kestrel9 ago

adding a crosslink to recent post on this subject.

fogdryer ago

I don't like this. He and Kennedy need to go Obstructing justice

SpikyAube ago

And here are two more posts about that building, but they don't touch on the fact that the use code for the building indicates vehicle sales. They are focusing on the fact it's called 'Pegasus' on google maps and what the pegasus project might be. but it's all interesting info about this building: 1st Pegasus post: Follow up Pegasus post:

SpikyAube ago

It's from this post: which is about the discovery that Alefantis has another company, Castellum, which owns a building in Washington and did some renovation works on it - it appears some other person also owns the building. The building next door is referred to on Google maps as 'PEGASUS' by none other than Alefantis himself, who also gave it a 5 star review. Apparently it is a museum, although it isn't referenced anywhere else online. In the first thread on that post, three comments down, someone links to the screenshot of the ownership records for the building: This shows that the building is split into two parts: number 3518 and 3518 Rear. 3518 Rear, at the back of the building, is the part owned by Alefantis, and as you can see on that screenshot, it has a use code of 062. The use code is for taxation purposes, and the list for them is here: If you search 062 in that document you'll see that it is the code for "Commercial-Garage, Vehicle Sale" meaning the building Alefantis owns is listed as a garage that sells vehicles. Hence, a car business. Whether he's actually sold any cars from there, who knows.

But it was interesting when someone mentioned that drugs were smuggled in cars - people would buy the car and drive it away with the drugs hidden in the trunk. So kids could be perhaps smuggled that way too - drug them, put them in the trunk, or even in the backseat if they just look like a sleeping kid on a car journey, and drive to whatever destination. Then perhaps bring the car back or drop it at another dealer in the network, and have these cars rotating through, making it look like all the money has been paid for the car, when really it's been paid for the kid/s, and the car gets circulated back into the 'business.' Might be worth seeing if certain used cars get recycled around the same few dealerships or something.

tika ago

While looking for mentions of Howard Gutman in the french -speaking net, I came across this article: It is in French, but google-translatable. It is interesting because it mentions other shady characters who should be household names: Abramoff, Mark Foley and more, going as far back as the 50's. Interesting...

tika ago

I have checked Sarbine Dardenne's original question in court, in french. There is no mistaking her meaning in 'liquidée', she indeed mean 'killed'. She also stated that Dutroux's affirmation that he would never have done so 'not very convincing'.

"Je voudrais savoir, venant de lui qui se plaignait de mon caractère de cochon, pourquoi il ne m'a pas liquidée" (I'd like to know, coming from him who complained about my pig-headed stubbornness, why he didn't liquidate me)

Sabine endured a terrible ordeal, as she was held prisoner in Dutroux's 'basement for 2 and a half months.


GoldMoose16 ago

When one part of the network breaks, affected parties just move on to the next. Graham Spanier who was Penn State President when the Sandusky thing broke (and of course also while it was ongoing) is connected to the old Franklin Scandal. This was stated by Wayne Madsen in some reporting a a few years ago. Have not gone so far myself in researching any Spanier connection.

Some people call Wayne Madsen a kook. If that's true, why was Podesta so interested in some of his reporting?

OpBurnTheCrust ago

Gutmans former firm Williams and Connolly was a top donor to Hillary in '08, Gutman is Ambassador '09. Open shut case boys and girls

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Latest tweet from Gutman:

If I sing, can Trump reappoint me to Belgium?

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Unsurprisingly, there are also hollywood connections:

VieBleu ago

I think, hope, if the pressure is kept on long enough, a witness will eventually come forward.

Giabean123 ago

Pizzagate is not only exposing Democrat Pedophilia it is exposing all of the DC political elite pedophelia. This must stop. #saveourchildren

Giabean123 ago

This is like the Catholic Church covering up for the pedophile priests....sickening.

Orange_Circle ago

I wish they would get charged, but I don't see it happening.

Orange_Circle ago

But no one is going to charge them for their crimes. That's the problem.

noreturn4me ago

I can't see the page it can scroll but it just says PAGE DENIED. Is there a back up somewhere?

