussion of the varieties of schools of thought surrounding magick is going to enhance the credibility of this post nor add value to it in the context that it has been presented. Such a topic, while intriguing and important, should be taken elsewhere in my opinion.

lectorleoni ago

I see your point. Since it is interesting, perhaps I'll address it under separate cover.

DL4L ago

I appreciate both your distinctions, but perhaps this forum is not the best place to engage on the finer points of ritual and ceremonial magick. I understand the relevance, but consider the context.

lectorleoni ago

I think the tip of the iceberg is exactly the right image. It's not that the implications of Pizzagate haven't been discussed before; people like Cathy O'Brien, John DeCamp, Jay Parker, Zachary King, etc., have been talking about satanic ritual abuse and elite pedophilia for years. But the manner in which Pizzagate was discovered was especially shocking and attention-grabbing. Only people who had already researched SRA would even imagine that evidence of it might be found in Podesta's emails. So the fact that it came as a surprise -- that nobody was looking for it -- was perhaps the most powerful aspect of all this. It began neither as a conspiracy theory, nor as a survivor testimony banking everything on the credibility of the person making the accusations, but as a discovery made more or less simultaneously by thousands of people. Hypotheses such as yours can then add new insights to the general consensus.

But what's sometimes missed, especially by a certain kind of Pizzagate investigator, is just that these revelations are not the first of their kind. The manner in which they came was perhaps unprecedented; but their subject matter most definitely has precedent. And of that precedent, Pizzagate is a powerful confirmation. It's either a sorely misguided investigator or an out and out shill who tries to artificially limit the investigation to CPP and JA, eschewing the likes of O'Brien, DeCamp, etc. The biggest bombshell in all of this is not so much the disgusting and graphic references to murder and rape as the inductive inference that if Pizzagate is real, so is "the rest of it."

There was a lot of concern about shills in the early weeks guiding the investigation into the weeds, and I think we need to wake up and revisit that concern. If you take a bird's eye view of what has played out -- initially, we wanted to follow this lead to the top, to take out Soros and whoever may lie behind him. Instead we're going after this guy Alefantis, who -- don't get me wrong -- definitely deserves to go down. But he's also clearly a small fry. They're not protecting him. Have we lost our purpose?

DL4L ago

I agree with your assessment. There is nothing new about any of this information, it has been put forward under public scrutiny before but how this story broke was different. Ultimately, and this is not pessimism but rather realism talking here, I think the reachable goal to drive for is to bring this entire topic into mass consciousness. People have been burying their heads in the sand for a long time and will continue to do so when new information threatens to shatter their world view. And despite the urgency we all feel about this and other important issues... change comes over time and incrementally. Hopefully we can continue to dig up information on this particular instance of potential child abuse, but there are already so many cases of proven abuse and proven ritual abuse and proven rings involving elites and politicians etc that it seems silly to hang our hopes on breaking open an international scale of cover up and abuse on one, as yet unproven, claim. I'm not knocking the work people are doing, but I think many people are setting themselves up for disenfranchisement and disillusionment by not taking the long view of this tragic situation.


Pizzagate is indeed at the epicenter of a huge collapsing world of lies, the scale of which you have not even begun to grasp:

DL4L ago

This is a link to totally unrelated content.

eyeVoated ago

Yes! Great write up, OP. By bringing this to mass consciousness, I believe it is possible to incite Care (the generative principle) for family. I believe that families must care about their own, in order to overcome these forces. I'm in it for the long haul. To put it another way, humanity must consciously evolve out of this mess, if we are to save future generations.

It starts by protecting your own children.

DL4L ago

Here, here eye. Couldn't agree more. To the point of my post: we are in the middle of a very long game of chess. Those who think, because of their certainty around this particular story, or their certainty in how terrible it is, that we are minutes to a finish line are setting themselves up for disillusionment and disenfranchisement. It is a thin line between pessimist and realist, but one necessary to walk when venturing down such dark roads.

eyeVoated ago

I owe my education to Mark Passio. Your thesis here extends my understanding. I'm looking forward to catching up with your work over the next few days. Thanks!

sunajAeon ago

Great job, trying to understand the psychology of this phenomenon is essential to the fight


Or, join me 15 steps further down the great rabbit hole:

DL4L ago

Not related.


Alrighty. I don't know how you would be able to determine that in 6 hours, when the combined length of pertinent information on my submission is ~20 hours of video. But it's your post.

DL4L ago

I was already familiar with much of the content. Not saying it's not worth looking at, just not relevant. And three links throughout the comment section seemed like spamming the post to me.

DL4L ago

As a P.S.

If anyone has basic video editing skills and would be willing to talk about helping me with a small idea please send me a message. Thank you.

iamthepizzanow ago

Definitely seems to connect. Good job with the research! It`s too bad more aren't researched, written and presented this way. Thanks