LaDonnaRae ago

It just occurred to me! Isn't #Belgium where the person who "ordered" Madeleine McCann supposed to have been?

Orange_Circle ago

I think she's in too deep to roll. She's got a company called Black Ivy that needs to be poked at.

Stosh21 ago

On October 20, 1996 350,000 citizens of the tiny nation of Belgium took to the streets dressed in white to protest the massive cover-up in the Dutroux affair. The result? The State Police Chief, Interior Minister and Justice Minister were the sacrificial lambs that were terminated as a result. In essence NOTHING WAS DONE !! It will take a monumental effort to see any justice done here. Remember we have no victims coming forward against these sick satanic bastards. If this case does get too hot, peripheral people will die but the beat will go on. This same scenario has been played out over and over in the past 40 years and the powerful pedos are still in power.

MrWaldeck ago

I know most of this.

But what is the direct connection to Pizzagate?

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer?

And is there a connection between Jack Abramoff and Robert Rubinstein?

Orange_Circle ago

Cheryl Mills, she's another one that knows all.

thicktail1730947 ago

Making victims into perpetrators is one of the ways that their silence is assured. Methods for this start at grooming but can get much worse.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The problem with you logic is that this is an anonymous forum, and people can buy upvotes, so any fake evidence or bad leads cannot really fairly be blamed on the community as a whole (this is not to say people will not unfairly use it against us). However, I appreciate your point, in that we need to be vigilant about shills trying to spread disinformation.

21yearsofdigging ago

You got that right!! The rats scurry and one lone gunman, one low hanging fruit is held up as the 'only one'. The shit is rampant in D.C. and has both parties involved

wh0care ago

here a good summary of the Gutman accusations case ( site)

here it say him donated 1,5million to DNC (from one of the latest Guccifer release)

(edit for archived links)

YingYangMom ago

Gutman purchased his Ambassador to Belgium position. Here is the proof. Courtesy of Guccifer 2.0

23 here :

Archive this if you want to. I have no idea how to do it... that Slimg thing always fails with me.

wh0care ago

1) 2)

(just go to website : , its easy as google ;) )

YingYangMom ago

Ok, thanks for archiving, will do next time.

ArthurEdens ago

I see, I misunderstood who "them" was. I actually think the outrageous investigation into the tabloid-y territory will turn out to be the thing that puts mainstream normies into the mindset of accepting the future information when it comes out. They would never care about the political and faceless details of such things as an ambassor getting help by clinton's staff to cover up his pedophilia. No one cared about the innapropriate secret service behavior or the pentagon's child porn. I think it's because it's faceless. I don't even think the public will care if it's proven the Clinton Foundation trafficks children or the Initiative poisons sick people. But if you say Hillary Clinton is a pedophile and child murderer, here's video, then people will pay attention. If it doesn't come to that, then I can only see her getting in trouble with the IRS if they ever ingestigate.

wecanhelp ago

Got it know, thanks. I got confused by OP's "The documents here..." link, where here points to a single document with a single mention of HRC.

wecanhelp ago

Would you mind explaining that to us morons in plain, unencoded English?

Trumpwon-suckit ago

And we know, by means of a Trey Gowdy video, that they can and will adjust the chargers to prevent extreme punishment. So, instead of charging him with rape or pedophilia, they charge him with sexual misconduct which equates to a reprimand instead of termination and jail time. They are protecting each other!

Trey Gowdy interview proving my point.

SpikyAube ago

Yes, they could be putting kids in cars, selling the cars, everyone claims they don't know who put the kid in there. Same with the shipping containers - if they're found, everyone acts surprised, everyone claims that they are illegal immigrants trying to get into the country or a parent put their kids there hoping they'd find a better life etc. If they can't speak the language of the country they arrive in, it's even easier to just make up a story.

Maybe people should look harder into the Alefantis car business.

hedy ago

and @Phishingteam Highly doubtful anyone is moving kids around in anything that can't be hosed down. Experts have explained that the journey results in very foul odors (from shitting, urinating, vomiting, sweating, and of course, some die in the process. To better understand how the shipping process and ports are used - read an account by victim, Dr. Sue Arrigo ("shipping" section is towards the bottom) - not endorsing the site and it's likely not all of her account is accurate, but I think a lot of it is quite plausible.

ArthurEdens ago

Why can't you blame them?


not saying you aren't on to something here - but it begs the question: if he is involved with an international pedo ring, why sneak off to solicit a minor on the street? can't he just get Pizza delivered by Pedoesta's Pasta Ping Pong Party?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

What TN said. It's always tricky trying to think like someone who is radically different from you.

YingYangMom ago

That's what real investigators are trained to do and it's probably the only way we can crack this case wide open.

SpikyAube ago

Guzman is also now on the board of a shipping company... Exmar, which has offices all over the world and various subsidiaries. Their address in the Dominican Republic is particularly odd: 'Torre Chico's' apartments.'s/@18.4471477,-69.9562905,92m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!1m2!2m1!1storre+chicos!3m4!1s0x8ea561f59716ccab:0xd9b111916ec6073!8m2!3d18.4471464!4d-69.9562668!6m1!1e1

This, for a forum about the DR, is the guy who owns the address of Exmar in the Dominican Republic, described here as a 'gangster'.

Does that all sound pretty dodgy to you? These cars he's selling and financing - $200,000? Wonder if this is the same kind of car selling operation James Alefantis has through his Castellum Achilles business, out of the back of that mysterious building he half owns, the one with KIDS painted on the wall out front?

Only weeks after a deal was signed between Forth Ports, who own Tilbury port in the UK, and the Port of Zeebrugge in Belgium in 2014, 35 people were found in a P&O freight container at Tilbury, who had been shipped from Zeebrugge. One man was dead, and 13 of them were children. The police talked about a human trafficking operation, and in 2015, the Belgian government announced a new task force to prevent human trafficking, acknowledging that the largest group of people involved in this criminal enterprise is made up of Belgian citizens.

It seems that a lot of human trafficking goes on through the Port of Zeebrugge:

Also this EU report on an investigation into human trafficking is interesting:

andrevandelft ago

In a thread of 20 days ago, commenter 'heroiquecache' wrote: "when Hillary was Secretary of State, there was a pedophile scandal with the Ambassador to Belgium in 2013 (...)".

That was in reaction to a comment by me, on a child sex scandal at Unicef, Brussels, in 1987.

BTW The thread has meanwhile been "deleted by user".

SpikyAube ago

He's also now on the board of a shipping company... Exmar, with offices all over the world. Their address in the DR is very odd, 'Torre Chico's' apartments.'s/@18.4471477,-69.9562905,92m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!1m2!2m1!1storre+chicos!3m4!1s0x8ea561f59716ccab:0xd9b111916ec6073!8m2!3d18.4471464!4d-69.9562668!6m1!1e1

flyingcuttlefish ago

can a kid fit in that diplo pouch?

Politolog ago See comments it's massive volume of information I'm not able to check all of this

travistea ago

Comment section great source of information and links. Fantastic link!

Infopractical ago

I had previously come across Howard Gutman, but didn't have much of a story to document (though I kept a file open in case the information on Wikipedia blew open wider). The coincidence of Hillary's travels to Belgium certainly help the story, particularly given that after several years Gutman was cleared of wrongdoing.

So, that's what we have from the American side. But what do the Belgian papers say? Unfortunately these papers are written in either Dutch or French, neither of which I know, personally. Should we be recruiting researchers from overseas for tasks like this? A story like this can be more easily scrubbed on the far side of the Atlantic divide, but it's very possible somebody documented the local side of the story before it got buried.

MrWaldeck ago

I'm continues looking for direct connections between Dutroux (Belgium), Demmink (The Netherlands), Dr. Pong & Nalu Dinner (Germany).

An important question is can we trust Robert Rubinstein, this because of the Demmink case. (Demmink was our Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice) Demmink info

So is there a direct/real connection between Jack Abramoff and Robert Rubinstein from Amsterdam?

interview here, his firm TBLI group Amsterdam and his TBLI foundation.

speepsie ago

Good work fellow truth seeker

LostandFound ago

Thank you for your invaluable contribution.

flyingcuttlefish ago

it looks like Huff Po writes puff pieces to order for State Dept. any ol' time ....

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ ) This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site

Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984. This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 I Pray and Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you. I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter Amen.

garlicbulb ago

afaik YMCA are a franchise, their normal logo is so I am confused why this should have a different logo, so it perhaps adds to your theory

garlicbulb ago

my previous comment was about YMCA , i see from the vid that they are talkig YWCA

cdglow ago

The media might have literally been rubbing this in our face this whole time. At least some of them know and it's an inside joke to them.

Hillary selling off ambassadorships was called "pay for play" in the media.

Play, get it?

Really mad at myself for not seeing this in plain sight before because I'm usually dirty minded and great with verbal connections like this.

BerksResident ago

Excellent post, stands out amongst the time wasting posts seen lately.

pontagon ago

top work

cdglow ago

  • mind blown*

This idea of the pay to play scam and purchasing ambassadorships was a holy shit kind of moment for me when put into context of pizzagate.

I was previously thinking that a lot of rich people were just bored and wanted to get invited to glamorous dinner parties and connect with businessmen and politicians and the like for typical political corruption and profiteering. While I'm sure that's part of it, having diplomatic immunity might be worth an incredible deal to some people who want to engage in this activity so that they were sure about never going to jail. For the right people with money, this could be worth a ton. Do diplomatic immunities extend to sex crimes, crimes against children, etc? Is this the case in just some countries or all countries?

The community (I plan on looking into this, but am not a lawyer) should look into the WikiLeaks emails and see if there was unusual bidding patterns on ambassadorships to countries that had greater sex trafficking or had laws that allowed diplomats a much bigger leeway to commit crimes and get away with it.

If there's something random like Rich Person A paid a great deal more than expected for an Ambassadorship to country X, then looking into their background and conduct and local media during their term for clues might be worthwhile.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Diplomatic immunity is only useful for an easy way around public employee/government policy aka 'the law' to most people who don't understand it. It does not typically provide immunity in cases of breach of the peace e.g. harm or loss- pedo rape shit.

projection ago

Excellent work.Thank you.

Godwillwin ago

Yes! I posted about the ambassador covering up dutroux a while back. But the ambassador I was posting about was charged with paedophelia at some point. Is this the same ambassador - I've lost track of all of them

8_billion_eaters ago

If this is true.... it is a bombshell and all redacted material can and will be disclosed.

They call you witch hunters.

They may be right.

edit: lol the God emperor

YingYangMom ago

Awesome meme. Love it!

zzvoat ago

Have all of the websites/webpages we're looking at here that can be taken down, been archived? I'm surprised still4hill hasn't already taken that one down.

We're wise to assume that everything we look at we will never see again and immediately get screenshots/downloads/archives of everything.

I don't know how to do that but someone here must. I'm shocked the still4hill link is still active!

isthisreality ago

Omg actually yes...shit... i am 99.9999% sure there is a link between this post and the Dutroux affair. SHIT. I have so many fucking scribbles and unorganized notes... I will try to find asap... I've still been working on the ARK connection through all this which is also a huge part of the Dutroux affair. The combination of all this could be earth shattering info

isthisreality ago

meme magic guys, we need to somehow meme this asap

isthisreality ago

meh, this good enough for now?

BerksResident ago

Posted to Twitter @IMOR$chB$tch

SaneGoatiSwear ago

x/post v/clintongate plz thanks!

isthisreality ago

Great fucking job!!

Ive been digging deeper into the Dutroux case for the last day and a half on and off ... Ill keep an eye out for anything I read that coincides with this info. Again, fantastic. Thank you.

totesgoats908234 ago

Did Gutman purchase the Ambassadorship?

To a country that is a hot spot of pedophilia.

YingYangMom ago

Yes. He did. ****Gutman purchased his Ambassador to Belgium position. Here is the proof. Courtesy of Guccifer 2.0 ** ** **#23 here :

Archive this if you want to. I have no idea how to do it... that Slimg thing always fails with me.**

Anonymous987654321 ago


IAmJohnBarron ago

Good digging man! this is actually good info

atheist4thecause ago

Keep in mind that Brussels, Belgium is home of the EU. Lots of powerful people.

garlicbulb ago

Mons Belgium is also Headquartesr of NATO after they were chucked out of France I think in 1967 NATO are also the originators and runners for the Operation Gladio secret army which started as anti communist stay behind army which turned into a secret NATO army to influence European governemnts and caryy out false flags SO there are plenty oo nefarious networks already in Belgium, for these criminals to link into.

Godwillwin ago

FBI anon said we need to look into Qatar and London

Millennial_Falcon ago

Bounce Ping Pong, London.

tjarco ago

this link requires e-mail login?

ShockDoctrine101 ago

Thanks for that, i fixed the link.

Iteroni ago

The link is for him to edit the image. Just take those letters and numbers after the i= and put it after

For the lazy:

noreturn4me ago

It now says page not found.

Avoid_The_Noid ago

Yeah, I forgot about the break-in. Basically Water-Gate type shit. Too bad Bob Woodward has turned out to be a Clinton shill and only allows real investigations against Repubs in WaPo now.

search4truth ago

Excellent work at tying together her whereabouts to her activities. Its the best method to punch through redacted passages.

Avoid_The_Noid ago

I think the stated reason that Bill Clinton's schedule is redacted is to protect a "private citizen's" privacy. I think the real reason is because he was colluding with the State Department to fundraise for the Clinton Foundation (on the taxpayers dime)...and perhaps for some of the reason's you posted, though I doubt sexual trysts would have been on his official schedule which was passed around dozens of members of DoS.

A bit off-topic, but Victoria Nuland being involved in anything is suspect. She was clearly a major player in the Ukrainian Coup (remember she was caught on an unsecured line saying "Yats" is our guy...referring to our preferred installed puppet...and "fuck the EU") She's also married to arch-Neo-Con Robert Kagan (of Project For A New American Century infamy)

Just as a note, cushy ambassadorships in nice countries are routinely awarded to big donors/bundlers, as opposed to more important posts that require real diplomats/CIA folk. Yes, it's pay-to-play, but it's nothing new.

DuffBeer4Me ago

Commenting here mainly so I can find this post later...

I have always wondered why Hillary quit her position as Secretary of State, I have held a suspicion it was to keep her at arms-length from plans in Ukraine (search on youtube a Charlie-Rose segment she did the day MH17 went down, given her close ties to Nuland she could act as a convenient, non-official proxy spokesperson), and to give her a few years window not being a public servant to conduct any other business with less scrutiny (time to collect funds and make promises while she is technically allowed).

The NATO talks in the original post (late 2012) also time well with the planning of the Ukrainian coup (end of 2013). It takes a year or two to infiltrate political groups and send in 'NGO's' on the ground, so they can have a 'peaceful' revolution while Nuland hands them cookies and treats. Perhaps it was also a quasi handover of the Ukraine project from Hillary.

Also remember, creepy Joe Biden has a son (Hunter?) who got a cushy job on a Ukrainian energy board after the coup.

bolus ago

i thought Bill's was redacted because the FOIA was for Hill, not him. perhaps a more specific FOIA for Bill's itinerary would get some good results?

Avoid_The_Noid ago

That's possible....I'm no a FOIA expert. But you'll notice other people's messages/info aren't redacted in the latest dump. His personal communications couldn't be subject to a FOIA request because he doesn't work for the USG during this time period (which is why it's strange his travels seem to be coordinated with State department officials).

bolus ago

once a president, always a president, though, right? still draws a federal salary, still has a security detail. i think he's our employee for life, but i'm no expert.

hedy ago

Great stuff. As a suggestion - would be quite helpful if you could identify further leads to be researched so that people can openly volunteer and we can close some loops.

ShockDoctrine101 ago

I posted just about everything i know about Gutman but I'll make a few suggestions.

1) Explore the Dutroux Case - Dutroux Case was a clusterfuck/cover-up. The pedophile ring is still intact and is not limited to Belgium, though Belgium is a hotbed.

2) Examine WJC's activities within the time frame.

3) When exactly was Gutman trying to solicit sex from minors (I haven't discovered those details yet).

4) Investigate who is close to Gutman in business, politics and social circles.

5) The piece from Breitbart mentions Clinton's security detail as being very active in prostitution. It specifically mentions Columbia and Russia.

These are areas that should be looked into, imho.

Godwillwin ago

Yes and bills bodyguards all died in a "helicopter crash", so they probably decided to choose pedo bodyguards the second time around when hills was sec of state

jangles ago

This is great work.

MAGABoomer ago

Belgium is a hotbed of "sexual misconduct". I think they're trying to make some kind of law for the sexual rights of children. I find it odd the Ambassador would have to "sneak". They'd probably bring the kiddies right to him.

Thrash57 ago

We have them actively trying to aid and abet a pedophile here. What does it take for people to at least say, "maybe they are trying to hide something"

fogdryer ago

It just seems like no one cares anymore Unless it's" theirs "

pizzagate2 ago

Understanding facts with MSM presenting it to them is tooo hard for some people to handle

ArthurEdens ago

We need witnesses, coverup emails, or photos againts the ambassador and company or it can be said it never happened. No one is going to come forward because they will be bribed, threatened, or killed if it hasn't already happened. This is good information but it has to lead us to proof. Otherwise it's just another frustrating dead end.

fogdryer ago

You cannot " evidence " this. No one saw him have sex. I doubt he came out and said it either. If the group wanted to turn on him and collectively testified as to his personality I e Liked minors etc. there can't be evidence. The child can't be found. Huh ????

ArthurEdens ago

This is what is called the perfect crime.

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Honestly I think partisan brainwashing has most Dems refusing to believe this until Republicans are implicated--for example, if Hastert were to be even more closely involved. Which is why I like to ease into it by first pointing to things like the Norway bust, Savile, Dutroux, etc. instead of jumping right into the cold shocking water of their political heroes being involved in this kind of horror.

Prepper_Jack ago

A good rebuttal to Democrats circling the wagon would be to point to the Franklin Coverup. That was Republicans. Hell, maybe even shoot them the link to the banned Discovery channel video on it:

Point out that Dennis Hastert, a Republican pedophile, was good friends with John Podesta. Shoot them the email links if you want. Point out that the Clintons and Bush's are peas in a pod. Maybe even go into how Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton ran drugs and guns for Iran Contra together, and got rich off it. It's not about R vs. D - it's about our Federal government being infested with a bunch of psychopathic criminal perverts.

fogdryer ago


Stellarjay ago

Yes, it's not a political thing anymore, it's a global nwo coming really close, but getting hugely sidetracked. They will stop at nothing, even create war, to not let this out because it involves the world and many corporations. Amazon being one. It's becoming very difficult to obtain thIngs without going through this degenerate elite company, books for one.

Check out unilever Look at all the companies that are under their umbrella! Wow, wow, wow. What's up with the logos on all the ice cream companies or whatever they are. Many double hearts.

votesarestolen ago

Some Democrats I know dismiss Bill Clinton's drug running as lies from the "vast right-wing conspiracy", even though it happened under the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations.

garlicbulb ago

Yes all sides are involved and it should not be a matter of party politics, it is a matter of the political class getting away with child sex networks and other crimes and being almost completely unaccountable. However some people cannot see passed the democrat/republican political distraction.

FraKctured ago

I agree with the partisanship problem. I've tried starting very slowly with people on Youtube and Facebook, by pointing out guys like Hastert. It doesn't seem to help much. I had one chick telling me "How come you're ignoring TRUMP. He's a rapist too!" After I literally linked her to an article explaining Trump's connections Jeffrey Epstein. These are very delicate eggs to peel for some folks.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

People are extensively brainwashed used the 2 party system. It's fine if you have differing political ideas, but child rape is child rape, regardless of which "team" is doing it.

whitehand ago

Well done, this is the type of stuff that needs to be posted regularly. BTW this may help you: